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B: Hello, this is Nhung from ABCs Event Center speaking. How can I assist you?
A: Oh, Good morning. My name is Yen. I’m calling from the marketing
department of the IT company to exchange some details about the IT Innovations
Conference on May 14th.
B: What can I help you, madam?
A:Yeah,...I'm sorry that the Conference on Friday had to be regulated because
more people registered for the conference than expected from 150 people to 200
people. Could I upsize the lecture room?
B: Yes, I will contact the hotel to take care of this immediately.
A: oh, and I also need larger seminar rooms: 6 rooms seating 30 people each
instead of seating 20 people. Is that fine?
B: Yes, no problem
A: Because there are a lot of people coming to the conference, I want to start
registration earlier -at 8:30 a.m. Is that ok?
B: Oh I see. But I’m afraid of the inadequate time for the final rehearsal. Would
you like to have a 5-minute gap between each part of the event plan?
A: yeah. I understand. So, the timelines of the event will start at 9.00 as usual and
have a time gap. I think it’s a good idea.
A: Oh, And The last thing I want to change about the keynote speech, that is the
speaker wants to change the title of his talk to “ Technology and Communication
in the 21st Century” instead of “ Technology and Communication”.
B: I will take note and contact the design team to fix it as soon as possible.
B: I’ll have a check again: Upsize the lecture room for 200 people , the 6 seminar
rooms for 30 people in each, and change the title of the keynote speech
“Technology and communication in the 21st Century”. Is there anything you want
to change?
A: Alright, that’s all.
B: I will notice that. Besides, about the restaurant for the dinner at 7.00 p.m. I’m
sorry that we are not able to book tables at ‘ The Golden Egg’. We sincerely
apologize for this inconvenience.
B: Instead, we have contacted the alternative restaurant. And the ‘ Monticelli”
offer us a 10% discount on the total bill and the guarantee of services for our
booking. What do you think?
A: Sorry, but what restaurant?
B: It’s Monticelli. M-O-N-T-I-C-E-L-L-I.
A: Right. I will take it into consideration later.
B: Ok, madam. If you need anything, please contact us.
A: Alright, I’ll call back later.
B: That’s fine. Nice talking to you. See you soon.
A: Goodbye and thank you for your time.

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