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Unofficial Third Edition Guide

The black Scrolls :

1123 : Yogo Junzo was the keeper of the wasting disease (1st scroll), that he opens after the
Scorpion clan coup. This created the first wave of plague zombies. He then goes in the
Shadowlands and open the Iron citadel of Fu-leng (2nd scroll).

1124 : The walking horror of Fu-leng (4th scroll) is hidden in the Fox ancestral sword, lost in
the Shadowlands. Kitsune Gohei sent his daughter Ryosei to retrieve it, and open the black
scroll 10 months after the destruction of the Scorpion clan. It is supposed the Scorpions stole
the sword hundred of years ago and hidden the scroll within it to hide his powerfull aura. It’
Kuni Yori who informed Gohei of the scroll.

1126 : During winter, Isawa Tadaka goes to the Iron citadel and stole the black scroll,
destroying the tower. He brought it back to the Phoenix and add it to the 3 others they have,
sold to them by Bayushi Tesugari (supposed to be the Dark wind of the soul, the 3rd ; the
Dark Divination scroll, 5th and the Shapeshifting 6th).

1127 : The Elemental masters, expect Kaede, open the 3 Black Scrolls and read the 4th.
Tadaka read all of them in spring. The 11th Scroll is read by Kuni Yori, hidden in the Phoenix
clan Last home village by the Scorpion without the knowledge of the Phoenix. Shosuro
Hametsu tried to stop him but failed. Isawa Uona use the Dark Divination scroll (5th), making
Tsukune killing Kitsu Koji, Uona’s love. The 9th scroll, The return of the Dark lord is hidden
by the Lion. It has been sold by Bayushi Tesugari (yes, it's not in Way of the Scorpion, but in
Scorpion clan army book. We learn he stole a 4th one and sold it to the Lion, before selling
the other 3 to the Phoenix). A young Kitsu give it to Bantaro, who use it to brought back
Bayushi Shoju to lives in Fall.

1128 : Kuni Wazinu use the 11th Scroll to corrupt the bells of Kyuden Seppun as ordered by
his master Kuni Yori. Togashi’s death open the 12th. Before this time, Kuni Yori and Yogo
Junzo battles to open more scrolls than the others. Yori at 2 at the start of the chase, and get
the 11th one after. The missing scrolls are opened within this time.

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