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The pelvis is a central part of the human body and the key for generating powerful

internal movement. There is perhaps no other bone in the human body that yields as much

information about the biology and evolution of the human race.

The pelvis has several functions:

1. Locomotion or movement. The body weight transfers to the legs through the pelvic

girdle. The hip joint is a distance from the body's centerline. The pelvis rotates away

from the supporting side when standing on one leg. The hip muscles (gluteus medius,

gluteus minimus, and tensor fasciae latae) counteract the hip rotation creating an

opposing force on the pelvis. As a result, the body's center of gravity changes to keep

the body's balance.

2. During childbirth, the baby travels through the birth canal (within the pelvic girdle) to

the outside of the body. The pelvic floor muscles play an important role in childbirth

and incontinence.

3. In addition, the pelvic floor muscles and the pelvis support and stabilize the abdominal

organs. This weight represents two-thirds of the body weight.

The bone structure of the pelvic girdle includes threes bones connected via ligaments

such as:

1. The sacrum (spine foundation);

2. The ilium on the sides;

3. Coccyx

The muscles of the torso and legs make the connection through the pelvis. The round

cavity in the center of the pelvis is where the muscles of the pelvic floor attach. In an upright

position, the weight of the internal organs rests on the pelvic floor muscles. Alignment of the

pelvis affects body performance not only during exercise but in daily activities as well.

Stationary positions or prolonged sitting down restrict the blood flow to the rectum and

anal area. The weight of the upper body, which amounts to two-thirds, puts pressure on the

lower abdomen. As a consequence, the rectum protrudes. The blood flow diminishes, and the

nerves are damaged. The lack of blood, oxygen, and nutrients causes the muscles to lose their

flexibility, becoming hard tissue muscle. Moreover, sitting too long without breaks has, as a

consequence, chronically tight hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower back. If stretching cannot

help with flexibility and relaxation, the issue might be a misalignment.

In martial arts practice, the relaxation of the waist and hips area requires to round the

crotch, which results in the opening of the Huiyin acupoint. Huiyin acupoint is located in a

very intimate area of the body and is often not discussed. As a result, this area of the body

becomes very difficult to relax, open, feel and understand.

This tuck-in of the tailbone requires relaxing the back and the abdominal area at the

front of the body. The weight transfers to the thighs when the back muscles relax, and the

blockages of Qi at the lower back area decrease. During the breathing process, the pelvis and

pelvis floor relaxes. Do not force a round crotch as it will hinder proper breathing. The Qi will

move smoothly through the body without creating blockages. The Qi travel to the legs will

increase the rooting strength. In this position, the waist also relaxes so the spirit can travel

throughout the body. When the body is fully relaxed, the Qi can travel without restrictions

inside the body.

Learning to relax the whole body is a vital skill in martial arts. Many masters and

students have never learned or practiced this skill or even heard about it.

The fascial system is critical to understand. Fascia is a sense organ composed of a

contractive connective tissue with nerves surrounding and holding every organ, blood vessel,

bone, nerve fiber, and muscle in place. The tissue provides internal structure. When stressed,

it thickens and tightens up. When people do not do any physical movement, the fascia becomes

rigid. Poor posture and lack of movement and flexibility change the fascia structure.

We will learn two Qigong exercises to increase the pelvis and spine's health, strength,

and flexibility in various postures. For best health benefits, practice those two exercises before

every training session.

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