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Title of Thesis : __Undergraduate medical research: An‘endangered


Original Article Review Article Case Report Short Communication
1 Title accurately reflect the contents No "Addressing Challenges and Fostering Research Culture in
of the manuscript Pakistani Medical Education: A Call to Action"
2 Abstract conveys the message yes Urgent Reforms Needed to Enhance Research Culture and
effectively Infrastructure in Pakistani Medical Education."
3 Key word are MeSH words Yes
General Comments
4 Findings in the manuscript are Yes "The manuscript underscores the critical importance of addressing
important challenges and enhancing research culture and infrastructure
within Pakistani medical education."
5 This manuscript will add to existing No
knowledge in this field
6 If No, Does its present old material No The manuscript presents outdated material in a comprehensive
in a better way? and informative manner, highlighting the persistent challenges
faced in Pakistani medical education regarding research culture
and infrastructure.

7 Is the review of literature Yes The review of literature appears to be comprehensive and relevant,
comprehensive and relevant? providing insight into the challenges and initiatives surrounding
research culture and infrastructure in Pakistani medical education.
8 Does it contain reference to local Yes Yes, the manuscript references local studies from Pakistan, such
studies of Pakistan or in the region? as initiatives by institutions like JPMA and PMA-JJC, as well as
mentions the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan's
observations regarding research output from Pakistani universities
at the undergraduate level.
9 Are the aims and objectives clearly No The aims and objectives of the manuscript are not explicitly stated
specified? in the provided excerpt. However, the overarching goal appears to
be to address the challenges and deficiencies in research culture
and infrastructure within Pakistani medical education and to
propose solutions to improve the situation.
10 Is the sample adequately described No
and methods clearly explained? The provided excerpt does not delve into specific sample
descriptions or detailed explanations of methods used in research.
It primarily focuses on outlining the challenges faced in Pakistani
medical education regarding research culture and infrastructure.
Therefore, the sample description and methods used are not
adequately described in this excerpt.
Material & Methods
11 Are the data collection instruments, No The excerpt does not explicitly describe data collection
including questionnaires clearly instruments, such as questionnaires, nor does it delve into the
described? methodology used for data collection. Therefore, the clarity of the
description regarding data collection instruments cannot be
determined from the provided text..
12 Is the research design appropriate No The excerpt does not provide explicit details about the research
to achieve the objective of the design used in the study. As a result, it is challenging to assess
study? whether the research design is appropriate for achieving the
objectives outlined in the manuscript. More information would be
needed to make a determination regarding the appropriateness of
the research design.
13 Are the statistical tests justified? No The excerpt does not mention specific statistical tests or analyses
conducted within the research.
14 Does it require further review by a NA
15 Are the tables clear and titled? NA
16 Are the tables, figures, photographs NA
useful, relevant?
17 Result address the aim of the study yes The results likely address the aim of the study by highlighting the
challenges and deficiencies in research culture and infrastructure
within Pakistani medical education, as well as potential solutions to
improve the situation.

18 Does the discussion explain the no The excerpt does not include a discussion section, so it is unclear
findings in comparison with other whether the findings are compared with other available data.
data available? However, a comprehensive discussion would typically involve
comparing the study's results with existing literature and data to
provide context and insights into the findings.
19 Discussion retains balance and NA
gives sufficient weightage to
contrary viewpoint
20 Limitation(s) of the study mentioned NA
21 Is the conclusion(s) aligned with No Based on the provided excerpt, it's difficult to ascertain whether the
objectives? conclusion aligns with the objectives since the objectives of the
study are not explicitly stated.
22 Are the references relevant and yes

General Comments

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges facing research culture and infrastructure within
Pakistani medical education. It highlights issues such as the lack of practical research experience, inadequate
infrastructure, funding constraints, and the need for mentorship and support. While it acknowledges some
initiatives aimed at addressing these challenges, it also emphasizes the importance of further reforms to enhance
research opportunities for students and improve the overall quality of medical research in Pakistan. However,
without access to the full article, it's challenging to provide a detailed critique or assessment of its overall

Score the manuscript for the following criteria:

3: Strongly Accept (As good as any top paper in reputable journals)
2: Accept (Comparable to good paper in reputable journals) Overall Scoring of the Manuscript
1: Weakly Accept (I vote acceptance, but won’t argue for it) Range
0: Neutral (I don’t like it, but I won’t object if others like it) Outstanding 12-10
-1: Reject (I would rather not see this paper accepted) Very Good 9-8
Good 7-6
o Originality 5
Average 5-4 5
o Clarity 3 Poor <4

o Study Validity 3

o Relevance/ Significance 6

Reviewer Name: ____________

Date: _____________________

Signatures: _______________

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