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0001. A 50 ton twin engine aeroplane performs a straight , steady , wings level climb.

If the lift/drag ratio is 12 and the thrust is

60.000 N per engine , the climb gradient is ; ( assume g = 10 m/s² )
a) 12%.
b) 3.7%.
c) 24%.
d) 15.7%.
Answer ;
d) 15.7%.
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666 N
Thrust = 60 000 x 2 = 120 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ (120 000 – 41 666 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= 0,1566 x 100 = 15,66 ≈ 15,7%
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0002. A body is placed in a certain airstream. The airstream velocity increases by a factor 4. The aerodynamic drag will increase
with a factor ;
a) 16.
b) 12.
c) 8.
d) 4.
Answer ;
a) 16.
Çözüm ;

D = Cd . ½ . ρ . V2 . S Drag formülüne bakıldığında hızın karesi çarpanlardan bir tanesidir.

Hava akımının hızı 4 kat artması , dolayısıyla hız bileşkenini ( TAS )
D = Induced Drag ( Sürükleme kuvveti , N ) 4 kat artıracaktır. Diğer öğeleri sabit kabul ettiğimizde aerodinamik
Cd = Drag coefficient ( Sürükleme katsayısı ) drag ; ( 4 x V )2 = 42 x V2 = 16 x V2 şeklinde artacaktır. Tüm formül
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 ) çarpma işleminden ibaret olduğundan bu 16 çarpanı sonucu , yani
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s ) sürüklemeyi 16 kat arttıracaktır. Cevap ; 16.
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

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0003. A body is placed in a certain airstream. The density of the airstream decreases to half of the original value. The aerodynamic
drag will decrease with a factor ;
a) 1.4.
b) 4.
c) 8.
d) 2.
Answer ;
d) 2.
Çözüm ;

D = Cd . ½ . ρ . V2 . S
Drag formülüne bakıldığında hava yoğunluğu ( ρ ) çarpanlardan bir
D = Induced Drag ( Sürükleme kuvveti , N ) tanesidir. Diğer öğeleri sabit kabul ettiğimizde hava yoğunluğunun
Cd = Drag coefficient ( Sürükleme katsayısı ) yarı değere inmesi , tüm formül çarpma işleminden ibaret olduğundan
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 ) sürüklemeyi de yarı değere indirecektir. Cevap ; 2.
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 1 Principles of Flight

0004. A boundary layer fence on a swept wing will ;
a) improve the lift coefficient of the trailing edge flap.
b) increase the critical Mach Number.
c) improve the high speed characteristics.
d) improve the low speed characteristics.
Answer ;
d) improve the low speed characteristics.
0005. A CG location beyond the aft limit leads to ;
a) an unacceptable low value of the manoeuvre stability ( stick force per g , Fe/g ).
b) a too high pulling stick force during rotation in the take off.
c) an increasing static longitudinal stability.
d) a better recovery performance in the spin.
Answer ;
a) an unacceptable low value of the manoeuvre stability ( stick force per g , Fe/g ).
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0006. A commercial jet aeroplane is performing a straight descent at a constant Mach number with constant mass. The operational
speed limit that may be exceeded is ;
a) VNE.
b) VMO.
c) MMO.
d) V D.
Answer ;
b) VMO.
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0007. A conventional stabiliser on a stable aeroplane in a normal cruise condition ;
1. always provides negative lift.
2. contributes to the total lift of the aeroplane.
3. may stall before the wing , in icing conditions , with large flap settings , unless adequate design and/or
operational precautions are taken.
4. is necessary to balance the total pitch moment of the aeroplane.
Which of the following lists all the correct statements ?
a) 2 , 3 and 4.
b) 1 and 4.
c) 1 , 3 and 4.
d) 1 and 3.
Answer ;
a) 2 , 3 and 4.
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0008. A downward adjustment of a trim tab in the longitudinal control system , has the following effect ;
a) the stick position stability remains constant.
b) the stick position stability increases.
c) the stick force stability remains constant.
d) the stick force stability decreases.
Answer ;
a) the stick position stability remains constant.
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0009. A flat plate , when positioned in the airflow at a small angle of attack , will produce ;
a) lift but no drag.
b) both lift and drag.
c) neither lift nor drag.
d) drag but no lift.
Answer ;
b) both lift and drag.
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0010. A forward CG shift ;
a) decreases static longitudinal stability.
b) has no influence on longitudinal manoeuvrability.
c) increases static longitudinal stability.
d) increases longitudinal manoeuvrability.
Answer ;
c) increases static longitudinal stability.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 2 Principles of Flight

0011. A forward CG shift ;
a) increases longitudinal manoeuvrability.
b) decreases longitudinal manoeuvrability.
c) decreases static longitudinal stability.
d) has no influence on static longitudinal stability.
Answer ;
b) decreases longitudinal manoeuvrability.
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0012. A fundamental difference between the manoeuvring limit load factor and the gust limit load factor is , that ;
a) the gust limit load factor has a fixed value for every transport aeroplane , whereas the manoeuvring limit load
factor has not.
b) the gust limit load factor is independent of the wing’s aspect ratio , whereas the manoeuvring limit load factor
is not.
c) the manoeuvring limit load factor is independent of the size of the aeroplane , whereas the numerical value of
the gust limit load factor is laid down in the regulations.
d) the gust limit load factor can be higher than the manoeuvring limit load factor.
Answer ;
d) the gust limit load factor can be higher than the manoeuvring limit load factor.
0013. A high aspect ratio wing produces ;
a) less sensitivity to gust effects
b) an increase in induced drag
c) a decrease in stall speed
d) a decrease in induced drag
Answer ;
d) a decrease in induced drag
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0014. A horn balance in a control system has the following purpose ;
a) to decrease stick forces.
b) to obtain mass balancing.
c) to decrease the effective longitudinal dihedral of the aeroplane.
d) to prevent flutter.
Answer ;
a) to decrease stick forces.
Açıklama ;

Horn balance ( denge boynuzu ) :

Kontrol yüzeyinin bir bölümü menteşe hattının diğer tarafındadır ve
menteşe etrafında ters yönlü moment yaratarak menteşe momentini
azaltır. Kontrollere uygulanması gereken kuvvet azalacak ancak ,
kontrollerin etkinliği aynı kalacaktır.

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0015. A jet aeroplane cruises buffet free at high constant altitude. Which type of stall can occur if this aeroplane decelerates during
an inadvertent increase in load factor ?
a) Deep stall.
b) Shock stall.
c) Accelerated stall.
d) Low speed stall.
Answer ;
c) Accelerated stall.
Açıklama ;
Hızlandırılmış ( Accelerated ) Stol
Hızlandırılmış stol , kumanda hareketlerinin ani veya aşırı uygulanmasından kaynaklanır. Hızlandırılmış stol uçuş
güzergahındaki ani değişiklikler , keskin dönüşler veya dalıştan seri kurtulma gibi manevralar sonucunda oluşabilir. Hızlandırılmış
stolun nedeni yük faktöründeki artıştır. Hızlandırılmış stol çoğunlukla 1 g stoldan daha şiddetlidir ve nispeten yüksek hızda
uçulmasından dolayı beklenmedik bir durumdur.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 3 Principles of Flight

0016. A jet aeroplane equipped with inboard and outboard ailerons is cruising at its normal cruise Mach number. In this case ;
a) only the outboard aileron are active.
b) only the inboard ailerons are active.
c) only the spoilers will be active , not the ailerons.
d) the inboard and outboard ailerons are active.
Answer ;
b) only the inboard ailerons are active.
Açıklama ;

İç Kanatçıklar ( Inboard ailerons )

Kanatçıklar normalde ürettikleri belli bir kuvvet için en yüksek
momenti üretebilmeleri maksadıyla kanadın uç kısma yakın
tarafına yerleştirilirler. Ne var ki , bu şekilde kanat üzerinde
maksimum bükülme ( torsion ) ve burkulma ( bending ) yükü
oluşmasına da neden olurlar. Bu durum kanatçıkların etkinliğinin
azalmasına ve hatta yüksek hızlarda zıt etki oluşmasına neden
olabilir. Bu etkiyi azaltmak için kanatçıklar iç kısımlara da
yerleştirilebilir. Ancak, düşük hızlarda bu sistemin kanatçık
etkinliğini azaltacağı unutulmamalıdır. Alternatif olarak , iki
kanatçık çifti birden kanada monte edilebilir. Kanatçıklardan biri
düşük hızlarda kullanılmak üzere kanat ucuna , diğeri de yüksek
hızlarda , üretilen kuvvetler büyüdüğünde ve büyük yapısal
bozulmalara neden olunabilecek durumlarda kullanılmak üzere iç
kısma yerleştirilir. İç kanatçıklar ( yüksek hız kanatçıkları ) her
zaman kullanılabilmekle birlikte dış kanatçıklar yalnızca flaplar
kullanıldığında çalışacaktır.

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0017. A jet aeroplane is cruising at high altitude with a Mach-number , that provides a buffet margin of 0.3 g incremental. In order
to increase the buffet margin to 0.4 g incremental the pilot must ;
a) fly at a lower altitude and the same Mach-number
b) fly at a larger angle of attack
c) extend the flaps to the first selection
d) fly at a higher Mach-number
Answer ;
a) fly at a lower altitude and the same Mach-number
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0018. A jet transport aeroplane exhibits pitch up when thrust is suddenly increased from an equilibrium condition , because the
thrust line is below the ;
a) CG.
b) drag line of action.
c) neutral point.
d) centre of pressure.
Answer ;
a) CG.
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0019. A jet transport aeroplane is in a straight climb at a constant IAS and constant weight. The operational limit that may be
exceeded is ;
a) VMO.
b) M D.
c) MMO.
d) VA.
Answer ;
c) MMO.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 4 Principles of Flight

0020. ( For this question use Image 1 )


Image 1

A jet transport aeroplane weighing 100 tons carries out a steady level 50 degree bank turn at FL350. The buffet free speed
range from low speed to high speed buffet extends from ;
a) M 0.65 to > M 0.84
b) M 0.72 to > M 0.84
c) M 0.74 to M 0.84
d) M 0.69 to > M 0.84
Answer ;
d) M 0.69 to > M 0.84
Çözüm ;
Soruda 100 ton ağırlığındaki bir uçağın , FL350’de 50°lik yatış açısıyla yaptığı dönüş sırasında , herhangi bir şekilde düşük
veya yüksek sürat buffet’ıyla karşılaşmayacağı sürat aralığı sorulmuştur.
Düşük hız sınırının bulunması için “Buffet Onset Boundary” grafiğinde başlangıç noktası LOAD FACTOR kısmında 1.5
değeridir , çünkü 50°lik bank açısının oluşturacağı yük faktörü ; n = 1 : cos 50 = 1 : 0.6427 = 1.5559 ≈ 1.5’tur , zaten grafik
üzerinde de 30 , 45 , 50 ve 55 derecelik bank açıları için bu aynı şekilde belirtilmiştir. 1.5 yük faktörü değerinden yukarıya
doğru , ağırlık çizgilerindeki 100 ( 100 ton ) çizgisine çıkılır. Bu çizgi kesildikten sonra grafiğin solunda yer alan uçuş
seviyesi ( FL ) eğrilerinde 350 eğrisine ( ortalama olarak biz belirtiyoruz ) gidilir. Son olarak u çizginin kesilmesini müteakip
direkt olarak aşağıda bulunan INDICATED MACH skalasına inilir. Burada görünen 0.69 değeri bu uçak için düşük hız
sınırıdır. Yüksek hız sınırı için de FL eğrilerinin , grafiğin ortasında sona eren uç kısımlarına bakılır. Bu bitiş noktalarından
aşağıya doğru INDICATED MACH skalasına inildiğinde burada görünen 0.84 değeri ise uçağın “mach buffet” ile
karşılaşmayacağı yüksek hız limitidir. Cevap ; M 0.69 to > M 0.84
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0021. A laminar boundary layer is a layer , in which ;
a) the temperature varies constantly.
b) the vortices are weak.
c) no velocity components exist , normal to the surface.
d) the velocity is constant.
Answer ;
c) no velocity components exist , normal to the surface.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 5 Principles of Flight

0022. A large jet transport aeroplane has the following four flap positions : Up , Take-off , Approach and Landing and two slat
positions : Retracted and Extended. Generally speaking , the selection that provides the highest positive contribution to CLMAX is ;
a) flaps from Up to Take-off.
b) slats from Retracted to Extended.
c) flaps from Take-off to Approach.
d) flaps from Approach to Landing.
Answer ;
b) slats from Retracted to Extended.
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0023. A light twin is in a turn at 20 degrees bank and 150 kt TAS. A more heavy aeroplane at the same bank and the same speed
will ;
a) turn at the same turn radius.
b) turn at a bigger turn radius.
c) turn at a smaller turn radius.
d) turn at a higher turn rate.
Answer ;
a) turn at the same turn radius.
Açıklama ;

r= Yan tarafta dönüş yarıçapını hesaplama formülü görülmektedir.
g . tan β Görüldüğü gibi dönüş yarıçapında değişikliğe yol açacak öğeler
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) hız ve yatış açısıdır. Yerçekimi ivmesi ise zaten sabit olarak veya iki
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) uçak içinde aynı kabul edilebilecek bir değerdir. Bundan dolayı her iki
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) uçak da aynı dönüş yarıçapı ile dönüş yapacaktır.
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

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0024. “A line connecting the leading- and trailing edge midway between the upper and lower surface of a aerofoil”. This definition
is applicable for ;
a) the chord line.
b) the camber line.
c) the mean aerodynamic chord line.
d) the upper camber line.
Answer ;
b) the camber line.
Açıklama ;
Kambur/Bombe Hattı ( Camber line ) : Profilin hücum kenarından firar kenarına kadar alt ve üst yüzeylerinden eşit
uzaklıktaki noktaların oluşturduğu hattır.
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0025. A Machtrimmer ;
a) increases the stick force per g at high Mach Numbers.
b) is necessary for compensation of the autopilot at high Mach Numbers.
c) corrects insufficient stick force stability at high Mach Numbers.
d) has no effect on the shape of the elevator position versus speed ( IAS ) curve for a fully hydraulic controlled
Answer ;
c) corrects insufficient stick force stability at high Mach Numbers.
Açıklama ;
Hız kritik Mach sayısının ( Mcrit ) üzerine çıktığında , ok kanadın kökünde başlayan şok dalgası oluşumları ;
– CG nin ilerisinde taşıma kuvvetini azaltacak ve ,
– Kuyruktaki aşağı akımları azaltacaktır.
Bu faktörler müştereken burun aşağı yunuslama momenti yaratacaktır. Yüksek Mach sayılarında , uçak hıza karşı
dengesizleşecek , hız arttığında gerekli olan itme kuvveti yerine hızın daha artmasını engellemek için bir çekme kuvvetine ihtiyaç
duyulacaktır. Bu durum potansiyel bir tehlikedir. Mach sayısındaki az bir artış burun aşağı pitch oluşturacak , dolayısıyla da mach
sayısını daha da arttıracaktır. Bu durum da bir döngü olarak burun aşağı pitch momentinde artmaya sebep olur. Bu tercih edilmeyen
yüksek hız karekteristiği “Mach Tuck” , “Yüksek hız Tuck” veya “Tuck Under“ olarak bilinir ve yüksek süratli modern nakliye
uçaklarında maksimum çalışma hızını limitlendirebilir.
Yüksek mach sayısında lövye kuvveti gradyanını istendiği gibi devam ettirmek için , mach trim sistemi uygulanmalıdır. Bu
sistem mach sayısına hassastır ve elevatorü yukarı saptırabilir , değişken açılı yatay stabilizenin geliş açısını azaltabilir , kanatlardaki
yakıtı daha arkadaki bir depoya transfer ederek CG konumunu arkaya doğru kaydırabilir.
Trim değişikliği , beklenenden bir miktar daha fazla olabilir. Bu sayede yüksek Mach sayılarında istenilen lövye kuvvet
gradyanı elde edilebilir. İmalatçılar tarafından hangi trim metodu kullanılırsa kullanılsın , Mach trim sistemi boylamsal trimi
ayarlayacak ve sadece yüksek Mach sayılarında çalışacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 6 Principles of Flight
0026. A negative contribution to the static longitudinal stability of conventional jet transport aeroplanes is provided by ;
a) the fuselage.
b) a fixed elevator deflection.
c) the tail.
d) a fixed trim position.
Answer ;
a) the fuselage.
Açıklama ;
Uçak gövdesi , statik boylamsal kararlılığı bozucu etki gösterir. Sapma durumundaki bir gövde , hücum açısına maruz kalmış
aerodinamik bir kütle olarak düşünülebilir ve bu nedenle bir aerodinamik yan kuvvet meydana gelir. Bu yan kuvvet gövdenin
aerodinamik merkezine etki eder ki , bu gövde uzunluğunun 1/4’üne yakın bir konumdadır. Eğer bu aerodinamik merkez çoğu zaman
olduğu gibi uçağın CG sinin ön tarafında ise etki kararsızlık yaratacak şekilde olacaktır.
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0027. A normal shock wave ;
a) can occur at different points on the aeroplane in transonic flight.
b) is a discontinuity plane in an airflow , in which the pressure drops suddenly.
c) is a discontinuity plane in an airflow , which is always normal to the surface.
d) is a discontinuity plane in an airflow , in which the temperature drops suddenly.
Answer ;
a) can occur at different points on the aeroplane in transonic flight.
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0028. A normal shock wave is a discontinuity plane ;
a) that is always normal to the surface.
b) across which the temperature drops suddenly.
c) that is always normal to the local flow.
d) across which the pressure drops suddenly.
Answer ;
c) that is always normal to the local flow.
0029. A plain flap will increase CLmax by ;
a) boundary layer control.
b) increasing the camber of the aerofoil.
c) increasing angle of attack.
d) centre of lift movement.
Answer ;
b) increasing the camber of the aerofoil.
Açıklama ;

Şekilde de görüleceği gibi düz flap’ın , CLmax ile

birlikte sürüklemeyi de büyük ölçüde artıran basit bir
yapısı vardır. Daha çok , iniş ve kalkışta kısa mesafeye ihtiyaç
duymayan düşük hızlı uçaklarda kullanılır.

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0030. A positively cambered aerofoil will generate zero lift ;
a) at a negative angle of attack.
b) at zero angle of attack.
c) at a positive angle of attack.
d) it can never generate zero lift.
Answer ;
a) at a negative angle of attack.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 7 Principles of Flight

0031. A propeller is turning to the right when viewed from behind. The asymmetric blade effect in the climb at low speed will ;
a) roll the aeroplane to the right.
b) yaw the aeroplane to the right.
c) roll the aeroplane to the left.
d) yaw the aeroplane to the left.
Answer ;
d) yaw the aeroplane to the left.
Açıklama ;
Genelde , pervane şaftı uçağın hücum açısına bağlı olarak uçuş istikametine nazaran yukarı doğrudur. Bu durum sonucunda
aşağı doğru giden pervane palleri yukarı doğru gidenlere oranla daha büyük etkili hücum açısında olurlar. Sonuç olarak da aşağı
doğru giden pal daha fazla itki sağlar. Pervane diskinin iki tarafındaki çekiş farkı , saat istikametinde dönen ve burun yukarı
durumdaki pervanelerde sola doğru bir sapma momenti oluşturur.
Asimetrik pal etkisi tam güçte ve düşük hızda ( yüksek hücum açısında ) en büyüktür. İki motorlu uçaklarda , şayet her iki
pervane de aynı istikamette dönüyorsa , her iki motorun itki kolları farklıdır. Her iki motorun dönüş istikameti saat dönü istikametinde
ise , sağ motorun çekiş kolu daha büyüktür ve bu da sol motoru “kritik motor” yapar.
Yüksek hücum açısı

Yukarı doğru giden

pale doğru relatif
hava akımı

Aşağı doğru
giden pale doğru
relatif hava Daha düşük bir
akımı hücum açısı

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 8 Principles of Flight

0032. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7
A rotating propeller blade element produces an aerodynamic force F that may be resolved into two components ; - a force T
perpendicular to the plane of rotation ( thrust ) , - a force R generating a torque absorbed by engine power. The diagram representing a
rotating propeller blade element during reverse operation is ;
a) diagram 1.
b) diagram 4.
c) diagram 3.
d) diagram 2.
Answer ;
d) diagram 2.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 9 Principles of Flight

0033. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7
A rotating propeller blade element produces an aerodynamic force F that may be resolved into two components ; - a force T
perpendicular to the plane of rotation ( thrust ) , - a force R generating a torque absorbed by engine power. The diagram representing a
rotating propeller blade element during the cruise is ;
a) diagram 2.
b) diagram 3.
c) diagram 1.
d) diagram 4.
Answer ;
c) diagram 1.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 10 Principles of Flight

0034. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7
A rotating propeller blade element produces an aerodynamic force F that may be resolved into two components ; - a force T
perpendicular to the plane of rotation ( thrust ) , - a force R generating a torque absorbed by engine power. The diagram representing a
windmilling propeller is ;
a) diagram 1.
b) diagram 3.
c) diagram 2.
d) diagram 4.
Answer ;
d) diagram 4.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 11 Principles of Flight

0035. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7

A rotating propeller blade element produces an aerodynamic force F that may be resolved into two components ; - a force T
perpendicular to the plane of rotation ( thrust ) , - a force R generating a torque absorbed by engine power. Which diagram is correct
during the cruise ?
a) diagram 3.
b) diagram 2.
c) diagram 4.
d) diagram 1.
Answer ;
d) diagram 1.
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0036. A shock wave on a lift generating wing will ;
a) reach its highest strength when flying at the critical Mach number.
b) move slightly aft in front of a downward deflecting aileron.
c) move forward as Mach number is increased.
d) be situated at the greatest wing thickness when the aeroplane reaches the speed of sound.
Answer ;
b) move slightly aft in front of a downward deflecting aileron.
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0037. A slat will ;
a) increase the lift by increasing the wing area and the camber of the aft portion of the wing.
b) prolongs the stall to a higher angle of attack.
c) increase the camber of the aerofoil and divert the flow around the sharp leading edge.
d) provide a boundary layer suction on the upper surface of the wing.
Answer ;
b) prolongs the stall to a higher angle of attack.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 12 Principles of Flight

0038. A slotted flap will increase the CLmax by ;
a) increasing the critical angle of attack.
b) increasing only the camber of the aerofoil.
c) decreasing the skin friction.
d) increasing the camber of the aerofoil and re-energising the airflow.
Answer ;
d) increasing the camber of the aerofoil and re-energising the airflow.
Açıklama ;

Slotlu flap indirildiğinde flapla kanat arasında bir aralık açılarak

slot oluşur. Slotun amacı alt yüzeydeki yüksek basınçlı havayı flap
üzerine yönlendirerek sınır tabakasını güçlendirmektir. Bu flap ,
üst yüzeyindeki akışın yüzeydeki ayrımını geciktirir. Slotlu flabın
yarattığı CLmax artışı düz ve split flaptan daha fazla , geri
sürükleme ise daha azdır. Ancak slotlu flapın diğer iki flapa göre
imalat açısından daha karmaşık bir yapısı vardır.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0039. A statically stable aeroplane ;
a) will never show positive dynamic longitudinal stability , but always neutral dynamic longitudinal stability.
b) can show positive , neutral or negative dynamic longitudinal stability.
c) is never dynamically stable.
d) is always dynamically stable.
Answer ;
b) can show positive , neutral or negative dynamic longitudinal stability.
0040. A statically unstable aeroplane is ;
a) never dynamically stable.
b) sometimes dynamically stable.
c) always dynamically stable.
d) sometimes dynamically unstable.
Answer ;
a) never dynamically stable.
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0041. A stick pusher ;
a) vibrates the elevator control.
b) pushes the elevator control forward prior to stick shaker activation.
c) pushes the elevator control forward when a specified value of angle of attack is exceeded.
d) pushes the elevator control to avoid a stall at a negative load factor.
Answer ;
c) pushes the elevator control forward when a specified value of angle of attack is exceeded.
Açıklama ;
LÖVYE İTİCİ ( Stick pusher )
Süper stol ( deep stall ) karakteristiği sergileyen bir uçağa , uçağı kesin stoldan koruyacak bir cihazın takılması zorunludur ve
lövye itici bunlardan biridir. Süper stolun gelişimi insanın verebileceği reflekslerden daha hızlı olduğu için , uçak stol olmaya
başladığı anda tepki vermeye başlamak uçağı stoldan kurtarmak için çok geç olacaktır.
Lövye itici , stol başlamadan önce belirlenen bir sınırda ( asgari 1.05 Vs ) harekete geçer. Elevatör kontrol sistemine takılmış
bir cihazı kullanarak, süper stol başlamadan lövyeyi fiziki olarak ileri ittirip hücum açısını düşürür. İttirme gücü takribi 80 libredir. Bu
güç , etkili olabilmesi için yeteri kadar yüksek fakat kalkış ve pas geçme durumunda tutmaya engel olmayacak kadar düşük olacak
şekilde ayarlanmıştır. Bir arıza yapması durumunda , lövye itici sistemi dump yapmak ( boşaltmak ) için bir sistem konmuştur. Bir
defa dump yapıldıktan sonra , ittirirci normal olarak uçuşta eski haline getirilemez. Lövye ittirici çalışmaya başladıktan sonra , hücum
açısı uygun bir değerin altına düştüğünde , otomatik olarak devreden çıkar.
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0042. A supercritical wing ;
a) will develop no noticeable shock waves when flying just above Mcrit.
b) will be free of Mach buffet in the transonic range.
c) always cruises at Mcrit.
d) will develop no transonic flow just above Mcrit.
Answer ;
a) will develop no noticeable shock waves when flying just above Mcrit.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 13 Principles of Flight

0043. A transonic Mach number is a Mach number ;
a) in the range between Mcrit and MMO.
b) at which only supersonic local speeds occur.
c) at which both subsonic and supersonic local speeds occur.
d) between the buffet onset Mach number and the Mach number corresponding to total supersonic flow.
Answer ;
c) at which both subsonic and supersonic local speeds occur.
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0044. ( Refer to Image 28 )

Image 28

A typical curve representing propeller efficiency of a fixed pitch propeller versus TAS at constant RPM is ;
a) diagram 3.
b) diagram 1.
c) diagram 2.
d) diagram 4.
Answer ;
b) diagram 1.
Açıklama ;
Pervane verimliliğinin hız ile değişmesi
Sabit bir RPM’de , sabit hatveli bir pervane de TAS’in yükseltilmesi , palin hücum açısını düşürecektir. Bu itkiyi de
düşürecektir. Bunun pervane verimliliğine etkisi aşağıdaki gibidir ;
– Belli bir yüksek ileri hızda , pal sıfır taşıma hücum açısında olacak ve itki ile buna bağlı olan itki gücü sıfır olacaktır.
Yukarıdaki denklemden de görülebileceği gibi bu durumda pervanenin verimliliği de sıfır olacaktır.
– Sabit hatveli bir pervanenin en verimli hücum açısında çalışacağı , pervane verimliliğini azamiye getiren tek bir hız
– TAS azaldıkça , pal hücum açısı artacağından itki de artacaktır. Thrust çok büyük fakat TAS düşük olacağından pervane
verimliliği düşük olacaktır. Böylece , örneğin kalkış öncesi uçak frenli iken tam güç verildiğinde kullanılabilir iş
yapılamaz. Sabit hatveli pervanenin verimliliği ileri hıza göre değişir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 14 Principles of Flight
0045. ( Refer to Image 29 )

Image 29
A typical curve representing propeller efficiency of a fixed pitch propeller versus TAS at constant RPM is ;
a) diagram 1.
b) diagram 2.
c) diagram 4.
d) diagram 3.
Answer ;
c) diagram 4.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0044’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0046. A windmilling propeller ;
a) has a greater blade angle than a feathered propeller.
b) produces drag instead of thrust.
c) improves the glide performance of an aeroplane.
d) produces neither thrust nor drag.
Answer ;
b) produces drag instead of thrust.
Açıklama ;
Motorda tork kaybı olursa ( gaz kolunun kapatılması , motor arızası ) RPM’i sabit tutabilmek için hatve azaltılır. Nispi hava
akışı pallerin ön yüzüne çarparak pervaneyi döndürür. Bunun sonucunda da “negatif pervane torku” ve parazit geri sürükleme kuvveti
yaratır. Bu kez pervane motoru çalıştırır durumdadır. Rüzgar çekmesi ( windmilling ) sonucu oluşan geri sürükleme kuvveti çok
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0047. Aeroplane manoeuvrability decreases for a given control surface deflection when ;
a) IAS increases.
b) IAS decreases.
c) flaps are retracted at constant IAS.
d) the CG moves aft.
Answer ;
b) IAS decreases.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 15 Principles of Flight
0048. Aeroplane manoeuvrability increases for a given control surface deflection when ;
a) the CG moves forward.
b) flaps are retracted at constant IAS.
c) IAS decreases.
d) IAS increases.
Answer ;
d) IAS increases.
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0049. After an aeroplane has been trimmed ;
a) the stick position stability will be increased.
b) the trim-tab will always be deflected in the same direction as the control surface itself.
c) the stick position stability will be unchanged.
d) the stick force per g is reduced.
Answer ;
c) the stick position stability will be unchanged.
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0050. After take-off the slats ( when installed ) are always retracted later than the flaps. Why ?
a) Because FLAPS EXTENDED gives a large decrease in stall speed with relatively less drag.
b) Because VMCA with SLATS EXTENDED is more favourable compared to the FLAPS EXTENDED
c) Because SLATS EXTENDED gives a large decrease in stall speed with relatively less drag.
d) Because SLATS EXTENDED provides a better view from the cockpit than FLAPS EXTENDED.
Answer ;
c) Because SLATS EXTENDED gives a large decrease in stall speed with relatively less drag.
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0051. After the transition point between the laminar and turbulent boundary layer ;
a) the boundary layer gets thinner and the speed increases
b) the mean speed increases and the friction drag decreases
c) the boundary layer gets thicker and the speed decreases
d) the mean speed and friction drag increases
Answer ;
d) the mean speed and friction drag increases
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0052. Aileron deflection causes a rotation around the longitudinal axis by ;
a) causing sideslip , which generates a rolling moment.
b) changing the wing drag and two wings therefore produce different lift values resulting in a moment about the
longitudinal axis.
c) aieron secondary effect.
d) changing the wing camber and two wings therefore produce different lift values resulting in a moment about
the longitudinal axis.
Answer ;
d) changing the wing camber and two wings therefore produce different lift values resulting in a moment about
the longitudinal axis.
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0053. Aileron flutter can be caused by ;
a) aileron reversal.
b) cyclic deformations generated by aerodynamic , inertial and elastic loads on the wing.
c) the elastic centre of the wing section coinciding with the centre of gravity of that wing section.
d) continuous deformations in one direction generated by bending and twisting of the wing.
Answer ;
b) cyclic deformations generated by aerodynamic , inertial and elastic loads on the wing.
0054. Air passes a normal shock wave. Which of the following statements is correct ?
a) The velocity increases.
b) The static pressure decreases.
c) The static temperature increases.
d) The static temperature decreases.
Answer ;
c) The static temperature increases.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 16 Principles of Flight

0055. All gust lines in the V-n graph originate from a point where the ;
a) speed = VB , load factor = +1
b) speed = VS , load factor = 0
c) speed = 0 , load factor = 0
d) speed = 0 , load factor = +1
Answer ;
d) speed = 0 , load factor = +1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0056. Amongst the following factors , which will decrease the ground distance covered during a glide ( assume zero
power/thrust ) ?
a) Tailwind.
b) Headwind.
c) An increase in aeroplane mass.
d) A decrease in aeroplane mass.
Answer ;
b) Headwind.
0057. ( Refer to Image 1 )


Image 1
An A 310 aeroplane weighing 100 tons is turning at FL 350 at constant altitude with a bank of 50 degrees. Its flight Mach
range between low-speed buffeting and high-speed buffeting goes from ;
a) M = 0.72 to M higher than 0.84
b) M = 0.65 to M higher than 0.84
c) M = 0.69 to M higher than 0.84
d) M = 0.74 to M = 0.84
Answer ;
c) M = 0.69 to M higher than 0.84
Çözüm ;
Soruda 100 ton ağırlığındaki bir Airbus 310’un , FL350’de 50°lik yatış açısıyla yaptığı dönüş sırasında , herhangi bir şekilde düşük
veya yüksek sürat buffet’ıyla karşılaşmayacağı sürat aralığı sorulmuştur. Düşük hız sınırının bulunması için “Buffet Onset Boundary”
grafiğinde başlangıç noktası LOAD FACTOR kısmında 1.5 değeridir , grafik üzerinde 30 , 45 , 50 ve 55 derecelik bank açıları için yük
faktörü 1.5 olarak belirtilmiştir. 1.5 yük faktörü değerinden yukarıya doğru , ağırlık çizgilerindeki 100 ( 100 ton ) çizgisine çıkılır. Bu çizgi
kesildikten sonra grafiğin solunda yer alan uçuş seviyesi ( FL ) eğrilerinde 350 eğrisine ( ortalama olarak biz belirtiyoruz ) gidilir. Son
olarak bu çizginin kesilmesini müteakip direkt olarak aşağıda bulunan INDICATED MACH skalasına inilir. Burada görünen 0.69 değeri
bu uçak için düşük hız sınırıdır. Yüksek hız sınırı için de FL eğrilerinin , grafiğin ortasında sona eren uç kısımlarına bakılır. Bu bitiş
noktalarından aşağıya doğru INDICATED MACH skalasına inildiğinde burada görünen 0.84 değeri ise uçağın “mach buffet” ile
karşılaşmayacağı yüksek hız limitidir. Cevap ; M 0.69 to > M 0.84
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 17 Principles of Flight
0058. An advantage of locating the engines at the rear of the fuselage , in comparison to a location beneath the wing , is ;
a) a wing which is less sensitive to flutter.
b) less influence of thrust changes on longitudinal control.
c) easier maintenance of the engines.
d) less influence on lateral/directional stability characteristics such as dutch roll.
Answer ;
b) less influence of thrust changes on longitudinal control.
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0059. An aerofoil is cambered when ;
a) the line , which connects the centres of all inscribed circles , is curved.
b) the upper surface of the aerofoil is curved.
c) the maximum thickness islarge compared with the length of the chord.
d) the chord line is curved.
Answer ;
a) the line , which connects the centres of all inscribed circles , is curved.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0060. An aerofoil with positive camber at a positive angle of attack will have the highest flow velocity ;
a) at the trailing edge.
b) on the lower side.
c) in front of the stagnation point.
d) on the upper side.
Answer ;
d) on the upper side.
0061. An aeroplane accelerates from 80 kt to 160 kt at a load factor equal to 1. The induced drag coefficient (i) and the induced
drag (ii) alter with the following factors ;
a) (i) 1/2 , (ii) 1/16
b) (i) 1/4 , (ii) 2
c) (i) 4 , (ii) 1/2
d) (i) 1/16 , (ii) 1/4
Answer ;
d) (i) 1/16 , (ii) 1/4
Çözüm ;

Di = Cdi . ½ . ρ . V2 . S Drag formülüne bakıldığında hızın karesi çarpanlardan bir tanesidir.

Hava hızının 80’den 160 knot’a çıkması , dolayısıyla hız bileşkenini
D = Induced Drag ( Sürükleme kuvveti , N ) 2 kat artıracaktır. Diğer öğeleri sabit kabul ettiğimizde indüksiyon
Cd = Drag coefficient ( Sürükleme katsayısı ) drag’ı ; ( 2 x V )2 = 22 x V2 = 4 x V2 şeklinde artacaktır. Tüm formül
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 ) çarpma işleminden ibaret olduğundan bu 4 çarpanı sonucu , yani
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s ) sürüklemeyi 4 kat arttıracaktır.
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
0062. An aeroplane , being manually flown in the speed unstable region , experiences a disturbance that causes a speed reduction.
If the altitude is maintained and thrust remains constant , the aeroplane speed will ;
a) initially increase and thereafter decrease.
b) increase.
c) initially further decrease and thereafter increase.
d) further decrease.
Answer ;
d) further decrease.
0063. An aeroplane climbs to cruising level with a constant pitch attitude and maximum climb thrust , ( assume no supercharger ).
How do the following variables change during the climb ? ( gamma = flight path angle )
a) gamma decreases , angle of attack increases , IAS remains constant.
b) gamma decreases , angle of attack increases , IAS decreases.
c) gamma decreases , angle of attack remains constant , IAS decreases.
d) gamma remains constant , angle of attack remains constant , IAS decreases.
Answer ;
b) gamma decreases , angle of attack increases , IAS decreases.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 18 Principles of Flight

0064. An aeroplane enters a horizontal turn with a load factor n=2 from straight and level flight whilst maintaining constant
indicated airspeed. The ;
a) lift becomes four times its original value.
b) induced drag doubles.
c) total drag becomes four times its original value.
d) lift doubles.
Answer ;
d) lift doubles.
Açıklama ;

L 1
n= = Uçağın düz ve ufki uçuş sırasında yük faktörü , n=1’dir. Yük faktörü formülüne
W cos β göre ; L = n x W = 1 x W’dir. Burada ağırlık sabit olacağına göre yük faktörü 2
olduğunda ;
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü ) L = 2 x W olacak , dolayısıyla Lift de 2 katına çıkmış olacaktır.
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) Cevap ; lift doubles.
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
0065. An aeroplane exhibits static longitudinal stability , if , when the angle of attack changes ;
a) the change in total aeroplane lift acts aft of the centre of gravity.
b) the change in total aeroplane lift acts through the centre of gravity.
c) the change in wing lift is equal to the change in tail lift.
d) the resulting moment is positive.
Answer ;
a) the change in total aeroplane lift acts aft of the centre of gravity.
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0066. An aeroplane flying at 100 kt in straight and level flight is subjected to a disturbance that suddenly increases the speed by 20
kt. Assuming the angle of attack remains constant , the load factor will initially ;
a) increase to 1.10.
b) increase to 1.44.
c) increase to 1.21.
d) remain unchanged , since the angle of attack does not change.
Answer ;
b) increase to 1.44.
Çözüm ;

L 1
n= = L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
W cos β
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü ) ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N ) CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0067. An aeroplane has a servo tab controlled elevator. What will happen if the elevator jams during flight ?
a) Pitch control sense is reversed.
b) The servo-tab now works as a negative trim-tab.
c) The pitch control forces double.
d) Pitch control is lost.
Answer ;
a) Pitch control sense is reversed.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 19 Principles of Flight
0068. An aeroplane has a stall speed of 78 KCAS at its gross weight of 6850 Ibs. What is the stall speed when the weight is 5000
Ibs ?
a) 78 KCAS
b) 67 KCAS
c) 57 KCAS
d) 91 KCAS
Answer ;
b) 67 KCAS
Çözüm ;
Stall sürati 78 KCAS olan bir uçağın ağırlığı 6850 libredir. Soruda bu uçağın ağırlığının 5000 libre olduğu durumdaki stall
sürati sorulmaktadır. Kullanacağımız formül şu şekildedir ;

Yeni Ağırlık
VS1 ( yeni ) = VS1 ( eski ) x
Eski Ağırlık

Bu formüle göre ;
VS1 ( yeni ) = 78 x √ ( 5000 : 6850 ) = 78 x √ 0.7299 = 78 x 0.8543 = 66.654 ≈ 67 KCAS olarak bulunur.
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0069. An aeroplane has a stall speed of 78 kt at its mass of 6850 kg. What is the stall speed when the mass is 5000 kg ?
a) 91 kt.
b) 67 kt.
c) 78 kt.
d) 57 kt.
Answer ;
b) 67 kt.
Çözüm ;
Stall sürati 78 kt olan bir uçağın ağırlığı 6850 kilogramdır. Soruda bu uçağın ağırlığının 5000 kg olduğu durumdaki stall
sürati sorulmaktadır. Kullanacağımız formül şu şekildedir ;

Yeni Ağırlık
VS1 ( yeni ) = VS1 ( eski ) x
Eski Ağırlık

Bu formüle göre ;
VS1 ( yeni ) = 78 x √ ( 5000 : 6850 ) = 78 x √ 0.7299 = 78 x 0.8543 = 66.654 ≈ 67 kt olarak bulunur.
0070. An aeroplane has a stall speed of 100 kt at a load factor n = 1. In a turn with a load factor of n = 2 , the stall speed is ;
a) 282 kt
b) 200 kt
c) 141 kt
d) 70 kt
Answer ;
c) 141 kt
Çözüm ;
Yük faktörü n = 1 olduğu durumda stol sürati 100 kt olan uçağın , dönüş sırasında yük faktörü n = 2’ye çıktığındaki stol
sürati sorulmuştur. Kullanacağımız formül şu şekildedir ;

VS = VS1g x n
VS = Stall speed ( Stol sürati )
VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )

Bu formüle göre ;
VS = 100 x √ 2 = 100 x 1.414 = 141.4 ≈ 141 kt olarak bulunur.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 20 Principles of Flight

0071. An aeroplane has a stall speed of 100 kt at a mass of 1000 kg. If the mass is increased to 2000 kg , the new value of the stall
speed will be ;
a) 123 kt.
b) 150 kt.
c) 141 kt.
d) 200 kt.
Answer ;
c) 141 kt.
Çözüm ;
Stall sürati 100 kt olan bir uçağın ağırlığı 1000 kilogramdır. Soruda bu uçağın ağırlığının 2000 kg’a çıkması durumda stall
süratinin ne olacağı sorulmaktadır. Kullanacağımız formül şu şekildedir ;

Yeni Ağırlık
VS1 ( yeni ) = VS1 ( eski ) x
Eski Ağırlık

Bu formüle göre ;
VS1 ( yeni ) = 100 x √ ( 2000 : 1000 ) = 100 x √ 2 = 100 x 1.41 = 141 kt olarak bulunur.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0072. An aeroplane has a stall speed of 100 kt. When the aeroplane is flying a level co-ordinated turn with a load factor of 1.5 , the
stall speed is ;
a) 141 kt.
b) 150 kt.
c) 122 kt.
d) 82 kt.
Answer ;
c) 122 kt.
Çözüm ;
Stol sürati 100 kt olan uçağın , dönüş sırasında yük faktörü n = 1.5’a çıktığındaki stol sürati sorulmuştur. Burada 100 kt stol
sürati n = 1 durumundaki stol süratidir. Kullanacağımız formül şu şekildedir ;

VS = VS1g x n
VS = Stall speed ( Stol sürati )
VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )

Bu formüle göre ;
VS = 100 x √ 1.5 = 100 x 1.224 = 122.4 ≈ 122 kt olarak bulunur.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0073. An aeroplane has a stalling speed of 100 kt in a steady level flight. When the aeroplane is flying a level turn with a load
factor of 1.5 , the stalling speed is ;
a) 82 kt.
b) 122 kt.
c) 141 kt.
d) 150 kt.
Answer ;
b) 122 kt.
Çözüm ;
Stol sürati 100 kt olan uçağın , dönüş sırasında yük faktörü n = 1.5’a çıktığındaki stol sürati sorulmuştur. Burada 100 kt stol
sürati n = 1 durumundaki stol süratidir. Kullanacağımız formül şu şekildedir ;

VS = VS1g x n
VS = Stall speed ( Stol sürati )
VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )

Bu formüle göre ;
VS = 100 x √ 1.5 = 100 x 1.224 = 122.4 ≈ 122 kt olarak bulunur.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 21 Principles of Flight

0074. An aeroplane has static directional stability if , when in a sideslip with the relative airflow coming from the left , initially
the ;
a) nose of the aeroplane does not move.
b) nose of the aeroplane tends to yaw left.
c) nose of the aeroplane tends to yaw right.
d) right wing tnds to go down.
Answer ;
b) nose of the aeroplane tends to yaw left.
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0075. An aeroplane has static directional stability , in a side-slip to the right , initially the ;
a) nose of the aeroplane will remain in the same direction.
b) nose of the aeroplane tends to move to the left.
c) right wing tends to go down.
d) nose of the aeroplane tends to move to the right.
Answer ;
d) nose of the aeroplane tends to move to the right.
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0076. An aeroplane has the following flap positions : 0° , 15° , 30° , 45°. Slats can also be selected. Generally speaking , which
selection provides the highest positive contribution to the CLMAX ?
a) The flaps from 30° to 45°.
b) The flaps from 0° to 15°.
c) The slats from the retracted to the take-off position.
d) The flaps from 15° to 30°.
Answer ;
c) The slats from the retracted to the take-off position.
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0077. An aeroplane has the following flap settings : 0° , 15° , 30° and 45°. Slats can also be selected. Which of the following
selections will most adversely affect the CL/CD ratio ?
a) Flaps from 15° to 30°.
b) The slats.
c) Flaps from 30° to 45°.
d) Flaps from 0° to 15°.
Answer ;
c) Flaps from 30° to 45°.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0078. An aeroplane in straight and level flight at 300 kt is subjected to a sudden disturbance in speed. Assuming the angle of attack
remains constant initially and the load factor reaches a value of approximately 1.2 ;
a) the speed will have decreased by 60 kt.
b) the speed will have decreased by 30 kt.
c) the speed will have increased by 30 kt.
d) the speed will have increased by 60 kt.
Answer ;
c) the speed will have increased by 30 kt.
Çözüm ;

L 1
n= = L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
W cos β
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü ) ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N ) CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

This question is based on load factors and speed with the question asking you to determine the change in speed.
Note: The aircraft is in steady level flight so the original load factor will be 1g
Furthermore Lift is proportional V^2 and lift is also proportional to load factor
It follows that Load factor is proportional to V^2
New LF / Original Load Factor = (new speed / original speed)^2
New speed = 300 x SQRT (1.2 / 1) = 329 kt
The speed therefore increases by 30 kt

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 22 Principles of Flight

0079. An aeroplane in straight and level flight is subjected to a strong vertical gust. The point on the wing , where the instantaneous
variation in wing lift effectively acts is known as the ;
a) centre of thrust.
b) neutral point.
c) aerodynamic centre of the wing.
d) centre of gravity.
Answer ;
c) aerodynamic centre of the wing.
0080. An aeroplane is descending at a constant Mach number from FL 350. What is the effect on true airspeed ?
a) It decreases as altitude decreases.
b) It increases as temperature increases.
c) It decreases as pressure increases.
d) It remains constant.
Answer ;
b) It increases as temperature increases.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
0081. An aeroplane is fitted with a constant speed propeller. If the aeroplane speed increases while manifold pressure remains
constant (1) propeller pitch and the (2) propeller torque will ;
a) (1) decrease , (2) decrease.
b) (1) increase , (2) remain constant.
c) (1) decrease , (2) remain constant.
d) (1) increase , (2) increase.
Answer ;
b) (1) increase , (2) remain constant.
0082. An aeroplane is flying through the transonic range. As the Mach Number increases the centre of pressure of the wing will
move aft. This movement requires ;
a) a pitch up input of the stabilizer.
b) much more thrust from the engine.
c) a stability augmentation system to improve dynamic stability.
d) a higher IAS to compensate the nose down effect.
Answer ;
a) a pitch up input of the stabilizer.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
0083. An aeroplane is flying through the transonic range whilst maintaining straight and level flight. As the Mach number increases
the centre of pressure of the wing will move aft. This movement requires ;
a) much more thrust from the engines.
b) a higher IAS to compensate the nose down effect.
c) a pitch up input of the stabiliser.
d) a stability augmentation system to improve dynamic stability.
Answer ;
c) a pitch up input of the stabiliser.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0084. An aeroplane is in a level turn , at a constant TAS of 300 kt , and a bank angle of 45°. Its turning radius is ; ( given : g = 10
m/s² )
a) 4743 metres.
b) 3354 metres.
c) 9000 metres.
d) 2381 metres.
Answer ;
d) 2381 metres.
Çözüm ;
Sürati ( TAS ) 300 kt olan uçağın 45° yatış açısı ile dönüş yaptığı sıradaki dönüş yarıçapı sorulmuştur. Kullanacağımız
formül şu şekildedir ;

g . tan β Öncelikle kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat m/s cinsine çevrilmelidir.
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) 300 kt = 300 x 1.852 = 555.6 km/h → 555.6 x 1000 = 555600 m/h →
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) 555600 : 3600 = 154.3 m/s. Bu formüle göre ;
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) r = ( 154.3 )2 : ( 10 x tan 45 ) = 23808.49 : 10 = 2380.849 ≈ 2381 metres.
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 23 Principles of Flight

0085. An aeroplane is in a steady horizontal turn at a TAS of 194.4 kt. The turn radius is 1000 m. The bank angle is ; ( assume g =
10 m/sec2 )
a) 45°
b) 60°
c) 30°
d) 50°
Answer ;
a) 45°
Çözüm ;
Sürati ( TAS ) 194.4 kt olan uçağın dönüş yarıçapı 1000 metredir. Soruda uçağın bu sıradaki yatış açısı sorulmuştur.
Dönüş yarıçapının hesaplanması için kullanılan formüle bakıldığında ;
Soruda yatış açısı ( bank angle ) sorulduğu için formüldeki bileşenlerin
V 2 yerini ; tan β = V2 : ( r x g ) şeklinde değiştirebiliriz. Ancak burada
r= öncelikle kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat m/s cinsine çevrilmelidir. Buna
g . tan β göre ; 194.4 kt = 194.4 x 1.852 = 360.0288 km/h → 360.0288 x 1000 =
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) 360028.8 m/h → 360028.8 : 3600 = 100.008 ≈ 100 m/s
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) Değerleri formüle yerleştirdiğimizde ;
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) tan β = ( 100 ) : ( 1000 x 10 ) = 10000 : 10000 = 1 , hangi açının
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) tanjantının 1 ettiğini bulmak için hesap makinesinde “Inverse tan”
yapıldığında bu açı , yani uçağın yatış açısı 45° olarak bulunacaktır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0086. An aeroplane is provided with spoilers and in- and outboard ailerons. Roll control during cruise is provided by ;
a) outboard ailerons and roll-spoilers.
b) inboard and outboard ailerons.
c) outboard ailerons only.
d) inboard ailerons and roll-spoilers.
Answer ;
d) inboard ailerons and roll-spoilers.
Açıklama ;
Kanatçıklar ( aileron ) normalde ürettikleri belli bir kuvvet için en yüksek momenti üretebilmeleri maksadıyla kanadın uç
kısma yakın tarafına yerleştirilirler. Ne var ki , bu şekilde kanat üzerinde maksimum bükülme ve burkulma yükü oluşmasına da neden
olurlar. Bu durum kanatçıkların etkinliğinin azalmasına ve hatta yüksek hızlarda zıt etki oluşmasına neden olabilir. Bu etkiyi azaltmak
için kanatçıklar iç kısımlara da yerleştirilebilir. Ancak , düşük hızlarda bu sistemin kanatçık etkinliğini azaltacağı unutulmamalıdır.
Alternatif olarak , iki kanatçık çifti birden kanada monte edilebilir , ( şekle bakınız ). Kanatçıklardan biri düşük hızlarda
( örneğin yaklaşma sırasında ) kullanılmak üzere kanat ucuna , diğeri de yüksek hızlarda üretilen kuvvetler büyüdüğünde ve büyük
yapısal bozulmalara neden olunabilecek durumlarda kullanılmak üzere iç kısma yerleştirilir. İç kanatçıklar ( yüksek hız kanatçıkları )
her zaman kullanılabilmekle birlikte dış kanatçıklar yalnızca flaplar açık konumda iken çalışacaktır.

Spoilerler , yanal kontrol ( roll ) sağlamak amacıyla kanatçıklarla birlikte veya kanatçıkların yerine kullanılır. Spoiler ,
yukarıdaki şekilde de gösterildiği gibi , kanadın üst yüzeyine ön kenarından tutturulmuş , hidrolik olarak çalıştırılabilen hareketli
panellerden oluşur. Açılan spoiler kanat üzerindeki hava akışını bozarak taşıma kuvvetini azaltır.
Spoilerlerin enlemsel kontrol elemanı olarak çalışabilmesi için , kanatçığın yukarı hareketiyle yukarı kalkar ve kanatçığın
aşağı hareketiyle düz durumda kalır. Kanatçıkların tersine spoiler herhangi bir kanatta kaldırma kuvvetini artırmadığından spoiler ile
kumanda edilen bir yatış manevrası net bir kaldırma kuvveti kaybı ile sonuçlanır. Bununla birlikte , kanatçıkla karşılaştırıldığında
spoilerin çeşitli avantajları vardır , bunlar ;
– Aksi yönde sapma yapmaz. Açılan spoiler , o kanattaki sürüklemeyi artırır. Böylece sapma yatışla aynı yönde gerçekleşir.
– Kanat burkulması azalır. Spoilerin aerodinamik kuvveti kanatçığa göre daha önde olduğundan kanadın burkulma
momentini azaltır.
– Transonik hızda şokun neden olduğu ayrılma spoiler etkinliğini azaltmaz.
– Sarsıntıya neden olmaz.
– Flaplar için ayrılan firar kenarlarında yer işgal etmez.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 24 Principles of Flight

0087. An aeroplane is sensitive to Dutch roll when ;
a) static lateral stability is much less pronounced than static directional stability.
b) an aeroplane has anhedral.
c) static lateral stability is much more pronounced than static directional stability.
d) static stability is less pronounced than dynamic stability.
Answer ;
c) static lateral stability is much more pronounced than static directional stability.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0088. An aeroplane maintains straight and level flight at a speed of 2 * VS. If a vertical gust causes a load factor of 2 , the load
factor n caused by the same gust at a speed of 1.3 V S would be ;
a) n = 1.65
b) n = 1.69
c) n = 1.3
d) n=4
Answer ;
a) n = 1.65
Çözüm ;

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
0089. An aeroplane maintains straight and level flight while the IAS is doubled. The change in lift coefficient will be ;
a) x 2.0
b) x 0.5
c) x 4.0
d) x 0.25
Answer ;
d) x 0.25
Çözüm ;

CL =
½ . ρ . V² . S Formülden de görüleceği gibi kaldırma katsayısı hızın karesi ile ters
orantılıdır. Düz ve ufki uçuşta aynı Lift değerini elde etmek için C L
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) 4 kat azaltılmalıdır. Formül üzerinde gösterildiğinde ;
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 ) CL = 1 : ( 2 x V )2 = 1 : ( 4 x V2 ) = 1/4 x V2 = 0.25 x V2
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )
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0090. An aeroplane performs a continuous descent with 160 kts IAS and 1000 feet/min vertical speed. In this condition ;
a) lift is equal to weight.
b) lift is less than drag.
c) drag is less than the combined forces that move the aeroplane forward.
d) weight is greater than lift.
Answer ;
d) weight is greater than lift.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0091. An aeroplane performs a right turn , the slip indicator is left of neutral. One way to coordinate the turn is to apply ;
a) less right bank.
b) more right rudder.
c) more left rudder.
d) a higher turn-rate.
Answer ;
c) more left rudder.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 25 Principles of Flight
0092. An aeroplane performs a steady co-ordinated horizontal turn with 20 degrees of bank and at 150 kt TAS. The same aeroplane
with the same bank angle and speed , but at a lower mass will turn with ;
a) a smaller turn radius.
b) the same turn radius.
c) a higher turn rate.
d) a larger turn radius.
Answer ;
b) the same turn radius.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0093. An aeroplane performs a steady horizontal , co-ordinated turn with 45 degrees of bank at 230 kt TAS. The same aeroplane
with the same bank angle and speed , but at a higher mass ;
a) will have a higher rate of turn.
b) will turn with a smaller turn radius.
c) will turn with a larger turn radius.
d) will turn with the same radius , but might stall.
Answer ;
d) will turn with the same radius , but might stall.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
0094. An aeroplane performs a steady horizontal , co-ordinated turn with 45 degrees of bank at 230 kt TAS. The same aeroplane
with the same bank angle and speed , but at a lower mass will turn with ;
a) a larger turn radius.
b) the same turn radius.
c) a higher rate of turn.
d) a smaller turn radius.
Answer ;
b) the same turn radius.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
0095. An aeroplane performs a steady horizontal , co-ordinated turn with 45 degrees of bank at 230 kt TAS. The same aeroplane
with the same bank angle and speed , but at a lower mass will turn with ;
a) a lower rate of turn.
b) a smaller turn radius.
c) a larger turn radius.
d) the same rate of turn.
Answer ;
d) the same rate of turn.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
0096. An aeroplane performs a steady horizontal turn with a TAS of 200 kt. The turn radius is 2000 m. The load factor (n) is
approximately ;
a) 1.4.
b) 1.1.
c) 2.0.
d) 1.8.
Answer ;
b) 1.1.
Çözüm ;
Sürati ( TAS ) 200 kt olan uçak sabit bir şekilde bulunduğu seviyede dönüş yapmaktadır ve dönüş yarıçapı 2000 metredir.
Soruda bu esnadaki yük faktörü ( n ) sorulmuştur. Dönüş yarıçapının hesaplanması için kullanılan formüle bakıldığında ;

r= Yük faktörünü bulmak için bize gerekli olan yatış açısını ( bank angle )
g . tan β bulmaktır. Formüldeki bileşenlerin yerini ; tan β = V2 : ( r x g ) şeklinde
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) değiştirebiliriz. Ancak burada öncelikle kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) m/s cinsine çevrilmelidir. Buna göre ;
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) 200 kt = 200 x 1.852 = 370.4 km/h → 370.4 x 1000 = 370400 m/h →
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) 370400 : 3600 = 102.8 ≈ 103 m/s
Değerleri formüle yerleştirdiğimizde ( burada yerçekimi ivmesini g = 10
m/s2 kabul ediyoruz ) ;
L 1 tan β = ( 103 )2 : ( 2000 x 10 ) = 10609 : 20000 = 0.53045 , hangi açının
n= =
tanjantının 0.53045 ettiğini bulmak için hesap makinesinde “Inverse tan”
W cos β yapıldığında bu açı 27.943 ≈ 28° , yani uçağın yatış açısı 28° olarak
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü )
Şimdi de yük faktörü formülüne bakıldığında ;
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
n = 1 : cos 28 = 1 : 0.88294 = 1.132 ≈ 1.1 olarak bulunur.
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 26 Principles of Flight
0097. An aeroplane performs a straight and level horizontal flight at the same angle of attack at two different altitudes ; ( all other
factors of importance being constant , assume ISA conditions and no compressibility effects )
a) the TAS at the higher altitude is higher.
b) the TAS at the higher altitude is lower.
c) the TAS at both altitudes is the same.
d) the TAS at the higher altitude cannot be determined.
Answer ;
a) the TAS at the higher altitude is higher
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0098. An aeroplane should be equipped with a Mach trimmer , if ;
a) at transonic Mach numbers the aeroplane demonstrates unconventional elevator stick force characteristics.
b) stick force per g strongly decreases at low Mach numbers.
c) stick force stability is independent of the airspeed and -altitude.
d) at high airspeed and low altitude the aeroplane demonstrates unconventional elevator stick force
Answer ;
a) at transonic Mach numbers the aeroplane demonstrates unconventional elevator stick force characteristics.
Açıklama ;
Hız kritik Mach sayısının ( Mcrit ) üzerine çıktığında , ok kanadın kökünde başlayan şok dalgası oluşumları ;
– CG nin ilerisinde taşıma kuvvetini azaltacak ve ,
– Kuyruktaki aşağı akımları azaltacaktır.
Bu faktörler müştereken burun aşağı yunuslama momenti yaratacaktır. Yüksek Mach sayılarında , uçak hıza karşı
dengesizleşecek , hız arttığında gerekli olan itme kuvveti yerine hızın daha artmasını engellemek için bir çekme kuvvetine ihtiyaç
duyulacaktır. Bu durum potansiyel bir tehlikedir. Mach sayısındaki az bir artış burun aşağı pitch oluşturacak , dolayısıyla da mach
sayısını daha da arttıracaktır. Bu durum da bir döngü olarak burun aşağı pitch momentinde artmaya sebep olur. Bu tercih edilmeyen
yüksek hız karekteristiği “Mach Tuck” , “Yüksek hız Tuck” veya “Tuck Under“ olarak bilinir ve yüksek süratli modern nakliye
uçaklarında maksimum çalışma hızını limitlendirebilir.
Yüksek mach sayısında lövye kuvveti gradyanını istendiği gibi devam ettirmek için , mach trim sistemi uygulanmalıdır. Bu
sistem mach sayısına hassastır ve ,
– Elevatorü yukarı saptırabilir.
– Değişken açılı yatay stabilizenin geliş açısını azaltabilir.
– Kanatlardaki yakıtı daha arkadaki bir depoya transfer ederek CG konumunu arkaya doğru kaydırabilir.
Trim değişikliği , beklenenden bir miktar daha fazla olabilir. Bu sayede yüksek Mach sayılarında istenilen lövye kuvvet
gradyanı elde edilebilir. İmalatçılar tarafından hangi trim metodu kullanılırsa kullanılsın , Mach trim sistemi boylamsal trimi
ayarlayacak ve sadece yüksek Mach sayılarında çalışacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 27 Principles of Flight

0099. An aeroplane that has positive static stability ;
a) is always dynamically unstable.
b) is never dynamically stable.
c) is always dynamically stable.
d) can be dynamically stable , neutral or unstable.
Answer ;
d) can be dynamically stable , neutral or unstable.
Açıklama ;
Statik Kararlılık ( Static Stability )
Tüm kuvvetlerin toplamı ve tüm momentlerin toplamı sıfır ise , uçak denge ( trim ) durumundadır. Uçak , harici herhangi bir
kuvvet etki etmediği sürece , herhangi yönde bir ivmesi yoktur ve düz ve ufki uçuştadır. Eğer denge , havanın etkisi veya
kontrollerdeki bir sapma sonucu bozulur ise moment kuvvetlerinin balanssızlığı nedeni ile uçağın düz ve ufki uçuşu bozulur ve
ivmeye maruz kalır.
Bir uçağın sahip olduğu statik kararlılık , onun bazı denge bozucu kuvvetlerin etkisi sonrası göstereceği başlangıç meyli ile
1. Pozitif statik kararlılık ( Statically stable ) :
Eğer bir cisim pozitif kararlılığa sahipse , dengesi bozulduktan sonra tekrar denge durumuna dönme eğilimi gösterir.
2. Nötr statik kararlılık ( Statically neutral ) :
Bir cisim denge bozucu bir kuvvete maruz kaldığında , ne dengedeki haline dönmeye , ne de denge halinden uzaklaşmaya
meyil etmezse o cisim nötr statik kararlılığa sahiptir.
2. Negatif statik kararlılık ( Statically unstable ) :
Bir cismin dengesinin bozulduğu istikamette hareketini devam ettirme meylidir.

1 2 Sapma yönünde devam etme 3

eğilimi vardır
Küre herhangi bir noktada , yeni bir
Denge durumuna denge oluşturur ve orijinal denge
dönme eğilimi noktasına dönme eğilimi yoktur


Pozitif Statik Kararlılık Nötr Statik Kararlılık Negatif Statik Kararlılık
( Statically Stable ) ( Statically Neutral ) ( Statically Unstable )

Yukarıdaki şekilde bilyenin çeşitli hareketleri örnek olarak verilmiştir.

“1” pozitif statik kararlılık ( veya statik kararlılık ) durumunu göstermektedir. Bilye kürenin tabanındaki denge durumundan
başka bir duruma getiriliyor. Dengeye bozucu kuvvet ortadan kalktığında , bilyenin ilk eğilimi , denge durumuna geri dönmeye
yönelik olacaktır. Küre , denge noktasından ileri geri hareket edebilir fakat sonuçta denge bulacaktır. Yani , bilye pozitif statik
kararlığa sahiptir.
“2” nötr statik kararlılık durumunu göstermektedir. Küre herhangi bir noktada , yeni bir denge oluşturur ve orijinal denge
yerine dönme eğilimi yoktur.
“3” negatif statik kararlılık ( veya statik kararsızlık ) durumunu göstermektedir. Bilye , tepe noktasında yer alan denge
noktasından ayrıldığında , yer değiştirme eğilimi devam edecektir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
0100. An aeroplane that tends to return to its pre-disturbed equilibrium position after the disturbance has been removed is said to
have ;
a) neutral static stability.
b) neutral dynamic stability.
c) positive dynamic stability.
d) positive static stability.
Answer ;
d) positive static stability.
Açıklama ;
Soru 099’un açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 28 Principles of Flight

0101. An aeroplane transitions from steady straight and level flight into a horizontal coordinated turn with a load factor of 2 , the
speed remains constant and the ;
a) angle of attack increases by a factor of 1/4.
b) induced drag increases by a factor of 4.
c) lift increases by a factor of 4.
d) total drag increases by a factor of 4.
Answer ;
b) induced drag increases by a factor of 4.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0102. An aeroplane , with a CG location behind the centre of pressure of the wing can only maintain a straight and level flight
when the horizontal tail loading is ;
a) upwards.
b) zero.
c) upwards or downwards depending on elevator deflection.
d) downwards.
Answer ;
a) upwards.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0103. An aeroplane with a mass of 2000 kg , is performing a co-ordinated level turn at a constant TAS of 160 kt and the bank angle
is 60°. The lift is approximately ;
a) 60.000 N.
b) 40.000 N.
c) 20.000 N.
d) 80.000 N.
Answer ;
b) 40.000 N.
Çözüm ;

L 1 Yukarıdaki formül yük faktörünün hesaplanması ile ilgilidir. Görüldüğü gibi yük
n= = faktörü ; L/W veya 1/cosβ şeklinde hesaplanabilmektedir. Buna göre kuracağımız
W cos β eşitlik ; ( L : W ) = ( 1 : cosβ ) şeklinde olacaktır. Öncelikle uçağın ağırlığının
hesaplanması gerekir. Burada yerçekimi ivmesini ( g ) 10 m/s2 kabul edersek ;
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü ) Weight = Mass x g = 2000 kg x 10 m/s2 = 20000 N olur. Yatış açısı 60° olduğuna
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) göre ; cos 60 = 0.5’tir.
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N ) Değerleri formüle uyarladığımızda ;
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) ( L : 20000 ) = ( 1 : 0.5 ) → L = 20000 : 0.5 = 40.000 N olarak bulunmuş olur.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0104. An aeroplane with a mass of 4000 kg is performing a co-ordinated level turn at a constant TAS of 160 kt and a bank angle of
45°. The lift is approximately ;
a) 28.000 N
b) 14.000 N
c) 98.000 N
d) 56.000 N
Answer ;
d) 56.000 N
Çözüm ;

Yukarıdaki formül yük faktörünün hesaplanması ile ilgilidir. Görüldüğü gibi yük
L 1 faktörü ; L/W veya 1/cosβ şeklinde hesaplanabilmektedir. Buna göre kuracağımız
n= =
eşitlik ; ( L : W ) = ( 1 : cosβ ) şeklinde olacaktır. Öncelikle uçağın ağırlığının
W cos β hesaplanması gerekir. Burada yerçekimi ivmesini ( g ) 10 m/s2 kabul edersek ;
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü ) Weight = mass x g = 4000 kg x 10 m/s2 = 40000 N olur. Yatış açısı 45° olduğuna
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) göre ; cos 45 = 0.7071’dir.
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N ) Değerleri formüle uyarladığımızda ;
( L : 40000 ) = ( 1 : 0.7071 ) → L = 40000 : 0.7071 = 56569.08 N , yani yaklaşık
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )
56.000 N olarak bulunmuş olur.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 29 Principles of Flight
0105. An aeroplane’s angle of attack can be defined as the angle between its ;
a) speed vector and the horizontal plane.
b) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
c) speed vector and longitudinal axis.
d) lateral axis and the horizontal plane.
Answer ;
c) speed vector and longitudinal axis.
Açıklama ;

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0106. An aeroplane’s angle of incidence is defined as the angle between the ;
a) speed vector and the horizontal plane.
b) speed vector and longitudinal axis.
c) longitudinal axis and the wing root chord line.
d) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
Answer ;
c) longitudinal axis and the wing root chord line.
Açıklama ;
Angle of Incidence :
Bir uçağın uzunluk ekseni ile profilin korda hattı ( genellikle geometrik korda hattı) arasındaki açıdır.

Angle of incidence

Extension of chord line

Wing root

( Parallel to ) longitudinal axis

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
0107. An aeroplane’s bank angle is defined as the angle between its ;
a) speed vector and the horizontal plane.
b) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
c) speed vector and longitudinal axis.
d) lateral axis and the horizontal plane.
Answer ;
d) lateral axis and the horizontal plane.
Açıklama ;

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 30 Principles of Flight
0108. An aeroplane’s flight path angle is defined as the angle between its ;
a) lateral axis and the horizontal plane.
b) speed vector and the horizontal plane.
c) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
d) speed vector and its longitudinal axis.
Answer ;
b) speed vector and the horizontal plane.
Açıklama ;

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0109. An aeroplane’s pitch angle is defined as the angle between its ;
a) speed vector and the horizontal plane.
b) speed vector and its longitudinal axis.
c) lateral axis and the horizontal plane.
d) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
Answer ;
d) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0110. An aeroplane’s sideslip angle is defined as the angle between the ;
a) lateral axis and the horizontal plane.
b) speed vector and normal axis.
c) speed vector and the horizontal plane.
d) speed vector and the plane of symmetry.
Answer ;
d) speed vector and the plane of symmetry.
Açıklama ;

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 31 Principles of Flight

0111. An aft CG shift ;
a) has no influence on static longitudinal stability.
b) increases static longitudinal stability.
c) increases longitudinal manoeuvrability.
d) decreases longitudinal manoeuvrability.
Answer ;
c) increases longitudinal manoeuvrability.
0112. An engine failure can result in a windmilling (1) propeller and a feathered (2) propeller. Which statement about propeller
drag is correct ?
a) (2) is larger than (1).
b) (1) is larger than (2).
c) impossible to say which one is largest.
d) (1) is equal to (2).
Answer ;
b) (1) is larger than (2).
0113. An example of a combined lateral and directional aperiodic motion is a ;
a) spiral dive.
b) phugoid.
c) short period oscillation.
d) Dutch roll.
Answer ;
a) spiral dive.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0114. An example of a combined lateral and directional periodic motion is a ;
a) short period oscillation.
b) phugoid.
c) spiral dive.
d) Dutch roll.
Answer ;
d) Dutch roll.
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0115. An example of differential aileron deflection during initiation of left turn is ;
a) Left aileron : 5° down
Right aileron : 2° up
b) Left aileron : 2° up
Right aileron : 5° down
c) Left aileron : 2° down
Right aileron : 5° up
d) Left aileron : 5° up
Right aileron : 2° down
Answer ;
d) Left aileron : 5° up
Right aileron : 2° down
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0116. An increase in geometric dihedral in a steady sideslip condition at constant speed would ;
a) increase the required lateral control force.
b) decrease the stick force per g.
c) not affect the required lateral control force.
d) decrease the required lateral control force.
Answer ;
a) increase the required lateral control force.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0117. An increase in wing loading will ;
a) decrease the minimum glide angle.
b) increase CLmax.
c) increase the stall speed.
d) increase sensitivity to turbulence.
Answer ;
c) increase the stall speed.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 32 Principles of Flight

0118. Approximately how long does it take to fly a complete circle during a horizontal steady co-ordinated turn with a bank angle
of 45° and a TAS of 200 kt ?
a) 65 s.
b) 650 s.
c) 95 s.
d) 125 s.
Answer ;
a) 65 s.
Çözüm ;

V2 Sürati ( TAS ) 200 kt olan uçağın 45° yatış açısı ile dönüş yaptığında
r= tam bir daireyi ne kadar sürede tamamlayacağı sorulmuştur.
g . tan β Yandaki formül kullanılarak dönüş yarıçapı hesaplanmalıdır , ancak
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) Öncelikle kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat m/s cinsine çevrilmelidir.
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) 200 kt = 200 x 1852 = 370400 m/h → 370400 : 3600 = 102.8 m/s.
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) ( Burada g = 10 m/s2 olarak alıyoruz ). Bu formüle göre ;
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) r = ( 102.8 )2 : ( 10 x tan 45 ) = 10567.84 : 10 = 1056.784 ≈ 1057 m.

İkinci işlem olarak bu yarıçapın ait olduğu dairenin çevresi bulunmalıdır. Bunun için ; ( 2 . Pi . r ) formülü kullanılır ;
2 x 3.1415 x 1057 = 6641.131 m , uçağın sürati 102.8 m/s olduğuna göre ;
Zaman = Mesafe : Hız = 6641.131 : 102.8 = 64.6 saniye ≈ 65 s.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
0119. Artificial feel is required ;
a) with fully powered flight controls.
b) when the flight control surfaces are fitted with control tabs or trim tabs.
c) when there is a trimmable stabiliser.
d) with power assisted flight controls.
Answer ;
a) with fully powered flight controls.
0120. As altitude increases , the stall speed ( IAS ) ;
a) remains constant regardless of altitude.
b) initially remains constant and at higher altitudes increases.
c) remains constant until the tropopause and at higher altitudes increases.
d) initially remains constant and at higher altitudes decreases.
Answer ;
b) initially remains constant and at higher altitudes increases.
0121. As angle of attack is increased on a conventional low speed aerofoil at low subsonic speeds , flow separation normally starts
on the ;
a) lower surface near the leading edge.
b) upper surface near the trailing edge.
c) upper surface near the leading edge.
d) lower surface near the trailing edge.
Answer ;
b) upper surface near the trailing edge.
0122. As the Mach number increases from subsonic to supersonic , the centre of pressure moves ;
a) forward.
b) to a position near the trailing edge.
c) to the mid chord position.
d) to a position near the leading edge.
Answer ;
c) to the mid chord position.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
0123. As the Mach number increases in straight and level flight , a shock wave on the upper surface of the wing will ;
a) disappear.
b) not move.
c) move towards the leading edge.
d) move towards the trailing edge.
Answer ;
d) move towards the trailing edge.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 33 Principles of Flight

0124. As the stability of an aeroplane decreases ;
a) its manoeuvrability decreases also.
b) there is no effect on its stability.
c) its tendency to tuck under decreases.
d) its manoeuvrability increases.
Answer ;
d) its manoeuvrability increases.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
0125. As the stability of an aeroplane increases:
a) there is no effect on its stability.
b) its manoeuvrability increases also.
c) its manoeuvrability decreases.
d) its tendency to tuck under increases.
Answer ;
c) its manoeuvrability decreases.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
0126. Aspect ratio of a wing is the ratio between ;
a) wing root chord line and wing tip chord line.
b) wing span and wing root chord.
c) wing span and dihedral angle.
d) wing span squared and wing area.
Answer ;
d) wing span squared and wing area.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0127. ( Refer to Image 27 )

Image 27
Assuming all bodies have the same cross-sectional area and are in motion , which body will have the highest pressure drag ?
a) Body 1.
b) Body 3.
c) Body 4.
d) Body 2.
Answer ;
d) Body 2.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 34 Principles of Flight

0128. Assuming an initial condition in straight and level flight with CL=1. What will be the new value of CL after the value of the
speed has doubled ?
a) 2.00.
b) 1.00.
c) 0.25.
d) 0.50.
Answer ;
c) 0.25.
Çözüm ;

Uçağın düz ve ufki uçuşu sırasında sahip olduğu C L değeri = 1 ‘dir.

L Soruda uçağın hızının 2 katına çıkması durumundaki yeni C L değeri
CL = Sorulmuştur. Yeni kaldırma katsayısı yandaki formülle hesaplanabilir.
½ . ρ . V² . S Şartlardaki tek değişken sürat olacaktır , yani kaldırma katsayısı hızın
karesi ile ters orantılı olduğundan CL azalacaktır. Formülü şu şekilde
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) kısaltabiliriz ;
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 ) CL = 1 : V2 , hız iki kat artacağına göre ; CL = 1 : ( 2 x V )2 olur.
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s ) CL = 1 : ( 22 x V2 ) = 1 : ( 4 x V2 ) = 1/4 x V2 olur.
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı ) Sonuç olarak yeni CL değeri önceki CL değerinin 4’te biri olacaktır.
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 ) Cevap ; 0.25.

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 35 Principles of Flight

0129. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane enters ground effect ;
a) induced drag increases.
b) the effective angle of attack decreases.
c) the effective angle of attack does not change.
d) the induced angle of attack reduces.
Answer ;
d) the induced angle of attack reduces.
Açıklama ;
İniş ve kalkışta kanadın yere yakın olması , firar kenarı vortexlerinin tam olarak gelişmesini önler ve zayıflatır. Aşağı ve
yukarı akımların azalması , kanat etkili hücum açısının ( effective angle of attack ) büyümesine sebep olur. Bu nedenle uçak “yer
etkisi”nde iken genellikle taşıma gücü artar , indükleme sürüklemesi ( Cdi ) azalır. İlave olarak , azalan aşağı akımlar ( downwash ) ,
hem CP’nin hareket etmesinden dolayı boylamasına eksendeki dengeyi , hem de kuyruk stabilizesinin etkili hücum açısının değişmesi
sebebi ile yunuslama momentini etkiler. Yer etkisinin derecesi kanadın yerden olan mesafesine bağlıdır. Cdi’de büyük azalma sadece
kanadın yere çok yakın olması durumunda gerçekleşir ( Kanat açıklığının yarısı kadar bir mesafe içinde ). 40 m kanat açıklığı olan bir
uçak için Cdi’deki azalma değerleri şöyledir ;
– 40 m yükseklikte Cdi’deki azalma %1.4 , Gereken
– 10 m yükseklikte Cdi’deki azalma %23.5 , güç ( N ) Uçak yer
– 4 m yükseklikte Cdi’deki azalma %47.6. etkisinin dışında

Uçak yer etkisinde

Hız ( knot )

Uçağın iniş anında kanadının yerden yüksekliği kanadının gövdeye monte yerinden de etkilenir. ( h/b ) ile Cdi ilişkisini
gösteren yukarıdaki şekilde de göründüğü gibi iniş anındaki son birkaç metrede Cdi’deki azalma çok artmaktadır. Genel olarak ,
kanadı alta monte edilmiş olan uçak , yükseğe monte edilmiş olana göre yer tesirinden daha fazla etkilendiği söylenebilir.
Yer yastığının normal etkisi olarak aerodinamik karakteristiği değiştirmesinin yanı sıra , alçak monteli yatay stabilizeli
uçaklarda , kanadın arkasında meydana gelen aşağı hava akış açısının değişmesi sebebiyle , kendine ait hücum açısı üzerinde etkisi
vardır. Bu özellik yüksek monteli yatay stabilizeli uçaklarda mevcut değildir.
Yer Etkisine Giriş
a. Azalan aşağı akım etkili hücum açısını arttırır. Böylece aynı taşıma katsayısını üretebilmek için daha küçük bir kanat
hücum açısı gerekir. Yer etkisine girilirken yunuslama durumu korunursa , CL artışı ve Cdi azalması nedeni ile kalkış
hissi meydana gelebilir. Cdi’deki azalma yavaşlamayı azaltacağından fazla hız kalkışın meydana geldiği mesafeyi
arttırır. Güç azaltılmadığı sürece uçakta tırmanış etkisi ( balonlama ) devam edecek ve arzu edilen alçalma yolunun
üzerine çıkılacaktır.
b. Özellikle hızın düşük hücum açısının yüksek tutulduğu kısa inişlerde , yer etkisine girilmesiyle sert inişe neden
olabilecek , stol meydana gelebilir.
c. Azalan aşağı akımların etkisi yatay stabilizenin de etkin hücum açısında bir artış yaratacak , bu da uçağa burun aşağı
bir yunuslama momenti verecektir. İstenen iniş konfigürasyonunun korunması için pilotun burun yukarı moment etkisi
yaratacak şekilde yatay stabilizelerin konumunu ayarlamalıdır.
d. Aşağı-yukarı akımlar ile kanat ucu vortexlerindeki değişimler ASI de yanlış okumaya yol açabilecek pozisyon
hatalarına neden olabilir. Yanlış okumaların nedeni çoğunlukla , statik mecralardaki basıncın artarak ve ASI ile
altimetrenin normalden düşük göstermesine neden olmasıdır.
Yer Etkisinden Çıkış
Yer etkisinden çıkışın yarattığı etkiler , girişteki etkilerin tam tersidir. Sabit bir CL ve IAS’i koruduğu varsayılan bir uçak
için , yer etkisinden çıkışta meydana gelen değişiklikler şöyledir ;
a. CL azalacak ve Cdi artacaktır. Uçak , aynı CL’yi koruyabilmek için hücum açısını arttırmak durumunda kalacaktır.
b. Aşağı akımlardaki ( downwash ) artış burun yukarı yunuslama momenti yaratacak ve pilot , uçağın konfigürasyonunu
koruyabilmek için ihtiyaç duyacağı geriye tazyiki azaltacaktır.
c. Pozisyon hatası değişiklikleri ASI’de hatalı okumaya neden olabilir. Statik mecralardaki basınç azalarak , ASI ve
altimetre de normalin üzerinde değer okunmasına neden olacaktır.
d. Yer etkisinden dolayı uçak kalkıştan sonra tekrar piste düşebileceği bir hızda ve hücum açısında havalanabilir. Ancak
uçak bu şekilde bir konfigürasyonla havalanırsa yer etkisinden çıkınca gerekli taşımayı sağlayamayacaktır.Dolayısıyla
kalkışlarda doğru hızı seçmek hayati öneme haizdir.
e. Burun yukarı yunuslama momenti , istenmeyen dönüşlere ve kuyruk çarpmalarına neden olabilir.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 36 Principles of Flight
0130. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane enters ground effect ;
a) the effective angle of attack decreases.
b) induced drag reduces.
c) downwash does not change.
d) the induced angle of attack increases.
Answer ;
b) induced drag reduces.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0129’un açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0131. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane enters ground effect ;
a) the effective angle of attack increases.
b) the effective angle of attack decreases.
c) induced drag increases.
d) the induced angle of attack increases.
Answer ;
a) the effective angle of attack increases.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0129’un açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0132. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane enters ground effect ;
a) downwash reduces.
b) downwash does not change.
c) induced drag increases.
d) the effective angle of attack decreases.
Answer ;
a) downwash reduces.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0129’un açıklamasına bakınız.
0133. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane leaves ground effect ;
a) the effective angle of attack does not change.
b) the induced angle of attack increases.
c) induced drag decreases.
d) the effective angle of attack increases.
Answer ;
b) the induced angle of attack increases.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0129’un açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0134. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane leaves ground effect ;
a) the effective angle of attack increases.
b) downwash does not change.
c) induced drag increases.
d) the induced angle of attack decreases.
Answer ;
c) induced drag increases.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0129’un açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0135. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane leaves ground effect ;
a) the effective angle of attack increases.
b) induced drag decreases.
c) downwash does not change.
d) downwash increases.
Answer ;
d) downwash increases.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0129’un açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 37 Principles of Flight

0136. Assuming constant IAS , when an aeroplane leaves ground effect ;
a) the induced angle of attack decreases.
b) induced drag decreases.
c) the effective angle of attack increases.
d) the effective angle of attack decreases.
Answer ;
d) the effective angle of attack decreases.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0129’un açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0137. Assuming ISA conditions and a descent below the tropopause at constant Mach number and aeroplane mass , the ;
a) lift coefficient increases.
b) lift coefficient decreases.
c) TAS remain constant.
d) IAS decreases.
Answer ;
b) lift coefficient decreases.
0138. Assuming ISA conditions and no compressibility effects , if an aeroplane maintains straight and level flight at the same angle
of attack at two different altitudes , the ;
a) IAS is higher at the higher altitude.
b) IAS at both altitudes is the same.
c) TAS at both altitudes is the same.
d) TAS is lower at the higher altitude.
Answer ;
b) IAS at both altitudes is the same.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
0139. Assuming ISA conditions and no compressibility effects , if an aeroplane maintains straight and level flight at the same angle
of attack at two different altitudes , the ;
a) TAS at both altitudes is the same.
b) IAS is higher at the lower altitude.
c) TAS is higher at the lower altitude.
d) TAS is higher at the higher altitude.
Answer ;
d) TAS is higher at the higher altitude.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0140. Assuming ISA conditions and no compressibility effects , if an aeroplane maintains straight and level flight at the same angle
of attack at two different altitudes , the ;
a) TAS is lower at the lower altitude.
b) TAS is higher at the lower altitude.
c) IAS is lower at the lower altitude.
d) IAS is higher at the lower altitude.
Answer ;
a) TAS is lower at the lower altitude.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0141. Assuming ISA conditions , climbing at a constant Mach Number up to FL 350 the TAS will ;
a) remain constant.
b) first increase , then decrease.
c) decrease.
d) increase.
Answer ;
c) decrease.
0142. Assuming ISA conditions , climbing at a constant Mach Number up the tropopause the TAS will ;
a) remain constant.
b) decrease.
c) increase.
d) first increase , then decrease.
Answer ;
b) decrease.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 38 Principles of Flight

0143. Assuming ISA conditions , which statement with respect to the climb is correct ?
a) At constant IAS the TAS decreases
b) At constant IAS the Mach number increases
c) At constant TAS the Mach number decreases
d) At constant Mach number the IAS increases
Answer ;
b) At constant IAS the Mach number increases
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0144. Assuming no compressibility effects , induced drag at constant IAS is affected by ;
a) altitude.
b) engine thrust.
c) outside air temperature.
d) aeroplane mass.
Answer ;
d) aeroplane mass.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0145. Assuming no compressibility effects , the correct relationship between stall speed , limit load factor ( n ) and VA is ;
a) VA >= VS * SQRT (n)
b) VA <= VS * 1/n
c) VA >= VS * 1/n
d) VA <= VS * SQRT (n)
Answer ;
a) VA >= VS * SQRT (n)
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0146. Assuming no flow separation and no compressibility effects the location of the aerodynamic centre of an aerofoil section ;
a) is at approximately 50% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
b) moves forward when the angle of attack increases.
c) moves backward when the angle of attack increases.
d) is independent of angle of attack.
Answer ;
d) is independent of angle of attack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0147. Assuming no flow separation and no compressibility effects the location of the aerodynamic centre of an aerofoil section ;
a) moves backward when the angle of attack decreases.
b) moves backward when the angle of attack increases.
c) is at approximately 50% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
d) is at approximately 25% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
Answer ;
d) is at approximately 25% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
0148. Assuming no flow separation and no compressibility effects the location of the centre of pressure of a positively cambered
aerofoil section ;
a) moves backward when the angle of attack decreases.
b) moves forward when the angle of attack decreases.
c) is independent of angle of attack.
d) is at approximately 25% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
Answer ;
a) moves backward when the angle of attack decreases.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0149. Assuming no flow separation and no compressibility effects the location of the centre of pressure of a symmetrical aerofoil
section ;
a) moves forward when the angle of attack decreases.
b) is at approximately 25% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
c) is at approximately 50% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
d) moves backward when the angle of attack decreases.
Answer ;
b) is at approximately 25% chord irrespective of angle of attack.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 39 Principles of Flight

0150. Assuming no flow separation and no compressibility effects the location of the centre of pressure of a symmetrical aerofoil
section ;
a) moves backward when the angle of attack decreases.
b) is independent of angle of attack.
c) is at approximately 50% of the chord irrespective of angle of attack.
d) moves forward when the angle of attack decreases.
Answer ;
b) is independent of angle of attack.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0151. Assuming no flow separation , when speed is decreased in straight and level flight on a positively cambered aerofoil , what
happens to the ;
1. centre of pressure and
2. the magnitude of the total lift force ?
a) 1 moves aft and 2 remains constant.
b) 1 moves aft and 2 increases.
c) 1 moves forward and 2 remains constant.
d) 1 moves forward and 2 decreases.
Answer ;
c) 1 moves forward and 2 remains constant.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0152. Assuming no flow separation , which of these statements about the flow around an aerofoil as the angle of attack decreases
are correct or incorrect ?
I. The stagnation point moves down.
II. The point of lowest static pressure moves aft.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
0153. Assuming no flow separation , which of these statements about the flow around an aerofoil as the angle of attack decreases
are correct or incorrect ?
I. The stagnation point moves down.
II. The point of lowest static pressure moves forward.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
0154. Assuming no flow separation , which of these statements about the flow around an aerofoil as the angle of attack decreases
are correct or incorrect ?
I. The stagnation point moves up.
II. The point of lowest static pressure moves aft.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0155. Assuming no flow separation , which of these statements about the flow around an aerofoil as the angle of attack decreases
are correct or incorrect ?
I. The stagnation point moves up.
II. The point of lowest static pressure moves forward.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 40 Principles of Flight

0156. Assuming no flow separation , which of these statements about the flow around an aerofoil as the angle of attack increases
are correct or incorrect ?
I. The stagnation point moves down.
II. The point of lowest static pressure moves aft.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0157. Assuming no flow separation , which of these statements about the flow around an aerofoil as the angle of attack increases
are correct or incorrect ?
I. The stagnation point moves up.
II. The point of lowest static pressure moves aft.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0158. Assuming no flow separation , which of these statements about the flow around an aerofoil as the angle of attack increases
are correct or incorrect ?
I. The stagnation point moves up.
II. The point of lowest static pressure moves forward.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0159. ( Refer to Image 11 )

Image 11
Assuming no pilot input the motion of the aeroplane in the diagram shows ;
a) dynamic longitudinal instability.
b) neutral dynamic longitudinal stability.
c) dynamic longitudinal stability.
d) static longitudinal instability.
Answer ;
c) dynamic longitudinal stability.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 41 Principles of Flight

0160. ( Refer to Image 21 )

Image 21
Assuming no pilot input the motion of the aeroplane in the diagram shows ;
a) neutral dynamic longitudinal stability.
b) static longitudinal instability.
c) static longitudinal stability and dynamic longitudinal instability.
d) static and dynamic longitudinal stability.
Answer ;
c) static longitudinal stability and dynamic longitudinal instability.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0161. ( Refer to Image12 )

Image 12
Assuming no pilot input the motion of the aeroplane in the diagram shows ;
a) neutral dynamic longitudinal stability.
b) dynamic longitudinal stability.
c) dynamic longitudinal instability.
d) static longitudinal instability.
Answer ;
a) neutral dynamic longitudinal stability.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
0162. Assuming standard atmospheric conditions , in order to generate the same amount of lift as altitude is increased , an
aeroplane must be flown at ;
a) the same TAS regardless of angle of attack.
b) a lower TAS and a lower angle of attack.
c) a higher TAS for any given angle of attack.
d) a lower TAS for any given angle of attack.
Answer ;
c) a higher TAS for any given angle of attack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0163. Assuming subsonic incompressible flow , how will air density change as air flows through a tube of increasing cross-
sectional area ? The air density ;
a) decreases with increasing cross-sectional area.
b) increases with increasing cross-sectional area.
c) depends upon the shape of the tube alone and not its cross-sectional area.
d) does not vary.
Answer ;
d) does not vary.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 42 Principles of Flight

0164. Assuming that the RPM remains constant throughout , the angle of attack of a fixed pitch propeller will ;
a) increase with increasing airspeed.
b) decrease with increasing airspeed.
c) remain constant at a fixed value irrespective of any airspeed changes.
d) remain constant at a fixed value only if the airspeed decreases.
Answer ;
b) decrease with increasing airspeed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0165. ( Refer to Image 2 )

Image 2
Assuming zero thrust , the point on the diagram corresponding to the minimum glide angle is ;
a) Point c
b) Point d
c) Point b
d) Point a
Answer ;
c) Point b
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
0166. ( Refer to Image 2 )

Image 2
Assuming zero thrust , the point on the diagram corresponding to the value for minimum sink rate is ;
a) Point c
b) Point d
c) Point b
d) Point a
Answer ;
a) Point c
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 43 Principles of Flight
0167. Assuming zero wing twist , the wing planform that gives the highest local lift coefficient at the wing root is ;
a) tapered.
b) rectangular.
c) swept back.
d) elliptical.
Answer ;
b) rectangular.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
0168. Asymmetric propeller blade effect is mainly induced by ;
a) large angles of yaw.
b) large angles of climb.
c) high speed.
d) the inclination of the propeller axis to the relative airflow.
Answer ;
d) the inclination of the propeller axis to the relative airflow.
Açıklama ;
Genelde , pervane şaftı uçağın hücum açısına bağlı olarak uçuş istikametine nazaran yukarı doğrudur. Bu durum sonucunda
aşağı doğru giden pervane palleri yukarı doğru gidenlere oranla daha büyük etkili hücum açısında olurlar. Sonuç olarak da aşağı
doğru giden pal daha fazla itki sağlar. Pervane diskinin iki tarafındaki çekiş farkı , saat istikametinde dönen ve burun yukarı
durumdaki pervanelerde sola doğru bir sapma momenti oluşturur.
Asimetrik pal etkisi tam güçte ve düşük hızda ( yüksek hücum açısında ) en büyüktür. İki motorlu uçaklarda , şayet her iki
pervane de aynı istikamette dönüyorsa , her iki motorun itki kolları farklıdır. Her iki motorun dönüş istikameti saat dönü istikametinde
ise , sağ motorun çekiş kolu daha büyüktür ve bu da sol motoru “kritik motor” yapar.
Yüksek hücum açısı

Yukarı doğru giden

pale doğru relatif
hava akımı

Aşağı doğru
giden pale doğru
relatif hava Daha düşük bir
akımı hücum açısı

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0169. At a constant angle of attack , which of the following factors will lead to an increase of ground distance during a glide and
with zero thrust ?
a) Tailwind
b) Headwind
c) Increase of aeroplane mass
d) Decrease of aeroplane mass
Answer ;
a) Tailwind
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
0170. At a load factor of 1 and the aeroplane’s minimum drag speed , what is the ratio between induced drag Di and parasite drag
Dp ?
a) It varies between aeroplane types.
b) Di/Dp = 1.
c) Di/Dp = 1/2.
d) Di/Dp = 2.
Answer ;
b) Di/Dp = 1.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0171. At an aeroplane’s minimum drag speed , what is the ratio between induced drag Di and parasite drag Dp ? Di /Dp =
a) 1/1
b) 2/1
c) It varies between aeroplane types.
d) 1/2
Answer ;
a) 1/1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 44 Principles of Flight

0172. At higher altitudes , the stall speed ( IAS ) ;
a) remains the same
b) increases
c) decreases until the tropopause
d) decreases
Answer ;
b) increases
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
0173. At what speed does the front of a shock wave move across the earth’s surface ?
a) The true air speed of the aeroplane.
b) The speed of sound at flight level.
c) The ground speed of the aeroplane.
d) The speed of sound at ground level.
Answer ;
c) The ground speed of the aeroplane.
0174. Behind a normal shock wave on an aerofoil section the local Mach number is ;
a) equal to 1.
b) higher than before.
c) lower than before but still greater than 1.
d) less than 1.
Answer ;
d) less than 1.
Açıklama ;

Normal bir şok dalgası akış hatlarına dik olduğunda bu hatlar, yön değişikliği olmaksızın şok dalgalarının içinden geçerler.
Şok dalgalarının içinden geçen bir süpersonik hava akımında şu değişiklikler meydana gelir ;
1. Hava akımı hızı sabsonik hıza düşer. Dalganın arkasındaki lokal Mach sayısı , yaklaşık olarak dalganın önündeki Mach
sayısının 1’e bölünmüş hali olur. Örneğin ; dalganın önündeki Mach sayısı 1.25 olduğunda dalganın arkasındaki akışın
Mach sayısı yaklaşık 1/1.25=0.80 olacaktır.
2. Statik basınç artar.
3. Sıcaklık artar.
4. Yoğunluk artar.
5. Hava akışının toplam basıncı ( dinamik + statik ) önemli miktarda azalır.
Normal şok dalgası yoluyla enerji kaybının minimum olması , şok dalgasının önündeki hava akışının Mach sayısı küçük
fakat süpersonik olduğunda görülür.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0175. Behind the transition point in a boundary layer ;
a) the mean speed and friction drag increases.
b) the mean speed increases and the friction drag decreases.
c) the boundary layer gets thinner and the speed increases.
d) the boundary layer gets thicker and the speed decreases.
Answer ;
a) the mean speed and friction drag increases.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 45 Principles of Flight

0176. Bernoulli’s equation can be written as ; ( pt = total pressure , ps = static pressure , q = dynamic pressure )
a) pt – q = ps
b) pt = q – ps
c) pt = ps – q
d) pt + ps = q
Answer ;
a) pt – q = ps
0177. Bernoulli’s equation can be written as ; ( pt= total pressure , ps = static pressure and q=dynamic pressure )
a) pt = ps + q
b) pt = ps / q
c) pt = ps – q
d) pt = q – ps
Answer ;
a) pt = ps + q
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0178. Bernoulli’s law states ; ( note : rho is the mean sea level density under ISA conditions , pstat is static pressure , pdyn is
dynamic pressure , ptot is total pressure )
a) pstat + ½ rhoTAS² = constant.
b) pstat + ½ rhoV² = constant.
c) ptot + ½ rhoV² = pstat.
d) pdyn + ½ rhoV² = constant.
Answer ;
b) pstat + ½ rhoV² = constant.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0179. By what approximate percentage will the stall speed increase in a horizontal coordinated turn with a bank angle of 45° ?
a) 41%
b) 52%
c) 31%
d) 19%
Answer ;
d) 19%
Çözüm ;
Bir uçağın seviyede ve 45°lik yatış açısı ile yaptığı dönüş sırasında stol süratinin yaklaşık hangi oranda artacağı
sorulmuştur.Yük faktörü formülüne bakıldığında ;

L 1
n= =
W cos β
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

Bu formüle göre dönüş sırasındaki yük faktörü ;

n = 1 : cos 45 = 1 : 0.7071 = 1.414 olarak bulunur.
İkinci işem olarak , örneğin uçağın n = 1 iken ( düz uçuşta ) stol süratini 100 kt kabul edelim , dönüş sırasında yük faktörü
n = 1.414’e çıktığındaki stol süratini hesaplamak için aşağıdaki formül kullanılabilir ;

VS = VS1g x n
VS = Stall speed ( Stol sürati )
VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )

Bu formüle göre ;
VS = 100 x √ 1.414 = 100 x 1.189 = 118.9 ≈ 119 kt olarak bulunur. Görüldüğü gibi stol sürati 19% artmıştır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 46 Principles of Flight

0180. By what percentage does the lift increase in a level turn at 45° angle of bank , compared to straight and level flight ?
a) 52%.
b) 19%.
c) 41%.
d) 31%.
Answer ;
c) 41%.
Çözüm ;
Soruda , bir uçağın seviyede ve 45°lik yatış açısı ile yaptığı dönüş sırasında Lift değerinin yaklaşık hangi oranda artacağı

L 1
n= =
W cos β
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

Yukarıdaki formül yük faktörünün hesaplanması ile ilgilidir. Görüldüğü gibi yük faktörü ; L/W veya 1/cosβ şeklinde
hesaplanabilmektedir. Buna göre kuracağımız eşitlik ; ( L : W ) = ( 1 : cosβ ) şeklinde olacaktır. Örneğin burada uçağın
ağırlığına 100000 N dersek , dönüşle beraber oluşacak yeni Lift;
( L : 100000 ) = ( 1 : cos 45 ) → L = 100000 : 0.7071 = 141422.712 N , yani yaklaşık 141.000 N olur.
Görüldüğü gibi Lift 41% artmıştır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0181. By what percentage does VA ( EAS ) alter when the aeroplane’s weight decreases by 19% ?
a) no change
b) 4.36% lower.
c) 10% lower.
d) 19% lower.
Answer ;
c) 10% lower.
Çözüm ;

0182. Compared with an oblique shock wave at the same Mach number a normal shock wave has a ;
a) smaller expansion.
b) smaller compression.
c) higher compression.
d) higher expansion.
Answer ;
c) higher compression.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0183. Compared with an oblique shock wave at the same Mach number a normal shock wave has a ;
a) higher total temperature.
b) higher total pressure.
c) higher loss in total pressure.
d) lower static temperature.
Answer ;
c) higher loss in total pressure.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 47 Principles of Flight
0184. Compared with level flight prior to the stall , the lift (1) and drag (2) in the stall change as follows ;
a) (1) increases , (2) increases.
b) (1) decreases , (2) decreases.
c) (1) decreases , (2) increases.
d) (1) increases , (2) decreases.
Answer ;
c) (1) decreases , (2) increases.
0185. Compared with level flight , the angle of attack must be increased in a steady , co-ordinated , horizontal turn ;
a) to compensate for the reduction in the vertical component of lift.
b) because stall speed increases in a turn.
c) to increase the horizontal component of lift to a value equal to the vertical component.
d) to compensate for the increase in drag.
Answer ;
a) to compensate for the reduction in the vertical component of lift.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0186. Compared with stalling airspeed ( VS ) in a given configuration , the airspeed at which stick shaker will be triggered is ;
a) 1.12 VS.
b) 1.20 VS.
c) 1.30 VS.
d) greater than VS.
Answer ;
d) greater than VS.
0187. Compared with the clean configuration , the angle of attack at CLmax with trailing edge flaps extended is ;
a) larger.
b) smaller.
c) smaller or larger depending on the degree of flap extension.
d) unchanged.
Answer ;
b) smaller.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 48 Principles of Flight

0188. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. A stabiliser trim is more suitable to cope with the large trim changes generated by the high lift devices
on most jet transport aeroplanes.
II. A trim tab runaway causes less control difficulty.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Trim, pilotun kokpit kumandaları üzerinde herhangi bir yük uygulamadığı halde irtifa ve hızın korunduğu durumdur. Uçağın
dengesini koruyabilmek için bir kontrol yüzeyinin belli bir miktar saptırılmış olması gerekiyorsa pilotun bu dengeyi korumak için o
kontrol kumandasına devamlı bir kuvvet uygulamak zorundadır. Oysa trim kontrollerinin kullanımı sayesinde bu kuvvet sıfıra
indirilebilir. Bir uçakta yunuslama trimi gerektiren durumlar ; hızda , güçte ve CG’nin konumundaki değişimlerdir. Sapma durumunda
trim ise şu durumlarda gereklidir ;
– Çok motorlu bir uçakta asimetrik güç meydana geldiğinde ,
– Pervane torku değişimlerinin sonucunda.
Yatış trimine çok fazla ihtiyaç duyulmamakla birlikte asimetrik konfigürasyonda veya CG’nin yanal olarak yer
değiştirmesinde gerekli olabilir.
Trim fletneri ( Elevator trim tab ) ;
Trim fletneri , ana kontrol yüzeyinin firar kenarında bulunan ayarlanabilir küçük bir yüzeydir. Kontrolü , kokpitteki
fletner kumandası veya elektriki olarak yapılır ve çoğunlukla içgüdüsel olarak
çalışması üzerine ayarlanmıştır. Ana kontrol yüzeyini istenen pozisyonda tutabilmek
için trim , trim momenti menteşe momentini dengeleyene kadar kontrol yüzeyinin
aksi yönüne hareket ettirilir.
Yandaki şekilde trimin ( f x D )’sinin , kontrol yüzeyi ( F x d )’sine karşılık
geldiği görülmektedir. Bu 2 moment eşit olduğunda trim gerçekleşmiş olacak ,
gerekli lövye kuvveti sıfır olacaktır. Trim fletnerinin kullanılmasıyla ana kontrol
yüzeyi tarafından üretilen kuvvet az da olsa düşer.
Bazı trimler uçuşta ayarlanamaz. Bu tip trimler , kalıcı ayarsızlık
durumlarını ortadan kaldırmak için yerde sabit bir pozisyona ayarlanırlar. Genelde
kanatçıklarda ve istikamet dümeninde bulunurlar. Ayarlanabilir trim fletneri ile aynı
usulde çalışırlar.
Trim fletnerinin başlıca dezavantajı ise CG’nin öne hareketiyle burun yukarı yunuslama hakimiyetini azaltmasıdır. Öndeki
CG konumları elevatörün daha fazla burun yukarı konumda trimlenmesini gerektirir.
Değişken açılı kuyruk takımı ( Stabiliser trim ) ;
Bu trim sistemi manuel veya güçle çalışan kumandalarda kullanılabilir. Trim yapılabilmesi için, kuyruk takımının
açısının önceden belirlenmiş dengeleyici elevatör yüküne eşit olacak kuyruk takımı yükü yaratacak şekilde ayarlanması gerekir.
Lövye kuvveti bu durumda sıfır olacaktır. Bu tür kuyruk takımının çeşitli avantajları vardır ;
– Trim yapılmış bölgede hava akışı daha düzgün olduğundan geri sürüklenme daha azdır.
– Trim yapıldığında irtifa dümeni hemen hemen nötr durumda kaldığından yunuslama kumandasının etkinlik sahası
– Daha büyük aralıktaki CG ve hız değerlerinde trim yapma imkanını sağlar.

Ayarlanabilir kuyruk takımının dezavantajı , normal trim sistemine göre daha karmaşık ve ağır olmasıdır. Gereken trim
miktarı CG’nin konumuna bağlıdır. Tavsiye edilen “yatay stabilize kalkış ayarları” uçağın uçuş manuelinde verilir. Yanlış yapılan
ayarlama, uçağın kalkış esnasında yüksek oranda yunuslama yaparak , kuyruk çarpmasına , yada aşırı lövye kuvveti ihtiyacı
doğmasına ve bu nedenle kalkış mesafesinin uzamasına neden olabileceğinden , bu ayarlamaların kalkıştan önce doğru olarak
yapılması çok önemlidir.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 49 Principles of Flight
0189. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. An elevator trim tab is more suitable to cope with the large trim changes generated by the high lift
devices on most jet transport aeroplanes.
II. A stabiliser trim runaway causes less control difficulty.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
0190. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. An elevator trim tab is more suitable to cope with the large trim changes generated by the high lift
devices on most jet transport aeroplanes.
II. A trim tab runaway causes less control difficulty.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
0191. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. The effects of a stabiliser trim runaway are more serious.
II. A jammed stabiliser trim causes less control difficulty.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
0192. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. The effects of a stabiliser trim runaway are more serious.
II. A jammed trim tab causes less control difficulty.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 50 Principles of Flight

0193. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. The effects of a trim tab runaway are more serious.
II. A jammed stabiliser trim causes less control difficulty.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0194. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. The effects of a trim tab runaway are more serious.
II. A jammed trim tab causes less control difficulty.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0195. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. When trimmed for zero elevator stick force a horizontal trimmable stabiliser causes more drag.
II. A horizontal trimmable stabiliser enables a larger CG range.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0196. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. When trimmed for zero elevator stick force a horizontal trimmable stabiliser causes more drag.
II. An elevator trim tab enables a larger CG range.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0197. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. When trimmed for zero elevator stick force an elevator trim tab causes more drag.
II. A horizontal trimmable stabiliser enables a larger CG range.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 51 Principles of Flight

0198. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which of these statements are
correct or incorrect ?
I. When trimmed for zero elevator stick force an elevator trim tab causes more drag.
II. An elevator trim tab enables a larger CG range.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0199. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which statement is correct ?
I. A stabiliser trim is less suitable for jet transport aeroplanes because of their large speed range.
II. A stabiliser trim is a more powerful means of trimming.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0200. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which statement is correct ?
I. A stabiliser trim is less suitable for jet transport aeroplanes because of their large speed range.
II. A trim tab is a more powerful means of trimming.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0201. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which statement is correct ?
I. A trim tab is less suitable for jet transport aeroplanes because of their large speed range.
II. A stabiliser trim is a more powerful means of trimming.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0202. Comparing the differences between a horizontal trimmable stabiliser and an elevator trim tab , which statement is correct ?
I. A trim tab is less suitable for jet transport aeroplanes because of their large speed range.
II. A trim tab is a more powerful means of trimming.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0188’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 52 Principles of Flight

0203. Comparing the lift coefficient and drag coefficient at normal angle of attack ;
a) CL is lower than CD.
b) CL is much lower than CD.
c) CL has approximately the same value as CD.
d) CL is much greater than CD.
Answer ;
d) CL is much greater than CD.
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0204. Compressibility effects depend on ;
a) IAS.
b) TAS.
c) EAS.
d) Mach Number.
Answer ;
d) Mach Number.
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0205. Consider an aerofoil with a certain camber and a positive angle of attack. At which location will the highest flow velocities
occur ?
a) In the stagnation point.
b) In front of the stagnation point.
c) Lower side.
d) Upper side.
Answer ;
d) Upper side.
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0206. Consider an aeroplane with ;
1. a trim tab.
2. fully powered hydraulic controls and an adjustable horizontal stabiliser.
For both cases and starting from a trimmed condition , how will the neutral position of the control column change , after
trimming for a speed increase ?
a) 1 moves forward , 2 does not change.
b) 1 moves forward , 2 moves forward.
c) 1 does not change , 2 does not change.
d) 1 does not change , 2 moves forward.
Answer ;
a) 1 moves forward , 2 does not change.
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0207. Consider subsonic incompressible airflow through a venturi ;
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
0208. Consider the following statements about VMCG ;
1. VMCG is determined with the gear down.
2. VMCG is determined with the flaps in the landing position.
3. VMCG is determined by using rudder and nosewheel steering.
4. During VMCG determination the aeroplane may not deviate from the straight-line path by more than
30 ft.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 1 , 4.
b) 1 , 2 , 3 , 4.
c) 3.
d) 2 , 3.
Answer ;
a) 1 , 4.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 53 Principles of Flight

0209. Consider the steady flow through a stream tube where the velocity of the stream is V. An increase in temperature of the flow
at a constant value of V will ;
a) increase the mass flow.
b) not affect the mass flow.
c) decrease the mass flow.
d) increase the mass flow when the tube is divergent in the direction of the flow.
Answer ;
c) decrease the mass flow.
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0210. Consider two elevator control systems ;
1 is fitted with a trim tab.
2 is fitted with fully powered hydraulic controls and an adjustable horizontal stabiliser.
For both cases and starting from a trimmed condition , how will the neutral position of the control column change , after
trimming for a speed decrease ?
a) 1 does not change , 2 moves aft.
b) 1 moves forward , 2 moves forward.
c) 1 does not change , 2 does not change.
d) 1 moves aft , 2 does not change.
Answer ;
d) 1 moves aft , 2 does not change.
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0211. Considering a positive cambered aerofoil , the pitching moment when Cl = 0 is ;
a) equal to zero.
b) negative ( pitch-down ).
c) infinite
d) positive ( pitch-up ).
Answer ;
b) negative ( pitch-down ).
0212. Considering a positively cambered aerofoil section , the pitching moment when the lift coefficient Cl = 0 is ;
a) equal to zero.
b) positive ( nose up ).
c) maximum.
d) negative ( nose down ).
Answer ;
d) negative ( nose down ).
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 54 Principles of Flight

0213. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
SÜREKLİLİK PRENSİBİ ( Equation Of Continuity )
Doğa kanunlardan bir tanesi , “Enerji ve kütle ne yeniden yaratılabilir ne de yok edilebilir , sadece hal değiştirebilir”
şeklindedir. Süreklilik prensibinin aerodinamik teorisine uygulanması ise ; tüp içerisinden geçen hava akımının incelenmesi ile izah
Eğer hava değişik çapraz kesitleri olan bir boru içinde akarsa ( Venturi tüpü ) , belli bir zamanda boru içine giren havanın
kütlesi boruyu aynı zamanda terk eden hava kütlesine eşittir. Süreklilik prensibine göre , borunun orta daralan bölgesinde hava
akımının hızı artacaktır.

Hızda azalma

Statik basınçta
Hızda artış
Statik basınçta azalma

Venturi borusu içindeki hava akışını inceleyelim. Hava akımının enerjisi iki formdadır. Biri potansiyel enerji ki o da statik
basınca eşittir. Diğeri kinetik enerjidir , o da dinamik basınca eşittir. Hava akımı içindeki toplam basınç, statik ile dinamik basınçların
toplamına eşittir. Toplam basınç enerjinin korunumu ilkesine göre sabit kalır. Tabi ki iki basınçtan birinin artması diğerinin azalması
ile sonuçlanacaktır. Statik basınç kolayca anlaşılır bir kavramdır. Dinamik basınç ( q ) mekanikte kinetik enerjiye tekabül eder , ve ;
q = ½ . ρ . V² formülü ile ifade edilir. Burada “ρ” hava yoğunluğu , “V” ise hız’dır.

Hava akımı

Dinamik basınç
Statik basınç

Toplam basınç

Şekilde görüldüğü gibi daralan bölgede ( throat ) hızın iki katına çıkması sebebiyle , dinamik basınç dört kat artmakta , statik
basınç ise düşmektedir. Buradan şu sonuç elde edilmektedir ; “Toplam basınç enerjinin korunumu ilkesine göre sabit kalır”. İki
basınçtan birinin artması diğerinin azalmasına neden olur.
Toplam basınç ( total pressure , pt ) = Statik basınç ( static pressure , ps ) + Dinamik basınç ( dynamic pressure , q )
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 55 Principles of Flight

0214. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0215. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0216. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0217. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0218. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 56 Principles of Flight

0219. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0220. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The total pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0221. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0222. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0223. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow and in the throat is the same.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 57 Principles of Flight

0224. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0225. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0226. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0227. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The dynamic pressure in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
II. The total pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0228. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 58 Principles of Flight

0229. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0230. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0231. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0232. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0233. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 59 Principles of Flight

0234. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is higher than in the undisturbed airflow
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0235. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the throat is the same as in the undisturbed airflow.
II. The speed of the airflow in the throat is lower than in the undisturbed airflow.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0236. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0237. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0238. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 60 Principles of Flight

0239. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0240. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0241. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0242. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is higher than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0243. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is lower than in the throat.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 61 Principles of Flight

0244. Considering subsonic incompressible airflow through a Venturi , which statement is correct ?
I. The static pressure in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
II. The speed in the undisturbed airflow is the same as in the throat.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0213’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0245. Constant-speed propellers provide a better performance than fixed-pitch propellers because they ;
a) produce a greater maximum thrust than a fixed-pitch propeller.
b) produce an almost maximum efficiency over a wider speed range.
c) have a higher maximum efficiency than a fixed-pitch propeller.
d) have more blade surface area than a fixed-pitch propeller.
Answer ;
b) produce an almost maximum efficiency over a wider speed range.
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0246. Control surface flutter can be eliminated by ;
a) increasing speed.
b) mass balancing of the control surface.
c) reducing structural stiffness of the control surface attachment structure.
d) aerodynamic balancing of the control surface.
Answer ;
b) mass balancing of the control surface.
Açıklama ;
DENGE KÜTLESİ ( Mass balancing )
Kütle dengesi , kumanda yüzeyinde menteşenin ön tarafına eklenen bir ağırlıktır. Birçok kontrol yüzeyinde bu denge ağırlığı
kullanılır. Bu ağırlığın amacı , yüzeyi yük sebebiyle kumanda yapısında meydana gelen bükülme ve burkulmadan kaynaklanan
titreşimden ( flutter ) korumaktır. Kumanda yüzeyinin ağırlık merkezi menteşe hattının gerisinde ise , atalet menteşe hattı çevresinde
bir salınıma sebep olur. Bu salınımlar zamanla artan çeşitten olabilir ve bu da yapısal hasarlara yol açabilir.

Menteşe hattı

Titreşim , menteşe hattının önüne yerleştirilen bir ek ağırlıkla ortadan kaldırılabilir. Bu ağırlık , yüzeyin ağırlık merkezini
menteşe hattının yakınlarında tasarımcıların istediği ileri bir noktaya kaydırır. Bu nokta az da olsa menteşenin önüne kaydırır. Bu
değişim , menteşe çevresindeki atalet momentlerini azaltarak titreşim oluşumlarına engel olur. Yukarıdaki şekil kütle dengelemesinde
yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı yöntemleri göstermektedir.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 62 Principles of Flight

0247. Critical Mach number is the free stream Mach number at which ;
a) local supersonic flow first exists on any part of the aeroplane.
b) there is supersonic flow over all parts of the aeroplane.
c) the aeroplane has zero buffet margin.
d) there is subsonic flow over all parts of the aeroplane.
Answer ;
a) local supersonic flow first exists on any part of the aeroplane.
Açıklama ;
Bir kanat profili , üst yüzeyindeki havanın hızlandırılması sayesinde kaldırma kuvveti üretir. Uçaktaki en yüksek lokal hız da
genellikle kanadın maksimum kalınlık noktasında elde edilir. Örneğin ; 100 kt’lık bir serbest akış hızında , küçük bir hücum açısında
düşük hızlı kanat kesitindeki maksimum lokal hız 120 kt olabilir. Hücum açısı arttırıldıkça lokal hız da artar. Aynı zamanda
kalınlık/korda oranının büyümesi de bu hızı arttırır.
Serbest akış hızı arttıkça hızın ses hızına ilk ulaştığı nokta profil üzerindeki hızın en yüksek seviyeye çıktığı konumdur.
Profilin bu konumunda hızın ses hızına ulaşmasını sağlayan serbest akım Mach sayısına “Kritik Mach Sayısı ( Mcrit )” adı verilir.
Kalınlık/korda oranının ve hücum açısının arttırılması kanadın üst yüzeyinde daha büyük bir hızlanma yaratacağından Kritik Mach
Sayısı düşecektir.
Kritik Mach sayısının hemen üzerindeki hızlarda , üst yüzeyde şok dalgası tarafından yok edilen küçük bir süpersonik hava
akış bölgesi oluşur ( Şekile bakınız ). Uçağın hızı arttıkça üst yüzeydeki bu süpersonik akış bölgesi de genişler ve bu bölgenin sonunu
oluşturan şok dalgası geriye doğru hareket eder. Benzer etkiler kanadın alt yüzeyinde de görülecektir ancak bu bölümde kıvrımlar
daha az olması nedeniyle hava çok hızlandırılmadığı için şok dalgaları daha yüksek hızlarda görülecektir.
Uçağın hızı M 1.0’e ulaştığında kanadın hem alt hem de üst yüzeylerinin tümünde hava akışı süpersonik hale gelir ve her iki
yüzeydeki şok dalgaları firar kenarına çekilir. M 1.0’ın hemen üzerindeki bir hıza çıkıldığında da ön tarafta “bow wave” adı verilen
“hücum kenarı şok dalgası” oluşur.

Hücum kenarı şok dalgası ilk olarak , sıkıştırılmış havanın hücum kenarında toplanmasıyla yüzeyden ayrılır. Fakat hız
arttıkça hücum kenarına doğru hareket eder ve sonunda yüzeyle birleşir. Bu durumun meydana geldiği hız hücum kenarının şekline
göre değişir. Küçük açılı sivri hücum kenarlarında şok dalgası , büyük açılara geniş hücum kenarlarına göre yüzeyle daha önce
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0248. Dangerous stall characteristics , in large transport aeroplanes that require stick pushers to be installed , include ;
a) pitch down and yaw.
b) excessive wing drop and deep stall.
c) pitch down and increase in speed.
d) distinct aerodynamic buffet.
Answer ;
b) excessive wing drop and deep stall.
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0249. Decreasing the aspect ratio of a wing ;
a) decreases induced drag.
b) increases induced drag.
c) decreases stall speed.
d) increases gust load.
Answer ;
b) increases induced drag.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 63 Principles of Flight

0250. Deflection of leading edge flaps will ;
a) decrease CLmax.
b) increase critical angle of attack.
c) decrease drag.
d) not affect critical angle of attack.
Answer ;
b) increase critical angle of attack.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
0251. Deploying a Fowler flap , the flap will ;
a) just turn down.
b) turn down , then move aft.
c) move aft , then turn down.
d) just move aft.
Answer ;
c) move aft , then turn down.
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0252. Differential aileron deflection ;
a) increases the CLmax.
b) is required to keep the total lift constant when ailerons are deflected.
c) is required to achieve the required roll-rate.
d) equals the drag of the right and left aileron.
Answer ;
d) equals the drag of the right and left aileron.
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0253. Dihedral of the wing ;
a) is only positive for aeroplanes with high mounted wings.
b) decreases the static lateral stability.
c) is the only way to increase the static lateral stability.
d) increases the static lateral stability.
Answer ;
d) increases the static lateral stability.
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0254. Dihedral of the wing is ;
a) the angle between the 0.25 chord line of the wing and the lateral axis.
b) the angle between the 0.25 chord line of the wing and the horizon.
c) the angle between the 0.25 chord line of the wing and the vertical axis.
d) the angle between the leading edge of the wing and the lateral axis.
Answer ;
a) the angle between the 0.25 chord line of the wing and the lateral axis.
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0255. Dividing lift by weight gives ;
a) wing loading.
b) lift-drag ratio.
c) aspect ratio.
d) load factor.
Answer ;
d) load factor.
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0256. Does the pitch-angle of a constant-speed propeller alter in medium horizontal turbulence ?
a) Yes , but only if the pitch is full-fine.
b) No.
c) Yes strongly.
d) Yes slightly.
Answer ;
d) Yes slightly.
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0257. Drag is in the direction of - and lift is perpendicular to the ;
a) chord line.
b) relative wind/airflow.
c) horizon.
d) longitudinal axis.
Answer ;
b) relative wind/airflow.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 64 Principles of Flight

0258. During a climb at a constant IAS , the Mach Number will ;
a) decrease initially and increase subsequently.
b) increase initially and remain constant subsequently.
c) increase.
d) remain constant.
Answer ;
c) increase.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
0259. During a climbing turn to the right the ;
a) angle of attack of the left wing is larger than the angle of attack of the right wing.
b) angle of attack of both wings is the same.
c) stall angle of attack of the left wing will be larger than the corresponding angle for the right wing.
d) angle of attack of the left wing is smaller than the angle of attack of the right wing.
Answer ;
a) angle of attack of the left wing is larger than the angle of attack of the right wing.
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0260. During a glide with idle power and constant IAS , if the RPM lever of a constant speed propeller is pulled back from its
normal cruise position , the propeller pitch will ;
a) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
b) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
d) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
d) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
Answer ;
d) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
0261. During a glide with idle power and constant IAS , if the RPM lever of a constant speed propeller is pushed full forward from
its normal cruise position , the propeller pitch will ;
a) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
b) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
c) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
d) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
Answer ;
b) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
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0262. During a normal spin recovery ;
a) the control stick is pulled to the most aft position.
b) the control stick is moved side ways , against the angle of bank.
c) the ailerons are held in the neutral position.
d) the control stick is moved side ways , in the direction of the angle of bank.
Answer ;
c) the ailerons are held in the neutral position.
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0263. During a phugoid the speed ;
a) remains approximatey constant , as during a short period oscillation.
b) remains approximately constant , whereas during a short period oscillation it varies significantly.
c) varies significantly , as during a short period oscillation.
d) varies significantly , whereas during a short period oscillation it does not.
Answer ;
d) varies significantly , whereas during a short period oscillation it does not.
0264. During a short period oscillation , the altitude ;
a) varies significantly , whereas during a phugoid it remains approximately constant.
b) remains approximately constant , whereas during a phugoid it varies significantly.
c) remains approximately constant , as it does during a phugoid.
d) varies significantly , as it does during a phugoid.
Answer ;
b) remains approximately constant , whereas during a phugoid it varies significantly.
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0265. During a steady horizontal turn , the stall speed ;
a) increases inversely with the load factor.
b) increases with the square root of the load factor.
c) increases linearly wih the load factor.
d) increases with the square of the load factor.
Answer ;
b) increases with the square root of the load factor.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 65 Principles of Flight
0266. During a straight steady climb ;
1. lift is less than weight.
2. lift is greater than weight.
3. load factor is less than 1.
4. load factor is greater than 1.
5. lift is equal to weight.
6. load factor is equal to 1.
Which of the following lists the correct statements ?
a) 1 and 6.
b) 2 and 4.
c) 5 and 6.
d) 1 and 3.
Answer ;
d) 1 and 3.
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0267. During a straight , steady climb and with the thrust force parallel to the flight path ;
a) lift is greater than weight.
b) lift is the same as during a descent at the same angle and mass.
c) drag is equal to thrust.
d) lift is equal to weight.
Answer ;
b) lift is the same as during a descent at the same angle and mass.
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0268. During a straight steady descent , lift is ;
a) greater than weight because it must additionally balance a component of drag.
b) equal to weight to maintain a constant speed.
c) less than weight , because lift only needs to balance the weight component perpendicular to the flight path.
d) less than weight , because there is less drag compared with horizontal flight.
Answer ;
c) less than weight , because lift only needs to balance the weight component perpendicular to the flight path.
0269. During a take-off roll with a strong crosswind from the left , a four-engine jet aeroplane with wing-mounted engines
experiences an engine failure. The failure of which engine will cause the greatest control problem ?
a) The right inboard engine.
b) The left inboard engine.
c) The right outboard engine.
d) The left outboard engine.
Answer ;
d) The left outboard engine.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
0270. During a take-off roll with a strong crosswind from the right , a four-engine jet aeroplane with wing-mounted engines
experiences an engine failure. The failure of which engine will cause the greatest control problem ?
a) The left outboard engine.
b) The right outboard engine.
c) The right inboard engine.
d) The left inboard engine.
Answer ;
b) The right outboard engine.
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0271. During an erect spin recovery ;
a) the control stick is moved side ways , against the angle of bank.
b) the control stick is moved side ways , in the direction of the angle of bank.
c) the control stick is pulled to the most aft position.
d) the ailerons are held in the neutral position.
Answer ;
d) the ailerons are held in the neutral position.
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0272. During initiation of a turn with speedbrakes extended , the roll spoiler function induces a spoiler deflection ;
a) on the upgoing wing only.
b) on the downgoing wing only.
c) upward on the upgoing wing and downward on the downgoing wing.
d) downward on the upgoing wing and upward on the downgoing wing.
Answer ;
d) downward on the upgoing wing and upward on the downgoing wing.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 66 Principles of Flight

0273. During landing of a low-winged jet aeroplane , the greatest elevator up deflection is normally required when the flaps are ;
a) fully down and the cg is fully forward.
b) up and the cg is fully aft.
c) fully down and the cg is fully aft.
d) up and the cg is fully forward.
Answer ;
a) fully down and the cg is fully forward.
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0274. During the extension of the flaps at a constant angle of attack the aeroplane starts to ; ( all other factors of importance being
constant )
a) climb.
b) sink suddenly.
c) bank.
d) yaw.
Answer ;
a) climb.
0275. During the retraction of the flaps at a constant angle of attack the aeroplane starts to ; ( all other factors of importance being
constant )
a) sink suddenly.
b) bank.
c) climb.
d) yaw.
Answer ;
a) sink suddenly.
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0276. During the take-off roll , when the pilot raises the tail in a tail wheeled propeller driven aeroplane , the additional aeroplane
yawing tendency is due to the effect of ;
a) gyroscopic precession.
b) asymmetric blade effect.
c) slipstream.
d) torque reaction.
Answer ;
a) gyroscopic precession.
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0277. During the take-off roll with a strong crosswind from the left , a four engine jet aeroplane with wing mounted engines
experiences an engine failure above V1. Which engine causes the greatest control problem ?
a) The left inboard engine.
b) The right outboard engine.
c) The right inboard engine.
d) The left outboard engine.
Answer ;
d) The left outboard engine.
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0278. During which of the following phases of flight is a fixed pitch propeller’s angle of attack highest ?
a) High-speed glide.
b) Climb.
c) Take-off run.
d) Low-speed glide.
Answer ;
c) Take-off run.
0279. During which of the following phases of flight is a fixed pitch propeller’s angle of attack lowest ?
a) Take-off run.
b) Climb.
c) High-speed glide.
d) Low-speed glide.
Answer ;
c) High-speed glide.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 67 Principles of Flight

0280. During which type of stall does the angle of attack have the smallest value ?
a) Shock stall.
b) Deep stall.
c) Accelerated stall.
d) Low speed stall.
Answer ;
a) Shock stall.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0281. Entering the stall the centre of pressure of a straight (1) wing and of a strongly swept back wing (2) will ;
a) (1) move aft , (2) not move.
b) (1) move aft , (2) move aft.
c) (1) not move , (2) move forward.
d) (1) move aft , (2) move forward.
Answer ;
d) (1) move aft , (2) move forward.
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0282. Examples of aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces are ;
a) servo tab , spring tab , seal between the wing trailing edge and the leading edge of control surface.
b) spring tab , servo tab , and power assisted control.
c) mass in the nose of the control surface , horn balance and mass balance.
d) balance tab , horn balance , and mass balance.
Answer ;
a) servo tab , spring tab , seal between the wing trailing edge and the leading edge of control surface.
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0283. Examples of aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces are ;
a) seal between wing’s trailing edge and leading edge of a control surface , horn balance.
b) Fowler flaps , upper and lower rudder.
c) weight in the nose of the control surface , horn balance.
d) upper and lower rudder , seal between wing’s trailing edge and leading edge of a control surface.
Answer ;
a) seal between wing’s trailing edge and leading edge of a control surface , horn balance.
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0284. Excessive static lateral stability is an undesirable characteristic for a transport aeroplane because ;
a) it would impose excessive demands on roll control during a sideslip.
b) it would result in a proportional decline in static directional stability.
c) it would result in excessive wing loading during a co-ordinated turn.
d) performing co-ordinated turns would be very difficult.
Answer ;
a) it would impose excessive demands on roll control during a sideslip.
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0285. Excluding constants , the coefficient of induced drag ( CDi ) is the ratio of ;
a) CL²and S ( wing surface ).
b) CL and b ( wing span ).
c) CL and CD.
d) CL² and AR ( aspect ratio ).
Answer ;
d) CL² and AR ( aspect ratio ).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
0286. Extension of FOWLER type trailing edge lift augmentation devices , will produce ;
a) no pitching moment.
b) a nose-down pitching moment.
c) a force which reduces drag.
d) a nose-up pitching moment.
Answer ;
b) a nose-down pitching moment.
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0287. Extension of leading edge flaps will ;
a) decrease drag.
b) not affect critical angle of attack.
c) decrease CLmax.
d) increase critical angle of attack.
Answer ;
d) increase critical angle of attack.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 68 Principles of Flight

0288. Flap extension at constant IAS whilst maintaining straight and level flight will increase the ;
a) maximum lift coefficient ( CLmax ) and the drag.
b) stall speed.
c) lift coefficient and the drag.
d) lift and the drag.
Answer ;
a) maximum lift coefficient ( CLmax ) and the drag.
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0289. Flap selection at constant IAS whilst maintaining straight and level flight will increase the ;
a) maximum lift coefficient ( CLmax ) and the drag.
b) lift coefficient and the drag.
c) lift and the drag.
d) stall speed.
Answer ;
a) maximum lift coefficient ( CLmax ) and the drag.
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0290. Flaperons are controls which combine the function of ;
a) flaps and speed brakes.
b) ailerons and flaps.
c) flaps and elevator.
d) ailerons and elevator.
Answer ;
b) ailerons and flaps.
Açıklama ;
Gerek kanatçıklar , gerekse flaplar kanadın firar kenarında bulunurlar. Kalkışta ve inişte iyi bir performans sağlayabilmek
için flaplar mümkün olduğunca açık olmalı , iyi bir yatış oranı elde edebilmek için de kanatçıklar mümkün olduğunca büyük hareket
serbestliğine sahip olmalıdır. Mevcut alan sınırlı olduğundan flap alanını arttırabilmek için uygulanabilecek bir çözüm kanatçıkları
simetrik olarak aşağı indirmektir. Bu durumda , yatış kontrolü sağlayabilmek için kanatçıklar bulunduğu konumdan aşağı ve yukarı
hareket ederler. Flaperon’lar hem flapların , hem de kanatçıkların görevini yapacak , firar kenarı hareketli yüzeyleridir.
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0291. Floating due to ground effect during an approach to land will occur ;
a) when the height is less than twice the length of the wing span above the surface
b) at a speed approaching the stall
c) when the height is less than halve of the length of the wing span above the surface
d) when a higher than normal angle of attack is used
Answer ;
c) when the height is less than halve of the length of the wing span above the surface.
Açıklama ;
İniş ve kalkışta kanadın yere yakın olması , firar kenarı vortexlerinin tam olarak gelişmesini önler ve zayıflatır. Aşağı ve
yukarı akımların azalması , kanat etkili hücum açısının ( effective angle of attack ) büyümesine sebep olur. Bu nedenle uçak “yer
etkisi”nde iken genellikle taşıma gücü artar , indükleme sürüklemesi ( Cdi ) azalır. İlave olarak , azalan aşağı akımlar ( downwash ) ,
hem CP’nin hareket etmesinden dolayı boylamasına eksendeki dengeyi , hem de kuyruk stabilizesinin etkili hücum açısının değişmesi
sebebi ile yunuslama momentini etkiler. Yer etkisinin derecesi kanadın yerden olan mesafesine bağlıdır. Cdi’de büyük azalma sadece
kanadın yere çok yakın olması durumunda gerçekleşir ( Kanat açıklığının yarısı kadar bir mesafe içinde ).
Azalan aşağı akım etkili hücum açısını arttırır. Böylece aynı taşıma katsayısını üretebilmek için daha küçük bir kanat hücum
açısı gerekir. Yer etkisine girilirken yunuslama durumu korunursa , CL artışı ve Cdi azalması nedeni ile kalkış hissi meydana gelebilir.
Cdi’deki azalma yavaşlamayı azaltacağından fazla hız kalkışın meydana geldiği mesafeyi arttırır. Güç azaltılmadığı sürece uçakta
tırmanış etkisi ( floating-balonlama ) devam edecek ve arzu edilen alçalma yolunun üzerine çıkılacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 69 Principles of Flight

0292. “Flutter” may be caused by a ;
a) distortion by bending and torsion of the structure causing increasing vibration in the resonance frequency.
b) roll control reversal.
c) high airspeed aerodynamic wing stall.
d) low airspeed aerodynamic wing stall.
Answer ;
a) distortion by bending and torsion of the structure causing increasing vibration in the resonance frequency.
Açıklama ;
FLUTTER ( Titreşim-Sarsıntı )
Dengesizliğin sonucu olarak , kanat veya kontrol yüzeylerinde meydana gelen
hızlı ve kontrol edilemez salınımlardır. Flutter normalde uçak yapısının ölümcül
hasarına sebep olur.
Yandaki şekilde dikey bir ani rüzgar tarafından hücum açısı artan bir kanadın
ucu görülmektedir. İlave taşıma kuvveti kanat ucunu , 1. pozisyondan 2. pozisyona ,
yukarı doğru eğecek ve bükülme ekseninin ön tarafında olan AC’den etki eden taşıma
kuvvetindeki artış kanat ucunu yukarı doğru bükecektir ki bu da hücum açısını daha da
artıracaktır. Kanat ucu hızlı bir şekilde 3 ve 4ncü pozisyona doğru ilerleyecektir. Kanat
bir yay gibi bükülecek ve çok fazla deformasyon olursa yapısal hasar meydana
gelebilecektir. Yapının bükülme miktarı ; yapının esnekliği , AC ( Aerodynamic
Centre ) ve bükülme ekseni arasındaki mesafe ve dinamik basınca ( IAS ) bağlıdır.
Hasar oluşumunun yüksek hızlara geciktirilmesi için yapı kuvvetli yapılabilir
fakat bu ağırlığı artıracaktır. Daha iyi çözüm bükülme ekseninin AC ye
yakınlaştırılmasıdır. Uçağın ön tarafına ağırlık koymak sureti ile bu işlem kolaylıkla
yapılabilir. Kontrol yüzeylerinde kullanılan denge ağılıkları gibi büyük kurşun parçaları
yerine , motorlar hücum kenarı uç tarafına monte edilirler , böylece flexural eksen AC’a
daha yakınlaştırılmış olur. Motorları yatakları kanadın altına hücum
kenarının ön tarafına takmak suretiyle belli bir dayanıklılık için sarsıntının
daha yüksek hızlarda oluşumu sağlanabilir. Yandaki şekilde görülen
motorlar , kanat için denge ağırlığı görevi yapacak ve bükülme eksenini
öne, AC ye yakın konuma hareket ettirecektir.
Flutter’ın oluşmasında Aerodinamik kuvvetler ( aerodynamic
forces ) , Atalet kuvvetleri ( inertia forces ) ve Yüzeyin elastik özellikleri
( stiffness of the structure ) rol oynar.
Ağırlık ve dayanıklılığın bir yapıya dağılımı doğal frekansları ve
titreşim tarzlarını belirler. Eğer gövde doğal frekanslara yakın bir frekansta
bir kuvvete maruz kalır ise rezonans durumu ve bunun sonucu olan kararsız
salınımlar oluşabilir. Bu durum da yapıyı hızla hasara doğru götürür.
Uçak , bir çok aerodinamik etkiye maruz kalır ( ani rüzgarlar , kontrol
kuvvetleri vs. ) ve değişik hızlardaki aerodinamik kuvvetler , kuvvet ve momentteki
değişim hızları açısından karakteristik özelliklere sahiptirler. Aerodinamik
kuvvetler yapı ile etkileşirler ve yapının doğal modlarını uyarır ve sarsıntıların
oluşmasına sebep olur. Normal uçuş şartlarında sarsıntı olmamalıdır ve doğal
modlar azaltılmalı veya VD / MD den sonra olacak şekilde dizayn edilmelidir. Tipik
bir sarsıntı tarzı yandaki şekilde gösterilmiştir. Sorun , yüksek hız uçuş
problemlerinden biri olduğundan , genel olarak doğal frekansların yüksek olması ve
sarsıntı hızının normal çalışma hızlarının üzerinde olması arzu edilir. Dayanıklılık
veya ağırlık dağılımındaki herhangi bir değişiklik , modları ve frekansları
değiştirecektir ve böylece sarsıntı hızının değişmesine neden olacaktır. Eğer uçak
düzgün olarak muhafaza edilmezse ve aşırı oynama ve esneklik olur ise , sarsıntı
uçuş hızında , normal kullanım limit hızının ( VMO / MM ) altında meydana gelebilir.
Kontrol yüzey sarsıntısı , eğik veya bükük kanadın , kuyruk takımının
veya dikey stabilizenin salınımı ile oluşur. Kontrol yüzeyi salınımı , kontrol
sistemindeki serbest oynama ( boşluk ) veya ani rüzgar sonucunda meydana gelir.
Eğer kontrol yüzeyinin CG’si , menteşe hattının arkasında ise sarsıntı meydana
gelir ve kontrol yüzeyinin ataleti menteşe çevresinde momente neden olur.
Kanatçık burulma sarsıntısı genel olarak aynıdır , kanatçığın esneme
sonucu aşağı yukarı hareket eden kanadın hareketinin gerisinden gelmesi sonucu
oluşur , böylece salınımı artırmış olur. Bu tip sarsıntılar da kantçığa balans ağırlığı koyarak önlenebilir. Denge ağırlığının konumu
önemlidir, kanat ucuna yakın konumlar için daha az ağırlık gerekir. Bir çok uçakta , ağırlık, hücum kenarı sparı şeklinde kanatçığın
tüm uzunluğuna yayılmıştır. Böylece kanatçığın dayanıklılığı artırılır ve kanatçığın kendisinde tek noktadaki ağırlıktan meydana
gelebilecek burulma titreşimleri de önlenecektir. Denge ağırlıkları ( mass balancing ) , ataletlerini ve yay hareketi yapmasını önlemek
için , yatay stabilize ve istikamet dümenine de konabilir. Fletnerlere bile denge ağırlığı konabilir. Sarsıntıların en büyük tehlikesi her
döngünün kendisinden bir önceki döngüden daha büyük bir şiddete sahip olması ve dolayısıyla çok kısa bir zamanda uçağın
elastikiyet sınırlarını aşabilmesidir. Sarsıntı olduğu anlaşıldığında , teorik olarak hızın azaltılması yapısal hasarın önüne geçmenin
yegane yoludur.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 70 Principles of Flight
0293. “Flutter” may be caused by a ;
a) high airspeed aerodynamic wing stall.
b) combination of fuselage bending and wing torsion.
c) combination roll control reversal and low speed stall.
d) combination of bending and torsion of the structure.
Answer ;
d) combination of bending and torsion of the structure.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0292’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0294. Flutter of control surfaces is ;
a) a divergent oscillatory motion of a control surface caused by the interaction of aerodynamic forces , inertia
forces and the stiffness of the structure.
b) aileron reversal.
c) the accelerated stall of a wing.
d) divergent oscillatory motion of a control surface caused by the interaction of aerodynamic , inertia and
friction forces.
Answer ;
a) a divergent oscillatory motion of a control surface caused by the interaction of aerodynamic forces , inertia
forces and the stiffness of the structure.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0292’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0295. Flutter sensitivity of an aeroplane wing is reduced by ;
a) empty tanks near the wing tip.
b) a low torsion stiffness in relation to the bending stiffness.
c) a high speed ( IAS ).
d) locating the engine ahead of the torsional axis of the wing.
Answer ;
d) locating the engine ahead of the torsional axis of the wing.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0292’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0296. Following a disturbance , an aeroplane oscillates about the lateral axis at a constant amplitude. The aeroplane is ;
a) statically unstable - dynamically neutral.
b) statically stable - dynamically unstable.
c) statically stable - dynamically neutral.
d) statically unstable - dynamically stable.
Answer ;
c) statically stable - dynamically neutral.
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0297. For a fixed-pitch cruise propeller , the blade angle of attack ;
a) can become negative during high-speed idle descent.
b) decreases when the aircraft speed decreases ( with constant engine RPM ).
c) is always positive during idle descent.
d) is lower in ground run than in flight ( with constant engine RPM ).
Answer ;
a) can become negative during high-speed idle descent.
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0298. For a fixed-pitch propeller designed for cruise , the angle of attack of each blade , measured at the reference section ;
a) decreases when the aircraft speed decreases ( with identical engine RPM ).
b) is lower in ground run than in flight ( with identical engine RPM ).
c) is always positive during idling descent.
d) is optimum when the aircraft is in a stabilized cruising flight.
Answer ;
d) is optimum when the aircraft is in a stabilized cruising flight.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
0299. For a fixed-pitch propeller in flight at a given TAS , the blade angle of attack will ;
a) decrease if RPM decreases.
b) increase if RPM decreases.
c) remain constant if RPM increases.
d) remain constant if RPM decreases.
Answer ;
a) decrease if RPM decreases.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 71 Principles of Flight

0300. For a fixed-pitch propeller in flight at a given TAS , the blade angle of attack will ;
a) remain constant if RPM increases.
b) increase if RPM increases.
c) decrease if RPM increases.
d) remain constant if RPM decreases.
Answer ;
b) increase if RPM increases.
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0301. For a given aeroplane which two main variables determine the value of V MCG ?
a) Air density and runway length.
b) Airport elevation and temperature.
c) Engine thrust and rudder deflection.
d) Engine thrust and gear position.
Answer ;
b) Airport elevation and temperature.
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0302. For a given elevator deflection , aeroplane longitudinal manoeuvrability decreases when ;
a) flaps are retracted at constant IAS.
b) the CG moves forward.
c) IAS increases
d) the CG moves aft.
Answer ;
b) the CG moves forward.
0303. For a given elevator deflection , aeroplane longitudinal manoeuvrability increases when ;
a) the CG moves aft.
b) flaps are retracted at constant IAS.
c) IAS decreases.
d) the CG moves forward.
Answer ;
a) the CG moves aft.
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0304. For a given RPM of a fixed pitch propeller , the blade angle of attack will ;
a) remain constant when the TAS decreases.
b) remain constant when the TAS increases.
c) decrease when the TAS increases.
d) increase when the TAS increases.
Answer ;
c) decrease when the TAS increases.
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0305. For a given RPM of a fixed pitch propeller , the blade angle of attack will ;
a) remain constant when the TAS increases.
b) decrease when the TAS decreases.
c) increase when the TAS decreases.
d) remain constant when the TAS decreases.
Answer ;
c) increase when the TAS decreases.
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0306. For a normal stable aeroplane , the centre of gravity is located ;
a) aft of the neutral point of the aeroplane.
b) at the neutral point of the aeroplane.
c) between the aft limit and the neutral point of the aeroplane.
d) with a sufficient minimum margin ahead of the neutral point of the aeroplane.
Answer ;
d) with a sufficient minimum margin ahead of the neutral point of the aeroplane.
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0307. For a statically stable aeroplane , the relationship between the neutral point and centre of gravity ( CG ) is such that the
neutral point is located ;
a) anywhere , provided it is between the CG’s forward and aft limits.
b) aft of the CG.
c) at the CG.
d) ahead of the CG.
Answer ;
b) aft of the CG.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 72 Principles of Flight

0308. For a subsonic flow the continuity equation states that if the cross-sectional area of a tube decreases , the speed of the flow ;
a) does not change.
b) increases.
c) decreases.
d) first decreases then increases.
Answer ;
b) increases.
Açıklama ;
Eğer hava değişik çapraz kesitleri olan bir boru içinde akarsa ( Venturi tüpü ) , belli bir zamanda boru içine giren havanın
kütlesi boruyu aynı zamanda terk eden hava kütlesine eşittir. Süreklilik prensibine göre , borunun orta daralan bölgesinde hava
akımının hızı artacaktır. Tersi durumda da eğer hava daha dar kesitli bir alandan , daha geniş kesitli olana aktığında bu sefer hızda
azalma olacaktır.

Hızda azalma

Statik basınçta
Hızda artış
Statik basınçta azalma

0309. For a subsonic flow the continuity equation states that if the cross-sectional area of a tube increases , the speed of the flow ;
a) first increases then decreases.
b) increases.
c) does not change.
d) decreases.
Answer ;
d) decreases.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0308’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0310. For an aeroplane equipped with a two-position variable pitch propeller it is advisable to select a ;
a) fine pitch for take-off and climb.
b) fine pitch for cruise and coarse pitch for landing.
c) fine pitch for cruise.
d) coarse pitch for take-off and climb.
Answer ;
a) fine pitch for take-off and climb.
Açıklama ;
İki hatveli pervaneler ( variable pitch propeller ) , ince ( fine ) ve kalın ( coarse ) olarak uçuşta seçilebilen hatve özelliğine
sahip pervanelerdir. İnce hatve , kalkış , tırmanış ve süzülüş için seçilebilir , kalın hatve ise normal seyir için seçilebilir. Bu tip
pervaneler genellikle kılıçlama ( feathering ) pozisyonuna da sahiptir.

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 73 Principles of Flight

0311. For an aeroplane to possess dynamic stability , it needs ;
a) static stability and sufficient damping.
b) sufficient damping only.
c) a large CG range.
d) static stability only.
Answer ;
a) static stability and sufficient damping.
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0312. For an aeroplane with one fixed value of VA the following applies. VA is ;
a) the maximum speed in smooth air
b) the speed at which the aeroplane stalls at the manoeuvring limit load factor at MTOW.
c) the speed at which unrestricted application of elevator control can be used , without exceeding the maximum
manoeuvring limit load factor
d) just another symbol for the rough air speed
Answer ;
b) the speed at which the aeroplane stalls at the manoeuvring limit load factor at MTOW.
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0313. For any propeller ;
a) thrust is the component of the total aerodynamic force on the propeller in the plane of rotation.
b) the force contributing to propeller torque perpendicular to the propeller plane of rotation.
c) thrust is the component of the total aerodynamic force on the propeller parallel to the rotational axis.
d) the total aerodynamic force on a blade element may be resolved into two components , torque and lift.
Answer ;
c) thrust is the component of the total aerodynamic force on the propeller parallel to the rotational axis.
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0314. For most jet transport aeroplanes , slat extension has ;
a) a minor effect on stall speed whereas flap extension has a significant effect.
b) the same significant effect on stall speed as flap extension.
c) the same minor effect on stall speed as flap extension.
d) a greater effect on stall speed than flap extension.
Answer ;
d) a greater effect on stall speed than flap extension.
0315. For most jet transport aeroplanes , the maximum operating limit speed , VMO ;
a) is lower than VNE.
b) is replaced by MMO at higher altitudes.
c) is equal to VD.
d) is expressed as a true air speed.
Answer ;
b) is replaced by MMO at higher altitudes.
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0316. For shallow climb angles the following formula can be used ; ( gamma = climb angle )
a) sin gamma = T/W - CL/CD.
b) sin gamma = T/W - CD/CL.
c) sin gamma = W/T - CL/CD.
d) sin gamma = W/T - CD/CL.
Answer ;
b) sin gamma = T/W - CD/CL.
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0317. For shallow flight path angles in straight and steady flight , the following formula can be used ;
a) sin gamma = T/W - CL/CD.
b) sin gamma = W/T - CD/CL.
c) sin gamma = W/T - CL/CD.
d) sin gamma = T/W - CD/CL.
Answer ;
d) sin gamma = T/W - CD/CL.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0318. From a polar curve of the entire aeroplane one can read ;
a) the minimum drag and the maximum lift.
b) the maximum CL/CD ratio and maximum lift coefficient.
c) the minimum CL/CD ratio and the minimum drag.
d) the minimum drag coefficient and the maximum lift.
Answer ;
b) the maximum CL/CD ratio and maximum lift coefficient.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 74 Principles of Flight

0319. From a polar diagram of the entire aeroplane in the clean configuration one can read ;
a) the minimum drag coefficient and the maximum lift.
b) the maximum CL/CD ratio and maximum lift coefficient.
c) the minimum drag and the maximum lift.
d) the minimum CL/CD ratio and the minimum drag.
Answer ;
b) the maximum CL/CD ratio and maximum lift coefficient.
0320. From an initial condition of level flight the flaps are extended at a constant pitch attitude. The aeroplane will subsequently ;
a) start to climb.
b) start to sink.
c) maintain level flight.
d) start to bank.
Answer ;
a) start to climb.
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0321. From an initial condition of level flight the flaps are retracted at a constant pitch attitude. The aeroplane will subsequently ;
a) start to sink.
b) start to climb.
c) start to bank.
d) maintain level flight.
Answer ;
a) start to sink.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
0322. From the buffet onset graph of a given jet transport aeroplane it is determined that at FL 310 at a given mass buffet free flight
is possible between M = 0.74 and M = 0.88. In what way would these numbers change if the aeroplane is suddenly pulled up e.g. in a
traffic avoidance manoeuvre ?
a) Both Mach numbers increase.
b) The lower Mach number increases and the higher Mach number decreases.
c) Both Mach numbers decrease.
d) The lower Mach number decreases and the higher Mach number increases.
Answer ;
b) The lower Mach number increases and the higher Mach number decreases.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
0323. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 10
Thrust per engine : 20 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a four-engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 6.0 %
b) 4.3 %
c) 8.5 %
d) 7.7 %
Answer ;
a) 6.0 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 10 = 50 000 N
Thrust = 20 000 x 4 = 80 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 80 000 – 50 000 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 30 000 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.06 x 100 = 6 → 6.0 %
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 75 Principles of Flight

0324. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 20 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a four-engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 7.7 %
b) 4.3 %
c) 6.0 %
d) 8.5 %
Answer ;
a) 7.7 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 20 000 x 4 = 80 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 80 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 38 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0766 x 100 = 7.66 ≈ 7.7 → 7.7 %
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
0325. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 21 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a four-engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 7.7 %
b) 4.3 %
c) 8.5 %
d) 6.0 %
Answer ;
c) 8.5 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 21 000 x 4 = 84 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 84 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 42 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0846 x 100 = 8.46 ≈ 8.5 → 8.5 %
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 76 Principles of Flight

0326. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 21 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a four-engine aeroplane , the one engine inoperative climb gradient is ;
a) 6.0 %
b) 7.7 %
c) 8.5 %
d) 4.3 %
Answer ;
d) 4.3 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 21 000 x 3 = 63 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 63 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 21 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0426 x 100 = 4.26 ≈ 4.3 → 4.3 %
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0327. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 28 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a four-engine aeroplane , the one engine inoperative climb gradient is ;
a) 8.0 %
b) 2.9 %
c) 9.7 %
d) 8.5 %
Answer ;
d) 8.5 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 28 000 x 3 = 84 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 84 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 42 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0846 x 100 = 4.26 ≈ 8.46 → 8.5 %
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 77 Principles of Flight

0328. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 10
Thrust per engine : 30 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a three-engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 2.9 %
b) 9.7 %
c) 8.5 %
d) 8.0 %
Answer ;
d) 8.0 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 10 = 50 000 N
Thrust = 30 000 x 3 = 90 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 90 000 – 50 000 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 40 000 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.08 x 100 = 8 → 8.0 %
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0329. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio: 12
Thrust per engine : 28 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s².
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a three-engine aeroplane , the all-engines climb gradient is ;
a) 9.7 %
b) 2.9 %
c) 8.5 %
d) 8.0 %
Answer ;
c) 8.5 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 28 000 x 3 = 84 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 84 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 42 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0846 x 100 = 8.46 ≈ 8.5 → 8.5 %
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 78 Principles of Flight

0330. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 30 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a three-engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 9.7 %
b) 8.0 %
c) 2.9 %
d) 8.5 %
Answer ;
a) 9.7 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 30 000 x 3 = 90 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 90 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 48 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0966 x 100 = 9.66 ≈ 9.7 → 9.7 %
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0331. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 28 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a three-engine aeroplane , the one engine inoperative climb gradient is ;
a) 2.9 %
b) 8.0 %
c) 8.5 %
d) 9.7 %
Answer ;
a) 2.9 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 28 000 x 2 = 56 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 56 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 14 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0286 x 100 = 2.86 ≈ 2.9 → 2.9 %
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 79 Principles of Flight

0332. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 10
Thrust per engine : 60 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a twin engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 11.7 %
b) 14 %
c) 3.7 %
d) 15.7 %
Answer ;
b) 14 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 10 = 50 000 N
Thrust = 60 000 x 2 = 120 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 120 000 – 50 000 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 70 000 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.14 x 100 = 14 → 14 %
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0333. Given:
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio: 12
Thrust per engine : 50 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady, wings level climb of a twin engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 14 %
b) 11.7 %
c) 15.7 %
d) 3.7 %
Answer ;
b) 11.7 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 50 000 x 2 = 100 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 100 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 58 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.1166 x 100 = 11.66 ≈ 11.7 → 11.7 %
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 80 Principles of Flight

0334. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 60 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a twin engine aeroplane , the all engines climb gradient is ;
a) 15.7 %
b) 3.7 %
c) 11.7 %
d) 14 %
Answer ;
a) 15.7 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 60 000 x 2 = 120 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 120 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 78 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.1566 x 100 = 15.66 ≈ 15.7 → 15.7 %
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0335. Given ;
Aeroplane mass : 50 000 kg
Lift/Drag ratio : 12
Thrust per engine : 60 000 N
Assumed g : 10 m/s²
For a straight , steady , wings level climb of a twin engine aeroplane , the one engine inoperative climb gradient is ;
a) 15.7 %
b) 3.7 %
c) 11.7 %
d) 14 %
Answer ;
b) 3.7 %
Çözüm ;

T ( Thrust ) – D ( Drag )
Climb Gradient = x 100
W ( Weight )

Weight = 50 000 kg x 10 m/s² = 500 000 N

Drag = 500 000 : 12 = 41 666.6 N
Thrust = 60 000 x 1 = 60 000 N
Climb gradient = [ ( Thrust – Drag ) : Weight ] x 100
= [ ( 60 000 – 41 666.6 ) : 500 000 ] x 100
= ( 18 333.3 : 500 000 ) x 100
= 0.0366 x 100 = 3.66 ≈ 3.7 → 3.7 %
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0336. Given ;
p = pressure.
rho = density.
T = absolute temperature.
The relationship between pressure , density and absolute temperature of a given mass of air can be expressed as follows ;
a) rho / ( T * p ) = constant.
b) p * rho / T = constant.
c) p / ( rho * T ) = constant.
d) p * T / rho = constant.
Answer ;
c) p / ( rho * T ) = constant.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 81 Principles of Flight

0337. Given ;
theta = pitch angle.
gamma = flight path angle.
alpha = angle of attack.
no wind , bank or sideslip.
The relationship between these three parameters is ;
a) theta = gamma - alpha.
b) gamma = alpha - theta
c) theta = gamma + alpha.
d) alpha = gamma - theta.
Answer ;
c) theta = gamma + alpha.
0338. Given an aeroplane in steady , straight and level flight at low speed and considering the effects of CG location and thrust ,
the highest value of wing lift occurs at ;
a) forward CG and take-off thrust.
b) forward CG and idle thrust.
c) aft CG and take-off thrust.
d) aft CG and idle thrust.
Answer ;
b) forward CG and idle thrust.
0339. Given an aeroplane in steady , straight and level flight at low speed and considering the effects of CG location and thrust ,
the lowest value of wing lift occurs at ;
a) forward CG and take-off thrust.
b) aft CG and idle thrust.
c) forward CG and idle thrust.
d) aft CG and take-off thrust.
Answer ;
d) aft CG and take-off thrust.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0340. Given an aeroplane with a propeller turning clockwise as seen from behind , the torque effect during the take off run will
tend to ;
a) pitch the aeroplane nose up.
b) roll the aeroplane to the right.
c) pitch the aeroplane nose down.
d) roll the aeroplane to the left.
Answer ;
d) roll the aeroplane to the left.
Açıklama ;
TORK REAKSİYONU ( Torque effect )
Pervane tork’u uçağın boylamsal eksenine göre dönme
momenti üreten , pervanenin dönmesine eşit ve zıt reaksiyondur.
Pervane torku , pallere , pervanenin dönme sathına zıt
istikamette , bükülme momenti de verir.
Örneğin saat istikametinde dönen bir pervane ele
alınırsa , pervane saat istikametinde döndüğü için , boylamsal
eksene göre , eşit ve zıt yöndeki reaksiyon ( tork ) uçağa saat
istikametin tersi yönünde yatış momenti verir. Kalkış esnasında
bu durum sol tekere daha fazla yük bindirir. Yandaki şekilde
görüleceği gibi , sol tekerlekte sola yatıştan dolayı daha fazla
yuvarlanma direnci oluşur ve uçak sol tarafa doğru sapma
yapmak ister. Uçuş esnasında da tork reaksiyonu uçağı sol tarafa
yatış yapmaya zorlar. Tork reaksiyonu yüksek güç ,
düşük hız ( IAS ) durumlarında en yüksek seviyededir.
Düşük IAS , tork nedeni ile oluşan dönme momentini
kontrol edecek kontrol yüzeylerinin karşı koyma
gücünü azaltır.
Tork reaksiyonu , zıt dönüşlü pervaneler
kullanılarak giderilebilir. Aynı şaft üzerinde zıt yönde
dönen iki pervanenin ürettiği tork birbirini elimine eder.
Pervaneleri aynı yönde dönen küçük çift motorlu
uçaklar bir motor arızalanana kadar tork reaksiyonu vermezler. Arıza durumunda ise sola dönüş eğilimi olur. Küçük çift motorlu
uçakların zıt istikamette dönen pervaneleri motor arızası durumunda oluşacak tork reaksiyonunu azaltır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 82 Principles of Flight

0341. Given an initial condition in straight and level flight with a speed of 1.4 V S. The maximum bank angle attainable without
stalling in a steady co-ordinated turn , whilst maintaining speed and altitude , is approximately ;
a) 30°.
b) 44°.
c) 32°.
d) 60°.
Answer ;
d) 60°.
Çözüm ;
Uçak 1.4 VS süratinde düz uçuş yapmaktadır. Soruda , uçağın aynı süratte ve seviyesini muhafaza ederek dönüş yaparken
stol olmadan uygulayabileceği maksimum yatış açışı ( bank angle ) sorulmuştur.

Working backwards Load Factor = Stalling Speed 2, therefore L.F. = 1.42 = 1.96
L.F= 1/cos(bank angle) therefore cos (bank angle)= 1/1.96 =0.510
therefore bank angle = 59.3 degrees.
it says "approximately" so 60 degrees is the answer.

L 1
n= = VS = VS1g x n
W cos β
VS = Stall speed ( Stol sürati )
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü ) VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N ) n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

0342. Given that ;
pstat = static pressure.
rho = density.
pdyn = dynamic pressure.
ptot = total pressure.
Bernoulli’s equation reads as follows ;
a) pstat + ½rho * TAS2 = constant.
b) pstat + ½rho * TAS2 = pdyn.
c) ptot = ½rho * IAS2 + pstat.
d) pdyn + pstat = ½rho * TAS2
Answer ;
a) pstat + ½rho * TAS2 = constant.
0343. Given the following aeroplane configurations ;
1 Clean wing.
2 Slats only extended.
3 Flaps only extended.
Place these configurations in order of stall angle of attack ;
a) 2 , 1 , 3.
b) 2 , 3 , 1.
c) 1 , 3 , 2.
d) 3 , 1 , 2.
Answer ;
d) 3 , 1 , 2.
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0344. Given the following characteristic points on a jet engine aeroplane’s polar curve ;
2. long range cruise ( zero wind ).
3. maximum lift to drag ratio.
4. minimum rate of descent ( assume zero thrust ).
5. maximum range cruise ( zero wind ).
Arrange these points in order of increasing angle of attack ;
a) 4 , 5 , 2 , 3 , 1.
b) 2 , 5 , 3 , 4 , 1.
c) 3 , 2 , 5 , 1 , 4.
d) 1 , 2 , 4 , 3 , 5.
Answer ;
b) 2 , 5 , 3 , 4 , 1.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 83 Principles of Flight
0345. Given two identical aeroplanes with wing mounted engines , one fitted with jet engines and the other with counter rotating
propellers , what happens following an engine failure ?
a) The same yaw tendency for both aeroplanes regardless of left or right engine failure.
b) More roll tendency for the propeller aeroplane.
c) Less roll tendency for the propeller aeroplane.
d) The same roll tendency for both aeroplanes.
Answer ;
b) More roll tendency for the propeller aeroplane.
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0346. Ground effect has the following influence on the landing distance ;
a) increases.
b) increases , only if the landing flaps are fully extended.
c) does not change.
d) decreases.
Answer ;
a) increases.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
0347. Gyroscopic precession of a propeller is induced by ;
a) pitching and yawing.
b) increasing RPM and yawing.
c) pitching and rolling.
d) increasing RPM and rolling.
Answer ;
a) pitching and yawing.
Açıklama ;
JİROSKOPİK ETKİ ( Gyroscopic precession )
Dönen bir pervane jiroskopik özellikler gösterir. Jiroskopik etki üreten karakteristik presisyondur. Jiroskopik presisyon
dönen bir diskin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edildiği zaman elde edilen reaksiyondur. Bir pervanenin kenarına kuvvet tatbik
edildiğinde , dönüş istikametine 90º açıda bir reaksiyon gösterir. Aynı şekilde , bir uçağa aşağı veya yukarı yunuslama veya sağa veya
sola sapma hareketi yaptırıldığında , dönen pervane diskinin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edilmiş olur.
Jiroskopik etki , uçakların sadece yunuslama ( pitching ) ve/veya sapma ( yawing ) hareketinde meydana gelir. Örneğin ; saat
yönünde dönen pervaneli bir uçağa , burun yukarı yunuslama hareketi yaptırılırsa , ileri bir kuvvetin pervane diskinin alt kısmına
tatbik edildiği etki ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu kuvvet dönüş istikametine dik açıda bir kuvvet oluşturacak yani sağa sapma hareketi
olacaktır. Jiroskopik etki , pervane diski üzerine uygulanan kuvvetin uygulanma noktası ve yönü dikkate alındığında kolayca
anlaşılabilir. En fazla jiroskopik etki , düşük sürat ve yüksek RPM durumunda gerçekleşir.
Pitch aşağı → İleri kuvvet tepede , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , sola sapma.
Sola sapma → İleri kuvvet sağda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , yukarı yunuslama.
Sağa sapma → İleri kuvvet solda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , aşağı yunuslama.
Zıt dönüşlü pervaneler varsa bunların yarattığı jiroskopik etkiler birbirini iptal edecektir.
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0348. High aspect ratio , as compared with low aspect ratio , has the effect of ;
a) decreasing induced drag and critical angle of attack
b) increasing lift and drag
c) increasing lift and critical angle of attack
d) increasing induced drag and decreasing critical angle of attack
Answer ;
a) decreasing induced drag and critical angle of attack
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0349. High speed buffet is induced by ;
a) boundary layer separation due to shock wave formation.
b) expansion waves on the wing upper surface.
c) a shift of the centre of gravity.
d) boundary layer control.
Answer ;
a) boundary layer separation due to shock wave formation.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 84 Principles of Flight

0350. ( For this question use annex 081-6253A )

Annex 081-6253A
How are the speeds ( shown in the figure ) at point 1 and point 2 related to the relative wind/airflow V ?
a) V1 = 0 and V2 > V
b) V1 < V2 and V2 < V
c) V1 = 0 and V2 = V
d) V1 > V2 and V2 < V
Answer ;
a) V1 = 0 and V2 > V
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 85 Principles of Flight

0351. How can a pilot recognise static stick force stability in an aeroplane during flight ?
a) When speed decreases the push-force increases.
b) The elevator stick force remains constant with speed changes.
c) To maintain a speed above the trim speed requires a push force.
d) To maintain a speed above the trim speed requires a pull force.
Answer ;
c) To maintain a speed above the trim speed requires a push force.
Açıklama ;

Taşıma kuvvet katsayısının her değeri , uçağı düz uçuşta tutmak için ihtiyaç duyulan belli bir dinamik basınç değerine denk
geldiğinden , trim uçuş hızı , elevatör sapması ile yukarıda yer alan deki grafikte olduğu gibi ilişkilendirilebilir.
Eğer CG pozisyonu nötr noktanın ilerisinde ve kontrol pozisyonu direkt olarak yüzey sapmasına bağlı ise hava aracı “lövye
konum kararlılığı” ( stick position stability ) belirtileri gösterecektir. Diğer bir deyişle hava aracında , hücum açısını arttırmak ve daha
düşük bir trim hızı elde etmek için lövyenin geri hareketi , hücum açısını azaltmak ve daha yüksek bir trim hızı elde etmek için
lövyenin ileri hareketi gerekmektedir.
Bir hava aracının bu özelliği göstermesi yüksek oranda arzu edilir bir niteliktir. Eğer uçak lövyesi dengesiz ise lövye , hava
aracını yüksek hızda trim için arkaya , düşük hızda trim için ileri hareket ettirilir.
Fletner ayarına bağlı olarak uygulanması gereken kontrol kuvveti dinamik basınçla yada eşdeğer hava hızının karesiyle
orantılı olarak değişir. Aşağıdaki şekil uçak hızına göre lövye kuvvetinin değişmesini ve fletner ayarının lövye kuvveti üzerindeki
etkisini göstermektedir.

“1” noktasında uçağı trimlemek için elevatörün belirli bir miktarda yukarı hareketi gerekir ve fletner kullanımı ile sıfır lövye
kuvveti sağlanır. Hava aracını daha yüksek hızlara denk gelen , “2” ve “3” noktalarında trimlemek için , daha az burun yukarı fletner
ayarı gerekir.
Uçağa trim ayarı uygun olarak yapıldığında , uçak hızını artırmak için lövyeye itme kuvveti ve uçak hızını azaltmak için de
lövyeye çekme kuvveti uygulamak gerekir. Bu şekilde , uçak, kararlı uçuş hız hissi ile pozitif lövye kuvveti kararlılığına sahip olur.
Eğer hava aracına yüksek düzeyde burun aşağı fletner ayarı yapılmış ise uçak hızındaki artış ile çekme kuvveti artacaktır. Bu da ,
hissin hava aracının statik kararlılığının doğru bir göstergesi olmadığını gösterir.
0352. How can a pilot recognise static stick force stability in an aeroplane during flight ?
a) To maintain a speed below the trim speed requires a push force.
b) When speed increases the pull force increases.
c) To maintain a speed below the trim speed requires a pull force.
d) The elevator stick force remains constant with speed changes.
Answer ;
c) To maintain a speed below the trim speed requires a pull force.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0351’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 86 Principles of Flight
0353. How can the designer of an aeroplane with straight wings increase the static lateral stability ?
a) By increasing anhedral.
b) By increasing the aspect ratio of the vertical stabiliser , whilst maintaining a constant area.
c) By applying wing twist.
d) By fitting a ventral fin ( a fin at the under side of the aeroplane ).
Answer ;
b) By increasing the aspect ratio of the vertical stabiliser , whilst maintaining a constant area.
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0354. How can wing flutter be prevented ?
a) By installing the fuel tanks in the fuselage.
b) By locating mass in front of the torsion axis of the wing.
c) By increasing the aspect ratio of the wing.
d) By mounting the engines on the fuselage.
Answer ;
b) By locating mass in front of the torsion axis of the wing.
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0355. How does positive camber of an aerofoil affect static longitudinal stability ? It has ;
a) positive effect , because the centre of pressure shifts rearward at increasing angle of attack.
b) negative effect , because the lift vector rotates forward at increasing angle of attack.
c) positive effect , because the lift vector rotates backward at increasing angle of attack.
d) no effect , because camber of the aerofoil produces a constant pitch down moment coefficient , independent
of angle of attack.
Answer ;
d) no effect , because camber of the aerofoil produces a constant pitch down moment coefficient , independent
of angle of attack.
0356. How does stall speed ( IAS ) vary with altitude ?
a) It remains constant.
b) It remains constant at lower altitudes but increases at higher altitudes due to compressibility effects.
c) It remains constant at lower altitudes but decreases at higher altitudes due to compressibility effects.
d) It increases with increasing altitude , because the density decreases.
Answer ;
b) It remains constant at lower altitudes but increases at higher altitudes due to compressibility effects.
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0357. How does the Mach number change during a climb at constant IAS from sea level to 40.000 ft ?
a) Initially remains constant until approximately 25.000 ft and then decreases with increasing altitude.
b) Decreases with increasing altitude.
c) Initially remains constant until approximately 25.000 ft and then increases with increasing altitude.
d) Increases with increasing altitude.
Answer ;
d) Increases with increasing altitude.
0358. How does the total drag change , in straight and level flight at constant mass , as speed is increased from the stall speed ( VS )
to maximum IAS ( VNE or VMO ) ?
a) Initially increases , then decreases.
b) Initially decreases , then increases.
c) Decreases.
d) Increases.
Answer ;
b) Initially decreases , then increases.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0359. How does the total drag vary as speed is increased from stalling speed ( VS ) to maximum IAS ( VNE ) in a straight and level
flight at constant weight ?
a) Decreasing , then increasing.
b) Increasing.
c) Increasing , then decreasing.
d) Decreasing.
Answer ;
a) Decreasing , then increasing.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 87 Principles of Flight

0360. How does VA ( EAS ) alter when the aeroplane’s mass decreases by 19% ?
a) 19% lower.
b) 4.36% lower.
c) 10% lower.
d) no change.
Answer ;
c) 10% lower.
Çözüm ;
20% increase in mass has to be balanced by a 20% increase in Vsquared, which is a 10% increase in V - roughly
Quick fix is that for percentages below 20% the change in speed is half the percentage change in weight - roughlyA 20% increase in
mass has to be balanced by a 20% increase in Vsquared, which is a 10% increase in V - roughly
Quick fix is that for percentages below 20% the change in speed is half the percentage change in weight - roughly
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0361. How does VA ( EAS ) alter when the aeroplane’s mass decreases by 19% ?
a) 19% reduction.
b) 4.36% reduction.
c) 10% reduction.
d) No change.
Answer ;
c) 10% reduction.
Çözüm ;
Once you set Cn at 2.5 for working out Va the answer for Va is Vs1g times sq root 2.5.
If you reduce aircraft mass you get a new lower Vs1g and therefore a new lower Va.
Because the lift equation has Vsq in it the reduction in Vs1g is proportional to sq root of the change in mass
It is a quirk of the mathematics that, for small changes, inside 20%, the sq root of the proportional change is approximately half
the original figure, so a 20% reduction in mass gives a 10% reduction in Va.
The answer gives figures of 19/10 which is probably the correct answer, not just the approximation.
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0362. How does VMCG change with increasing field elevation and temperature ?
a) increases , because at a lower density a larger IAS is necessary to generate the required rudder force
b) decreases , because the engine thrust decreases.
c) decreases , because VMCG is expressed in IAS which decreases with constant TAS and decreasing density
d) increases , because VMCG is related to V1 and VR and those speeds increase if the density decreases
Answer ;
b) decreases , because the engine thrust decreases.
Açıklama ;
VMCG ( Minimum Control speed on the Ground )
VMCG , yerde kontrolün sağlanması için minimum hız olup , kalkış esnasında kritik motor aniden durduğu zaman , normal
pilotaj yetenekleri kullanılarak ve istikamet dümeni kontrol kuvveti 150 pound’un üzerine çıkarmayacak şekilde , sadece temel
aerodinamik kontrollerin ( burun teker dümeni kullanmaksızın ) kullanımı ile kalkışın emniyetli bir şekilde gerçekleşebileceği ve
uçağın kontrolünün muhafaza edilebileceği en düşük kalibre edilmiş hava hızıdır. V MCG’nin hesaplanmasında , uçağın tüm motorlar
çalışır halde hızlanması esnasındaki uçuş yönünün pistin tam ortasından geçtiği varsayılarak , tek motorun durduğu andaki uçuş yolu
ile bu yola paralel , kontrolün tekrar sağlandıktan sonraki uçuş yolu arasındaki mesafe 30 ft’den fazla olmaması gerekliliği de göz
önüne alınmalıdır. VMCA’da olduğu gibi VMCG’de hesaplanırken aşağıdakiler sağlanıyor olmalıdır ;
a. Maksimum kalkış gücü veya motorlardaki itki kapasitesi ,
b. Uçak , kalkış için trimlenmiş olmalı ,
c. En elverişsiz CG konumu ,
d. Maksimum deniz seviyesi kalkış ağırlığı olmalıdır.
VMCG’yi etkileyen faktörler
İrtifa ve Sıcaklık ;
VMCG , çalışan motorun ürettiği itki miktarından etkilenir. İrtifa ve/veya sıcaklık yükseldikçe , süperşarj özelliği olmayan bir
motordaki itki düşecektir. Bunun için , irtifa ve/veya sıcaklıktaki artış ile birlikte VMCG’de düşer.
Burun-Teker Dümeni ;
Burun-teker dümeni , taksi yapmak , düşük süratte geniş ve keskin dönüşler yapmak ve pistten çıkış ve park amacıyla dönüş
yapmak için dizayn edilmiştir. Islak , buzlu veya kaygan pistlerde kalkış yaparken , burun tekeri , 70 ila 90 knot’lar arasında su yastığı
gibi hareket etmeye başlar ( lastik basıncına ve suyun veya sulu karın derinliğine bağlı olarak ) ve çok küçük bir yönlendirme etkisine
sahiptir. Uçak bir kere hareket etmeye başladıktan sonra , burun tekeri yanlara dönme ve kayma haricinde bir hareket yapmaz.
VMCG , genellikle uçuş testlerinde kuru pistlerde belirlenir. VMCG burun teker dümeni kullanılarak hesaplansaydı , kritik motor
aniden durduktan sonra yerde istikamet kontrolünü tekrar sağlamak için gerekli minimum hız , yanıltıcı bir şekilde olması gerekenden
daha düşük çıkardı. Bu süratte , kaygan bir pistte , burun teker dümeni kullanılsa bile bu , bir motorun durmasını takiben istikamet
kontrolünü muhafaza etmede gerekli yardımı vermeyecek ve uçak pistten çıkacaktır. Kurallar , normal kullanımlar esnasında
maksimum emniyet faktörlerini vermek için , limitlerin en kötü durumlara göre belirlenmesini zorunlu kılar.
İstikamet Dümeni Kolu ;
Uçak yerde iken , CG’nin gerisinde olan ana iniş takımı etrafında döner. Dolayısıyla istikamet dümeni kolu , uçak yerde iken
daha kısadır. Bunun sonucu olarak birçok uçakta V MCG , VMCA’dan daha büyük olacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 88 Principles of Flight
0363. How is adverse yaw compensated for during entry into and roll out from a turn ?
a) Servo tabs
b) Differential aileron deflection
c) Anti-balanced rudder control
d) Horn-balanced controls
Answer ;
b) Differential aileron deflection
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0364. How is stall warning presented to the pilots of a large transport aeroplane ?
a) Stick pusher.
b) Stick shaker and/or aerodynamic buffet.
c) Stall warning light only.
d) Aural warning only.
Answer ;
b) Stick shaker and/or aerodynamic buffet.
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0365. How will the density and static temperature change in a supersonic flow from a position in front of a shock wave to
behind it ?
a) Density will increase , static temperature will decrease.
b) Density will decrease , static temperature will increase.
c) Density will increase , static temperature will increase.
d) Density will decrease , static temperature will decrease.
Answer ;
c) Density will increase , static temperature will increase.
Açıklama ;

Normal bir şok dalgası akış hatlarına dik olduğunda bu hatlar , yön değişikliği olmaksızın şok dalgalarının içinden geçerler.
Şok dalgalarının içinden geçen bir süpersonik hava akımında şu değişiklikler meydana gelir ;
1. Hava akımı hızı sabsonik hıza düşer. Dalganın arkasındaki lokal Mach sayısı , yaklaşık olarak dalganın önündeki Mach
sayısının 1’e bölünmüş hali olur. Örneğin ; dalganın önündeki Mach sayısı 1.25 olduğunda dalganın arkasındaki akışın
Mach sayısı yaklaşık 1/1.25=0.80 olacaktır.
2. Statik basınç artar.
3. Sıcaklık artar.
4. Yoğunluk artar.
5. Hava akışının toplam basıncı ( dinamik + statik ) önemli miktarda azalır.
Normal şok dalgası yoluyla enerji kaybının minimum olması , şok dalgasının önündeki hava akışının Mach sayısı küçük
fakat süpersonik olduğunda görülür.
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0366. If a symmetrical aerofoil is accelerated from subsonic to supersonic speed , the aerodynamic centre will move ;
a) aft to the trailing edge.
b) forward to the mid of the chord.
c) aft to the mid of the chord.
d) forward to the leading edge.
Answer ;
c) aft to the mid of the chord.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 89 Principles of Flight

0367. If an aeroplane carries out a descent at 160 kt IAS and 1000 ft/min vertical speed ;
a) lift is less than drag.
b) weight is greater than lift.
c) lift is equal to weight.
d) drag is less than the combined forces that move the aeroplane forward.
Answer ;
b) weight is greater than lift.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
0368. If an aeroplane exhibits insufficient stick force per g , this problem can be resolved by installing ;
a) a bobweight in the control system which pulls the stick forwards.
b) a spring which pushes the stick forwards.
c) a spring which pulls the stick backwards.
d) a bobweight in the control system which pulls the stick backwards.
Answer ;
a) a bobweight in the control system which pulls the stick forwards.
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0369. If an aeroplane flies in the ground effect ;
a) drag and lift are reduced.
b) the effective angle of attack is decreased.
c) the lift is increased and the drag is decreased.
d) the induced angle of attack is increased.
Answer ;
c) the lift is increased and the drag is decreased.
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0370. If an aeroplane is accelerated from subsonic to supersonic speeds , the centre of pressure will move ;
a) to the mid chord position.
b) forward.
c) to a position near the leading edge.
d) to a position near the trailing edge.
Answer ;
a) to the mid chord position.
0371. If an aeroplane performs a steady co-ordinated horizontal turn at a TAS of 200 kt and a turn radius of 2000 m , the load
factor (n) will be approximately ;
a) 1.8
b) 1.1
c) 2.0
d) 1.4
Answer ;
b) 1.1
Çözüm ;
Sürati ( TAS ) 200 kt olan uçağın dönüş yarıçapı 2000 metredir. Soruda bu sıradaki yaklaşık yük faktörü sorulmuştur.
Dönüş yarıçapının hesaplanması için kullanılan formüle bakıldığında ;

V2 L 1
r= n= =
g . tan β W cos β
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m )
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü )
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

Formüldeki bileşenlerin yerini ; tan β = V2 : ( r x g ) şeklinde değiştirebiliriz. Ancak burada öncelikle kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden
olan sürat m/s cinsine çevrilmelidir. Buna göre ;
200 kt = 200 x 1.852 = 370.4 km/h → 370.4 x 1000 = 370400 m/h → 370400 : 3600 = 102.88 ≈ 103 m/s
Değerleri formüle yerleştirdiğimizde ( burada yerçekimi ivmesini 10 m/s2 olarak alıyoruz ) ;
tan β = ( 103 )2 : ( 2000 x 10 ) = 10609 : 20000 = 0.53045 , hangi açının tanjantının 0.53045 ettiğini bulmak için hesap
makinesinde “Inverse tan” yapıldığında bu açı 27.943 ≈ 28 , yani uçağın yatış açısı 28° olarak bulunacaktır.
Şimdi de yük faktörü formülüne bakıldığında ;
Bu formüle göre dönüş sırasındaki yük faktörü ;
n = 1 : cos 28 = 1 : 0.88294 = 1.132 ≈ 1.1 olarak bulunur.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 90 Principles of Flight

0372. If flaps are deployed at constant IAS in straight and level flight , the magnitude of tip vortices will eventually ; ( flap span
less than wing span )
a) decrease.
b) increase or decrease , depending on the initial angle of attack.
c) increase.
d) remain the same.
Answer ;
a) decrease.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0373. If IAS remains constant , the effect of decreasing aeroplane mass is that Mcrit ;
a) increases.
b) remains unchanged.
c) decreases , assuming the temperature remains constant.
d) decreases as altitude increases and increases as altitude decreases.
Answer ;
a) increases.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
0374. If in a two-dimensional incompressible and subsonic flow , the streamlines converge the static pressure in the flow will ;
a) not change.
b) increase.
c) decrease.
d) increase initially , then decrease.
Answer ;
c) decrease.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0375. If S is the frontal area of the propeller disc , propeller solidity is the ratio of ;
a) the total frontal area of all blades to S.
b) the mean chord of one blade to S.
c) S to the frontal area of one blade.
d) the frontal area of one blade to S.
Answer ;
a) the total frontal area of all blades to S.
Açıklama ;
PAL ALAN ORANI ( Propeller solidity )
Takat emişini artırmak için pervanenin bir çok karakteristiği ayarlanabilir. En yaygın
metot , pervanenin pal alan oranını artırmaktır. Pal alan oranı, pallerin ön yüzey alanları
toplamının pervane diskinin alanına oranıdır.
Her palin kordo hattının arttırılması pal alan oranını arttırır. Ancak pal açıklık oranı
azalır ve bu verimin düşmesine sebep olur.
Pal sayısını arttırmak pal uç hızını arttırmadan ve açıklık oranını düşürmeden takat
emilmesini artırır. Ancak pal sayısının artması belli bir sayıdan sonra ( 5 yada 6 ) verimi
Havanın geriye itilmesi ile itki üretilir. Diskin pal alan oranının yüksek tutulması ,
pervane tarafından çekilerek hızlandırılacak hava kütlesini azaltır. Pal sayısını verimli bir
şekilde arttırmak için , aynı şaft üzerinde , zıt yönde dönen iki pervane kullanılır. Bunlar “Ters
dönen ( counter-rotating ) pervane” olarak adlandırılır.
0376. If the airspeed is doubled , whilst maintaining the same control surface deflection the aerodynamic force on this control
surface will ;
a) double.
b) become four times smaller.
c) increase by the square root of the airspeed.
d) become four times greater.
Answer ;
d) become four times greater.
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0377. If the airspeed reduces in level flight below the speed for maximum L/D , the total drag of an aeroplane will ;
a) increase because of increased induced drag.
b) increase because of increased parasite drag.
c) reduce because of reduced induced drag.
d) reduce because of reduced friction drag.
Answer ;
a) increase because of increased induced drag.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 91 Principles of Flight

0378. If the altitude is increased and the TAS remains constant in the troposphere under standard atmospheric conditions , the
Mach number will ;
a) increase or decrease , depending on the type of aeroplane.
b) not change.
c) increase.
d) decrease.
Answer ;
c) increase.
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0379. If the aspect ratio of a wing increases whilst all other relevant factors remain constant , the critical angle of attack will ;
a) decrease.
b) remain constant only for a wing consisting of symmetrical aerofoils.
c) remain constant.
d) increase.
Answer ;
a) decrease.
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0380. If the continuity equation is applicable , what will happen to the air density ( rho ) if the cross sectional area of a tube
changes ? ( low speed , subsonic and incompressible flow )
a) rho1 < rho2
b) rho1 = rho2
c) rho1 > rho2
d) The density depends on the change of the tube area.
Answer ;
b) rho1 = rho2
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0381. If the elevator trim tab is deflected up , the cockpit trim indicator presents ;
a) neutral.
b) nose-down.
c) nose-up.
d) nose-left.
Answer ;
b) nose-down.
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0382. If the lift generated by a given wing is 1000 kN , what will be the lift if the wing area is doubled ?
a) 4000 kN.
b) 2000 kN.
c) 1000 kN.
d) 500 kN.
Answer ;
b) 2000 kN.
Çözüm ;
Lift’in formülüne baktığımızda ;

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

Görüldüğü gibi kanat alanı ( S ) çarpanlardan biridir. Kaldırma kuvveti kanat alanı ile doğru orantılıdır. Değerinin iki katına
çıkması durumuna doğal olarak kaldırma kuvveti de iki katına çıkacaktır ; 1000 kN x 2 = 2000 kN.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 92 Principles of Flight

0383. If the Mach number is 0.8 and the TAS is 400 kt , what is the speed of sound ?
a) 480 kt.
b) 600 kt.
c) 320 kt.
d) 500 kt.
Answer ;
d) 500 kt.
Çözüm ;

M = Mach Number
V = True Air Speed ( TAS )
a = Local Speed of Sound ( LSS )

Bu formüle göre ; M = 0.8 ve TAS = 400 kt olduğuna göre ;

0.8 = 400 : a → a = 400 : 08 = 500 kt olarak bulunur.
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0384. If the Mach number is 0.8 and the TAS is 480 kt , what is the speed of sound ?
a) 600 kt.
b) 560 kt.
c) 384 kt.
d) 750 kt.
Answer ;
a) 600 kt.
Çözüm ;

M = Mach Number
V = True Air Speed ( TAS )
a = Local Speed of Sound ( LSS )

Bu formüle göre ; M = 0.8 ve TAS = 480 kt olduğuna göre ;

0.8 = 480 : a → a = 480 : 08 = 600 kt olarak bulunur.
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0385. If the Mach number of an aeroplane in supersonic flight is increased , the Mach cone angle will ;
a) decrease and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again.
b) increase.
c) decrease.
d) stay constant.
Answer ;
c) decrease.
Açıklama ;
3 boyutlu olarak düşünüldüğünde hareketli bir
kaynaktan basınç dalgaların yayılımı dairesel değil
küreseldir. Eğer kaynağın hızı ( V ) , lokal ses hızından
Mach konisi ( a ) büyükse , bu küreler μ açısına sahip Mach konisi
tarafından çevrilir. Soldaki şekilde artan Mach
sayısıyla , μ açısının azalmaya başladığı görülebilir.
Mach açısı Mach sayısıyla ters orantılıdır. Süpersonik
hızlarda Mach konisi , uçak tarafından oluşturulan
basınç bozulmalarının etki ettiği sınırı temsil eder.
Koninin ilerisindeki hiçbir şey bu bozulmalardan
etkilenmez. Bu koninin içinde kalan alana “etkilenme
sahası” adı verilir. Uçağın dalga üretimi de benzer bir
patern izler. Ancak en öndeki şok yatık şok olacak ve
şok dalgalarının ilk yayılım hızı serbest akış ses
hızından daha büyük olduğundan dalga açısı Mach
açısından büyüktür.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 93 Principles of Flight
0386. If the nose of an aeroplane yaws left , this causes ;
a) a roll to the right.
b) a decrease in relative airspeed on the right wing.
c) a roll to the left.
d) an increase in lift on the left wing.
Answer ;
c) a roll to the left.
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0387. If the propeller pitch of a windmilling propeller is decreased during a glide at constant IAS the propeller drag in the direction
of flight will ;
a) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
b) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
c) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
d) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
Answer ;
d) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
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0388. If the propeller pitch of a windmilling propeller is increased during a glide at constant IAS the propeller drag in the direction
of flight will ;
a) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
b) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
c) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
d) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
Answer ;
a) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
0389. If the RPM lever of a constant speed propeller is moved forward during a glide with idle power and whilst maintaining
constant airspeed , the propeller pitch will ;
a) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
b) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
c) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
d) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
Answer ;
c) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
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0390. If the stall speed of an aeroplane is 60 kt , at what speed will the aeroplane stall if the load factor is 2 ?
a) 120 kt.
b) 85 kt.
c) 66 kt.
d) 72 kt.
Answer ;
b) 85 kt.
Çözüm ;
Soruda , stol sürati 60 kt olan uçağın , yük faktörü 2’ye çıktığındaki stol süratinin ne olacağı sorulmuştur. Bunu bulmak için
kullanılacak formül şu şekildedir ;

VS = VS1g x n
VS = Stall speed ( Stol sürati )
VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )

Bu formüle göre ;
VS = 60 x √ 2 = 60 x 1.41421 = 84.8526 ≈ 85 kt.
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0391. If the sum of all the moments in flight is not zero , the aeroplane will rotate about the ;
a) aerodynamic centre of the wing.
b) centre of pressure of the wing.
c) neutral point of the aeroplane.
d) centre of gravity.
Answer ;
d) centre of gravity.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 94 Principles of Flight

0392. If the static lateral stability of an aeroplane is increased , whilst its static directional stability remains constant ;
a) the nose-down pitching moment in a turn increases.
b) turning flight becomes more difficult.
c) its spiral stability decreases.
d) its sensitivity to Dutch roll increases.
Answer ;
d) its sensitivity to Dutch roll increases.
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0393. If the total sum of moments about one of its axes is not zero , an aeroplane would ;
a) not be affected because the situation is normal.
b) experience an angular acceleration about that axis.
c) be difficult to control.
d) fly a path with a constant curvature.
Answer ;
b) experience an angular acceleration about that axis.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
0394. If the wing area is increased , lift will ;
a) increase with the square of the wing area.
b) remain constant.
c) not change because the lift coefficient is constant.
d) increase because it is directly proportional to wing area.
Answer ;
d) increase because it is directly proportional to wing area.
Çözüm ;
Lift’in formülüne baktığımızda ;

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

Görüldüğü gibi kanat alanı ( S ) çarpanlardan biridir. Kaldırma kuvveti kanat alanı ile doğru orantılıdır. Kanat alanının
genişlemesi durumunda doğal olarak kaldırma kuvveti de aynı oranda artacaktır.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------
0395. If you decrease the propeller pitch during a glide with idle-power at constant IAS the lift to drag ratio will ;
a) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
b) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
c) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
d) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
Answer ;
a) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
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0396. If you increase the propeller pitch during a glide with idle-power at constant IAS the lift to drag ratio will ;
a) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
b) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
c) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
d) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
Answer ;
a) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
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0397. If you pull back the RPM lever of a constant speed propeller during a glide with idle power and constant speed , the propeller
pitch will ;
a) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
b) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
c) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
d) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
Answer ;
c) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 95 Principles of Flight

0398. If you push forward the RPM lever of a constant speed propeller during a glide with idle power and constant speed , the
propeller pitch will ;
a) increase and the rate of descent will increase.
b) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
c) increase and the rate of descent will decrease.
d) decrease and the rate of descent will decrease.
Answer ;
b) decrease and the rate of descent will increase.
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0399. Ignoring downwash effects on the tailplane , extension of Fowler flaps , will produce ;
a) no pitching moment.
b) a nose-down pitching moment.
c) a nose-up pitching moment.
d) a force which reduces drag.
Answer ;
b) a nose-down pitching moment.
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0400. In a convergent tube with an incompressible sub-sonic airflow , the following pressure changes will occur ;
Ps = static pressure.
Pdyn = dynamic pressure.
Ptot = total pressure.
a) Ps decreases , Pdyn increases , static temperature increases.
b) Ps decreases , Ptot increases , static temperature decreases.
c) Ps increases , Pdyn decreases , Ptot remains constant.
d) Ps decreases , Pdyn increases , Ptot remains constant.
Answer ;
d) Ps decreases , Pdyn increases , Ptot remains constant.
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0401. In a co-ordinated horizontal turn , the magnitude of the centripetal force at 45 degrees of bank ;
a) is equal to the lift of the aeroplane.
b) is equal to the weight of the aeroplane.
c) is greater than the lift of the aeroplane.
d) has a vertical component.
Answer ;
b) is equal to the weight of the aeroplane.
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0402. In a skidding turn ( the nose pointing inwards ) , compared with a co-ordinated turn , the bank angle (i) and the “ball” or slip
indicator (ii) are respectively ;
a) (i) too large , (ii) displaced towards the high wing.
b) (i) too small , (ii) displaced towards the low wing.
c) (i) too large , (ii) displaced towards the low wing.
d) (i) too small , (ii) displaced towards the high wing.
Answer ;
d) (i) too small , (ii) displaced towards the high wing.
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0403. In a slipping turn ( nose pointing outwards ) , compared to a co-ordinated turn , the bank angle (i) and the “ball” or slip
indicator (ii) are respectively ;
a) (i) too large , (ii) displaced towards the high wing.
b) (i) too large , (ii) displaced towards the low wing.
c) (i) too small , (ii) displaced towards the low wing.
d) (i) too small , (ii) displaced towards the high wing.
Answer ;
b) (i) too large , (ii) displaced towards the low wing.
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0404. In a stationary subsonic streamline flow pattern , if the streamlines converge , in this part of the pattern , the static pressure
(I) will .......... and the velocity (II) will ............ ;
a) (I) increase , (II) decrease.
b) (I) decrease , (II) increase.
c) (I) decrease , (II) decrease.
d) (I) increase , (II) increase.
Answer ;
b) (I) decrease , (II) increase.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 96 Principles of Flight

0405. In a steady co-ordinated horizontal turn , lift is ;
a) greater than in straight and level flight , because it must generate the centrifugal force.
b) greater than in straight and level flight , because it must balance the weight and generate the centripetal force.
c) greater than in straight and level flight because it must balance the centripetal force.
d) equal to the aeplane weight.
Answer ;
b) greater than in straight and level flight , because it must balance the weight and generate the centripetal force.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
0406. In a steady , horizontal , co-ordinated turn ;
a) thrust equals drag , because drag is the same as in straight and level flight.
b) thrust is greater than drag , because the centrifugal force reduces the aeroplane speed.
c) thrust equals drag , because there is equilibrium of forces along the direction of flight.
d) thrust is greater than drag , because the excess thrust also supplies the centripetal force.
Answer ;
c) thrust equals drag , because there is equilibrium of forces along the direction of flight.
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0407. In a steady level , co-ordinated turn , the load factor n and the stalling speed VS will be ;
a) n greater than 1 , VS lower than in straight and level flight.
b) n greater than 1 , VS higher than in straight and level flight.
c) n smaller than 1 , VS lower than in straight and level flight.
d) n smaller than 1 , VS higher than in straight and level flight.
Answer ;
b) n greater than 1 , VS higher than in straight and level flight.
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0408. In a steady straight climb at climb angle “gamma” , the lift of an aeroplane with weight W is approximately ;
a) W * cos ( gamma )
b) W * ( 1-sin ( gamma ) )
c) W * ( 1-tan ( gamma ) )
d) W / cos ( gamma )
Answer ;
a) W * cos ( gamma )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0409. In a straight , steady climb the thrust must be ;
a) greater than the drag because it must also balance a component of weight.
b) greater than drag because more lift has to be produced.
c) lower than the drag because it is assisted by a component of weight.
d) equal to the drag.
Answer ;
a) greater than the drag because it must also balance a component of weight.
0410. In a straight steady descent , which of the following statements is correct ?
a) Lift is less than weight , load factor is less than 1.
b) Lift is equal to weight , load factor is equal to 1.
c) Lift is equal to weight , load factor is less than 1.
d) Lift is less than weight , load factor is equal to 1.
Answer ;
a) Lift is less than weight , load factor is less than 1.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
0411. In a twin engine jet aeroplane ( engines mounted below the low wings ) the thrust is suddenly increased. Which elevator
deflection will be required to maintain the pitching moment zero ?
a) Up.
b) Down.
c) No elevator movement will required because the thrust line of the engines remains unchanged.
d) It depends on the position of the centre of gravity.
Answer ;
b) Down.
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0412. In case of supersonic flow retarded by a normal shock wave a high efficiency ( low loss in total pressure ) can be obtained if
the Mach number in front of the shock is ;
a) lower than 1.
b) exactly 1.
c) small but still supersonic.
d) high ( supersonic ).
Answer ;
c) small but still supersonic.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 97 Principles of Flight
0413. In case the Mach trimmer fails ;
a) try to relocate the centre-of-gravity aft.
b) the speed must be kept constant.
c) the Mach number must be limited.
d) the aeroplane weight must be limited.
Answer ;
c) the Mach number must be limited.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
0414. In comparison to a conventional aerofoil section , typical shape characteristics of a supercritical aerofoil section are ;
a) a larger nose radius , flatter upper surface and negative as well as positive camber.
b) a larger nose radius , flatter lower surface and negative as well as positive camber.
c) a sharper pointed nose , negative camber and a flatter upper surface.
d) a sharper pointed nose , flatter lower surface and positive camber at the rear of the aerofoil section.
Answer ;
a) a larger nose radius , flatter upper surface and negative as well as positive camber.
Açıklama ;
Transonik hız bölgesindeki uçuşlarda etkinliği arttırmak için kullanılan gelişmiş dizaynlardan biri de süper kritik kanat

Yukarıdaki şekilde gösterilen bu profilin normal bir kesite göre farklılıkları şunlardır ;
a. Keskin olmayan burun ,
b. Kalınlık ,
c. S şeklinde bombe hattı ,
d. Daha düz üst yüzey ,
e. Kalın firar kenarı.
Normal kesitle karşılaştırıldığında daha düz olan üst yüzeydeki hava akışı aynı hız artışını sağlamadığından şok dalgaları
daha geç bir MFS’de ( Free Stream Mach number- Serbest hava Mach sayısı ) oluşur ve ayrıca daha küçük ve zayıftırlar. Şok
dalgalarının zayıf olması nedeniyle kesitin arka kısmında keskin bir basınç artışı olmaz ve böylece kanatta daha denk bir yüklemeye
sebep olur. Süperkritik kanat profilinin avantajları ;
– Şok dalgası oluşumunun gecikmesi ve oluşan dalgaların zayıflığı belirli bir seyir Mach sayısı için daha az ok açısı
gerektirir. Böylece geriye ok açısı ile ilgili problemlerin bazıları azalmış olur.
– Artan kalınlık , belirli bir yapısal ağırlıkta mukavemeti arttırır. Bu aynı zamanda , indükleme sürüklemesini azaltan daha
yüksek bir görünüş oranına ( AR-Aspect Ratio ) izin verir.
– Artan kesit derinliği yakıt için daha fazla yer sağlar.
Bu tip kanadın kullanımı , performansı aşağıdaki 2 yoldan biriyle artırır ;
Faydalı yükün artması ; Mevcut seyir hızlarında yakıt tüketimi azaltılır ve sürüklemeyi fazla artırmadan faydalı yükün
artması sağlanabilir.
Seyir hızının artması ; Mevcut faydalı yükte sürüklemeyi fazla artırmadan seyir Mach sayısı artırılabilir.
Süperkritik kanat profilinin dezavantajları ise ;
– Profilin ön kısmı seyir Mach sayılarında en uygun performansı verebilen negatif bombeye sahiptir. Ancak bu bombe ,
düşük hız uçuşları için olması gerekenin altındadır. Azalan CLMAX nedeniyle hücum kenarında Krueger flapları ,
değişebilir bombe flapları , slat ve slot gibi kompleks yüksek taşıma araçları kullanmak gerekebilir.
– Profilin firar kenarındaki büyük pozitif bombe kaldırma dağılımının arkada daha çok olmasını sağlar ancak bu durum
burun aşağı yunuslama momenti yaratır. Bu moment kuyruk takımı ile dengelenmelidir ve bu da trimden dolayı geri
sürükleme yaratır.
– Şoktan dolayı oluşan titreşimler şiddetli salınımlara neden olabilir.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 98 Principles of Flight

0415. In general , control forces are reduced by ;
a) a horn balance , servo tab and spring tab.
b) mass balancing , a trim tab and spring tab.
c) a balance tab , forward shift of the CG and a servo tab.
d) a servo tab , spring tab and mass balancing.
Answer ;
a) a horn balance , servo tab and spring tab.
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0416. In general , directional controllability with one engine inoperative on a multi-engine aeroplane is adversely affected by: ;
1. high temperature.
2. low temperature.
3. aft CG location.
4. forward CG location.
5. high altitude.
6. low altitude
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 1 , 4 , 5.
b) 2 , 3 , 6.
c) 1 , 4 , 6.
d) 2 , 3 , 5.
Answer ;
b) 2 , 3 , 6.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
0417. In general , directional controllability with one engine inoperative on a multi-engine aeroplane is favourably affected by ;
1. high temperature.
2. low temperature.
3. aft CG location.
4. forward CG location.
5. high altitude.
6. low altitude.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 2 , 4 , 6.
b) 2 , 3 , 5.
c) 1 , 4 , 6.
d) 1 , 4 , 5.
Answer ;
d) 1 , 4 , 5.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0418. In general transport aeroplanes with power assisted flight controls are fitted with an adjustable stabilizer instead of trim tabs
on the elevator. This is because ;
a) trim tab deflection increases Mcrit
b) mechanical adjustment of trim tabs creates too many problems
c) the pilot does not feel the stick forces at all
d) effectiveness of trim tabs is insufficient for those aeroplanes
Answer ;
d) effectiveness of trim tabs is insufficient for those aeroplanes
0419. In order to fly a rate one turn at a higher airspeed , the bank angle must be ;
a) decreased and the turn radius will decrease.
b) increased and the turn radius will increase.
c) decreased and the turn radius will increase
d) increased and the turn radius will decrease.
Answer ;
b) increased and the turn radius will increase.
0420. In order to maintain constant speed during a level , co-ordinated turn , compared with straight and level flight , the pilot
must ;
a) increase thrust/power and angle of attack.
b) increase thrust/power and decrease angle of attack.
c) increase thrust/power and keep angle of attack unchanged.
d) increase angle of attack and keep thrust/power unchanged.
Answer ;
a) increase thrust/power and angle of attack.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 99 Principles of Flight

0421. In order to maintain straight and level flight at a constant airspeed , whilst the flaps are being retracted , the angle of attack
must be ;
a) increased or decreased depending upon the type of flap
b) held constant
c) increased
d) decreased
Answer ;
c) increased
0422. In order to perform a steady level turn at constant speed in an aeroplane , the pilot must ;
a) increase thrust/power and angle of attack.
b) increase thrust/power and decrease angle of attack.
c) increase angle of attack and keep thrust/power unchanged.
d) increase thrust/power and keep angle of attack unchanged.
Answer ;
a) increase thrust/power and angle of attack.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
0423. In order to provide an adequate “buffet boundary” at the commencement of the cruise a speed of 1.3 VS is used. At a mass of
120.000 kg this is a CAS of 180 knots. If the mass of the aeroplane is increased to 135.000 kg the value of 1.3 VS will be ;
a) increased to 202 knots but , since the same angle of attack is used , drag and range will remain the same.
b) increased to 191 knots , drag will increase and air distance per kg of fuel will decrease.
c) increased to 191 knots , drag will decrease and air distance per kg of fuel will increase.
d) unaffected as VS always occurs at the same angle of attack.
Answer ;
b) increased to 191 knots , drag will increase and air distance per kg of fuel will decrease.
Çözüm ;

The stall speed increases as the square root of the weight change, not just in proportion. Thus a doubling of weight increases
the stall speed not by a factor of 2 but by 1.414. In this case the difference is 135 ÷ 120 = 1.125 and the stall speed increases by the
square root of that, 1.061.
Question NOT USED in UK exams
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0424. In straight and level flight , as speed is increased ;
a) the elevator and trim tab do not move.
b) the elevator is deflected further upwards and the trim tab further downwards.
c) both elevator and trim tab are deflected further downwards.
d) the elevator is deflected further downwards and the trim tab further upwards.
Answer ;
d) the elevator is deflected further downwards and the trim tab further upwards.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
0425. In straight and level flight , as speed is reduced ;
a) the elevator and trim tab do not move.
b) both elevator and trim tab are deflected further upwards.
c) the elevator is deflected further downwards and the trim tab further upwards.
d) the elevator is deflected further upwards and the trim tab further downwards.
Answer ;
d) the elevator is deflected further upwards and the trim tab further downwards.
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0426. In straight and level flight at a speed of 1.3 VS , the lift coefficient , expressed as a percentage of its maximum ( CLmax ) ,
would be ;
a) 59%.
b) 77%.
c) 130%.
d) 169%.
Answer ;
a) 59%.
Çözüm ;
If you visualise the CL curve then CLmax (or Vs) will be at critical alpha or the very peak of the graph. 1.3Vs is faster than
Vs so it must be at a smaller CL. To determine the percentage you need to rearrange the lift formula.
L = CL x Vsquared (all other factors remaining constant)
So CL = L/Vsquared
We dont know the lift but at Vs we can assume unity so CL = 1/(1.3)squared and then x100 to get a percentage =59%
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 100 Principles of Flight
0427. In straight flight , as speed is increased , whilst trimming to keep the stick force zero ;
a) the elevator is deflected further downwards and the trim tab further upwards.
b) both elevator and trim tab are deflected further downwards.
c) the elevator and trim tab do not move.
d) the elevator is deflected further upwards and the trim tab further downwards.
Answer ;
a) the elevator is deflected further downwards and the trim tab further upwards.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
0428. In straight flight , as speed is reduced , whilst trimming to keep the stick force zero ;
a) the elevator is deflected further upwards and the trim tab further downwards.
b) the elevator and trim tab do not move.
c) both elevator and trim tab are deflected further upwards.
d) the elevator is deflected further downwards and the trim tab further upwards.
Answer ;
a) the elevator is deflected further upwards and the trim tab further downwards.
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0429. In supersonic flight aerofoil pressure distribution is ;
a) triangular.
b) the same as in subsonic flight.
c) rectangular.
d) irregular.
Answer ;
c) rectangular.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
0430. In supersonic flight , all disturbances produced by an aeroplane are ;
a) very weak and negligible.
b) outside the conical area depending on the Mach Number.
c) in front of the aeroplane.
d) in between a conical area , depending on the Mach Number.
Answer ;
d) in between a conical area , depending on the Mach Number.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0431’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0431. In supersonic flight , all disturbances produced by an aeroplane are ;
a) within a conical zone , dependent on the Mach Number.
b) outside the conical area depending on the Mach Number.
c) in front of the aeroplane.
d) very weak and negligible.
Answer ;
a) within a conical zone , dependent on the Mach Number.
Açıklama ;
3 boyutlu olarak düşünüldüğünde hareketli bir
kaynaktan basınç dalgaların yayılımı dairesel değil
küreseldir. Eğer kaynağın hızı ( V ) , lokal ses hızından
Mach konisi ( a ) büyükse , bu küreler μ açısına sahip Mach konisi
tarafından çevrilir. Soldaki şekilde artan Mach
sayısıyla , μ açısının azalmaya başladığı görülebilir.
Mach açısı Mach sayısıyla ters orantılıdır. Süpersonik
hızlarda Mach konisi , uçak tarafından oluşturulan
basınç bozulmalarının etki ettiği sınırı temsil eder.
Koninin ilerisindeki hiçbir şey bu bozulmalardan
etkilenmez. Bu koninin içinde kalan alana “etkilenme
sahası” adı verilir. Uçağın dalga üretimi de benzer bir
patern izler. Ancak en öndeki şok yatık şok olacak ve
şok dalgalarının ilk yayılım hızı serbest akış ses
hızından daha büyük olduğundan dalga açısı Mach
açısından büyüktür.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 101 Principles of Flight

0432. In the event of failure of the Mach trimmer ;
a) the speed must be kept constant.
b) the centre of gravity must be moved aft.
c) the Mach number must be limited.
d) the aeroplane mass must be limited.
Answer ;
c) the Mach number must be limited.
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0433. In the transonic range lift will decrease at the shock stall due to the ;
a) attachment of the shock wave on the trailing edge of the wing.
b) separation of the boundary layer at the shock waves.
c) appearance of the bow wave.
d) first appearance of a shock wave at the upper side of the wing.
Answer ;
b) separation of the boundary layer at the shock waves.
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0434. In the transonic range the aeroplane characteristics are strongly determined by the ;
a) Mach Number.
b) TAS.
c) IAS.
d) CAS.
Answer ;
a) Mach Number.
0435. In transonic flight the ailerons will be less effective than in subsonic flight because ;
a) aileron deflection only partly affects the pressure distribution around the wing.
b) behind the shock wave pressure is lower.
c) aileron down deflection moves the shock wave forward.
d) aileron deflection only affects the air in front of the shock wave.
Answer ;
a) aileron deflection only partly affects the pressure distribution around the wing.
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0436. In twin engine aeroplanes with propellers turning clockwise as seen from behind ;
a) the “minimum control speed” is determined by the failure of the right engine.
b) the right engine is the critical engine.
c) the left engine produces a higher yaw moment if the right engine fails than vice versa.
d) the left engine is the critical engine.
Answer ;
d) the left engine is the critical engine.
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0437. In twin-engine aeroplanes with right turning propellers ;
a) the left engine produces a higher yaw moment if the right engine fails than vice versa.
b) the left engine is the critical motor.
c) the “minimum control speed” is determined by the failure of the right engine.
d) the right engine is the critical motor.
Answer ;
b) the left engine is the critical motor.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
0438. In what flight phase are the outboard ailerons ( if present ) not operated ?
a) During take-off , until lift-off.
b) In the approach phase , before landing.
c) During cruise flight.
d) During a landing with strong and gusty crosswind to avoid overcontrolling the aeroplane.
Answer ;
c) During cruise flight.
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0439. In what phase of flight are the outboard ailerons ( if fitted ) not active ?
a) Take-off , until lift-off.
b) Approach.
c) Cruise.
d) Landing with a strong and gusty crosswind , to avoid over-controlling the aeroplane.
Answer ;
c) Cruise.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 102 Principles of Flight

0440. In what way do (1) induced drag and (2) parasite drag alter with increasing speed in straight and level flight ?
a) (1) decreases and (2) increases.
b) (1) increases and (2) decreases.
c) (1) decreases and (2) decreases.
d) (1) increases and (2) increases.
Answer ;
a) (1) decreases and (2) increases.
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0441. In what way is the longitudinal stability affected by the degree of positive camber of the aerofoil ?
a) No effect , because camber of the aerofoil produces a constant pitch down moment coefficient , independent
of angle of attack.
b) Positive , because the centre of pressure shifts rearward at increasing angle of attack.
c) Negative , because the lift vector rotates forward at increasing angle of attack.
d) Positive , because the lift vector rotates backward at increasing angle of attack.
Answer ;
a) No effect , because camber of the aerofoil produces a constant pitch down moment coefficient , independent
of angle of attack.
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0442. In which phase of the take-off is the aerodynamic effect of ice located on the wing leading edge most critical ?
a) The take-off run.
b) All phases of the take-off are equally critical.
c) The last part of the rotation.
d) During climb with all engines operating.
Answer ;
c) The last part of the rotation.
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0443. In which situation would the wing lift of an aeroplane in straight and level flight have the highest value ?
a) Aft centre of gravity and take-off thrust.
b) Forward centre of gravity and idle thrust.
c) Aft centre of gravity and idle thrust.
d) Forward centre of gravity and take-off thrust.
Answer ;
b) Forward centre of gravity and idle thrust.
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0444. Increase of the delta load factor due to a given vertical upgust at a given EAS occurs when ;
a) the slope of the CL-alpha graph becomes steeper.
b) the wing loading increases.
c) the weight increases.
d) the altitude increases.
Answer ;
a) the slope of the CL-alpha graph becomes steeper.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0445. Increase of wing loading will ;
a) decrease take off speeds.
b) decrease the minimum gliding angle.
c) increase the stall speeds.
d) increase CLmax.
Answer ;
c) increase the stall speeds.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0446. Increasing air density will have the following effect on the drag of a body in an airstream ; ( angle of attack and TAS are
constant )
a) the drag increases.
b) this has no effect.
c) the drag is only affected by the ground speed.
d) the drag decreases.
Answer ;
a) the drag increases.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 103 Principles of Flight

0447. Increasing dynamic pressure will have the following effect on the drag of an aeroplane ; ( all other factors of importance
remaining constant )
a) drag increases across the whole speed range.
b) none.
c) at speeds greater than the minimum drag speed , drag increases.
d) drag decreases across the whole speed range.
Answer ;
c) at speeds greater than the minimum drag speed , drag increases.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
0448. Increasing dynamic pressure will have the following effect on the total drag of an aeroplane ;
a) total drag decreases across the whole speed range.
b) at speeds below the minimum drag speed , total drag decreases.
c) total drag increases across the whole speed range.
d) at speeds above the minimum drag speed , total drag increases.
Answer ;
d) at speeds above the minimum drag speed , total drag increases.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0449. Increasing the aspect ratio of a wing ;
a) increases induced drag.
b) decreases gust load.
c) decreases induced drag.
d) increases stall speed.
Answer ;
c) decreases induced drag.
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0450. Increasing the number of propeller blades will ;
a) increase the maximum absorption of power.
b) decrease the torque in the propeller shaft at maximum power.
c) increase the noise level at maximum power.
d) increase the propeller efficiency.
Answer ;
a) increase the maximum absorption of power.
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0451. Induced drag at constant IAS is affected by ;
a) aeroplane wing location.
b) engine thrust.
c) aeroplane weight.
d) angle between wing chord and fuselage centre line.
Answer ;
c) aeroplane weight.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
0452. Induced drag is created by the ;
a) spanwise flow pattern resulting in the tip vortices.
b) interference of the air stream between wing and fuselage.
c) separation of the boundary layer over the wing.
d) propeller wash blowing across the wing.
Answer ;
a) spanwise flow pattern resulting in the tip vortices.
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0453. Induced drag is the result of ;
a) propeller slipstream over the wing.
b) aerodynamic interaction between aeroplane parts.
c) boundary layer separation on the aft portion of the wing.
d) downwash generated by tip vortices.
Answer ;
d) downwash generated by tip vortices.
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0454. Induced drag may be reduced by ;
a) an increase in the taper ratio of the wing.
b) an increase in aspect ratio.
c) the use of a wing tip with a much thinner aerofoil.
d) a decrease of the aspect ratio.
Answer ;
b) an increase in aspect ratio.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 104 Principles of Flight

0455. Interference drag is the result of ;
a) separation of the induced vortex.
b) downwash behind the wing.
c) the addition of induced and parasite drag
d) aerodynamic interaction between aeroplane parts ( e.g. wing/fuselage ).
Answer ;
d) aerodynamic interaction between aeroplane parts ( e.g. wing/fuselage ).
Açıklama ;
Komple uçak düşünüldüğünde, parazit dragın uçağın parçalarının ayrı ayrı yarattığı dragların toplamından daha fazla olduğu
görülecektir. Bu ilave drag , uçağın kanat-gövde , kanat-motor yatağı gibi kesişim bölgelerinin yarattığı dragların yani “kesişim
bölgesi drag’ları ( interference drag )”nın sonucudur. Bu gibi bölümlere aerodinamik açıdan uygun şekiller verilerek kesişim bölgesi
dragı minimuma indirgenebilir. Bu da müzdevicenin bir parçası olarak düşünülebilir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
0456. Is a transport aeroplane allowed to fly at a higher Mach number than the “buffet-onset” Mach number in 1 g flight ?
a) Yes , if you want to fly fast at very high altitudes.
b) Yes , but only during approach.
c) Yes , this causes no problems.
d) No , this is not acceptable.
Answer ;
d) No , this is not acceptable.
0457. Just above the critical Mach number the first evidence of a shock wave will appear at the ;
a) trailing edge of the wing.
b) upper side of the wing.
c) lower side of the wing.
d) leading edge of the wing.
Answer ;
b) upper side of the wing.
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0458. Lift is generated when ;
a) a certain mass of air is retarded.
b) a symmetrical aerofoil is placed in a high velocity air stream at zero angle of attack.
c) a certain mass of air is accelerated in its flow direction.
d) the flow direction of a certain mass of air is changed.
Answer ;
d) the flow direction of a certain mass of air is changed.
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0459. Lift is the ;
a) component of the total aerodynamic force , perpendicular to the local flow.
b) component of the total aerodynamic force , perpendicular to the undisturbed airflow.
c) component of the total aerodynamic force , perpendicular to the mean aerodynamic chord.
d) vertical component of the total aerodynamic force , perpendicular to the undisturbed airflow.
Answer ;
a) component of the total aerodynamic force , perpendicular to the local flow.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
0460. Load factor is ;
a) 1 / Bank angle
b) Wing loading
c) Lift / Weight
d) Weight / Lift
Answer ;
c) Lift / Weight
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0461. Load factor is increased by ;
a) an increase in aeroplane mass.
b) a decrease in air density.
c) forward CG movement.
d) upward gusts.
Answer ;
d) upward gusts.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 105 Principles of Flight

0462. Longitudinal stability is directly influenced by ;
a) the vertical stabiliser.
b) wing dihedral.
c) elevator deflection only.
d) centre of gravity position.
Answer ;
d) centre of gravity position.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
0463. Longitudinal static stability is created by the fact that the ;
a) centre of gravity is located in front of the leading edge of the wing.
b) centre of gravity is located in front of the neutral point of the aeroplane.
c) aeroplane possesses a large trim speed range.
d) wing surface is greater than the horizontal tail surface.
Answer ;
b) centre of gravity is located in front of the neutral point of the aeroplane.
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0464. Low speed pitch-up can be caused by a significant thrust ;
a) increase with engines located on the rear fuselage.
b) decrease with podded engines located beneath a low-mounted wing.
c) increase with podded engines located beneath a low-mounted wing.
d) decrease with engines located on the rear fuselage.
Answer ;
c) increase with podded engines located beneath a low-mounted wing.
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0465. Low speed pitch up is caused by the ;
a) Mach trim system.
b) wing tip vortex.
c) spanwise flow on a swept forward wing.
d) spanwise flow on a swept back wing.
Answer ;
d) spanwise flow on a swept back wing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
0466. Low speed pitch up is caused by the ;
a) outward drift of the boundary layer on a swept-back wing.
b) wing tip vortices on high aspect ratio wings.
c) dihedral effect.
d) boundary layer separation at the wing tip of a forward swept wing.
Answer ;
a) outward drift of the boundary layer on a swept-back wing.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
0467. Mach buffet occurs ;
a) when the stalling angle of attack is exceeded.
b) directly after exceeding Mcrit.
c) when the Mach Number has increased to Mcrit.
d) at the Mach Number at which shockwave induced boundary layer separation occurs.
Answer ;
d) at the Mach Number at which shockwave induced boundary layer separation occurs.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
0468. Mass-balancing of control surfaces is used to ;
a) increase the stick force stability.
b) prevent flutter of control surfaces.
c) limit the stick forces.
d) ensure that the control surfaces are in the mid-position during taxiing .
Answer ;
b) prevent flutter of control surfaces.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0469. Mcrit is increased by ;
a) sweepback , thin aerofoils and area ruling.
b) sweepback , dihedral and thin aerofoils.
c) sweepback , area ruling and high aspect ratio.
d) dihedral , thin aerofoils and supercritical aerofoil sections.
Answer ;
a) sweepback , thin aerofoils and area ruling.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 106 Principles of Flight

0470. Mcrit is the free stream Mach Number at which ;
a) shockstall occurs.
b) somewhere about the airframe Mach 1 is reached locally.
c) the critical angle of attack is reached.
d) Mach buffet occurs.
Answer ;
b) somewhere about the airframe Mach 1 is reached locally.
Açıklama ;
Bir kanat profili , üst yüzeyindeki havanın hızlandırılması sayesinde kaldırma kuvveti üretir. Uçaktaki en yüksek
lokal hız da genellikle kanadın maksimum kalınlık noktasında elde edilir. Örneğin ; 100 kt’lık bir serbest akış hızında , küçük
bir hücum açısında düşük hızlı kanat kesitindeki maksimum lokal hız 120 kt olabilir. Hücum açısı arttırıldıkça lokal hız da
artar. Aynı zamanda kalınlık/korda oranının büyümesi de bu hızı arttırır.
Serbest akış hızı arttıkça hızın ses
hızına ilk ulaştığı nokta profil üzerindeki hızın
en yüksek seviyeye çıktığı konumdur. Profilin
bu konumunda hızın ses hızına ulaşmasını
sağlayan serbest akım Mach sayısına “Kritik
Mach sayısı ( Mcrit )” adı verilir.
Kalınlık/korda oranının ve hücum
açısının arttırılması kanadın üst yüzeyinde
daha büyük bir hızlanma yaratacağından Kritik
Mach Sayısı düşecektir. Kritik Mach sayısının
hemen üzerindeki hızlarda , üst yüzeyde
şok dalgası tarafından yok edilen küçük bir süpersonik hava akış bölgesi oluşur. Uçağın hızı arttıkça üst yüzeydeki bu
süpersonik akış bölgesi de genişler ve bu bölgenin sonunu oluşturan şok dalgası geriye doğru hareket eder. Benzer etkiler
kanadın alt yüzeyinde de görülecektir ancak bu bölümde kıvrımlar daha az olması nedeniyle hava çok hızlandırılmadığı için
şok dalgaları daha yüksek hızlarda görülecektir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0471. Minimum drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight occurs at the ;
a) maximum CL-CD ratio.
b) minimum speed.
c) minimum angle of attack.
d) minimum CD value.
Answer ;
a) maximum CL-CD ratio.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
0472. Negative tail stall is ;
a) a sudden reduction in the downward aerodynamic force on the tailplane.
b) flow separation at the rear of the lower surface of the wing.
c) a typical aerodynamic problem for canards.
d) flow reversal on the fin leading to flow re-attachment.
Answer ;
a) a sudden reduction in the downward aerodynamic force on the tailplane.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
0473. On a jet aeroplane ( engines mounted below the low wing ) the thrust is suddenly increased. Which of these statements is
correct about the elevator deflection required to maintain zero pitching moment ?
a) The elevator must be deflected downward.
b) The amount of elevator deflection is independent of CG location.
c) No elevator deflection be will required because the thrust line of the engines remains unchanged.
d) The elevator must be deflected upwards.
Answer ;
a) The elevator must be deflected downward.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 107 Principles of Flight

0474. On a large transport aeroplane , the auto-slat system ;
a) assist the ailerons.
b) provides for automatic slat retraction after take-off.
c) ensures that the slats are always extended when the ground/flight system is in the “ground” position.
d) extends the slats automatically when a certain value of angle of attack is exceeded.
Answer ;
d) extends the slats automatically when a certain value of angle of attack is exceeded.
Açıklama ;
Bazı uçaklarda slotlar pilot tarafından kontrol edilmeyip otomatik olarak açılırlar. Hücum açısının artmasıyla , hücum kenarı
çevresinde oluşan basınç değişimleri slot’u harekete geçirir. Düşük hücum açılarında durgunluk noktası etrafındaki yüksek basınç ,
slat’ı kapalı durumda tutar. Yüksek hücum açılarında ise durgunluk noktası hücum kenarının altına kayarak slat’ın üst yüzeyinde emiş
basıncına neden olur. Bu basınç , slatın öne hareketini ve slot’un açılmasını sağlar. Bu sistem , çoğunlukla küçük uçaklarda stol
koruma sistemi olarak kullanılır. Büyük uçaklarda ise slatların pozisyonu pilot tarafından belirlenir ve elektriki veya hidroliki olarak
0475. On a swept wing aeroplane at low airspeed , the “pitch up” phenomenon ;
a) is caused by wingtip stall.
b) never occurs , since a swept wing is a “remedy” to pitch up.
c) is caused by extension of trailing edge lift augmentation devices.
d) is caused by boundary layer fences mounted on the wings.
Answer ;
a) is caused by wingtip stall.
0476. On a symmetrical aerofoil , the pitching moment for which Cl = 0 is ;
a) negative ( pitch-down ).
b) positive ( pitch-up ).
c) zero.
d) equal to the moment coefficient for stabilized angle of attack.
Answer ;
c) zero.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0477. On a un-swept wing , when the aerofoil is accelerated from subsonic to supersonic speeds , the aerodynamic centre ;
a) slightly shifts forward.
b) remains unchanged.
c) shifts aft by about 10%.
d) shifts from 25% to about 50% of the aerofoil chord.
Answer ;
d) shifts from 25% to about 50% of the aerofoil chord.
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0478. On a wing fitted with a “fowler” type trailing edge flap , the “Full extended” position will produce ;
a) an increase in wing area and camber.
b) an increase in wing area only.
c) an unaffected CD , at a given angle of attack.
d) an unaffected wing area and increase in camber.
Answer ;
a) an increase in wing area and camber.
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0479. On an asymmetrical , single curve aerofoil , in subsonic airflow , at low angle of attack , when the angle of attack is
increased , the centre of pressure will ( assume a conventional transport aeroplane ) ;
a) move aft.
b) remain unaffected.
c) remain matching the airfoil aerodynamic centre.
d) move forward.
Answer ;
d) move forward.
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0480. One advantage of a movable-stabilizer system compared with an elevator trim system is that ;
a) the system’s complexity is reduced.
b) the complete system ( structure and control mechanism ) weighs less.
c) it leads to greater stability in flight.
d) it is a more effective means of trimming.
Answer ;
d) it is a more effective means of trimming
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 108 Principles of Flight

0481. One advantage of a supercritical wing aerofoil over a conventional one is ;
a) a lower value of Mcrit at the same relative thickness.
b) it allows a wing of increased relative thickness to be used for approximately the same cruise Mach number.
c) that there is no need for spoilers.
d) improved Dutch roll damping at cruise altitude.
Answer ;
b) it allows a wing of increased relative thickness to be used for approximately the same cruise Mach number.
0482. One advantage of mounting the horizontal tailplane on top of the vertical fin is ;
a) that it does not require a de-icing system.
b) to decrease the susceptibility to deep stall.
c) to improve the aerodynamic efficiency of the vertical fin.
d) to decrease fuel consumption by creating a tail-heavy situation.
Answer ;
c) to improve the aerodynamic efficiency of the vertical fin.
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0483. One disadvantage of wing sweep is the stalling characteristics. At the stall ;
a) wing root stall will occur first , which produces a rolling moment
b) leading edge stall will occur first , which produces a nose-down moment
c) tip stall will occur first , which produces a nose-down moment
d) tip stall will occur first , which produces a pitch-up moment.
Answer ;
d) tip stall will occur first , which produces a pitch-up moment.
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0484. One disadvantage of wing sweepback is ;
a) the tendency of the wing root section to stall prior to the wingtip section.
b) the tendency of the wingtip section to stall prior to the wing root section.
c) a severe pitch down moment when the centre of presure shifts forward.
d) that the critical Mach number is significantly lower.
Answer ;
b) the tendency of the wingtip section to stall prior to the wing root section.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0485. One important advantage the turbulent boundary layer has over the laminar layer is that ;
a) skin friction drag is less.
b) energy is less.
c) it is thinner.
d) it has less tendency to separate from the surface.
Answer ;
d) it has less tendency to separate from the surface.
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0486. One method to compensate adverse yaw is ;
a) a differential aileron.
b) a balance tab.
c) an anti-balance tab.
d) a balance panel.
Answer ;
a) a differential aileron.
0487. One of the requirements for positive dynamic stability is:
a) positive static stability.
b) a large deflection range of the stabilizer trim.
c) a small cg range.
d) an effective elevator.
Answer ;
a) positive static stability.
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0488. Outboard ailerons ( if present ) are normally used ;
a) in low speed flight only.
b) at transonic and supersonic speeds only.
c) when the landing gear is up.
d) in high speed flight only.
Answer ;
a) in low speed flight only.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 109 Principles of Flight

0489. Positive static lateral stability is the tendency of an aeroplane to ;
a) roll to the left in the case of a sideslip ( with the aeroplane nose pointing to the left of the incoming flow ).
b) roll to the left in the case of a sideslip angle ( with the aeroplane nose pointing to the right of the incoming
flow ).
c) roll to the left in a right turn.
d) roll to the right in a right turn.
Answer ;
a) roll to the left in the case of a sideslip ( with the aeroplane nose pointing to the left of the incoming flow ).
0490. Positive static lateral stability is the tendency of an aeroplane to ;
a) roll to the left in the case of a positive sideslip angle ( aeroplane nose to the left ).
b) roll to the right in a right turn.
c) roll to the right in the case of a positive sideslip angle ( aeroplane nose to the right ).
d) roll to the left in a right turn.
Answer ;
a) roll to the left in the case of a positive sideslip angle ( aeroplane nose to the left ).
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0491. Positive static longitudinal stability means that a ;
a) nose-up moment occurs with a speed change at constant angle of attack.
b) nose-up moment occurs after encountering an up-gust.
c) nose-down moment occurs with a speed change at constant angle of attack.
d) nose-down moment occurs after encountering an up-gust.
Answer ;
d) nose-down moment occurs after encountering an up-gust.
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0492. Positive static stability of an aeroplane means that following a disturbance from the equilibrium condition ;
a) the initial tendency is to return towards its equilibrium condition.
b) the tendency is to move with an oscillatory motion of decreasing amplitude.
c) the tendency is to move with an oscillatory motion of increasing amplitude.
d) the initial tendency is to diverge further from its equilibrium condition.
Answer ;
a) the initial tendency is to return towards its equilibrium condition.
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0493. Propeller blade twist is the ;
a) varying of the blade angle from the root to the tip of a propeller blade.
b) varying of the helix angle from the root to the tip of a propeller blade.
c) angle between the blade angle and the direction of the flight of the aeroplane.
d) angle between the relative airflow and the propeller blade’s angle of attack.
Answer ;
a) varying of the blade angle from the root to the tip of a propeller blade.
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0494. Propeller efficiency is ;
a) a number greater than one.
b) maximum when TAS is zero.
c) greater with a larger number of blades.
d) the ratio of power available ( Thrust * TAS ) to shaft power ( Torque * RPM ).
Answer ;
d) the ratio of power available ( Thrust * TAS ) to shaft power ( Torque * RPM ).
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0495. Propeller efficiency may be defined as the ratio between:
a) the usable ( power available ) power and the maximum power.
b) the thermal power of fuel-flow and shaft power.
c) usable ( power available ) power of the propeller and shaft power.
d) the thrust and the maximum thrust.
Answer ;
c) usable ( power available ) power of the propeller and shaft power.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 110 Principles of Flight

0496. Regarding a positively cambered aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack has a negative value when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. A nose down pitching moment exists when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is correct and II is correct.
b) I is incorrect and II is correct.
c) I is correct and II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct and II is correct.
0497. Regarding a positively cambered aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack has a negative value when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. A nose up pitching moment exists when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is correct and II is correct.
b) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
c) I is correct and II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect and II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct and II is incorrect.
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0498. Regarding a positively cambered aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack has a positive value when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. A nose down pitching moment exists when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is incorrect and II is correct.
b) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
c) I is correct and II is incorrect.
d) I is correct and II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect and II is correct.
0499. Regarding a positively cambered aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack has a positive value when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. A nose up pitching moment exists when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is correct and II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect and II is correct.
d) I is correct and II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
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0500. Regarding a symmetric aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack has a negative value when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. A nose up pitching moment exists when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is incorrect and II is correct.
b) I is correct and II is correct.
c) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
d) I is correct and II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
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0501. Regarding a symmetric aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack has a positive value when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. A nose down pitching moment exists when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is correct and II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect and II is correct.
c) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
d) I is correct and II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 111 Principles of Flight

0502. Regarding a symmetric aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack has a positive value when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. The pitching moment is zero when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is correct and II is incorrect.
b) I is correct and II is correct.
c) I is incorrect and II is correct.
d) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect and II is correct.
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0503. Regarding a symmetric aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack is zero when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. A nose up pitching moment exists when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is correct and II is correct.
b) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
c) I is correct and II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect and II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct and II is incorrect.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
0504. Regarding a symmetric aerofoil section , which statement is correct ?
I. The angle of attack is zero when the lift coefficient equals zero.
II. The pitching moment is zero when the lift coefficient equals zero.
a) I is correct and II is correct.
b) I is correct and II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect and II is correct.
d) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct and II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 112 Principles of Flight

0505. Regarding deep stall characteristics , identify whether the following statements are correct or incorrect ;
I. A wing with forward sweep and a low horizontal tail makes an aeroplane prone to deep stall.
II. A stick pusher system can be fitted to an aeroplane that exhibits abnormal stall characteristics.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
DEEP STALL ( Süper Stol veya Derin Stol )
Ok kanat ( sweept wing ) , önce kanat uçlarına yakın bölgeden stol olmaya meyillidir. Uçlar , ağırlık merkezinin ( CG ) arka
tarafında bulunduğundan , uçlardaki taşıma kuvveti kaybı , yukarı yunuslama hareketinin hızla artmasına ve sonuç olarak hücum
açısının artmasına neden olur.

Yukarı yunuslama sonucu otomatik olarak artan hücum açısı kanadın daha büyük bir bölümünün stol olmasına neden olur.
Geri sürükleme hızlı bir şekilde artar , taşıma kuvveti azalır ve uçak ani olarak sabit burun yukarı vaziyette düşüşe geçer. Bu durum ,
hücum açısının ilave olarak hızla yükselmesine neden olur.

Stol olmuş kanattan ayrılan düşük enerjili türbülanslı hava , yüksek seviyeli kuyruk takımı ( T-tail ) üzerinden akar. Bu
durum kanatçık etkinliğini önemli ölçüde düşürerek , pilot için hücum açısını düşürmeyi imkansız kılar. Uçak , süper stol veya derin
stol denilen durumda sabitleşecektir. Açıkça , ok kanat ve yüksek seviyeli kuyruk ( T-kuyruk ) kombinasyonu , süper stol veya derin
stolu oluşturan iki faktördür.
Swept-back ( ok açılı ) kanadın yukarı yunuslamaya olan meyili , bazı dizayn modifikasyonları ile azaltılabilir. ( Wing fences
, vortilons & saw tooth leading edge ). Bu modifikasyonlar , sınır tabakasının kökten uca kanat açıklığı boyunca akışını asgariye
indirir. Bu aletler , uç stolunu ( tip stall ) geciktirir. Vorteks jeneratörleri de , uç stolunu geciktirmek ve stol karakteristiklerini
geliştirmek için sıklıkla kullanılır. Stol başlangıcının kanat kökünde olması da sağlanabilir. Bu kanat kökündeki profilinin ayarlanması
, stol şeritlerinin yada daha az etkili hücum kenarı flaplarının ( Kruger flaps ) kanadın iç kesimlerine yerleştirilmesi ile sağlanabilir.
DC-9 , MD-80 , Boeing-727 , Fokker-28 ve diğer bazı uçaklar geriye doğru eğimli kanada ve yüksek montajlı kuyruk
takımına sahiptirler. Bunların motorları da arka gövdeye takılmışlardır. Motorların buraya takılmasındaki sebep , dizayncıların ilk
olarak yatay stabilizeleri dikey stabilizenin üst kısmına yerleştirmiş olmasıdır. Bunların süper stola etkileri yoktur.
Süper stol ( deep stall ) karakteristiği sergileyen bir uçağa , uçağı kesin stoldan koruyacak bir cihazın takılması zorunludur ve
lövye itici bunlardan biridir. Süper stolun gelişimi insanın verebileceği reflekslerden daha hızlı olduğu için , uçak stol olmaya
başladığı anda tepki vermeye başlamak uçağı stoldan kurtarmak için çok geç olacaktır.
Lövye itici , stol başlamadan önce belirlenen bir sınırda ( asgari 1.05 Vs ) harekete geçer. Elevatör kontrol sistemine takılmış
bir cihazı kullanarak , süper stol başlamadan lövyeyi fiziki olarak ileri ittirip hücum açısını düşürür. İttirme gücü takribi 80 libredir.
Bu güç , etkili olabilmesi için yeteri kadar yüksek fakat kalkış ve pas geçme durumunda tutmaya engel olmayacak kadar düşük olacak
şekilde ayarlanmıştır. Bir arıza yapması durumunda , lövye itici sistemi dump yapmak ( boşaltmak ) için bir sistem konmuştur. Bir
defa dump yapıldıktan sonra , ittirirci normal olarak uçuşta eski haline getirilemez. Lövye ittirici çalışmaya başladıktan sonra , hücum
açısı uygun bir değerin altına düştüğünde , otomatik olarak devreden çıkar.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 113 Principles of Flight
0506. Regarding deep stall characteristics , identify whether the following statements are correct or incorrect ;
I. A wing with forward sweep and a low horizontal tail makes an aeroplane prone to deep stall.
II. A stick shaker system is fitted to an aeroplane that exhibits abnormal stall characteristics.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0505’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0507. Regarding deep stall characteristics , identify whether the following statements are correct or incorrect ;
I. An aeroplane with a low horizontal tail and wings with sweepback is normally prone to deep stall.
II. An aeroplane with a canard is normally prone to deep stall.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0505’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0508. Regarding deep stall characteristics , identify whether the following statements are correct or incorrect ;
I. The combination of a wing with sweepback and a T-tail make an aeroplane prone to deep stall.
II. A stick shaker system is fitted to an aeroplane that exhibits abnormal stall characteristics.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0505’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0509. Regarding the lift formula , if airspeed doubles , lift will ;
a) also double.
b) be 4 times greater.
c) halve.
d) not change.
Answer ;
b) be 4 times greater.
Çözüm ;
Lift’in formülüne baktığımızda ;

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

Görüldüğü gibi hava hızı ( V ) çarpanlardan biridir. Kaldırma kuvveti hızın karesi ile doğru orantılıdır. Hızın iki katına
çıkması durumunda doğal olarak kaldırma kuvveti 4 kat artacaktır artacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 114 Principles of Flight

0510. Regarding the lift formula , if density doubles , lift will ;
a) remain the same.
b) also double.
c) halve.
d) be 4 times greater.
Answer ;
b) also double.
Çözüm ;
Lift’in formülüne baktığımızda ;

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

Görüldüğü gibi hava yoğunluğu ( ρ ) çarpanlardan biridir. Kaldırma kuvveti ava yoğunluğu ile doğru orantılıdır. Hava
yoğunluğunun artması durumunda doğal olarak kaldırma kuvveti de aynı oranda artacaktır.
0511. Regarding the transonic speed range ;
a) both subsonic and supersonic speeds exist in the flow around the aeroplane.
b) it starts at Mcrit and extends to Mach number equal to 1.
c) it starts at a Mach number equal to1.
d) it starts at a Mach number just above 1.
Answer ;
a) both subsonic and supersonic speeds exist in the flow around the aeroplane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
0512. Rolling is the rotation of the aeroplane about the ;
a) vertical axis.
b) lateral axis.
c) longitudinal axis.
d) wing axis.
Answer ;
c) longitudinal axis.
Açıklama ;

Yawing – Sapma ekseni

( Normal axis )

Rolling – Yalpa ekseni

( Longitudinal axis )
Pitching – Yunuslama ekseni
( Lateral axis )

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 115 Principles of Flight

0513. Rotation about the lateral axis is called ;
a) slipping.
b) yawing.
c) rolling.
d) pitching.
Answer ;
d) pitching.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0512’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0514. Rotation about the longitudinal axis of an aeroplane can be achieved by ;
a) speed brake extension or wing flap deflection.
b) symmetrical spoiler deflection and/or elevator deflection.
c) aileron deflection and/or rudder deflection.
d) elevator deflection and/or slat extension.
Answer ;
c) aileron deflection and/or rudder deflection.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0512’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0515. Rotation around the longitudinal axis is called ;
a) pitching.
b) rolling.
c) yawing.
d) slipping.
Answer ;
b) rolling.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0512’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0516. Rotation around the normal axis is called ;
a) rolling.
b) yawing.
c) slipping.
d) pitching.
Answer ;
b) yawing.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0512’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
0517. Select if the following statements are correct or incorrect ;
i. When the propeller tip speed is supersonic the prop noise doesn’t increase.
ii. When the propeller tip speed is supersonic it is less efficient.
a) i. incorrect , ii. correct
b) i. incorrect , ii. incorrect
c) i. correct , ii. correct
d) i. correct , ii. incorrect
Answer ;
a) i. incorrect , ii. correct
Açıklama ;
Bir pervane motor tarafından geliştirilen tüm şaft takatını emmeli ve motor gereken performans sahalarında azami verimlik
ile çalışmalıdır. Kritik faktör pervane uç kısmının ( tip speed ) hızıdır. Eğer uç hızı çok yüksek olursa , pal ucu bölgesel ses süratine
( süpersonic ) ulaşacak ve sıkıştırılabilirlik etkisi itkiyi düşürerek dönüş sürtünmesini yükseltecektir. Pal ucunun süpersonik hıza
ulaşması pervane verimliliğini önemli ölçüde azaltacak ve pervanenin ürettiği gürültüyü oldukça artıracaktır. Bu durum pervane
çapına , RPM’ine ve kullanacağı TAS’a sınırlamalar getirir. Pervane çapı üzerindeki diğer sınırlamalar , yer ile yeteri kadar boşluğu
sağlamak ve çok motorlu uçaklarda , gövdeye mümkün olduğunca yakın olacak şekilde kanatlara takılarak thrust kolunu asgariye
indirmektir. Pervane çapının artması , yeteri kadar pervane-gövde boşluğunun oluşabilmesi için motorla gövde arasındaki mesafeyi
artıracaktır. VMC’yi kabul edilebilir sınırlar içinde tutabilmek için mevcut istikamet dümeni momenti artırılmalıdır. Açıkça görülüyor
ki takatin emilmesini artırmak için pervane yarıçapını artırmak tercih edilen bir yöntem değildir.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 116 Principles of Flight

0518. Sensitivity for spiral dive will occur when ;
a) the dutch roll tendency is too strongly suppressed by the yaw damper.
b) the static directional stability is negative and the static lateral stability is positive.
c) the static lateral and directional stability are both negative.
d) the static directional stability is positive and the static lateral stability is relatively weak.
Answer ;
d) the static directional stability is positive and the static lateral stability is relatively weak.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0519. Shock induced separation can occur ;
a) at high Mach numbers , only at low angles of attack.
b) in supersonic flow only.
c) at high Mach numbers , only at high angles of attack.
d) behind a strong normal shock wave , independent of angle of attack.
Answer ;
d) behind a strong normal shock wave , independent of angle of attack.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0521’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0520. Shock induced separation results in ;
a) increasing lift.
b) decreasing drag.
c) constant lift.
d) decreasing lift.
Answer ;
d) decreasing lift.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0521’in açıklamasına bakınız.
0521. Shock stall ;
a) results from flow separation behind the bow wave.
b) occurs when the lift coefficient , as a function of Mach number , reaches its maximum value.
c) occurs as soon as Mcrit is exceeded.
d) results from flow separation at the underside of the aerofoil.
Answer ;
b) occurs when the lift coefficient , as a function of Mach number , reaches its maximum value.
Uçuşun temel prensiplerinde , havanın ses hızının 0.4 kat altında sıkıştırılamayacağı , yani basıncın hava yoğunluğu
üzerinde etkisi olmadığı varsayılır. 0.4 M’ın üzerinde bu varsayım yapılamaz , çünkü uçağın çevresindeki havanın
yoğunluğundaki değişiklikler uçağın hareketlerinde farklılıklar yapmaya başlayacaktır. Yüksek irtifalarda , büyük bir jet
nakliye uçağı , kritik Mach sayısı üzerinde uçuyor olacak ve kanat üzerinde küçük şok dalgaları oluşacaktır. Eğer böyle bir
uçak aşırı hız yaparsa , şok dalgaları hızla büyür ve şok dalgalarının ardında statik basıncı ani olarak arttırır. Bölgesel olarak
yükselmiş ters basınç gradyanı , sınır tabakasının şok dalgalarının hemen arkasından ayrılmasına sebep olacaktır. Buna “şok
stolu” denir. Ayrılmış hava akışı kuyruk bölgesini çok aktif bir türbülansa maruz bırakacak ve şiddetli sarsıntılara yol

Şok stolu gövde yapısını ciddi bir şekilde hasırlandırabilir. Bu nedenle , azami çalışma hız limiti ( VMO/MMO ) ufak
bir farkla dahi aşıldığında , pilotu ikaz etmesi için , suni bir ikaz cihazı monte edilmiştir. Bu yüksek hız ikazı , işitilebilir
korna veya sirendir ve “düşük hız” yüksek hücum açısı sinyalinden ( levye titretici-stick shaker ) kolaylıkla ayırt edilebilir.
Kritik hücum açısına yaklaşırken de aşırı hızlı uçarken de gövde sarsıntısı oluşabilir. Herhangi bir gövde sarsıntısı arzu
edilmez , yapısal hasara neden olabildiği gibi , yolcuları da rahatsız eder.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 117 Principles of Flight

0522. Shock stall is ;
a) separation of the flow at high angles of attack and at high Mach Numbers.
b) separation of the flow behind the bow wave.
c) separation of the boundary layer behind the shock wave.
d) separation of the flow at the trailing edge of the wing at high Mach Numbers.
Answer ;
c) separation of the boundary layer behind the shock wave.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0521’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0523. Slat extension ;
a) increases the lift by increasing the wing area and the camber of the aft portion of the wing.
b) provides a boundary layer suction on the upper surface of the wing.
c) delays the stall to a higher angle of attack.
d) decreases the camber of the aerofoil and diverts the flow around the sharp leading edge.
Answer ;
c) delays the stall to a higher angle of attack.
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0524. Slat extension will ;
a) reduce tip vortices.
b) decrease the energy in the boundary layer on the upperside of the wing.
c) increase the critical angle of attack.
d) create gaps between leading edge and engine nacelles.
Answer ;
c) increase the critical angle of attack.
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0525. Slat or flap asymmetry occurring after either extension or retraction , may have an effect on controllability since ;
a) slat and flap asymmetry both cause a large yawing moment.
b) slat asymmetry causes a large rolling moment , whereas flap asymmetry causes a large yawing moment.
c) slat and flap asymmetry both cause a large rolling moment.
d) slat asymmetry causes a yawing moment , whereas flap asymmetry causes a large rolling moment.
Answer ;
d) slat asymmetry causes a yawing moment , whereas flap asymmetry causes a large rolling moment.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
0526. Some aeroplanes have a “waist” or “coke bottle” contoured fuselage. This is done to ;
a) increase the strength of the wing root junction.
b) apply area rule.
c) fit the engine intakes better to the fuselage.
d) improve the low speed characteristics.
Answer ;
b) apply area rule.
0527. Spoiler deflection causes ;
a) an increase in lift only.
b) an increase in lift and drag.
c) decrease in lift and drag.
d) an increase in drag and decrease in lift.
Answer ;
d) an increase in drag and decrease in lift.
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0528. Spoiler extension causes ;
a) decrease in lift and drag.
b) an increase in lift only.
c) an increase in drag and decrease in lift.
d) an increase in lift and drag.
Answer ;
c) an increase in drag and decrease in lift.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
0529. Spoilers mounted on the wing upper surface can be used to ;
a) increase lift and drag.
b) assist the elevators.
c) prevent aeroplane yaw following engine failure.
d) assist the ailerons.
Answer ;
d) assist the ailerons.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 118 Principles of Flight
0530. Stall speed ( IAS ) varies with ;
a) altitude ( below approximately 10.000 ft ).
b) weight.
c) temperature.
d) density.
Answer ;
b) weight.
0531. Static directional stability is mainly provided by ;
a) the fin.
b) wing dihedral.
c) the elevator.
d) wing anhedral.
Answer ;
a) the fin.
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0532. Static directional stability is the ;
a) tendency of an aeroplane to recover from a disturbance about the lateral axis.
b) tendency of an aeroplane to raise the low wing in a sideslip.
c) tendency of an aeroplane to recover from a skid with the rudder free.
d) natural ability of an aeroplane to recover from a disturbance about the longitudinal axis.
Answer ;
c) tendency of an aeroplane to recover from a skid with the rudder free.
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0533. Static lateral stability should not be too large , because ;
a) the roll trim sensitivity would increase sharply.
b) too much rudder deflection would be required in a crosswind landing.
c) constant aileron deflection would be required during cruise in case of crosswind.
d) too much aileron deflection would be required in a crosswind landing.
Answer ;
d) too much aileron deflection would be required in a crosswind landing.
0534. Static lateral stability should not be too small , because ;
a) the stick force per g would become unacceptably small.
b) after a disturbance around the longitudinal axis the aeroplane would show too strong a tendency to return to
the original attitude.
c) the aeroplane would show too strong a tendency for Dutch Roll.
d) the aeroplane would show too strong a tendency to spiral dive.
Answer ;
d) the aeroplane would show too strong a tendency to spiral dive.
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0535. Static lateral stability will be decreased by ;
a) increasing the size of the vertical tail.
b) increasing wing sweepback.
c) increasing wing anhedral.
d) the use of a high , rather than low , wing mounting.
Answer ;
c) increasing wing anhedral.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0536. Static lateral stability will be decreased by ;
a) reducing wing anhedral.
b) increasing the size of the vertical tail.
c) increasing wing sweepback.
d) the use of a low , rather than high , wing mounting.
Answer ;
d) the use of a low , rather than high , wing mounting.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
0537. Static lateral stability will be decreased by ;
a) reducing wing sweepback.
b) increasing the size of the vertical tail.
c) the use of a high , rather than low , wing mounting.
d) reducing wing anhedral.
Answer ;
a) reducing wing sweepback.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 119 Principles of Flight

0538. Static lateral stability will be increased by ;
a) reducing wing anhedral.
b) reducing wing sweepback.
c) the use of a low , rather than high , wing mounting.
d) reducing the size of the vertical tail.
Answer ;
a) reducing wing anhedral.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------
0539. Static lateral stability will be increased by ;
a) increasing wing anhedral.
b) increasing wing sweepback.
c) the use of a low , rather than high , wing mounting.
d) reducing the size of the vertical tail.
Answer ;
b) increasing wing sweepback.
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0540. Static lateral stability will be increased by ;
a) the use of a high , rather than low , wing mounting.
b) increasing wing anhedral.
c) reducing wing sweepback.
d) reducing the size of the vertical tail.
Answer ;
a) the use of a high , rather than low , wing mounting.
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0541. Static pressure is acts ;
a) in all directions.
b) only in the direction of the total pressure.
c) only perpendicular to the direction of the flow.
d) only in direction of the flow.
Answer ;
a) in all directions.
0542. Static stability means that ;
a) the amplitude of the oscillatory motion of an aeroplane tends to decrease over time.
b) following a disturbance from the equilibrium condition , a force and/or moment is generated that tends to
increase the effects of that disturbance.
c) following a disturbance from the equilibrium condition , a force and/or moment is generated that tends to
counter the effects of that disturbance.
d) the amplitude of the oscillatory motion of an aeroplane tends to increase over time.
Answer ;
c) following a disturbance from the equilibrium condition , a force and/or moment is generated that tends to
counter the effects of that disturbance.
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0543. Stick force per g ;
a) does not change with increasing altitude.
b) has a maximum value related to acceptable controllability , the minimum value is of no concern.
c) is selected by he pilot by electronic means before each flight.
d) is dependent on cg location.
Answer ;
d) is dependent on cg location.
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0544. Stick forces , provided by an elevator feel system , depend on ;
a) elevator deflection , dynamic pressure.
b) stabilizer position , static pressure.
c) elevator deflection , static pressure.
d) stabilizer position , total pressure.
Answer ;
a) elevator deflection , dynamic pressure.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 120 Principles of Flight

0545. Sweepback of a wing positively influences ;
1. static longitudinal stability.
2. static lateral stability.
3. dynamic longitudinal stability.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 3.
b) 1 , 2 , 3.
c) 2.
d) 1.
Answer ;
c) 2.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0546. Taper ratio of a wing is the ratio between ;
a) tip chord and root chord.
b) root chord and tip chord.
c) mean geometric chord and wing span.
d) wing span squared and wing area.
Answer ;
a) tip chord and root chord.
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0547. The (1) stick force stability and the (2) manoeuvre stability are positively affected by ;
a) (1) trimming the aeroplane nose up (2) trimming the aeroplane nose up.
b) (1) aft CG movement (2) aft CG movement.
c) (1) forward CG movement (2) forward CG movement.
d) (1) forward CG movement (2) trimming the aeroplane nose up.
Answer ;
c) (1) forward CG movement (2) forward CG movement.
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0548. The additional increase of drag at Mach Numbers above the critical Mach Number is due to ;
a) wave drag.
b) increased skin friction.
c) increased interference drag.
d) increased angle of attack.
Answer ;
a) wave drag.
Açıklama ;
Hız MCRIT’in üzerinde hız arttıkça , oluşan şok dalgaları nedeniyle , şok dalgalarının oluşmadığı düşük hızlara kıyasla , geri
sürüklenmedeki artış daha hızlı olur. Oluşan bu ekstra sürüklemeye “dalga sürüklemesi ( wave drag )” adı verilir.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
0549. The aerodynamic centre of a wing is the point relative to which ;
a) the aeroplane becomes longitudinally unstable when the CG is moved beyond it in an aft direction.
b) the velocity of the relative airflow is reduced to zero.
c) assuming no flow separation , the pitching moment coefficient does not change with varying angle of attack.
d) the boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent.
Answer ;
c) assuming no flow separation , the pitching moment coefficient does not change with varying angle of attack.
Açıklama ;
AERODİNAMİK MERKEZ ( AC-Aerodynamic Centre )
Aerodinamik merkez kordo hattındaki sabit bir nokta olup kaldırma gücündeki tüm değişimlerin etkin biçimde toplandığı ve
normal hücum açılarında yunuslama momentinin sabit kaldığı noktadır. AC etrafında , CP’deki ( Centre of Pressure ) kaldırma
kuvveti , CP AC arasındaki mesafenin çarpımından kaynaklı , negatif bir yunuslama momenti vardır. Hücum açısının artması
kaldırma gücünü arttırdığı gibi , basınç merkezini ( CP ) aerodinamik merkeze ( AC ) yaklaştırır. Böylece AC momenti , normal
sınırları içinde tüm hücum açılarında sabit kalır. Bu durum şu formülle izah edilebilir ;
L1 x d1 ( α1 için ) = L2 x d2 ( α2 için )
Bir profilin bombesi , kalınlığı ve hücum açısı dikkate alınmadan sıkıştırılamaz iki boyutlu hava akımı teorisinde AC’nin ,
kordonun %25 inde yer aldığı kabul edilir. AC bir aerodinamik referans noktası olup , uçağın uzunluk eksenindeki stabilizesi
konusunda direk olarak başvuru kaynağıdır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 121 Principles of Flight

0550. The aerodynamic centre of the wing is the point , where ;
a) changes of lift due to variations in angle of attack are constant.
b) aerodynamic forces are constant.
c) the aeroplane’s lateral axis intersects with the centre of gravity.
d) the pitching moment coefficient does not vary with angle of attack.
Answer ;
d) the pitching moment coefficient does not vary with angle of attack.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0549’un açıklamasına bakınız.
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0551. The aerodynamic contribution to the static longitudinal stability of the nacelles of aft fuselage mounted engines is ;
a) negative.
b) maximum during cruise.
c) positive.
d) zero.
Answer ;
c) positive.
0552. The aerodynamic drag of a body , placed in a certain airstream depends amongst others on ;
a) The weight of the body.
b) The specific mass of the body.
c) The airstream velocity.
d) The c.g. location of the body.
Answer ;
c) The airstream velocity.
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0553. The aerofoil polar is ;
a) a graph of the relation between the lift coefficient and the angle of attack.
b) a graph of the relation between the lift coefficient and the drag coefficient.
c) the relation between the horizontal and the vertical speed.
d) a graph , in which the thickness of the wing aerofoil is given as a function of the chord.
Answer ;
b) a graph of the relation between the lift coefficient and the drag coefficient.
0554. The aeroplane drag in straight and level flight is lowest when the ;
a) induced drag is lowest.
b) induced drag is equal to zero.
c) parasite drag equals twice the induced drag.
d) parasite drag is equal to the induced drag.
Answer ;
d) parasite drag is equal to the induced drag.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 122 Principles of Flight

0555. ( Refer to Image 4 )

Image 4
The aeroplane motion , schematically illustrated in the annex , is an example of a dynamically ;
a) stable periodic motion.
b) indifferent periodic motion.
c) unstable periodic motion.
d) indifferent aperiodic motion.
Answer ;
c) unstable periodic motion.
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0556. The aft CG limit can be determined by the ;
a) maximum elevator deflection available.
b) minimum acceptable static longitudinal stability.
c) minimum acceptable elevator deflection.
d) maximum static longitudinal stability required.
Answer ;
b) minimum acceptable static longitudinal stability.
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0557. The aft movement of the centre of pressure during the acceleration through the transonic flight regime will ;
a) decrease the longitudinal stability.
b) increase the static lateral stability.
c) decrease the static lateral stability.
d) increase the static longitudinal stability.
Answer ;
d) increase the static longitudinal stability.
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0558. The airload on the horizontal tailplane ( tailload ) of an aeroplane in straight and level cruise flight ;
a) is in general directed downwards and will become less negative when the c.g. moves aft.
b) will in principle be zero on transport aeroplanes without an electronic flight control system ( Fly-by-Wire )
due to the trim system.
c) is in general directed upwards and will increase when c.g. is moved forward.
d) is in general directed downwards and will always become less negative in a linear fashion with increasing
Answer ;
a) is in general directed downwards and will become less negative when the cg moves aft.
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0559. The angle between the aeroplane longitudinal axis and the chord line is the ;
a) climb path angle.
b) angle of attack.
c) glide path angle.
d) angle of incidence.
Answer ;
d) angle of incidence.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 123 Principles of Flight
0560. The angle between the airflow ( relative wind ) and the chord line of an aerofoil is ;
a) glide path angle.
b) same as the angle between chord line and fuselage axis.
c) angle of attack.
d) climb path angle.
Answer ;
c) angle of attack.
0561. The angle of attack ( aerodynamic angle of incidence ) of an aerofoil is the angle between the ;
a) chord line and the relative undisturbed airflow.
b) bottom surface and the relative airflow.
c) bottom surface and the horizontal
d) bottom surface and the chord line.
Answer ;
a) chord line and the relative undisturbed airflow.
0562. The angle of attack for a propeller blade is the angle between the blade chord line and the ;
a) aeroplane heading.
b) principal direction of the propeller blade.
c) direction of propeller axis.
d) local air speed vector.
Answer ;
d) local air speed vector.
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0563. The angle of attack of a fixed pitch propeller blade increases when ;
a) forward velocity increases and RPM decreasing
b) velocity and RPM increase
c) velocity and RPM decrease
d) RPM increases and forward velocity decreases
Answer ;
d) RPM increases and forward velocity decreases
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0564. The angle of attack of a propeller blade element is the angle between the blade element chord line and the ;
a) resultant air speed vector.
b) propeller plane.
c) propeller axis.
d) TAS vector.
Answer ;
a) resultant air speed vector.
0565. ( Refer to Image 26 )

Image 26
The angle of attack of a rotating propeller blade element shown in the annex is ;
a) angle 2.
b) not correctly indicated in the diagram.
c) angle 3.
d) angle 1.
Answer ;
d) angle 1.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 124 Principles of Flight
0566. The angle of attack of a two dimensional wing section is the angle between ;
a) the chord line of the aerofoil and the fuselage centreline.
b) the chord line and the camber line of the aerofoil.
c) the chord line of the aerofoil and the free stream direction.
d) the fuselage centreline and the free stream direction.
Answer ;
c) the chord line of the aerofoil and the free stream direction.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0567. The angle of attack of a wing profile is defined as the angle between ;
a) the undisturbed airflow and the chordline.
b) the local airflow and the chordline.
c) the local airflow and the mean camberline.
d) the undisturbed airflow and the mean camberline.
Answer ;
a) the undisturbed airflow and the chordline.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
0568. The angle of attack of an aerofoil section is defined as the angle between the ;
a) undisturbed airflow and the mean camberline.
b) local airflow and the mean camberline.
c) local airflow and the chord line.
d) undisturbed airflow and the chord line.
Answer ;
d) undisturbed airflow and the chord line.
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0569. The angle of attack of an aerofoil section is the angle between the ;
a) chord line and the relative undisturbed airflow.
b) bottom surface and the horizontal.
c) bottom surface and the relative airflow.
d) bottom surface and the chord line.
Answer ;
a) chord line and the relative undisturbed airflow.
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0570. The application of the area rule on aeroplane design will decrease the ;
a) skin friction drag.
b) induced drag.
c) wave drag.
d) form drag.
Answer ;
c) wave drag.
0571. The aspect ratio of the wing ;
a) is the ratio between the wing span and the mean geometric chord.
b) is the ratio between the tip chord and the wing span.
c) is the ratio between chord and root chord.
d) is the ratio between the wing span and the root chord.
Answer ;
a) is the ratio between the wing span and the mean geometric chord.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 125 Principles of Flight

0572. The asymmetric blade effect on an single engine aeroplane with a clockwise rotating propeller ;
a) does not produce any yaw.
b) produces left yaw.
c) is also called the gyroscopic effect.
d) produces right yaw.
Answer ;
b) produces left yaw.
Açıklama ;
Genelde , pervane şaftı uçağın hücum açısına bağlı olarak uçuş istikametine nazaran yukarı doğrudur. Bu durum sonucunda
aşağı doğru giden pervane palleri yukarı doğru gidenlere oranla daha büyük etkili hücum açısında olurlar. Sonuç olarak da aşağı
doğru giden pal daha fazla itki sağlar. Pervane diskinin iki tarafındaki çekiş farkı , saat istikametinde dönen ve burun yukarı
durumdaki pervanelerde sola doğru bir sapma momenti oluşturur.
Asimetrik pal etkisi tam güçte ve düşük hızda ( yüksek hücum açısında ) en büyüktür. İki motorlu uçaklarda , şayet her iki
pervane de aynı istikamette dönüyorsa , her iki motorun itki kolları farklıdır. Her iki motorun dönüş istikameti saat dönü istikametinde
ise , sağ motorun çekiş kolu daha büyüktür ve bu da sol motoru “kritik motor” yapar.
Yüksek hücum açısı

Yukarı doğru giden

pale doğru relatif
hava akımı

Aşağı doğru
giden pale doğru
relatif hava Daha düşük bir
akımı hücum açısı

0573. The bank angle in a rate-one turn depends on ;
a) load factor.
b) weight.
c) wind.
d) TAS.
Answer ;
d) TAS.
0574. The blade angle of a propeller is usually referenced at ;
a) 25 % of blade radius.
b) 75 % of blade radius.
c) 99 % of blade radius.
d) 50 % of blade radius.
Answer ;
b) 75 % of blade radius.
Açıklama ;

Pal açısı veya hatve , pal korda hattı ile pal dönüş sathı
arasındaki açıdır. Pal açısı dipten uca doğru azalır ( bükülür ) ,
çünkü palin dönüş hızı dipten uca doğru hızlanır. Referans
amacı ile pal açısı , pal kökünden pal uzunluğunun %75’i mesafede

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 126 Principles of Flight

0575. ( Refer to Image 26 )

Image 26

The blade angle of a rotating propeller blade element shown in the annex is ;
a) angle 3.
b) angle 2.
c) angle 1.
d) not correctly indicated in the diagram.
Answer ;
b) angle 2.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
0576. The boundary layer of a wing is ;
a) a turbulent flow around the wing.
b) a layer on the wing in which the stream velocity is lower than the free stream velocity.
c) caused by suction on the upper wing surface.
d) created by the normal shock wave at transonic speeds.
Answer ;
b) a layer on the wing in which the stream velocity is lower than the free stream velocity.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0577. The bow wave will first appear at ;
a) Mach 1.
b) a Mach number just below M = 1.
c) the critical Mach number.
d) a Mach number just above M = 1.
Answer ;
d) a Mach number just above M = 1.
Açıklama ;
Kritik Mach sayısının hemen üzerindeki hızlarda , üst yüzeyde şok dalgası tarafından yok edilen küçük bir süpersonik hava
akış bölgesi oluşur ( Şekile bakınız ). Uçağın hızı arttıkça üst yüzeydeki bu süpersonik akış bölgesi de genişler ve bu bölgenin sonunu
oluşturan şok dalgası geriye doğru hareket eder. Benzer etkiler kanadın alt yüzeyinde de görülecektir ancak bu bölümde kıvrımlar
daha az olması nedeniyle hava çok hızlandırılmadığı için şok dalgaları daha yüksek hızlarda görülecektir.
Uçağın hızı M 1.0’e ulaştığında kanadın hem alt hem de üst yüzeylerinin tümünde hava akışı süpersonik hale gelir ve her iki
yüzeydeki şok dalgaları firar kenarına çekilir. M 1.0’ın hemen üzerindeki bir hıza çıkıldığında da ön tarafta “bow wave” adı verilen
“hücum kenarı şok dalgası” oluşur.

Hücum kenarı şok dalgası ilk olarak , sıkıştırılmış havanın hücum kenarında toplanmasıyla yüzeyden ayrılır. Fakat hız
arttıkça hücum kenarına doğru hareket eder ve sonunda yüzeyle birleşir. Bu durumun meydana geldiği hız hücum kenarının şekline
göre değişir. Küçük açılı sivri hücum kenarlarında şok dalgası , büyük açılara geniş hücum kenarlarına göre yüzeyle daha önce
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 127 Principles of Flight
0578. The centre of gravity moving aft will ;
a) increase or decrease the elevator up effectiveness , depending on wing location.
b) increase the elevator up effectiveness.
c) decrease the elevator up effectiveness.
d) not affect the elevator up or down effectiveness.
Answer ;
b) increase the elevator up effectiveness.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0579. The CG of an aeroplane is in a fixed position forward of the neutral point. Speed changes cause a departure from the trimmed
position. Which of the following statements about the stick force stability is correct ?
a) An increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at low speed has more effect on the stick force than an
increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at high speed.
b) Increase of speed generates pull forces.
c) Stick force stability is not affected by trim.
d) Aeroplane nose up trim decreases the stick force stability.
Answer ;
a) An increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at low speed has more effect on the stick force than an
increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at high speed.
0580. The CG of an aeroplane is in a fixed position forward of the neutral point. Which of these statements about the stick force
stability is correct ?
a) An increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at high speed has less effect on the stick force than an
increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at low speed.
b) Maintaining a steady speed below the trim speed requires a push force.
c) Aeroplane nose down trim increases the stick force stability.
d) Stick force stability is not affected by trim.
Answer ;
a) An increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at high speed has less effect on the stick force than an
increase of 10 kt from the trimmed position at low speed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0581. The Cl - alpha curve of a positive cambered aerofoil intersects with the vertical axis of the Cl - alpha graph ;
a) nowhere.
b) below the origin.
c) above the origin.
d) in the origin.
Answer ;
c) above the origin.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
0582. The consequences of exceeding Mcrit in a swept-wing aeroplane may be ; ( assume no corrective devices, straight and level
flight )
a) buffeting of the aeroplane and a tendency to pitch down.
b) an increase in speed and a tendency to pitch up.
c) buffeting of the aeroplane and a tendency to pitch up.
d) engine unbalance and buffeting.
Answer ;
a) buffeting of the aeroplane and a tendency to pitch down.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
0583. The continuity equation states ; If the area of a tube is increasing , the speed of the subsonic and incompressible flow inside
is ;
a) increasing.
b) sonic.
c) not changing.
d) decreasing.
Answer ;
d) decreasing.
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0584. The contribution of swept back wings to static directional stability ;
a) is positive.
b) is nil.
c) decreases as the sweepback increases.
d) is negative.
Answer ;
a) is positive.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 128 Principles of Flight

0585. The contribution of the wing to the static longitudinal stability of an aeroplane ;
a) depends on CG location relative to the wing aerodynamic centre.
b) is always negative.
c) depends on the wing location relative to the fuselage.
d) is positive if the wing has a positively cambered aerofoil section and the aerodynamic centre is ahead of the
Answer ;
a) depends on CG location relative to the wing aerodynamic centre.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0586. The contribution of wing sweep back to static directional stability is ;
a) zero.
b) negative.
c) positive.
d) posiive or negative depending on sweepback angle.
Answer ;
c) positive.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
0587. The contribution to the static directional stability of a straight wing with high aspect ratio and without dihedral ;
a) is always negative.
b) is always negligible.
c) is always positive.
d) becomes more positive as the aspect ratio increases.
Answer ;
b) is always negligible.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0588. The correct drag formula is ;
a) D = CD ½RHO V² S
b) D = CD ½ 1/RHO V² S
c) D = CD ½RHO V S
d) D = CD 2 RHO V² S
Answer ;
a) D = CD ½RHO V² S
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
0589. ( Refer to Image 32 )

Image 32
The correct sequence of cross-sections representing propeller blade twist is ;
a) sequence 4.
b) sequence 1.
c) sequence 3.
d) sequence 2.
Answer ;
d) sequence 2.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 129 Principles of Flight
0590. ( Refer to Image 33 )

Image 33
The correct sequence of cross-sections representing propeller blade twist is ;
a) sequence 2.
b) sequence 1.
c) sequence 4.
d) sequence 3.
Answer ;
d) sequence 3.
0591. The critical angle of attack ;
a) decreases if the CG is moved aft.
b) changes with an increase in gross weight.
c) increases if the CG is moved forward.
d) remains unchanged regardless of gross weight.
Answer ;
d) remains unchanged regardless of gross weight.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0592. The critical Mach number can be increased by ;
a) an increase in wing aspect ratio.
b) positive dihedral of the wings.
c) a T-tail.
d) sweepback of the wings.
Answer ;
d) sweepback of the wings.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0593. The critical Mach number for an aerofoil equals the free stream airfoil Mach number at which ;
a) a “supersonic bell” appears on the upper surface.
b) a shock-wave appears on the upper surface.
c) the maximum operating temperature is reached.
d) sonic speed ( M=1 ) is reached at a certain point on the upper side of the aerofoil.
Answer ;
d) sonic speed ( M=1 ) is reached at a certain point on the upper side of the aerofoil.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0594. The critical Mach number of an aerofoil is the free stream Mach number at which ;
a) sonic speed ( M=1 ) is first reached on the upper surface.
b) a “supersonic bell” appears on the upper surface.
c) the maximum operating temperature is reached.
d) a shock-wave appears on the upper surface.
Answer ;
a) sonic speed ( M=1 ) is first reached on the upper surface.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 130 Principles of Flight
0595. The critical Mach Number of an aeroplane can be increased by ;
a) control deflection
b) vortex generators.
c) dihedral of the wings.
d) sweep back of the wings.
Answer ;
d) sweep back of the wings.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
0596. The critical Mach number of an aeroplane is the free stream Mach number that produces the first sign of ;
a) local sonic flow.
b) buffet.
c) supersonic flow.
d) a shock wave.
Answer ;
a) local sonic flow.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0597. The critical Mach Number of an aeroplane is the free stream Mach Number , which produces the first evidence of ;
a) shock wave.
b) supersonic flow.
c) local sonic flow.
d) buffet.
Answer ;
c) local sonic flow.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
0598. The critical Mach number of an aeroplane is the Mach number ;
a) at which there is subsonic flow over all parts of the aeroplane.
b) at which there is supersonic flow over a part of the aeroplane.
c) above which , locally , supersonic flow exists somewhere over the aeroplane.
d) at which the aeroplane has zero buffet margin.
Answer ;
c) above which , locally , supersonic flow exists somewhere over the aeroplane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0599. The descent angle of a given aeroplane in a steady wings level glide has a fixed value for a certain combination of ; ( ignore
compressibility effects and assume zero thrust )
a) altitude and configuration.
b) mass and altitude.
c) configuration and angle of attack.
d) configuration and mass.
Answer ;
c) configuration and angle of attack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 131 Principles of Flight

0600. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7

The diagram representing a feathered propeller is ;

a) diagram 4
b) diagram 2
c) diagram 3
d) diagram 1
Answer ;
c) diagram 3
0601. ( For this question use annex 081-6250A )

Annex 081-6250A
The diagram shows the parameter X versus TAS. If a horizontal flight is considered the axis X shows ;
a) the lift force.
b) the total drag.
c) the parasite drag.
d) the induced drag.
Answer ;
d) the induced drag.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 132 Principles of Flight
0602. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7
The diagram that correctly represents the aerodynamic forces acting on a propeller in normal flight is ;
a) Diagram 1
b) Diagram 2
c) Diagram 4
d) Diagram 3
Answer ;
a) Diagram 1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0603. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7
The diagram that correctly represents the aerodynamic forces acting on a propeller in reverse thrust is ;
a) Diagram 1
b) Diagram 2
c) Diagram 4
d) Diagram 3
Answer ;
b) Diagram 2
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 133 Principles of Flight
0604. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7
The diagram that correctly represents the aerodynamic forces acting on a windmilling propeller is ;
a) Diagram 2
b) Diagram 3
c) Diagram 4
d) Diagram 1
Answer ;
c) Diagram 4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0605. ( Refer to Image 7 )

Image 7
The diagram that correctly represents the propeller in the feathered position is ;
a) Diagram 2
b) Diagram 3
c) Diagram 1
d) Diagram 4
Answer ;
b) Diagram 3
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 134 Principles of Flight
0606. ( Refer to Image 8 )

Image 8

The diagram the letter which correctly represents the Angle of Advance ( Helix Angle ) is ;
a) B
b) A
c) D
d) C
Answer ;
c) D
Açıklama ;
Pervanenin izlediği gerçek yolun , dönüş düzlemiyle yaptığı açıya “Helix Açısı” denir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0607. The difference between a propeller’s blade angle and its angle of attack is called ;
a) the helix angle.
b) propeller slip.
c) the effective pitch.
d) the propeller angle.
Answer ;
a) the helix angle.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
0608. The difference between IAS and TAS will ;
a) increase with decreasing temperature.
b) decrease with increasing speed.
c) increase with increasing air density.
d) decrease with decreasing altitude.
Answer ;
d) decrease with decreasing altitude.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
0609. The difference between the effects of slat and flap asymmetry is that ; ( “large” in the context of this question means not or
hardly controllable by normal use of controls )
a) flap asymmetry causes a large rolling moment whereas slat asymmetry causes a large yawing moment.
b) flap asymmetry causes a large rolling moment at any speed whereas slat asymmetry causes a large difference
in CLmax.
c) flap asymmetry causes a large yawing moment whereas slat asymmetry causes a large rolling moment at any
d) flap asymmetry causes a large difference in CLmax whereas slat asymmetry causes a large rolling moment at
any speed.
Answer ;
b) flap asymmetry causes a large rolling moment at any speed whereas slat asymmetry causes a large difference
in CLmax.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 135 Principles of Flight

0610. The effect of a positive wing sweep on static directional stability is as follows ;
a) No effect
b) Negative dihedral effect
c) Destabilizing dihedral effect
d) Stabilizing effect
Answer ;
d) Stabilizing effect
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
0611. The effect of a ventral fin on the static stability of an aeroplane is as follows ; ( 1 = longitudinal , 2 = lateral , 3 = directional )
a) 1 : no effect , 2 : positive , 3 : negative
b) 1 : negative , 2 : positive , 3 : positive
c) 1 : no effect , 2 : negative , 3 : positive
d) 1 : positive , 2 : negative , 3 : negative
Answer ;
c) 1 : no effect , 2 : negative , 3 : positive
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0612. The effect of a wing with sweepback on static directional stability is as follows ;
a) Stabilizing effect.
b) Destabilizing dihedral effect.
c) No effect.
d) Negative dihedral effect.
Answer ;
a) Stabilizing effect.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
0613. The effect of increasing angle of sweep is ;
a) a decrease in stall speed.
b) a decrease in the critical Mach number.
c) an increase in the critical Mach number.
d) an increase in the longitudinal stability.
Answer ;
c) an increase in the critical Mach number.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0614. The effect of the wing downwash on the static longitudinal stability of an aeroplane is ;
a) smallest at high values of the lift coefficient.
b) positive.
c) negative.
d) negligible.
Answer ;
c) negative.
0615. The effect on static stability of an aeroplane with a high wing as compared to a low wing is ;
a) zero dihedral effect.
b) no effect as it is only used to improve aeroplane loading.
c) a positive dihedral effect.
d) a negative dihedral effect.
Answer ;
c) a positive dihedral effect.
0616. The effective pitch of a propeller is the ;
a) angle between the chordline of a blade element and the propeller plane of rotation.
b) actual distance a propeller advances in one revolution.
c) the distance a propeller advances with slippage.
d) theoretical distance a propeller would advance in one revolution at zero blade angle of attack.
Answer ;
b) actual distance a propeller advances in one revolution.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
0617. The effects of very heavy rain ( tropical rain ) on the aerodynamic characteristics of an aeroplane are ;
a) increase of CLmax and decrease of drag.
b) decrease of CLmax and decrease of drag.
c) decrease of CLmax and increase of drag.
d) increase of CLmax and increase of drag.
Answer ;
c) decrease of CLmax and increase of drag.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 136 Principles of Flight

0618. The elevator deflection required for a given manoeuvre will be ;
a) the same for all CG positions.
b) larger for an aft CG posion when compared to a forward position.
c) larger at low IAS when compared to high IAS.
d) the same at all speeds.
Answer ;
c) larger at low IAS when compared to high IAS.
0619. The elevator deflection required for a given manoeuvre will be ;
a) larger for an aft CG posion when compared to a forward position.
b) the same for all CG positions.
c) smaller at high IAS when compared to low IAS.
d) the same at all speeds.
Answer ;
c) smaller at high IAS when compared to low IAS.
0620. The elevator deflection required for a given manoeuvre will be ;
a) the same at all speeds.
b) larger for a forward CG posion when compared to an aft position.
c) larger at high IAS when compared to low IAS.
d) larger for an aft CG posion when compared to a forward position.
Answer ;
b) larger for a forward CG posion when compared to an aft position.
0621. The elevator deflection required for a given manoeuvre will be ;
a) larger for an aft CG posion when compared to a forward position.
b) larger at high IAS when compared to low IAS.
c) smaller for an aft CG posion when compared to a forward position.
d) the same at all speeds.
Answer ;
c) smaller for an aft CG posion when compared to a forward position.
0622. The extreme right limitation for both gust and manoeuvre diagrams is created by the speed ;
a) VMO
b) Vflutter
c) VD
d) VC
Answer ;
c) VD
Açıklama ;


Hız ( EAS )


Yük faktörü ( n )

Yukarıdaki şekildeki D noktası dizayn dalış hızı VD’dir. Uçağın mukavemeti belirlenirken kullanılan azami hızdır. Uçak V C
ile uçarken , meydana gelebilecek ve kurtulma gerçekleşene kadar hızın arttığı dik bir dalışla sonuçlanabilecek bir olumsuzluğa
dayanmaktadır. Eğer , titreşim veya diğer yüksek hız etkilerinden dolayı , oluşacak hız uygun değil ise tecrübe edilmiş bir dalış hızı
kullanılabilir. Buna uçuşla kanıtlanmış dizayn dalış hızı ( VDF ) denir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 137 Principles of Flight
0623. The flight Mach number is 0.8 and the TAS is 400 kts. The speed of sound is ;
a) 500 kts
b) 480 kts
c) 320 kts
d) 600 kts
Answer ;
a) 500 kts
Çözüm ;

M = Mach Number
V = True Air Speed ( TAS )
a = Local Speed of Sound ( LSS )

Bu formüle göre ; M = 0.8 ve TAS = 400 kts olduğuna göre ;

0.8 = 400 : a → a = 400 : 0.8 = 500 kts olarak bulunur.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0624. The following factors increase stall speed ;
a) increasing bank angle , increasing thrust , slat extension.
b) a higher weight , selecting a higher flap setting , a forward cg shift.
c) an increase in load factor , a forward cg shift , decrease in thrust.
d) a lower weight , decreasing bank angle, a smaller flapsetting.
Answer ;
c) an increase in load factor , a forward cg shift , decrease in thrust.
0625. The following unit of measurement : kgm/s² is expressed in the SI-system as ;
a) Newton
b) Joule
c) Pascal
d) Watt
Answer ;
a) Newton
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
0626. The forces of lift and drag on an aerofoil are , respectively , normal and parallel to the ;
a) chord line.
b) horizon.
c) longitudinal axis.
d) relative wind/airflow.
Answer ;
d) relative wind/airflow.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0627. The formula for the Mach Number is ; ( a = speed of sound )
a) M = a / TAS
b) M = TAS*a
c) M = IAS / a
d) M = TAS / a
Answer ;
d) M = TAS / a

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 138 Principles of Flight

0628. The four forces acting on an aeroplane in level flight are ;
a) thrust , lift , drag and mass.
b) power , lift , gravity and drag.
c) power , velocity , weight and friction.
d) thrust , lift , drag and weight.
Answer ;
d) thrust , lift , drag and weight.
Açıklama ;

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0629. The frontal area of a body , placed in a certain airstream is increased by a factor 3. The shape will not alter. The aerodynamic
drag will increase with a factor ;
a) 6.
b) 9.
c) 1.5.
d) 3.
Answer ;
d) 3.

0630. The function of ailerons is to rotate the aeroplane about the ;
a) normal axis.
b) longitudinal axis.
c) yaw axis.
d) lateral axis.
Answer ;
b) longitudinal axis.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0631. The function of the slot between an extended slat and the leading edge of the wing is to ;
a) reduce the wing loading.
b) allow space for vibration of the slat.
c) cause a venturi effect which energizes the boundary layer.
d) slow the air flow in the slot so that more pressure is created under the wing.
Answer ;
c) cause a venturi effect which energizes the boundary layer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 139 Principles of Flight
0632. The function of the stick pusher is ;
a) to vibrate the controls.
b) to activate and push the stick forward prior to stick shaker.
c) to activate and push the stick forward at or beyond a certain value of angle of attack.
d) to pull the stick , to avoid a high speed stall.
Answer ;
c) to activate and push the stick forward at or beyond a certain value of angle of attack.
Açıklama ;
LÖVYE İTİCİ ( Stick pusher )
Süper stol ( deep stall ) karakteristiği sergileyen bir uçağa , uçağı kesin stoldan koruyacak bir cihazın takılması zorunludur ve
lövye itici bunlardan biridir. Süper stolun gelişimi insanın verebileceği reflekslerden daha hızlı olduğu için , uçak stol olmaya
başladığı anda tepki vermeye başlamak uçağı stoldan kurtarmak için çok geç olacaktır.
Lövye itici , stol başlamadan önce belirlenen bir sınırda ( asgari 1.05 Vs ) harekete geçer. Elevatör kontrol sistemine takılmış
bir cihazı kullanarak, süper stol başlamadan lövyeyi fiziki olarak ileri ittirip hücum açısını düşürür. İttirme gücü takribi 80 libredir. Bu
güç , etkili olabilmesi için yeteri kadar yüksek fakat kalkış ve pas geçme durumunda tutmaya engel olmayacak kadar düşük olacak
şekilde ayarlanmıştır. Bir arıza yapması durumunda , lövye itici sistemi dump yapmak ( boşaltmak ) için bir sistem konmuştur. Bir
defa dump yapıldıktan sonra , ittirirci normal olarak uçuşta eski haline getirilemez. Lövye ittirici çalışmaya başladıktan sonra , hücum
açısı uygun bir değerin altına düştüğünde , otomatik olarak devreden çıkar.
0633. The fundamental difference between the aerodynamic characteristics of two and three-dimensional flow is that , in a three-
dimensional flow about a wing ;
a) flow separation occurs at the stall.
b) an upward component is added to the chordwise speed component.
c) a spanwise component exists in addition to the chordwise speed component.
d) a downward component is added to the chordwise speed component of the flow behind the wing.
Answer ;
c) a spanwise component exists in addition to the chordwise speed component.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
0634. The geometric pitch of a propeller is the ;
a) theoretical distance a propeller would advance in one revolution at zero blade angle of attack.
b) distance a propeller advances with slippage.
c) the angle between the chordline of a blade element and the propeller plane of rotation.
d) distance a propeller would have to advance in one revolution to give no thrust.
Answer ;
a) theoretical distance a propeller would advance in one revolution at zero blade angle of attack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0635. The gust load factor due to a vertical upgust increases when ;
a) altitude increases.
b) wing loading increases.
c) weight increases.
d) the gradient of the CL-alpha graph increases.
Answer ;
d) the gradient of the CL-alpha graph increases.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 140 Principles of Flight

0636. ( Refer to Image 26 )

Image 26
The helix or advance angle of a rotating propeller blade element shown in the annex is ;
a) angle 1.
b) angle 3.
c) angle 2.
d) not correctly indicated in the diagram.
Answer ;
b) angle 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0637. ( For this question use annex 081-6272A )

Annex 081-6272A
The high lift device shown in the figure is a ;
a) Slotted flap
b) Slot or slat
c) Krueger flap
d) Fowler flap
Answer ;
c) Krueger flap
0638. ( For this question use annex 081-6271A )

Annex 081-6271A
The high lift device shown in the figure is a ;
a) Fowler flap
b) Krueger flap
c) Slotted flap
d) Slat
Answer ;
d) Slat
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0639. The increase in stall speed ( IAS ) with increasing altitude is due to ;
a) exceedance of Mcrit.
b) compressibility effects.
c) an increase in TAS.
d) the larger angle of attack necessary in lower-density air to obtain the same lift as at sea level.
Answer ;
b) compressibility effects.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 141 Principles of Flight
0640. The induced angle of attack is ;
a) the angle by which the flow over the wing is deflected when landing flaps are set.
b) the angle between the local flow at the wing and the horizontal tail.
c) caused by the fuselage and is greatest at the wing root.
d) the angle by which the relative airflow is deflected due to downwash.
Answer ;
d) the angle by which the relative airflow is deflected due to downwash.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0641. The induced angle of attack is the result of ;
a) downwash due to tip vortices.
b) downwash due to flow separation.
c) change in direction of flow due to the effective angle of attack.
d) a large local angle of attack in a two dimensional flow.
Answer ;
a) downwash due to tip vortices.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0642. The induced drag ;
a) increases as the magnitude of the tip vortices decreases.
b) increases as the lift coefficient increases.
c) has no relation to the lift coefficient.
d) increases as the aspect ratio increases.
Answer ;
b) increases as the lift coefficient increases.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------
0643. The induced drag coefficient , CDi is proportional with ;
a) CLmax
b) CL²
c) CL
d) square root ( CL )
Answer ;
b) CL²
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0644. The lift and drag forces , acting on a wing cross section ;
a) vary linearly with the angle of attack.
b) are proportional to each other , independent of angle of attack.
c) are normal to each other at just one angle of attack.
d) depend on the pressure distribution about the wing cross section.
Answer ;
d) depend on the pressure distribution about the wing cross section.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0645. The lift coefficient ( CL ) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.35. An increase in angle of attack of 1 degree would
increase CL by 0.079. If a vertical gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 2 degrees, the load factor will be ;
a) 1.45
b) 0.45
c) 0.9
d) 1.9
Answer ;
a) 1.45
Çözüm ;

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 142 Principles of Flight
0646. The lift coefficient ( CL ) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.4. An increase in angle of attack of 1 degree will
increase CL by 0.09. A vertical up gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 5 degrees. The load factor will be ;
a) 1.09
b) 2.13
c) 2.0
d) 3.18
Answer ;
b) 2.13
Çözüm ;
5 deg pitch up from gust increases CL by 0.45
New CL = 0.85
Assume that EAS / IAS doesn't change due a/c's momentum / inertia
New CL / old CL = 0.85/0.4 = 2.13 = load factor created by gust

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
0647. The lift coefficient ( CL ) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.42. An increase in angle of attack of 1 degree
increases CL by 0.1. A vertical up gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 3 degrees. The load factor will be ;
a) 0.74
b) 1.49
c) 1.71
d) 2.49
Answer ;
c) 1.71
Çözüm ;
LF is lift / weight, or n=L/W. All other factors being equal lift and weight can be expressed as changes of Cl for the purpose
of the calculation. Weight does not change, and so theCl required is the same after the event as before (when considering the
calculation). However lift increases as per the conditions in the question. In this case it increases by 3 x 0.1 =0.3. So for the
calculation the Cl after the event is 0.42+0.3=0.72. Divide this by the original Cl to get the answer.
Mathematically it looks like:
(0.42+(3x0.1)) / 0.42.
Beware some questions ask for the change of load factor, in which case you have to subtract the original LF from the new one.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0648. The lift coefficient Cl versus angle of attack curve of a negatively cambered aerofoil section intersects the horizontal axis of
the graph ;
a) at the origin.
b) nowhere.
c) to the right of the origin.
d) to the left of the origin.
Answer ;
c) to the right of the origin.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0649. The lift coefficient Cl versus angle of attack curve of a negatively cambered aerofoil section intersects the vertical axis of the
graph ;
a) below the origin.
b) above the origin.
c) nowhere.
d) at the origin.
Answer ;
a) below the origin.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 143 Principles of Flight

0650. The lift coefficient Cl versus angle of attack curve of a positively cambered aerofoil section intersects the horizontal axis of
the graph ;
a) to the left of the origin.
b) to the right of the origin.
c) nowhere.
d) at the origin.
Answer ;
a) to the left of the origin.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------
0651. The lift coefficient Cl versus angle of attack curve of a symmetrical aerofoil section intersects the horizontal axis of the
graph ;
a) to the left of the origin.
b) at the origin.
c) to the right of the origin.
d) nowhere.
Answer ;
b) at the origin.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0652. The lift coefficient Cl versus angle of attack curve of a symmetrical aerofoil section intersects the vertical axis of the graph ;
a) at the origin.
b) below the origin.
c) above the origin.
d) nowhere.
Answer ;
a) at the origin.
0653. The lift force , acting on an aerofoil ; ( no flow separation )
a) is maximum at an angle of attack of 2 degrees.
b) increases , proportional to the angle of attack until 40 degrees.
c) is mainly caused by overpressure at the underside of the aerofoil.
d) is mainly caused by suction on the upperside of the aerofoil.
Answer ;
d) is mainly caused by suction on the upperside of the aerofoil.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0654. The lift formula can be written as ; ( rho = density )
a) L = W.
b) L = CL * ½rho * V2 * S.
c) L = CL * 2rho * V2 * S.
d) L = n * W.
Answer ;
b) L = CL * ½rho * V2 * S.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0655. The lift formula is ;
a) L=nW
b) L = CL ½RHO V² S
c) L = CL 2RHO V² S
d) L=W
Answer ;
b) L = CL ½RHO V² S
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
0656. The lift of an aeroplane of weight W in a constant linear climb with a climb angle ( gamma ) is approximately ;
a) W ( 1-sin.gamma ).
b) Wcos.gamma.
c) W ( 1-tan.gamma ).
d) W / cos.gamma.
Answer ;
b) Wcos.gamma.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0657. The lift to drag ratio determines the ;
a) endurance speed.
b) horizontal glide distance from a given altitude at zero wind and zero thrust.
c) maximum rate of climb.
d) horizontal distance in the climb up to a given altitude.
Answer ;
b) horizontal glide distance from a given altitude at zero wind and zero thrust.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 144 Principles of Flight
0658. The load factor is greater than 1 ( one ) ;
a) when lift is greater than weight.
b) during a wings level stall before recovery.
c) in steady wings level horizontal flight.
d) during a steady co-ordinated horizontal turn.
Answer ;
a) when lift is greater than weight.
0659. The location of the centre of pressure of a positive cambered wing at increasing angle of attack will ;
a) shift in spanwise direction.
b) shift forward.
c) not shift.
d) shift aft.
Answer ;
b) shift forward.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0660. The loss of total pressure in a shock wave is due to the fact that ;
a) the friction in the boundary layer is higher.
b) kinetic energy in the flow is converted into heat energy.
c) the speed reduction is too high.
d) the static pressure decrease is comparatively high.
Answer ;
b) kinetic energy in the flow is converted into heat energy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0661. The Mach number ;
a) increases at a given TAS , when the temperature rises.
b) is the ratio between the TAS of the aeroplane and the speed of sound at sea level.
c) is the ratio between the IAS of the aeroplane and the local speed of sound.
d) is the ratio between the TAS of the aeroplane and the local speed of sound.
Answer ;
d) is the ratio between the TAS of the aeroplane and the local speed of sound.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
0662. The Mach number is the ratio between the ;
a) IAS of the aeroplane and the speed of sound of the undisturbed flow.
b) TAS of the aeroplane and the speed of sound at sea level.
c) IAS of the aeroplane and the speed of sound at sea level.
d) TAS of the aeroplane and the speed of sound of the undisturbed flow.
Answer ;
d) TAS of the aeroplane and the speed of sound of the undisturbed flow.
0663. The Mach-trim function is installed on most commercial jets in order to minimize the adverse effects of ;
a) changes in the position of centre of pressure
b) compressibility effects on the stabilizer
c) uncontrolled changes in stabilizer setting
d) increased drag due to shock wave formation
Answer ;
a) changes in the position of centre of pressure
Açıklama ;
Hız kritik Mach sayısının ( Mcrit ) üzerine çıktığında , ok kanadın kökünde başlayan şok dalgası oluşumları ; CG nin
ilerisinde taşıma kuvvetini azaltacak ve kuyruktaki aşağı akımları azaltacaktır.
Bu faktörler müştereken burun aşağı yunuslama momenti yaratacaktır. Yüksek Mach sayılarında , uçak hıza karşı
dengesizleşecek , hız arttığında gerekli olan itme kuvveti yerine hızın daha artmasını engellemek için bir çekme kuvvetine ihtiyaç
duyulacaktır. Bu durum potansiyel bir tehlikedir. Mach sayısındaki az bir artış burun aşağı pitch oluşturacak , dolayısıyla da mach
sayısını daha da arttıracaktır. Bu durum da bir döngü olarak burun aşağı pitch momentinde artmaya sebep olur. Bu tercih edilmeyen
yüksek hız karekteristiği “Mach Tuck” , “Yüksek hız Tuck” veya “Tuck Under“ olarak bilinir ve yüksek süratli modern nakliye
uçaklarında maksimum çalışma hızını limitlendirebilir.
Yüksek mach sayısında lövye kuvveti gradyanını istendiği gibi devam ettirmek için , mach trim sistemi uygulanmalıdır. Bu
sistem mach sayısına hassastır ve ,
– Elevatorü yukarı saptırabilir.
– Değişken açılı yatay stabilizenin geliş açısını azaltabilir.
– Kanatlardaki yakıtı daha arkadaki bir depoya transfer ederek CG konumunu arkaya doğru kaydırabilir.
Trim değişikliği , beklenenden bir miktar daha fazla olabilir. Bu sayede yüksek Mach sayılarında istenilen lövye kuvvet
gradyanı elde edilebilir. İmalatçılar tarafından hangi trim metodu kullanılırsa kullanılsın , Mach trim sistemi boylamsal trimi
ayarlayacak ve sadece yüksek Mach sayılarında çalışacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 145 Principles of Flight
0664. The Mach trim system will ;
a) adjust the elevator trim tab , depending on the Mach Number.
b) keep the Mach Number automatically constant.
c) pump the fuel from tank to tank , depending on the Mach Number.
d) adjust the stabilizer , depending on the Mach Number.
Answer ;
d) adjust the stabilizer , depending on the Mach Number.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0663’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0665. The Mach trim system will prevent ;
a) buffeting.
b) shock stall.
c) tuck under.
d) dutch roll.
Answer ;
c) tuck under.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0663’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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0666. The main function of a trailing edge flap is to ;
a) increase the maximum lift coefficient of the wing.
b) alter the position of the centre of gravity.
c) trim the aeroplane longitudinally.
d) increase the angle of attack at which a wing will stall.
Answer ;
a) increase the maximum lift coefficient of the wing.
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0667. The main purpose of a boundary-layer fence on a swept wing is to ;
a) improve the lift coefficient of the trailing edge flaps.
b) increase the critical Mach number.
c) improve the high speed handling characteristics.
d) improve the low speed handling characteristics.
Answer ;
d) improve the low speed handling characteristics.
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0668. The manoeuvrability of an aeroplane is best when the ;
a) CG is on the aft CG limit.
b) flaps are down.
c) speed is low.
d) CG position is on the forward CG limit.
Answer ;
a) CG is on the aft CG limit.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
0669. The manoeuvre stability of a large jet transport aeroplane is 280 N/g. What stick force is required , if the aeroplane is pulled
to the limit manoeuvring load factor from a trimmed horizontal straight and steady flight ? ( cruise configuration )
a) 1050 N
b) 770 N
c) 420 N
d) 630 N
Answer ;
c) 420 N
Çözüm ;
Bir uçağın manevra stabilitesi 280 N/g’dir. Soruda düz uçuşta limit yük faktörüne ulaşmak için gerekli olan lövye kuvveti
sorulmuştur. Jet yolcu uçakları için limit yük limiti 2.5 g’dir.
280 N/g olan manevra stabilite değeri , yük faktörü 1 ( n = 1 ) olduğundaki değerdir. Dolayısıyla 2.5 yük faktörüne ulaşmak
için 1.5 g’lik bir ek yapılmalıdır. Bunun da güç olarak ederi ;
1.5 x 280 = 420 N olacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 146 Principles of Flight

0670. The manoeuvring speed VA , expressed in indicated airspeed , of a transport aeroplane ;
a) is a constant value.
b) is independent of aeroplane mass , but dependent on pressure altitude.
c) depends on aeroplane mass and pressure altitude.
d) depends on aeroplane mass and is independent of pressure altitude.
Answer ;
c) depends on aeroplane mass and pressure altitude.
Açıklama ;

Yukarıdaki şekilde görüleceği gibi VA’nın altındaki hızlarda , kanat limit yüküne eşit taşıma kuvveti üretememektedir. Hız
VA’nın üzerinde iken limit yük aşılabilir. Bunun sonucu olarak , VA hızının üzerindeki manevralarda uçak yapısında kalıcı
deformasyona yada son yük geçilir ise yapısal hasarlara neden olacak potansiyel vardır. Bunun anlamı , VA hızının üzerindeki her
manevrada daima yapısal hasar olacak değildir. Limit yükü geçilmeden emniyetli manevralar yapılabilir. Şekilde görüleceği gibi ,
uçağın en az 1.5 emniyet faktörü vardır ve yapısal hasar 2.5 yük faktöründe meydana gelmez , fakat 2.5 x 1.5 yani 3.75’te durum
değişiktir. Ancak , eğer yük faktörü 2.5 ve 3.75 arasında ise bazı kalıcı deformasyonlar meydana gelebilir. Bu nedenle , emniyet
faktörü var diye yük faktörünü limitin üzerine çıkarmak emniyetli olmaz. Ayrıca şekildeki OA çizgisi yük faktörüne göre stol
hızındaki değişimi gösterir. Stol hızı , yük faktörünün kare köküne göre artar , buna göre VA şu şekilde gösterilebilir ;

VA = VS1g x n
VA = Design manoeuvring speed ( Dizayn manevra sürati )
VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )

Örneğin 60 knot’lık 1 g stol hızındaki bir uçağın limit yük faktörü 2.5 ise VA’nın değeri ;
VA = 60 x √ 2.5 = 60 x 1.581138 = 94.86 ≈ 95 kt olacaktır.
1 g stol hızı elbette uçağın ağırlığına da bağlıdır. OA çizgisi azami dizayn ağırlığına göre çizilmiştir ve daha düşük
ağırlıklarda stol hızı daha az olacaktır. Bu nedenle aynı yük faktörü için V A azalacaktır. Bir önceki örneği ele alalım ; eğer VA’da
ağırlık 2500 lb ve hız 95 knot ise , 2000 lb ağırlıktaki hız ; 95 x ( 2000 : 2500 ) = 85 kt olacaktır. Görüldüğü gibi ağırlıktaki %20’lik
düşüş , VA’da yaklaşık %10 luk düşüşe neden olmuştur. VA’nın belirlenmesi için bir başka gereksinim de , VA’nın altında ,
kontrollerin tam uygulanmasıdır.
0671. The maximum acceptable cruising altitude is limited by a minimum acceptable load factor because exceeding that altitude ;
a) a sudden necessary bank angle may exceed the limit load factor.
b) turbulence may exceed the limit load factor.
c) Mach buffet will occur immediately.
d) turbulence may induce Mach buffet.
Answer ;
d) turbulence may induce Mach buffet.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 147 Principles of Flight

0672. The maximum aft position of the centre of gravity is , amongst others , limited by the ;
a) inability to achieve maximum rotation rate during take-off.
b) maximum longitudinal stability of the aeroplane.
c) maximum elevator deflection.
d) required minimum value of the stick force per g.
Answer ;
d) required minimum value of the stick force per g.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0673. The maximum ground distance during a glide with zero thrust decreases ;
a) with an increase in aeroplane mass in zero wind.
b) in a tailwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind.
c) with a decrease in aeroplane mass in zero wind.
d) in a headwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind.
Answer ;
d) in a headwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0674. The maximum ground distance during a glide with zero thrust increases ;
a) with an increase in aeroplane mass in zero wind.
b) in a tailwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind.
c) in a headwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind.
d) with a decrease in aeroplane mass in zero wind.
Answer ;
b) in a tailwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
0675. The Mean Aerodynamic Chord ( MAC ) for a given wing of any planform is ;
a) the chord of a large rectangular wing.
b) the chord of a rectangular wing with same moment and lift.
c) the wing area divided by the wing span.
d) the average chord of the actual aeroplane.
Answer ;
b) the chord of a rectangular wing with same moment and lift.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
0676. The mean geometric chord of a wing is the ;
a) wing span squared divided by wing area.
b) aspect ratio multiplied by the taper ratio.
c) wing area divided by the wing span.
d) wing area divide by mean aerodynamic chord.
Answer ;
c) wing area divided by the wing span.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0677. The most aft CG location may be limited by ;
1. insufficient stick force stability.
2. insufficient flare capability.
3. excessive in-flight manoeuvrability.
4. insufficient in-flight manoeuvrability.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 1 , 4.
b) 1 , 3.
c) 2 , 3.
d) 1 , 2 , 4.
Answer ;
b) 1 , 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0678. The most forward CG location may be limited by ;
1. insufficient flare capability.
2. excessive in-flight manoeuvrability.
3. insufficient in-flight manoeuvrability.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 1 , 2.
b) 1 , 3.
c) 2.
d) 3.
Answer ;
b) 1 , 3.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 148 Principles of Flight

0679. The most important factor determining the required position of the Trimmable Horizontal Stabiliser ( THS ) for take off
is the ;
a) total mass of the aeroplane.
b) position of the aeroplane’s centre of gravity.
c) stall speed.
d) centre of gravity position of the fuel.
Answer ;
b) position of the aeroplane’s centre of gravity.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0680. The most important problem of ice accretion on a transport aeroplane during flight is ;
a) reduction in CLmax.
b) increase in drag.
c) increase in weight.
d) blocking of control surfaces.
Answer ;
a) reduction in CLmax.
Açıklama ;
Buzlanmanın ana etkisi , yüzey pürüzlülüğünü arttırarak , sınır tabakasındaki enerji kaybını arttırmasıdır. Yüzey sürtünme
drag’ı artacak ve sınır tabakası yüzeyden daha çabuk ayrılarak CLMAX’ı azalacaktır. Buzlanmış kanatlarla kalkış yapılırsa ve normal
kalkış hızı kullanılırsa kalkış sonrasında stol meydana gelebilir.
Testler göstermiştir ki , kalınlığı ve pürüzlülüğü orta veya kalın zımpara kağıdı gibi olan don , buz veya kar , kaldırmayı %30
azaltıp , sürtünmeyi %40 arttırmaktadır. Buzlanma genelde kanatta ve kuyrukta , hücum kenarında ve hücum kenarından geriye doğru
oluşur ve bunun sonucunda hücum kenarı profilinde ciddi bozulmalar meydana gelir. Bu da sürtünmede büyük bir artışa ve
CLMAX’da muazzam bir azalmaya sebep olacaktır. Kanattaki CLMAX azalması daha yüksek bir stol hızına ve düşük hızlarda , özellikle
flabın açılmasıyla kanadın altından akan aşağı akımların artması sonucu , kuyruk takımında CLMAX’ ın azalmasına ve stolun
oluşmasına sebep olacaktır.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0681. The movement of the aerodynamic centre of the wing when an aeroplane accelerates through the transonic range causes ;
a) an increase in static directional stability.
b) a decrease in static directional stability.
c) an increase in static longitudinal stability.
d) a decrease in static longitudinal stability.
Answer ;
c) an increase in static longitudinal stability.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0682. The neutral point of an aeroplane is the point where ;
a) the boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent.
b) the velocity of the relative airflow is reduced to zero.
c) the aeroplane becomes longitudinally unstable when the CG is moved beyond it in an aft direction.
d) assuming no flow separation , the pitching moment coefficient does not change with varying angle of attack.
Answer ;
c) the aeroplane becomes longitudinally unstable when the CG is moved beyond it in an aft direction.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
0683. The parameters that can be read from the aeroplane parabolic polar curve are the ;
a) aspect ratio of the wing and the induced drag coefficient.
b) induced drag and the parasite drag.
c) minimum rate of descent and the induced drag.
d) minimum glide angle and the parasite drag coefficient.
Answer ;
d) minimum glide angle and the parasite drag coefficient.
0684. The pitch angle is defined as the angle between the ;
a) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
b) longitudinal axis and the chord line.
c) speed vector axis and the longitudinal axis.
d) chord line and the horizontal plane.
Answer ;
a) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 149 Principles of Flight

0685. The pitch up effect of an aeroplane with swept wing in a stall is due to the ;
a) wing root stalling first.
b) aft movement of the centre of gravity.
c) wing tip stalling first.
d) forward movement of the centre of gravity.
Answer ;
c) wing tip stalling first.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0686. The pitch up tendency of an aeroplane with swept back wings during a stall is caused by the ;
a) aft movement of the centre of gravity.
b) forward movement of the centre of pressure.
c) forward movement of the centre of gravity.
d) aft movement of the centre of pressure.
Answer ;
b) forward movement of the centre of pressure.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0687. ( Refer to Image 15 )

Image 15
The pitching moment versus angle of attack line in the diagram , which corresponds to a CG located at the neutral point of a
given aeroplane at low and moderate angles of attack is ;
a) line 2.
b) line 4.
c) line 1.
d) line 3.
Answer ;
a) line 2.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 150 Principles of Flight

0688. ( Refer to Image 31 )

Image 31
The point in the annex showing zero lift is ;
a) point b.
b) point a.
c) point d.
d) point c.
Answer ;
b) point a.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
0689. ( Refer to Image 19 )

Image 19
The point in the diagram corresponding to the minimum value of drag coefficient is ;
a) point 3.
b) point 4.
c) point 1.
d) point 2.
Answer ;
c) point 1.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 151 Principles of Flight
0690. ( Refer to Image 19 )

Image 19
The point in the diagram corresponding to the minimum value of drag is ;
a) point 1.
b) point 3.
c) point 2.
d) point 4.
Answer ;
c) point 2.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0691. ( Refer to Image 19 )

Image 19
The point in the diagram giving the lowest speed in unaccelerated flight is ;
a) point 1.
b) point 2.
c) point 3.
d) point 4.
Answer ;
d) point 4.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 152 Principles of Flight
0692. ( Refer to Image 2 )

Image 2

The point in the figure corresponding to CL for minimum horizontal flight speed is ;
a) Point a
b) Point b
c) Point d
d) Point c
Answer ;
c) Point d
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0693. The point , where the aerodynamic lift acts on a wing is ;
a) the c.g. location.
b) the centre of pressure.
c) the point of maximum thickness of the wing.
d) the suction point of the wing.
Answer ;
b) the centre of pressure.
Açıklama ;
CENTRE of PRESSURE ( Basınç Merkezi , CP )
Bir profilin tüm yüzeyi kaldırma gücü üretir. Fakat kordo hattında yer alan ve profile dağılmış kaldırmanın etkin olarak
toplandığı nokta basınç merkezidir. Bu merkezin yeri , bombenin ve kesit kaldırma katsayısının , dolayısıyla hücum açısının , bir

Hücum açısı arttıkça , üst minimum basınç noktası ileri doğru hareket eder ve buna bağlı olarak da kaldırmanın etkin olarak
toplandığı nokta ( CP ) da ileri doğru hareket edecektir. Hücum açısının artması ile kaldırma gücü artacak ve CP ileri hareket
edecektir. Ancak bu durum Stol a kadar devam edecektir. Stol da kaldırma gücü aniden kaybolur ve basınç merkezi , kordo boyunca
geriye gider.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 153 Principles of Flight

0694. The point , where the single resultant aerodynamic force acts on an aerofoil , is called ;
a) aerodynamic centre.
b) neutral point.
c) centre of gravity.
d) centre of pressure.
Answer ;
d) centre of pressure.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0693’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0695. The polar curve of an aerofoil section is a graphic relationship between ;
a) CD and angle of attack.
b) CL and CD.
c) angle of attack and CL.
d) TAS and stall speed.
Answer ;
b) CL and CD.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
0696. The polar curve of an aerofoil section is a graphic relationship between ;
a) lift coefficient Cl and drag coefficient Cd.
b) drag coefficient Cd and angle of attack.
c) TAS and stall speed.
d) angle of attack and lift coefficient Cl.
Answer ;
a) lift coefficient Cl and drag coefficient Cd.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0697. The position of the centre of pressure on an aerofoil of an aeroplane cruising at supersonic speed when compared with that at
subsonic speed is ;
a) further forward.
b) undetermined since there is no defined centre of pressure location at supersonic speeds.
c) further aft.
d) identical.
Answer ;
c) further aft.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 154 Principles of Flight

0698. The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for a large jet transport aeroplane with flaps extended is ;
a) 2.5
b) 2.0
c) 1.5
d) 3.75
Answer ;
b) 2.0
Açıklama ;
Manevralar için müsaade edilen azami yükler , hıza ( EAS ) göre değişmekte ve aşağıdaki şekilde de görülebilen ve birçok
sınırın birleşiminden oluşan bir zarf oluşturulabilmektedir.


Hız ( EAS )


Yük faktörü ( n )

Limit yük faktörü uçağın dizayn edildiği kategoriye bağlıdır.

a. Normal kategorideki uçaklar için pozitif yük faktörü 2.5 dan az olmamalıdır ve 3.8’den de büyük olmasına gerek yoktur
( modern yüksek hızlı jet nakliye uçakları için pozitif limit yük faktörü 2.5 ) ,
b. Genel maksat uçakları için pozitif limit yük faktörü 4.4’tür ,
c. Akrobasi kategorisindeki uçaklar için pozitif limit yük faktörü 6’dır.
Negatif limit yük faktörü aşağıda belirtilenlerden az olmamalıdır.
a. Normal kategori uçaklar için –1 ,
b. Genel maksat kategorisindeki uçaklar için –1.76 ,
c. Akrobasi kategorisindeki uçaklar için –3.
Flaplar , kalkış ve iniş mesafesini kısaltmak için dizayn edilmiştir ve hız nispeten düşük iken kullanılırlar. Flapların
çalıştırma mekanizması ve gövdeye bağlantı noktaları , yüksek hızlarda maruz kalınacak yüklere dayanmak için dizayn edilmemiştir
( dinamik basınç ).
Flaplar CLMAX ’ı yükseltir, stol hızının azaltırlar , bu nedenle flaplar açıldığında , yapısal limit yükünü aşmaktan kaçınmak
için ilave korumalar gerekir. Yukarıdaki V – n grafiğinde , flaplar aşağıda iken , orta hızlarda yapıya daha yüksek yüklerin
uygulanması olasıdır. Flaplar aşağıda iken limit yük faktörü 2.5’tan 2’ye düşürülerek flaplara ve kanat yapısına ilave koruma sağlanır.
Flaplar türbülansta açılır ise , belirli bir dikey ani rüzgar , çok büyük taşıma kuvveti üretebilir ki , bu da uçak yapısını daha büyük bir
yüke maruz bırakır , muhtemelen yapının dayanma gücünü aşar ve yapısal hasarlar meydana gelir.
VFE ; Flap açma hızı , uçağın , flaplar belirlenen açıklıkta iken ( beyaz çizginin üst tarafı ) , uçabileceği azami hızdır. Seyahat
hızında türbülansa girerken flapların açılması , stol hızını düşürür ve stol hız sınırını yükseltir. Fakat yapısal sınırlamalar daha büyük
miktarda düşecektir. Flaplar sadece uçuş el kitabında belirlendiği gibi kullanılmalıdır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0699. The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for a light aeroplane in the utility category in the clean configuration is ;
a) 4.4
b) 6.0
c) 2.5
d) 3.8
Answer ;
a) 4.4
Açıklama ;
Soru 0698’in açıklamasına bakınız.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 155 Principles of Flight

0700. The primary purpose of dihedral is to ;
a) increase static directional stability.
b) increase dynamic stability.
c) decrease sensitivity to Dutch roll.
d) increase static lateral stability.
Answer ;
d) increase static lateral stability.
Açıklama ;
Uçağın yatay referans noktası ile kanat veya stabilize arasındaki açı “geometrik dihedral” olarak adlandırılır. Kanat ufkun
üzerinde ise pozitiftir. Bazı uçaklarda ise negatif geometrik dihedral kullanılır ve bunlar anhedral olarak tanımlanır.



Enlemsel kararlılığa ( lateral stability ) katkıda bulunan başlıca yüzey kanattır. “Geometrik dihedral etkisi” enlemsel
kararlılığa önemli bir katkıda bulunur. Yukarıdaki ilk şekilde görüldüğü gibi , geometrik dihedrali olan bir kanat yana sapma
sonucunda kararlılık yönünde bir roll momenti oluşturacaktır. Eğer yandan bir rüzgar gelirse , rüzgar tarafındaki kanatta hücum açısı
artacak ve bununla beraber taşıma kuvveti de artacaktır. Diğer kanatta ise hücum açısı azalacak ve dolayısıyla taşıma kuvveti de
azalacaktır. Taşıma kuvvetindeki değişmeler , yatış momenti yaratarak rüzgar tarafındaki kanadı yükseltir. Böylece sapmalarda
geometrik dihedral denge durumuna katkıda bulunacak yatış momenti yaratır. Geometrik dihedralin enlemsel kararlılığa etkisi çok
güçlü olduğundan , kanat konumu , flaplar ve güç gibi bütün diğer komponentlerin katkısı dihedral etkisi olarak ifade edilir.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 156 Principles of Flight

0701. The purpose of a dorsal fin is to ;
a) provide pitch and yaw control.
b) stabilise forebody vortices.
c) maintain static directional stability at large sideslip angles.
d) reduce tendency for spiral instability.
Answer ;
c) maintain static directional stability at large sideslip angles.
Açıklama ;
Gövdenin kararsızlığını giderebilmek için gövdenin
dizaynında gövdenin üst ve alt yüzeylerine sabit stabilizeler
monte edilebilir. Çok düşük bir kanat açıklık oranına sahip ve
gövdenin arka tarafına yerleştirilen bu küçük aerodinamik
profiller üste ( dorsal fin ) veya alta ( ventral fin ) takılabilir.
Eğer uçak sağ tarafa sapma yapar ise üst yüzey ve alt
yüzey sabit stabilizeler sağ tarafa bir yan kuvvet meydana
getirecektir. Bu kuvvetin etki noktası uçak CG sinin arkasında
olduğundan , sol tarafa doğru bir sapma momenti oluşturur
( dengeleyici etki ). Buna rağmen sapmanın küçük açılarında
bunlar etkili değillerdir.Küçük yana kayma açılarında üst ve alt
yüzey sabit stabilizeler tarafından meydana getirilen kuvvet çok küçük olacaktır. Çünkü ;
a. Sabit stabilizeler düşük hücum açısındadırlar ,
b. Sabit stabilizeler küçük yüzey alanına sahiptirler ve ,
c. Sabit stabilizelerin kanat açıklık oranı çok küçük dolayısıyla taşıma kuvveti grafiğinin eğimi de küçüktür.
Sapmaya karşı dengesiz olan bir gövdeye sabit stabilizeler takıldığında , düşük yana kayma açılarında ( sideslip angle )
dengesiz kalmaya devam edecektir. Üst ve alt yüzey sabit
stabilizeler nispeten yüksek yana kayma açılarında etkilidirler.
Düşük kanat açıklık oranlarına sahip olduklarından , uçağın normal
uçuşta karşılaşacağı herhangi bir yana kayma açısında stol
olmazlar. Sabit stabilizelerin etkinliği büyüyen yana kayma açısı
ile artar , bu nedenle , gövdede sabit stabilizelerin olması , büyük
yana kayma açılarında gövdeye kararlık verir. Sabit stabilizeler
uçağa tam bir istikametsel statik kararlılık sağlarlarken , üst yüzeye
takılan sabit stabilize enlemsel kararlılığa olumlu alt yüzeye takılan
sabit stabilize ise olumsuz katkıda bulunur. Bu yüzden üst yüzeye
takılan sabit stabilize kullanımı daha yaygındır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0702. The purpose of correctly setting the leading and trailing edge devices on the wing of an aeroplane during take-off , approach
and landing is to ;
a) reduce stall speed , increase CLMAX with minimum increase in drag for take-off , but with a relatively high
drag for approach and landing.
b) reduce stall speed and drag during take-off and landing.
c) increase stall speed and CLMAX during take-off , but reduce stall speed with a relatively high drag during
approach and landing.
d) reduce the take-off roll and increase the landing roll.
Answer ;
a) reduce stall speed , increase CLMAX with minimum increase in drag for take-off , but with a relatively high
drag for approach and landing.
0703. The reference section of a propeller blade with radius R is usually taken at a distance from the propeller axis equal to ;
a) 0.90 R
b) 0.50 R
c) 0.25 R
d) 0.75 R
Answer ;
d) 0.75 R
Açıklama ;

Pal açısı veya hatve , pal korda hattı ile pal dönüş sathı
arasındaki açıdır. Pal açısı dipten uca doğru azalır ( bükülür ) ,
çünkü palin dönüş hızı dipten uca doğru hızlanır. Referans
amacı ile pal açısı , pal kökünden pal uzunluğunun %75’i mesafede

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 157 Principles of Flight
0704. The regime of flight from the critical Mach number up to approximately M = 1.3 is called the ;
a) supersonic range.
b) transonic range.
c) subsonic range.
d) hypersonic range.
Answer ;
b) transonic range.
0705. The relationship between induced drag and the aspect ratio is ;
a) an increase in the aspect ratio increases the induced drag
b) induced drag = 1.3 aspect ratio value
c) there is no relationship
d) a decrease in the aspect ratio increases the induced drag
Answer ;
d) a decrease in the aspect ratio increases the induced drag
0706. The relationship between the stall speed VS and VA ( EAS ) for a large transport aeroplane can be expressed in the following
formula ; ( SQRT= square root )
a) VA <= VS * SQRT (2.5)
b) VA > VS * SQRT (2.5)
c) VA >= VS * SQRT (2.5)
d) VA <= VS / SQRT (2.5)
Answer ;
c) VA >= VS * SQRT (2.5)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
0707. The relative thickness of an aerofoil is expressed in ;
a) camber.
b) degrees cross section tail angle.
c) meters.
d) % chord.
Answer ;
d) % chord.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0708. The sensor of a stall warning system can be activated by a change in the location of the ;
a) transition region.
b) centre of gravity.
c) centre of lift.
d) stagnation point.
Answer ;
d) stagnation point.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 158 Principles of Flight

0709. ( Refer to Image 6 )

Image 6
The sequence which correctly represents blade twist at the given sections is ;
a) Sequence 3
b) Sequence 4
c) Sequence 1
d) Sequence 2
Answer ;
b) Sequence 4
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
0710. The shape of the gust load diagram is also determinated by the following three vertical speed in ft/s ( clean configuration ) ;
a) 35 , 55 , 66
b) 15 , 56 , 65
c) 22 , 55 , 75
d) 25 , 50 , 66
Answer ;
d) 25 , 50 , 66
Açıklama ;

Gust Load diagramı

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 159 Principles of Flight

0711. The “short period mode” is an ;
a) oscillation about the longitudinal axis.
b) oscillation about the vertical axis.
c) unstable movement of the aeroplane , induced by the pilot.
d) oscillation about the lateral axis.
Answer ;
d) oscillation about the lateral axis.
Açıklama ;
Dinamik boylamsal istikrarın ikinci şekli , kısa periyotlu salınımdır. Kısa periyotlu salınım ; hemen hemen sabit hız ,
yükseklik ve yunuslama vaziyeti ile birlikte hücum açısında önemli değişiklikleri içerir. Statik kararlılıktan dolayı dengeye doğru
çekilen hızlı yunuslama salınımlarından oluşur ve kısa periyotlu bu salınımların büyüklüğü yunuslama “damping”i sonucunda
zamanla düşer.

Kısa periyotlu salınım, yüksek dinamik basınçta , büyük hücum açısı değişiklikleri ile ciddi “g” yükü üretebilir ( yük
faktöründe büyük değişiklik ). Şekilde görülen ikinci hareket şekli , pilotun müdahale gecikme zamanına yakın ( 1 veya 2 saniye ) ,
nispeten kısa periyoda sahiptir. Pilotun salınımı engelleme çabası bu yüzden salınımı destekleyip kararsızlığa yol açabilir.
Kısa periyotlu salınım pilot tarafında kolayca kontrol edilemez. Eğer kısa periyotlu salınım meydana gelirse , kumandaları
serbest bırakmak gerekir , çünkü hava aracı gerekli damping’i yapacak şekilde dizayn edilmiştir. Hatta uçak salınım yaparken pilotun
kumandaları sabit tutma denemesi bile , kontrol sistemine küçük bir miktarda kararsızlık yaratıcı etki vererek , salınımı güçlendirip
hatalı uçuş yükleri üretebilir.
Modern yüksek hızlı jet nakliye uçaklarına , dinamik boylamsal kararsızlığı kompanse edecek yunuslama damperleri
yerleştirilmiştir. Dinamik boylamsal istikrarın iki şeklinden , kısa periyotlu salınımın önemi daha büyüktür. Kısa periyotlu salınım ,
“g” yükündeki hızlı değişimlerden dolayı hasar yaratabilecek uçuş yükleri üretebilir ve bu durum , pilotun tepki zamanındaki
gecikmelerden olumsuz etkilenir.
Salınımın büyüklüğünün yunuslama damping ile azaltıldığı ifade edilmişti. Bu nedenle dinamik kararlılık sorunu , düşük
aerodinamik damping durumundaki uçuş şartlarında önemli olabilir. Yüksek irtifa , dolayısıyla düşük yoğunluk ( yüksek TAS )
aerodinamik damping’i azaltır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
0712. The SI unit of measurement for density is ;
a) psi.
b) kg/m3.
c) kg/cm2.
d) bar.
Answer ;
b) kg/m3.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0713. The SI unit of measurement for pressure is ;
a) kg/m3.
b) bar/dm2.
c) lb/gal.
d) N/m2.
Answer ;
d) N/m2.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 160 Principles of Flight

0714. The SI units of air density (I) and force (II) are ;
a) (I) kg/m² , (II) kg.
b) (I) N/kg , (II) kg.
c) (I) N/m3 , (II) N.
d) (I) kg/m3 , (II) N.
Answer ;
d) (I) kg/m3 , (II) N.
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0715. The significance of VA for jet transport aeroplanes is reduced at high cruising altitudes because ;
a) the engine has insufficient thrust to reach the limit load factor.
b) the elevator deflection is limited to prevent exceeding the limit load factor.
c) at high altitudes the bank angle is normally limited to 15º to prevent exceeding the limit load factor.
d) buffet onset limitations normally become limiting.
Answer ;
d) buffet onset limitations normally become limiting.
0716. The sonic boom of an aeroplane flying at supersonic speed is created by ;
a) aerodynamic heating.
b) the centre of pressure , which is moving aft on the aerofoil.
c) shock waves around the aeroplane.
d) the expansion flow behind the aeroplane.
Answer ;
c) shock waves around the aeroplane.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
0717. The span-wise flow is caused by the difference between the air pressure on top and beneath the wing and its direction of
movement goes from ;
a) the top to beneath the wing via the wing’s trailing edge
b) beneath to the top of the wing via the trailing edge
c) the top to beneath the wing via the leading edge
d) beneath to the top of the wing via the wing tip
Answer ;
d) beneath to the top of the wing via the wing tip
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
0718. The span-wise flow on an unswept wing is from the ;
a) upper surface via the trailing edge to the lower wing surface.
b) lower to the upper surface via the wing tip.
c) upper surface via the leading edge to the lower wing surface.
d) lower surface via the trailing edge to the upper wing surface.
Answer ;
b) lower to the upper surface via the wing tip.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
0719. The speed for minimum glide angle occurs at an angle of attack that corresponds to ; ( assume zero thrust , ^ … denotes
power of … )
a) ( CL^3/CD^2 ) max
b) ( CL/CD ) max
c) CLmax
d) ( CL/CD^2 ) max
Answer ;
b) ( CL/CD ) max
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
0720. The speed of sound is affected by the ;
a) pressure of the air.
b) humidity of the air.
c) density of the air.
d) temperature of the air.
Answer ;
d) temperature of the air.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
0721. The speed of sound is determined only by ;
a) humidity.
b) density.
c) temperature.
d) pressure.
Answer ;
c) temperature.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 161 Principles of Flight
0722. The speed range between high and low speed buffet ;
a) increases during a descent at a constant IAS.
b) decreases during a descent at a constant Mach number.
c) is always positive at Mach numbers below MMO.
d) increases during climb.
Answer ;
a) increases during a descent at a constant IAS.
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0723. The speed range from approximately M=1.3 to approximately M=5 is called the ;
a) transonic range.
b) hypersonic range.
c) supersonic range.
d) subsonic range.
Answer ;
c) supersonic range.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0724. The stall speed ;
a) does not depend on weight
b) increases with an increased weight
c) decreases with an increased weight
d) increases with the length of the wingspan
Answer ;
b) increases with an increased weight
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0725. The stall speed decreases ; ( all other relevant factors are constant )
a) when , during a manoeuvre , the aeroplane nose is suddenly pushed firmly downwards ( e.g. as in a push
over ).
b) when flaps are retracted.
c) in a horizontal turn.
d) when the CG is moved forward.
Answer ;
a) when , during a manoeuvre , the aeroplane nose is suddenly pushed firmly downwards ( e.g. as in a push
over ).
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0726. The stall speed ( IAS ) will change according to the following factors ;
a) May increase when the cg moves forward , with higher altitude and due to the slipstream from a propeller on
an engine located forward of the wing.
b) May increase with altitude , especially high altitude , will increase during icing conditions and will increase
when the cg moves forward.
c) Will increase with increased load factor , more flaps and increased bank angle in a turn.
d) Will increase in a turn , higher temperature and will increase when the cg moves aft.
Answer ;
b) May increase with altitude , especially high altitude , will increase during icing conditions and will increase
when the cg moves forward.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 162 Principles of Flight

0727. The stall speed in a 60° banked turn increases by the following factor ;
a) 2.00
b) 1.07
c) 1.30
d) 1.41
Answer ;
d) 1.41
Çözüm ;
Öncelikle burada yük faktörünün ne şekilde değişeceği hesaplanmalıdır. Yük faktörü formülüne bakıldığında ;

L 1
n= =
W cos β
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

Bu formüle göre ;
n = 1 : cos 60 = 1 : 0.5 = 2 olarak bulunur.
Stol sürati 100 kt olan uçağın , dönüş sırasında yük faktörü n = 1.5’a çıktığındaki stol sürati sorulmuştur. Burada 100 kt stol
sürati n = 1 durumundaki stol süratidir. Aşağıdaki formül yeni oluşan stol süratinin hesaplanması içindir ;

VS = VS1g x n
VS = Stall speed ( Stol sürati )
VS1g = Stall speed in level straight flight ( Düz uçuştaki stol sürati )
n = Load factor ( Yük faktörü )

Bu formüle göre , yapılacak bu dönüşte stol sürati yük faktörünün karekökü oranında artacaktır. Buna göre yeni stol sürati
eski stol süratinin ; √ 2 = 1.4142 ≈ 1.41 katı olacaktır.
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0728. The stall speed increases , when ; ( all other factors of importance being constant )
a) weight decreases.
b) spoilers are retracted.
c) minor altitude changes occur e.g. 0-10.000 ft.
d) pulling out of a dive.
Answer ;
d) pulling out of a dive.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0729. The stall speed line in the manoeuvring load diagram runs through a point where the ;
a) speed = VB , load factor = +1.
b) speed = 0 , load factor = +1.
c) speed = VA , load factor = +1.
d) speed = VS , load factor = +1.
Answer ;
d) speed = VS , load factor = +1.
0730. The stall speed line in the manoeuvring load diagram runs through a point where the ;
a) speed = VA , load factor = limit load factor.
b) speed = VB , load factor = gust load factor.
c) speed = VS , load factor = 0.
d) speed = 0 , load factor = +1.
Answer ;
a) speed = VA , load factor = limit load factor.
0731. The stall speed lines in the manoeuvring load diagram originate from a point where the ;
a) speed = VS , load factor = 0.
b) speed = 0 , load factor = 0.
c) speed = 0 , load factor = +1.
d) speed = VA , load factor = +1.
Answer ;
b) speed = 0 , load factor = 0.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 163 Principles of Flight
0732. The stalling speed in IAS will change according to the following factors ;
a) Will increase during turn , increased mass and an aft cg location.
b) Will decrease with a forward cg location , lower altitude and due to the slip stream from a propeller on an
engine located forward of the wing.
c) Will increase with increased load factor , icing conditions and more flaps.
d) May increase during turbulence and will always increase when banking in a turn.
Answer ;
d) May increase during turbulence and will always increase when banking in a turn.
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0733. The stalling speed in IAS will change according to the following factors ;
a) Decrease in a forward cg location , higher altitude and due to the slip stream from a propeller on an engine
located forward of the wing.
b) Increase during turn , increased mass and forward cg location.
c) Increase with increased load factor , more flaps but will not increase due to the bank angle in a turn.
d) Increase with increased load factor , icing conditions and an aft cg location.
Answer ;
b) Increase during turn , increased mass and forward cg location.
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0734. The stick force per g of a heavy transport aeroplane is 300 N/g. What stick force is required , if the aeroplane in the clean
configuration is pulled to the limit manoeuvring load factor from a trimmed horizontal straight and steady flight ?
a) 825 N.
b) 750 N.
c) 1125 N.
d) 450 N.
Answer ;
d) 450 N.
Çözüm ;
Ağır bir hava yolu nakliye uçağının g başına düşen lövye kuvveti 150 N/g’dir. Clean konfigürasyondaki bu uçağın , düz
uçuşta limit manevra yükü değerine ulaşması için gerekli olan lövye kuvveti sorulmuştur.
Bu uçağı ağır bir jet nakliye uçağı kabul ettiğimizde bunun için geçerli olan limit yük faktörü 2.5 olacaktır. 300 N/g olan
g başına düşen lövye kuvveti değeri , yük faktörü 1 ( n = 1 ) olduğundaki değerdir. Dolayısıyla 2.5 yük faktörüne ulaşmak
için 1.5 g’lik bir ek yapılmalıdır. Bunun da güç olarak ederi ;
1.5 x 300 = 450 N olacaktır.
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0735. The stick shaker stalling is taken from ;
a) TAS.
b) Ground Speed.
c) IAS.
d) Mach Number.
Answer ;
c) IAS.
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0736. The subsonic speed range ;
a) ends at a Mach number just above M = 1.
b) ends at M = 1.
c) implies both subsonic and supersonic speeds exist in the flow around the aeroplane.
d) ends at Mcrit.
Answer ;
d) ends at Mcrit.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
0737. The ( subsonic ) static pressure ;
a) increases in a flow in a tube when the diameter decreases.
b) is the total pressure plus the dynamic pressure.
c) is the pressure in a point at which the velocity has become zero.
d) decreases in a flow in a tube when the diameter decreases.
Answer ;
d) decreases in a flow in a tube when the diameter decreases.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 164 Principles of Flight

0738. ( Refer to Image 9 )

Image 9

The tab in the figure represents ;

a) a balance tab.
b) a servo tab.
c) a trim tab.
d) an anti-balance tab.
Answer ;
b) a servo tab.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0739. ( Refer to Image 10 )

Image 10
The tab in the figure represents ;
a) an anti-balance tab.
b) a control tab.
c) a trim tab.
d) a balance tab that also functions as a trim.
Answer ;
d) a balance tab that also functions as a trim.
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0740. The tendency to Dutch roll increases when ;
a) the static lateral stability increases.
b) the centre of gravity moves forward.
c) the static directional stability increases.
d) the anhedral increases.
Answer ;
a) the static lateral stability increases.
0741. The term angle of attack in a two dimensional flow is defined as ;
a) the angle formed by the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane and the chord line of the wing
b) the angle between the wing chord line and the direction of the relative wind/airflow.
c) the angle between the aeroplane climb path and the horizon.
d) the angle for maximum lift/drag ratio
Answer ;
b) the angle between the wing chord line and the direction of the relative wind/airflow.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 165 Principles of Flight
0742. The terms “q” and “S” in the lift formula are ;
a) dynamic pressure and the area of the wing.
b) static pressure and wing surface area.
c) static pressure and dynamic pressure.
d) square root of surface and wing loading.
Answer ;
a) dynamic pressure and the area of the wing.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
0743. The torque effect during the take off run in respect of a right hand propeller , when viewed from behind , will tend to ;
a) roll the aeroplane to the left.
b) pitch the aeroplane nose up.
c) pitch the aeroplane nose down.
d) roll the aeroplane to the right.
Answer ;
a) roll the aeroplane to the left.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
0744. The torque reaction of a rotating fixed pitch propeller will be greatest at ;
a) low aeroplane speed and low engine power.
b) high aeroplane speed and maximum engine power.
c) high aeroplane speed and low engine power.
d) low aeroplane speed and maximum engine power.
Answer ;
d) low aeroplane speed and maximum engine power.
0745. The total drag of a three dimensional wing consists of ;
a) parasite drag and pressure drag.
b) pressure drag , friction drag and parasite drag.
c) induced drag and parasite drag.
d) induced drag and interference drag.
Answer ;
c) induced drag and parasite drag.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
0746. The total drag of an aerofoil in two dimensional flow comprises ;
a) skin friction drag and induced drag.
b) interference drag and skin friction drag.
c) pressure drag and skin friction drag.
d) induced drag and form drag.
Answer ;
c) pressure drag and skin friction drag.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0747. The trailing edge flaps when extended ;
a) degrade the best angle of glide
b) increase the zero lift angle of attack
c) significantly increase the angle of attack for maximum lift
d) significantly lower the drag
Answer ;
a) degrade the best angle of glide
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 166 Principles of Flight

0748. The transition point is the point where ;
a) the aeroplane becomes longitudinally unstable when the cg is moved beyond it in an aft direction.
b) the velocity of the relative airflow is reduced to zero.
c) changes in lift due to variations in angle of attack are constant.
d) the boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent.
Answer ;
d) the boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent.
Açıklama ;
Uçakla direkt temasta olan hava partikülleri uçağın hızına erişene kadar hızlandırılırlar ve uçakla beraber hareket ederler. Bu
partiküller , kendilerine bitişik partikülleri de hızlandıracak fakat bu partiküller havanın viskozitesi düşük olduğundan dolayı uçak
hızından çok az daha düşük bir hızda hareket edeceklerdir. Yüzeyden olan mesafe arttıkça hava katmanlarının hızlanmaları da
azalacaktır. Bu şekilde tüm katmanlara bakıldığında , uçağa göre hızın uçak yüzeyindeki sıfır değerinden hattın yüzeye en uzak olan
sınırında en fazla çıkacak şekilde değiştiği bir hava katmanı oluşacaktır.Yüzeyden , viskozite etkilerinin sıfıra indiği noktaya kadar
olan bu ince hava katmanına sınır tabakası ( boundary layer ) denir. Uçuşta , sınır tabakasının özellikleri en fazla taşıma katsayısı , stol
karakteristikleri , şeklin sürükleme değeri ve belli bir ölçüde yüksek hız karakteristiklerini belirler.

Şekilde görülen hava düz bir satıhta hareket etmektedir. Sınır tabakası , düzgün ( laminar ) veya türbülanslı ( turbulent )
olmak üzere iki şekilde teşekkül etmektedir. Genelde akış başlangıçta düzgün , belli bir noktadan ki bu noktaya “geçiş noktası
( tansition point )” denir , sonra da türbülanslı olur. Türbülanslı bölgede hız değişimi daha fazla olduğu için yüzey sürüklemesi de
daha fazladır. Yine , türbülanslı sınır tabakasının kinetik enerjisi düzgün sınır tabakasına göre daha yüksektir.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
0749. The transition point is where the boundary layer changes from ;
a) turbulent into laminar.
b) laminar into turbulent.
c) attached flow into separated flow.
d) separated flow into attached flow.
Answer ;
b) laminar into turbulent.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0748’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0750. The true airspeed ( TAS ) is ;
a) equal to the IAS , multiplied by the air density at sea level.
b) lower than the indicated airspeed ( IAS ) at ISA conditions and altitudes below sea level.
c) higher than the speed of the undisturbed airstream about the aeroplane.
d) lower than the speed of the undisturbed airstream about the aeroplane.
Answer ;
b) lower than the indicated airspeed ( IAS ) at ISA conditions and altitudes below sea level.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
0751. The type of stall that has the largest associated angle of attack is ;
a) a shock stall.
b) a low speed stall.
c) an accelerated stall.
d) a deep stall.
Answer ;
d) a deep stall.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0752. The unit of density is ;
a) kg/cm²
b) kg/m³
c) bar
d) psi
Answer ;
b) kg/m³
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 167 Principles of Flight
0753. The unit of measurement of pressure is ;
a) psi
b) kg/m³
c) lb/gal
d) kg/dm²
Answer ;
a) psi
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0754. The units of wing loading (I) W/S and (II) dynamic pressure q are ;
a) (I) kg m , (II) N/m².
b) (I) N/m3 , (II) kg/m².
c) (I) N/m² , (II) N/m².
d) (I) N/m , (II) kg.
Answer ;
c) (I) N/m² , (II) N/m².
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
0755. The use of a slot in the leading edge of the wing enables the aeroplane to fly at a slower speed because ;
a) it changes the camber of the wing
b) the laminar part of the boundary layer gets thicker
c) it decelerates the upper surface boundary layer air
d) it delays the stall to a higher angle of attack
Answer ;
d) it delays the stall to a higher angle of attack
0756. The value of the induced drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight at constant mass varies linearly with ;
a) 1/V
b) V²
c) 1/V²
d) V
Answer ;
c) 1/V²
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0757. The value of the manoeuvre stability of an aeroplane is 150 N/g. The stick force required to achieve a load factor of 2.5 from
steady level flight is ;
a) 450 N.
b) 225 N.
c) 375 N.
d) 150 N.
Answer ;
b) 225 N.
Çözüm ;
Bir uçağın manevra stabilitesi 150 N/g’dir. Soruda düz uçuşta 2.5 yük faktörü elde edebilmek için gerekli olan lövye kuvveti
150 N/g olan manevra stabilite değeri , yük faktörü 1 ( n = 1 ) olduğundaki değerdir. Dolayısıyla 2.5 yük faktörüne ulaşmak
için 1.5 g’lik bir ek yapılmalıdır. Bunun da güç olarak ederi ;
1.5 x 150 = 225 N olacaktır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0758. The value of the parasite drag in straight and level flight at constant weight varies linearly with the ;
a) square of the angle of attack.
b) angle of attack.
c) square of the speed.
d) speed.
Answer ;
c) square of the speed.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 168 Principles of Flight

0759. The vane of a stall warning system with a flapper switch is activated by the change of the ;
a) stagnation point.
b) centre of pressure.
c) point of lowest pressure.
d) centre of gravity.
Answer ;
a) stagnation point.
Açıklama ;


Hücum açısının yükselmesiyle stol ikaz

kanatçığı da gövdeye göre dönmeye başlar

Gövde kaplaması

Flapper Şalter ( Flapper switch ) :

Şekilde görüldüğü gibi , hücum açısı büyüdükçe , hücum kenarındaki durgun nokta ( stagnation point ) aşağıya ve geriye
doğru hareket eder. Flapper şalter , ikaz verilmesi gereken hücum açısında , durgun noktayı şalterin altına doğru hareket ettirecek
şekilde yerleştirilmiştir ve böylece yükselen basınç şalteri kaldırır ve kapatır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0760. ( Refer to Image 14 )

Image 14
The variation of propeller efficiency of a fixed pitch propeller with TAS at a given RPM is shown in ;
a) figure 4.
b) figure 3.
c) figure 2.
d) figure 1.
Answer ;
a) figure 4.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 169 Principles of Flight
0761. ( Refer to Image 30 )

Image 30
The variation of propeller efficiency of a fixed pitch propeller with TAS at a given RPM is shown in ;
a) figure 1.
b) figure 3.
c) figure 4.
d) figure 2.
Answer ;
b) figure 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0762. The wing of an aeroplane will never stall at low subsonic speeds as long as ....
a) the IAS exceeds the power-on stall speed.
b) there is a nose-down attitude.
c) the angle of attack is smaller than the value at which the stall occurs.
d) the CAS exceeds the power-on stall speed.
Answer ;
c) the angle of attack is smaller than the value at which the stall occurs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0763. To be able to predict compressibility effects you have to determine the ;
a) EAS.
b) IAS.
c) TAS.
d) Mach Number.
Answer ;
d) Mach Number.
0764. To increase the critical Mach number a conventional aerofoil should ;
a) have a large camber.
b) have a large leading edge radius.
c) be used with a high angle of attack.
d) have a low thickness to chord ratio.
Answer ;
d) have a low thickness to chord ratio.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 170 Principles of Flight
0765. Total drag is the sum of ;
a) induced drag and friction drag.
b) parasite drag and induced drag.
c) friction drag and pressure drag.
d) parasite drag , interference drag and pressure drag.
Answer ;
b) parasite drag and induced drag.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0766. Total pressure is ; ( rho = density )
a) static pressure minus dynamic pressure.
b) ½ rho V².
c) measured at a small hole in a surface , parallel to the local stream.
d) static pressure plus dynamic pressure.
Answer ;
d) static pressure plus dynamic pressure.
0767. Trailing edge flap extension will ;
a) increase the critical angle of attack and increase the value of CLmax.
b) decrease the critical angle of attack and increase the value of CLmax.
c) increase the critical angle of attack and decrease the value of CLmax.
d) decrease the critical angle of attack and decrease the value of CLmax.
Answer ;
b) decrease the critical angle of attack and increase the value of CLmax.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0768. Trailing edge flaps once extended ;
a) increase the zero lift angle of attack.
b) degrade the best angle of glide.
c) significantly increase the angle of attack for maximum lift.
d) signficantly lower the drag.
Answer ;
b) degrade the best angle of glide.
0769. True airspeed ( TAS ) is ;
a) lower than the indicated airspeed ( IAS ) at altitudes below sea level , under ISA conditions.
b) EAS corrected for compressibility.
c) higher than the indicated airspeed ( IAS ) at altitudes below sea level , under ISA conditions
d) equal to the IAS , multiplied by the air density at sea level.
Answer ;
a) lower than the indicated airspeed ( IAS ) at altitudes below sea level , under ISA conditions.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0770. “Tuck under” is ;
a) the tendency to nose down when speed is increased into the transonic flight regime.
b) the tendency to nose down when the control column is pulled back.
c) shaking of the control column at high Mach Number.
d) the tendency to nose up when speed is increased into the transonic flight regime.
Answer ;
a) the tendency to nose down when speed is increased into the transonic flight regime.
Açıklama ;
Hız kritik Mach sayısının ( Mcrit ) üzerine çıktığında , ok kanadın kökünde başlayan şok dalgası oluşumları ;
– CG nin ilerisinde taşıma kuvvetini azaltacak ve ,
– Kuyruktaki aşağı akımları azaltacaktır.
Bu faktörler müştereken burun aşağı yunuslama momenti yaratacaktır. Yüksek Mach sayılarında , uçak hıza karşı
dengesizleşecek , hız arttığında gerekli olan itme kuvveti yerine hızın daha artmasını engellemek için bir çekme kuvvetine ihtiyaç
duyulacaktır. Bu durum potansiyel bir tehlikedir. Mach sayısındaki az bir artış burun aşağı pitch oluşturacak , dolayısıyla da mach
sayısını daha da arttıracaktır. Bu durum da bir döngü olarak burun aşağı pitch momentinde artmaya sebep olur. Bu tercih edilmeyen
yüksek hız karekteristiği “Mach Tuck” , “Yüksek hız Tuck” veya “Tuck Under“ olarak bilinir ve yüksek süratli modern nakliye
uçaklarında maksimum çalışma hızını limitlendirebilir.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 171 Principles of Flight

0771. “Tuck under” is caused by (i) which movement of the centre of pressure of the wing and (ii) which change of the downwash
angle at the location of the stabilizer ;
a) (i) aft , (ii) increasing
b) (i) aft , (ii) decreasing
c) (i) forward , (ii) increasing
d) (i) forward , (ii) decreasing
Answer ;
b) (i) aft , (ii) decreasing
Açıklama ;
Soru 0770’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0772. “Tuck under” is the ;
a) nose down pitching tendency as speed is increased in the transonic range.
b) nose up pitching tendency as speed is increased in the transonic range.
c) shaking of the control column at high Mach number.
d) nose down pitching tendency when the control column is pulled rearwards.
Answer ;
a) nose down pitching tendency as speed is increased in the transonic range.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0770’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0773. “Tuck under” may happen at ;
a) all Mach numbers.
b) high Mach numbers.
c) only at low altitudes.
d) low Mach numbers.
Answer ;
b) high Mach numbers.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0770’in açıklamasına bakınız.
0774. Tuck under will happen ;
a) only at the critical Mach number.
b) above or below the critical Mach number depending on the angle of attack.
c) only above the critical Mach number.
d) only below the critical Mach number.
Answer ;
c) only above the critical Mach number.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0770’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0775. Turning motion in a steady , level co-ordinated turn is created by ;
a) the centrifugal force.
b) the drag.
c) the centripetal force.
d) the thrust.
Answer ;
c) the centripetal force.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 172 Principles of Flight

0776. Two identical aeroplanes A and B , with the same mass , are flying steady level co-ordinated 20 degree bank turns. If the
TAS of A is 130 kt and the TAS of B is 200 kt ;
a) the rate of turn of A is less than that of B.
b) the lift coefficient of A is greater than that of B.
c) the turn radius of A is greater than that of B.
d) the load factor of A is greater than that of B.
Answer ;
b) the lift coefficient of A is greater than that of B.
Açıklama ;

L 1 V2
L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S n= = r=
W cos β g . tan β
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 ) r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m )
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s ) V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı ) g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 ) β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

Yukarıdaki formülleri kullanarak A ve B uçaklarını karşılaştırdığımızda ;

Kaldırma katsayısı ;
Lift formülündeki bileşenlerin yerlerini değiştirdiğimizde ;
CL = L : ( ½ x ρ x V² x S ) olacaktır , burada uçaklar aynı olduğu için L , ρ ve S aynı değerdedir ve tek değişken V’dir. Buna
göre kaldırma katsayısı sadece hızın karesiyle ters orantılı olarak değişecektir. Örneğin Lift’i = 100000 N olarak alırsak ;
A → CL = 100000 : 1302 = 100000 : 16900 = 5.91 ,
B → CL = 100000 : 2002 = 100000 : 40000 = 2.5 ,
Görüldüğü gibi A uçağının kaldırma katsayısı B uçağından büyüktür.

Dönüş yarıçapı ;
A → Öncelikle kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat m/s cinsine çevrilmelidir.
130 kt = 130 x 1.852 = 240.76 km/h → 240.76 x 1000 = 240760 m/h → 240760 : 3600 = 66.87 m/s
r = ( 66.87 )2 : ( 10 x tan 20 ) = 4471.5969 : 3.6397 ≈ 1228.5 metre
B → 200 kt = 200 x 1.852 = 370.4 km/h → 370.4 x 1000 = 370400 m/h → 370400 : 3600 = 102.88 m/s
r = ( 102.88 )2 : ( 10 x tan 20 ) = 10584.2944 : 3.6397 ≈ 2908 metre
Görüldüğü gibi B uçağının dönüş yarıçapı A uçağından büyüktür.

Yük faktörü ;
A → n = 1 : cos 20 = 1: 0.93969 = 1.0641 ,
B → İki uçağın bank açıları eşit olduğu için B uçağının yük faktörüde aynı değerde olacaktır.

Dönüş oranı ;
Dönüş oranlarının hesaplanabilmesi için yarıçapların ait oldukları dairenin çevresi bulunmalıdır. Bunun için ; ( 2 . Pi . r )
formülü kullanılır ( burada Pi sabit sayısını 3.14 olarak alıyoruz ) ;
A → A uçağının dönüşte çizeceği dairenin çevresi = 2 x 3.14 x 1228.5 = 7714.98 ≈ 7715 metre , uçağın sürati 66.87 m/s
olduğuna göre ; 7715 : 66.87 = 115.37 ≈ 115 saniye , yani uçak 360°lik bir dönüşü 115 saniyede tamamlamaktadır.
Buna göre saniyede ; 360 : 115 = 3.13 ≈ 3° dönüş yapmaktadır.
B → B uçağının dönüşte çizeceği dairenin çevresi = 2 x 3.14 x 2908 = 18262.24 ≈ 18262 metre , uçağın sürati 102.88 m/s
olduğuna göre ; 18262 : 102.88 = 177.5 saniye , yani uçak 360°lik bir dönüşü 177.5 saniyede tamamlamaktadır.
Buna göre saniyede ; 360 : 177.5 = 2.028 ≈ 2° dönüş yapmaktadır.
Görüldüğü gibi A uçağının dönüş oranı B uçağından daha fazladır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0777. Two identical aeroplanes A and B , with the same mass , are flying steady level co-ordinated 20 degree bank turns. If the
TAS of A is 130 kt and the TAS of B is 200 kt ;
a) the lift coefficient of A is less than that of B.
b) the turn radius of A is less than that of B.
c) the rate of turn of A is less than that of B.
d) the load factor of A is greater than that of B.
Answer ;
b) the turn radius of A is less than that of B.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0776’nın çözümlerine bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 173 Principles of Flight

0778. Two identical aeroplanes A and B , with the same mass , are flying steady level co-ordinated 20 degree bank turns. If the
TAS of A is 130 kt and the TAS of B is 200 kt ;
a) the lift coefficient of A is less than that of B.
b) the rate of turn of A is less than that of B.
c) the turn radius of A is greater than that of B.
d) the load factor of A and B are the same.
Answer ;
d) the load factor of A and B are the same.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0776’nın çözümlerine bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0779. Two identical aircraft A and B , with the same mass , are flying steady level co-ordinated 20 degree bank turns. If the TAS of
A is 130 kt and that of B is 200 kt ;
a) the lift coefficient of A is less than that of B.
b) the turn radius of A is greater than that of B.
c) the load factor of A is greater than that of B.
d) the rate of turn of A is greater than that of B.
Answer ;
d) the rate of turn of A is greater than that of B.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0776’nın çözümlerine bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0780. Two methods to increase the critical Mach Number are ;
a) thin aerofoils and dihedral of the wing.
b) positive cambering of the aerofoil and sweep back of the wing.
c) thick aerofoils and dihedral of the wing.
d) thin aerofoils and sweep back of the wing.
Answer ;
d) thin aerofoils and sweep back of the wing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0781. Upon extension of a spoiler on a wing ;
a) only CL is decreased ( CD remains unaffected ).
b) CD is increased and CL is decreased.
c) both CL and CD are increased.
d) CD is increased , while CL remains unaffected.
Answer ;
b) CD is increased and CL is decreased.
0782. Upon extension of Fowler flaps whilst maintaining the same angle of attack ;
a) CD decreases , while the centre of lift shifts aft.
b) CL increases , while CD remains unaffected.
c) CL decreases , while the centre of lift shifts forward.
d) CL and CD increase.
Answer ;
d) CL and CD increase.
0783. Upon wing spoiler extension in straight and level flight , if the speed and load factor remain constant ;
a) CL decreases but CD remains unaffected.
b) CD increases but CL remains unaffected.
c) both CL and CD increase.
d) CD increases but CL decreases.
Answer ;
b) CD increases but CL remains unaffected.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
0784. Upon wing spoiler extension in straight and level flight , if the speed and load factor remain constant ;
a) lift decreases but drag remains unaffected.
b) drag increases but lift remains unaffected.
c) drag increases but lift decreases.
d) both lift and drag increase.
Answer ;
b) drag increases but lift remains unaffected.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 174 Principles of Flight

0785. Upward deflection of a trim tab in the longitudinal control results in ;
a) the stick position stability remaining constant.
b) increasing the stick position stability.
c) increasing the stick force stability.
d) the stick force stability remaining constant.
Answer ;
a) the stick position stability remaining constant.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0786. ( Refer to Image 5 )

Image 5
Use graphic at reference. A rotating propeller blade element produces an aerodynamic force F that may be resolved into two
components ; - a force T perpendicular to the plane of rotation ( thrust ). - a force R generating a torque absorbed by engine power.
The diagram representing a windmilling propeller is ;
a) diagram 1.
b) diagram 3.
c) diagram 4.
d) diagram 2.
Answer ;
c) diagram 4.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
0787. ( Refer to Image 4 )

Image 4
Use graphic at reference. The angle of attack of a rotating propeller blade element shown in the annex is ;
a) not correctly indicated in the diagram.
b) angle 1.
c) angle 3.
d) angle 2.
Answer ;
b) angle 1.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 175 Principles of Flight
0788. ( Refer to Image 4 )

Image 4

Use graphic at reference. The blade angle of a rotating propeller blade element shown in the annex is ;
a) not correctly indicated in the diagram.
b) angle 1.
c) angle 3.
d) angle 2.
Answer ;
d) angle 2.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0789. VA is ;
a) the speed at which a heavy transport aeroplane should fly in turbulence.
b) the maximum speed at which rolls are allowed.
c) the speed that should not be exceeded in the climb.
d) the maximum speed at which maximum elevator deflection up is allowed.
Answer ;
d) the maximum speed at which maximum elevator deflection up is allowed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0790. VLE is defined as the ;
a) maximum landing gear extended speed.
b) maximum flap extended speed.
c) maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended or retracted.
d) maximum authorised speed.
Answer ;
a) maximum landing gear extended speed.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
0791. VMCA is certified with a bank angle of not more than 5° towards the operating engine ( live engine low ) because ;
a) more than 5º bank ( live engine low ) would not reduce V MCA.
b) the slip indicator at 5º bank ( live engine low ) is centred.
c) at 5º bank ( live engine low ) , sideslip is zero.
d) although more bank reduces VMCA , too much bank may lead to fin stall.
Answer ;
d) although more bank reduces VMCA , too much bank may lead to fin stall.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0792. VMCA is the minimum speed at which directional control can be maintained when , amongst others ;
1. maximum take-off thrust was set and is maintained on the remaining engines.
2. a sudden engine failure occurs on the most critical engine.
3. flaps are in any position.
4. the gear is either up or down.
5. the aeroplane is either in or out of ground effect.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 2 , 3 and 5 are correct.
b) 1 , 2 and 4 are correct.
c) 3 , 4 and 5 are correct.
d) 1 and 2 are correct.
Answer ;
d) 1 and 2 are correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 176 Principles of Flight

0793. VMCL is the ;
a) minimum speed during landing with all engines operating.
b) maximum speed in the landing configuration.
c) minimum control speed - with landing gear down , flaps up and all engines operating.
d) minimum control speed approach and landing.
Answer ;
d) minimum control speed approach and landing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0794. VMO ;
a) should not be less than VD.
b) should be chosen in between VC and VD.
c) is equal to the design speed for maximum gust intensity.
d) should be not greater than VC.
Answer ;
d) should be not greater than VC.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
0795. Vortex generators ;
a) reduce the spanwise flow on swept wing.
b) change the turbulent boundary layer into a laminar boundary layer.
c) transfer energy from the free airflow into the boundary layer.
d) take kinetic energy out of the boundary layer to reduce separation.
Answer ;
c) transfer energy from the free airflow into the boundary layer.
Açıklama ;
VORTEKS ÜRETEÇLERİ ( Vortex Generators )

Sıkıştırılabilirlik ile ilgili istenmeyen karakteristiklerin çoğu şok dalgası

arkasındaki sınır tabakası ayrılması ile ilgilidir. Bu ayrılma sınır tabakasının kinetik
enerji kaybetmesinden kaynaklanır. Şok dalgası oluşumunun aksi yöndeki basınç
gradyanını arttırması kinetik enerji kaybını arttırır.
Sınır tabakasının kinetik enerjisinin artması ayrılmayı azaltacaktır. İşte
vorteks üreteci denilen basit bir yöntem sınır tabakasının enerjisini tekrar kazandırmak
için kullanılır. Kanat yüzeyine yerleştirilmiş küçük parçalardan oluşan vorteks
jeneratörleri uç kısımlarında vorteks oluşturarak serbest akan yüksek enerjili havayı
sınır tabakası ile birleştirir ve kinetik enerjiyi arttırarak akışın şok dalgası içinde
ayrılmadan devam etmesine yardımcı olur. Vorteks üreteçleri genelde kanadın
üst yüzeyine, kumanda yüzeylerinin önüne yerleştirilmekle birlikte , ayrılmanın büyük
miktarda sürükleme ve kumanda etkinliği kaybı yarattığı her yerde kullanılabilirler.
Vorteks üreteçleri yüzey şekillerinden kaynaklanan zıt basınç gradyanlarının sebep
olduğu ayrılmayı önlemek amacıyla sesaltı uçaklarda da rahatlıkla kullanılabilir.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
0796. Vortex generators mounted on the upper wing surface will ;
a) decrease the interference drag of the trailing edge flaps.
b) decrease the shock wave induced separation.
c) decrease the stalling speed by increasing spanwise flow on the wing.
d) increase the effectiveness of the spoiler due to increase in parasite drag.
Answer ;
b) decrease the shock wave induced separation.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0795’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0797. Vortex generators on the upper side of the wing ;
a) increase wave drag.
b) increase critical Mach Number.
c) decrease critical Mach Number.
d) decrease wave drag.
Answer ;
d) decrease wave drag.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0795’in açıklamasına bakınız.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 177 Principles of Flight

0798. Vortex generators on the upper side of the wing surface will ;
a) decrease the span wise flow at high Mach Numbers.
b) increase the critical Mach Number.
c) decrease the intensity of shock wave induced air separation.
d) increase the magnitude of the shock wave.
Answer ;
c) decrease the intensity of shock wave induced air separation.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0795’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0799. Vortex generators on the upper side of the wing surface will ;
a) increase the critical Mach Number.
b) increase the magnitude of the shock wave.
c) decrease the span wise flow at high Mach Numbers.
d) decrease shock wave induced flow separation.
Answer ;
d) decrease shock wave induced flow separation.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0795’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0800. VRA is ;
a) a sped just below Mach buffet.
b) the recommended turbulence penetration airspeed.
c) tha stall speed in turbulent conditions.
d) a speed just above low speed buffet.
Answer ;
b) the recommended turbulence penetration airspeed.
0801. What are the primary roll controls on a conventional aeroplane ?
a) The rudder.
b) Asymmetrically extended leading edge flaps.
c) Symmetrically deflected spoilers.
d) The ailerons.
Answer ;
d) The ailerons.
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0802. What can happen to the aeroplane structure flying at a speed just exceeding V A ?
a) It may suffer permanent deformation because the flight is performed at too large dynamic pressure.
b) It will collapse if a turn is made.
c) It may break if the elevator is fully deflected upwards.
d) It may suffer permanent deformation if the elevator is fully deflected upwards.
Answer ;
d) It may suffer permanent deformation if the elevator is fully deflected upwards.
0803. What data may be obtained from the Buffet Onset Boundary chart ?
a) The values of the Mach Number at which low speed and Mach Buffet occur at different weights and
b) The values of MMO at different weights and altitudes.
c) The values of Mcrit at different weights and altitudes.
d) The values of the Mach Number at which low speed and shock-stall occur at different weights and altitudes.
Answer ;
a) The values of the Mach Number at which low speed and Mach Buffet occur at different weights and
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
0804. What decreases the maximum ground distance during a glide with zero thrust ?
a) A headwind with constant aeroplane mass.
b) A decrease in aeroplane mass with zero wind.
c) A tailwind with constant aeroplane mass.
d) An increase in aeoplane mass with zero wind.
Answer ;
a) A headwind with constant aeroplane mass.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 178 Principles of Flight

0805. What factors determine the distance travelled over the ground of an aeroplane in a glide ?
a) The wind and weight together with power loading , which is the ratio of power output to the weight.
b) The wind and the lift/drag ratio , which changes with angle of attack.
c) The wind and CLmax.
d) The wind and the aeroplane’s mass.
Answer ;
b) The wind and the lift/drag ratio , which changes with angle of attack.
0806. What increases the critical angle of attack ? Use of ;
a) slats.
b) fuselage mounted speed-brakes.
c) spoilers.
d) flaps.
Answer ;
a) slats.
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0807. What increases the stalling angle of attack ? Use of ;
a) flaps.
b) fuselage mounted speed-brakes.
c) spoilers.
d) slats.
Answer ;
d) slats.
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0808. What is the approximate diameter of a steady , level , co-ordinated turn with a bank angle of 30 degrees and a speed ( TAS )
of 500 kt ?
a) 7 km.
b) 23 km.
c) 17 km.
d) 13 km.
Answer ;
b) 23 km.
Çözüm ;

r= Soruda seviyede 30°lik yatış açısıyla ve 500 kt TAS ile koordineli dönüş
g . tan β yapan bir uçağın çizeceği dairenin çapı sorulmuştur.
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) Bunun için uçağın dönüş yarıçapı yandaki formülle hesaplanmalıdır.
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) Ancak ilk olarak kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat m/s cinsine
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) çevrilmelidir ;
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) 500 kt = 500 x 1852 = 926000 m/h → 926000 : 3600 = 257.2 m/s

Değerleri formüle yerleştirdiğimizde ( burada yerçekimi ivmesini pratik olarak g = 10 m/s 2 olarak kabul ediyoruz ) ;
r = ( 257.2 )2 : ( 10 x tan 30 ) = 66151.84 : ( 10 x 0.57735 ) = 66151.84 : 5.7735 = 11457.84 ≈ 11458 metre olarak bulunur.
Dairenin çapı ( R ) = 2 x r olacağına göre sonuç ; 2 x 11458 = 22916 metre = 22.916 km ≈ 23 km.
0809. What is the approximate radius of a steady horizontal co-ordinated turn at a bank angle of 45° and a TAS of 200 kt ?
a) 1.5 km.
b) 10 km.
c) 2 km.
d) 1 km.
Answer ;
d) 1 km.
Çözüm ;

r= Soruda seviyede 45°lik yatış açısıyla ve 200 kt TAS ile koordineli dönüş
g . tan β yapan bir uçağın dönüş yarıçapı sorulmuştur.
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) Bunun için yandaki formül kullanılır.
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) Ancak ilk olarak kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat m/s cinsine
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) çevrilmelidir ;
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) 200 kt = 200 x 1852 = 370400 m/h → 370400 : 3600 = 102.88 m/s

Değerleri formüle yerleştirdiğimizde ( burada yerçekimi ivmesini pratik olarak g = 10 m/s 2 olarak kabul ediyoruz ) ;
r = ( 102.88 )2 : ( 10 x tan 45 ) = 10584.29 : ( 10 x 1 ) = 10584.29 : 10 = 1058.429 ≈ 1000 metre = 1 km olarak bulunur.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 179 Principles of Flight
0810. What is the approximate radius of a steady , level , co-ordinated turn with a bank angle of 30 degrees and a TAS of 500 kt ?
a) 12 km.
b) 7 km.
c) 10 km.
d) 24 km.
Answer ;
a) 12 km.
Çözüm ;

r= Soruda seviyede 30°lik yatış açısıyla ve 500 kt TAS ile koordineli dönüş
g . tan β yapan bir uçağın dönüş yarıçapı sorulmuştur.
r = Turn radius ( Dönüş yarıçapı , m ) Bunun için yandaki formül kullanılır.
V = Velocity ( Sürat , m/s ) Ancak ilk olarak kt ( NM/h ) cinsinden olan sürat m/s cinsine
g = Acceleration ( Yerçekimi ivmesi , m/s2 ) çevrilmelidir ;
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı ) 500 kt = 500 x 1852 = 926000 m/h → 926000 : 3600 = 257.2 m/s

Değerleri formüle yerleştirdiğimizde ( burada yerçekimi ivmesini pratik olarak g = 10 m/s 2 olarak kabul ediyoruz ) ;
r = ( 257.2 )2 : ( 10 x tan 30 ) = 66151.84 : ( 10 x 0.57735 ) = 66151.84 : 5.7735 = 11457.84 ≈ 11458 metre , bu da yaklaşık
olarak 12 km bulunur.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0811. What is the approximate value of the lift of an aeroplane at a gross weight of 50 000 N , in a horizontal coordinated 45
degrees banked turn ?
a) 80 000 N
b) 50 000 N
c) 60 000 N
d) 70 000 N
Answer ;
d) 70 000 N
Çözüm ;
Yük faktörü formülüne bakıldığında ;

L 1
n= =
W cos β
n = Load Factor ( Yük faktörü )
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
W = Weight ( Ağırlık , N )
β = Bank angle ( Yatış açısı )

Bu formüle göre kuracağımız eşitlik ;

L : W = 1 : cos β , olacaktır. Buna göre ;
L : 50 000 = 1 : cos 45 → L = 50 000 : cos 45 = 50 000 : 0.707 = 70721.35 ≈ 70 000 N olarak bulunur.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
0812. What is the correct relationship between the true airspeed for (i) minimum sink rate and (ii) minimum glide angle , at a given
altitude ?
a) (i) is less than (ii)
b) (i) can be greater than or less than (ii) depending on the type of aeroplane
c) (i) is equal to (ii)
d) (i) is greater than (ii)
Answer ;
a) (i) is less than (ii)
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0813. What is the effect of aeroplane mass on shock wave intensity at constant Mach number ?
a) Decreasing mass increases shock wave intensity.
b) A change in mass does not influence shock wave intensity.
c) Increasing mass increases shock wave intensity.
d) Decreasing mass increases shock wave intensity at below standard temperatures.
Answer ;
c) Increasing mass increases shock wave intensity.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 180 Principles of Flight

0814. What is the effect of an aft shift of the centre of gravity on (1) static longitudinal stability and (2) the required control
deflection for a given pitch change ?
a) (1) increases , (2) increases
b) (1) increases , (2) reduces
c) (1) reduces , (2) increases
d) (1) reduces , (2) reduces
Answer ;
d) (1) reduces , (2) reduces
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0815. What is the effect of elevator trim tab adjustment on the static longitudinal stability of an aeroplane ?
a) No effect.
b) Depends on the value of stick force/g.
c) Aeroplane nose up trim increases the static longitudinal stability.
d) Aeroplane nose down trim increases the static longitudinal stability.
Answer ;
a) No effect.
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0816. What is the effect of exceeding Mcrit on the stick force stability of an aeroplane with swept-back wings without any form of
stability augmentation ?
a) An increase , due to shock wave formation in the wing root area.
b) No effect , because Mcrit is not relevant when considering stick force stability.
c) No effect , because stick force stability is independent of Mach number.
d) A decrease , due to loss of lift in the wing root area.
Answer ;
d) A decrease , due to loss of lift in the wing root area.
0817. What is the effect of high aspect ratio of an aeroplane’s wing on induced drag ?
a) It is increased because high aspect ratio has greater frontal area.
b) It is increased because high aspect ratio produces greater downwash.
c) It is reduced because the effect of wing-tip vortices is reduced.
d) It is unaffected because there is no relation between aspect ratio and induced drag.
Answer ;
c) It is reduced because the effect of wing-tip vortices is reduced.
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0818. What is the effect of winglets on the drag of the wing ?
a) Increase parasite drag , decrease induced drag.
b) Increase friction drag , decrease form drag.
c) Increase induced drag , decrease friction drag.
d) Increase induced drag , decrease interference drag.
Answer ;
a) Increase parasite drag , decrease induced drag.
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0819. What is the effect on an aeroplane’s characteristics of extending Fowler flaps to their fully extended position ?
a) CD remains constant for a given angle of attack.
b) CLMAX occurs at a higher angle of attack.
c) wing area remains constant but camber increases.
d) wing area and camber increase.
Answer ;
d) wing area and camber increase.
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0820. What is the effect on induced drag of an increase in aspect ratio ?
a) Induced drag decreases , because a larger aspect ratio causes more downwash.
b) Induced drag increases , because a larger aspect ratio increases the frontal area.
c) Induced drag increases , because the effect of tip vortices increases.
d) Induced drag decreases , because the effect of tip vortices decreases.
Answer ;
d) Induced drag decreases , because the effect of tip vortices decreases.
0821. What is the effect on induced drag of mass and speed changes ? ( all other factors of importance remaining constant )
a) Increases with increasing speed and decreasing mass.
b) Decreases with increasing speed and decreasing mass.
c) Decreases with decreasing speed and decreasing mass.
d) Increases with increasing speed and increasing mass.
Answer ;
b) Decreases with increasing speed and decreasing mass.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 181 Principles of Flight
0822. What is the effect on landing speed when a trimmable horizontal stabiliser jams at high IAS ?
a) No effect with a forward CG.
b) No effect when landing on a high elevation runway.
c) In most cases , a higher than normal landing speed is required.
d) In most cases , no effect.
Answer ;
c) In most cases , a higher than normal landing speed is required.
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0823. What is the fundamental difference between a trim tab and a servo tab ?
a) The purpose of a trim tab is to reduce continuous stick force to zero , a servo tab only reduces stick force.
b) The functioning of a trim tab is based on aerodynamic balancing , whereas a servo tab is usually adjusted via
a screwjack.
c) A servo tab affects the stick force stability , whereas a trim tab does not.
d) A trim tab is automatically adjusted when its particular control surface moves , whereas a servo tab is moved
independently of its particular control surface.
Answer ;
a) The purpose of a trim tab is to reduce continuous stick force to zero , a servo tab only reduces stick force.
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0824. What is the heading change after 10 seconds of an aeroplane performing a rate one turn ?
a) 90 degrees.
b) 10 degrees.
c) 180 degrees.
d) 30 degrees.
Answer ;
d) 30 degrees.
Açıklama ;
“Rate 1” dönüşü saniyede 3°lik , dakikada da 180° dönüşü ifade eder. Buna göre 10 saniyede ; 10 x 3° = 30°lik dönüş
yapılmış olur.
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0825. What is the highest speed possible without supersonic flow over the wing ?
a) Critical Mach number.
b) Initial Mach buffet speed.
c) Tuck under speed.
d) M = 1.
Answer ;
a) Critical Mach number.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
0826. What is the influence of decreasing aeroplane weight on Mcrit at constant IAS ?
a) Mcrit increases as a result of compressibility effects.
b) Mcrit decreases.
c) Mcrit increases as a result of flying at a smaller angle of attack.
d) Mcrit decreases as a result of flying at a greater angle of attack.
Answer ;
c) Mcrit increases as a result of flying at a smaller angle of attack.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 182 Principles of Flight

0827. What is the limit load factor of a large transport aeroplane in the manoeuvring diagram ?
a) 3.75
b) 6
c) 1.5
d) 2.5
Answer ;
d) 2.5
Açıklama ;
Manevralar için müsaade edilen azami yükler , hıza ( EAS ) göre değişmekte ve aşağıdaki şekilde de görülebilen ve birçok
sınırın birleşiminden oluşan bir zarf oluşturulabilmektedir.


Hız ( EAS )


Yük faktörü ( n )

Limit yük faktörü uçağın dizayn edildiği kategoriye bağlıdır.

a. Normal kategorideki uçaklar için pozitif yük faktörü 2.5 dan az olmamalıdır ve 3.8’den de büyük olmasına gerek yoktur
( modern yüksek hızlı jet nakliye uçakları için pozitif limit yük faktörü 2.5 ) ,
b. Genel maksat uçakları için pozitif limit yük faktörü 4.4’tür ,
c. Akrobasi kategorisindeki uçaklar için pozitif limit yük faktörü 6’dır.
Negatif limit yük faktörü aşağıda belirtilenlerden az olmamalıdır.
a. Normal kategori uçaklar için –1 ,
b. Genel maksat kategorisindeki uçaklar için –1.76 ,
c. Akrobasi kategorisindeki uçaklar için –3.
0828. What is the most effective flap system ?
a) Fowler flap.
b) Plain flap.
c) Single slotted flap.
d) Split flap.
Answer ;
a) Fowler flap.
Açıklama ;

Şekillerde görüldüğü gibi , önce geri sonra aşağı hareketle açılan fowler flap , hem bombeyi artırmakta hem de kanat
yüzeyinde artış sağlamaktadır. Fowler flap , slotlu olarak da kullanılabilir. Artan kanat yüzeyi ve bombenin etkileri birleştiğinden
fowler flap , flapların içinde en büyük taşıma ve slotlar ve kalınlık kordo oranındaki azalma nedeniyle en az geri sürükleme kuvveti
yaratan flap çeşididir. Ancak , kordo hattının geriye doğru uzaması yunuslama momentindeki değişimin artmasına neden olur.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 183 Principles of Flight
0829. What is the position of the elevator in relation to the trimmable horizontal stabiliser of a power assisted aeroplane that is in
trim ?
a) The elevator deflection ( compared to the stabilizer position ) is always zero.
b) At a forward CG the elevator is deflected upward and at an aft CG the elevator is deflected downward.
c) The position depends on speed , the position of slats and flaps and the position of the centre of gravity.
d) The elevator is always deflected slightly downwards in order to have sufficient remaining flare capability.
Answer ;
c) The position depends on speed , the position of slats and flaps and the position of the centre of gravity.
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0830. What is the position of the elevator in relation to the trimmable horizontal stabiliser of an aeroplane with fully hydraulically
operated flight controls that is in trim ?
a) At a forward CG , the elevator is deflected upward and at an aft CG , it is deflected downward.
b) The position depends on speed , the position of flaps and slats and the position of the centre of gravity.
c) Elevator deflection is zero.
d) The elevator is always deflected slightly downwards in order to have sufficient remaining flare capability.
Answer ;
c) Elevator deflection is zero.
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0831. What is the primary input for an artificial feel system ?
a) IAS.
b) TAS.
c) Mach number.
d) Static pressure.
Answer ;
a) IAS.
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0832. What is the purpose of an auto-slat system ?
a) extend automatically when a certain value of angle of attack is exceeded.
b) assist the ailerons during rolling.
c) provide automatically slat IN selection after take-off.
d) ensures that the slats are always extended when the ground/flight system is in the “ground” position.
Answer ;
a) extend automatically when a certain value of angle of attack is exceeded.
0833. What is the recommended action following failure of the yaw damper(s) of a jet aeroplane , flying at normal cruise altitude
and speed prior to encountering Dutch roll problems ?
a) Manually recover any subsequent Dutch roll motion using rudder.
b) Increase Mach number to improve aerodynamic damping of any subsequent Dutch roll motion.
c) Reduce altitude and Mach number.
d) No action is required.
Answer ;
c) Reduce altitude and Mach number.
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0834. What is the relation between the mach angle ( mu ) and the corresponding mach number ?
a) sin mu = M
b) sin2 mu = 1/M
c) tan mu = 1/M
d) sin mu = 1/M
Answer ;
d) sin mu = 1/M
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0835. What is the SI unit of measurement for power ?
a) N/m.
b) Nm/s.
c) Pa/m2.
d) kgm/s2.
Answer ;
b) Nm/s.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 184 Principles of Flight

0836. What is the significance of the maximum allowed cruising altitude , based on the 1.3 g margin ? At this altitude ;
a) a manoeuvre with a load factor of 1.3 will cause a Mach number at which accelerated low speed stall occurs.
b) a manoeuvre with a load factor of 1.3 will cause Mcrit to be exceeded.
c) exceeding a load factor of 1.3 will cause permanent deformation of this aeroplane.
d) a manoeuvre with a load factor of 1.3 will cause buffet onset.
Answer ;
d) a manoeuvre with a load factor of 1.3 will cause buffet onset.
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0837. What is the stagnation point ?
a) The intersection of the total aerodynamic foce and the chord line.
b) The intersection of the thrust vector and the chord line.
c) The point , relative to which the sumtotal of all moments is independent of angle of attack.
d) The point where the velocity of the relative airflow is reduced to zero.
Answer ;
d) The point where the velocity of the relative airflow is reduced to zero.
0838. What is the unit of measurement for power ?
a) kgm/s²
b) Nm/s
c) Pa/m²
d) N/m
Answer ;
b) Nm/s
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
0839. What is the value of the Mach number if the Mach angle equals 45° ?
a) 2.0
b) 1.4
c) 1.2
d) 0.7
Answer ;
b) 1.4
Çözüm ;

a 1
sin μ = =
TAS M Kullanacağımız formül şu şekildedir ;
sin mu = 1 : M → sin 45 = 1 : M
μ = Mach angle ( Mach açısı )
M = 1 : 0.7071 = 1.414 ≈ 1.4 olarak bulunur.
a = Local speed of sound ( ses hızı )
TAS = True Air Speed ( Gerçek hava hızı )
M = Mach number ( Mach sayısı )
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
0840. ( Refer to Image 13 )

Image 13
What kind of horizontal control surface is shown in the figure ?
a) Frise type control.
b) Canard.
c) All-flying tail.
d) Elevator.
Answer ;
c) All-flying tail.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 185 Principles of Flight
0841. What may happen if the “ultimate load factor” is exceeded ?
a) Elastic or temporary deformation only.
b) No structural failure , only plastic or permanent deformation.
c) Structural failure.
d) Flutter.
Answer ;
c) Structural failure.
0842. What should be usually done to perform a landing with the stabilizer jammed in the cruise flight position ?
a) if possible , relocate as many passengers as possible to the front of the cabin.
b) choose a higher landing speed than normal and/or use a lower flap setting for landing.
c) choose a lower landing speed than normal.
d) use the Mach trimmer until after landing.
Answer ;
b) choose a higher landing speed than normal and/or use a lower flap setting for landing.
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0843. What will happen if a large transport aeroplane slowly decelerates in level flight from its cruise speed in still air at high
altitude ?
a) CLMAX will increase due to shock stall.
b) An accelerated stall.
c) Stick shaker activation or low speed buffeting.
d) High speed buffet.
Answer ;
c) Stick shaker activation or low speed buffeting.
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0844. What will happen in ground effect ?
a) The thrust required will increase significantly.
b) The wing downwash on the tail surfaces increases.
c) The wing tip vortices increase in strength.
d) The induced angle of attack and induced drag decrease.
Answer ;
d) The induced angle of attack and induced drag decrease.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0845. What will increase the sensitivity to Dutch Roll ?
a) An increased static directional stability.
b) An increased anhedral.
c) An increased static lateral stability.
d) A forward movement of the centre of gravity.
Answer ;
c) An increased static lateral stability.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
0846. What wing shape or wing characteristic is the least sensitive to turbulence ;
a) wing dihedral.
b) straight wings.
c) swept wings.
d) elliptical wing.
Answer ;
c) swept wings.
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0847. When a jet transport aeroplane takes off with the CG at the aft limit and the trimmable horizontal stabiliser ( THS ) is
positioned at the maximum allowable nose down position for take-off ;
a) rotation will be normal using the normal rotation technique.
b) there will be a tendency to under-rotate.
c) rotation will require higher than normal stick force.
d) early nose wheel raising will take place.
Answer ;
a) rotation will be normal using the normal rotation technique.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 186 Principles of Flight

0848. When a jet transport aeroplane takes off with the CG at the aft limit and the trimmable horizontal stabiliser ( THS ) is
positioned at the maximum allowable nose up position for take-off ;
a) rotation will require higher than normal stick force.
b) early nose wheel raising will take place.
c) rotation will be normal using the normal rotation technique.
d) there will be a tendency to under-rotate.
Answer ;
b) early nose wheel raising will take place.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
0849. When a jet transport aeroplane takes off with the CG at the forward limit and the trimmable horizontal stabiliser ( THS ) is
positioned at the maximum allowable nose down position for take-off ;
a) rotation will require a higher than normal stick force.
b) early nose wheel raising will take place.
c) there will be a tendency to over-rotate.
d) rotation will be normal using the normal rotation technique.
Answer ;
a) rotation will require a higher than normal stick force.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
0850. When a jet transport aeroplane takes off with the CG at the forward limit and the trimmable horizontal stabiliser ( THS ) is
positioned at the maximum allowable nose up position for take-off ;
a) rotation will require a higher than normal stick force.
b) there will be a tendency to over-rotate.
c) rotation will be normal using the normal rotation technique.
d) early nose wheel raising will take place.
Answer ;
c) rotation will be normal using the normal rotation technique.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
0851. When a pilot makes a turn in horizontal flight , the stall speed ;
a) increases with the square root of load factor
b) increases with the load factor squared
c) increases with flap extension
d) decreases with increasing bank angle
Answer ;
a) increases with the square root of load factor
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0852. When a strongly swept back wing stalls and the wake of the wing contacts the horizontal tail , the effect on the stall
behaviour can be a(n) ;
a) nose up tendency and/or lack of elevator response.
b) tendency to increase speed after initial stall.
c) nose down tendency.
d) increase in sensitivity of elevator inputs.
Answer ;
a) nose up tendency and/or lack of elevator response.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
0853. When a turn is initiated , adverse yaw is ;
a) the tendency of an aeroplane to yaw in the opposite direction of turn mainly due to the difference in aileron
form drag.
b) the tendency of an aeroplane to yaw in the opposite direction of turn mainly due to the difference in induced
drag on each wing.
c) the tendency of an aeroplane to yaw in the same direction of turn due to the different wing speeds.
d) a momentary yawing motion opposite to the turn due to an incorrect differential aileron movement.
Answer ;
b) the tendency of an aeroplane to yaw in the opposite direction of turn mainly due to the difference in induced
drag on each wing.
0854. When a wing spoiler is extended at constant angle of attack ;
a) drag increases but lift remains constant.
b) both drag and lift increase.
c) both drag and lift decrease.
d) drag increases but lift decreases.
Answer ;
d) drag increases but lift decreases.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 187 Principles of Flight

0855. When air has passed an expansion wave , the static pressure is ;
a) increased.
b) decreased.
c) unchanged.
d) decreased or increased , depending on Mach Number.
Answer ;
b) decreased.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
0856. When air has passed through a shock wave the local speed of sound is ;
a) not affected
b) increased.
c) decreased.
d) decreased and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again
Answer ;
b) increased.
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0857. When altitude increases , the stall speed ( IAS ) will ;
a) increase due to increasing compressibility effects as a result of increasing Mach number.
b) decrease due to decreasing temperature and decreasing Mach number.
c) decrease due to increasing Mcrit.
d) increase due to decreasing Mcrit.
Answer ;
a) increase due to increasing compressibility effects as a result of increasing Mach number.
0858. When an aerofoil section has accelerated from subsonic to supersonic speeds , its aerodynamic centre will have ;
a) shifted slightly forward.
b) shifted aft by about 10%.
c) shifted from approximately 25% to about 50% of the chord.
d) not moved.
Answer ;
c) shifted from approximately 25% to about 50% of the chord.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
0859. When an aeroplane enters ground effect ;
a) drag an lift are reduced.
b) the effective angle of attack is decreased.
c) the induced angle of attack is increased.
d) the lift is increased and the drag is decreased.
Answer ;
d) the lift is increased and the drag is decreased.
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0860. When an aeroplane has zero static longitudinal stability , the Cm versus angle of attack line ;
a) is horizontal.
b) has a positive slope.
c) has a negative slope.
d) is vertical.
Answer ;
a) is horizontal.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
0861. When an aeroplane is flying at an airspeed which is 1.3 times its basic stalling speed , the coefficient of lift as a percentage of
the maximum lift coefficient ( CLmax ) would be ;
a) 59%.
b) 169%.
c) 130%.
d) 77%.
Answer ;
a) 59%.
Çözüm ;

The question should have said "..flying level...", That is at 1g. Lift is constant and is made up of CL and V squared, so if V
has gone up to 1.3 times its Vs1g value then lift has gone up 1.3squared. CL then has to go down 1.3squared to compensate.
1.3squared is 1.69 and 1/1.69 (to get the final result) is 0.591 of the original value. The faster you go, the lower goes the nose.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 188 Principles of Flight
0862. When an aeroplane performs a straight steady climb with a 20% climb gradient , the load factor is equal to ;
a) 1.
b) 1.02.
c) 0.83.
d) 0.98.
Answer ;
d) 0.98.
Çözüm ;
Refer to diagram 'Forces in a climb' - PoF p5.3
Lift = Wcos(angle of climb).
Angle of climb = 12° (20%).
Assume W = 1 in level flight = lift
Load Factor is ratio of Lift in Manoeuvre: Lift in Level Flight.
Slot in the figures = 0.978.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0863. When an aeroplane with the centre of gravity forward of the centre of pressure of the combined wing / fuselage is in straight
and level flight , the vertical load on the tailplane will be ;
a) upwards.
b) downwards because it is always negative regardless of the position of the centre of gravity.
c) downwards.
d) zero because in steady flight all loads are in equilibrium.
Answer ;
c) downwards.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
0864. When are outboard ailerons ( if present ) de-activated ?
a) Landing gear retracted.
b) Flaps ( and/or slats ) extended or speed below a certain value.
c) Landing gear extended.
d) Flaps ( and slats ) retracted or speed above a certain value.
Answer ;
d) Flaps ( and slats ) retracted or speed above a certain value.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
0865. When comparing a rectangular wing and a swept back wing of the same wing area and wing loading , ( assume all other
factors of imprtance remain constant ) , the swept back wing has the advantage of ;
a) higher critical Mach number
b) increased longitudinal stability
c) greater strength
d) lower stalling speed
Answer ;
a) Higher critical Mach number
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0866. When comparing a stabiliser trim system with an elevator trim system , which of these statements is correct ?
a) a stabiliser trim is able to compensate larger changes in pitching moments.
b) a stabiliser trim is more sensitive to flutter.
c) an elevator trim is more suitable for aeroplanes with a large CG range.
d) an elevator trim is able to compensate larger changes in pitching moments.
Answer ;
a) a stabiliser trim is able to compensate larger changes in pitching moments.
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0867. When comparing a stabiliser trim system with an elevator trim system , which of these statements is correct ?
a) a stabiliser trim is more sensitive to flutter.
b) an elevator trim is more suitable for aeroplanes with a large CG range.
c) an elevator trim is less suitable for aeroplanes with a large CG range.
d) an elevator trim is able to compensate larger changes in pitching moments.
Answer ;
c) an elevator trim is less suitable for aeroplanes with a large CG range.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 189 Principles of Flight

0868. When comparing an elevator trim system with a stabiliser trim system , which of these statements is correct ?
a) an elevator trim is more sensitive to flutter.
b) an elevator trim is able to compensate larger changes in pitching moments.
c) an elevator trim is more suitable for aeroplanes with a large CG range.
d) an elevator trim produces lower trim drag.
Answer ;
a) an elevator trim is more sensitive to flutter.
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0869. When considering a swept-back wing , without corrective design features , at the stall ;
a) wing root stall will occur first , which produces a rolling moment.
b) tip stall will occur first , which produces a nose-down pitching moment.
c) leading edge stall will occur first , which produces a nose-down pitching moment.
d) tip stall will occur first , which produces a nose-up pitching moment.
Answer ;
d) tip stall will occur first , which produces a nose-up pitching moment.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0870. When flaps are deployed at constant angle of attack the lift coefficient will ;
a) increase.
b) vary as the square of IAS.
c) remain the same.
d) decrease.
Answer ;
a) increase.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0871. When flaps are extended in a straight and level flight at constant IAS , the lift coefficient will eventually ;
a) remain the same.
b) increase.
c) first increase and then decrease.
d) decrease.
Answer ;
a) remain the same.
0872. When flutter damping of control surfaces is obtained by mass balancing , these weights will be located with respect to the
hinge of the control surface ;
a) above the hinge.
b) below the hinge.
c) behind the hinge.
d) in front of the hinge.
Answer ;
d) in front of the hinge.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0873. When Fowler type trailing edge flaps are extended at a constant angle of attack , the following changes will occur ;
a) CL and CD increase.
b) CL increases and the centre of pressure moves forward.
c) CD decreases and the centre of pressure moves aft.
d) CL increases and CD remains constant.
Answer ;
a) CL and CD increase.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0874. When is a turn co-ordinated ?
a) If no rudder deflection is required during the turn.
b) When the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane at the CG is tangential to the flight path.
c) When only minor elevator pull force is required.
d) If no aileron deflection is required during the turn.
Answer ;
b) When the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane at the CG is tangential to the flight path.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
0875. When moving the centre of gravity forward the stick force per g will ;
a) change but only at very high speeds.
b) increase.
c) decrease.
d) not change.
Answer ;
b) increase.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 190 Principles of Flight

0876. When power assisted controls are used for pitch control ;
a) a part of the aerodynamic forces is still felt on the column.
b) aerodynamic balancing of the control surfaces is meaningless.
c) they only function in combination with an elevator trim tab.
d) trimming is superfluous.
Answer ;
a) a part of the aerodynamic forces is still felt on the column.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0877. When roll spoilers are extended , the part of the wing on which they are mounted ;
a) experiences extra drag , which generates a yawing moment. The speed difference between both wings
generates the desired rolling moment.
b) is forced downwards as a reaction to the increased drag.
c) stalls. This causes a diference in lift between both wins , which generates the desired rolling moment.
d) experiences a reduction in lift , which generates the desired rolling moment. In addition there is a local
increase in drag , which suppresses adverse yaw.
Answer ;
d) experiences a reduction in lift , which generates the desired rolling moment. In addition there is a local
increase in drag , which suppresses adverse yaw.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0878. When shock stall occurs , lift will decrease because ;
a) of the existence of a shock wave being located at the trailing edge of the wing.
b) Mcrit reached.
c) the bow wave appears.
d) flow separation occurs behind the shock wave.
Answer ;
d) flow separation occurs behind the shock wave.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0879. When speed is increased in straight and level flight on a positively cambered aerofoil , what happens to the ;
1. centre of pressure and
2. the magnitude of the total lift force ?
a) 1 moves forward and 2 remains constant.
b) 1 moves aft and 2 increases.
c) 1 moves aft and 2 remains constant.
d) 1 moves forward and 2 decreases.
Answer ;
c) 1 moves aft and 2 remains constant.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0880. When “spoilers” are used as speed brakes ;
a) at same angle of attack , CD is increased and CL is decreased.
b) at same angle of attack , CL remains unaffected.
c) CLmax of the polar curve is not affected.
d) they do not affect wheel braking action during landing.
Answer ;
a) at same angle of attack , CD is increased and CL is decreased.
0881. When supersonic airflow passes through an oblique shock wave , how do (1) static pressure , (2) density , and (3) local speed
of sound change ?
a) (1) increases , (2) increases , (3) decreases.
b) (1) remains constant , (2) decreases , (3) increases.
c) (1) decreases , (2) decreases , (3) decreases.
d) (1) increases , (2) increases , (3) increases.
Answer ;
d) (1) increases , (2) increases , (3) increases.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 191 Principles of Flight

0882. When the air has passed through a normal shock wave the Mach number is ;
a) higher than before.
b) equal to 1.
c) lower than before but still greater than 1.
d) less than 1.
Answer ;
d) less than 1.
Açıklama ;

Normal bir şok dalgası akış hatlarına dik olduğunda bu hatlar , yön değişikliği olmaksızın şok dalgalarının içinden geçerler.
Şok dalgalarının içinden geçen bir süpersonik hava akımında şu değişiklikler meydana gelir ;
1. Hava akımı hızı sabsonik hıza düşer. Dalganın arkasındaki lokal Mach sayısı , yaklaşık olarak dalganın önündeki Mach
sayısının 1’e bölünmüş hali olur. Örneğin ; dalganın önündeki Mach sayısı 1.25 olduğunda dalganın arkasındaki akışın
Mach sayısı yaklaşık 1/1.25=0.80 olacaktır.
2. Statik basınç artar.
3. Sıcaklık artar.
4. Yoğunluk artar.
5. Hava akışının toplam basıncı ( dinamik + statik ) önemli miktarda azalır.
Normal şok dalgası yoluyla enerji kaybının minimum olması , şok dalgasının önündeki hava akışının Mach sayısı küçük
fakat süpersonik olduğunda görülür.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0883. When the air is passing through a shock wave the density will ;
a) decrease.
b) stay constant.
c) increase.
d) decrease and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again
Answer ;
c) increase.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0882’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
0884. When the air is passing through a shock wave the static temperature will ;
a) stay constant.
b) decrease.
c) decrease and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again.
d) increase.
Answer ;
d) increase.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0882’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 192 Principles of Flight

0885. When the air is passing through an expansion wave the local speed of sound will ;
a) stay constant.
b) increase.
c) decrease and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again.
d) decrease.
Answer ;
d) decrease.
Açıklama ;
EXPANSION WAVES ( Genişleme dalgaları )
Bir cisimle karşılaşan süpersonik akışın , süratini
sabsoniğe düşürerek dönüş yapabilir. Sabsonik ve
süpersonik akımların kesiştiği noktada büyük enerji
kaybına neden olan ( dalga sürüklemesi ) şok dalgaları
Bu dönüşü yapabilmesinin bir başka yolu daha
vardır. Öncelikle yandaki şekilde gösterilen sabsonik bir
akış ve konveks bir köşe düşünelim. Basınç gradyanı o
kadar keskin olacaktır ki , köşede derhal ayrılma meydana
Diğer şekilde ise , köşeye ulaştığında genişlemek
suretiyle dönebilen bir süpersonik akış görülmektedir. Hız
artarken basınç , yoğunluk ve sıcaklık değişkenleri azalmıştır. Süpersonik akışın bu hareketi şok dalgası geçişinin tam tersidir.

Yukarıdaki şekilde süpersonik akışta bir dizi genişleme dalgası görülmektedir. Hücum kenarındaki şok dalgasını geçtikten
sonra sıkışmış süpersonik akış genişlemek için serbest kalır yüzey konturunu takip eder. Akışta ani değişimler olmadığından
genişleme dalgaları şok dalgası sayılmaz. Genişleme dalgası yoluyla geçen süpersonik hava akışı aşağıdaki değişimleri yaratır ;
1. Akış hızlanır. Genişleme dalgasının arkasındaki hız ve Mach sayısı daha büyüktür.
2. Akış yönü yüzeyi takip edecek şekilde değişir.
3. Genişleme dalgasının arkasındaki akışın statik basıncı azalır.
4. Genişleme dalgasının arkasındaki akış yoğunluğu azalır.
5. Akış değişimi ani olmadığından akışta şok ve enerji kaybı oluşmaz. Genişleme dalgası hava akışının enerjisini dağıtmaz.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 193 Principles of Flight
0886. When the air is passing through an expansion wave the Mach number will ;
a) decrease.
b) decrease and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again.
c) stay constant.
d) increase.
Answer ;
d) increase.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0885’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0887. When the air is passing through an expansion wave the static temperature will ;
a) stay constant.
b) decrease.
c) increase.
d) decrease and beyond a certain Mach number start increasing again.
Answer ;
b) decrease.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0885’in açıklamasına bakınız.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
0888. When the blades of a propeller are in the feathered position ;
a) the RPM is then just sufficient to lubricate the engine.
b) the windmilling RPM is the maximum.
c) the drag of the propeller is then minimal.
d) the propeller produces an optimal windmilling RPM.
Answer ;
c) the drag of the propeller is then minimal.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
0889. When the cg position is moved forward , the elevator deflection for a manoeuvre with a given load factor greater than 1 will
be ;
a) dependent on trim position.
b) larger.
c) unchanged.
d) smaller.
Answer ;
b) larger.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0890. When the lift coefficient Cl of a negatively cambered aerofoil section is zero , the pitching moment is ;
a) maximum.
b) nose down ( negative ).
c) nose up ( positive ).
d) zero.
Answer ;
c) nose up ( positive ).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
0891. When the lift coefficient Cl of a positively cambered aerofoil section is zero , the pitching moment is ;
a) maximum.
b) nose up ( positive ).
c) zero.
d) nose down ( negative ).
Answer ;
d) nose down ( negative ).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0892. When the lift coefficient Cl of a symmetrical aerofoil section is zero , the pitching moment is ;
a) nose up ( positive ).
b) zero.
c) maximum.
d) nose down ( negative ).
Answer ;
b) zero.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 194 Principles of Flight

0893. When the Mach number is slowly increased in straight and level flight the first shock waves will occur ;
a) on the upper surface at the wing root.
b) somewhere on the horizontal tail.
c) on the lower surface of the wing.
d) somewhere on the fin.
Answer ;
a) on the upper surface at the wing root.
0894. When the speed over an aerofoil section increases from subsonic to supersonic , its aerodynamic centre ;
a) moves from approximately 25% to about 50% of the chord.
b) does not move.
c) moves slightly forward.
d) moves aft by approximately 10% of the chord.
Answer ;
a) moves from approximately 25% to about 50% of the chord.
0895. When trailing edge flaps are extended in level flight , the change in pitching moment , ignoring any effects on the tailplane ,
will be ;
a) nose down.
b) dependent on cg location.
c) zero.
d) nose up.
Answer ;
a) nose down.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0896. When trailing edge flaps are extended whilst maintaining straight and level flight at constant IAS ;
a) the lift coefficient and the drag coefficient increase.
b) the stall speed increases.
c) the total boundary layer becomes laminar.
d) the centre of pressure moves aft.
Answer ;
d) the centre of pressure moves aft.
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0897. When wing lift is zero , its induced drag is ;
a) maximum.
b) low.
c) high.
d) zero.
Answer ;
d) zero.
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0898. Where , on a convential low speed aerofoil , will flow separation normally start as angle of attack is increased ?
a) Lower surface trailing edge.
b) Upper surface leading edge.
c) Lower surface leading edge.
d) Upper surface trailing edge.
Answer ;
d) Upper surface trailing edge.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 195 Principles of Flight

0899. ( Refer to Image 18 )

Image 18
Where on the curve in the diagram does the aeroplane exhibit neutral static longitudinal stability ?
a) Part 1.
b) Point 2.
c) The whole curve.
d) Part 3.
Answer ;
b) Point 2.
0900. ( Refer to Image 18 )

Image 18
Where on the curve in the diagram does the aeroplane exhibit static longitudinal instability ?
a) The whole curve.
b) Part 3.
c) Point 2.
d) Part 1.
Answer ;
b) Part 3.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 196 Principles of Flight
0901. ( Refer to Image 18 )

Image 18
Where on the curve in the diagram does the aeroplane exhibit static longitudinal stability ?
a) Point 2.
b) The whole curve.
c) Part 1.
d) Part 3.
Answer ;
c) Part 1.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
0902. Where on the surface of a typical aerofoil will flow separation normally start at high angles of attack ?
a) lower side leading edge.
b) lower side trailing edge.
c) upper side leading edge.
d) upper side trailing edge.
Answer ;
d) upper side trailing edge.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
0903. Which aerodynamic design features can be used to reduce control forces ?
a) Mass balance , horn balance , artificial feel system.
b) Balance tab , control surfaces with increased area behind the hinge , artificial feel system.
c) Servo tab , bobweight , control surfaces with increased area.
d) Horn balance , balance tab , servo tab.
Answer ;
d) Horn balance , balance tab , servo tab.
0904. Which aeroplane behaviour will be corrected by a yaw damper ?
a) Buffeting.
b) Tuck under.
c) Dutch roll.
d) Spiral dive.
Answer ;
c) Dutch roll.
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0905. Which aeroplane design has the highest probability of a super stall ?
a) Swept wings.
b) A canard wing.
c) A low horizontal tail.
d) A T-tail.
Answer ;
d) A T-tail.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 197 Principles of Flight
0906. Which combination of design features is known to be responsible for deep stall ?
a) Straight wings and a T-tail.
b) Straight wings and aft fuselage mounted engines
c) Swept back wings and wing mounted engines.
d) Swept back wings and a T-tail.
Answer ;
d) Swept back wings and a T-tail.
Açıklama ;
DEEP STALL ( Süper Stol veya Derin Stol )
Ok kanat ( sweept wing ) , önce kanat uçlarına yakın bölgeden stol olmaya meyillidir. Uçlar , ağırlık merkezinin ( CG ) arka
tarafında bulunduğundan , uçlardaki taşıma kuvveti kaybı, yukarı yunuslama hareketinin hızla artmasına ve sonuç olarak hücum
açısının artmasına neden olur.

Yukarı yunuslama sonucu otomatik olarak artan hücum açısı kanadın daha büyük bir bölümünün stol olmasına neden olur.
Geri sürükleme hızlı bir şekilde artar, taşıma kuvveti azalır ve uçak ani olarak sabit burun yukarı vaziyette düşüşe geçer. Bu durum ,
hücum açısının ilave olarak hızla yükselmesine neden olur.

Stol olmuş kanattan ayrılan düşük enerjili türbülanslı hava , yüksek seviyeli kuyruk takımı ( T-tail ) üzerinden akar. Bu
durum kanatçık etkinliğini önemli ölçüde düşürerek , pilot için hücum açısını düşürmeyi imkansız kılar. Uçak , süper stol veya derin
stol denilen durumda sabitleşecektir. Açıkça , ok kanat ve yüksek seviyeli kuyruk ( T-kuyruk ) kombinasyonu , süper stol veya derin
stolu oluşturan iki faktördür.
Swept-back ( ok açılı ) kanadın yukarı yunuslamaya olan meyili , bazı dizayn modifikasyonları ile azaltılabilir. ( Wing fences
, vortilons & saw tooth leading edge ). Bu modifikasyonlar , sınır tabakasının kökten uca kanat açıklığı boyunca akışını asgariye
indirir. Bu aletler , uç stolunu ( tip stall ) geciktirir. Vorteks jeneratörleri de , uç stolunu geciktirmek ve stol karakteristiklerini
geliştirmek için sıklıkla kullanılır. Stol başlangıcının kanat kökünde olması da sağlanabilir. Bu kanat kökündeki profilinin ayarlanması
, stol şeritlerinin yada daha az etkili hücum kenarı flaplarının ( Kruger flaps ) kanadın iç kesimlerine yerleştirilmesi ile sağlanabilir.
DC-9 , MD-80 , Boeing-727 , Fokker-28 ve diğer bazı uçaklar geriye doğru eğimli kanada ve yüksek montajlı kuyruk
takımına sahiptirler. Bunların motorları da arka gövdeye takılmışlardır. Motorların buraya takılmasındaki sebep , dizayncıların ilk
olarak yatay stabilizeleri dikey stabilizenin üst kısmına yerleştirmiş olmasıdır. Bunların süper stola etkileri yoktur.
Süper stol ( deep stall ) karakteristiği sergileyen bir uçağa , uçağı kesin stoldan koruyacak bir cihazın takılması zorunludur ve
lövye itici bunlardan biridir. Süper stolun gelişimi insanın verebileceği reflekslerden daha hızlı olduğu için , uçak stol olmaya
başladığı anda tepki vermeye başlamak uçağı stoldan kurtarmak için çok geç olacaktır.
Lövye itici , stol başlamadan önce belirlenen bir sınırda ( asgari 1.05 Vs ) harekete geçer. Elevatör kontrol sistemine takılmış
bir cihazı kullanarak, süper stol başlamadan lövyeyi fiziki olarak ileri ittirip hücum açısını düşürür. İttirme gücü takribi 80 libredir. Bu
güç , etkili olabilmesi için yeteri kadar yüksek fakat kalkış ve pas geçme durumunda tutmaya engel olmayacak kadar düşük olacak
şekilde ayarlanmıştır. Bir arıza yapması durumunda , lövye itici sistemi dump yapmak ( boşaltmak ) için bir sistem konmuştur. Bir
defa dump yapıldıktan sonra , ittirirci normal olarak uçuşta eski haline getirilemez. Lövye ittirici çalışmaya başladıktan sonra , hücum
açısı uygun bir değerin altına düştüğünde , otomatik olarak devreden çıkar.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 198 Principles of Flight

0907. Which boundary layer , when considering its velocity profile perpendicular to the flow , has the greatest change in velocity
close to the surface ?
a) No difference.
b) Laminar boundary layer.
c) Turbulent boundary layer.
d) The boundary layer in the transition between turbulent and laminar.
Answer ;
c) Turbulent boundary layer.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
0908. Which CG position with respect to the neutral point ensures static longitudinal stability ?
a) CG and neutral point atthe same station.
b) CG behind the neutral point.
c) CG ahead of the neutral point.
d) CG can be ahead of or behind the neutral point as long as the forward or aft CG limits are not exceeded.
Answer ;
c) CG ahead of the neutral point.
0909. Which combination of speeds is applicable for structural strength in gust ( clean configuration ) ?
a) 65 ft/sec at all speeds.
b) 50 ft/sec and VC.
c) 55 ft/sec and VB.
d) 66 ft/sec and VD.
Answer ;
b) 50 ft/sec and VC.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0910. Which component of drag increases most when an aileron is deflected upwards ?
a) Form drag.
b) Interference drag.
c) Wave drag.
d) Induced drag.
Answer ;
a) Form drag.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
0911. Which definition of propeller parameters is correct ?
a) Blade angle is the angle between the blade chord line and the propeller axis.
b) Critical tip velocity is the propeller speed at which flow separation first occurs at some part of the blade.
c) Geometric pitch is the theoretical distance a propeller blade element would travel in a forward direction
during one revolution.
d) Angle of attack is the angle between the blade chord line and the propeller vertical plane.
Answer ;
c) Geometric pitch is the theoretical distance a propeller blade element would travel in a forward direction
during one revolution.
0912. Which design features improve static lateral stability ?
1. Anhedral.
2. Dihedral.
3. Forward sweep.
4. Sweepback.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 2 , 4.
b) 2 , 3.
c) 1 , 4.
d) 1 , 3.
Answer ;
a) 2 , 4.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 199 Principles of Flight

0913. Which design features improve static lateral stability ?
1. High wing.
2. Low wing.
3. Large and high vertical fin.
4. Ventral fin.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 2 , 3.
b) 2 , 4.
c) 1 , 3.
d) 1 , 4.
Answer ;
c) 1 , 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0914. Which design features reduce static lateral stability ?
1. Anhedral.
2. Dihedral.
3. Forward sweep.
4. Sweepback.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 1 , 4.
b) 2 , 4.
c) 1 , 3.
d) 2 , 3.
Answer ;
c) 1 , 3.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
0915. Which design features reduce static lateral stability ?
1. High wing.
2. Low wing.
3. Large and high vertical fin.
4. Ventral fin.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 1 , 3.
b) 2 , 4.
c) 2 , 3.
d) 1 , 4.
Answer ;
b) 2 , 4.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
0916. Which drag components make up parasite drag ?
1. pressure drag.
2. friction drag.
3. induced drag.
4. interference drag.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 1 , 3 , 4.
b) 1 , 2 , 3 , 4.
c) 1 , 2 , 4.
d) 2 , 3 , 4.
Answer ;
c) 1 , 2 , 4.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0917. Which factor should be taken into account when determining V A ?
a) The calculation factor.
b) The safety factor.
c) The ultimate load factor.
d) The limit load factor.
Answer ;
d) The limit load factor.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 200 Principles of Flight

0918. Which formula or equation describes the relationship between force (F) , acceleration (a) and mass (m) ?
a) F=m.a
b) F=m/a
c) m=F.a
d) a=F.m
Answer ;
a) F=m.a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0919. Which has the effect of increasing load factor ? ( all other relevant factors being constant )
a) Increased aeroplane mass.
b) Vertical gusts.
c) Increased air density.
d) Rearward CG location.
Answer ;
b) Vertical gusts.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
0920. Which is one of the disadvantages of increasing the number of propeller blades ?
a) Higher tip-speed.
b) Decrease propeller efficiency.
c) Increased noise.
d) Less power can be absorbed by the propeller.
Answer ;
b) Decrease propeller efficiency.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0921. Which kind of boundary layer has the strongest change in velocity close to the surface ?
a) No difference
b) Transition boundary layer
c) Turbulent boundary layer
d) Laminar boundary layer
Answer ;
c) Turbulent boundary layer
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0922. Which kind of flow separation occurs at the smallest angle of attack ?
a) Accelerated stall.
b) Low-speed stall.
c) Shockstall.
d) Deep stall.
Answer ;
c) Shockstall.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 201 Principles of Flight

0923. Which kind of “tab” is commonly used in case of manual reversion of fully powered flight controls ?
a) Spring tab
b) Anti-balance tab
c) Servo tab
d) Balance tab
Answer ;
c) Servo tab
Açıklama ;
SERVO TAB ( Otomatik fletner )
Pilotun lövyeye uyguladığı kuvvet yalnızca fletneri hareket ettirir ve fletner de denge durumu oluşuncaya kadar kontrol
yüzeyini hareket ettirir. Kontrol yüzeyine yerde , harici kontrol kilitleri yerleştirilmiş olsa bile kokpitteki kontrol kumandaları hareket
edebilir durumda olacaklardır. Eski tip yüksek hızlı jet nakliye uçaklarında bu tip fletnerler başarıyla kullanılmıştır ancak bunların
dezavantajı düşük IAS de kontrol yüzeyinin etkinliğini düşürmeleridir.

Yaylı fletner ( spring tab ) otomatik fletnerin değişik bir versiyonudur. Fletner hareketi uygulanan lövye kuvveti ile
orantılıdır. Maksimum fletner yardımı yüksek hızlarda lövye
kuvveti en yüksek düzeydeyken elde edilir. Yüksek dinamik
basınç kontrol yüzeyinin hareket etmesine engel olacak , böylece
yay pilot tarafından sıkıştırılacak ve fletner yüzeyi hareket
ettirecektir. Düşük IAS lerde yay sıkışmayacak böylece pilotun
uyguladığı güç hem kontrol yüzeyini hem de fletneri hareket
ettirecektir. Böylece düşük hızlarda kontrol yüzey alanı artacak ve
kontrolün etkinliği yükselecektir.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
0924. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Image 17
Which line in the diagram illustrates an aeroplane with neutral static longitudinal stability at all angles of attack ?
a) Line 4.
b) Line 2.
c) Line 3.
d) Line 1.
Answer ;
b) Line 2.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 202 Principles of Flight
0925. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Image 17
Which line in the diagram illustrates an aeroplane which is statically longitudinally stable at all angles of attack ?
a) Line 3.
b) Line 1.
c) Line 4.
d) Line 2.
Answer ;
c) Line 4.
0926. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Image 17
Which line in the diagram represents an aeroplane with static longitudinal instability at all angles of attack ?
a) Line 3.
b) Line 1.
c) Line 2.
d) Line 4.
Answer ;
b) Line 1.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 203 Principles of Flight
0927. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Image 17
Which line in the diagram represents decreasing positive static longitudinal stability at higher angles of attack ?
a) Line 1.
b) Line 3.
c) Line 2.
d) Line 4.
Answer ;
b) Line 3.
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0928. ( Refer to Image 16 )

Image 16
Which line in the graphic of Cm versus angle of attack graph shows a statically stable aeroplane ?
a) Line 3.
b) Line 4.
c) Line 2.
d) Line 1.
Answer ;
a) Line 3.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 204 Principles of Flight
0929. ( For this question use annex 081-6249A )

Annex 081-6249A
Which line represents the total drag line of an aeroplane ?
a) Line c
b) Line a
c) Line b
d) Line d
Answer ;
a) Line c
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0930. Which load factor determines VA ?
a) manoeuvring ultimate load factor.
b) gust load factor at 66 ft/sec gust.
c) manoeuvring limit load factor.
d) manoeuvring flap limit load factor.
Answer ;
c) manoeuvring limit load factor.
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0931. Which moments or motions interact in a dutch roll ?
a) Rolling and yawing.
b) Pitching and yawing.
c) Pitching and rolling.
d) Pitching and adverse yaw.
Answer ;
a) Rolling and yawing.
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0932. Which of the following (1) aerofoils and (2) angles of attack will produce the lowest Mcrit values ?
a) (1) thick and (2) large.
b) (1) thin and (2) small.
c) (1) thin and (2) large.
d) (1) thick and (2) small.
Answer ;
a) (1) thick and (2) large.
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0933. Which of the following aeroplane parts affect induced drag most ?
a) Landing gear.
b) Engine cowling.
c) Wing tip.
d) Wing root junction.
Answer ;
c) Wing tip.
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0934. Which of the following are used as stall warning devices ?
a) Angle of attack sensor and stallstrip.
b) Angle of attack indicator and speed indicator.
c) Stick shaker and angle of attack indicator.
d) Stick shaker and stallstrip.
Answer ;
d) Stick shaker and stallstrip.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 205 Principles of Flight
0935. Which of the following flight phenomena can occur at Mach numbers below the critical Mach number ?
a) Shock stall.
b) Mach buffet.
c) Tuck under.
d) Dutch roll.
Answer ;
d) Dutch roll.
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0936. Which of the following flight phenomena can only occur at Mach numbers above the critical Mach number ?
a) Dutch roll.
b) Elevator stall.
c) Speed instability.
d) Mach buffet.
Answer ;
d) Mach buffet.
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0937. Which of the following increases the maximum duration of a glide ?
a) An increase in mass.
b) A tailwind.
c) A headwind.
d) A decrease in mass.
Answer ;
d) A decrease in mass.
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0938. Which of the following lists contain aeroplane design features that all increase static lateral stability ?
a) Low wing , dihedral , elliptical wing planform.
b) High wing , sweep back , large and high vertical fin.
c) Fuselage mounted engines , dihedral , T-tail.
d) Sweep back , under wing mounted engines , winglets.
Answer ;
b) High wing , sweep back , large and high vertical fin.
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0939. Which of the following parameters can be read from the parabolic polar diagram of an aeroplane ?
a) The induced drag and the parasite drag.
b) The minimum glide angle and the parasite drag coefficient.
c) The minimum rate of descent and the induced drag.
d) The aspect ratio of the wing and the induced drag coefficient.
Answer ;
b) The minimum glide angle and the parasite drag coefficient.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 206 Principles of Flight

0940. Which of the following provides a positive contribution to static directional stability ?
a) A dorsal fin.
b) A low wing as compared with a high wing.
c) A forward swept wing.
d) Moving the center of gravity aft.
Answer ;
a) A dorsal fin.
Açıklama ;
Gövdenin kararsızlığını giderebilmek için gövdenin
dizaynında gövdenin üst ve alt yüzeylerine sabit stabilizeler
monte edilebilir. Çok düşük bir kanat açıklık oranına sahip ve
gövdenin arka tarafına yerleştirilen bu küçük aerodinamik
profiller üste ( dorsal fin ) veya alta ( ventral fin ) takılabilir.
Eğer uçak sağ tarafa sapma yapar ise üst yüzey ve alt
yüzey sabit stabilizeler sağ tarafa bir yan kuvvet meydana
getirecektir. Bu kuvvetin etki noktası uçak CG sinin arkasında
olduğundan , sol tarafa doğru bir sapma momenti oluşturur
( dengeleyici etki ). Buna rağmen sapmanın küçük açılarında
bunlar etkili değillerdir.Küçük yana kayma açılarında üst ve alt
yüzey sabit stabilizeler tarafından meydana getirilen kuvvet çok küçük olacaktır. Çünkü ;
a. Sabit stabilizeler düşük hücum açısındadırlar ,
b. Sabit stabilizeler küçük yüzey alanına sahiptirler ve ,
c. Sabit stabilizelerin kanat açıklık oranı çok küçük dolayısıyla taşıma kuvveti grafiğinin eğimi de küçüktür.
Sapmaya karşı dengesiz olan bir gövdeye sabit stabilizeler takıldığında , düşük yana kayma açılarında ( sideslip angle )
dengesiz kalmaya devam edecektir. Üst ve alt yüzey sabit
stabilizeler nispeten yüksek yana kayma açılarında etkilidirler.
Düşük kanat açıklık oranlarına sahip olduklarından , uçağın normal
uçuşta karşılaşacağı herhangi bir yana kayma açısında stol
olmazlar. Sabit stabilizelerin etkinliği büyüyen yana kayma açısı
ile artar , bu nedenle , gövdede sabit stabilizelerin olması , büyük
yana kayma açılarında gövdeye kararlık verir. Sabit stabilizeler
uçağa tam bir istikametsel statik kararlılık sağlarlarken , üst yüzeye
takılan sabit stabilize enlemsel kararlılığa olumlu alt yüzeye takılan
sabit stabilize ise olumsuz katkıda bulunur. Bu yüzden üst yüzeye
takılan sabit stabilize kullanımı daha yaygındır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0941. Which of the following situations leads to a decreasing stall speed ( IAS ) ?
a) decreasing weight.
b) increasing air density.
c) increasing altitude.
d) increasing load factor.
Answer ;
a) decreasing weight.
0942. Which of the following statements about a constant speed propeller is correct ?
a) The propeller system keeps the aeroplane speed constant.
b) The selected RPM is kept constant by the manifold pressure.
c) The blade angle increases with increasing aeroplane speed.
d) The RPM decreases with increasing aeroplane speed.
Answer ;
c) The blade angle increases with increasing aeroplane speed.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 207 Principles of Flight

0943. Which of the following statements about a Mach trimmer is correct ?
a) A straight wing aeroplane always needs a Mach trimmer for flying at Mach numbers close to MMO.
b) A Mach trimmer corrects the change in stick force stability of a swept wing aeroplane above a certain Mach
c) A Mach trimmer reduces the stick force stability of a straight wing aeroplane to zero at high Mach numbers.
d) The Mach trimmer corrects the natural tendency of a swept wing aeroplane to pitch-up.
Answer ;
b) A Mach trimmer corrects the change in stick force stability of a swept wing aeroplane above a certain Mach
Açıklama ;
Hız kritik Mach sayısının ( Mcrit ) üzerine çıktığında , ok kanadın kökünde başlayan şok dalgası oluşumları ;
– CG nin ilerisinde taşıma kuvvetini azaltacak ve ,
– Kuyruktaki aşağı akımları azaltacaktır.
Bu faktörler müştereken burun aşağı yunuslama momenti yaratacaktır. Yüksek Mach sayılarında , uçak hıza karşı
dengesizleşecek , hız arttığında gerekli olan itme kuvveti yerine hızın daha artmasını engellemek için bir çekme kuvvetine ihtiyaç
duyulacaktır. Bu durum potansiyel bir tehlikedir. Mach sayısındaki az bir artış burun aşağı pitch oluşturacak , dolayısıyla da mach
sayısını daha da arttıracaktır. Bu durum da bir döngü olarak burun aşağı pitch momentinde artmaya sebep olur. Bu tercih edilmeyen
yüksek hız karekteristiği “Mach Tuck” , “Yüksek hız Tuck” veya “Tuck Under“ olarak bilinir ve yüksek süratli modern nakliye
uçaklarında maksimum çalışma hızını limitlendirebilir.
Yüksek mach sayısında lövye kuvveti gradyanını istendiği gibi devam ettirmek için , mach trim sistemi uygulanmalıdır. Bu
sistem mach sayısına hassastır ve ,
– Elevatorü yukarı saptırabilir.
– Değişken açılı yatay stabilizenin geliş açısını azaltabilir.
– Kanatlardaki yakıtı daha arkadaki bir depoya transfer ederek CG konumunu arkaya doğru kaydırabilir.
Trim değişikliği , beklenenden bir miktar daha fazla olabilir. Bu sayede yüksek Mach sayılarında istenilen lövye kuvvet
gradyanı elde edilebilir. İmalatçılar tarafından hangi trim metodu kullanılırsa kullanılsın , Mach trim sistemi boylamsal trimi
ayarlayacak ve sadece yüksek Mach sayılarında çalışacaktır.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 208 Principles of Flight

0944. Which of the following statements about a venturi in a subsonic airflow are correct ?
1. The dynamic pressures in the undisturbed flow and in the throat are equal.
2. The total pressures in the undisturbed flow and in the throat are equal.
a) 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
b) 1 and 2 are incorrect.
c) 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
d) 1 and 2 are correct.
Answer ;
c) 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
Açıklama ;
SÜREKLİLİK PRENSİBİ ( Equation Of Continuity )
Doğa kanunlardan bir tanesi , “Enerji ve kütle ne yeniden yaratılabilir ne de yok edilebilir , sadece hal değiştirebilir”
şeklindedir. Süreklilik prensibinin aerodinamik teorisine uygulanması ise ; tüp içerisinden geçen hava akımının incelenmesi ile izah
Eğer hava değişik çapraz kesitleri olan bir boru içinde akarsa ( Venturi tüpü ) , belli bir zamanda boru içine giren havanın
kütlesi boruyu aynı zamanda terk eden hava kütlesine eşittir. Süreklilik prensibine göre , borunun orta daralan bölgesinde hava
akımının hızı artacaktır.

Hızda azalma

Statik basınçta
Hızda artış
Statik basınçta azalma

Venturi borusu içindeki hava akışını inceleyelim. Hava akımının enerjisi iki formdadır. Biri potansiyel enerji ki o da statik
basınca eşittir. Diğeri kinetik enerjidir , o da dinamik basınca eşittir. Hava akımı içindeki toplam basınç, statik ile dinamik basınçların
toplamına eşittir. Toplam basınç enerjinin korunumu ilkesine göre sabit kalır. Tabi ki iki basınçtan birinin artması diğerinin azalması
ile sonuçlanacaktır. Statik basınç kolayca anlaşılır bir kavramdır. Dinamik basınç ( q ) mekanikte kinetik enerjiye tekabül eder , ve ;
q = ½ . ρ . V² formülü ile ifade edilir. Burada “ρ” hava yoğunluğu , “V” ise hız’dır.

Hava akımı

Dinamik basınç
Statik basınç

Toplam basınç

Şekilde görüldüğü gibi daralan bölgede ( throat ) hızın iki katına çıkması sebebiyle , dinamik basınç dört kat artmakta , statik
basınç ise düşmektedir. Buradan şu sonuç elde edilmektedir ; “Toplam basınç enerjinin korunumu ilkesine göre sabit kalır”. İki
basınçtan birinin artması diğerinin azalmasına neden olur.
Toplam basınç ( total pressure , pt ) = Statik basınç ( static pressure , ps ) + Dinamik basınç ( dynamic pressure , q )

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 209 Principles of Flight

0945. Which of the following statements about boundary layers is correct ?
a) The turbulent boundary layer has more kinetic energy than the laminar boundary layer.
b) The turbulent boundary layer will separate more easily than the laminar boundary layer.
c) The turbulent boundary layer is thinner than the laminar boundary layer.
d) The turbulent boundary layer gives a lower skin friction than the laminar boundary layer.
Answer ;
a) The turbulent boundary layer has more kinetic energy than the laminar boundary layer.
Açıklama ;
Uçakla direkt temasta olan hava partikülleri uçağın hızına erişene kadar hızlandırılırlar ve uçakla beraber hareket ederler. Bu
partiküller , kendilerine bitişik partikülleri de hızlandıracak fakat bu partiküller havanın viskozitesi düşük olduğundan dolayı uçak
hızından çok az daha düşük bir hızda hareket edeceklerdir. Yüzeyden olan mesafe arttıkça hava katmanlarının hızlanmaları da
azalacaktır. Bu şekilde tüm katmanlara bakıldığında , uçağa göre hızın uçak yüzeyindeki sıfır değerinden hattın yüzeye en uzak olan
sınırında en fazla çıkacak şekilde değiştiği bir hava katmanı oluşacaktır.Yüzeyden , viskozite etkilerinin sıfıra indiği noktaya kadar
olan bu ince hava katmanına sınır tabakası ( boundary layer ) denir. Uçuşta , sınır tabakasının özellikleri en fazla taşıma katsayısı , stol
karakteristikleri , şeklin sürükleme değeri ve belli bir ölçüde yüksek hız karakteristiklerini belirler.
Şekilde görülen hava düz bir satıhta hareket
etmektedir. Sınır tabakası , düzgün ( laminar )
veya türbülanslı ( turbulent ) olmak üzere iki
şekilde teşekkül etmektedir. Genelde akış
başlangıçta düzgün , belli bir noktadan ki bu
noktaya “geçiş noktası ( tansition point )”
denir , sonra da türbülanslı olur. Türbülanslı
bölgede hız değişimi daha fazla olduğu için
yüzey sürüklemesi de daha fazladır. Yine ,
türbülanslı sınır tabakasının kinetik enerjisi
düzgün sınır tabakasına göre daha yüksektir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0946. Which of the following statements about dihedral is correct ?
a) Dihedral is necessary for the execution of slip-free turns.
b) The “effective dihedral” of an aeroplane component means the contribution of that component to the static
lateral stability.
c) Effective dihedral is the angle between the 1/4-chord line and the lateral axis of the aeroplane.
d) Dihedral contributes to dynamic but not to static lateral stability.
Answer ;
b) The “effective dihedral” of an aeroplane component means the contribution of that component to the static
lateral stability.
Açıklama ;
Uçağın yatay referans noktası ile kanat veya stabilize arasındaki açı “geometrik dihedral” olarak adlandırılır. Kanat ufkun
üzerinde ise pozitiftir. Bazı uçaklarda ise negatif geometrik dihedral kullanılır ve bunlar anhedral olarak tanımlanır.



Enlemsel kararlılığa ( lateral stability ) katkıda bulunan başlıca yüzey kanattır. “Geometrik dihedral etkisi” enlemsel
kararlılığa önemli bir katkıda bulunur. Yukarıdaki ilk şekilde görüldüğü gibi , geometrik dihedrali olan bir kanat yana sapma
sonucunda kararlılık yönünde bir roll momenti oluşturacaktır. Eğer yandan bir rüzgar gelirse , rüzgar tarafındaki kanatta hücum açısı
artacak ve bununla beraber taşıma kuvveti de artacaktır. Diğer kanatta ise hücum açısı azalacak ve dolayısıyla taşıma kuvveti de
azalacaktır. Taşıma kuvvetindeki değişmeler , yatış momenti yaratarak rüzgar tarafındaki kanadı yükseltir. Böylece sapmalarda
geometrik dihedral denge durumuna katkıda bulunacak yatış momenti yaratır. Geometrik dihedralin enlemsel kararlılığa etkisi çok
güçlü olduğundan , kanat konumu , flaplar ve güç gibi bütün diğer komponentlerin katkısı dihedral etkisi olarak ifade edilir.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 210 Principles of Flight

0947. Which of the following statements about stall speed is correct ?
a) Decreasing the angle of sweep of the wing will decrease the stall speed.
b) Increasing the angle of sweep of the wing will decrease the stall speed.
c) Increasing the anhedral of the wing will decrease the stall speed.
d) Use of a T-tail will decrease the stall speed.
Answer ;
a) Decreasing the angle of sweep of the wing will decrease the stall speed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0948. Which of the following statements about static lateral and directional stability is correct ?
a) The effects of static lateral and static directional stability are completely independent of each other because
they take place about different axes.
b) Static directional stability can be increased by installing more powerful engines.
c) An aeroplane with an excessive static directional stability in relation to its static lateral stability , will be
prone to “Dutch roll”.
d) An aeroplane with an excessive static directional stability in relation to its static lateral stability , will be
prone to spiral dive ( spiral instability ).
Answer ;
d) An aeroplane with an excessive static directional stability in relation to its static lateral stability , will be
prone to spiral dive ( spiral instability ).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0949. Which of the following statements about static longitudinal stability is correct ?
I. A requirement for positive static longitudinal stability of an aeroplane is , that the neutral point is
behind the centre of gravity.
II. A wing with positive camber provides a positive contribution to static longitudinal stability , when the
centre of gravity of the aeroplane is in front of the aerodynamic centre of the wing.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0950. Which of the following statements about the difference between Krueger flaps and slats is correct ?
a) Deploying a slat will form a slot , deploying a Krueger flap does not.
b) Deploying a Krueger flap will form a slot , deploying a slat does not.
c) Deploying a slat will increase critical angle of attack , deploying a Krueger flap does not.
d) Deploying a Krueger flap will increase critical angle of attack , deploying a slat does not.
Answer ;
a) Deploying a slat will form a slot , deploying a Krueger flap does not.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 211 Principles of Flight

0951. Which of the following statements about the spin is correct ?
a) During spin recovery the ailerons should be kept in the neutral position.
b) Every aeroplane should be designed such that it can never enter a spin.
c) An aeroplane is prone to spin when the stall starts at the wing root.
d) In the spin , airspeed continuously increases.
Answer ;
a) During spin recovery the ailerons should be kept in the neutral position.
Açıklama ;
VİRİLDEN ( veya SPİN ) KURTULMA ( Spin recovery )
Basit bir stoldan kurtulmak için hücum açısını düşürmek yeterlidir , bu durum hava akışının tekrar kanat üzerine yapışmasını
sağlar. Virilden kurtulmak için ilave olarak dönmeyi de durdurmak gerekir. Virilin aşırı derecede kompleks aerodinamik özellikleri
sonucu her uçağın virilden kurtulma yöntemleri büyük farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu yüzden her uçağa uygulanabilecek genel bir
virilden kurtulma prosedürü olamamaktadır.
Bazı uçaklar için tavsiye edilen virilden kurtulma yöntemi , basitçe gücü rölantiye düşürmek ve kumandalar üzerindeki
basıncı serbest bırakmaktır. Diğer taraftan , bazı uçakların dizaynı , gelişmiş bir virilden kurtulmak için , hassas bir zamanlama ile
birçok dönme için dönmenin belli noktalarında belirli kontrol hareketlerini gerektirir.
Aşağıdaki bilgiler , genel olarak dikine virilden kurtulma yöntemleridir. Uçağın F/M’ine ve imalatçı firmanın tavsiyelerine
uymak en tavsiye edilen yoldur.
– Gaz kolu veya kollarını rölantiye al. Bu durum irtifa kaybını ve düz virilin oluşma ihtimalini azaltır. Bu durum çok
motorlu uçaklarda asimetrik itki ihtimalini de elimine eder. Tek motorlu uçaklarda motor torku ve pervanenin jiroskopik
etkisi hücum açısını veya dönme hızını yükselterek , virili daha kötüye götürebilir.
– Kanatçıkları nötr pozisyonuna al. Kanatçıkların pozisyonu düz virilin veya normal virilde yüksek dönme hızının
oluşumuna katkıda bulunur.
– Virile karşı tam rudder tatbik et. Viril yönü en güvenli biçimde yatış ve dönüş göstergesinden belirlenebilir. Bull’u
kullanmamak gerekir çünkü , bu göstergenin gösterdiğine güvenilmez ve kabin içindeki yerinden bile gösterge
– Lövyeyi hızlıca nötr pozisyona al. Bazı uçaklarda geri basıncın serbest bırakılması gerekirken , diğerlerinde tam ileri
yunuslama kontrol hareketi gerekir.
Yukarıdaki maddeler aynı anda uygulanmalıdır.
– Dönüş kesilinceye kadar , kumandaları tavsiye edilen pozisyonlarda tut.
– Dönüş kesildiğinde istikamet dümenini nötr duruma getir. Dönüş durduktan sonra rudder sapması devam ederse , uçak
diğer yönde virile girebilir.
– Oluşan dalıştan kurtulmak için yunuslamaya yavaş yavaş artan geri basınç uygula.
– Çok hızlı geri basınç uygulanması ikinci bir stolu oluşturabilir veya yük faktörü limitinin aşılarak uçağın yapısal hasara
uğramasına yol açabilir.
– Dalıştan çok yavaş kurtulma , özellikle aerodinamik olarak temiz uçaklarda uçağın hız limitinin aşılmasına yol açabilir.
Kurtulma sırasında aşırı hızdan kaçınmak , virilden kurtulma sırasında gaz kollarını off yapmak için bir diğer nedendir.
– Normal uçuşa dönüldüğünde RPM ve güç limitlerine dikkat ederek takatı artır.
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0952. Which of the following statements about the stall of a straight wing aeroplane is correct ?
a) The horizontal tail will stall at a higher speed than the wing.
b) Buffeting is the result of tailplane flow separation..
c) Just before the stall the aeroplane will be have an increased nose-down tendency.
d) The nose down effect is the result of increasing downwash , due to flow separation.
Answer ;
c) Just before the stall the aeroplane will be have an increased nose-down tendency.
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0953. Which of the following statements concerning control is correct ?
a) In a differential aileron control system the control surfaces have a larger upward than downward maximum
b) On some aeroplanes , the servo tab also serves as a trim tab.
c) Hydraulically powered control surfaces do not need mass balancing.
d) In general the maximum downward elevator deflection is larger than upward.
Answer ;
a) In a differential aileron control system the control surfaces have a larger upward than downward maximum
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 212 Principles of Flight

0954. Which of the following statements is correct ?
I. A high limit load factor enables the manufacturer to design for a lower stick force per g.
II. The stick force per g is a limitation on the use of an aeroplane , which the pilot should determine from
the Aeroplane Flight Manual.
a) I is correct and II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect and II is incorrect.
c) I is correct and II is correct.
d) I is incorrect and II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct and II is incorrect.
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0955. Which of the following statements is correct ?
I. VMCL is the minimum control speed in the landing configuration.
II. The speed VMCL always limited by maximum rudder deflection.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
VMCL ( Kontrol için minimum hız-İniş konfigürasyonunda )
VMCL , motorların tamamı çalışır durumdaki yaklaşma ve iniş esnasında , kritik motorun aniden durmasının ardından , 5°den
fazla yatış yapmadan , uçağın tekrar kontrol altına alınıp düz uçuşa getirilebileceği en düşük kalibre edilmiş hızdır. VMCL ,
aşağıdakilerle birlikte belirlenmelidir ;
– Motorların tamamı çalışır durumda , yaklaşma ve iniş için en kritik durumdaki uçak ,
– En istenmeyen CG konumu ,
– Motorların tamamı çalışır durumda iken yaklaşma için uygun fletner yapılmış uçak ,
– En istenmeyen ağırlık ,
– Pervaneli uçaklar için , çalışmayan motorun pervanesinin pilotun herhangi bir etkisi olmadan aldığı konum ,
– Çalışan motorların pas geçme durumundaki güç ve itki ayarı.
VMCL belirlenirken aşağıdakiler sağlanmalıdır ;
– İstikamet dümeninin ürettiği kuvvet 150 lb’yi geçmemeli ,
– Uçak , tehlikeli uçuş karakteristikleri veya istisnai pilot maharet , dikkat veya kuvvet şartlarını gerektirmemeli ,
– Enlemsel kontrol , başlangıçtaki düz uçuş durumundan , duran motordan uzağa doğru 5 saniyeden daha az bir zamanda
20ºlik bir açıda bir dönüş başlatmak için yeterli yatış momentini üretebilecek düzeyde olmalıdır.
Kanatçık Etkinliği VMCL’yi etkileyen en önemli faktörlerden biridir. Düşük süratlerde , dinamik basınç belli bir açısal
değişimde tüm uçuş kumandalarının kontrol etkinliğini azaltacak şekilde düşüktür. İstikamet dümeninin etkilendiği gibi , kanatçıklar
da dinamik basınçtan benzer şekilde etkileneceklerdir. Daha düşük bir hava hızında , gerekli yatışı sağlayabilmek için daha büyük bir
kanatçık sapmasına ihtiyaç duyulacaktır. Aşağı sapan sol taraftaki kanatçık , daha büyük bir indüklenmiş geri sürükleme yaratacağı
için sapma momentine katkıda bulunacaktır. Düşük hızda ( yüksek CL ) aşağı sapma açısı çok yüksek olan bu kanatçık , kanadın stola
girmesine ve kontrolsüz bir şekilde duran motor tarafına doğru yatış yapmasına neden olabilir. Yeterli kanatçık etkisi V MCL’nin
belirlenmesinde çok önemlidir çünkü kontrol için olan bu minimum hız sadece istikametsel kontrolü değil yatış gereksinimlerini de
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0956. Which of the following statements is correct ?
I. VMCL is the minimum control speed in the landing configuration.
II. The speed VMCL can be limited by the available maximum roll rate.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0955’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 213 Principles of Flight

0957. Which of the following statements is correct ?
I. When the critical engine fails during take-off the speed VMCL can be limiting.
II. The speed VMCL can be limited by the available maximum roll rate.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0955’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0958. Which of the following statements is correct ?
I. When the critical engine fails during take-off the speed VMCL can be limiting.
II. The speed VMCL is always limited by maximum rudder deflection.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0955’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0959. Which of the following statements is correct ?
I. A dorsal fin increases the contribution of the vertical tail plane to the static directional stability , in
particular at large angles of sideslip.
II. A dorsal and a ventral fin both have a positive effect on static lateral stability.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
0960. Which of the following statements is true ?
a) Flight in severe turbulence may lead to a stall and/or structural limitations being exceeded
b) By increasing the flap setting in severe turbulence at constant speed the stall speed will be reduced and the
risk for exceeding the structural limits will be decreased
c) Flap extension in severe turbulence at constant speed increases both the stall speed and the structural
limitation margins
d) Flap extension in severe turbulence at constant speed moves the centre of pressure aft , which increases the
structural limitation margins
Answer ;
a) Flight in severe turbulence may lead to a stall and/or structural limitations being exceeded
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0961. Which of the following variables are required to calculate lift from the lift formula ?
a) Angle of attack , aspect ratio and dynamic pressure.
b) Square root of wing area , density and wing loading.
c) Total pressure and wing area only.
d) Dynamic pressure , lift coefficient and wing area.
Answer ;
d) Dynamic pressure , lift coefficient and wing area.
Açıklama ;
Aşağıda yer alan “Lift” formülüdür.

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 214 Principles of Flight
0962. Which of the following will reduce induced drag ?
a) Extending the flaps.
b) Low aspect ratio.
c) Elliptical lift distribution.
d) Flying at high angles of attack.
Answer ;
c) Elliptical lift distribution.
0963. Which of the following wing planforms gives the highest local lift coefficient at the wing root ?
a) Positive angle of sweep.
b) Elliptical.
c) Tapered.
d) Rectangular.
Answer ;
d) Rectangular.
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0964. Which of the following wing planforms produces the lowest induced drag ? ( all other relevant factors constant )
a) Elliptical.
b) Rectangular.
c) Circular.
d) Tapered.
Answer ;
a) Elliptical.
Açıklama ;
Kanat yüzeyi boyunca aşağı akımların dağılımı indüklenmiş sürüklemeyi etkiler. Aşağı akımlar , kanat yüzeyinde sabit ise ,
indüklenmiş sürükleme en azdır ve bu dağılım eliptik kanat şekliyle sağlanır. Diğer kanat şekillerinde ise aşağı akım dağılımı kanat
açıklığı boyunca farklılık gösterir. Örnek olarak , dikdörtgen kanat tiplerinde en fazla aşağı akım kanat uçlarında olur ve burada etkili
hücum açısında azalma olur. Konik kanat tiplerinde ise , aşağı akım kanat kökünde en çoktur ve dolayısıyla kanat kökü etkili hücum
açısında azalma olur. En uygun aşağı akımlara ( eliptik şekilde ) göre olan bu değişiklikler indüklenmiş sürüklemede artışlara neden
olur ve bu durum indüklenmiş sürükleme katsayısı denkleminde ifade edilmelidir. CDi = ( k . CL2 ) : AR
Buradaki “k” faktörü , kanadın şekline bağlıdır. Verilen kanat açıklık oranı için minimum indüklenmiş sürükleme
oluşturduğundan eliptik kanat , ideal sesaltı aerodinamik plan şeklidir. Ancak , eliptik kanadın en büyük dezavantajı , mekanik
tasarım ve yapım zorluğudur. Yapısal olgular bir hava aracının geliştirilmesinde oldukça önemli rol oynadığından konik kanat
yapısının en verimli kanat yapısı olduğu bilinmektedir. En fazla aerodinamik verimliliği sağlamak için tasarımcılar , konik kanada
eliptik taşıma dağılımını yakalayabilmek için kanada burgu ve açıklığı boyunca kesit değişimi verilir.

Eliptik kanat Dikdörtgen kanat

( Elliptical ) ( Rectangular )

Konik kanat Ok açılı kanat

( Tapered ) ( Swept )

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0965. Which of these definitions of propeller parameters is correct ?
a) Blade angle = angle between blade chord line and propeller axis.
b) Propeller angle of attack = angle between blade chord line and propeller vertical plane.
c) Geometric propeller pitch = the theoretical distance a propeller blade element is travelling in forward
direction in one propeller revolution.
d) Critical tip velocity = propeller speed at which risk of flow separation at some parts of propeller blade occurs.
Answer ;
c) Geometric propeller pitch = the theoretical distance a propeller blade element is travelling in forward
direction in one propeller revolution.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 215 Principles of Flight
0966. Which of these statements about a trimmable horizontal stabiliser is correct ?
a) At the aft CG limit , stabiliser trim is adjusted fully nose up to obtain maximum elevator authority at rotation
during take-off.
b) A trimmed aeroplane with an aft CG requires the stabiliser leading edge to be lower than in the case of a
forward CG in the same condition.
c) Because take-off speeds do not vary with CG position , the need for stabiliser adjustment is dependent on
flap position only.
d) A trimmed aeroplane with an aft CG requires the stabiliser leading edge to be higher than in the case of a
forward CG in the same condition.
Answer ;
d) A trimmed aeroplane with an aft CG requires the stabiliser leading edge to be higher than in the case of a
forward CG in the same condition.
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0967. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
II. The local speed of sound behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
EĞİK ŞOK DALGALARI ( Oblique shock wave )
Eğik şok dalgası , şok dalgasının farklı bir şeklidir. Aşağıdaki şekle bakıldığında A noktasındaki havanın süpersonik hızda
hareket ettiği ve bir cisme yaklaşmakta olduğundan tamamen habersiz olduğu görülür. B noktasında biriken ve sesaltı durumda olan
hava , cismin etrafından dolaşarak yeniden akış hattına karışmaya çalışmaktadır. A noktasında bulunan süpersonik hava şok
dalgasından geçerken birdenbire yavaşlar , basınç , sıcaklık ve yoğunluğunda artış meydana gelir. Şok dalgasının merkezinde , hava
akış yönüne dik olarak yer alan kısım “güçlü normal şok dalgası”dır. Şok dalgasının üst ve alt kısımlarına bakıldığında artık bu
bölgelerin akış hattına dik olmadığı görülür. Hava akışı , eğimli bir açıya sahip olan bu dalgaya çarparak yönü değişir. Normal şok
dalgası gibi eğimli şok dalgası da bu bölgede güçlüdür. Dalganın arkasındaki akış hızı ve Mach sayısı düşmekle birlikte akış hala
süpersoniktir. Bu noktada ortaya çıkan temel farklılık eğimli şok dalgasını geçen hava akımının yön değiştirmesidir. Eğik şok
dalgasını geçen hava hızının şok dalgasına dik bileşeni şok dalgasının arkasında sesaltı olacaktır. Şekilde kesik hatlarla gösterilen
kısım güçlü şok dalgasının arkasında oluşan sesaltı akış alanıdır. C noktasındaki hava molekülleri sesaltı hıza düşmezler. Hızlarında
bir miktar düşme olsa da süpersonik hızlarını korurlar. C noktasındaki şok dalgası zayıf bir eğik şok dalgasıdır. Bu noktadan itibaren
şok dalgasının etkileri hava etkilenmeden cismi geçebilecek duruma gelinceye kadar azalarak devam eder. Böylece şok dalgası
etkileri kaybolur. Etkisi kaybolmuş tam olarak bir şok dalgası denemeyen bu hatta “Mach hattı” adı verilir.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
0968. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
II. The local speed of sound behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 216 Principles of Flight
0969. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
II. The local speed of sound behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0970. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
II. The local speed of sound behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0971. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
II. The total pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0972. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
II. The total pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0973. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
II. The total pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 217 Principles of Flight

0974. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The density in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
II. The total pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0975. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The local speed of sound in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
II. The Mach number in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0976. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The local speed of sound in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
II. The Mach number in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0977. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The local speed of sound in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
II. The Mach number in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0978. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The local speed of sound in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
II. The Mach number in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 218 Principles of Flight

0979. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The Mach number behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
II. The total pressure behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0980. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The Mach number behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
II. The total pressure behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0981. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The Mach number behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
II. The total pressure behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0982. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The Mach number behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
II. The total pressure behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0983. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
II. The static pressure behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 219 Principles of Flight

0984. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
II. The static pressure behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0985. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
II. The static pressure behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0986. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
II. The static pressure behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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0987. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
II. The static pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0988. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
II. The static pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 220 Principles of Flight

0989. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
II. The static pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0990. Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?
I. The static temperature in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
II. The static pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0967’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Which of these statements about an oblique shock wave are correct or incorrect ?

* The density behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
* The density in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
* The local speed of sound behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
* The local speed of sound in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
* The total pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
* The total pressure behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
* The Mach number in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
* The Mach number behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
* The static temperature in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
* The static temperature behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
* The static pressure behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
* The static pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.

* The density behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
* The density in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
* The local speed of sound behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
* The local speed of sound in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
* The total pressure behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
* The total pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
* The Mach number in front of an oblique shock wave is lower than behind it.
* The Mach number behind an oblique shock wave is higher than in front of it.
* The static temperature behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
* The static temperature in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.
* The static pressure behind an oblique shock wave is lower than in front of it.
* The static pressure in front of an oblique shock wave is higher than behind it.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 221 Principles of Flight

0991. Which of these statements about boundary layers is correct ?
a) A turbulent boundary layer produces less friction drag than a laminar one.
b) A laminar boundary layer is thicker than a turbulent one.
c) Compared with a turbulent boundary layer , a laminar boundary layer is better able to resist a positive
pressure gradient before it separates.
d) A laminar boundary layer turns into a turbulent one at the transition point.
Answer ;
d) A laminar boundary layer turns into a turbulent one at the transition point.
Açıklama ;
Uçakla direkt temasta olan hava partikülleri uçağın hızına erişene kadar hızlandırılırlar ve uçakla beraber hareket ederler. Bu
partiküller , kendilerine bitişik partikülleri de hızlandıracak fakat bu partiküller havanın viskozitesi düşük olduğundan dolayı uçak
hızından çok az daha düşük bir hızda hareket edeceklerdir. Yüzeyden olan mesafe arttıkça hava katmanlarının hızlanmaları da
azalacaktır. Bu şekilde tüm katmanlara bakıldığında , uçağa göre hızın uçak yüzeyindeki sıfır değerinden hattın yüzeye en uzak olan
sınırında en fazla çıkacak şekilde değiştiği bir hava katmanı oluşacaktır.Yüzeyden , viskozite etkilerinin sıfıra indiği noktaya kadar
olan bu ince hava katmanına sınır tabakası ( boundary layer ) denir. Uçuşta , sınır tabakasının özellikleri en fazla taşıma katsayısı , stol
karakteristikleri , şeklin sürükleme değeri ve belli bir ölçüde yüksek hız karakteristiklerini belirler.

Şekilde görülen hava düz bir satıhta hareket etmektedir. Sınır tabakası , düzgün ( laminar ) veya türbülanslı ( turbulent )
olmak üzere iki şekilde teşekkül etmektedir. Genelde akış başlangıçta düzgün , belli bir noktadan ki bu noktaya “geçiş noktası
( tansition point )” denir , sonra da türbülanslı olur. Türbülanslı bölgede hız değişimi daha fazla olduğu için yüzey sürüklemesi de
daha fazladır. Yine , türbülanslı sınır tabakasının kinetik enerjisi düzgün sınır tabakasına göre daha yüksektir.
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0992. Which of these statements about boundary layers is correct ?
a) A laminar boundary layer is thicker than a turbulent one.
b) A turbulent boundary layer produces more friction drag than a laminar one.
c) A turbulent boundary layer turns into a laminar one at the transition point.
d) Compared with a turbulent boundary layer , a laminar boundary layer is better able to resist a positive
pressure gradient before it separates.
Answer ;
b) A turbulent boundary layer produces more friction drag than a laminar one.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0991’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0993. Which of these statements about boundary layers is correct ?
a) A laminar boundary layer is thinner than a turbulent one.
b) A turbulent boundary layer produces less friction drag than a laminar one.
c) Compared with a turbulent boundary layer , a laminar boundary layer is better able to resist a positive
pressure gradient before it separates.
d) A turbulent boundary layer turns into a laminar one at the transition point.
Answer ;
a) A laminar boundary layer is thinner than a turbulent one.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0991’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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0994. Which of these statements about boundary layers is correct ?
a) A turbulent boundary layer becomes laminar at the transition point.
b) A laminar boundary layer is thicker than a turbulent one.
c) A turbulent boundary layer produces less friction drag than a laminar one.
d) Compared with a laminar boundary layer , a turbulent boundary layer is better able to resist a positive
pressure gradient before it separates.
Answer ;
d) Compared with a laminar boundary layer , a turbulent boundary layer is better able to resist a positive
pressure gradient before it separates.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0991’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 222 Principles of Flight
0995. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Aero-elastic coupling affects flutter characteristics.
II. The risk of flutter increases as IAS increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
FLUTTER ( Titreşim-Sarsıntı )
Dengesizliğin sonucu olarak , kanat veya kontrol yüzeylerinde meydana gelen
hızlı ve kontrol edilemez salınımlardır. Flutter normalde uçak yapısının ölümcül hasarına
sebep olur.
Yandaki şekilde dikey bir ani rüzgar tarafından hücum açısı artan bir kanadın
ucu görülmektedir. İlave taşıma kuvveti kanat ucunu , 1. pozisyondan 2. pozisyona ,
yukarı doğru eğecek ve bükülme ekseninin ön tarafında olan AC’den etki eden taşıma
kuvvetindeki artış kanat ucunu yukarı doğru bükecektir ki bu da hücum açısını daha da
artıracaktır. Kanat ucu hızlı bir şekilde 3 ve 4ncü pozisyona doğru ilerleyecektir. Kanat
bir yay gibi bükülecek ve çok fazla deformasyon olursa yapısal hasar meydana
gelebilecektir. Yapının bükülme miktarı ; yapının esnekliği , AC ( Aerodynamic
Centre ) ve bükülme ekseni arasındaki mesafe ve dinamik basınca ( IAS ) bağlıdır.
Hasar oluşumunun yüksek hızlara geciktirilmesi için yapı kuvvetli yapılabilir
fakat bu ağırlığı artıracaktır. Daha iyi çözüm bükülme ekseninin AC ye
yakınlaştırılmasıdır. Uçağın ön tarafına ağırlık koymak sureti ile bu işlem kolaylıkla
yapılabilir. Kontrol yüzeylerinde kullanılan denge ağılıkları gibi büyük kurşun
parçaları yerine , motorlar hücum kenarı uç tarafına monte edilirler , böylece
flexural eksen AC’a daha yakınlaştırılmış olur. Motorları yatakları kanadın
altına hücum kenarının ön tarafına takmak suretiyle belli bir dayanıklılık için
sarsıntının daha yüksek hızlarda oluşumu sağlanabilir. Yandaki şekilde görülen
motorlar , kanat için denge ağırlığı görevi yapacak ve bükülme eksenini öne,
AC ye yakın konuma hareket ettirecektir.
Flutter’ın oluşmasında Aerodinamik kuvvetler ( aerodynamic forces ) ,
Atalet kuvvetleri ( inertia forces ) ve Yüzeyin elastik özellikleri ( stiffness of the
structure ) rol oynar.
Ağırlık ve dayanıklılığın bir yapıya dağılımı doğal frekansları ve titreşim
tarzlarını belirler. Eğer gövde doğal frekanslara yakın bir frekansta bir kuvvete
maruz kalır ise rezonans durumu ve bunun sonucu olan kararsız salınımlar
oluşabilir. Bu durum da yapıyı hızla hasara doğru götürür.
Uçak , bir çok aerodinamik etkiye maruz kalır ( ani rüzgarlar , kontrol
kuvvetleri vs. ) ve değişik hızlardaki aerodinamik kuvvetler , kuvvet ve momentteki
değişim hızları açısından karakteristik özelliklere sahiptirler. Aerodinamik
kuvvetler yapı ile etkileşirler ve yapının doğal modlarını uyarır ve sarsıntıların
oluşmasına sebep olur. Normal uçuş şartlarında sarsıntı olmamalıdır ve doğal
modlar azaltılmalı veya VD / MD den sonra olacak şekilde dizayn edilmelidir. Tipik
bir sarsıntı tarzı yandaki şekilde gösterilmiştir. Sorun , yüksek hız uçuş
problemlerinden biri olduğundan , genel olarak doğal frekansların yüksek olması ve
sarsıntı hızının normal çalışma hızlarının üzerinde olması arzu edilir. Dayanıklılık
veya ağırlık dağılımındaki herhangi bir değişiklik , modları ve frekansları
değiştirecektir ve böylece sarsıntı hızının değişmesine neden olacaktır. Eğer uçak
düzgün olarak muhafaza edilmezse ve aşırı oynama ve esneklik olur ise , sarsıntı
uçuş hızında , normal kullanım limit hızının ( VMO / MM ) altında meydana gelebilir.
Kontrol yüzey sarsıntısı , eğik veya bükük kanadın , kuyruk takımının veya dikey
stabilizenin salınımı ile oluşur. Kontrol yüzeyi salınımı , kontrol sistemindeki
serbest oynama ( boşluk ) veya ani rüzgar sonucunda meydana gelir. Eğer kontrol
yüzeyinin CG’si , menteşe hattının arkasında ise sarsıntı meydana gelir ve kontrol yüzeyinin ataleti menteşe çevresinde momente
neden olur. Kanatçık burulma sarsıntısı genel olarak aynıdır , kanatçığın esneme sonucu aşağı yukarı hareket eden kanadın hareketinin
gerisinden gelmesi sonucu oluşur , böylece salınımı artırmış olur. Bu tip sarsıntılar da kantçığa balans ağırlığı koyarak önlenebilir.
Denge ağırlığının konumu önemlidir, kanat ucuna yakın konumlar için daha az ağırlık gerekir. Bir çok uçakta , ağırlık, hücum kenarı
sparı şeklinde kanatçığın tüm uzunluğuna yayılmıştır. Böylece kanatçığın dayanıklılığı artırılır ve kanatçığın kendisinde tek noktadaki
ağırlıktan meydana gelebilecek burulma titreşimleri de önlenecektir. Denge ağırlıkları ( mass balancing ) , ataletlerini ve yay hareketi
yapmasını önlemek için , yatay stabilize ve istikamet dümenine de konabilir. Fletnerlere bile denge ağırlığı konabilir. Sarsıntıların en
büyük tehlikesi her döngünün kendisinden bir önceki döngüden daha büyük bir şiddete sahip olması ve dolayısıyla çok kısa bir
zamanda uçağın elastikiyet sınırlarını aşabilmesidir. Sarsıntı olduğu anlaşıldığında , teorik olarak hızın azaltılması yapısal hasarın
önüne geçmenin yegane yoludur. Fakat bozulma hızı çok fazla olduğundan yavaşlamak gerçekten pratik bir çözüm değildir.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 223 Principles of Flight
0996. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Aero-elastic coupling affects flutter characteristics.
II. Occurrence of flutter is independent of IAS.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0997. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Aero-elastic coupling does not affect flutter characteristics.
II. Occurrence of flutter is independent of IAS.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0998. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Aero-elastic coupling does not affect flutter characteristics.
II. The risk of flutter increases as IAS increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
0999. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. If flutter occurs , IAS should be kept constant.
II. Resistance to flutter increases with increasing wing stiffness.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1000. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. If flutter occurs , IAS should be kept constant.
II. Resistance to flutter increases with reducing wing stiffness.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 224 Principles of Flight

1001. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. If flutter occurs , IAS should be reduced.
II. Resistance to flutter increases with increasing wing stiffness.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1002. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. If flutter occurs , IAS should be reduced.
II. Resistance to flutter increases with reducing wing stiffness.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1003. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Moving the engines from the wing to the aft fuselage improves wing flutter suppression.
II. Excessive free play or backlash increases the speed at which control surface flutter occurs.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1004. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Moving the engines from the wing to the aft fuselage improves wing flutter suppression.
II. Excessive free play or backlash reduces the speed at which control surface flutter occurs.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1005. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Wing mounted engines extending ahead of the wing contribute to wing flutter suppression.
II. Excessive free play or backlash increases the speed at which control surface flutter occurs.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 225 Principles of Flight

1006. Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?
I. Wing mounted engines extending ahead of the wing contribute to wing flutter suppression.
II. Excessive free play or backlash reduces the speed at which control surface flutter occurs.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 0995’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Which of these statements about flutter are correct or incorrect ?

* Aero-elastic coupling affects flutter characteristics.
* The risk of flutter increases as IAS increases.
* If flutter occurs , IAS should be reduced.
* Resistance to flutter increases with increasing wing stiffness.
* Excessive free play or backlash reduces the speed at which control surface flutter occurs.
* Wing mounted engines extending ahead of the wing contribute to wing flutter suppression.

* Aero-elastic coupling does not affect flutter characteristics.
* Occurrence of flutter is independent of IAS.
* If flutter occurs , IAS should be kept constant.
* Resistance to flutter increases with reducing wing stiffness.
* Excessive free play or backlash increases the speed at which control surface flutter occurs.
* Moving the engines from the wing to the aft fuselage improves wing flutter suppression.

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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 226 Principles of Flight

1007. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. A rectangular spanwise lift distribution generates less induced drag than an elliptical lift distribution.
II. Induced drag decreases with increasing aspect ratio.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
INDUCTION DRAG ( İndüklenmiş drag )

İndüklenmiş drag ( induced drag ) , taşıma kuvvetiyle oluşan ve arzu edilmeyen bir drag’tır. Kanat ucu anaforlarının
aşağı ve yukarı akımları ( upwash-downwash ) etkileyerek , taşıma kuvvet vektörüne geriye doğru bir bileşke eklemesine ,
indüklenmiş drag denir. IAS azaldıkça , hücum açısı artacak ve daha kuvvetli anaforlar oluşacaktır. Anaforlar kuvvetlendikçe
indüklenmiş drag’lar büyüyecektir.
Bir kanadın üst yüzeyinden akan havanın
basıncı , altından akan havanınkinden daha azdır. Kanat
uçları ve firar kenarı bu iki hava akımının kesiştiği
yerlerdir. Basınç farklılığı , akış yönünü üst yüzeyde
kanat köküne , alt yüzeyde ise kanat ucuna doğru akış
yaratacak şekilde etkiler. Kanat terminolojisinde kanada
her zaman arkadan bakılmaktadır. Buna göre sol kanat
ucunda saat yönünde , sağ kanat ucunda ise saat yönünün
tersine hareket eden vorteksler oluşur. Yüksek hücum
açılarında ( düşük IAS’lerde ) kanat üzerinden geçen
havanın vektörü kanat ekseni boyunca hareket eden
vektöre göre küçüleceğinden , vorteksler daha güçlü bir
etkiye sahip olacaklardır.
Kanat ucu anaforları , kanat civarında , kanadın hem önünde hem de arkasında , dikey hız bileşenleri yaratırlar. Bu
akımlar aşağı ve yukarı akımları kuvvetlendirerek etkin hücum açısını azaltırlar. Anaforlar kuvvetlendikçe , etkin hücum
açısındaki azalma da büyüyecektir. Etkin hücum açısının azalması sonucu kanadın ürettiği toplam taşıma kuvveti , kanatta
enine basınç farklılığı olmadığı durumda üretilen toplam taşıma kuvvetine göre daha az olacaktır. Üretilen taşıma
kuvvetindeki azalma da aslında taşıma kuvvetinin kendisinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Taşıma kuvvetinde oluşan kaybı ortadan
taşımak için kanadın daha yüksek bir hücum açısında uçurulması gerekecektir. Bu da drag’ı arttıracaktır. Bu ekstra drag
indüklenmiş drag’dır.
İndüklenmiş Drag’ı etkileyen faktörler
Taşıma kuvvetinin büyüklüğü ;
İndüklenmiş dragın taşıma kuvvetinin bileşkesi olması nedeni ile , taşıma kuvveti büyüdükçe , indüklenmiş drag da
büyüyecektir. Taşıma kuvvetinin düz uçuşta , ağırlığa eşit olması gerektiğinden indüklenmiş drag da ağırlığa bağlıdır.
İndüklenmiş drag ağırlığı daha çok olan uçaklarda daha çok olacaktır. Özel manevralarda , uçak ağırlığından daha fazla
taşıma kuvvetine ihtiyaç olacaktır. Taşıma kuvveti ile ağırlık arasındaki orana , “yük faktörü-g” denir. Örnek olarak , taşıma
kuvveti , dönüşlerde , ağırlıktan daha büyüktür , buna bağlı olarak bu durumda indüklenmiş drag da daha büyük olacaktır.
Dolayısıyla , indüklenmiş drag yük faktörü ile de doğru orantılıdır. İndüklenmiş drag , taşıma kuvvetinin karesi ile orantılı
şekilde artar veya azalır.
Uçağın hızı ;
Hızın artmasına bağlı olarak indüklenmiş drag azalacaktır ( sabit taşıma kuvveti için ). Bunun nedeni hızın artması
ile , kanat anaforlarının aşağı ve yukarı akımları saptırması daha az olacak , taşıma kuvvetinin geriye doğru eğimi azalacak
ve böylece indüklenmiş drag da azalacaktır. İndüklenmiş drag , hızın karesiyle ters orantılı olarak değişir.
Kanadın açıklık oranı ;
Yüksek açıklık oranlı kanadın uç anaforları , kanadın daha az bir oranını etkiler ve böylece aşağı akımdaki değişim
daha az olur. Bunun sonucu olarak da taşıma kuvvetinin geriye doğru eğimi daha az olacağından indüklenmiş dragda da
azalma olur. Buradan çıkacak sonuç ; açıklık oranı arttıkça , indüklenmiş drag azalacaktır ( verilen bir taşıma kuvveti için ).
İndüklenmiş drag, açıklık oranıyla ters orantılıdır.
Kanat şekli ;
Kanat yüzeyi boyunca aşağı akımların dağılımı indüklenmiş dragı etkiler. Aşağı akımlar , kanat yüzeyinde sabit ise
indüklenmiş drag en azdır ve bu dağılım eliptik kanat şekliyle sağlanır. Diğer kanat şekillerinde ise aşağı akım dağılımı kanat
açıklığı boyunca farklılık gösterir. Örnek olarak , dikdörtgen kanat tiplerinde maksimum aşağı akım kanat uçlarında olur ve
burada etkili hücum açısında azalma olur. Konik kanat tiplerinde ise, aşağı akım kanat kökünde en çoktur ve dolayısıyla
kanat kökü etkili hücum açısında azalma olur.
Verilen kanat açıklık oranı için minimum indüklenmiş drag oluşturduğundan eliptik kanat , ideal sabsonik
aerodinamik plan şeklidir. Ancak , eliptik kanadın en büyük dezavantajı , mekanik tasarım ve yapım zorluğudur. Yapısal
olgular bir hava aracının geliştirilmesinde oldukça önemli rol oynadığından konik kanat yapısının en verimli kanat yapısı
olduğu bilinmektedir. Maksimum aerodinamik verimliliği sağlamak için tasarımcılar , konik kanada eliptik taşıma dağılımını
yakalayabilmek için kanada burgu ve açıklığı boyunca kesit değişimi verilir.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 227 Principles of Flight
1008. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. A rectangular spanwise lift distribution generates less induced drag than an elliptical lift distribution.
II. Induced drag increases with increasing aspect ratio.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1009. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. A rectangular spanwise lift distribution generates more induced drag than an elliptical lift distribution.
II. Induced drag decreases with increasing aspect ratio.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1010. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. A rectangular spanwise lift distribution generates more induced drag than an elliptical lift distribution.
II. Induced drag increases with increasing aspect ratio.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1011. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. An elliptical spanwise lift distribution generates less induced drag than a rectangular lift distribution.
II. Induced drag decreases with decreasing aspect ratio.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1012. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. An elliptical spanwise lift distribution generates less induced drag than a rectangular lift distribution.
II. Induced drag increases with decreasing aspect ratio.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 228 Principles of Flight

1013. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. An elliptical spanwise lift distribution generates more induced drag than a rectangular lift distribution.
II. Induced drag decreases with decreasing aspect ratio.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1014. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect?
I. An elliptical spanwise lift distribution generates more induced drag than a rectangular lift distribution.
II. Induced drag increases with decreasing aspect ratio.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1015. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. Induced drag decreases as angle of attack decreases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag decreases with decreasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1016. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. Induced drag decreases as angle of attack decreases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag increases with decreasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1017. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. Induced drag decreases as angle of attack increases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag decreases with increasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 229 Principles of Flight

1018. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. Induced drag decreases as angle of attack increases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag increases with increasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1019. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. Induced drag increases as angle of attack decreases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag decreases with decreasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1020. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. Induced drag increases as angle of attack decreases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag increases with decreasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1021. Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect ?
I. Induced drag increases as angle of attack increases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag increases with increasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1007’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 230 Principles of Flight

1022. Which of these statements about Mcrit is correct ?
a) As speed increases bove Mcrit. , parasite drag decreases rapidly.
b) Flight at any speed above Mcrit causes severe vibration of the aeroplane.
c) Mcrit is always greater than 1.
d) Shock waves cannot occur at speeds below Mcrit.
Answer ;
d) Shock waves cannot occur at speeds below Mcrit.
Açıklama ;
Bir kanat profili , üst yüzeyindeki havanın hızlandırılması sayesinde kaldırma kuvveti üretir. Uçaktaki en yüksek
lokal hız da genellikle kanadın maksimum kalınlık noktasında elde edilir. Örneğin ; 100 kt’lık bir serbest akış hızında , küçük
bir hücum açısında düşük hızlı kanat kesitindeki maksimum lokal hız 120 kt olabilir. Hücum açısı arttırıldıkça lokal hız da
artar. Aynı zamanda kalınlık/korda oranının büyümesi de bu hızı arttırır.
Serbest akış hızı arttıkça hızın ses
hızına ilk ulaştığı nokta profil üzerindeki hızın
en yüksek seviyeye çıktığı konumdur. Profilin
bu konumunda hızın ses hızına ulaşmasını
sağlayan serbest akım Mach sayısına “Kritik
Mach sayısı ( Mcrit )” adı verilir.
Kalınlık/korda oranının ve hücum
açısının arttırılması kanadın üst yüzeyinde
daha büyük bir hızlanma yaratacağından Kritik
Mach Sayısı düşecektir. Kritik Mach sayısının
hemen üzerindeki hızlarda , üst yüzeyde
şok dalgası tarafından yok edilen küçük bir süpersonik hava akış bölgesi oluşur. Uçağın hızı arttıkça üst yüzeydeki bu
süpersonik akış bölgesi de genişler ve bu bölgenin sonunu oluşturan şok dalgası geriye doğru hareket eder. Benzer etkiler
kanadın alt yüzeyinde de görülecektir ancak bu bölümde kıvrımlar daha az olması nedeniyle hava çok hızlandırılmadığı için
şok dalgaları daha yüksek hızlarda görülecektir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1023. Which of these statements about propellers is correct or incorrect ?
I. A cruise propeller has a greater geometric pitch when compared with a climb propeller.
II. A coarse pitch propeller is less efficient during take-off and in the climb , but more efficient in the
cruise , when compared with a fine pitch propeller.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1024. Which of these statements about propellers is correct or incorrect ?
I. A cruise propeller has a greater geometric pitch when compared with a climb propeller.
II. A coarse pitch propeller is more efficient during take-off and in the climb , but is less efficient in the
cruise , when compared with a fine pitch propeller.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
1025. Which of these statements about propellers is correct or incorrect ?
I. A cruise propeller has a smaller geometric pitch when compared with a climb propeller.
II. A coarse pitch propeller is less efficient during take-off and in the climb , but more efficient in the
cruise , when compared with a fine pitch propeller.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 231 Principles of Flight

1026. Which of these statements about propellers is correct or incorrect ?
I. A cruise propeller has a smaller geometric pitch when compared with a climb propeller.
II. A coarse pitch propeller is more efficient during take-off and in the climb , but is less efficient in the
cruise , when compared with a fine pitch propeller.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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1027. Which of these statements about stall speed is correct ?
a) Decreasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed.
b) Decreasing sweepback increases stall speed.
c) Increasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed.
d) Decreasing sweepback decreases stall speed.
Answer ;
d) Decreasing sweepback decreases stall speed.
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1028. Which of these statements about stall speed is correct ?
a) Increasing forward sweep increases stall speed.
b) Increasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed.
c) Increasing forward sweep decreases stall speed.
d) Decreasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed.
Answer ;
a) Increasing forward sweep increases stall speed.
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1029. Which of these statements about stall speed is correct ?
a) Increasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed.
b) Decreasing forward sweep decreases stall speed.
c) Decreasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed.
b) Decreasing forward sweep increases stall speed.
Answer ;
b) Decreasing forward sweep decreases stall speed.
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1030. Which of these statements about the effect of wing sweep on centre of pressure location are correct or incorrect ?
I. The centre of pressure on a straight wing moves aft as the angle of attack approaches and exceeds the
critical angle of attack.
II. The centre of pressure on a strongly swept back wing moves forward as the angle of attack approaches
and exceeds the critical angle of attack.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1031. Which of these statements about the equilibrium of forces and moments at V MCA are correct or incorrect ?
I. Because VMCA must be determined for the case where the critical engine suddenly fails , there is no
need to obtain equilibrium of moments about the normal axis.
II. Equilibrium of forces along the lateral axis does not require any side slip during a wings level
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 232 Principles of Flight

1032. Which of these statements about the equilibrium of forces and moments at V MCA are correct or incorrect ?
I. Because VMCA must be determined for the case where the critical engine suddenly fails , there is no
need to obtain equilibrium of moments about the normal axis.
II. Equilibrium of forces along the lateral axis requires either bank angle or side slip or a combination of
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1033. Which of these statements about the equilibrium of forces and moments at V MCA are correct or incorrect ?
I. Equilibrium of moments about the normal axis is provided by rudder deflection.
II. Equilibrium of forces along the lateral axis does not require any side slip during a wings level
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1034. Which of these statements about the equilibrium of forces and moments at V MCA are correct or incorrect ?
I. Equilibrium of moments about the normal axis is provided by rudder deflection.
II. Equilibrium of forces along the lateral axis requires either bank angle or side slip or a combination of
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
1035. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the mass decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the altitude decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
1036. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the mass decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the altitude increases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1037. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the mass decreases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the altitude decreases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 233 Principles of Flight

1038. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the mass increases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the altitude decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
1039. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the mass increases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the altitude increases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1040. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the mass increases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the altitude increases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1041. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the slope of the lift versus angle of attack curve decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the wing loading decreases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
1042. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the slope of the lift versus angle of attack curve decreases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the wing loading decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1043. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the slope of the lift versus angle of attack curve decreases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the wing loading decreases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 234 Principles of Flight

1044. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the slope of the lift versus angle of attack curve increases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the wing loading decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1045. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the slope of the lift versus angle of attack curve increases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the wing loading increases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1046. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the slope of the lift versus angle of attack curve increases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the wing loading increases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1047. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the EAS decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
1048. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the EAS decreases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1049. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area decreases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the EAS decreases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 235 Principles of Flight

1050. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area decreases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the EAS decreases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
1051. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area increases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the EAS increases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1052. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area increases , the gust load factor decreases.
II. When the EAS increases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1053. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area increases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the EAS increases , the gust load factor decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
1054. Which of these statements about the gust load factor on an aeroplane are correct or incorrect ?
I. When the wing area increases , the gust load factor increases.
II. When the EAS increases , the gust load factor increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 236 Principles of Flight

1055. Which of these statements about the limiting value of 5 degrees bank angle during VMCA determination are correct or
incorrect ?
I. As the bank angle is decreased from 5 degrees to 0 degrees , the value of VMCA increases.
II. At any bank angle beyond 5 degrees , there is an increasing risk of fin stall.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
VMCA ( Minimum Control speed on the Air )
VMCA , kritik motorun aniden durduğu anda , motor hala durmuş durumdayken , 5ºden daha fazla olmayan bir yatış açısı ile
uçağın kontrolünün ve düz uçuşun muhafaza edildiği kalibre edilmiş hava hızıdır. VMCA , aşağıdaki durumlarda 1.2 VS’yi geçemez ;
– Maksimum kalkış gücü veya motorlardaki itki kapasitesi ,
– Uçağın kalkış fletnerinin ayarlanması ,
– En uygun olmayan CG konumu ,
– Maksimum deniz seviyesi kalkış ağırlığı ,
– Uçağın en kritik kalkış konfigürasyonunda olması ( fakat iniş takımları yukarıda ) ,
– Uçağın havalanmış ve yer etkisinden kurtulmuş olması ,
– Eğer uygunsa , duran motorun pervanesinin ;
– Dönüyor durumda veya
– Kılıçlanmış ( feathering ) pozisyonda , şayet uçakta otomatik bir kılıçlama tertibatı varsa.
VMCA hızında kontrolün sağlanması için istikamet dümeni kuvveti 150 libre’yi geçmemeli ve kontrolün sağlanması için
gücün azaltılması gerekmemelidir. Performans gerekliliği yoktur. Sadece istikamet kontrolü gereklidir.
VMCA hızını etkileyen faktörler
Yatış Açısı ;
Çalışan motor tarafına doğru yatış , gerekli istikamet dümeni sapmasını azaltır ve böylece daha düşük bir VMCA’ye müsaade
eder. Maksimum yatış açısı 5º olarak belirlenmiştir. Çünkü , daha yüksek açılar kaldırma kuvvetinin dikey bileşenini önemli ölçüde
düşürecektir. Bu durumda arttırılan hücum açısından dolayı daha büyük bir indüklenmiş geri sürüklenme de ortaya çıkar.
CG Konumu ;
Uçağın CG çevresinde dönmesi nedeni ile , CG’nin pozisyonu , istikamet dümeni kol uzunluğunu ve böylece de istikamet
stabilizesini ve kontrolü muhafaza etmekte kullanılan istikamet dümeninin ve dikey stabilizenin etkinliğini direkt olarak etkiler. En
kötü durum , CG’nin arka limit konumunda olmasıdır. Şayet CG’nin bu konumunda kontrol için gerekli şartlar sağlanabiliyorsa diğer
tüm CG konumlarında da sağlanabilecektir.
Kanatçık Etkinliği ;
Düşük süratlerde , dinamik basınç belli bir açısal değişimde tüm
uçuş kumandalarının kontrol etkinliğini azaltacak şekilde düşüktür. İstikamet
dümeninin etkilendiği gibi , kanatçıklar da dinamik basınçtan benzer şekilde
etkileneceklerdir. Şekilde ( sağa yatış hareketi ) kanatlar , ya aynı hizada
ya da kanatçıklarla birlikte belli bir yatış açısındadırlar. Daha düşük bir hava
hızında , kanatları aynı pozisyonda tutabilmek için daha büyük bir kanatçık
sapmasına ihtiyaç duyulacaktır. Aşağı sapan sol taraftaki kanatçık , daha
büyük bir indüklenmiş geri sürükleme yaratacağı için sapma momentine
katkıda bulunacaktır. Düşük hızda ( yüksek CL ) aşağı sapma açısı çok
yüksek olan bu kanatçık , kanadın stola girmesine ve kontrolsüz bir şekilde
duran motor tarafına doğru yatış yapmasına neden olabilir. Bu istenmeyen
duruma engel olmak için VMCA yeterince yüksek olmalıdır.
Flap Pozisyonu ;
Flap pozisyonu , taşıma kuvveti/geri sürüklenme kuvveti oranını , burun aşağı yunuslama momentini ve stol hızını etkiler.
Asimetrik itki ile flaplar , tırmanış performansını düşürür , stol üzeri sınırı yükseltir , fakat VMCA’yı doğrudan etkilemez. Bununla
beraber , şayet kalkış flabı kullanılırsa ,pervane rüzgarından dolayı iki kanadın kaldırma kuvvetleri arasındaki fark , daha ileri boyutta
olur. Bu yatış momentini yükseltir , yüksek kanatçık sapmasını gerektirir ve V MCA’yı dolaylı olarak yükseltir.
İniş Takımı ;
İniş takımı , sürtünmeyi yükseltir ve performansı düşürür. CG’nin ön tarafında artan gövde yüzeyi , istikametsel kararlılığı
hafifçe düşürür ve böylece dikey stabilize ve istikamet dümeni , yana kayışa maruz kalır ki bu durum , VMCA’yı az da olsa
İrtifa ve Sıcaklık ;
VMCA , çalışan motor tarafından üretilen itki miktarından etkilenir. İrtifa ve/veya sıcaklık yükseldikçe , hızlı tepkime
göstermeyen bir motordaki itki düşecektir. Dolayısıyla , irtifa ve/veya sıcaklıktaki yükselme ile birlikte , VMCA düşer.
VS ve VMCA arasındaki ilişki ;
Yüksek irtifalarda stol sürati yükselir. Ancak düşük irtifalardaki durumdan bahsedildiğinde 3000 ft üzerinde VS ve VMCA
genel olarak uygundur. Ancak daha yüksek irtifalarda stol sürati , VMCA’dan daha yüksektir. Şayet uçak , çalışan motor tam takatte
olduğunda bir motorun durmasını takiben yavaşlatılırsa , uçak, VMCA’ya ulaşmadan önce stol olabilir. Kontrol kaybının üzerindeki
sınır, bu durumda , stol vasıtası ile düşürülür.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 237 Principles of Flight
1056. Which of these statements about the limiting value of 5 degrees bank angle during V MCA determination are correct or
incorrect ?
I. As the bank angle is decreased from 5 degrees to 0 degrees , the value of VMCA increases.
II. When the bank angle is increased beyond 5 degrees , there is an increasing risk of fin stall.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1055’in açıklamasına bakınız.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
1057. Which of these statements about the limiting value of 5 degrees bank angle during V MCA determination are correct or
incorrect ?
I. When the bank angle is decreased from 5 degrees to 0 degrees , the value of VMCA will remain
approximately constant.
II. At any bank angle above 5 degrees , VMCA will decrease correspondingly.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1055’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1058. Which of these statements about the limiting value of 5 degrees bank angle during V MCA determination are correct or
incorrect ?
I. When the bank angle is decreased from 5 degrees to 0 degrees , the value of VMCA will remain
approximately constant.
II. When the bank angle is increased beyond 5 degrees , there is a increasing risk of fin stall.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1055’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 238 Principles of Flight

1059. ( Refer to Image 15 )

Image 15
Which of these statements about the pitching moment coefficient versus angle of attack lines in the annex is correct ?
a) The CG position is further aft at line 4 when compared with line 1.
b) The horizontal part of line 2 illustrates static longitudinal instability.
c) In its curved part at high angles of attack line 2 illustrates increasing static longitudinal stability.
d) Static longitudinal stability is greater at line 3 when compared with line 4 at low and moderate angles of
Answer ;
c) In its curved part at high angles of attack line 2 illustrates increasing static longitudinal stability.
1060. ( Refer to Image 15 )

Image 15
Which of these statements about the pitching moment coefficient versus angle of attack lines in the annex is correct ?
a) Static longitudinal stability is greater at line 3 when compared with line 4 at low and moderate angles of
b) The CG position is further forward at line 4 when compared with line 1.
c) The CG position is further aft at line 4 when compared with line 1.
d) In its curved part line 2 illustrates a decreasing static longitudinal stability at high angles of attack.
Answer ;
b) The CG position is further forward at line 4 when compared with line 1.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 239 Principles of Flight
1061. ( Refer to Image 15 )

Image 15
Which of these statements about the pitching moment coefficient versus angle of attack lines in the annex is correct ?
a) The CG position is further forward at line 1 when compared with line 4.
b) Static longitudinal stability is greater at line 4 when compared with line 3 at low and moderate angles of
c) Static longitudinal stability is greater at line 3 compared with line 4 at low and moderate angles of attack.
d) In its curved part line 2 illustrates a decreasing static longitudinal stability at high angles of attack.
Answer ;
b) Static longitudinal stability is greater at line 4 when compared with line 3 at low and moderate angles of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1062. ( Refer to Image 15 )

Image 15
Which of these statements about the pitching moment coefficient versus angle of attack lines in the annex is correct ?
a) The CG position is further aft at line 1 when compared with line 4.
b) In its curved part at high angles of attack line 2 illustrates a decreasing static longitudinal stability.
c) The CG position is further forward at line 1 when compared with line 4.
d) Static longitudinal stability is greater at line 3 when compared with line 4 at low and moderate angles of
Answer ;
a) The CG position is further aft at line 1 when compared with line 4.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 240 Principles of Flight
1063. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1064. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1065. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1066. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
1067. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1068. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 241 Principles of Flight
1069. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1070. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1071. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by aspect ratio.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
1072. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1073. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
1074. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 242 Principles of Flight
1075. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
1076. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1077. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1078. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1079. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1080. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices increases as the angle of attack
II. The strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by aspect ratio.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 243 Principles of Flight
1081. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by angle of attack.
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1082. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by the angle of attack.
II. The strength of wing tip vortices decreases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
1083. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by angle of attack.
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1084. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by angle of attack.
II. The strength of wing tip vortices increases as the aspect ratio increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
1085. Which of these statements about the strength of wing tip vortices are correct or incorrect ?
I. Assuming no flow separation , the strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by angle of attack.
II. The strength of wing tip vortices is not affected by aspect ratio.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1086. Which of these statements about the supersonic speed range is correct ?
a) The airflow everywhere around the aeroplane is supersonic.
b) The supersonic speed range starts at a Mach number below M = 1 and extends to Mach numbers above
M = 1.
c) The airflow around the aeroplane is transonic.
d) The supersonic speed range starts at M = 1 and ends at Mcrit.
Answer ;
a) The airflow everywhere around the aeroplane is supersonic.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 244 Principles of Flight

1087. Which of these statements about the transonic speed range is correct ?
a) The transonic speed range starts at M = 0.5 and ends at Mcrit.
b) The airflow everywhere around the aeroplane is subsonic.
c) The airflow everywhere around the aeroplane is supersonic.
d) The transonic speed range starts at Mcrit and extends to Mach numbers above M = 1.
Answer ;
d) The transonic speed range starts at Mcrit and extends to Mach numbers above M = 1.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1088. Which of these statements about “tuck under” are correct or incorrect ?
I. A contributing factor to “tuck under” is an forward movement of the centre of pressure of the wing.
II. A contributing factor to “tuck under” is a reduction in the downwash angle at the location of the
horizontal stabiliser.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
TUCK UNDER ( Mach tuck )
Transonik sahada Mach sayısının artmasıyla meydana gelen geriye CP hareketi , burun aşağı yunuslama momenti
yaratır. Buna “yüksek hız kıvrılması ( Mach tuck )” adı verilir. Bu momenti yaratan bir diğer faktör de kanat kökünde düşen
taşıma gücü nedeniyle kuyruktaki aşağı akımların azalmasıdır. Bu durumda yatay stabilizedeki etkili hücum açısı artacak bu
da burun aşağı moment oluşumuna katkıda bulunacaktır. Kararlı bir uçakta hızı arttırmak için lövyede ileri tazyik gerekir.
Fakat “Mach tuck”ın bir sonucu olarak Mcrit’in üzerindeki hızlarda gereken tazyik azalabilir. Aşağıdaki diagramda artan
Mach sayısı ile lövye kuvvetindeki azalma görülmektedir.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1089. Which of these statements about “tuck under” are correct or incorrect ?
I. A contributing factor to “tuck under” is a forward movement of the centre of pressure of the wing.
II. A contributing factor to “tuck under” is an increase in the downwash angle at the location of the
horizontal stabiliser.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1088’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1090. Which of these statements about “tuck under” are correct or incorrect ?
I. A contributing factor to “tuck under” is an aft movement of the centre of pressure of the wing.
II. A contributing factor to “tuck under” is an increase in the downwash angle at the location of the
horizontal stabiliser.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1088’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 245 Principles of Flight
1091. Which of these statements about “tuck under” are correct or incorrect ?
I. “Tuck under” is caused by an aft movement of the centre of pressure of the wing.
II. “Tuck under” is caused by a reduction in the downwash angle at the location of the horizontal
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1088’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1092. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect ?
I. During VMCG determination , nose wheel steering may be used.
II. During VMCG determination , the CG should be on the aft limit.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
VMCG ( Minimum Control speed on the Ground )
VMCG , yerde kontrolün sağlanması için minimum hız olup , kalkış esnasında kritik motor aniden durduğu zaman , normal
pilotaj yetenekleri kullanılarak ve istikamet dümeni kontrol kuvveti 150 pound’un üzerine çıkarmayacak şekilde , sadece temel
aerodinamik kontrollerin ( burun teker dümeni kullanmaksızın ) kullanımı ile kalkışın emniyetli bir şekilde gerçekleşebileceği ve
uçağın kontrolünün muhafaza edilebileceği en düşük kalibre edilmiş hava hızıdır. VMCG’nin hesaplanmasında , uçağın tüm motorlar
çalışır halde hızlanması esnasındaki uçuş yönünün pistin tam ortasından geçtiği varsayılarak , tek motorun durduğu andaki uçuş yolu
ile bu yola paralel , kontrolün tekrar sağlandıktan sonraki uçuş yolu arasındaki mesafe 30 ft’den fazla olmaması gerekliliği de göz
önüne alınmalıdır.
VMCA’da olduğu gibi VMCG’de hesaplanırken aşağıdakiler sağlanıyor olmalıdır ;
a. Maksimum kalkış gücü veya motorlardaki itki kapasitesi ,
b. Uçak , kalkış için trimlenmiş olmalı ,
c. En elverişsiz CG konumu ,
d. Maksimum deniz seviyesi kalkış ağırlığı olmalıdır.
VMCG’yi etkileyen faktörler
İrtifa ve Sıcaklık ;
VMCG , çalışan motorun ürettiği itki miktarından etkilenir. İrtifa ve/veya sıcaklık yükseldikçe , süperşarj özelliği olmayan bir
motordaki itki düşecektir. Bunun için , irtifa ve/veya sıcaklıktaki artış ile birlikte VMCG’de düşer.
Burun-Teker Dümeni ;
Burun-teker dümeni , taksi yapmak , düşük süratte geniş ve keskin dönüşler yapmak ve pistten çıkış ve park amacıyla dönüş
yapmak için dizayn edilmiştir. Islak , buzlu veya kaygan pistlerde kalkış yaparken , burun tekeri , 70 ila 90 knot’lar arasında su yastığı
gibi hareket etmeye başlar ( lastik basıncına ve suyun veya sulu karın derinliğine bağlı olarak ) ve çok küçük bir yönlendirme etkisine
sahiptir. Uçak bir kere hareket etmeye başladıktan sonra , burun tekeri yanlara dönme ve kayma haricinde bir hareket yapmaz.
VMCG , genellikle uçuş testlerinde kuru pistlerde belirlenir. VMCG burun teker dümeni kullanılarak hesaplansaydı , kritik motor
aniden durduktan sonra yerde istikamet kontrolünü tekrar sağlamak için gerekli minimum hız , yanıltıcı bir şekilde olması gerekenden
daha düşük çıkardı. Bu süratte , kaygan bir pistte , burun teker dümeni kullanılsa bile bu , bir motorun durmasını takiben istikamet
kontrolünü muhafaza etmede gerekli yardımı vermeyecek ve uçak pistten çıkacaktır. Kurallar , normal kullanımlar esnasında
maksimum emniyet faktörlerini vermek için , limitlerin en kötü durumlara göre belirlenmesini zorunlu kılar.
İstikamet Dümeni Kolu ;
Uçak yerde iken , CG’nin gerisinde olan ana iniş takımı etrafında döner. Dolayısıyla istikamet dümeni kolu , uçak yerde iken
daha kısadır. Bunun sonucu olarak birçok uçakta V MCG , VMCA’dan daha büyük olacaktır.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
1093. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect ?
I. During VMCG determination , nose wheel steering may be used.
II. During VMCG determination , the CG should be on the forward limit.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1092’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 246 Principles of Flight
1094. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect ?
I. In order to simulate a wet runway , nose wheel steering may not be used during VMCG determination.
II. During VMCG determination , the CG should be on the aft limit.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1092’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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1095. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect?
I. In order to simulate a wet runway , nose wheel steering may not be used during VMCG determination.
II. During VMCG determination , the CG should be on the forward limit.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1092’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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1096. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect ?
I. VMCG may be determined using both lateral and directional control.
II. During VMCG determination , the lateral deviation from the runway centreline may be not more than
30 ft.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1092’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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1097. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect ?
I. VMCG may be determined using both lateral and directional control.
II. During VMCG determination , the lateral deviation from the runway centreline may be not more than
half the distance between the runway centreline and runway edge.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1092’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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1098. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect ?
I. VMCG must be determined using rudder control alone.
II. During VMCG determination , the lateral deviation from the runway centreline may be not more than
30 ft.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1092’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 247 Principles of Flight

1099. Which of these statements about VMCG determination are correct or incorrect ?
I. VMCG must be determined using rudder control alone.
II. During VMCG determination , the lateral deviation from the runway centreline may be not more than
half the distance between centreline and runway edge.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1092’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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1100. Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?
a) In SI system the unit of measurement for weight is the kilogram.
b) The mass of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.
c) In SI system the unit of measurement for mass is the kilogram.
d) The weight of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.
Answer ;
c) In SI system the unit of measurement for mass is the kilogram.
Açıklama ;
KÜTLE ( Mass ) :
Birimi kilogramdır ( kg ). Bir cisimdeki madde miktarıdır. Kütlenin ( mass ) maruz kaldığı yer çekim kuvvetidir.
Ağırlık , yerçekimi kuvvetine bağlı olarak değişir , fakat kütle bulunduğu bölgeye göre değişmez. Katı , sıvı veya gaz halinde
– Kütle büyüdükçe , kütleyi harekete geçirmek veya hareket halindeki kütleyi durdurmak için kuvvette
büyüyecektir ,
– Kütlenin bir cismin istikametini değiştirmek için gereken zaman ve/veya mesafe üzerinde büyük bir etkisi vardır.
Buna göre ;
Ağırlık ( weight ) = W
Kütle ( mass ) =m
Yer çekimi kuvveti = g
W = m x g → m = W/g
Yerçekimi kuvveti Dünya için 9.81 m/s² ;
W = m.g veya m = W/g = ( lb - sec²/ft ) = slugs
yazılabilir. Kütle birimi çok karışık olduğu için bu birim yerine “slugs” şeklinde isim takılmıştır.
KUVVET ( Force ) :
Birimi Newton’dur ( N ). Bir cismin hareketinde değişime yol açan yada açmaya çalışan itme-çekmeye kuvvet denir.
Kuvveti tanımlamak için iki hususu bilmeliyiz ;
– Kuvvetin boyutu ,
– Kuvvetin hareket yönü.
Uçak üzerine etki eden üç temel kuvvet vardır.Bunlar ;
1. Tepki/çekme kuvveti , uçağın ileri hareketini ve havada tutunmasını sağlar. Bu kuvvet pistonlu motor + pervane
kombinasyonu veya gaz türbinli motorlarla sağlanır.
2. Ağırlık kuvveti , yerçekimi kuvvetidir ve her zaman dünyanın merkezine doğrudur.
3. Aerodinamik kuvvet , uçağın hava içindeki hareketi ile oluşur.
Uçuştaki bir uçak üzerindeki aerodinamik kuvvetleri basitleştirmek gerekirse , aerodinamik kuvvetin iki bileşeni vardır.
Bunlardan bir tanesi uçağın uçuş yoluna 90° dik olacak şekilde ve düşey yönde etki etmektedir. Buna “Taşıma Kuvveti” denir.
Diğer bileşen ise uçak uzunluk eksenine paraleldir ve harekete ters yöndedir. Buna da “Sürükleme Kuvveti ( Drag )” adı verilir.
Düz uçuşta uçak üzerindeki kuvvetler gösterilmiştir. Taşıma , ağırlık , tepki ve sürükleme kuvvetleri uçağın ağırlık merkezine
doğru hareket gösterirler. Uçağın ağırlık merkezi , denge merkezi gibi düşünülebilir.
AĞIRLIK ( Weight ) :
Birimi Newton’dur ( N ).Yer çekimine sebebiyle oluşan kuvvettir ( F = m x a ). Cismin kütlesi ( m ) , yerçekimi ivmesi
( a ) ise ( 1 kg kütle “ağırlık” 9.81 m/s2 ) , örnek olarak B737 uçağının kütlesi 60.000 kg ;
F = m x a → F = 60.000 kg x 9.81 m/s2 = 588.600 N taşıma kuvvetidir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1101. Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?
a) The mass of a body can be determined by dividing its weight by the acceleration due to gravity.
b) The weight of a body can be determined by dividing the acceleration due to gravity by its mass.
c) The mass of a body can be determined by multiplying its weight by the acceleration due to gravity.
d) The weight of a body can be determined by dividing its mass by the acceleration due to gravity.
Answer ;
a) The mass of a body can be determined by dividing its weight by the acceleration due to gravity.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1100’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 248 Principles of Flight
1102. Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?
a) The mass of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.
b) The weight of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.
c) In the SI system the unit of measurement for weight is the Newton.
d) In the SI system the unit of measurement for weight is the kilogram.
Answer ;
c) In the SI system the unit of measurement for weight is the Newton.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1100’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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1103. Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?
a) The mass of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.
b) Mass = weight * volume.
c) The weight of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.
d) In SI system the unit of measurement for weight is the kilogram.
Answer ;
a) The mass of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1100’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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1104. Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?
a) The weight of a body can be determined by multiplying its mass by the acceleration due to gravity.
b) The weight of a body can be determined by dividing its mass by the acceleration due to gravity.
c) The weight of a body can be determined by dividing the acceleration due to gravity by its mass.
d) The mass of a body can be determined by multiplying its weight by the acceleration due to gravity.
Answer ;
a) The weight of a body can be determined by multiplying its mass by the acceleration due to gravity.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1100’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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1105. Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?
a) The weight of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.
b) The mass of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.
c) Mass = weight * volume.
d) In SI system the unit of measurement for weight is the kilogram.
Answer ;
a) The weight of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1100’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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1106. Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?
a) Weight is a force.
b) The weight of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.
c) Mass = weight * volume.
d) The mass of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.
Answer ;
a) Weight is a force.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1100’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
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1107. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Decreasing wing sweepback decreases Mcrit.
II. Decreasing wing sweepback decreases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 249 Principles of Flight

1108. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Decreasing wing sweepback decreases Mcrit.
II. Decreasing wing sweepback increases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Geriye Ok Açılı Kanatlar ( Sweepback )
Ok açısı ( sweep angle ) ; kök korda hattına dik hat ile kanat boyunca korda hattının %25 noktalarından geçen doğru
arasındaki açıdır. Yani kanat uçlarının kanat köküne göre uçağın daha ilerisinde ve ya gerisinde olmasının bir ölçüsüdür. Ok açısının
stol karakteristikleri ve en fazla kaldırma açısından önemli etkileri vardır.
Mcrit’i arttırmak için kullanılan en yaygın yöntemlerden biri kanadı geriye doğru açılandırmaktır. Öne açılı kanatlarda da
benzer bir etki elde edilmektedir , ancak kanat bükülmesinin yarattığı bazı problemler nedeniyle geriye açı kullanmak daha tercih
edilir bir yoldur.
Yandaki şekilde geriye ok açının yarattığı etkiyi
canlandırmak için basit bir yöntem gösterilmiştir. Bu
yöntemde serbest akış hızına sahip kanat , hücum kenarına
dik ve paralel hız bileşenleri ile birlikte çizilmiştir. Hücum
kenarına dik olan hız bileşeni serbest akış hızından daha
azdır ve bu , basınç dağılımını belirleyen hız bileşenidir. Bu
bileşen , serbest akış hızında daha az olduğundan Mcrit
artacaktır. Düz bir kanatla karşılaştırıldığında aynı kanat
profili kesitindeki ok açılı kanat daha düşük kalınlık/korda
oranına sahiptir. Kanadı geriye doğru uzatmak aynı kalınlık
için aerodinamik korda uzunluğunu arttırır
Belirli bir serbest akış hızı için lokal hız düşük
olacağından ok kanadın Mcrit’i düz kanada göre daha yüksek
olacaktır. Ok açılı kanat ince kanadın hemen hemen tüm
aerodinamik avantajlarına sahiptir. Üstelik azalan mukavemet
ve yakıt kapasitesi gibi olumsuzluklar da taşımaz.
Yandaki şekilde geriye ok açılı kanadın belirli bir
görünüş oranı için azalmış taşıma eğrisi özelliği düz kanatla
karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu da ok açılı kanatlar için diğer bir avantajdır.
Taşıma eğrisi eğimindeki azalma , kanadı hücum açısı
değişimlerine karşı daha az duyarlı kılar. Bu azalmış eğim
nedeniyle dikey hava akımları CL’yi ve yük faktörünü düz
kanada göre daha az artırır.
Fakat ne yazık ki , bu tür kanatlar kanat stolu , burun
yukarı yunuslama eğilimi ve süper stol gibi dezavantajlara
sahiptir. Ok açılı kanatlar aynı zamanda yüksek hız kıvrılmasına
da sebep olur.
Ok Açılı Kanadın Dezavantajları ;
– Azalan CLmax ,
– Stol hızını ve kalkış-iniş mesafelerini arttırır.
– Maksimum kaldırmanın elde edildiği hücum açısı , iniş takımı dizaynında ve kalkış-inişlerdeki görüş açısında
olumsuz etki yaratır. Aynı zamanda kuyruk yüzeyinin belli bir alanının kararlılığa katkısı da azalmış olur.
– Kanat ucu stoluna eğimli olan bu kanatta derin stol problemleri olasıdır.
– Menteşe hattı da ok açılı olduğundan firar kenarı kontrol yüzeyleri ile yüksek taşıma araçları etkinliği azalır. Bu nedenle
makul bir CLmax üretebilmek için flap menteşe hatlarını düz yapmakta fayda vardır. Hücum kenarı yüksek taşıma
araçları aynı zamanda düşük hız karakteristiklerini düzeltmek için de kullanılır.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1109. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Decreasing wing sweepback increases Mcrit.
II. Decreasing wing sweepback decreases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 250 Principles of Flight
1110. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Decreasing wing sweepback increases Mcrit.
II. Decreasing wing sweepback increases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1111. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Increasing wing sweepback decreases Mcrit.
II. Increasing wing sweepback decreases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1112. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Increasing wing sweepback decreases Mcrit.
II. Increasing wing sweepback increases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1113. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Increasing wing sweepback increases Mcrit.
II. Increasing wing sweepback decreases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1114. Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect ?
I. Increasing wing sweepback increases Mcrit.
II. Increasing wing sweepback increases the drag divergence Mach number.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1108’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 251 Principles of Flight

1115. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the left , on an
aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the left.
II. The initial tendency of the left wing is to move down.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
1116. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the left , on an
aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the left.
II. The initial tendency of the right wing is to move down.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
1117. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the left , on an
aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the right.
II. The initial tendency of the left wing is to move down.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1118. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the left , on an
aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the right.
II. The initial tendency of the right wing is to move down.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1119. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the right , on
an aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the left.
II. The initial tendency of the left wing is to move down.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
1120. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the right , on
an aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the left.
II. The initial tendency of the right wing is to move down.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 252 Principles of Flight
1121. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the right , on
an aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the right.
II. The initial tendency of the left wing is to move down.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1122. Which of these statements are correct or incorrect regarding a sideslip , with the relative airflow coming from the right , on
an aeroplane that exhibits both directional and lateral stability ?
I. The initial tendency of the nose of the aeroplane is to move to the right.
II. The initial tendency of the right wing is to move down.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1123. Which of these statements concerning flight in turbulence is correct ?
a) In severe turbulence , speed should be reduced to approximately 1.2 V S.
b) The load factor in turbulence may fluctuate above and below 1 and can even become negative.
c) Above VB the aeroplane can never be overstressed by a gust.
d) When encountering turbulence during flight , the speed should be adjusted to the desgn speed for maximum
gust intensity VB.
Answer ;
b) The load factor in turbulence may fluctuate above and below 1 and can even become negative.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
1124. Which of these statements concerning flight in turbulence is correct ?
a) The load factor in turbulence may fluctuate above and below 1 , but will not become negative.
b) In severe turbulence , speed should be reduced to approximately 1.2 V S.
c) VRA is the recommended turbulence penetration air speed.
d) VB is the recommended turbulence penetration air speed.
Answer ;
c) VRA is the recommended turbulence penetration air speed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1125. Which of these statements concerning flight in turbulence is correct ?
a) VB is the design speed for maximum gust intensity.
b) In severe turbulence , speed should be reduced to approximately 1.2 V S.
c) The load factor in turbulence cannot exceed the ultimate load factor.
d) The load factor in turbulence may fluctuate above and below 1 , but will not become negative.
Answer ;
a) VB is the design speed for maximum gust intensity.
1126. Which of these statements concerning propellers is correct ?
a) An unfeathered propeller causes les drag than a feathered propeller.
b) The blade angle of a feathered propeller is approximately 0 degrees.
c) The blade angle of a feathered propeller is approximately 90 degrees.
d) A windmilling propeller causes less drag than a feathered propeller.
Answer ;
c) The blade angle of a feathered propeller is approximately 90 degrees.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1127. Which of these statements concerning propellers is correct ?
a) The blade angle of a feathered propeller is approximately 180 degrees.
b) A windmilling propeller causes less drag than a feathered propeller.
c) A feathered propeller causes less drag than a windmilling propeller.
d) The blade angle of a feathered propeller is approximately 0 degrees.
Answer ;
c) A feathered propeller causes less drag than a windmilling propeller.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 253 Principles of Flight

1128. Which of these statements concerning propellers is correct ?
a) When compared with a non-feathered propeller , a feathered propeller improves the handling of a multi-
engine aeroplane with one engine inoperative.
b) The blade angle of a feathered propeller is approximately 180 degrees.
c) A windmilling propeller causes less drag than a feathered propeller.
d) The blade angle of a feathered propeller is approximately 0 degrees.
Answer ;
a) When compared with a non-feathered propeller , a feathered propeller improves the handling of a multi-
engine aeroplane with one engine inoperative.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1129. Which of these statements on shock stall is correct ?
a) Shock stall is a stall due to flow separation caused by a shock wave.
b) Shock stall is caused by sudden loss of lift due to a rise in load factor.
c) Shock stall is a stall due to flow separation at high angles of attack.
d) CLmax does not change as the Mach number increases.
Answer ;
a) Shock stall is a stall due to flow separation caused by a shock wave.
Açıklama ;
Uçuşun temel prensiplerinde , havanın ses hızının 0.4 kat altında sıkıştırılamayacağı , yani basıncın hava yoğunluğu
üzerinde etkisi olmadığı varsayılır. 0.4 M’ın üzerinde bu varsayım yapılamaz , çünkü uçağın çevresindeki havanın
yoğunluğundaki değişiklikler uçağın hareketlerinde farklılıklar yapmaya başlayacaktır. Yüksek irtifalarda , büyük bir jet
nakliye uçağı , kritik Mach sayısı üzerinde uçuyor olacak ve kanat üzerinde küçük şok dalgaları oluşacaktır. Eğer böyle bir
uçak aşırı hız yaparsa , şok dalgaları hızla büyür ve şok dalgalarının ardında statik basıncı ani olarak arttırır. Bölgesel olarak
yükselmiş ters basınç gradyanı , sınır tabakasının şok dalgalarının hemen arkasından ayrılmasına sebep olacaktır. Buna “şok
stolu” denir. Ayrılmış hava akışı kuyruk bölgesini çok aktif bir türbülansa maruz bırakacak ve şiddetli sarsıntılara yol

Şok stolu gövde yapısını ciddi bir şekilde hasırlandırabilir. Bu nedenle , azami çalışma hız limiti ( VMO/MMO ) ufak
bir farkla dahi aşıldığında , pilotu ikaz etmesi için , suni bir ikaz cihazı monte edilmiştir. Bu yüksek hız ikazı , işitilebilir
korna veya sirendir ve “düşük hız” yüksek hücum açısı sinyalinden ( levye titretici-stick shaker ) kolaylıkla ayırt edilebilir.
Kritik hücum açısına yaklaşırken de aşırı hızlı uçarken de gövde sarsıntısı oluşabilir. Herhangi bir gövde sarsıntısı arzu
edilmez , yapısal hasara neden olabildiği gibi , yolcuları da rahatsız eder.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
1130. ( For this question use annex 081-6239A )

Annex 081-6239A
Which one of the bodies in motion ( all bodies have the same cross section area ) will have lowest drag ?
a) Body a
b) Body c
c) Body b
d) Body d
Answer ;
b) Body c
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 254 Principles of Flight
1131. Which one of the following statements about Bernoulli’s theorem is correct ?
a) The total pressure is zero when the velocity of the stream is zero.
b) The dynamic pressure is maximum in the stagnation point.
c) The dynamic pressure decreases as static pressure decreases.
d) The dynamic pressure increases as static pressure decreases.
Answer ;
d) The dynamic pressure increases as static pressure decreases.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
1132. Which one of the following statements about the lift-to-drag ratio in straight and level flight is correct ?
a) The highest value of the lift/drag ratio is reached when the lift is zero.
b) The lift/drag ratio always increases as the lift decreases.
c) At the highest value of the lift/drag ratio the total drag is lowest.
d) The highest value of the lift/drag ratio is reached when the lift is equal to the aircraft weight.
Answer ;
c) At the highest value of the lift/drag ratio the total drag is lowest.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1133. Which one of the following systems suppresses the tendency to “Dutch roll” ?
a) Roll spoilers.
b) Spoiler mixer.
c) Yaw damper.
d) Rudder limiter.
Answer ;
c) Yaw damper.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1134. Which part of an aeroplane provides the greatest positive contribution to the static longitudinal stability ?
a) The horizontal tailplane.
b) The engine.
c) The wing.
d) The fuselage.
Answer ;
a) The horizontal tailplane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1135. Which part of the aeroplane has the largest effect on induced drag ?
a) Landing gear.
b) Wing root junction.
c) Wing tip.
d) Engine cowling.
Answer ;
c) Wing tip.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------
1136. Which phenomenon is counteracted with differential aileron deflection ?
a) Turn co-ordination.
b) Adverse yaw.
c) Aileron reversal.
d) Sensitivity for spiral dive.
Answer ;
b) Adverse yaw.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 255 Principles of Flight

1137. ( For this question use annex 081-6262A )

Annex 081-6262A

Which point in the diagram corresponds to the minimum ( zero thrust ) glide angle ?
a) Point 3
b) Point 2
c) Point 1
d) Point 4
Answer ;
b) Point 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
1138. ( For this question use annex 081-6262A )

Annex 081-6262A

Which point in the diagram gives the lowest speed in horizontal flight ?
a) Point 4
b) Point 2
c) Point 3
d) Point 1
Answer ;
a) Point 4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 256 Principles of Flight
1139. ( Refer to Image 2 )

Image 2
Which point in the diagram gives the lowest speed in horizontal flight ?
a) Point d
b) Point a
c) Point b
d) Point c
Answer ;
a) Point d
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
1140. ( For this question use annex 081-6262A )

Annex 081-6262A

Which point marks the value for minimum sink rate ( assume zero thrust ) ?
a) Point 2
b) Point 1
c) Point 3
d) Point 4
Answer ;
c) Point 3
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 257 Principles of Flight

1141. ( For this question use annex 081-6261A )

Annex 081-6261A

Which point shown in the figure corresponds with CL for minimum horizontal flight speed ?
a) Point b
b) Point a
c) Point d
d) Point c
Answer ;
c) Point d
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
1142. Which speeds are used and in which sequence if an emergency descent is carried out from the normal cruise altitude of a
large jet transport aeroplane ?
a) VMO , MMO.
b) MNE , VNE.
c) MMO , VMO.
d) M D , V D.
Answer ;
c) MMO , VMO.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1143. Which statement about a jet transport aeroplane is correct during take-off with the cg at the forward limit and the trimmable
horizontal stabiliser ( THS ) positioned at the maximum allowable aeroplane nose down position ?
a) Rotation will be normal.
b) Early nose wheel raising will take place.
c) The rotation will require extra stick force.
d) If the THS position is just within the limits of the green band , the take off warning system will be activated.
Answer ;
c) The rotation will require extra stick force.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
1144. Which statement about a primary control surface controlled by a servo tab , is correct ?
a) The control effectiveness of the primary surface is increased by servo tab deflection.
b) The position is undetermined during taxiing , in particular with tailwind.
c) Due to the effectiveness of the servo tab the control surface area can be smaller.
d) The servo tab can also be used as a balance tab.
Answer ;
b) The position is undetermined during taxiing , in particular with tailwind.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1145. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect increases when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect increases when the angle between the propeller axis and airflow through the
propeller disc increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 258 Principles of Flight

1146. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect increases when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect is independent of the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow
through the propeller disc.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1147. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect increases when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect reduces when the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow through
the propeller disc increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
1148. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect is unaffected when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect increases when the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow through
the propeller disc increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1149. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect is unaffected when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect is independent of the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow
through the propeller disc.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
1150. Which statement about a propeller is correct?
I. Asymmetric blade effect is unaffected when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect reduces when the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow through
the propeller disc increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1151. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect reduces when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect increases when the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow through
the propeller disc increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 259 Principles of Flight
1152. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect reduces when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect is independent of the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow
through the propeller disc.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
1153. Which statement about a propeller is correct ?
I. Asymmetric blade effect reduces when engine power is increased.
II. Asymmetric blade effect reduces when the angle between the propeller axis and the airflow through
the propeller disc increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1154. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL decreases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Yer Etkisine Giriş
1. Azalan aşağı akım etkili hücum açısını arttırır. Böylece aynı taşıma katsayısını üretebilmek için daha küçük bir kanat
hücum açısı gerekir. Yer etkisine girilirken yunuslama durumu korunursa , CL artışı ve Cdi azalması nedeni ile kalkış
hissi meydana gelebilir. Cdi’deki azalma yavaşlamayı azaltacağından fazla hız kalkışın meydana geldiği mesafeyi
arttırır. Güç azaltılmadığı sürece uçakta tırmanış etkisi ( balonlama ) devam edecek ve arzu edilen alçalma yolunun
üzerine çıkılacaktır.
2. Özellikle hızın düşük hücum açısının yüksek tutulduğu kısa inişlerde , yer etkisine girilmesiyle sert inişe neden
olabilecek , stol meydana gelebilir.
3. Azalan aşağı akımların etkisi yatay stabilizenin de etkin hücum açısında bir artış yaratacak , bu da uçağa burun aşağı
bir yunuslama momenti verecektir. İstenen iniş konfigürasyonunun korunması için pilotun burun yukarı moment etkisi
yaratacak şekilde yatay stabilizelerin konumunu ayarlamalıdır.
4. Aşağı-yukarı akımlar ile kanat ucu vortexlerindeki değişimler ASI de yanlış okumaya yol açabilecek pozisyon
hatalarına neden olabilir. Yanlış okumaların nedeni çoğunlukla , statik mecralardaki basıncın artarak ve ASI ile
altimetrenin normalden düşük göstermesine neden olmasıdır.
1155. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL decreases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 260 Principles of Flight

1156. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL decreases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi remains constant.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1157. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL increases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1158. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL increases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1159. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL increases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi remains constant.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1160. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL remains constant.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 261 Principles of Flight

1161. Which statement , about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL remains constant.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1162. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle decreases.
II. The induced angle of attack decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1163. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle decreases.
II. The induced angle of attack increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1164. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle decreases.
II. The induced angle of attack remains constant.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1165. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle increases.
II. The induced angle of attack decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 262 Principles of Flight

1166. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle increases.
II. The induced angle of attack increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1167. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle increases.
II. The induced angle of attack remains constant.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1168. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle remains constant.
II. The induced angle of attack decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1169. Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle remains constant.
II. The induced angle of attack increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1154’ün açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 263 Principles of Flight

1170. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL decreases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Yer Etkisinden Çıkış
Yer etkisinden çıkışın yarattığı etkiler , girişteki etkilerin tam tersidir. Sabit bir CL ve IAS’i koruduğu varsayılan bir uçak
için , yer etkisinden çıkışta meydana gelen değişiklikler şöyledir ;
1. CL azalacak ve Cdi artacaktır. Uçak , aynı CL’yi koruyabilmek için hücum açısını arttırmak durumunda kalacaktır.
2. Aşağı akımlardaki ( downwash ) artış burun yukarı yunuslama momenti yaratacak ve pilot , uçağın konfigürasyonunu
koruyabilmek için ihtiyaç duyacağı geriye tazyiki azaltacaktır.
3. Pozisyon hatası değişiklikleri ASI’de hatalı okumaya neden olabilir. Statik mecralardaki basınç azalarak , ASI ve
altimetre de normalin üzerinde değer okunmasına neden olacaktır.
4. Yer etkisinden dolayı uçak kalkıştan sonra tekrar piste düşebileceği bir hızda ve hücum açısında havalanabilir. Ancak
uçak bu şekilde bir konfigürasyonla havalanırsa yer etkisinden çıkınca gerekli taşımayı sağlayamayacaktır.Dolayısıyla
kalkışlarda doğru hızı seçmek hayati öneme haizdir.
5. Burun yukarı yunuslama momenti , istenmeyen dönüşlere ve kuyruk çarpmalarına neden olabilir.
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1171. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL decreases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1172. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL decreases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi remains constant.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1173. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL increases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 264 Principles of Flight

1174. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL increases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1175. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL increases.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi remains constant.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1176. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL remains constant.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi decreases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1177. Which statement , about an aeroplane leaving ground effect at constant angle of attack , is correct ?
I. The lift coefficient CL remains constant.
II. The induced drag coefficient CDi increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1178. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle decreases.
II. The induced angle of attack decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 265 Principles of Flight

1179. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle decreases.
II. The induced angle of attack increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1180. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle decreases.
II. The induced angle of attack remains constant.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1181. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct?
I. The downwash angle increases.
II. The induced angle of attack decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1182. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle increases.
II. The induced angle of attack increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1183. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle increases.
II. The induced angle of attack remains constant.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 266 Principles of Flight

1184. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle remains constant.
II. The induced angle of attack decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1185. Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct ?
I. The downwash angle remains constant.
II. The induced angle of attack increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1170’in açıklamasına bakınız.
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1186. Which statement about elevators is correct ?
a) The elevator is the primary control surface for control about the lateral axis and is operated by a forward or
backward movement of the control wheel or stick.
b) The elevator is the primary control surface for control about the longitudinal axis and is operated by a
forward or backward movement of the control wheel or stick.
c) The elevator is the primary control surface for control about the longitudinal axis and is operated by a left or
right rotation of the control wheel.
d) The elevator is used only to trim an aeroplane and is normally operated by a dedicated control wheel , which
is usually situated close to the throttle.
Answer ;
a) The elevator is the primary control surface for control about the lateral axis and is operated by a forward or
backward movement of the control wheel or stick.
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1187. Which statement about induced drag and tip vortices is correct ?
a) The flow direction at the upper side of the wing has a component in wing root direction , the flow at the
underside of the wing in wing tip direction.
b) The flow direction at the upper and under side of the wing , both deviate in wing tip direction.
c) Tip vortices can be diminished by vortex generators.
d) The wing tip vortices and the induced drag decrease at increasing angle of attack.
Answer ;
a) The flow direction at the upper side of the wing has a component in wing root direction , the flow at the
underside of the wing in wing tip direction.
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1188. Which statement about induced drag is correct ?
I. Induced drag increases as angle at attack increases.
II. At constant load factor , induced drag decreases with increasing aeroplane mass.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 267 Principles of Flight

1189. Which statement about minimum control speed is correct ?
a) The nose wheel steering control may used to determine V MCG.
b) VMCA may not be lower than VMCL.
c) Crosswind is taken into account to determine VMCG.
d) VMCA depends on the airport density altitude , and the location of the engine on the aeroplane ( aft fuselage
or wing ).
Answer ;
d) VMCA depends on the airport density altitude , and the location of the engine on the aeroplane ( aft fuselage
or wing ).
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1190. Which statement about minimum control speed is correct ?
a) The nose wheel steering control may used to determine V MCG.
b) VMCL is determined by maximum rudder only.
d) VMCA depends on the airport density altitude , and the location of the engine on the aeroplane ( aft fuselage
or wing ).
d) Crosswind is taken into account to determine VMCG.
Answer ;
d) VMCA depends on the airport density altitude , and the location of the engine on the aeroplane ( aft fuselage
or wing ).
1191. Which statement about negative tail stall is correct ?
a) Negative tail stall is a stall of the tailplane when the aerodynamic force is in upward direction.
b) When negative tail stall occurs , the aeroplane will show an uncontrollable pitch-up moment.
c) When negative tail stall occurs , the aeroplane will show an uncontrollable pitch-down moment.
d) Negative tail stall is a stall of the fin with a negative sideslip angle ( nose pointing to the right of the relative
airflow ).
Answer ;
c) When negative tail stall occurs , the aeroplane will show an uncontrollable pitch-down moment.
1192. Which statement about propeller icing is correct ?
I. Propeller icing reduces blade element drag and increases blade element lift.
II. Propeller icing reduces propeller efficiency.
a) I is incorrect , I is correct.
b) I is correct , I is correct.
c) I is correct , I is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , I is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , I is correct.
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1193. Which statement about propeller icing is correct ?
I. Propeller icing increases blade element drag and reduces blade element lift.
II. Propeller icing does not affect propeller efficiency.
a) I is correct , I is correct.
b) I is correct , I is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , I is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , I is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , I is incorrect.
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1194. Which statement about propeller icing is correct ?
I. Propeller icing increases blade element drag and reduces blade element lift.
II. Propeller icing reduces propeller efficiency.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 268 Principles of Flight

1195. Which statement about propeller icing is correct ?
I. Propeller icing reduces blade element drag and increases blade element lift.
II. Propeller icing does not affect propeller efficiency.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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1196. Which statement about propeller noise is correct ?
I. Propeller noise decreases when the blade tip speed increases.
II. For a given engine and propeller blade shape , a decrease in the number of propeller blades allows for
a reduction in propeller noise.
a) I is correct , II is correct
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect
c) I is correct , II is incorrect
d) I is incorrect , II is correct
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect
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1197. Which statement about propeller noise is correct?
I. Propeller noise decreases when the blade tip speed increases.
II. For a given engine and propeller blade shape , an increase in the number of propeller blades allows for
a reduction in propeller noise.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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1198. Which statement about propeller noise is correct ?
I. Propeller noise increases when the blade tip speed increases.
II. For a given engine and propeller blade shape , a decrease in the number of propeller blades allows for
a reduction in propeller noise.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
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1199. Which statement about propeller noise is correct ?
I. Propeller noise increases when the blade tip speed increases.
II. For a given engine and propeller blade shape , an increase in the number of propeller blades allows for
a reduction in propeller noise.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
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1200. Which statement about propeller noise is correct ?
I. Propeller noise remains the same when the blade tip speed increases.
II. For a given engine and propeller blade shape , a decrease in the number of propeller blades allows for
a reduction in propeller noise.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 269 Principles of Flight

1201. Which statement about stick force per g is correct ?
a) If the slope of the Fe-n line becomes negative , generally speaking this is not a problem for control of an
b) The stick force per g must have both an upper and lower limit in order to ensure acceptable control
c) The stick force per g increases , when centre of gravity is moved aft.
d) The stick force per g can only be corrected by means of electronic devices ( stability augmentation ) in case
of an unacceptable value.
Answer ;
b) The stick force per g must have both an upper and lower limit in order to ensure acceptable control
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1202. Which statement , about the effects on drag of fitting external tip tanks to the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag decreases.
II. Induced drag decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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1203. Which statement , about the effects on drag of fitting external tip tanks to the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag decreases.
II. Induced drag increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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1204. Which statement , about the effects on drag of fitting external tip tanks to the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag increases.
II. Induced drag decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
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1205. Which statement , about the effects on drag of fitting external tip tanks to the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag increases.
II. Induced drag increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
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1206. Which statement , about the effects on drag of removing external tip tanks from the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag decreases.
II. Induced drag decreases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 270 Principles of Flight

1207. Which statement , about the effects on drag of removing external tip tanks from the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag decreases.
II. Induced drag increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
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1208. Which statement , about the effects on drag of removing external tip tanks from the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag increases.
II. Induced drag decreases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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1209. Which statement , about the effects on drag of removing external tip tanks to the wings of an aeroplane , is correct ?
I. Parasite drag increases.
II. Induced drag increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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1210. Which statement concerning longitudinal stability and control is correct ?
a) A bob weight reduces the stick force per g.
b) A down spring has the same function as a stick pusher.
c) A down spring only improves the manoeuvre stability.
d) A bob weight and a down spring have the same effect on the stick force stability.
Answer ;
d) A bob weight and a down spring have the same effect on the stick force stability.
Açıklama ;

Kontrol sistemine ilave edilen bir ilave yay ( downspring ) , uçağın statik kararlılığını değiştirmeksizin artan hava hızlarında
lövye kuvveti kararlılığını arttıran bir etki yaratır. İlk şekilde görüldüğü gibi uzun ve daha önceden sıkıştırılmış bir yay olan bu ilave
yay kontrol sisteme monte edilmiştir ve yatay stabilizeyi aşağı döndürme ( uçak burnu aşağı ) eğilimindedir. İlave yayın etkisi ,
uçak hızı ve kontrol sapmalarından bağımsız olarak çekme kuvvetine katkıda bulunmaya yöneliktir. Bir hava aracının kontrol
sistemine bir ilave yay takıldığında ve uçak orijinal hızı için tekrar trim yapıldığında uçuş hızı lövye kuvvet eğimi artar ve hıza karşı
verilen his daha büyük olur. İlave yay yetersiz lövye kuvvet kararlılığı olan hava araçlarının kararlılığına suni bir gelişme temin eder.
İlave yay lövye konumundan veya dik ivmeden etkilenmeyeceğinden manevra lövye kuvvet kararlılığına bir etkisi olmaz.
“Denge ağırlığı” ( bobweight ) de , lövye kuvveti kararlığını arttırmak için etkili bir alettir. İkinci şekilde görüldüğü gibi
denge ağırlığı kontrol sistemine monte edilmiş eksantrik bir ağırlıktan ibarettir ve ilave yayda olduğu gibi ilave bir lövye çekiş kuvveti
etkisi yaratır. Aslında, kontrol sistemine yerleştirilen bir denge ağırlığı , ilave yay ile özdeş etki gösterir. Denge ağırlığı , lövye kuvvet
eğimini artırdığı gibi , uçak hızının hissedilmesinde faydalı bir etki yaratır. Denge ağırlığı da hava aracıyla aynı ivmelere maruz
kaldığından manevra lövye kuvvet eğimine de etkisi vardır. Buna göre denge ağırlığı , manevra ivmesi ( yük faktörü ) oranında bir
ilave lövye kuvveti uygular. Denge ağırlığının lineer katkısı sayesinde , hava aracının çok düşük kararlılık değerine sahip olduğu
durumlarda yada yüksek kaldırma kuvvet katsayılarında negatif eğim ortaya çıkıyorsa , denge ağırlığı manevra lövye kuvvet
kararlılığını arttırmak için kullanılabilir. Bu pilotun manevralar esnasında çok fazla g uygulamasına engel olur , lövye ne kadar geri
çekilirse denge ağırlığı sisteme o kadar rezistans ekler.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 271 Principles of Flight
1211. Which statement concerning sweepback is correct ?
a) Sweepback increases speed stability at Mach numbers above Mcrit.
b) Sweepback is mainly intended to increase static directional stability.
c) A disadvantages of sweepback is that it decreases Mcrit.
d) Sweepback provides a positive contribution to static lateral stability.
Answer ;
d) Sweepback provides a positive contribution to static lateral stability.
1212. Which statement concerning the local flow pattern around a wing is correct ?
a) Sweepback reduces drag since , compared with a straight wing of equal area , the span increases.
b) By fitting winglets to the wing tip , the strength of the wing tip vortices is reduced which in turn reduces
induced drag.
c) Vortex generators on the wing partially block the spanwise flow over the wing leading to a reduction in
induced drag.
d) Slat extension , at a constant angle of attack and normal extension speeds , will increase the lift coefficient ,
which will also increase the induced drag coefficient.
Answer ;
b) By fitting winglets to the wing tip , the strength of the wing tip vortices is reduced which in turn reduces
induced drag.
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1213. Which statement in respect of a trimmable horizontal stabiliser is correct ?
a) An aeroplane with a forward cg requires the stabiliser leading edge to be lower than for one with an aft cg in
the same trimmed condition.
b) An aeroplane with a forward cg requires the stabiliser leading edge to be higher than for one with an aft cg in
the same trimmed condition.
c) Because take-off speeds do not vary with centre of gravity location , the need for stabiliser adjustment is
dependant on flap position only.
d) At the forward CG limit , stabiliser trim is adjusted fully nose down to obtain maximum elevator authority at
rotation during take-off.
Answer ;
a) An aeroplane with a forward cg requires the stabiliser leading edge to be lower than for one with an aft cg in
the same trimmed condition.
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1214. Which statement is about CG limits is correct ?
a) The forward CG limit is mainly determined by the amount of pitch control available from the elevator.
b) The aft CG limit is determined by the maximum elevator deflection available.
c) The forward CG limit is determined by stability considerations only.
d) If the aft CG limit is correctly chosen , the forward CG limit is automatically determined as well.
Answer ;
a) The forward CG limit is mainly determined by the amount of pitch control available from the elevator.
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1215. Which statement is correct ?
I. A propeller with a small blade angle is referred to as being in coarse pitch.
II. A propeller with a large blade angle is referred to as being in fine pitch.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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1216. Which statement is correct ?
I. A propeller with a small blade angle is referred to as being in fine pitch.
II. A propeller with significant blade twist is referred to as being in coarse pitch.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 272 Principles of Flight

1217. Which statement is correct ?
I. A propeller with little blade twist is referred to as being in fine pitch.
II. A propeller with a large blade angle is referred to as being in coarse pitch.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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1218. Which statement is correct ?
I. A propeller with little blade twist is referred to as being in fine pitch.
II. A propeller with significant blade twist is referred to as being in coarse pitch.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
1219. Which statement is correct ?
I. A stick pusher activates at a higher angle of attack than a stick shaker.
II. A stick pusher prevents the pilot from increasing the angle of attack further.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
1220. Which statement is correct ?
I. A stick pusher activates at a higher angle of attack than a stick shaker.
II. A stick shaker prevents the pilot from increasing the angle of attack further.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
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1221. Which statement is correct ?
I. A stick pusher activates at a lower angle of attack than a stick shaker.
II. A stick pusher prevents the pilot from increasing the angle of attack further.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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1222. Which statement is correct ?
I. A stick pusher activates at a lower angle of attack than a stick shaker.
II. A stick shaker prevents the pilot from increasing the angle of attack further.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 273 Principles of Flight

1223. Which statement is correct ?
I. At a given RPM the propeller efficiency of a fixed pitch propeller is maximum at only one value of
II. A constant speed propeller maintains near maximum efficiency over a wider range of aeroplane speeds
than a fixed pitch propeller.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
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1224. Which statement is correct ?
I. At a given RPM the propeller efficiency of a fixed pitch propeller is maximum at only one value of
II. A fixed pitch propeller maintains near maximum efficiency over a wider range of aeroplane speeds
than a constant speed propeller.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
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1225. Which statement is correct ?
I. On fully hydraulic powered flight controls there is no need for mass balancing.
II. On fully hydraulic powered flight controls there is no need for trim tabs.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
1226. Which statement is correct ?
I. Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during aeroplane pitch changes.
II. Propeller gyroscopic effect is most noticeable during low speed flight at high propeller RPM.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
JİROSKOPİK ETKİ ( Gyroscopic precession )
Dönen bir pervane jiroskopik özellikler gösterir. Jiroskopik etki üreten karakteristik presisyondur. Jiroskopik presisyon
dönen bir diskin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edildiği zaman elde edilen reaksiyondur. Bir pervanenin kenarına kuvvet tatbik
edildiğinde , dönüş istikametine 90º açıda bir reaksiyon gösterir. Aynı şekilde , bir uçağa aşağı veya yukarı yunuslama veya sağa veya
sola sapma hareketi yaptırıldığında , dönen pervane diskinin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edilmiş olur.
Jiroskopik etki , uçakların sadece yunuslama ( pitching ) ve/veya sapma ( yawing ) hareketinde meydana gelir. Örneğin ; saat
yönünde dönen pervaneli bir uçağa , burun yukarı yunuslama hareketi yaptırılırsa , ileri bir kuvvetin pervane diskinin alt kısmına
tatbik edildiği etki ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu kuvvet dönüş istikametine dik açıda bir kuvvet oluşturacak yani sağa sapma hareketi
olacaktır. Jiroskopik etki , pervane diski üzerine uygulanan kuvvetin uygulanma noktası ve yönü dikkate alındığında kolayca
anlaşılabilir. En fazla jiroskopik etki , düşük sürat ve yüksek RPM durumunda gerçekleşir.
Pitch aşağı → İleri kuvvet tepede , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , sola sapma.
Sola sapma → İleri kuvvet sağda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , yukarı yunuslama.
Sağa sapma → İleri kuvvet solda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , aşağı yunuslama.
Zıt dönüşlü pervaneler varsa bunların yarattığı jiroskopik etkiler birbirini iptal edecektir.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 274 Principles of Flight

1227. Which statement is correct ?
I. Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during aeroplane pitch changes.
II. Propeller gyroscopic effect is most noticeable during low speed flight at low propeller RPM.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1226’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
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1228. Which statement is correct ?
I. Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during aeroplane yaw changes.
II. Propeller gyroscopic effect is most noticeable during low speed flight at high propeller RPM.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1226’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
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1229. Which statement is correct ?
I. Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during aeroplane yaw changes.
II. Propeller gyroscopic effect is most noticeable during low speed flight at low propeller RPM.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1226’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
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1230. Which statement is correct ?
I. Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during flight at constant aeroplane attitude.
II. Propeller gyroscopic effect is most noticeable during low speed flight at high propeller RPM.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1226’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
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1231. Which statement is correct ?
I. Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during flight at constant aeroplane attitude.
II. Propeller gyroscopic effect is most noticeable during low speed flight at low propeller RPM.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1226’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 275 Principles of Flight

1232. Which statement is correct ?
I. Stall speeds are determined with the CG at the aft limit.
II. Minimum control speeds are determined with the CG at the aft limit.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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1233. Which statement is correct ?
I. Stall speeds are determined with the CG at the aft limit.
II. Minimum control speeds are determined with the CG at the forward limit.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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1234. Which statement is correct ?
I. Stall speeds are determined with the CG at the forward limit.
II. Minimum control speeds are determined with the CG at the aft limit.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
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1235. Which statement is correct ?
I. Stall speeds are determined with the CG at the forward limit.
II. Minimum control speeds are determined with the CG at the forward limit.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
1236. Which statement is correct ?
I. Stick force per g is independent of altitude.
II. Stick force per g increases when the centre of gravity moves forward.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
1237. Which statement is correct ?
a) During both a phugoid and a short period oscillation altitude varies significantly.
b) During a phugoid altitude varies significantly , but during a short period oscillation it remains approximately
c) During both a phugoid and a short period oscillation altitude remains approximately constant.
d) During a phugoid altitude remains approximately constant , but during a short period oscillation it varies
Answer ;
b) During a phugoid altitude varies significantly , but during a short period oscillation it remains approximately

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 276 Principles of Flight

1238. Which statement is correct ?
a) Dynamic stability about the lateral axis implies that after being displaced from original equilibrium
condition , the aeroplane will return to that condition without oscillation.
b) A dynamically stable aeroplane would be almost impossible to fly manually.
c) Static stability means that the aeroplane is also dynamically stable about the relevant axis.
d) Dynamic stability is possible only when the aeroplane is statically stable about the relevant axis.
Answer ;
d) Dynamic stability is possible only when the aeroplane is statically stable about the relevant axis.
1239. Which statement is correct ?
a) Flap extension has no influence on the minimum rate of descent , as only TAS has to be taken into account.
b) Flap extension causes a reduction in stall speed and the maximum glide distance.
c) Spoiler extension causes a reduction in stall speed and the minimum rate of descent , but increases the
minimum descent angle.
d) Flap extension will increase ( CL/CD ) max thus causing a reduction in the minimum rate descent.
Answer ;
b) Flap extension causes a reduction in stall speed and the maximum glide distance.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1240. Which statement is correct ?
a) Spoiler extension increases the stallspeed , the minimum rate of descent and the minimum angle of descent.
b) Flap extension has no effect on the minimum rate of descent as this is only affected by TAS.
c) Flap extension reduces the maximum lift/drag ratio thus reducing the minimum rate of descent.
d) Flap extension reduces the stallspeed , which increases the maximum glide distance.
Answer ;
a) Spoiler extension increases the stallspeed , the minimum rate of descent and the minimum angle of descent.
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1241. Which statement is correct ?
a) The flow on the upper surface of the wing has a component in wing root direction.
b) The flows on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are both in wing tip direction.
c) Tip vortices and induced drag decrease with increasing angle of attack.
d) Tip vortices can be diminished by vortex generators.
Answer ;
a) The flow on the upper surface of the wing has a component in wing root direction.
1242. Which statement is correct ?
a) The short period oscillation should always be heavily damped.
b) The phugoid should always be heavily damped.
c) A slightly unstable shot period oscillation is no problem for an aeroplane.
d) When the phugoid is slightly unstable , an aeroplane becomes uncontrollable.
Answer ;
a) The short period oscillation should always be heavily damped.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
1243. Which statement is correct ?
a) The stagnation point is always situated on the chordline , the centre of pressure is not.
b) As the angle of attack increases , the stagnation point on the wing’s profile moves downwards.
c) The centre of pressure is the point on the wing’s leading edge where the airflow splits up.
d) The stagnation point is another name for centre of pressure.
Answer ;
b) As the angle of attack increases , the stagnation point on the wing’s profile moves downwards.
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1244. Which statement is correct about a normal shock wave ?
a) The airflow changes from supersonic to subsonic.
b) The airflow changes direction.
c) The airflow expands when passing the aerofoil.
d) The airflow changes from subsonic to supersonic.
Answer ;
a) The airflow changes from supersonic to subsonic.
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1245. Which statement is correct about a spring tab ?
a) Its main purpose is to increase stick force per g.
b) At low IAS it behaves like a servo tab.
c) At high IAS it behaves like a fixed extension of the elevator.
d) At high IAS it behaves like a servo tab.
Answer ;
d) At high IAS it behaves like a servo tab.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 277 Principles of Flight
1246. Which statement is correct about an aeroplane , that has experienced a left engine failure and continues afterwards in straight
and level cruise flight with wings level ?
a) turn indicator left of neutral , slip indicator left of neutral.
b) turn indicator neutral , slip indicator left of neutral.
c) turn indicator neutral , slip indicator neutral.
d) turn indicator left of neutral , slip indicator neutral.
Answer ;
c) turn indicator neutral , slip indicator neutral.
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1247. Which statement is correct about an expansion wave in supersonic flow ?
1. The static temperature in front of an expansion wave is higher than the static temperature behind it.
2. The speed in front of an expansion wave is higher than the speed behind it.
a) 1 and 2 are correct.
b) 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
c) 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
d) 1 and 2 are incorrect.
Answer ;
c) 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
EXPANSION WAVES ( Genişleme dalgaları )
Bir cisimle karşılaşan süpersonik akışın , süratini
sabsoniğe düşürerek dönüş yapabilir. Sabsonik ve
süpersonik akımların kesiştiği noktada büyük enerji
kaybına neden olan ( dalga sürüklemesi ) şok dalgaları
Bu dönüşü yapabilmesinin bir başka yolu daha
vardır. Öncelikle yandaki şekilde gösterilen sabsonik bir
akış ve konveks bir köşe düşünelim. Basınç gradyanı o
kadar keskin olacaktır ki , köşede derhal ayrılma meydana
Diğer şekilde ise , köşeye ulaştığında genişlemek
suretiyle dönebilen bir süpersonik akış görülmektedir. Hız
artarken basınç , yoğunluk ve sıcaklık değişkenleri azalmıştır. Süpersonik akışın bu hareketi şok dalgası geçişinin tam tersidir.

Yukarıdaki şekilde süpersonik akışta bir dizi genişleme dalgası görülmektedir. Hücum kenarındaki şok dalgasını geçtikten
sonra sıkışmış süpersonik akış genişlemek için serbest kalır yüzey konturunu takip eder. Akışta ani değişimler olmadığından
genişleme dalgaları şok dalgası sayılmaz. Genişleme dalgası yoluyla geçen süpersonik hava akışı aşağıdaki değişimleri yaratır ;
1. Akış hızlanır. Genişleme dalgasının arkasındaki hız ve Mach sayısı daha büyüktür.
2. Akış yönü yüzeyi takip edecek şekilde değişir.
3. Genişleme dalgasının arkasındaki akışın statik basıncı azalır.
4. Genişleme dalgasının arkasındaki akış yoğunluğu azalır.
5. Akış değişimi ani olmadığından akışta şok ve enerji kaybı oluşmaz. Genişleme dalgası hava akışının enerjisini dağıtmaz.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 278 Principles of Flight

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1248. Which statement is correct about an expansion wave in a supersonic flow ?
1. The density in front of an expansion wave is higher than behind it.
2. The static pressure in front of an expansion wave is higher than behind it.
a) 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
b) 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
c) 1 and 2 are correct.
d) 1 and 2 are incorrect.
Answer ;
c) 1 and 2 are correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1247’nin açıklamasına bakınız.
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1249. Which statement is correct about the gust load on an aeroplane ? ( IAS and all other factors of importance remaining
constant )
1. The gust load increases , when the weight decreases.
2. The gust load increases , when the altitude increases.
a) 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
b) 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
c) 1 and 2 are correct.
d) 1 and 2 are incorrect.
Answer ;
b) 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
1250. Which statement is correct about the gust load on an aeroplane , while all other factors of importance remain constant ?
I. When the mass increases , the gust load increases.
II. When the altitude decreases , the gust load increases.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
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1251. Which statement is correct about the laminar and turbulent boundary layer ;
a) friction drag is lower in the laminar layer.
b) friction drag will be equal in both types of layers.
c) separation point will occur earlier in the turbulent layer.
d) friction drag is lower in the turbulent layer.
Answer ;
a) friction drag is lower in the laminar layer.
Açıklama ;
Uçakla direkt temasta olan hava partikülleri uçağın hızına erişene kadar hızlandırılırlar ve uçakla beraber hareket ederler. Bu
partiküller , kendilerine bitişik partikülleri de hızlandıracak fakat bu partiküller havanın viskozitesi düşük olduğundan dolayı uçak
hızından çok az daha düşük bir hızda hareket edeceklerdir. Yüzeyden olan mesafe arttıkça hava katmanlarının hızlanmaları da
azalacaktır. Bu şekilde tüm katmanlara bakıldığında , uçağa göre hızın uçak yüzeyindeki sıfır değerinden hattın yüzeye en uzak olan
sınırında en fazla çıkacak şekilde değiştiği bir hava katmanı oluşacaktır.Yüzeyden , viskozite etkilerinin sıfıra indiği noktaya kadar
olan bu ince hava katmanına sınır tabakası ( boundary layer ) denir. Uçuşta , sınır tabakasının özellikleri en fazla taşıma katsayısı , stol
karakteristikleri , şeklin sürükleme değeri ve belli bir ölçüde yüksek hız karakteristiklerini belirler.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 279 Principles of Flight

Şekilde görülen hava düz bir satıhta hareket etmektedir. Sınır tabakası , düzgün ( laminar ) veya türbülanslı ( turbulent )
olmak üzere iki şekilde teşekkül etmektedir. Genelde akış başlangıçta düzgün , belli bir noktadan ki bu noktaya “geçiş noktası
( tansition point )” denir , sonra da türbülanslı olur. Türbülanslı bölgede hız değişimi daha fazla olduğu için yüzey sürüklemesi de
daha fazladır. Yine , türbülanslı sınır tabakasının kinetik enerjisi düzgün sınır tabakasına göre daha yüksektir.
1252. Which statement is correct at the speed for minimum drag ( subsonic ) ?
a) Propeller aeroplanes fly at that speed at max. endurance.
b) The CL/CD ratio is minimum ( assume zero thrust ).
c) Induced drag is greater than the parasite drag.
d) The gliding angle is minimum ( assume zero thrust ).
Answer ;
d) The gliding angle is minimum ( assume zero thrust ).
1253. Which statement is correct for a propeller of given diameter and at constant RPM ?
I. Assuming blade shape does not change power absorption increases if the number of blades increases.
II. Power absorption decreases if the mean chord of the blades increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
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1254. Which statement is correct for a propeller of given diameter and at constant RPM ?
I. Assuming blade shape does not change power absorption increases if the number of blades increases.
II. Power absorption increases if the mean chord of the blades increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is correct.
1255. Which statement is correct for a propeller of given diameter and at constant RPM ?
I. Assuming blade shape does not change power absorption is independent of the number of blades.
II. Power absorption decreases if the mean chord of the blades increases.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
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1256. Which statement is correct for a propeller of given diameter and at constant RPM ?
I. Assuming blade shape does not change power absorption is independent of the number of blades.
II. Power absorption increases if the mean chord of the blades increases.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
1257. Which statement is correct for a side slip condition at constant speed and side slip angle , where the geometric dihedral of an
aeroplane is increased ?
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 280 Principles of Flight
a) the required lateral control force does not change.
b) the required lateral control force increases.
c) the required lateral control force decreases.
d) the stick force per g decreases.
Answer ;
b) the required lateral control force increases.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1258. Which statement is correct in respect of Cl and angle of attack ?
a) For an asymmetrical aerofoil with positive camber , if the angle of attack is greater than zero , Cl is zero.
b) For a symmetrical aerofoil , if the angle of attack is zero , Cl is not zero.
c) For a symmetrical aerofoil , if the angle of attack is zero , Cl is zero.
d) For an asymmetrical aerofoil , if the angle of attack is zero , Cl is zero.
Answer ;
c) For a symmetrical aerofoil , if the angle of attack is zero , Cl is zero.
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1259. Which statement is correct regarding a propeller ?
I. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed does not affect propeller noise.
II. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed decreases propeller efficiency.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Bir pervane motor tarafından geliştirilen tüm şaft takatını emmeli ve motor gereken performans sahalarında azami verimlik
ile çalışmalıdır. Kritik faktör pervane uç kısmının ( tip speed ) hızıdır. Eğer uç hızı çok yüksek olursa , pal ucu bölgesel ses süratine
( süpersonic ) ulaşacak ve sıkıştırılabilirlik etkisi itkiyi düşürerek dönüş sürtünmesini yükseltecektir. Pal ucunun süpersonik hıza
ulaşması pervane verimliliğini önemli ölçüde azaltacak ve pervanenin ürettiği gürültüyü oldukça artıracaktır. Bu durum pervane
çapına , RPM’ine ve kullanacağı TAS’a sınırlamalar getirir. Pervane çapı üzerindeki diğer sınırlamalar , yer ile yeteri kadar boşluğu
sağlamak ve çok motorlu uçaklarda , gövdeye mümkün olduğunca yakın olacak şekilde kanatlara takılarak thrust kolunu asgariye
indirmektir. Pervane çapının artması , yeteri kadar pervane-gövde boşluğunun oluşabilmesi için motorla gövde arasındaki mesafeyi
artıracaktır. VMC’yi kabul edilebilir sınırlar içinde tutabilmek için mevcut istikamet dümeni momenti artırılmalıdır. Açıkça görülüyor
ki takatin emilmesini artırmak için pervane yarıçapını artırmak tercih edilen bir yöntem değildir.
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1260. Which statement is correct regarding a propeller ?
I. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed does not affect propeller noise.
II. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed increases propeller efficiency.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1259’un açıklamasına bakınız.
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1261. Which statement is correct regarding a propeller ?
I. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed increases propeller noise.
II. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed decreases propeller efficiency.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1259’un açıklamasına bakınız.
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1262. Which statement is correct regarding a propeller ?
I. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed increases propeller noise.
II. Increasing tip speed to supersonic speed increases propeller efficiency.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 281 Principles of Flight
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1259’un açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1263. Which statement is correct regarding a shockwave on a lift generating wing ?
a) It is located at the greatest wing thickness when the aeroplane reaches the speed of sound.
b) It reaches its highest strength when flying at the critical Mach number.
c) It moves slightly aft when an aileron is deflected downward.
d) It moves forward when the Mach number is increased.
Answer ;
c) It moves slightly aft when an aileron is deflected downward.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1264. Which statement is correct regarding a windmilling propeller on a multi-engine aeroplane ?
a) The drag of a windmilling and a feathered propeller is almost the same.
b) A windmilling propeller hardly affects low speed controllability.
c) The windmilling drag is much higher than for a feathered propeller.
d) The windmilling drag is only significant at negative blade angles.
Answer ;
c) The windmilling drag is much higher than for a feathered propeller.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1265. Which statement is correct regarding Cl angle of attack ?
a) For an asymmetrical aerofoil section , if the alpha is zero , Cl is zero.
b) For a symmetrical aerofoil section , if the alpha is zero , Cl is not zero.
c) For a symmetrical aerofoil section , if the alpha is zero , Cl is zero.
d) For an asymmetrical aerofoil section with positive camber , if the alpha is greater than zero , Cl is zero.
Answer ;
c) For a symmetrical aerofoil section , if the alpha is zero , Cl is zero.
1266. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch down produces left yaw.
II. Left yaw produces pitch down.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
JİROSKOPİK ETKİ ( Gyroscopic precession )
Dönen bir pervane jiroskopik özellikler gösterir. Jiroskopik etki üreten karakteristik presisyondur. Jiroskopik presisyon
dönen bir diskin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edildiği zaman elde edilen reaksiyondur. Bir pervanenin kenarına kuvvet tatbik
edildiğinde , dönüş istikametine 90º açıda bir reaksiyon gösterir. Aynı şekilde , bir uçağa aşağı veya yukarı yunuslama veya sağa veya
sola sapma hareketi yaptırıldığında , dönen pervane diskinin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edilmiş olur.
Jiroskopik etki , uçakların sadece yunuslama ( pitching ) ve/veya sapma ( yawing ) hareketinde meydana gelir. Örneğin ; saat
yönünde dönen pervaneli bir uçağa , burun yukarı yunuslama hareketi yaptırılırsa , ileri bir kuvvetin pervane diskinin alt kısmına
tatbik edildiği etki ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu kuvvet dönüş istikametine dik açıda bir kuvvet oluşturacak yani sağa sapma hareketi
olacaktır. Jiroskopik etki , pervane diski üzerine uygulanan kuvvetin uygulanma noktası ve yönü dikkate alındığında kolayca
anlaşılabilir. En fazla jiroskopik etki , düşük sürat ve yüksek RPM durumunda gerçekleşir.
Pitch aşağı → İleri kuvvet tepede , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , sola sapma.
Sola sapma → İleri kuvvet sağda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , yukarı yunuslama.
Sağa sapma → İleri kuvvet solda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , aşağı yunuslama.
Zıt dönüşlü pervaneler varsa bunların yarattığı jiroskopik etkiler birbirini iptal edecektir.
1267. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch down produces left yaw.
II. Left yaw produces pitch up.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1266’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 282 Principles of Flight
1268. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch down produces right yaw.
II. Left yaw produces pitch down.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1266’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1269. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch down produces right yaw.
II. Left yaw produces pitch up.
a) I is correct , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1266’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1270. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch up produces left yaw.
II. Right yaw produces pitch down.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1266’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1271. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch up produces left yaw.
II. Right yaw produces pitch up.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1266’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1272. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch up produces right yaw.
II. Right yaw produces pitch down.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is correct.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1266’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1273. Which statement is correct regarding the gyroscopic effect of a clockwise rotating propeller on a single engine aeroplane ?
I. Pitch up produces right yaw.
II. Right yaw produces pitch up.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 283 Principles of Flight
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Açıklama ;
Soru 1266’nın açıklamasına bakınız.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1274. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Image 17
Which statement is correct regarding the pitching moment coefficient Cm versus angle of attack diagram ?
a) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with a greater static longitudinal stability at low angles af attack than that shown
in line 3.
b) Line 3 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at high angles af attack.
c) Line 1 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
d) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
Answer ;
d) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
1275. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 284 Principles of Flight

Which statement is correct regarding the pitching moment coefficient Cm versus angle of attack diagram ?
a) Line 1 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
b) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with reducing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
c) Line 3 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
d) Line 3 shows an aeroplane with greater static longitudinal stability at low angles af attack than that shown
in line 4.
Answer ;
d) Line 3 shows an aeroplane with greater static longitudinal stability at low angles af attack than that shown
in line 4.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

1276. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 285 Principles of Flight

Which statement is correct regarding the pitching moment coefficient Cm versus angle of attack diagram ?
a) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with greater static longitudinal stability at low angles af attack than that shown
in line 3.
b) Line 3 shows an aeroplane with reducing static longitudinal stability at high angles af attack.
c) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with reducing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
d) Line 1 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
Answer ;
b) Line 3 shows an aeroplane with reducing static longitudinal stability at high angles af attack.

1277. ( Refer to Image 17 )

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 286 Principles of Flight

Which statement is correct regarding the pitching moment coefficient Cm versus angle of attack diagram ?
a) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with reducing static longitudinal stability at very high angles af attack.
b) Line 1 shows an aeroplane with reducing static longitudinal instability at very high angles af attack.
c) Line 3 shows an aeroplane with increasing static longitudinal stability at high angles af attack.
d) Line 4 shows an aeroplane with a greater static longitudinal stability at low angles af attack than that shown
in line 3.
Answer ;
b) Line 1 shows an aeroplane with reducing static longitudinal instability at very high angles af attack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1278. Which statement is correct when comparing a fixed pitch propeller with a constant speed propeller ?
I. A constant speed propeller improves propeller efficiency over a range of cruise speeds.
II. A coarse fixed pitch propeller is more efficient during take-off.
a) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is correct.
Answer ;
c) I is correct , II is incorrect.
1279. Which statement is correct when comparing a fixed pitch propeller with a constant speed propeller ?
I. A constant speed propeller reduces fuel consumption over a range of cruise speeds.
II. A constant speed propeller improves take-off performance as compared with a coarse fixed pitch
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is correct.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
a) I is correct , II is correct.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1280. Which statement is correct when comparing a fixed pitch propeller with a constant speed propeller ?
I. A constant speed propeller reduces fuel consumption over a range of cruise speeds.
II. A coarse fixed pitch propeller is more efficient during take-off.
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
d) I is incorrect , II is correct.
Answer ;
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
1281. Which statement is correct when comparing a fixed pitch propeller with a constant speed propeller ?
I. A fixed pitch propeller improves propeller efficiency over a range of cruise speeds.
II. A coarse fixed pitch propeller is more efficient during take-off.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1282. Which statement is correct when comparing a fixed pitch propeller with a constant speed propeller ?
I. A fixed pitch propeller improves propeller efficiency over a range of cruise speeds.
II. A constant speed propeller improves take-off performance as compared with a coarse fixed pitch
a) I is correct , II is correct.
b) I is correct , II is incorrect.
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
d) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 287 Principles of Flight
c) I is incorrect , II is correct.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
1283. Which statement on dynamic longitudinal stability of a conventional aeroplane is correct ?
a) Damping of the phugoid is normally very weak.
b) Speed remains constant during one period of the phugoid.
c) Damping of the short period oscillation is normally very weak.
d) Period time of the phugoid is normally 5 sec.
Answer ;
a) Damping of the phugoid is normally very weak.
Açıklama ;
Uzun Periyodlu Salınım ( Phugoid )
Dinamik boylamsal kararlılığın ilk şekli uzun periyotlu salınımları ( phugoid ) içerir. Phugoid veya uzun periyotlu
salınımların dikkate değer varyasyonları şunlarda görülür ;
– Yunuslama vaziyeti ,
– İrtifa ,
– Hava hızı ,
– Hemen hemen sabit hücum açısı ( yük faktöründe fazla değişim olmadan ).
Phugoid , potansiyel ve kinetik enerjinin , belli bir denge hız ve irtifasında aşamalı olarak birbirlerine dönüşmesidir. Aşağıda
yer alan şekil “phugoid”in karakteristik hareketini göstermektedir.

“Phugoid” de salınımın periyodu 1 ila 2 dakika arasındadır. Yunuslama oranı oldukça düşük olduğundan ve hücum açısında
önemsiz değişiklikler meydana geldiğinden “phguoid”in damping’i zayıftır. Buna karşın damping’in zayıf olması mutlaka belli bir
sonuç doğuracak değildir. Salınım periyotları çok büyük olduğundan , uzun periyotlu salınım pilot tarafından kolaylıkla kontrol
edilebilir. “Phugoid”in tabiatından dolayı , onu engellemek için belirli bir aerodinamik tedbir almaya gerek yoktur.
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1284. Which statement regarding the gust load factor on an aeroplane is correct ( all other factors of importance being constant ) ?
1. Increasing the aspect-ratio of the wing will increase the gust load factor.
2. Increasing the speed will increase the gust load factor.
a) 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct.
b) 1 and 2 are incorrect.
c) 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.
d) 1 and 2 are correct.
Answer ;
d) 1 and 2 are correct.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 288 Principles of Flight

1285. Which statement regarding the manoeuvre and gust load diagram in the clean configuration is correct ?
I. The gust load diagram has a symmetrical shape with respect to the n = 1 line for speeds above VB.
II. The manoeuvre load diagram does not extend beyond the speed V C.
a) I is incorrect , II is correct.
b) I is incorrect , II is incorrect.
c) I is correct , II is correct.
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
Answer ;
d) I is correct , II is incorrect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1286. Which statement with respect to the speed of sound is correct ?
a) Varies with the square root of the absolute temperature.
b) Is independent of altitude.
c) Doubles if the temperature increases from 9° to 36° Centigrade.
d) Increases always if the density of the air decreases.
Answer ;
a) Varies with the square root of the absolute temperature.
Açıklama ;
Ses Hızı ( The Speed of Sound )
Ses , kendi kaynağından küresel olarak yayılan basınç dalgasıdır. Basınç dalgası ile üretilen hız , yaklaşık hava sıcaklığının
karekökü ile orantılıdır. Sıcaklık azaldıkça , yayılma hızı da azalacaktır. Deniz seviyesinde , standart bir günde ses hızı ortalama ;
340 m/s ( 660 kt TAS ) ve sembolü ( a )’dır. Düşük hız aerodinamiği , genel olarak havanın sıkıştırılamaz varsayımına dayanır. Düşük
hızlarda havanın sıkıştırılabilirliği önemsizdir. Bununla beraber , ses hızına yaklaşıldıkça uçağın etrafındaki havanın sıkıştırılabilirliği
ve yayılması uçağın akış paternini etkilemesi bakımından dikkat edilmesi gerekir. Ses hızı mutlak sıcaklıkla orantılıdır ve pratik
çözümlerde aşağıdaki formülle hesaplanabilir ;

a = 39 x T
a = Local speed f sound ( Ses hızı )
T = Absolute temperature ( Mutlak sıcaklık )

Bu yüzden , sıcaklık arttıkça LSS artar. Gerçekte deniz seviyesindeki ISA şartlarında LSS = 661 kts , 30.000 ft’de
LSS = 589 kts’dır. Yüksek süratli ( TAS ) uçaklarda , uçağın sürati lokal hava hızı ile ilgilidir. İlgili bu hız Mach Number ( Mach
sayısı , M ) olarak bilinir.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1287. Which statements are correct for a straight steady climb ?
1. lift is less than weight.
2. lift is greater than weight.
3. load factor is less than 1.
4. load factor is greater than 1.
5. lift is equal to weight.
6. load factor is equal to 1.
Which of the following lists all the correct statements ?
a) 1 and 6.
b) 1 and 3.
c) 2 and 4.
d) 5 and 6.
Answer ;
b) 1 and 3.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 289 Principles of Flight

1288. Which three aerodynamic means decrease manoeuvring stick forces ?
a) Spring tab - horn balance - bobweight.
b) Servo tab - horn balance - spring tab.
c) Spring tab - trim tab - mass balancing weight.
d) Servo tab - trim tab - balance tab.
Answer ;
b) Servo tab - horn balance - spring tab.
Açıklama ;

Servo tab

Horn balance
Spring tab
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1289. Which type of buffet will occur if a jet aeroplane slowly accelerates in level flight from its cruise speed in still air at high
altitude ?
a) Flutter speed buffet.
b) Mach buffet.
c) Accelerated stall buffet.
d) Low speed buffet.
Answer ;
b) Mach buffet.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
1290. ( For this question use annex 081-6269A )

Annex 081-6269A

Which type of flap is shown in the picture ?

a) Split flap
b) Fowler flap
c) Plain flap
d) Double slotted flap
Answer ;
b) Fowler flap
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 290 Principles of Flight

1291. ( For this question use annex 081-6270A )

Annex 081-6270A
Which type of flap is shown in the picture ?
a) Split flap
b) Plain flap
c) Fowler flap
d) Single slotted flap
Answer ;
a) Split flap
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1292. Which type of stall has the largest associated angle of attack ?
a) Deep stall.
b) Low speed stall.
c) Accelerated stall.
d) Shock stall.
Answer ;
a) Deep stall.
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1293. Which wing design feature decreases the static lateral stability of an aeroplane ?
a) Increased wing span.
b) Anhedral.
c) High wing.
d) Dihedral.
Answer ;
b) Anhedral.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1294. While flying under icing conditions , the largest ice build-up will occur , principally , on ;
a) the upper and lower rudder surfaces.
b) the pitot and static probes only.
c) the upper and lower surfaces on the rear of the wing.
d) the frontal areas of the aircraft.
Answer ;
d) the frontal areas of the aircraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
1295. Whilst flying at a constant IAS and at n = 1 , as the aeroplane mass decreases the value of Mcrit ;
a) is independent of the angle of attack.
b) increases.
c) decreases.
d) remains constant.
Answer ;
b) increases.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 291 Principles of Flight

1296. Whilst maintaining straight and level flight with a lift coefficient CL=1 , what will be the new approximate value of CL after
the speed is increased by 30% ?
a) 0.30
b) 0.60
c) 0.50
d) 0.25
Answer ;
b) 0.60
Çözüm ;

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

Yukarıdaki “Lift” formülü yer almaktadır. Soruda düz uçuş yapıldığı sırada sürat 30% arttırlıldığı zaman , 1 olan kaldırma
katsayısının yeni değerinin ne olacağı sorulmuştur. Aynı hava aracından bahsedeceğimize göre burada formülde yer alan ρ ,
S ve L değerleri sabit olacaktır , yani formülü L = V2 x CL şeklinde kısaltabiliriz. Örnek olarak ilk sürati 100 m/s kabul
edersek , hız verilen oranda arttığında yeni değeri 130 m/s olacaktır. Buna göre hesaplandığında ;
L = 1002 x 1 = 10000 N olacaktır. Uçak düz ve ufki uçuşu muhafaza edeceğine göre L değeri aynı olacaktır , buna göre ;
10000 = 1302 x CL → CL = 10000 : 16900 = 0.5917 yani yaklaşık olarak 0.60 olacaktır.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1297. Whilst maintaining straight and level flight with a lift coefficient CL=1 , what will be the new approximate value of CL after
the speed is increased by 41% ?
a) 0.30
b) 0.25
c) 0.50
d) 0.60
Answer ;
c) 0.50
Çözüm ;

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
CL = Lift coefficient ( Kaldırma katsayısı )
S = Wing area ( Kanat alanı , m2 )

Yukarıdaki “Lift” formülü yer almaktadır. Soruda düz uçuş yapıldığı sırada sürat 41% arttırlıldığı zaman , 1 olan kaldırma
katsayısının yeni değerinin ne olacağı sorulmuştur. Aynı hava aracından bahsedeceğimize göre burada formülde yer alan ρ ,
S ve L değerleri sabit olacaktır , yani formülü L = V2 x CL şeklinde kısaltabiliriz. Örnek olarak ilk sürati 100 m/s kabul
edersek , hız verilen oranda arttığında yeni değeri 141 m/s olacaktır. Buna göre hesaplandığında ;
L = 1002 x 1 = 10000 N olacaktır. Uçak düz ve ufki uçuşu muhafaza edeceğine göre L değeri aynı olacaktır , buna göre ;
10000 = 1412 x CL → CL = 10000 : 19881 = 0.5029 yani yaklaşık olarak 0.50 olacaktır.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1298. Whilst maintaining straight and level flight with a lift coefficient CL=1 , what will be the new value of CL after the speed
has doubled ?
a) 1.00
b) 2.00
c) 0.50
d) 0.25
Answer ;
d) 0.25
Çözüm ;

L = ½ . ρ . V² . CL . S
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 292 Principles of Flight
L = Lift ( Kaldırma kuvveti , N )
ρ = Air density ( Hava yoğunluğu , kg/m3 )
V = Velocity ( Hız , m/s )
Yukarıdaki “Lift” formülü yer almaktadır. Soruda düz uçuş yapıldığı sırada sürat 30% arttırlıldığı zaman , 1 olan kaldırma
katsayısının yeni değerinin ne olacağı sorulmuştur. Aynı hava aracından bahsedeceğimize göre burada formülde yer alan ρ ,
S ve L değerleri sabit olacaktır , yani formülü L = V2 x CL şeklinde kısaltabiliriz. Örnek olarak ilk sürati 100 m/s kabul
edersek , hız iki katına çıktığında yeni değeri 200 m/s olacaktır. Buna göre hesaplandığında ;
L = 1002 x 1 = 10000 N olacaktır. Uçak düz ve ufki uçuşu muhafaza edeceğine göre L değeri aynı olacaktır , buna göre ;
10000 = 2002 x CL → CL = 10000 : 40000 = 0.25 olacaktır.
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1299. Why is a propeller blade twisted from root to tip ?
a) To ensure that the root produces most thrust.
b) To maintain a constant angle of attack along the whole length of the propeller blade.
c) To ensure the angle of attack is greatest at the tip.
d) To ensure that the tip produces most thrust.
Answer ;
b) To maintain a constant angle of attack along the whole length of the propeller blade.
Açıklama ;
Pervanenin ucuna doğru olan kısım pervane şaftına daha uzun mesafededir ve daha büyük mesafe boyunca döner. Bu
nedenle hızı da daha büyüktür. Pal uzunluğu boyunca sabit geometrik hatve verebilmek için pal açısı , uca doğru azaltılmak
zorundadır. Pale bu şekilde kıvrım verilmesiyle tüm pal boyunca sabit bir hücum açısı sağlanmış olur. Pal açısı pervanenin geometrik
hatvesini belirler. Küçük pal açısı “ince hatve”, geniş pal açısı “kalın hatve” olarak adlandırılır.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
1300. Why is VMCG determined with the nosewheel steering disconnected ?
a) Because it must be possible to abort the take-off even after the nosewheel has already been lifted off the
b) Because nosewheel steering has no effect on the value of V MCG.
c) Because the nosewheel steering could become inoperative after an engine has failed.
d) Because the value of VMCG must also be applicable on wet and/or slippery runways.
Answer ;
d) Because the value of VMCG must also be applicable on wet and/or slippery runways.
Açıklama ;
Burun-teker dümeni , taksi yapmak , düşük süratte geniş ve keskin dönüşler yapmak ve pistten çıkış ve park amacıyla dönüş
yapmak için dizayn edilmiştir. Islak , buzlu veya kaygan pistlerde kalkış yaparken , burun tekeri , 70 ila 90 knot’lar arasında su yastığı
gibi hareket etmeye başlar ( lastik basıncına ve suyun veya sulu karın derinliğine bağlı olarak ) ve çok küçük bir yönlendirme etkisine
sahiptir. Uçak bir kere hareket etmeye başladıktan sonra , burun tekeri yanlara dönme ve kayma haricinde bir hareket yapmaz.
VMCG , genellikle uçuş testlerinde kuru pistlerde belirlenir. VMCG burun teker dümeni kullanılarak hesaplansaydı , kritik motor
aniden durduktan sonra yerde istikamet kontrolünü tekrar sağlamak için gerekli minimum hız , yanıltıcı bir şekilde olması gerekenden
daha düşük çıkardı. Bu süratte , kaygan bir pistte , burun teker dümeni kullanılsa bile bu , bir motorun durmasını takiben istikamet
kontrolünü muhafaza etmede gerekli yardımı vermeyecek ve uçak pistten çıkacaktır. Kurallar , normal kullanımlar esnasında
maksimum emniyet faktörlerini vermek için , limitlerin en kötü durumlara göre belirlenmesini zorunlu kılar.
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1301. Wing dihedral ;
a) is the only way of ensuring static lateral stability.
b) is particularly applied on aeroplanes with high mounted wings.
c) contributes to static lateral stability.
d) does not affect static lateral stability.
Answer ;
c) contributes to static lateral stability.
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1302. Wing flutter can be prevented by ;
a) increasing the aspect ratio of the wing.
b) ensuring that the wing CG is ahead of its torsional axis.
c) mounting the engines on the fuselage.
d) increasing wing elasticity.
Answer ;
b) ensuring that the wing CG is ahead of its torsional axis.
1303. Wing loading is the ratio between ;
a) aeroplane weight and wing area.
b) aeroplane weight and lift coefficient.
Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 293 Principles of Flight
c) aeroplane weight and wing span.
d) chord and aeroplane weight.
Answer ;
a) aeroplane weight and wing area.
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1304. Wing spoilers are deflected symmetrically in flight in order to ;
a) decelerate the aeroplane and/or increase its rate of descent.
b) assist the ailerons in obtaining a higher roll rate.
c) improve glide performance ( increase lift/drag ratio ).
d) prevent aeroplane yaw.
Answer ;
a) decelerate the aeroplane and/or increase its rate of descent.
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1305. Wing sweep angle is the angle between ;
a) the wing plane and the horizontal with the aeroplane in an unbanked , level condition.
b) the leading edge of the wing and the lateral axis.
c) the quarter-chord line of the wing and the normal axis.
d) the quarter-chord line of the wing and the lateral axis.
Answer ;
d) the quarter-chord line of the wing and the lateral axis.
Açıklama ;
Ok Açısı ( Sweep Angle )

Kök korda hattına dik hat ile kanat boyunca korda hattının %25
noktalarından geçen doğru arasındaki açıdır. Yani kanat
uçlarının kanat köküne göre uçağın daha ilerisinde ve ya
gerisinde olmasının bir ölçüsüdür. Ok açısının stol
karakteristikleri ve en fazla kaldırma açısından önemli etkileri

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1306. Wing twist ( geometric and aerodynamic ) is used to ;
1. improve stall characteristics.
2. reduce induced drag.
3. reduce interference drag.
4. increase VMO.
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is ;
a) 2 , 3.
b) 3 , 4.
c) 1 , 2.
d) 1 , 3.
Answer ;
c) 1 , 2.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 294 Principles of Flight

1307. Winglets ;
a) decrease the static lateral stability.
b) create an elliptical lift distribution.
c) decrease the induced drag.
d) increase the manoeuvrability.
Answer ;
c) decrease the induced drag.
Açıklama ;

İndüklenmiş sürüklemenin azaltılmasındaki son gelişme

winglet kullanımıdır. Wingletler , basit levhalardan ziyade , özel
şekiller verilmiş ve küçük de olsa bir itici kuvvet yaratmak üzere ,
indüklenmiş hava akımına belli bir açıda yerleştirilmiş kanat ucunun
bir kısmını oluşturan küçük ve düşey profillerdir. Bunlar kanadın alt
yüzeyinden üst yüzeyine doğru olan hava akımını belli bir ölçüde
engelleyerek kanat ucu anaforlarının şiddetini azaltırlar. Buna ek
olarak , wingletin kendisinin ürettiği küçük anafor kanat ucunda
üretilen ana anaforla etkileşerek , ana anaforun şiddetini daha da

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
1308. With increasing altitude and constant IAS the static lateral stability (1) and the dynamic lateral/directional stability (2) of an
aeroplane with swept-back wing will ;
a) (1) increase , (2) increase.
b) (1) increase , (2) decrease.
c) (1) decrease , (2) increase.
d) (1) decrease , (2) decrease.
Answer ;
b) (1) increase , (2) decrease.
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1309. With increasing angle of attack , the stagnation point will move (I) ........ and the point of lowest pressure will move (II) ........
Respectively (I) and (II) are ;
a) (I) up , (II) forward.
b) (I) down , (II) forward.
c) (I) down , (II) aft.
d) (I) up , (II) aft.
Answer ;
b) (I) down , (II) forward.
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1310. With respect to the gyroscopic effects of precession acting upon the clockwise rotating propeller of a single acting aeroplane
( when viewed from behind ) ;
i. The effect of pitch up is right yaw.
ii. The effect of right yaw is pitch down.
a) i. is correct , ii. is incorrect.
b) i. is correct , ii. is correct.
c) i. is incorrect , ii. is incorrect.
d) i. is incorrect , ii. is correct.
Answer ;
b) i. is correct , ii. is correct.
Açıklama ;
JİROSKOPİK ETKİ ( Gyroscopic precession )
Dönen bir pervane jiroskopik özellikler gösterir. Jiroskopik etki üreten karakteristik presisyondur. Jiroskopik presisyon
dönen bir diskin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edildiği zaman elde edilen reaksiyondur. Bir pervanenin kenarına kuvvet tatbik
edildiğinde , dönüş istikametine 90º açıda bir reaksiyon gösterir. Aynı şekilde , bir uçağa aşağı veya yukarı yunuslama veya sağa veya
sola sapma hareketi yaptırıldığında , dönen pervane diskinin kenarına bir kuvvet tatbik edilmiş olur.
Jiroskopik etki , uçakların sadece yunuslama ( pitching ) ve/veya sapma ( yawing ) hareketinde meydana gelir. Örneğin ; saat
yönünde dönen pervaneli bir uçağa , burun yukarı yunuslama hareketi yaptırılırsa , ileri bir kuvvetin pervane diskinin alt kısmına
tatbik edildiği etki ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu kuvvet dönüş istikametine dik açıda bir kuvvet oluşturacak yani sağa sapma hareketi
olacaktır. Jiroskopik etki , pervane diski üzerine uygulanan kuvvetin uygulanma noktası ve yönü dikkate alındığında kolayca
anlaşılabilir. En fazla jiroskopik etki , düşük sürat ve yüksek RPM durumunda gerçekleşir.
Pitch aşağı → İleri kuvvet tepede , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , sola sapma.
Sola sapma → İleri kuvvet sağda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , yukarı yunuslama.
Sağa sapma → İleri kuvvet solda , kuvvet 90º saat dönü istikametinde , aşağı yunuslama.
Zıt dönüşlü pervaneler varsa bunların yarattığı jiroskopik etkiler birbirini iptal edecektir.
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Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 295 Principles of Flight
1311. Yaw is followed by roll because the ;
a) rolling motion generated by rudder deflection causes a speed increase of the outer wing , which increases the
lift on that wing so the aeroplane starts to roll in the direction of the turn.
b) yawing motion generated by rudder deflection causes a speed increase of the outer wing , which increases the
lift on that wing so the aeroplane starts to roll in the same direction as the yaw.
c) yawing motion generated by rudder deflection causes a speed increase of the inner wing , which increase the
lift on that wing so the aeroplane starts to roll in the same direction as the yaw.
d) rudder is located above the longitudinal axis and when it is deflected , it causes a rolling moment in the same
direction as the yaw.
Answer ;
b) yawing motion generated by rudder deflection causes a speed increase of the outer wing , which increases the
lift on that wing so the aeroplane starts to roll in the same direction as the yaw.

Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL 296 Principles of Flight

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