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1 03 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę o komputerze. Na podstawie informacji

zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki (1–5), tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

Customer Report Form Golden Days

Customer details
NAME: Francis 1

Item details
MAKE: Greencore

black screen, has sound, keyboard lights come on
Customer wants company to: 4
the laptop
Time to be available for customer: 5

2 Przeczytaj cztery teksty (A–D). Wykonaj zadania 1–7 zgodnie z poleceniami.

Tekst A Tekst B



So you want to be
Qualification journeys for different professions. We’ll look
at the qualifications and experience needed in fields like
an entrepreneur?
construction and medicine.
If you’re a teenager who wants to be
Lunch an entrepreneur or, in other words, a
successful business owner, then do
HOW TO GET WORK EXPERIENCE (1.00–2.00, it now. Research suggests that young
MUSIC ROOM) people’s career choices become
Work experience is key for showing employers that you are less ambitious as they age. Children
trustworthy and that you have skills that will help you in
are born with a ‘can-do’ attitude and
any job, such as the ability to work as part of a team. We’ll
parents often encourage them to
look at how to find and apply for typical Saturday jobs,
such as shop assistant, food server and salesperson. follow their dreams, but as teenagers
age, they tend to choose more
THE WORLD OF WORK (2.00–3.00, SCHOOL HALL) practical professions that they are more
Two of our former students will be talking about what their likely to get rather than the jobs that
work life is like. they dreamed about when they were
•D  aniel Kingston is a freelance screenwriter and film growing up. This doesn’t mean that the
director. dream job is too difficult; it’s just that for
• S am Jonson is a factory owner, who started off selling most people, the desire to achieve it
clothes online. decreases the older they get.
Please come to this talk with plenty of questions about
these careers as there will be an opportunity to ask the
speakers at the end.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Support Practice Tasks 3 B1+
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Tekst C Tekst D

Profession choices for the same group of Group chat

children at age twelve and eighteen
Food 12 years old RUBY: How does everyone feel
Server 18 years old about Careers Day?
ELLIOT: I like the fact that we’ll be looking
Surgeon /
at various careers and that there will be an
opportunity to hear from people who are
Scientist actually doing some of these jobs. It’s just a
pity that they didn’t invite more speakers as I’m
Sales not interested in either of those professions.
GEMMA: @Elliot At least they’ve chosen
two very different careers and for some
people these are their dream jobs.

ELLIOT: @Gemma that’s true. It

means they’re encouraging us to be
ambitious with our career choices.


0 5 10 15 20 25
Percentage of group

Przeczytaj zdania (1–3). Dopasuj do każdego zdania właściwy tekst (A–D). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jeden tekst nie pasuje do żadnego zdania.

1 This text asks the reader to prepare something.

2 This text presents data confirming that people’s career choices change as they get older.
3 This text encourages the reader to start a career when they are young.

Przeczytaj wiadomość Elliota do kolegi. Uzupełnij luki (4–7) zgodnie z treścią tekstów (A–D), tak aby jak
najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać ich sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. W każdą lukę można
wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.

To: Tom
From: Elliot
Subject: Careers Day

Hi Tom,
I’m writing to tell you about Careers Day that our school is planning. It sounds really good.
In the morning, we’re going to look at qualifications that are needed to do certain jobs. Then,
first thing in the afternoon, they’re going to give us advice on how to gain 4
so that potential employers will know they can trust us enough to give us a permanent job.
In class, we looked at some data on careers chosen by a group of students at two different
ages. The only profession that people felt the same way about at both ages was
. We also learned that people want their dream job when they’re younger
because they tend to be more 6 then. As we get older, we start to focus on
professions, like construction, which isn’t bad, of course.
Anyway, I’ll let you know how it goes.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Support Practice Tasks 3 B1+
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3 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–5) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Debating Societies
Debating societies are popular in many universities as they enable students to research
different 1 of view. Usually, there’s a topic for debate in the form of a
statement, 2 as: It’s cruel to keep animals as pets. One person agrees
this statement while the other disagrees. Each person presents their
arguments to the audience and the one who gains the most votes wins the debate.
In order to take 4 in a debate, it’s important to understand both
of an argument. You need to be able to predict the arguments that your
opponent is going to make so that you can argue against them. Traditionally, debating societies
have been good training grounds for students who have gone on to study law or politics.

4 Uzupełnij każde zdanie, tak aby zachować 5 W zdaniach (1–4) wpisz obok numeru zdania wyraz, który
znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Wykorzystaj poprawnie uzupełnia obie luki. Wymagana jest pełna
wyrazy w nawiasach, ale nie zmieniaj poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
ich formy. W każdej luce możesz użyć 1
maksymalnie pięciu wyrazów. The supervisor was asked what he … to do about the
1 Whose fault is it that the window is broken? team’s poor performance.
(blame) Emma … to Frank on Friday so now they’re engaged.
Who breaking 2
the window? The recipe says that you need to … the egg until it’s light
2 You can go to the party if you do all your and fluffy.
homework. (long) The students learned how to … the drum in time to the music.
You can go to the party 3
all your It will … us some time to pack everything for the move.
homework. The twins … after their father with their love of the outdoors.
3 All students are required to pay for the 4
course seven days before the start date. (in) Millie stayed in a mountain … during the summer holidays.
All students are required to pay for the You should only press this red button as a last … .
course seven days
6 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane
w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie
4 At first, Belinda didn’t think the relationship
poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
would work. (early)
ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Belinda didn’t expect things to work
Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć
1 It is (dobre dla ciebie, aby ćwiczyć)
5 Susannah was raised by her aunt. (brought)
at least three times a week.
It was Susannah’s aunt
2 I don’t think (dałem sobie wystarczająco czasu)
to complete the school project.
6 I haven’t seen an elephant in the wild
3 Could you tell me (kto dał ci pozwolenie)
before now. (first)
to play football here?
This is the
4 She doesn’t know (nic o pomaganiu)
an elephant in the wild.
charities, but she wants to find
out about it.
5 You don’t have to clear the equipment away (chyba że masz
czas) .
6 Thank you (za to, że zostałeś, żeby pomóc)
with the preparations for the
school play.

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OXFORD SECONDARY Matura Support Practice Tasks 3 B1+
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Audio script KEY

1 Mackie
Man Golden Days Electricals, Customer Service
2 VM7633
Department, Dave Speaking. How can I help
3 20% / per cent
4 exchange
Woman Hello. I’ve got a problem with a laptop that I 5 2.30–3.00 (p.m.)
bought from your store. 2
Man I’m sorry to hear that. First of all, can I take your 1 A
name? 2 C
Woman Sure, it’s Francis Mackie. 3 B
Man OK. And do you spell that M-A-C-K-E-Y? 4 work experience
Woman Actually, it’s I-E rather than E-Y. 5 an engineer
Man I-E. OK. I’ve got that. So, now, about the laptop. 6 ambitious
What make is it? 7 (more) practical
Woman It’s a Greencore. 3
1 points
Man Is that model number VM7643X? We’ve had a
2 such
few problems with those … .
3 with
Woman Actually, it’s the VM7633 one. Maybe that’s an
4 part
older model as I got it in the sales last week.
5 sides
Man That’s right. It was twenty per cent off then, 4
but it’s thirty per cent now – a real bargain. 1 is to blame for
So what seems to be the problem? 2 as long as you do
Woman Well, it was working fine for the first few days, 3 in advance
but now when I try to switch it on, nothing 4 early on in / early in
happens. The screen is black, but I can hear 5 who brought her up
that there’s a sound coming from the machine. 6 first time I’ve / have seen
Man Does the keyboard light come on? 5
Woman Yes. 1 proposed
Man OK. It sounds like you’ve got a problem with 2 beat
your screen rather than the battery. I’m sorry, 3 take
but what you’ll have to do is bring it back to 4 resort
the shop for us to have a look at it. We might 6
have to change some of the components. 1 good for you to exercise
Woman As I’ve only had it for seven days, I think I can 2 I gave myself enough time
get a refund, can’t I? 3 who gave you permission
Man You certainly can. Is that what you want? 4 anything about helping
5 unless you have time
Woman Actually, I quite liked the laptop when it was
6 for staying to help
working, but it’s not very convenient for me if
you keep it for a long time to repair it.
Man Understood. Well, we can give you a new one if
you’d prefer that.
Woman That’d be perfect. Could I come in today to
pick it up?
Man Sure. What time?
Woman Well I’m busy until 2.00 and I have to pick up
the kids at 4.00, so I think some time after 2.30,
but before 3.00, if that’s OK.
Man Perfect. I’ll make sure I’m on the shop floor
then so I can sort things out for you.
Woman Thanks, Dave. See you later!

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