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Group 1  Prophase II Stage

 Metaphase II Stage
Day 1 - Timeline
 Anaphase II Stage
Part 1: The Chromosome – Leray
Part 6 - Distor
 What is a Chromosome?
 Differences in Characteristics between Mitosis
 Explaining the parts of the DNA
and Meiosis
 Chromosome organization
 Roles of Mitosis and Meiosis in the Cell Division
 Nucleosomes
 Chromatin fibers/Solenoid
 Packaging and coiling
 Parts of Chromosome
 Types of Chromosome

Part 2: The Cell Cycle – Goden

 What is a Cell Cycle?

 The Interphase Stage
 First gap period or G1
 Synthesis stage or S phase
 Second gap period or G2

Part 3: Quiz

Day 2 – Timeline

Part 4: Cell Division (Mitosis) – Comanda

 What is Cell Division?

 Mitosis
 Prophase Stage
 Metaphase Stage
 Anaphase Stage
 Telophase Stage
 What happens after telophase?
 Cytokinesis

Part 5: Cell Division (Meiosis) – Cuales, Goden, Distor


 Multicellular eukaryotic organisms

 Somatic or body cells
 Gametes or sex cells
 How are sex cells, the sperms and eggs,
 Why must meiosis take place to produce sperm
and egg?
 Meiosis I.
 Prophase I Stage
 Substage 1: Leptotene
 Substage 2: Zygotene
 Substage 3: Pachytene
 Substage 4: Diplotene
 Substage 5: Diakinesis


 Metaphase I Stage
 Anaphase I Stage
 Telophase I Stage


 Meiosis II.

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