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Say No to Jeepney Phase-Out

The proposed jeepney phase-out has

sparked a widespread concern from the
drivers, operators, and commuters. For so
many, jeepney is not just a transportation
but also a source of livelihood. The cost of
modernized jeepney is too high for most of
them, and the resulting unemployment will
have a devastating impact for the families
and community. Furthermore, the impact
of the phase-out on commuters will be
significant, especially for those who rely on jeepney as their transportation.

The jeepney phase-out will undoubtly have an impact on the drivers and the
operators. Not only will they lose their livelihoods, but they will also face a huge
financial burden in changing into the modernized jeepney. A modernized jeepney cost
₱1.6 million - ₱2.4 million, and the drivers will have to earn around ₱6,000 - ₱7,000 a
day. For many jeepney drivers and operators, the cost of upgrading their jeepney is too
high, and they will be forced to sell their vehicles at a loss. This might result to a
widespread unemployment and will have an effect on the families and the community.
The government’s alternative vehicle program offers little support, with the high cost
burden transferring to drivers, who will face additional financial stress when their income
has already been reduced.

The jeepney phase-out also impacts commuters, leading to an increase in fares. The
new modes of transportation offered by
the government, such as busses and
modern jeepneys could balloon anywhere
from ₱45 - ₱50 in “five years or more”
due to the proposed PUV modernization
program, resulting to a financial burden
on regular commuters that may not able to
afford higher fares. In addition to the
financial problem, the decreased of accessibility of transportation for commuters in rural
area will challenge their mobility and ability to earn a living.

In conclusion, preserving the jeepney industry is utmost importance for the drivers,
commuters, and the community as a whole. The government needs to acknowledge the
impact of the proposed phase-out and provide support for drivers and the operators in
changing to newer vehicles. Additionally, it is essential to explore alternative solutions to
the phase out plan that takes into account of the unique role that jeepney plays here in the
Philippines. With concerted effort from all stakeholders, it may be possible to preserve
the jeepney industry while also addressing concerns around safety and environmental

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