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Internship Task Drive 2024 - By Jugal Sir - Weekend

Task 1 - 3rd March 2024

Topic - Linkedin Marketing

LinkedIn Profile Development Assignment


The objective of this assignment is to develop a professional LinkedIn profile that

showcases your skills, experiences, and aspirations to potential employers and
professional contacts.


​ Profile Basics:
● Create a LinkedIn account if you haven't already.
● Complete all sections of your LinkedIn profile, including:
● Headline: Craft a concise headline that highlights your primary skills
or career goals.
● Summary: Write a compelling summary that provides an overview
of your background, experiences, and career aspirations.
● Experience: Include relevant work experiences, internships,
volunteer work, or projects.
● Education: List your educational qualifications, including degrees,
certifications, and academic achievements.
● Skills: Add skills relevant to your field of study or career interests.
● Recommendations: Request recommendations from professors,
mentors, or previous employers.
● Accomplishments: Highlight any awards, publications, or
certifications you've received.
● Custom URL: Personalize your LinkedIn URL to make it easier to
​ Profile Optimization:
● Use keywords relevant to your industry or desired job roles throughout
your profile to improve visibility.
● Upload a professional profile picture and cover photo that reflects your
professional brand.
● Ensure that your profile is error-free with proper grammar and spelling.
● Make sure your profile is set to "public" so that it can be viewed by
recruiters and potential employers.
​ Networking:
● Connect with classmates, professors, alumni, and professionals in your
field to expand your network.
● Join LinkedIn groups related to your interests or career goals to engage in
discussions and stay updated on industry trends.
● Engage with your network by liking, commenting on, and sharing relevant
posts and articles.
​ Personal Branding:
● Craft your LinkedIn profile to reflect your unique personal brand and career
● Share content related to your field of study or industry to establish yourself
as a thought leader or subject matter expert.
● Regularly update your profile with new experiences, skills, and
accomplishments to keep it current.
​ Reflection:
● Write a brief reflection on the process of creating and optimizing your
LinkedIn profile. What did you learn about personal branding and
networking through this assignment? How do you plan to continue
leveraging LinkedIn in your professional development?

Submit a screenshot of your completed LinkedIn profile along with your reflection paper.

Evaluation Criteria:

● Completion and thoroughness of LinkedIn profile sections.

● Use of keywords and optimization for visibility.
● Professionalism of profile picture, cover photo, and overall presentation.
● Quality of networking efforts and connections.
● Clarity and depth of reflection on the assignment.

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