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To Whom It May Concern,

I appreciate the and thankful of the approval on the initial visa I lodged, which I was not able to use due
to changes with my work and unforeseen circumstances.

I have no plans of overstaying nor illegally work in Australia during our planned visit next year. I work
remotely for an IT/Software company as a Support Program Manager – JAPAC region. This allows me to
visit my husband and meet his side of the family and still able to work. My daughter will be travelling
with me so she can meet my husband’s son and bond as a family. Plans been postponed a couple of
times due to the pandemic. Now that travel to AU is open, we would like to take the opportunity to get
to know more of my extended family in AU. My husband’s family. His mom and siblings are all in
Caboolture, QLD. The rest of his relatives lives in Sydney, so as his closest friends. We are looking to go
there late March or early April.

We are still in the discussion of lodging the partner visa. First step to take is to get our tourist visas
approved, and once we get there, we’ll finalize everything. If we will lodge the visa or stay for good in
the Philippines. At the moment, our main goal is to visit and know more of my husband’s roots.

I guarantee that I’ll be following all legal process in case we need to stay more than the allowed time.
I’ve been out of the country a couple of time pre pandemic and have not encountered any issue during
my visit to these countries as I made sure I research on their rules in place. Also, my husband is the kind
of person who does not tolerate not following legal process.

Looking forward to your consideration approving our visa application.

Yours truly,

Mary Grace Bakon

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