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Crocheted Miniature Rocket Amigurumi

Printer friendly version by Louie’s Loops

The Materials: The Stitches:

•The Yarn (Worsted Weight) - Ch : Chain stitch
- Red (Fins, Tip and Flames) - St : Stitch
- Blue (Window) - : Slip Stitch
- Grey (Body) - Sc : Single Crochet
- Light Grey (Exhaust) - Hdc : Half-Double Crochet
- Yellow (Flames) - Dec/Inc : Decrease/Increase
•Size G6/4.00mm Hook - FLO : Front Loops Only
•Stuffing - BLO : Back Loops Only
•Needle - InvDec : Invisible Decrease

Gauge : 5 Rnds and 4 sts per 1”

Finished piece is about 2” tall
Worked in the round

Pattern Video:

Color Changes:
[See Color PDF for full instructions and video]
This pattern requires a few color changes. Be sure to check the note at the
end of each Rnd before you make the round to know when to change colors.
Carry colors required for each round along with you before you need to do a
color change.

For color changes with Color/Color (ex: 1 Red/Blue), make the first pull
through with the first color (Red), and next with the second color (Blue)

(3:05) Fins:
[All in Red] (Make 3)
Ch 4
Rnd 1: Work into back loops of chs, starting in the 2nd ch from the hook, sc, hdc,
dc (3)

Cut leaving a long enough end to sew onto the body and pull through.

(7:06) Windows:
[Starting in Blue]
Ch 2 or use magic hoop method

Rnd 1: Work 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook or into magic hoop (6)

[1 Blue, 5 Light Grey/Blue] into first sc made, cut and pull through leaving enough to sew onto the body.

[Starting in Red]
Ch 2 or use magic hoop method

(12:22) Rnd 1: Work 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook or into magic hoop (4) [All Red]

(12:42) Rnd 2: [sc 1, inc] repeat 2 times (6) [All Red]

(14:23) Rnd 3: [sc 1, inc] repeat 3 times (9) [All Grey/Red]

(16:44) Rnd 4: [sc 2, inc] repeat 3 times (12) [All Grey]

(18:17) Rnd 5 - 7: sc in each st (12) [All Grey]

(19:14) Rnd 8: [sc 2, invdec] repeat 3 times (9) [All Grey]

(22:21) Sew on the window and fins

(26:12) Rnd 9: [sc 1, inc] repeat 3 times (6) [All Light Grey]

(27:36) Stuff and sew together

(36:37) To add flames, simply add strands of Red and Yellow yarn onto the back
side! Make sure to watch for rogue meteors and space debris.

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