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Week Reflection

Overall, this week went fairly well. There were changes from the original lesson plan. On

Wednesday, the classes begged for a five-point shot and a wager question at the end. The

wager would stress answering the question correctly for all group. I think it added an extra level

of competitiveness. I gave each class the option to carry trashketball over to the next class/day

and they all said yes. So, Thursday’s plan changed a bit. All classes finished their review packets

by finishing their trashketball game. After that, an extra review worksheet was posted because

the students asked for extra help. So, students worked on those independently after the game.

This allowed me to assess them individually based on spot checking their packets as well as

asking some of them questions. Students were extremely engaged in both review days which

was amazing. My cooperating teacher says they are never this into a review day, so I am glad I

was able to make it fun while also making it serious where they knew they had to do the work. I

did have a handful of students that needed to make up a quiz. Once the trashketball game was

over, I had the ones missing the quiz take it. This resulted in some students not being able to

ask questions aloud, but I could answer them individually. This resulted in repeating myself a

lot. Friday was test day. There was a girl out for three days and my cooperating teacher said she

could take the quiz she missed. I initially gave it to her. After a little, she came up to me crying

saying how she doesn’t remember any of it and handed me her paper. I decided since she did

miss that she could take the other version on Monday. She was working on the review during

the test periods since I was here to help.

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