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NPTEL Week-5 assignment-2023

Psychology of Learning

1) Which of the following is not a major component of motivation?

a. Activation
b. Confusion
c. Persistence
d. Intensity
e. Direction
Ans.= b
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.03-05) for better

2) ___ refers to doing something or behaving well because one feels an internal pressure to do
a. Identified regulation
b. Amotivation
c. Introjected regulation
d. Curiosity
e. Motivational learning
Ans.= c
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.06) for better

3) ___ drives are often referred to as 'tertiary drives'.

a. Biological
b. Psychological
c. Social
d. Hunger
e. None of the above
Ans.= c
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.11) for better

4) Incentive theory of motivation is based on the concept of ___

a. Operant conditioning
b. Classical conditioning
c. Memory
d. Forgetting
e. Drive theory
Ans.= a

Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.13) for better

5) The Yerkes Dodson law gives a relationship between ___ and ___
a. arousal, performance
b. intelligence, stress
c. stress, happiness
d. learning, marks
e. None of the above
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.16-18) for better

6) The letter 'M' in the acronym 'SMART' used in the context of goal setting stands for ___
a. measurable
b. microscopic
c. maintained
d. motivated
e. none of the above
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.23-26) for better

7) Maslow's need hierarchy has ___ number of stages.

a. Two
b. Three
c. Seven
d. Four
e. Five
Ans.= e
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.28-31) for better

8) What are the three psychological needs highlighted by the self determination theory?
a. Autonomy, Comfort, Rationalization
b. Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness
c. Attention, Comfort, Relationship
d. Attention, Competence, Relationship
e. None of the above
Ans.= b
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.37-39) for better
9) Which of the following is not an example of esteem needs in the context of Maslow's
a. sleep
b. achievement
c. education
d. respect
e. competence
Ans.= a
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.28-31) for better

10) Achievement motivation stems from two needs: need to achieve and need to ___
a. enjoy
b. relax
c. avoid failure
d. be respected
e. seek attention
Ans.= c
Solution: Please go through lecture notes of week-5 (slide no.40-43) for better


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