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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Colegio de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza y Traducción del Inglés

Ss’ names: Ana Gabriela Gatica Ruelas and Valeria Vega Perales

I. Choose Martha’s Vinyard study or Post vocalic /r/ study and answer the following:
Linguistics - Phonological variation: In terms of the pronunciation of particular vowels,
factors phonological variation was one of the main linguistic features found on Martha's
Vineyard. Labov recorded changes in vowel sounds across age groups, suggesting that
the language of the community continues to evolve.

- Language contact: Language contact was another linguistic component that affected
dialectal variation. There was a long history of linguistic exchange between native
Wampanoag and English-speaking newcomers to Martha's Vineyard. These exchanges
probably influenced the development of the community's distinctive linguistic features.

- Social networks: On Martha's Vineyard, social networks also influenced linguistic

issues. Labov found that social interactions and connections influenced people's
speech patterns. Individuals more integrated into the community tended to acquire
linguistic traits linked to their place of identity and solidarity.

Non-linguistic - Economic Factors: Over time, Martha's Vineyard's economy changed, primarily due to
factors modifications in the fishing and agricultural sectors. Language use and dialect
formation were presumably impacted by these economic shifts, which also probably
had an impact on social interaction and migration patterns.

- Changes in the Demographics: Migration and population growth were two

demographic factors that affected dialect variation.

- Changes in family dynamics, birth rates, and the number of new arrivals to Martha's
Vineyard may all have an impact on the dialect and language patterns of the local

- Cultural Identity: Cultural identity-related non-linguistic factors. Individuals of Martha's

Vineyard may have had a strong sense of identity with their local history and customs,
which affected how they spoke and how they felt about certain linguistic elements of
the island's dialect.

II. Answer the following questions according to the social networks you belong.
How has your way of speaking been influenced by the different people in your network?

We as a group have developed a shared vocabulary and slang that we commonly do not use outside the
group, this creates a sense of belonging and identity for the network, within the network, some shared
experiences have led to the incorporation of specific phrases, jokes, or references that make sense to
ourselves and in some cases, we can unconsciously adopt the speech patterns of influencers.
What sort of factors (e.g., how much you like someone or how much time you spend with them)
determine how much influence someone has over how you talk?
Definitely, there's a big change in the speech pattern, for example, we can change it from the social status
of the person we want to socialize with to fit into a particular place, in the same way, it is proved that
people are often drawn into others who speak in a similar way that their speech patterns, similarities can
make easier to establish a connection, Some relationship dynamics such as romantic partners, family
members, and close friends influence the way we talk, for example when we feel we belong to a particular
group or community we may change our speech pattern the most we spend in a particular group.
We can also see changes in our vocabulary when we admire someone, for example, a big brother or a cool
uncle or aunt, we can notice a desire to emulate their communication style to gain some type of approval
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Colegio de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza y Traducción del Inglés
Can you think of some specific features in your talk that you have picked up recently? Who did you get
these features from? Why did you adopt them?
Definitely, some slang has been added to my vocabulary these last months, for example, I have been
saying a lot of references to social media content that I pick up from influencers and movies that my
friends also share with me, it makes sense that they stayed in my daily vocabulary since they make sense
to my network.
How does your media use affect the way you talk? In what ways are online social networks different from
your physical social networks?
Exposure to the common media and popular culture influences language use for example references
from movies, music, or even literature, often we are introduced to new words, phrases, and expressions in
our cultural lexicon since social networks consume similar media we adopt these linguistic elements into
our own speech.

III. Answer the following questions according to the social networks you belong.
How does language shape the formation and dynamics of communities of practice? Consider how shared
linguistic norms, jargon, and terminology contribute to cohesion and identity within a community.

Communities of practice are formed and function fundamentally through language. Linguistic norms,
jargon and terminology are crucial components that support these communities' cohesiveness and sense
of identity.
Within a community of practice, effective communication is based on shared linguistic norms. Members
are able to communicate with each other more effectively and efficiently since they speak the same
language, which fosters a sense of unity and belonging. Terminology and jargon are particular types of
language used only in particular professional communities. They act as a community's shorthand for
communicating difficult ideas and concepts.
Language is often a potent instrument for influencing the dynamics and culture of various practice
communities. By encouraging efficient communication and indicating one's involvement in the
community and expertise, language plays a critical role in the formation and maintenance of
communities of practice.

How do language barriers impact the inclusivity and accessibility of communities of practice? Explore
how linguistic diversity or proficiency levels can either enhance or hinder participation and knowledge-
sharing within a community.

A community of practice's level of accessibility and inclusion may be impacted by language limitations.
They may make it challenging for those who speak other languages to fully engage. Furthermore, a
person might not feel comfortable speaking or engaging if they lack confidence in the group's primary
language. This may inhibit their ability to contribute fully and keep them from engaging in conversations
and activities to the fullest.
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Colegio de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza y Traducción del Inglés

However, a diverse range of languages and origins might work to one's advantage. It brings in a variety of
viewpoints and ideas, which can foster stronger teamwork and more inventive solutions. Communities
can take steps like providing resources for language instruction or translation assistance to ensure that
everyone feels welcome. By appreciating variety and helping those with various language skills,
communities can become more inclusive and dynamic places for all participants.

What role does language play in knowledge transfer and collaboration within communities of practice?
Consider how effective communication strategies, such as storytelling, metaphor, and analogy, are
employed to convey complex concepts and practices within the community.

Within communities of practice, language is essential for collaboration and the transfer of information. It
is important to convey those thoughts clearly in addition to choosing the appropriate language. In these
societies, in an effort to simplify difficult ideas, we frequently turn to imaginative communication
techniques like metaphor, analogy, and storytelling. They assist us in making difficult concepts simple
enough for us to comprehend and retain.

We can create greater collaboration and close knowledge gaps by utilizing these unofficial but effective
communication methods. Knowledge flows more readily and our group efforts are more successful when
we communicate in a language that is understood by people everywhere and use innovative techniques
to deliver our messages.

How do power dynamics intersect with language use within communities of practice? Reflect on how
language choices may reflect and reinforce existing hierarchies or promote equity and inclusion within
the community. Additionally, consider how language can be a tool for challenging or reproducing power
imbalances within the community.

In communities of practice, power dynamics are intertwined with language use in significant ways. While
language choices can support fairness and inclusiveness, they also frequently reflect and uphold existing

Furthermore, language can be used as a tool to directly address and fight power disparities. Members of
the community can use language to question discriminatory practices, push for social justice, and
advocate for change. Through transparent communication and proactive opposition to discriminatory
language and conduct, communities can strive towards establishing a fairer and more welcoming
environment for all participants.

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