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The Impacts of Social Media to the Dancing Skills

of the Selected Grade 12 Students in

Physical Education Subject

A Research Proposal Presented To

the Faculty of Sandoval National High School.

Sandoval, Narra, Palawan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Practical Research 2

Jocelyn B. Cayapas

Mark Daniel P. Lusoc

Diana Marie M. Pascual

Philip D. Rubin

March 2023
Chapter I

The Problem and Its Setting


Social Media has become an undeniable part of our lives its

various platforms provide the availability of instant, real time information sharing,

millions of people use this social media as a daily basis cause really it can help a

lot and make life easier than it it's before. Just imagine how hard it is

without technology to seek and find information’s, but now with just a simple

click you can find any information that you're looking for. especially nowadays

that the people become more active in terms of using social media. Because of

information that it provides to help us if there something that we need to know,

like different dancing performance posted online that might help the students to

gain some ideas especially when they have a performance task in physical

education subject. Social media actually benefit the students to learned and gain

more knowledge and to have a new idea on dancing skills they going to execute

when they have a performances. As we observed that the students nowadays rely

much more on social media as their basis when they have a performance on

physical education subject. In terms of taking music, and dance steps on social

media that help students to gain information, to make their performance more

presentable and learned at the same time. That’s why we would like to know the

impacts of social media to the dancing skills of selected grade 12 students.

Page 1
Conceptual Framework

Research Paradigm

Dancing Skills of The

Impacts of Social Media to
the Dancing Skills of the
Social Media Respondents

Figure 1. Shows the paradigm of the study. In the illustration the two

variables are the dancing skills of the respondents and social media which are the

independent variable, while impacts of social media to the dancing skills of the

respondents is the dependent variable.

Statement of the problem

For the purpose is to identify the issue that is a concern and focus it in a way that

allows it to be studied in a systematic way.

1. What are the dancing skills of the selected Grade 12 students?

2. What are the social media platforms that are commonly used by the

respondents to improve their dancing skills in Physical Education subject?

3. What are the impacts of social media to the dancing skills of selected Grade 12

students on Physical Education subject?

Page 2
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The researchers will study the impacts of social media to the dancing

skills of the selected Grade 12 students in Physical Education subject at Sandoval

National Highschool, Narra, Palawan during the school year 2022-2023.

The respondents will be the selected Grade 12 students who take up

Physical Education subject.

Significance of the Study

Basically, significance of the study provides an information to the reader

on how does the study contributes and how that specific audience will benefit

from its findings.

To the respondents, it helps them to improved their dancing skills on Physical

Education Subject.

To the students, it will give an idea to students who aiming to have a good

performance in Physical Education Subject.

To the teachers, they will be informed that there are improvements on their

students dancing performance in Physical Education subject.

To the school, it help the school to build more productive students when it comes

of dancing performance.

Page 3
To the future researchers, this research study may help them to serve as their

basis for their research.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms that used in this study

have been define.

Dancing skills. It is served as a tool use in the art of dance in the domains of

movement, choreography, critical analysis and performance.

Physical Education. It refers to the academic subject characterized by a planned

sequential K-12 curriculum (course of the study) that is based on the national

standard for physical education subject.

Social Media. It refers to interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and

showing of information, ideas, interest and other forms of expression through

virtual communities and network.

Impacts. It refers to a physical force, an influence, or a strong effect of social

media to the dancing skills.

Page 4
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Social media has been a significant force in shaping our society today. It

has impacted various aspects of our lives, including how we interact with others,

share information, and express ourselves creatively. One area that has seen a

significant impact from social media is dance. This literature review aims to

explore the influence of social media on dancing skills.

Social media, it's unfiltered every part of our life, our relationships,

travel, work, news, school and entertainment. Technically, social media

include any website or application that enables user to create and share content

within a social network, (Dance Informa, 2016).

The popularity of social media has influenced the field of the arts

including the word of dance as well, this platform allowed dancers to reach

entire crowds throughout the outline surface, (Lanszki, 2020).

Commonly Used Social Media Platforms

Facebook is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect

and share with family and friends online. Originally designed for college students,

Facebook was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Today, Facebook is the

world's largest social network, with more than 1 billion users worldwide, (GCF

Global, N.D). Facebook is another social media platform that can impact dancing

skills. In a study by Wang and Chen (2011), they found that Facebook can
Page 5
provide users with a social support system that can motivate them to practice and

improve their dance skills.

YouTube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online

videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others.

Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the

Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month, (GCF

Global, N.D). YouTube is also a popular platform for learning and improving

dance skills. In a study by Morris and Stommel (2013), they found that YouTube

provides users with access to a vast amount of instructional dance videos, which

can help them learn new techniques and styles.

Tik Tok is a social media platform for creating, sharing and discovering

short videos. The app is used by young people as an outlet to express themselves

through singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing, and allows users to create

videos and share them across a community, (Webwise, N.D). TikTok has become

a popular platform for sharing short-form dance videos, and many users have

reported using the app to improve their dancing skills. In a study by Zhao and Liu

(2020), they found that TikTok can provide users with a low-stress environment

to practice and showcase their dance moves, which can increase their confidence

and skill level.

Impacts of Social Media to the Dancing Skills

Page 6
Social media has both positive and negative impacts on the dance industry.

Social media is often credited with increasing exposure for dance, or helping to

engage younger audiences, (Friscia, 2020). Video-centric platforms including

YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are enabling dancers and choreographers to

break out of the shadows and become celebrities in their own right, (Easter,

2020). Social media has given a lot of people the confidence to return to dance

classes and not think that dance is only for a certain body type or look, (World

dance sports, 2020). However, social media can also have a negative impact on

dancers and how they view their career, (Backstage ,2023).

The rise of social media has provided dancers with a platform to showcase

their skills to a broader audience. Social media platforms such as TikTok,

Instagram, and YouTube have become popular among dancers, with many using

these platforms to share their dance routines, connect with other dancers, and gain

exposure. Studies have shown that social media can positively impact dancing

skills by providing dancers with a space to learn new moves and techniques, as

well as to connect with other dancers (Kim & Kim, 2021; Liu, Li, & Li, 2019).

For example, TikTok's algorithm suggests videos based on a user's previous

activity, which can expose them to different dance styles and techniques (Chen &

Zhu, 2021). Additionally, social media can inspire dancers to learn and try new

dance styles that they may not have otherwise explored (Lee & Chiang, 2021).
Furthermore, social media has allowed dancers to receive feedback and

criticism from a wider audience, including fellow dancers and dance enthusiasts.

This feedback can be instrumental in improving one's dancing skills and

developing one's dance style. Social media platforms also provide a space for

dancers to collaborate and share ideas, leading to the creation of new dance styles

and routines (Kim & Kim, 2021).

However, the impact of social media on dancing skills is not entirely

positive. Social media has also been linked to the creation of unrealistic

expectations and pressures among dancers to perform perfectly and gain

popularity (Chen & Zhu, 2021). This pressure can lead to dancers sacrificing their

physical and mental health in the pursuit of fame and success (Liu, Li, & Li,


In conclusion, social media has had both positive and negative impacts on

dancing skills. While social media has provided a platform for dancers to

showcase their skills, connect with others, and learn new techniques, it has also

created unrealistic expectations and pressures that can have adverse effects on

one's physical and mental health. Dancers must find a balance between utilizing

social media to improve their skills and avoiding the negative effects of social

media on their well-being.

Different Dancing Skills

According to (Rookie, 2017), the following are the classifications of

dancing skills.

Posture, good posture is important in dance because it provides you with a

strong base to build the rest of the skills, a good posture is the correct formation

of the body where your bones and muscles can hold you upright against gravity.

Alignment, focuses more on the placement of your body, not so much

on the way you are standing, this skills is especially important if you are dancing

with group of the people since you want to be in the right place in order to stay

in sync with the choreographed routine.

Balance, this skills is important because it help you achieve elaborate

moves while dancing keeping your balance will help you stay upright while

performing, allowing you to avoid a slip and falling down, good balance can

also help you expand the type of move s you can execute.

Coordination , being coordinated in dance is some of the most important

skills, you can either be coordinated while dancing alone or in group by your

self , coordination refers to knowing where your body should be and when ,

having good coordination will help your moves look smooth to the audience , in

a group setting, coordination is essentially being in sync with the other

dancers , making the performance look fluid.

Mobility, Similar to flexibility mobility is important because you

will be able to transition from move to move very quickly without much

struggle . Quickness is often a term that goes hand in hand with mobility.

Page 7
Strength , good dancers possess a lot of strength. mainly in their legs and

arms. This Allows them to push off the floor elegantly and execute moves

without struggle. Dancers also typically have a strong core , as having good

balance is achieved by developing core strength.

Stamina , is very important. especially if you compete in dance

tournaments or long routines . Stamina is the amount of energy that you can

expend during an activity . Having a lot of stamina will keep you in shape during

the routine and keep you from being sloppy .

Extension , often used in ballet, extension refers to the ability of a

dance to raise their leg up to their head. Extension is used in many other

moves in the world of dance . Being able to extend will do you well when it

comes to learning how to dance . Extension and flexibility are terms used

similarly .

Isolation , another vitally important skill to dancing is being able to

isolate . Isolation refers to moving only one part of your body while keeping

everything else still. This will give you rhythm and wow the audience.

According to a study by Koutedakis et al. (2004), balance is a fundamental

skill for dancers, as it allows them to maintain control and stability while

performing various movements. Dancers with good balance can execute turns,

leaps, and jumps with ease, making their performances more impressive. This is

because good balance enables dancers to stay centered and aligned, even as they

move dynamically through space.

Flexibility is also a critical skill for dancers, as it enables them to achieve

a greater range of motion and execute movements that require a high degree of

flexibility. According to a study by Smith et al. (2017), dancers with good

flexibility can perform splits, high kicks, and other challenging movements with

ease. Additionally, flexibility can help reduce the risk of injury by allowing

dancers to move through a greater range of motion without straining their muscles

or joints.

Strength is another essential skill for dancers, as it allows them to maintain

proper posture, control their movements, and execute lifts and other complex

maneuvers. According to a study by Batson et al. (2016), dancers with good

strength can perform challenging movements with ease, making their

performances more dynamic and impressive. This is because strength provides the

foundation for all movement, allowing dancers to execute steps with precision and


Isolation refers to the ability to move specific body parts independently

from the rest of the body. This skill is often used in contemporary, hip hop, and

other styles of dance that require precise and controlled movements. However,

according to the survey results, isolation was perceived as difficult, unnatural, or

unimportant by some dancers. They preferred to focus on other skills, such as

fluidity, musicality, or storytelling (Johnson et al., 2019).

Mobility, on the other hand, refers to the range of motion or flexibility of

the joints and muscles. It is crucial for executing movements that require

stretching, bending, or twisting, such as ballet, modern, or acrobatics. However,

some dancers may find mobility challenging or uncomfortable, especially if they

have injuries, anatomical limitations, or lack of training. They may also prioritize

strength, power, or stamina over mobility (Sikorski et al., 2020).

Alignment is the third least favored skill identified in the survey. It refers

to the proper positioning of the body segments in relation to each other and to the

gravity line. Good alignment allows dancers to maintain balance, stability, and

efficiency in their movements, as well as prevent injuries and enhance aesthetic

appeal. However, achieving and maintaining alignment requires a lot of attention,

practice, and body awareness, which may be perceived as tedious or technical by

some dancers. They may prefer to focus on the creative or expressive aspects of

dance instead (Roussel & Morel, 2021).

Chapter III


Research Design

This study used descriptive research design. This method identified the

Impacts of Social Media to the dancing skills of selected Grade-12 students in

Physical Education subject.

Population and Sampling

The researchers used simple random sampling in selecting the

respondents. Out of all 111 population of Grade-12 students, the researchers

select 87 students using Slovin's formula to be the respondents in this research.


The researchers used researcher made questionnaire to conduct the study.

Researchers made questionnaire provided to guide the researchers in data

gathering. Response and information were gathered to identify the impacts of

social media to the dancing skills of the selected grade 12 students in Physical

education subject.

Validation of Instrument

The research adviser validated the researchers made survey questionnaire.

Her correction and suggestions were included for the betterment of the research.

Page 9
Procedure and Time Frame

The main components contains different procedures with the research

study. Researchers considered the following steps in collecting the data. First,

researchers submitted a letter of request to the school head containing the

permission to allow the researchers to conduct a survey about the impacts of

social media to the dancing skills of selected Grade-12 students in Physical

Education subject. After the approval of the school principal, researchers started

to do their survey in their respondents, with that, researchers can do able to

gathered data from the respondents the researchers proceeded to the next step the

presentation, interpretation and analysis of data. Then lastly, the researchers

summarized the result based on the data they have. And then drew conclusion and

make possible recommendation.

Treatment of Data

The data gathered was tabulated and analyzed using Descriptive statistics

such as frequency, mean and percentage. The Impacts of Social media to the

Dancing Skills of the students determined using the scale below.

Numerical Value Description

4 Strongly Agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

Numerical Value Indication

Page 10
3.50 – 4.00 Major Impact 111011

2.50 – 3.49 Moderate Impact

1.50 - 2.49 Minor Impact

1.00 – 1.49 Insignificant Impact

Ethical Consideration

In conducting this research, researcher ensured that they were only aim to

focus and follow their research objectives which are all about the impact of social

media to dancing skills of selected grade 12 students in physical education

subject. As ethical Consideration and attitude of the researcher or respondents

respected and keep the confidentiality to the answer, opinion and views that they

have gathered and collected to their research study. Researcher avoided bias and

inequality and assure the quality, loyalty, respect and integrity of this study.

Page 11
Research Questionnaire

Name(optional): __________________________ Grade/Strand: ______________

Directions: Kindly put check (/) on the space provided that may apply.

1.Dancing skills of the selected grade 12 students?

___ Posture ___ Alignment ___ Balance

___ Coordination ___ Control ___ Flexibility

___ Mobility ___ Strength ___ Stamina

___ Extension ___ Isolation

___Others (please specify) _______________.

2, Social media platforms that commonly used by the respondent to improve their
dancing skills in physical education subject?

___ Facebook ___ Twitter

___ Tik Tok ___ Snapchat

___ You Tube ___ Viber

___ Instagram ___ Messenger

___Others (please specify) _______________.

3. Impacts of social media to the dancing skills of the selected grade 12 students
in physical education subject.

Direction: Kindly check the column (/) that may apply.

Statements Strongly Agre Disagree Strongly

Impacts of social media to the dancing Agree Disagree
skills in physical education subject
that may it… (4) (2) (1)

1. Improve my dancing skills.

2. Increased my motivation to
improve my dancing.

3. Made easier to find inspiration for

dance routines.
4. Brings me a lot of ideas in terms of
dancing skills.

5. Can't improve my grade in Physical

Education Subject.

6. Negatively affect the quality of my

dancing performance.

7. Social media has increased my

confidence in my dancing abilities.

8. Social media has led to unrealistic

expectations for my dancing skills and

9. Can learn a lot of new Dancing

Skills on Social Media.

10. I frequently watch dance

performances or tutorials on social
Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter provides an analysis of the data gathered from the study on the

impacts of social media to the dancing skills of selected Grade 12 students. This

chapter presents the results of the survey and interviews conducted with the

participants, as well as the analysis and interpretation of data. The findings of this

study are expected to provide valuable insights into the effects of social media on

the development of dancing skills among the students.

Statement of the Problem number 1: Dancing skills of the selected Grade 12


Table 1 Dancing Skills

Frequency (f) Rank

N = 87

Flexibility 66 1

Balance 63 2

Strength 60 3

Coordination 49 4

Control 48 5

Stamina 44 6

Posture 43 7

Alignment 30 8
Mobility 27 9

Extension 26 10

Isolation 18 11

Table 1 shows the ranks of the dancing skills. Based on the survey it

shows that the Flexibility, Balance, and Strength, ranked 1,2, and 3. While

Coordination, Control, Stamina, Posture, and Alignment, ranked as 4,5,6,7, and 8.

The last three was Mobility, Extension, and Isolation, ranked as 9,10, and 11.

Based on the table Flexibility, Balance, and Strength, are the dancing skills

ranked as the highest. While Mobility, Extension, and Isolation, are ranked as the


This implies that the Flexibility, Balance, and Strength are the dancing

skills where the social media most impacted based on the survey and the

respondent’s perceptions.

This study supported by Koutedakis et al. (2004) that Balance is a

fundamental skill for dancers, as it allows them to maintain control and stability

while performing various movements. Flexibility, is also a critical skill for

dancers, as it enables them to achieve a greater range of motion and execute

movements that require a high degree of flexibility. According to a study by

Smith et al. (2017), dancers with good flexibility can perform splits, high kicks,

and other challenging movements with ease. Strength, is another essential skill for

dancers, as it allows them to maintain proper posture, control their movements,

and execute lifts and other complex maneuvers. According to a study by Batson et

al. (2016), dancers with good strength can perform challenging movements with
ease, making their performances more dynamic and impressive. In contrast, the

study results that balance, flexibility, and strength ranked as the highest dancing

skills based on the survey. Developing these skills through regular training and

practice is essential for any dancer who wants to achieve success and excel in

their craft (Koutedakis et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2017; Batson et al., 2016). By

prioritizing these skills, dancers can improve their technique, enhance their

performance quality, and reduce the risk of injury.

Statement of the Problem: Social media platforms that are commonly used

by the respondents to improve their dancing skills in Physical Education


Table 2 Social Media

Frequency (f) Rank (1-11)

N = 87

TikTok 82 1

YouTube 72 2

Facebook 69 3

Messenger 35 4

Instagram 27 5

Twitter 11 6

Snapchat 10 7

Viber 3 8
Table 2 shows the ranks of social media platforms that the respondents

used that impact their dancing skills. Based on the survey TikTok, YouTube, and

Facebook, ranked 1, 2, and 3. While Messenger, Instagram, and Twitter, was

ranked as 4, 5, and 6. Therefore Snapchat, and Viber, ranked as 7, and 8. Based

on the table TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook, are the social media that ranked as

the highest. While Twitter, Snapchat, and Viber, are the social media that ranked

as the lowest based on the survey and the respondent’s perceptions.

This implies that TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube are the social media

platforms that impact the dancing skills.

This study supported by Zhao and Liu (2020), they found that TikTok can

provide users with a low-stress environment to practice and showcase their dance

moves, which can increase their confidence and skill level. In addition, TikTok is

clearly a popular platform. One potential implication of this finding is that TikTok

short-form video format and algorithm-based content recommendations may

make it easier for users to discover new dance trends and techniques. Facebook, is

another social media platform that can impact dancing skills. In a study by Wang

and Chen (2011), they found that Facebook can provide users with a social

support system that can motivate them to practice and improve their dance skills.

YouTube, is another popular platform. One potential implication of this finding is

that YouTube's extensive library of dance content (including tutorials,

performances, and behind-the-scenes footage) may make it a useful resource for

students looking to improve their skills or learn new techniques. YouTube is also

a popular platform for learning and improving dance skills. In a study by Morris
and Stommel (2013), they found that YouTube provides users with access to a

vast amount of instructional dance videos, which can help them learn new

techniques and styles.

Statement of the problem: The impacts of social media to the dancing skills

of selected Grade 12 students on Physical Education subject?

Table 3 Impacts of Social Media

Statement Mean Interpretation

1. Improve my dancing skills. 3.37 Moderate Impact

2. Increased my motivation to improve my 3.29 Moderate Impact

3. Made easier to find inspiration for dance 3.10 Moderate Impact
4. Brings me a lot of ideas in terms of 3.28 Moderate Impact
dancing skills.
5. Can't improve my grade in Physical 2.63 Moderate Impact
Education Subject.
6. Negatively affect the quality of my 2.03 Minor Impact
dancing performance.
7. Social media has increased my confidence 3.04 Moderate Impact
in my dancing abilities.
8. Social media has led to unrealistic 3.27 Moderate Impact
expectations for my dancing skills and
9. Can learn a lot of new Dancing Skills on 3.57 Major Impact
Social Media.
10. I frequently watch dance performances or 3.24 Moderate Impact
tutorials on social media.
Weighted 3.08 Moderate Impact
The table is showing the impacts of social media to the dancing skills of

selected Grade 12 students in physical education subject. The highest mean got

by the statement number 9 Which, can learn a lot of new dancing skills on social

media and got 3.57 mean with Major Impact interpretation, Statement 1, Improve

my dancing skills and got 3.37 mean with Moderate Impact interpretation, and

statement 2, Increased my motivation to improve my dancing and got 3.29 mean

with Moderate Impact interpretation. Additionally, the statement 3, made easier to

find inspiration for dance routines got 3.10 mean with Moderate Impact

interpretation. Statement 4, Brings me a lot of ideas in terms of dancing skills got

3.28 mean with Moderate Impact interpretation. Statement 8, social media has led

to unrealistic expectations for my dancing skills and appearance got 3.27 mean

with Moderate Impact interpretations. And the statement 10, I frequently watch

dance performances or tutorials on social media got 3.24 mean with Moderate

Impact interpretations. Therefore, the statement who got the lowest mean are the

statement 5, Can't improve my grade in Physical Education Subject and got 2.63

mean with Moderate Impact interpretation. Statement 6, negatively affect the

quality of my dancing performance and got 2.03 mean with Minor Impact

interpretation. And statement 7, social media has increased my confidence in my

dancing abilities and got 3.04 mean with Moderate Impact interpretation.

This implies that the social media has a moderate impact to the dancing

skill of the respondents.

This study was supported by Kim & Kim (2021), and Liu, Li, & Li (2019),

that social media can positively impact dancing skills by providing dancers with a
space to learn new moves and techniques, as well as to connect with other dancers

For example, TikTok's algorithm suggests videos based on a user's previous

activity, which can expose them to different dance styles and techniques Chen &

Zhu (2021). Additionally, social media can inspire dancers to learn and try new

dance styles that they may not have otherwise explored Lee & Chiang (2021).
Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

Based on the findings from the data gathered on what are the impacts of social

media to the dancing skills of the student. The researchers found out that social

media can improve the dancing skills, and the most of the respondents agreed that

the social media can improved their grade in Physical Education subject.

Flexibility, Balance, and Strength are the dancing skills that may developed by

using social media. Also the researchers found out that Tiktok, Youtube, and

Facebook the particular social media platform that commonly used by the student

to improved their dancing skills.


1, Flexibility is the dancing skills that ranked 1 based on the survey when it comes

to the dancing skills.

2, Tiktok , Youtube, and Facebook are the most common social media platform

used by the students to improved their dancing skills.

3, Social media has an impacts to the dancing skills to the students, and based on

the survey that the statement “social media can improve my dancing skills” got

the highest mean.

4, Using social media can benefits the students in improving their dancing skills

and also that can really help to improved their grades in physical education



Based on the conclusion, the researchers came with this recommendations.

1, Teachers must let the students to use social media to improve their dancing

skills for educational purposes.

2, Students should be responsible when using social media to improve their

dancing skills.

3, Future researchers must continue to explore this kind of study, to further more

increase the ideas and to find out more information the impacts of social media to

the dancing skills.


The researchers would like to seek information about the impacts of social
media to the dancing skills to the dancing skills of the selected grade 12 students
in physical education subject. Since social media has become an undeniable
part of our lives its various platforms provide the availability of instant, real
time information sharing and benefit the students to learn and to have a new ideas
about dancing skills they going to execute when they have a dancing
performances on physical education subject.
The participants this study are the selected grade 12 students who are
studying at Sandoval National High School, they are suitable for this kind of
study because they experienced doing some performances when it comes to
The researchers used quantitative research design specifically a descriptive
approach. The study used simple random sampling technique in selecting the
respondents. The research instrument used in this study is a researchers made
survey questionnaire to gather the data, then it will tabulated and analyzed using
descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean and percentage.


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