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Name: Quijardo, Celine Rose F.

Date: April 12, 2024

Year and Section: BSEd ENG 2A Score: _____________

Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 for Language Teaching

Task # 1 (Final Term)

1. Select at least five (5) applications or web pages available for making computer-based instructional
materials from the pool of applications presented during the report of Group 3.
2. Download the app or explore the webpages and write an application review by answering the
following questions based on the matrix given below.
3. Submit your tasks on or before April 15, 2024. Upload it in the G-drive link given to your respective
class mayors.

ICT Tools for Making Instructional Materials

1. Give a brief description about the Canva is the ultimate online graphic design platform,
application or website. (Where can it be
offering an extensive range of tools and templates for
accessed or downloaded?) Insert link if
necessary. creating visually stunning content. Best of all, it's
completely free to use and easily accessible via a web
browser, making it the go-to choice for designing social
media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos, and
more. With its intuitive interface and vast library of
customizable templates, Canva is the perfect solution for
anyone, whether you're a beginner or a professional
designer, looking to create eye-catching designs with
2. What was your experience in using the Canva is an amazing platform that I have been using for a
application or website?
long time. It has made my job as a freelance writer very
easy, especially during the pandemic. I have created
various designs such as posters, banners, Facebook posts,
social media posts, and cards using this platform. The
best part is that it is quite simple, easy, and free. All you
need to do is brainstorm and bring your innovative ideas
to create a post that shows your creativity. You can create
posters, logos, presentations, infographics, social media
posts, Instagram stories, Facebook stories, animated
social media posts, presentations, and much more.
Canva's video editing feature is also something I love, as
it works smoothly and is quite easy to use. You can easily
share videos or social media posts on platforms such as
YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Canva also helps with personal branding. If you have to
create posts on any other social media platform, then
Canva is a handy tool. Although it's a paid tool, it offers a
free version and you can explore a lot of options.
3. Is it recommendable to students and Canva is an indispensable tool for both students and
teachers? (Give a brief explanation why?)
teachers alike, thanks to its versatility and user-
friendliness. For students, it provides an easy-to-use
platform to create visually stunning presentations,
posters, and social media posts to enhance their school
projects or extracurricular activities. With its vast library
of templates, students can unleash their creativity
without the need for advanced design skills. What's
more, it is a free tool, making it accessible to students of
all financial backgrounds. Canva is equally effective for
teachers, who can use it to create engaging educational
materials such as presentations, handouts, and
infographics. Its user-friendly interface makes it effortless
for educators to design visually compelling content to
enhance their lessons. Moreover, Canva's collaborative
features enable teachers to work with students on group
projects or assignments. With Canva, teachers can create
captivating visual aids to help students better understand
complex topics and keep them engaged in the learning
process. Canva is an indispensable tool for both students
and teachers, making their educational journey more
interactive, creative, and enjoyable.
4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate A big 10.
the application as per your experience?
1. Give a brief description about the Prezi is an online presentation software that operates on
application or website. (Where can it be
the cloud. It allows users to create captivating and
accessed or downloaded?) Insert link if
necessary. dynamic presentations, unlike traditional slide-based
presentations. Prezi uses a single canvas that allows users
to zoom in and out, pan across, and present information
in a non-linear fashion. This approach enables presenters
to create more interactive and engaging presentations
that can captivate their audience. Prezi offers a variety of
templates, themes, and multimedia integration options
to enhance the overall presentation experience.
2. What was your experience in using the Prezi's zoomable and infinite canvas feature is a powerful
application or website?
tool to create captivating and visually appealing
presentations. However, be cautious while using this
feature as overusing it can lead to a dizzying and
unpleasant presentation experience for your audience. It
is essential to strike the right balance and make the most
of Prezi's unique advantage.
3. Is it recommendable to students and Prezi is a good choice for students and teachers who want
teachers? (Give a brief explanation why?)
to create visually appealing presentations with dynamic
storytelling capabilities. Its non-linear format and
zooming features help to create interactive and
captivating presentations that can improve the
understanding and retention of content. Prezi offers
creative flexibility with various templates, themes, and
multimedia integration options, which allow users to
customize their presentations as needed. Collaboration
features also help students work together or co-create
with their teachers. However, users should keep in mind
that there is a learning curve associated with
transitioning from traditional slide-based presentations
to Prezi's unique format.
4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate Just 7, I guess.
the application as per your experience?

1. Give a brief description about the Microsoft Word is a word-processing program developed
application or website. (Where can it be
by Microsoft that is widely used for creating, editing,
accessed or downloaded?) Insert link if
necessary. formatting, and sharing various types of documents such
as letters, reports, essays, and resumes. It comes with a
user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that
allow basic text editing as well as advanced formatting
options such as font styles, sizes, and colors. Users can
also add images, tables, charts, and other objects to their
documents. Furthermore, Word offers tools for spell-
checking, grammar-checking, and collaboration, which
makes it a versatile tool for both personal and professional
document creation. Link:
2. What was your experience in using the I have been using Microsoft Word for decades and in my
application or website?
opinion, the most useful feature is the heading styles.
Firstly, it elevates Word to the level of a desktop
publishing application. Secondly, it has a built-in Table of
Contents function which can automatically create a
customized table, displaying the heading styles of your
choice and linked to the displayed headings. This would
otherwise take ages to implement, but with Word, it's just
a few simple clicks away. While I also appreciate the spell
and grammar checkers, the auto-generating table of
contents, the text-to-speech feature, and the auto-
complete function, it is the solid word processing function
that keeps me using Word.
3. Is it recommendable to students and Microsoft Word is an excellent choice for students and
teachers? (Give a brief explanation
teachers. It is versatile, easy to use, and offers extensive
formatting options. It is compatible across devices and
allows users to create, edit, and format documents for
various academic purposes such as essays, reports,
presentations, and more. The intuitive interface makes it
easy for users to navigate and utilize its features
effectively. With real-time collaboration tools, students
can collaborate on group projects, and teachers can
provide feedback efficiently. Overall, Microsoft Word is an
indispensable tool that enhances productivity and
facilitates academic success for both students and
4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate Definitely a 10!
the application as per your experience?

1. Give a brief description about the Google Forms is a web-based tool provided by Google
application or website. (Where can it be
that enables users to create surveys, quizzes, and forms
accessed or downloaded?) Insert link if
necessary. with ease and convenience. It offers various question
types, including multiple-choice, short answer, and
dropdowns, which users can customize to suit their
preferences. Google Forms comes with useful features
such as branching logic, which enables questions to
appear based on previous responses, and automatic data
validation, which ensures accurate answers. Responses
are automatically collected in a Google Sheets
spreadsheet, making it easy for users to analyze and
visualize data. Due to its simplicity, accessibility, and
integration with other Google Workspace apps, Google
Forms is widely used for gathering feedback, conducting
surveys, organizing events, and more. Link:
2. What was your experience in using the Google Forms are an easy way to collect data online
application or website?
without any hassle. You can choose from various themes
to make your form look more attractive, and add different
controls like dropdown, radio button, checkbox, and date
picker. When someone fills out the form and submits it,
all the data gets collected in an Excel sheet, which is
structured and easy to read. You can even reuse the form
by changing the destination of the responses to a new
Excel sheet. The filled Excel sheet can be downloaded in
CSV format. The best part is that Google Forms are
completely free to use. All you need is a Google account
and access to Google Drive, where your Excel sheet is
3. Is it recommendable to students and Google Forms is an absolute game-changer for students
teachers? (Give a brief explanation why?)
and teachers alike. Its versatility and ease of use make it
an invaluable tool that is highly recommended. With its
seamless integration with other Google Workspace apps,
you can create surveys, quizzes, and forms in a matter of
minutes and customize them with branching logic and
various question types. This feature-packed tool is
suitable for all your educational needs. One of the most
significant advantages of Google Forms is its automatic
data collection and analysis feature in Google Sheets. It
streamlines the process of gathering feedback,
conducting assessments, and organizing classroom
activities, saving you precious time and effort. Plus, its
accessibility and compatibility across devices promote
seamless collaboration among students and teachers,
facilitating efficient communication and workflow. In
summary, Google Forms is a must-have tool for all
educators. It enhances engagement, assessment, and
organization in educational settings and is user-friendly,
time-saving, and an excellent tool to help you stay on
4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate Mhm, probably an 8.
the application as per your experience?

1. Give a brief description about the Anki is a flashcard app designed to help users learn and
application or website. (Where can it be
retain information efficiently through spaced repetition.
accessed or downloaded?) Insert link if
necessary. With Anki, users can create their own flashcards or
choose from a vast library of shared decks that cover a
wide range of topics. Using a spaced repetition algorithm,
Anki schedules flashcards for review at optimal intervals
based on the user's performance. This approach ensures
that users spend more time reviewing challenging
material, while spending less time on content they
already know well. Anki is available on multiple platforms,
including desktop and mobile devices, and offers
synchronization across devices for seamless studying
anytime, anywhere. Overall, Anki is a popular tool for
students, language learners, and professionals who want
to memorize and master large amounts of information
2. What was your experience in using the When using Anki to study vocabulary, you are actually
application or website?
training your ability to recall words by retrieving and
producing them when prompted with a photo. This
makes it easier for you to remember words when you
need to use them. Additionally, you can also use Anki to
improve your listening and speaking skills by including
audio pronunciations in your flashcards or using audio-
only flashcards. There are plenty of resources online
where you can find useful recordings of sentences for this
purpose. You can even learn grammar through Anki if you
choose to.
3. Is it recommendable to students and Anki is an absolute must-have for students and teachers
teachers? (Give a brief explanation why?)
alike. This powerful tool is highly effective in aiding
memorization and retention of crucial information. With
its spaced repetition algorithm, Anki optimizes study time
by focusing on reviewing challenging material at the
perfect intervals, leading to enhanced long-term
learning. Furthermore, Anki's flexibility allows users to
create customized flashcards that cater to their specific
learning objectives. From a wide range of subjects,
students can easily create decks that cover a variety of
topics. With synchronization across devices, students can
access their flashcards anytime and anywhere, allowing
for consistent and efficient study habits. Overall, Anki is
an incredible tool for improving learning outcomes,
whether it's for mastering course content, language
acquisition, or exam preparation.
4. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate Just 5, because I can’t decide since I didn’t use it for like a
the application as per your experience?
year or so.

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