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Purposes of a Reaction Paper

-Now we are aware that on the internet if you look up in any search engines there are tons of purposes that reaction paper has for people,

but this so far points out its main objective;

It is developing the ability to express oneself in an academic and professional manner. (source:book).

-Do you agree? It will help us improve expressing our personal opinion on a particular topic, this is a primary skill that we should have, and

apparently ,it is necessary to students who are expected to become the leaders of our society someday. and this is basically accurate


The reaction paper is a great platform to interpret the ability to research, understand, and communicate information, what and how you

filter in your personal input in the conclusion part of the paper.

It is important to have such skills that a reaction paper needs because how you acknowledge an argument or a topic may give you new ideas,

perspectives, and points of view for clear judgments.

moving on on

C. Critical Approaches in Writing a Review or Critique

We can critique or review a material with this basis:

• its technical aspects;

•approach to gender;

•your reaction as the audience;

•portrayal of class struggle and;

•social structure

Here we present the four of many B.Critical approaches that can be used in writing a review or critique:

1.Formalism- posits that the key to understanding a text is through the tent itself. The form of the text is where formalism is concerned

about and more focused on.

- such as the style, imagery, and structure of a text. So, the historical content, the author, or any other external contents are not necessary in

interpreting the meaning.

-Poems and short stories are a great example to use formalism (for instance, the elements of the story or poem such as; characters, setting,

tone, point of view, and the other elements) that is what formalism analyses

These are the common aspects looked into formalism:

a. Author's techniques in resolving contradictions within the work

b. Central passage that sums up the entirety of the work

c. Contribution of parts and the work as a whole to its aesthetic quality.

d. Relationship of the form and the content

e. Use of imagery to develop the symbols in the work

f. Interconnectedness of various parts of the work

g. Unity of the Works

-It emphasizes the value of the text instead of its context

2. Feminist criticism/feminism- This is a political form of literature that gives the perspective of writing through a feminist perspective

-and by feminist, it means anyone who opposed to the discrimination against women. because of their gender and the privileging of men

because of their gender

-Are we aware that the aspects of our culture are patriarchal? Do you think that patriarchy is still present in the Philippines?

These are the common aspects looked into feminism:

a. Show culture determines gender

b. Show gender equality (or lack of it) is presented in the text

c. Show gender issues are presented in literary works and other aspects of human production in daily life

d. Show women are socially, politically, psychologically, and economically oppressed by patriarchy

e. Show patriarchal ideology is an overpowering presence

3.Reader-response criticism- is concerned with the reviewer's reaction as an audience of a work, and that the reader's role cannot be

separated from the understanding of the work

- this means that the reader's understanding and its interpretation of it is what matters.

They are the "active consumers" of the material presented to them.

-and from the name itself, It is the reader's response or the audience's reaction to a text.

These are the common aspects looked into reader-response criticism:

a. Interaction between the reader and the text in creating meaning

b. The impact of the readers delivery of sounds and visuals on enhancing and changing meaning.

4.Marxist criticism - is concerned with differences between economic classes and implications of a capitalist system.
-for better understanding, this criticism is focused on the issues and conflicts between the different social classes (upper,middle,lower, and

dangerous) or their socioeconomic status that correlates to these classes.

The continuing conflict between the working class and the elite attempts to reveal that the ultimate source of people's experience is the

socioeconomic system

-the system mentioned is i think where we are being ranked based on our status in life (for example, how much is your income, where do you

live, what is your work, your wealth worth, and social/political status in the society,basically) that is where we are being divided.

These are the common aspects looked into Marxist criticism:

a. social class as represented in the work

b. social class of the writer's creator

c. social class of the characters

d. conflicts and interactions between economic classes

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