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May He who blessed our fathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and ‫ִמ י ֶׁש ֵּבַר ְך ֲא בֹוֵת ינּו ַאְבָר ָהם

ּו ַאְבָר ָהם ִיְצָחק ְוַיֲעֹקב יֹוֵסף ֹמֶׁש ה ְוַאֲהֹרן‬

Yaakov, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, bless and ‫ הּוא ְיָבֵר ְך ְוִיְׁשֹמר ְוִיְנֹצר ֶא ת ֶנְעְּד ֵר י ְצָבא ֲהַגָּנה‬,‫ָּד ִוד ּוְׁש ֹלֹמה‬
protect and guard those who were abducted from the
Israel Defence Forces and the hostages amongst our ‫ְלִיְׂשָר ֵאל ְוֶאת ַהְּׁשבּוִיים‬
brethren the House of Israel who are placed in trouble and .‫ְּבתֹוְך ְׁש ָאר ֲאֵחינּו ֵּבית ִיְֹשָר ֵא ל ַהְּנתּוִנים ְּבָצָר ה ּוְבִׁש ְבָיה‬
in captivity. For this congregation is praying on their behalf. ‫ ַהָּקדֹוׁש ָּברּוְך הּוא ִיָּמ ֵלא‬,‫ַּבֲעבּור ֶׁשַהָּק ָהל ִמ ְת ַּפֵּלל ַּבֲעבּוָר ם‬
May the Holy One, blessed be He, have compassion upon ‫ ּומֹוְסרֹוֵת יֶהם‬,‫ ְויֹוִציֵאם ֵמ ֹחֶׁשְך ְוַצְלָמ ֶות‬,‫ַר ֲחִמ ים ֲעֵליֶהם‬
them and bring them out from darkness and the shadow of
‫ ִויִׁשיֵבם ְמ ֵהָר ה ְלֵחיק‬,‫ ּוִמְּמ צּוקֹוֵת יֶהם יֹוִׁש יֵעם‬,‫ְיַנֵּת ק‬
death. May He break their bonds, deliver them from
distress, and bring them safely back to their families' ."‫ "יֹודּו ַלה' ַחְסּדֹו ְוִנְפְלאֹוָת יו ִלְבֵני ָאָד ם‬.‫ִמ ְׁשְּפחֹוֵת יֶהם‬
embrace. "Give thanks to the Lord for His loving kindness ‫ "ּוְפדּוֵיי ה' ְיׁשּובּון ּוָבאּו ִצּיֹון‬:‫ִויֻק ַּים ָּבֶהם ִמְק ָר א ֶׁש ָּכתּוב‬
and for the wonders He does for the children of men;" and ‫ ָׂש ׂשֹון ְוִׂשְמ ָחה ַיִּׂשיגּו ְוָנסּו‬.‫ְּבִר ָּנה ְוִׂשְמ ַחת עֹוָלם ַעל ֹראָׁשם‬
may there be fulfilled in them the verse: "Those redeemed ‫ָיגֹון ַוֲא ָנָחה" ְוֹנאַמ ר ָאֵמן‬.
by the Lord will return; they will enter Zion with singing
and everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and
joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighting will flee
away." And let us say: Amen.

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