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The Maple Hat

1-7oz skein of Red Heart With Love in mango

5 mm (US size 8) circular needles, 16 in, or size needed to

obtain gauge

k: knit
p: purl
k1b: knit 1 below. Insert your working needle knit wise
into the stitch directly below the stitch on your left
needle. knit like normal. You will have knitted together
the two stitches.
p1b: purl 1 below. Insert your working needle purl wise
into the stitch directly below the stitch on your left
needle. purl like normal. You will have purled together the
two stitches.
k2tog: knit 2 together

About 9 stitches and 11 rows to 3” on the body of the hat

Note: This hat is stitched continuously in the round
Cast on 62 stitches. Make sure the stitches have not twisted before you begin knitting.


Round 1: *k1, p1*. Repeat from *to* until end of round.

Repeat round 1 for 14 rounds.
Body of the Hat
Round 1: *k1b, p1*. Repeat from *to* until end of round.

© 2017 Golden Pine Creations—All rights reserved

Round 2: *p1b, k1*. Repeat from *to* until end of round.
Repeat rounds (1-2) 25 times, for a total of 64 rows (includes the 14 from the brim).
Round 65: k2tog until end of round. Will have 31 stitches on your needles
Round 66: k2tog until last stitch, k1. will have 16 stitches on your needles.
Cast off, tighten the yarn to close the hole, and tie off. Weave in loose ends.

© 2017 Golden Pine Creations—All rights reserved

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