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Reasons for keeping animals in zoo: Reasons for NOT keeping animals in zoo:

1. help protect endangered species through breeding programs. 1. Space and Enrichment:
2. be pretty educational, especially for the youngsters, teaching  Many zoos struggle to provide adequate space and
them about wildlife. environmental enrichment for animals.
3. zoos have come a long way in improving the welfare of
 Limited space can lead to behavioral problems and health
animals and provide medical care. issues for the animals.
4. zoos can bring in tourists and boost the local economy.
2. Ethical Concerns:
 captivity is cruel and causes stress for the animals.
zoos sometimes prioritize making money over actual


Descriptive language to paint vivid conservation efforts.
pictures of animals:
 it's exploitative and doesn't respect their inherent rights.
Elegantly Graceful: a true marvel of the
wild, embodies speed and grace.
Reasons People Want to Have a Pet
Its lissome body is built for the increase Birds are known for their vocalizations.
inits ability to go faster used for communication, attracting mates, 1 Emotional Support and Companionship
and defending territory. 2 Entertainment
3 Teaching Responsibility
They're known for being more sociable.  Helping people cope with difficult life situations, such as
often form tight-knit family units, grief, illness, or stress.
particularly a mother and her cubs  Offer love and affection without judgment
They stick together like a team,  Teach valuable life skills such as responsibility, empathy, and
nurturing those little ones into the fast, compassion.
agile hunters.  provide entertainment and amusement for their owners
 used in therapeutic settings to improve the mental and
emotional well-being of individuals.

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