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My favorite Professor in Highschool.

When I was in grade 7 in high school, teacher of mine who is a science teacher every

day he scolds us actually she is our adviser she always scolds us we thought he didn't

care about us but when our section won the championship in a competition we were all

happy but before the end of the year That's when she said something to me, I can't

remember the exact words she said but what she meant was that I have the potential to

do what I want if I don't always put my weakness first, I have that kind of courage. after

that she just smiled and then we went back to talking about our winning.

Impact: This encounter served as a catalyst, shaping my student's academic focus and

instilling a sense of purpose and also to pursue my second dream course when I was a

child. The professor's insights broadened my understanding of the impact tourism could

have on global communities.

Random Act of Kindness from a Stranger

While going through a tough time, a stranger notice your distress and offers a kind

gesture or supportive words.

Impact: This unexpected act of kindness leaves a lasting impression, reminding me of

the power of compassion. It inspires mine to pay it forward and cultivates a sense of

empathy. The encounter serves as a reminder that small gestures can have a profound

impact on someone's well-being.

Friendship During a Challenging Time:

Forming a deep friendship during a difficult period in my life.

Impact: This significant friendship served as a source of comfort and understanding

during tough times, teaching the value of empathy and companionship. The support

from this friend became a lesson in resilience, shaping your ability to navigate

challenges and fostering a sense of loyalty and connection with others.

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