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Sender’s Address - maintain 3 lines

pin code mandatory
put comma after first two lines and full stop after the third line.

{leave a line}

Date - write full date( No short forms)

{leave a line}

Receiver/ Recipient’s Address -addressed to a person/organisation

put comma after first two lines and full stop after the third line.

{leave a line}

Salutation - Dear Ma’am/Sir/ Principal

do not write Dear Mr.Kiran/Dear Mrs.Sheela etc.
put a comma after the salutation

{leave a line}

Body of the letter

Introduction/ opening statement - state the purpose

{leave a line}

Main body- max two paragraphs

state problem in the first paragraph (max three problems)

{leave a line}

request attention/ state suggestions in the second paragraph

end with concluding effect of the problem

{leave a line}

Closure/concluding sentence- one or two sentences

Thanking you - put a comma after the same
do not leave gap after closing statement

{leave a line}

Subscription/Leave taking - Yours (Y should be capital/ no apostrophe)

put a comma at the end
Sender’s Name - do not leave a line after subscription
full name of the sender should be mentioned

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