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Indian School AlAin

Public speaking competition conducted by AUH

university on 21/04/2024
High School Category
Color code:

Blue - Abel; Yellow- Gladis; Green- Jaishal; Purple- Rachel; Red- Anakha

Every single minute, more than 100 hours of videos are uploaded on
Youtube. On average, a child watches over 100 ads a day, out of which more
than 30% are fake and manipulative. With so much information around, it
is very important to analyze them critically.
Good morning everyone. I’m Abel Reji Mathew, Speaker 1, Gladis, Speaker
2, Rachel, Speaker 3, Anakha, Speaker 4, Jaishal Niyas, Speaker 5.

What is media literacy? Media literacy is the ability to analyze, evaluate,

and critically understand the messages conveyed through media. Think of it
as equipping ourselves with a superpower for the digital age – one that
helps us separate fact from fiction and navigate the online world with

But how media literate is the general public? We conducted a research

survey online, which had over 200 respondents. Almost 80% of people
seem to grasp the essence of media literacy, but 60% of them confessed to
grappling with differentiating between fake and real news. Close to 50% of
all respondents deemed themselves media-savvy, however, MORE THAN
80% expressed a keen eagerness to enhance their media literacy.
Additionally, a captivating consensus emerged: the conviction that
regardless of age, everyone should strive to refine their media literacy skills.
Understanding information spans millennia, yet media literacy emerged in
the 20th century. It's an ancient problem that even Plato, the classical
Greek philosopher, thought a lot about. However, with the advent of the
print revolution, media became cheaper, giving more people the means to
become literate. As media became popular, publishers started spreading
manipulative misinformation for profit. This led to the need for media
literacy within the general public.
Nowadays, fake news travels faster than ever, making it tough to tell what’s
real and what's not. Misinformation is more prevalent, phishing has
become a real problem in recent years, and many more people have fallen
prey to scams. When met with such fake media, how do we confirm its
authenticity? You can do this by verifying sources, checking multiple sites,
believing authenticated authors, investigating fact-checking sites, and
having a critical mindset. If something seems too good to be true, maybe it
is not true at all.
Media literacy is a strategic priority of the UAE.The UAE Digital Wellbeing
Platform is an initiative, that provides tools and resources to help people of
all ages lead positive lives online, A Digital Wellbeing charter, the National
Policy for Digital Wellbeing and the Council for digital wellbeing, are the
first of their kind in the world, and look forward to creating a secure digital
community in the UAE. This is a revolution, which showcases dedication to
advancement in technology.
Media and information literacy (MIL) is relevant to all 17 SDGs. If we
consider SDG 4 about quality education for all, MIL contributes by
affording youth and adults with critical information, media and digital
competencies that enable quality education, global citizenship and
peacebuilding. A second example is SDG 5 which prioritizes gender
equality and women’s empowerment; MIL helps women and men of all
ages to enhance their abilities to detect and counter gender stereotypes,
racial discrimination in all types of media and digital platforms. Finally, ML
supports SDG 16, which includes the target to ensure public access to

These are the initiatives that we have taken to conduct research and share
the idea of media literacy to the public. We created an instagram page and
also a website. We campaigned in both school and outside. The details of
the website will be given on the brochure that will be distributed at the end
of the presentation. {INSERT VIDEO HERE}
But How does media Literacy help YOU?? Media literacy is your key to
cutting through the noise. You'll be able to identify fake news, understand
how the media shapes your views, and make informed decisions about the
information you consume. Imagine being a smarter audience, a more
critical thinker, and a more empowered citizen. Media literacy puts you in
control of your information diet.

How can we make everyone Media Literate? Schools can teach the skills,
and workshops can help everyone from teachers to community leaders in
igniting critical thinking and digital skills.Tech companies are also a key to
the solution. Social media can be a great tool to spread the word about
media literacy. An example would be Mind Over Media, an international
collaboration that educates people on media literacy. Together, we'll
confidently navigate the digital landscape!

In conclusion, Let's empower ourselves and future generations with the

tools to decipher fact from fiction, ensuring a more informed and
enlightened world for all.
See beyond the filter, think critically.
Be the change, be media smart!
Own your feed, be the filter.cha

Fix your eyes on the truth.

Be a media navigator, not a follower! It's time to take action and champion
media literacy for a brighter tomorrow.

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