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Lesson Plan (Day 5)

Instructor: Miss Alexander

Grade: 9

Demographic: 14 students

Lesson on Samuel Morse

*Lesson plan based on 55 minutes

Students will be introduced to Samuel Morse and learning about the importance of the morse

code. There will also be an activity for the students to get an idea of morse code and how much

easier it is to understand than having mouth to ear communication from person to person.






Formative Assessment:

Morse code activity discussion

Teaching Strategies/Procedures/Activity:

Time Students are doing Teacher is doing

1-3 minutes
Students are settling into class, Already wrote the lesson on board
grabbing their notebooks and before the class started and waited
pencils to get ready to learn and for students to walk and sit in their
write down the topic written on the assigned seats. The teacher will
board and copy it down. Students then briefly go over the lesson of
will also listen to instructions that the day about Samuel Morse.
the teacher will briefly provide.
Students can take this time to turn
in their assignments from yesterday
(if any).

5 minutes
Students will be listening to the The teacher will introduce the new
teacher go over the instructions of inventor of the unit, and explain his
the day. They will also be importance to the unit.
introduced to Samuel Morse as the
inventor of the Morse Code, used as
an international emergency alert
system (SOS)

25 minutes
Students will be given a Morse Teacher will explain how to use the
Code Sheet (A,B,C’s), A couple of sheet and how to learn the language.
different Morse Code Sheets that
the students will be deciphering

20 minutes
There will be an activity where 2 Teacher will oversee the activity
students will be chosen (we can do going on, making sure the students
this multiple times) to be the one to are being safe and following school
create the morse code and the other rules.
has to decipher the code. The rest of
the people have to spread out along
the school to race and beat the
morse code group. They have to
whisper the phrase (chosen at the
beginning by the starting person and
the coder) to each other when they
find the next person. The last person
has to come back to class (everyone
included) and tell the teacher the
correct phrase. If the Morse Code
people get the phrase first they
“win” if the other group comes back
first and gets the phrase right then
they “win”.

5 minutes
Students are settled in their seats Teacher is explaining the “Shark
and are listening to the teacher talk Tank Project” that is their end of
about the unit project. unit project.

Students draw on concepts and processes using primary and secondary sources from history to

develop historical perspectives and understand issues of continuity and change in the

community, Maine, the United States, and the world.

History 1: F1

History 1: F2

History 1: F4 These are standards that are used throughout the unit

History 1: D1

History 1: D2

Accommodations (struggling/accelerated learners):

These students are allowed to go to the library and read a book about the Industrial Revolution

and do independent work, or do research on a topic that interests them. They can add this

independent work to their portfolio.


Authentic Assessment Handout- Google Docs

Shark Tank Rubric- Google Docs

morse code alphabet - Search Images (

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