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Building Bridges

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandoms: Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy
Relationships: Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop & Carina DeLuca
Characters: Maya Bishop, Carina DeLuca, Andy Herrera, Amelia Shepherd, Andrew
DeLuca, Katherine Bishop (Station 19)
Additional Tags: Autistic Maya, Autism Spectrum, Some angst, Fluff, Romance, Drama &
Romance, Angstier than the last one, mentions of abuse (lane bishop)
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Common Ground
Stats: Published: 2024-04-03 Updated: 2024-04-23 Words: 56,788 Chapters:
Building Bridges
by Sleepwalker7


Set one year after 'Common Ground', Maya and Carina continue to navigate the complexities
of life together. As they journey through the joys and challenges together, they encounter
obstacles that test their bond and resilience.



Here's part 2 of 'Common Ground', set one year later. Enjoy :)

Chapter 1

As the fire truck rumbled down the street, Maya sat in the passenger seat, her thoughts
drifting to the upcoming milestone of her two-year anniversary with Carina. With the sirens
blaring in the background, she turned to Andy, who was focused on the road ahead.

"Hey, Andy," Maya began, her voice slightly raised to be heard over the noise of the truck.
"Do you have any ideas for what would be an appropriate gift for a two-year anniversary?"

Andy glanced at Maya, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Ah, the big two-year mark,
huh? I’m not sure what’s appropriate. Honestly, I think it's more about the sentiment behind
the gift."

Maya nodded thoughtfully, considering Andy’s words. "Yeah, you're right. It's just that
Carina always puts so much thought into everything, and I want to make sure I get her
something special."

"How about jewelry? A nice necklace or bracelet could be a great idea. It's timeless and can
symbolize your love and commitment."

Maya's eyes lit up with interest. "That's a great idea! Carina loves jewelry, and it would be
something she could cherish for years to come."

Andy grinned. "Exactly! Plus, every time she wears it, she'll think of you."

Maya leaned back in her seat, her brow furrowing with uncertainty. "But how do I know
which one to pick? There are so many options."

Andy chuckled softly. "You know Carina better than anyone else. Just pick something you
think she'll like, something that speaks to her style and personality."

Maya nodded, feeling a bit more reassured by her friend’s advice. "Yeah, you're right. I'll
trust my instincts."

As they arrived at the scene of the emergency, they sprang into action, their focus shifting to
their duties as firefighters. But even amidst the chaos of the call, Maya's thoughts kept
drifting back to the upcoming anniversary.

Once they were back at the station and the adrenaline rush had subsided, Andy turned to
Maya with a curious expression. "So, do you and Carina have anything special planned for
your anniversary?"

“I know Carina wants to go to a lake for the weekend, but I'm not really a fan of swimming.
I'm not sure if that's the best idea."

"Well, I get that. But sometimes trying new things, especially for someone you care about,
can lead to some unexpected and wonderful experiences."
Maya considered Andy’s words, feeling a flicker of excitement mingled with nervousness.
"Yeah, you're right. I have been working on stepping outside of my comfort zone more.”

Jack’s voice cut through the air with a teasing tone. "So, when are you gonna pop the big
question, Bishop?"

Maya blinked in confusion, caught off guard by the unexpected comment. "What? I don't
have any questions," she replied.

Andy chuckled at Maya's response, shaking her head. "Jack means when are you going to
propose to Carina," she clarified.

Maya's cheeks flushed crimson as she processed Jack’s words. "Oh! I... I hadn't really
thought about it," she stammered, her mind racing with the implications of such a significant
step in their relationship.

Jack grinned, nudging Maya playfully. "Well, you better start thinking about it if you're
planning a romantic weekend getaway," he teased.

Maya's heart raced with uncertainty as she turned to Andy, her voice betraying her anxiety.
"Do you think Carina is expecting me to propose? Should I... Should I do it now?" she
rambled, her thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of doubt and apprehension.

Andy regarded Maya with a reassuring smile, placing a comforting hand on her arm. "Hey,
it's okay to feel unsure.”

“When do people get married exactly?”

"Well," Andy began patiently, "marriage is a commitment—a promise to stand by each other
through thick and thin, to support and uplift one another, and to build a life together based on
love and mutual respect."

Maya listened intently, her brow furrowing in concentration. "But how do I know if Carina
and I should get married?" she asked.

Andy offered Maya a reassuring smile. "It's a big decision, and there's no one-size-fits-all
answer. It's about knowing each other deeply, trusting in your bond, and envisioning a future
together," she explained.

Maya nodded slowly, digesting Andy’s words as she contemplated the significance of
marriage and what it meant for her relationship with Carina. "I want to be with Carina
forever," she admitted softly, her voice filled with conviction.

“Well, that’s a good start,” Andy said. "But Maya, it's important to remember that the
decision to propose should come from your heart, not from outside pressure or expectations.”

But Maya's mind was already spinning with possibilities, her thoughts consumed by the idea
of proposing to Carina. "I just don't know how to do it," she admitted, her words tumbling out
in a rush of uncertainty. "And what if I pick the wrong ring? What if she doesn't like it?"
"Alright, take a deep breath. The most important thing is that your proposal comes from a
place of love and sincerity. Carina will appreciate the sentiment, regardless of the details,"
Andy reassured her.

"I am going to propose to Carina," Maya said with sudden determination, her voice steady
and resolute. With a firm nod, she added, "And I'll start doing research as soon as I get


Maya sat at the dining table, completely immersed in her research on proposals, lake cabins,
and all the intricacies involved in planning the perfect engagement. Lost in her thoughts and
focused on her laptop screen, she didn't notice the sound of the front door opening, signaling
Carina's return home.

It was only when Carina's footsteps approached her from behind that Maya finally snapped
out of her reverie. Startled, she panicked and swiftly slammed her laptop shut, her cheeks
flushing with embarrassment.

"Maya, hey," Carina greeted, a warm smile playing on her lips as she leaned down to place a
kiss on Maya's cheek. "What are you up to?"

Maya took a moment to compose herself, her heart still racing from the sudden interruption.
"Oh, uh, just, you know, some work stuff," she replied, her voice slightly strained as she
attempted to mask her flustered state.

Carina raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued by Maya's unusual reaction. "Work stuff, huh?
What's it about?"

Maya's mind raced as she searched for a plausible explanation. "Actually, it's, um,
confidential," she stammered, inwardly cursing herself for the clumsy excuse.

Carina's smile widened, amused by Maya's awkwardness. "Confidential?”

"It's for our anniversary!" Maya blurted out, unable to stop herself. "Please don't ask, Carina,
you know I'm a bad liar, and it's supposed to be a surprise."

Carina's expression softened as she realized Maya's intentions. "Okay, okay, I won't pry. I'll
just go get changed then. Do you need any help with anything?"

Maya shook her head, relieved. "No, I've got it covered. Thank you."

She retreated to the kitchen, her mind still buzzing with thoughts of the proposal. She began
preparing dinner, chopping vegetables with focused precision. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't
hear Carina approaching.

"Need any help?" the brunette’s voice suddenly broke through the fog, causing her to startle
and nearly drop the knife.

"Carina!" Maya exclaimed. "You scared me!"

Carina chuckled, placing a comforting hand on Maya's shoulder. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle
you. What's got you so deep in thought?"

Maya hesitated, unsure if she should reveal her plans just yet. But then she remembered how
Carina had always supported her, especially during moments of uncertainty.

"It's... well, it's about our anniversary," Maya admitted, turning to face Carina. "I want it to be
special, you know?"

Carina smiled warmly. "I'm sure it will be. Whatever you have planned, I'll love it because it's
from you."

As Maya stirred the simmering pot on the stove, her thoughts continued to swirl with ideas
for the proposal. Should she do it on one knee, like in the movies? Would Carina prefer a big
or small ring? Lost in her musings, she barely noticed Carina entering the kitchen again.

"Hey, should I set the table?" Carina's voice pulled Maya from her thoughts, and she blinked,
momentarily disoriented.

"Oh, um, yeah, sure," Maya replied, trying to hide her flustered state. "That would be great."

Carina studied Maya for a moment, sensing her distraction, but she didn't press further.
Instead, she moved to set the table, casting occasional glances at Maya, who seemed lost in

As they sat down at the table, Maya couldn't help but fidget with the placement of the utensils
and napkins. She rearranged a fork here, adjusted a glass there, her mind still preoccupied
with thoughts of the upcoming proposal.

Carina watched Maya with amusement, a fond smile playing on her lips. "Maya, it looks fine
just the way it is," she teased gently.

Maya paused, realizing her actions, and offered a sheepish smile in return. "Sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

Maya, eager to shift the conversation away from her own thoughts, turned her attention to
Carina. "How was your day at work?"

Carina shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing special. Well, Arizona invited us to her birthday
party next week."

Maya's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Really?”


“Well, it’s nice that you’re on friendly terms now.”

Carina nodded. “I guess so.”

“Should we go?”

Carina returned her gaze, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Do you want to go?"

Maya hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts of potential social interactions. "I mean, I read
in an article that it’s good to socialize outside of work, but... do you know who will be there?"

Carina shrugged. "Probably people from the hospital, mostly."

Maya nodded slowly, considering the possibility. "Well, we can go if you want to," she
finally replied, leaving the decision in Carina's hands.

“I will think about it.”

“Okay. Don’t think too long because I need to add it to our calendar.”

Carina smiled. “I know, bambina.”

After dinner, they cleaned up the table together, their movements synchronized from the
countless times they had shared this task. Maya's excitement bubbled over as she mentioned
her favorite TV show.

"There's a new episode tonight!" she exclaimed, a gleam of anticipation in her eyes.

Carina chuckled as she dried off a plate. "You know, you guessed the killer like three
episodes ago.”

Maya grinned. "I did, but I still enjoy watching it. It's not just about guessing the killer, you

Carina smiled affectionately at Maya's enthusiasm. "Of course, I know. It's the whole

They settled on the couch. Carina lay with her head nestled in Maya's lap, her steady breaths
a soothing rhythm against Maya's thighs. As the show began, Maya found herself immersed
in the unfolding plot, her attention captured by the intricate twists and turns.

After a while, Maya glanced down at Carina and noticed the gentle rise and fall of her chest,
the soft flutter of her eyelids as she succumbed to sleep. A warm smile tugged at Maya's lips
as she admired the peaceful expression on her girlfriend’s face. Leaning down, Maya pressed
a tender kiss to Carina's forehead.
Chapter 2

Maya sat at a corner table in a small restaurant, her leg bouncing nervously beneath the table.
She checked her phone for the umpteenth time, glancing at the time and then scanning the
room for any sign of her mother's arrival. With each passing minute, her impatience grew, her
mind conjuring up various scenarios for her mother's tardiness.

Finally, she spotted her mother entering the restaurant. As her mother approached the table,
Maya couldn't help but blurt out, "You're late."

Katherine offered an apologetic smile as she settled into the seat across from Maya. "I'm
sorry, darling. Traffic was worse than I expected."

Maya nodded, her agitation easing slightly now that her mother was here. "It's okay, Mom.
I'm just glad you made it."

Her mother reached across the table, patting Maya's hand reassuringly. "Thank you for
understanding. How have you been?"


“I’m happy to hear that, dear.”

Maya hesitated for a moment, the pause hanging in the air as she realized the social cue she
had missed. She mentally chided herself for forgetting the simple courtesy she had been
taught growing up. It still happened sometimes but at least she was quick to recognize it.

"Sorry, Mom," she said, quickly recovering. "How have you been?"

Her mother smiled warmly, appreciating Maya's effort to engage in the conversation. "I've
been well. Just busy with work and trying to keep up with everything at home."

The waiter approached with a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, ladies. Can I start you off with something to drink?" he asked politely.

"I'll have a glass of iced tea, please,” Maya said.

The waiter nodded and turned to Katherine. "And for you, ma'am?"

"I'll just have a glass of water for now, thank you."

"Of course," the waiter said with a nod before excusing himself to fulfill their drink orders.

Once he left, Maya's mother picked up the menu, scanning the options. "Hmm, everything
looks so good. I just need a moment to decide."

Maya nodded. "Okay. I already know what I want."

As Katherine scanned the menu, she glanced up at Maya with a curious expression. "So,
how's Carina? You two seem to be getting along quite well."

Maya smiled. "Yeah, we're doing really well. Actually, I've decided to propose to her on our

Her mother's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, Maya, that's wonderful news! What made you
decide to do that?"

Maya fidgeted with her napkin, her cheeks tinted pink with a mix of nervousness and
anticipation. "Well, Carina means everything to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life
with her. I just... I want to show her how much she means to me."

Her mother reached across the table, gently squeezing her hand. "That's so sweet, honey. I'm
sure Carina will be over the moon. Have you thought about how you're going to do it?"

Maya nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, I have a few ideas in mind. I want it
to be special."

“I’m sure whatever you come up with will be perfect.”

Maya frowned a bit, a curious expression crossing her face. "Mom, why did Dad propose to

Her mother paused, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips. "Well, I suppose for the same
reasons as you, Maya. He loved me, or at least I thought he did."

Maya's confusion deepened. "But you two got divorced. He treated you badly, so why did he
ever want to marry you?"

Katherine’s smile faltered slightly, a shadow passing over her features. "Sometimes love isn't
enough. People change, circumstances change. Your father and I... we just grew apart."

Maya nodded slowly, processing her mother's words. "So, sometimes love doesn’t matter?”

"Love is important, Maya, but it's not the only thing that matters in a relationship. Trust,
communication, compatibility... they all play a role too."

Maya nodded in understanding, her mind swirling with thoughts about her relationship with
Carina. She hoped that their love would be enough to overcome any obstacles they might
face in the future.

Maya's forehead knotted with concern. "Do you think Carina and I will end up divorcing?"

Her mother's expression softened, her gaze meeting Maya's with reassurance. "Maya, I can't
predict the future. But if your intentions are right, and you both treat each other with kindness
and respect, then I believe you can weather any storm that comes your way."

Maya considered her mother's words, a sense of relief washing over her. "Thanks, Mom. I
just want to make sure I’m doing the right thing."
Katherine smiled warmly. "You're a smart and caring person. Trust in yourself and your love
for each other, and you'll find your way."


Maya stood in front of the closet, her face twisted in frustration. The outfit she had
meticulously planned for Arizona's party wasn't completely dry yet from the laundry. She
hated the texture of clothes against her skin when they weren't completely dry, and now she
needed to find something else to wear.

"Carina, I don't know what to do," Maya fretted, holding up a dress that she liked but wasn't
sure if it would be appropriate for the party.

Carina stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her hair as she looked at Maya
with concern. "What's wrong?"

"My outfit isn't dry yet," Maya explained with a sigh. "And I can't stand wearing clothes
when they're not completely dry. I need to find something else to wear, but I don't know

Carina walked over to Maya. "It's okay, bambina. We'll find something else for you to wear.
Let's see if we can find something that you'll feel comfortable in."

Maya nodded, grateful for Carina's support. Together, they began to sift through Maya's
wardrobe, exploring different options until Maya found an outfit that felt just right. As she
changed into her chosen attire, a sense of relief washed over her.

She stepped into the bathroom, glancing at herself in the mirror as she prepared to do her
makeup. Carina followed behind her, towel still wrapped around her hair as she leaned
against the doorframe.

"Are you excited for the party?" she asked.

Maya met Carina's gaze in the mirror, her expression blank. "No, not really. You know I don't
like parties."

Carina chuckled, reaching over to grab a hairdryer. "I know, but we’ll try to make it fun. Plus,
we'll get to see some familiar faces from the hospital."

Maya sighed, reluctantly nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I guess you're right.”

“Hey, if it gets too much, we’ll leave, okay?”


With that settled, Maya focused on applying her makeup while Carina started to blow-dry her
hair, the sound of the hairdryer filling the bathroom with a comforting hum. Despite her
reservations about the party, Maya felt a sense of calm wash over her knowing that Carina
would be by her side throughout the evening.

A while later, they arrived at Arizona's place, where the sounds of laughter and music greeted
them before they even stepped through the door. Arizona greeted them with a wide smile,
wrapping Carina in a warm hug.

"Hey, Carina! So glad you could make it!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident.

Carina returned the hug, smiling back at Arizona. "Thanks for inviting us, Arizona. Happy
early birthday!"

Maya stood slightly off to the side, feeling a bit out of place amidst the festivities. She
extended her hand awkwardly towards Arizona. "Uh, happy birthday," Maya said, her voice
tinged with uncertainty.

Arizona chuckled, shaking Maya's hand warmly. "Thank you, Maya! It's not actually until
next week, but I figured why not celebrate early?"

Maya's confusion was palpable as she glanced at Carina for confirmation. Carina gave her a
reassuring smile before turning back to Arizona to engage in conversation. Despite Maya's
initial discomfort, she tried to relax and enjoy the party.

Andrea spotted Maya amidst the crowd and made his way over to her with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Maya! How's it going?" he greeted her warmly.

Maya returned the smile, feeling a bit more at ease in his presence. "Hey, Andrea. It's going
okay, thanks."

Andrea gestured towards the kitchen. "Want to grab a drink?"

Maya nodded gratefully. "Sure, that sounds good."

They made their way to the kitchen, where Andrea reached for a soda from the fridge and
handed it to Maya. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.”

Andrea leaned against the kitchen counter casually. "So, is it weird for you that Carina's
friends with her ex?"

Maya paused, considering the question for a moment. "Should it be weird?" she asked,
genuinely puzzled.

Andrea shrugged. "I guess it depends on the situation. Some people find it uncomfortable,
others don't care."

Maya took a sip of her drink, mulling over Andrea's words. "Well, Carina and Arizona seem
to be on good terms now. I trust Carina, so it's not really a big deal for me."
Andrea nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. As long as you're cool with it, that's what

Maya followed Andrea back into the living room, scanning the crowd until she spotted
Carina engaged in conversation with Amelia. She moved closer, catching snippets of their
conversation, but her attention waned as they delved into work-related topics.

As Maya zoned out a bit, her focus snapped back when Arizona joined the group, introducing
them to a tall brunette woman who exuded confidence.

"Maya, Carina, this is Olivia," Arizona said with a wide smile. "My girlfriend."

Maya blinked, processing the information. She extended a hand politely. "Nice to meet you,

Carina offered a warm greeting as well, her demeanor friendly but somewhat reserved. "Hi,
Olivia. It's nice to meet you."

Olivia's response was equally cordial as she shook their hands. "Likewise. I've heard a lot
about both of you."

Maya attempted to engage in the conversation swirling around her, but the crowd, combined
with the pulsating music, overwhelmed her senses. Feeling increasingly disoriented, she
excused herself and wandered off, seeking solace in a quiet corner of the room.

Leaning against a wall, Maya took a deep breath, trying to steady herself amidst the sensory
overload. The dim lighting and muffled sounds offered a brief respite from the storm of
voices and music. Closing her eyes, she focused on regulating her breathing, willing the
anxiety to ebb away.

Lost in her thoughts, Maya took a moment to center herself before she heard footsteps
approaching. She opened her eyes and saw Olivia.

"Hey there, Maya, right?"

Maya managed a weak smile. "Yeah, that's me."

Olivia's gaze bore into Maya’s, her expression probing. "So, Arizona mentioned you're on the
spectrum. Is that why you’re hiding in a corner?”

Maya felt a jolt of surprise at Olivia's directness, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
She fumbled for a response, feeling exposed by the mention of her autism. "It's, uh, yeah, it's
a bit loud," she mumbled.

“What's it like? Do you struggle with socializing? Are parties like this too much for you?"

Maya felt a knot form in her stomach at Olivia's barrage of questions. She shifted
uncomfortably. "Um, well, it's different for everyone... I guess..."
Olivia's persistence only seemed to grow, her questions becoming increasingly intrusive. "But
like, do you have meltdowns? Can you even handle being in a relationship?"

Maya's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and frustration. She struggled to find the words to
respond, feeling as though her personal boundaries were being violated.

"Sorry, I don't really feel comfortable discussing this," she finally managed, her voice tight
with tension.

Olivia's expression hardened, her demeanor unapologetic. "Wow, sensitive much? I was just

As Olivia walked away, Maya was left feeling shaken and vulnerable. The encounter had left
a sour taste in her mouth, a stark reminder of the ignorance and insensitivity she sometimes
faced because of her autism. She stood there, frozen, until Carina found her.

The Italian woman’s concerned gaze assessed Maya's pale face. "Hey, bella, everything

Maya forced a smile, trying to mask her unease. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, nodding
quickly. But as she moved her trembling hands, the soda can slipped from her grip, spilling
some of its contents onto the floor.

Maya's breath caught in her throat as she watched the soda spread across the floor, her hands
shaking even more now. She could feel the eyes of the partygoers on her, adding to her panic.

Carina's eyes narrowed with concern, noting the telltale signs of Maya's distress. "Are you
sure?" she pressed gently, crouching down to help clean up the spill.

Maya swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't want to make a fuss, didn't
want to ruin Arizona's celebration. "I'm just... a bit overwhelmed," she admitted reluctantly,
avoiding Carina's gaze.

Carina placed a comforting hand on Maya's shoulder. “It's okay. We can leave if you're not
feeling up to it," she offered.

Maya hesitated, torn between wanting to stay and not wanting to cause any trouble. But the
overwhelming sensory stimuli and the encounter with Olivia had taken their toll. With a sigh,
she finally nodded, grateful for Carina's understanding.

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea," Maya murmured.


As they stepped into the comforting familiarity of their home, Carina couldn't shake the
feeling that something was amiss with Maya. The usually vibrant and talkative blonde had
been unusually quiet ever since they left Arizona's party. At first, Carina had attributed it to
social fatigue, understanding Maya's struggles with sensory overload in crowded
environments. But now, as Maya remained uncharacteristically silent, Carina couldn't help
but feel a growing sense of concern gnawing at her.
"Maya, is everything okay?" she finally voiced her worries.

Maya, who had been lost in her own thoughts, blinked in surprise at Carina's question. She
opened her mouth to respond, then closed it again, unsure of how to articulate the tumult of
emotions swirling inside her.

Carina studied Maya's expression, noting the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. "You've been
quiet since we left the party. Is something bothering you?" she pressed, reaching out to brush
a stray lock of hair from Maya's face.

Maya hesitated, her gaze flitting away from Carina's probing eyes. She struggled to find the
words to convey the turmoil churning within her, the lingering discomfort from her encounter
with Olivia at the party.

"It's just..." Maya began, "I-I didn't expect... things to be like that."

Carina's brow furrowed in concern. "Like what?" she prompted softly, giving Maya the space
to express herself.

Maya swallowed hard, her throat feeling tight. "I-I don't know," she admitted, her voice
trembling slightly. "It's just... everything felt so overwhelming, and then Olivia..." She trailed
off, unable to articulate the discomfort she had felt during their conversation.

Carina's expression softened with understanding as she reached out to envelop Maya in a
comforting embrace. "Hey, it's okay. Did something happen with Olivia?”

Maya chewed on her lip, torn between her desire to keep the peace and her need to confide in
Carina. Finally, she met Carina's gaze, and said, “She asked me about my autism.”

"She did what?" Carina's voice rose incredulously, a hint of anger simmering beneath the

Maya hesitated before repeating Olivia's probing inquiries about her autism. "She... she
wanted to know if I struggle with sensory overload and if I have meltdowns and if I’m
capable of being in a relationship.”

Carina's jaw clenched as she processed the information, her frustration evident. “Che cazzo,"
she muttered under her breath. "I can't believe she had the audacity to ask you that."

“Sometimes people ask out of curiosity, but she… she made me uncomfortable. I’m sorry.”

“Olivia should be the one to apologize, not you. I will call Arizona right now.”

Maya interjected, "Please, Carina, don't. I don't want to make a scene or draw attention to

Carina's expression softened as she observed Maya. With a sigh, she relented, realizing the
weight of Maya's reluctance. "Okay, bambina. I won't call Arizona. But Olivia owes you an
apology, and I won't let her get away with this."
Maya shook her head. "Please, Carina, just let it go. I don't want to make a fuss."

"Maya, this isn't making a fuss. Olivia crossed a line.”

But Maya couldn't shake off the memories flooding her mind – of past confrontations that
only made things worse, of her father’s scolding for speaking up. She felt a knot tighten in
her chest, a familiar ache of vulnerability. "I just... I don't want any trouble," she murmured,
her gaze fixed on the floor.

Understanding dawned in Carina's eyes as she realized the depth of Maya's apprehension. She
softened her tone, reaching out to gently squeeze Maya's hand. "Okay. We'll handle this your

Maya nodded, relaxing a little. “Thank you.”

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

Thanks for your comments :)

Carina stormed through the hospital corridors, her mood terrible. As she approached the
nursing station, she caught sight of a nurse, her voice chirpy as she chatted with a colleague.
Irritation surged within Carina, and without a second thought, she snapped at the nurse,
"Could you keep it down? Some of us are trying to work here!"

The nurse recoiled, taken aback by Carina's sharp tone. Before the situation could escalate
further, Andrea intervened. He stepped forward, placing a calming hand on Carina's shoulder.
"Hey, Carina, let's take a breather," he urged in a low voice, shooting a quick apologetic
glance at the startled nurse.

Carina's anger simmered beneath the surface, but she nodded curtly, allowing Andrea to
guide her away from the nursing station. As they moved down the hallway, Andrea spoke in a
soothing tone, "What's going on? You seem really wound up."

Carina's steps slowed as she sighed heavily. "Andrea, you won't believe what happened at
Arizona's party," she began.

Andrea glanced at his sister, concern furrowing his brow. "What happened?"

Carina recounted the uncomfortable encounter with Olivia at the party, her words flowing in
a rush as she described Olivia's intrusive questions and Maya's discomfort. "I just can't
believe she would be so insensitive," Carina concluded, shaking her head in disbelief.

Andrea listened quietly, his expression growing more serious as Carina spoke. "That's
completely out of line," he remarked. "Maya shouldn't have had to deal with that."

"Well, Maya asked me not to make a scene, not to draw attention to her," Carina explained.
"But it's hard, Andrea. It's hard to just let it go."

Andrea placed a comforting hand on his sister's shoulder, offering her a sympathetic look. "I
understand. It's a difficult situation," he acknowledged.

Carina let out a sigh, her gaze drifting to the bustling activity of the hospital around them. "I
just don't know how to handle it," she admitted, a note of helplessness creeping into her

“I suppose you have to respect Maya’s wishes.”

Carina nodded. "I know. I won’t go behind her back. I'll try to let it go, but I swear, if I see
Olivia again..." Her voice trailed off, the threat left unspoken but hanging heavily in the air.

Andrea smiled. “Well, for her sake, I hope that won’t happen.” He steered the conversation to
something lighter. “So, do you have any idea what Maya’s got planned for your

Andrea's question about the anniversary brought a small smile to Carina's face, momentarily
distracting her from the earlier tensions. "Ah, si, our anniversary," she replied, her voice
softening with affection. "Maya mentioned something about a lake house, but she's been
pretty secretive about the details."

Andrea chuckled. "Sounds like she's got something special planned. It must be nice to have a
girlfriend who takes control of all the planning.”

“Yeah, it is nice. Though sometimes I do wish Maya would relax a bit more when it comes to
these things. But I know that's like asking the sun not to rise—it's just who she is."

Andrea chuckled knowingly, offering a sympathetic nod. "Well, at least you know she puts
her heart and soul into it.”

Carina smiled. "That she does.”


The night before their trip, Maya meticulously checked off items from her list, her brow
furrowed in concentration. She double-checked each bag, ensuring they had packed
everything they might need for their weekend getaway at the lake.

Carina leaned against the doorframe. “How’s it going? Need any help?”

“No, that’s okay.” Maya held up a pair of bulky water shoes. "I hope the lake water won't be
too dirty. I don't like to touch mud."

Carina couldn't help but laugh. "Dio, those are ugly,” she teased affectionately, reaching out
to take the water shoes from Maya's hands.

“Well, better safe than sorry, right?”

“I suppose that’s true. You’re lucky you’re hot, even with these abominations, I’m sure.”

Maya's attention returned to the checklist in her hand, scanning through the items with a
determined focus. "We shouldn't forget to bring some pans and utensils," she said.

Carina, watching Maya with amusement, raised an eyebrow. "Won't they have those at the
lake house?"

Maya nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, but it's good to have them just in case," she
explained, her practicality shining through. "You never know what might happen, and I'd
rather be prepared."
"Alright, pans and utensils it is," Carina agreed, reaching out to give Maya's shoulder a
reassuring squeeze. "I’ll grab them, alright?"

Maya glanced at her watch. "I think we have everything then, but I will run to the store to get
some snacks," she announced.

Carina frowned. "Maya, it's really late. Can't we get them in the morning?" she suggested.

Maya hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts of ensuring everything was perfect for their
trip. "But I want it all to be perfect," she protested softly, her nerves betraying her usual

Sensing Maya's unease, Carina offered a reassuring smile. "It'll be fine, tesoro. We have
plenty of time in the morning. Let's focus on getting some rest for now, alright?"

The blonde nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Okay," she relented.

As they prepared for bed, Maya found herself taking extra care with her bedtime routine,
each familiar step offering a fleeting sense of comfort amidst the whirlwind of nerves that
accompanied the thought of the impending proposal. She meticulously arranged her
nighttime essentials on the bedside table, her movements deliberate yet tinged with a subtle
tremor betraying her inner turmoil. Each brushstroke of toothpaste, each adjustment of her
fidget toy, seemed to carry an added weight.

As Maya finally settled into bed, her mind astray with a tumult of thoughts and emotions,
Carina wrapped her in a comforting embrace, offering silent reassurance in the form of a
gentle kiss on her forehead.

As Maya tossed and turned in bed, Carina noticed her restlessness. Maya's movements were
jittery, a sign of her nerves. Carina knew Maya got like this before a big event, especially
when it was somewhere new. Despite the likelihood of a short night's sleep, Carina didn’t
intervene too much.

With a soft touch, Carina tried to soothe Maya's nerves. She understood Maya's need for
perfection, even if it meant a restless night. As the hours passed, Maya's fidgeting slowed,
and they finally drifted off to sleep.


As the blaring alarm jolted them awake, Maya shot up from the bed with a sense of urgency.
Her voice filled the room with rapid-fire ramblings about their need to get going.

Carina, still groggy from sleep, tried to reassure her girlfriend. "We have plenty of time,

But Maya was already on her feet, her mind racing with the tasks ahead. "We still need to fill
the car with gas and swing by the store. I'll take a quick shower and then go over my list one
more time," she declared before disappearing into the bathroom.
As the warm water cascaded over her, Maya's mind drifted back to the day she picked out the
ring for Carina. She remembered how she had spent hours in the store with Andy, carefully
examining each option, ensuring it was perfect for her girlfriend.

She thought of the ring she had finally chosen—a simple yet elegant design, adorned with a
single shimmering diamond. Its beauty had captivated her from the moment she laid eyes on
it, and she knew it would hold a special place in Carina's heart.

She recalled how she had carefully hidden the ring in her bag afterward, ensuring that Carina
wouldn't stumble upon it accidentally. The thought of Carina discovering the ring before the
planned proposal sent a shiver down Maya's spine.

Maya emerged from the shower. She glanced at the bed where Carina lay, still nestled under
the covers.

"Come on, Carina, we need to get going," she urged.

Carina groaned in response, her eyes fluttering open reluctantly. "Do we have to?" she
mumbled sleepily.

“Yes, we do. Come on, up you go."

With a theatrical sigh, Carina finally relented, throwing off the covers and swinging her legs
over the edge of the bed. Maya smiled as she watched Carina grudgingly rise, knowing that
once they got going, Carina would be just as excited about their trip as she was.

As they settled into the car, Maya couldn't contain her excitement, her nerves from the
previous night now replaced with anticipation. Carina, sipping on her coffee, seemed to be
shedding the last remnants of sleepiness.

"Look at that," Maya said, pointing to the clear sky outside. "Perfect weather for a weekend
at the lake, don't you think?"

Carina nodded. "Yeah, it looks like it's going to be a great weekend."

Maya continued to chatter animatedly about their plans for the trip, from the activities they
could do to the meals they could cook together. Carina listened with genuine interest, her
earlier grumpiness fading away with each passing mile.

A while later, they pulled up by a diner along the way. Maya's eyes darted around, taking in
the unfamiliar surroundings. Once seated, Maya's excitement outweighed any lingering
nerves. She eagerly studied the menu, her gaze flitting from one item to another. When their
order arrived, she dug into a stack of fluffy pancakes.

Despite the new environment, Maya's enthusiasm for their trip remained unwavering.

As they arrived at the lake house later, Maya eagerly stepped out of the car, her eyes scanning
the exterior of the quaint cabin. The serene surroundings and the sound of chirping birds
welcomed them as they unloaded their bags.
Maya scanned each room of the cabin, her attention to detail evident as she inspected every
corner. Satisfied with her assessment, she nodded in approval, a small smile playing on her

"Looks cozy," Maya remarked, her voice filled with excitement as she glanced at Carina. "I
think we'll have a wonderful time here."

Carina smiled in agreement, admiring Maya's thoroughness. "It's perfect.”

As Maya unpacked their belongings, Carina suggested taking advantage of the daylight and
going for a dip in the lake. Maya hesitated for a moment, her mind briefly contemplating the
idea of swimming in unfamiliar waters.

“Okay," she finally replied, mustering up a smile as she reached for her bathing suit.

As they changed into their swimwear, Maya pulled out her water shoes, an essential item for
her when it came to dealing with muddy or unfamiliar terrain. Carina couldn't help but laugh
as she saw Maya slip them on.

"Wow, those are really... something," Carina chuckled.

“They’re practical,” Maya defended.

A few minutes later, Maya stood at the edge of the deck, a hint of hesitation evident in her
posture as she clutched her towel tightly around her. She glanced down the wooden steps
leading to the lake, where Carina stood, beckoning her to join.

Despite her initial excitement about the trip, the prospect of swimming in the lake felt
daunting to Maya. The unfamiliarity of the surroundings coupled with the sensory experience
of the water made her feel a bit uneasy. She shifted nervously on her feet, uncertainty
flickering in her eyes.

Carina noticed Maya's hesitation and stepped back up the stairs, meeting Maya halfway.
"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to if you're not comfortable.”

Maya offered a hesitant smile, appreciative of Carina's understanding. "I know, it's just...
new," she admitted softly, her grip on the towel loosening slightly.

With a nod of reassurance from Carina, Maya took a deep breath and followed her into the
lake. The cool water lapped gently against her skin, sending ripples of sensation through her
body. At first, Maya tensed, but as she adjusted, she began to relax.

Carina stayed close by, offering Maya a comforting presence as they waded deeper into the
water. Maya's initial apprehension slowly melted away as she focused on the gentle rhythm
of the lake and the warmth of Carina's hand in hers.

As they ventured further from the shore, Maya found herself growing more at ease with each
step. The sensory input of the water against her skin, the sounds of nature surrounding them,
and the sight of Carina's smile all served to calm her nerves.
Soon, Maya was fully immersed in the experience, laughing and splashing playfully with
Carina. The anxiety that had clouded her mind earlier was replaced with a sense of joy and
contentment as she embraced the moment, grateful for the opportunity to share this
experience with the person she loved.
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Carina stirred from her sleep, the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains casting a
soft glow in the room. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she stretched lazily, reaching out
to find Maya's warm presence beside her. But her hand met only empty sheets.

Rubbing her eyes, Carina assumed Maya had risen early for her usual morning run. With a
yawn, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and padded downstairs, following the
familiar scent of brewing coffee.

As she descended the stairs, Carina's eyes fell upon the sight of the dining table, set
meticulously with breakfast dishes.

Surprised and touched by the gesture, Carina approached the table, a smile spreading across
her face. She marveled at the effort Maya had put into preparing breakfast, even though it
wasn't something she typically did.

"Maya?" Carina called out, scanning the room for any sign of her girlfriend. But there was no

The brunette took a seat at the table, glancing around the room expectantly. She couldn't
shake the feeling of warmth that flooded her heart at the sight before her, grateful for the love
and thoughtfulness Maya had shown.

Finally, Maya emerged from the bathroom. “Oh, you’re awake.”

“This is amazing, bambina.” Carina's eyes sparkled with excitement as she glanced at Maya.
"Is it time to exchange gifts yet?"

Maya hesitated for a moment, her fingers fidgeting nervously. "If you want to.”

Carina smiled. "Of course, I want to.”

Maya returned the smile, though her expression was still tinged with uncertainty. "Okay, let
me just..." She trailed off, her gaze drifting toward the small gift bag sitting on the kitchen

Carina watched as Maya retrieved the bag, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Maya's
hands trembled slightly as she handed Carina the gift. “Happy anniversary, my love.”

With careful fingers, Carina unwrapped the gift, revealing a delicate necklace nestled inside.
The pendant was simple yet elegant, a shimmering silver charm dangling from a delicate
"It's beautiful," Carina breathed, her eyes shining with emotion as she admired the necklace.
She turned to Maya, her heart overflowing with love. "Thank you, Maya. I love it."

“I have another surprise for you later,” Maya told her.

“Oh, you’re spoiling me,” Carina said with a grin. “Now it’s your turn. Hang on, let me grab
my gift.”

Maya sat at the table, her hands fidgeting with a napkin as she waited for Carina to return
with her gift. Her heart pounded with nervous anticipation, unsure of what Carina had
planned. Moments later, Carina emerged from the bedroom, holding a wrapped box in her

"Happy anniversary," she said with a warm smile as she placed the gift in front of Maya.

Maya's eyes lit up with excitement as she carefully unwrapped the box. Inside, she found a
beautifully crafted special edition 3D puzzle featuring intricate designs and patterns, tailored
to her love for puzzles. It was romantic yet thoughtful, a perfect representation of their

"Oh, Carina, this is amazing!" the blonde exclaimed, her face lighting up with delight.
"Thank you so much."

Carina beamed with satisfaction, pleased to see Maya's genuine happiness. "I'm glad you like
it," she said softly, reaching across the table to squeeze Maya's hand affectionately. “These
last two years with you have been perfect, bambina.”

Maya agreed with a smile, “Yes, my love.”

After their meal, they decided to take another dip in the cool waters of the lake.

Back on the wooden deck, they laid down side by side, basking in the warmth of the sun.
Carina closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Maya's presence beside her. But Maya seemed
restless, her thoughts elsewhere.

She couldn't shake the nervous energy that seemed to course through her veins like an electric
current. She fidgeted restlessly, her fingers tracing patterns on the wooden deck beneath her.
Each passing moment felt like an eternity as she wrestled with the secret weighing heavily on
her mind.

She stole a glance at Carina, who lay beside her, absorbing the warm glow of the sun. Maya
longed to confide in her, to share the excitement and anticipation bubbling up inside her. But
the proposal was meant to be a surprise, a moment of pure magic that would sweep Carina
off her feet.

Yet Maya's autism made it difficult for her to keep secrets. She was a terrible liar, her
expressions often giving away more than she intended. And right now, the effort of
concealing her true feelings was becoming increasingly unbearable.

"Maya, is everything okay?" Carina's voice broke through Maya's spiraling thoughts.
Maya forced a smile, hoping to mask the thoughts raging inside her. "Of course, everything's
fine," she replied, her voice sounding unconvincing even to her own ears.

But Carina knew her too well. “Are you sure?”

As Maya struggled to contain her swirling emotions, a noise of discomfort escaped her lips,
betraying the inner turmoil she battled. She turned her face away, unable to meet Carina's
concerned gaze, her heart heavy with the weight of the secret she harbored.

Carina's brow furrowed with worry as she observed Maya. "Bambina, what's wrong?" she
asked. "Does it have anything to do with the surprise you have planned?"

Maya's heart skipped a beat at Carina's words, a pang of guilt piercing through her. She
wanted to reassure Carina, to alleviate her concerns, but the words caught in her throat,
tangled in the web of secrecy she had woven.

"It's... it's nothing, really," she stammered, her voice barely audible above the gentle lapping
of the water against the shore.

Carina wasn’t convinced. “Maya…”

“I’m sorry, Carina. I just… I can’t say anything right now, but it’s nothing bad.”

Carina’s gaze softened with understanding. “Alright. I won’t push.”

“Thank you.”

As the evening descended, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Maya suggested
taking a walk around the lake before dinner. Carina, always eager for a leisurely stroll in
nature, readily agreed, and they set off hand in hand.

As they walked along the winding path, Maya's thoughts were elsewhere, preoccupied with
the carefully laid plans for the proposal.

When they returned to the cabin, Carina decided to take a quick shower before dinner,
leaving Maya alone with her thoughts. As the minutes ticked by, Maya's anxiety mounted,
her heart racing with anticipation.

With trembling hands, she retrieved the small velvet box hidden in her bag, her heart
pounding in her chest as she traced the intricate patterns on its surface.

Carefully opening the box, Maya's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the dazzling ring
nestled within. Taking a deep breath, Maya closed her eyes, willing herself to calm her racing
thoughts. She pictured Carina's radiant smile, the warmth of her embrace, and the love that
bound them together. With each exhale, the knot of tension in Maya's chest began to loosen,
replaced by a sense of determination.

"You can do this, Maya," she whispered to herself. "This is for Carina, for us."
Gently closing the velvet box, Maya tucked it away safely. As she heard the sound of the
shower turning off, she steeled herself for the moment that lay ahead.

When Carina emerged from the shower, she found Maya standing by the door, stiff and

"Maya, is everything okay?" she asked.

Maya forced a smile, though it felt strained on her lips. "Everything's fine," she replied, her
voice tight with tension. "Let's go for dinner, shall we?"

They got ready, and as they made their way to the dining area, Maya's steps were stiff and
mechanical, her mind consumed with the details of the proposal. Carina sensed Maya's
unease but chose to respect her space, trusting that Maya would share whatever was on her
mind when she was ready.

Throughout dinner, Maya's attention wavered, her gaze distant as she robotically pushed food
around her plate. She couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gripped her, the weight
of the impending proposal bearing down on her shoulders.

Finally, as they finished their meal, Maya suggested taking one last walk by the lake before
turning in for the night. Carina agreed, sensing Maya's need for a moment of solitude.

As they walked hand in hand around the tranquil lake, the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle
lapping of water against the shore filled the air with a sense of serenity. Maya's steps were
measured and deliberate, her mind consumed with the task at hand.

Suddenly, Maya came to a halt, her feet rooted to the spot as if by some unseen force. Carina,
noticing Maya's sudden stop, turned to her with a furrowed brow.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Maya took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to find the right words.
"This... this is the spot I chose," she finally said.

Confusion flickered across Carina's face as she looked around the peaceful surroundings.
"The spot you chose for what?”

Maya's hands trembled slightly as she reached into her pocket, retrieving the small velvet box
containing the ring. With a shaky breath, she sank to one knee, her eyes fixed on Carina's
with unwavering determination.

"Carina," she began her carefully rehearsed words. "These past two years with you have been
the most beautiful journey of my life. You've brought light and love into every corner of my
world, and I am endlessly grateful for your presence in my life."

Carina's eyes widened in surprise and delight as she realized what was happening. Tears
welled up in her eyes as she listened to Maya's heartfelt words, her heart overflowing with
"Carina, will you marry me?" Maya asked, her voice filled with hope and vulnerability.

Carina had never thought she wanted to get married, but with Maya, everything was different.
Maya had changed her perspective on love and commitment, showing her the depth of
emotions she never knew she was capable of feeling.

A smile broke across her face as she nodded eagerly, her own eyes shimmering in the
moonlight. "Yes, bambina," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Yes, a thousand
times yes."

With a trembling hand, Maya slipped the ring onto Carina's finger, sealing their love with a
promise that would last a lifetime. And in that moment, as they embraced beneath the
moonlit sky, Maya knew that their journey together was only just beginning.

Tears of happiness streamed down Carina's cheeks as she buried her face in Maya's shoulder,
holding her close. "I had no idea you were planning this," she whispered.

Maya held Carina even tighter, cherishing the warmth of her embrace. "I wanted it to be a
surprise," she admitted, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I... I decided that I want to marry
you because I want to be with you forever."

Carina's heart swelled with emotion at the shorter woman’s words. "And I want to be with
you forever too.”

They held each other close, the world around them fading into the background. Then, with a
soft laugh, Maya pulled away slightly, smiling sheepishly.

"Andy helped me pick out the ring. She said it was perfect for you."

"It's absolutely perfect," Carina agreed. “I love it.”

"I'm sorry if I acted weird today," Maya murmured, her voice tinged with regret. "It's just...
it's very hard for me to keep a secret."

Carina brushed some strands of hair away from Maya’s face. “You don’t have to apologize,”
she said before leaning in to kiss her gently on the lips.

As they stood wrapped in each other's arms, Maya's mind raced ahead, already jumping to the
next steps they needed to take.

"We need to start planning the wedding," she blurted out. "There's so much to do—venues to
choose, guest lists to make, and don't even get me started on the flowers!"

Carina chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Let's enjoy this moment first,
okay?" she suggested, gently cutting through Maya's rambling with a touch of laughter.

Maya's cheeks flushed as she realized her eagerness might have gotten the better of her.
"Right, of course.” But then, unable to contain her enthusiasm, she blurted out, "I even
bought new lingerie for tonight!"
Carina's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Is
that so?" she teased. "Well then, I think it's time we head back to the cabin, don't you?"

Maya's cheeks flushed even darker as she nodded eagerly, her heart pounding with
anticipation. With their hands clasped tightly together, they turned and made their way back
to the cozy cabin.

Chapter End Notes

So, Carina didn't reject Maya's proposal, as some of you thought. Instead, I have other
drama lined up *evil laugh*.
Chapter 5

The next morning, Maya and Carina lay entwined in each other's arms, basking in the
afterglow of their engagement. With contented sighs, they snuggled closer, arms wrapped
around each other’s naked bodies.

As they lay tangled in the sheets, Maya's mind buzzed with excitement, her thoughts already
turning to the future. With a burst of energy, she propped herself up on one elbow, her eyes
sparkling with enthusiasm.

"So, about the wedding..." she began, unable to contain her excitement any longer.

Carina chuckled softly, her fingers tracing lazy circles on Maya's back. "Already thinking
about it, huh?"

Maya nodded, her mind racing with a thousand questions. "What color scheme should we go
for? Do you want a traditional wedding or something more casual? Should we hire a DJ or
make a playlist ourselves?" she rattled off, her words tumbling out in a rush.

Carina listened with a fond smile, her heart swelling with love for her enthusiastic fiancée.
"Take a breath, bambina," she chuckled, gently interrupting Maya's barrage of questions. "We
have plenty of time to figure everything out. Let's just enjoy this moment for now, okay?"

"Sorry, it's just a big thing to plan," Maya said, her enthusiasm tempered by a hint of anxiety.
"And I feel like we shouldn't wait too long."

Carina's smile softened with understanding as she reached out to gently caress Maya's cheek.
"I know," she reassured. "But let's first enjoy our engagement, okay? We have all the time in
the world to plan our perfect day."

Maya's shoulders relaxed as she nodded in agreement, grateful for Carina's calming presence.
"You're right," she conceded, a sense of relief washing over her. "Let's just focus on being

With a playful glint in her eyes, Carina rolled Maya onto her back, capturing her lips in a
kiss. Then, she trailed soft kisses down Maya's neck, eliciting a contented sigh from her

Despite Carina's tender touches, Maya found it difficult to relax. Her body remained tense,
her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and worries. As Carina pressed kisses to her neck, Maya's
fingers fidgeted nervously with the edge of the blanket.

"Carina," she murmured. "We're leaving the cabin today, and I haven't even started packing

Carina paused, her lips still lingering against Maya's pale skin. "Hey, it's okay," she soothed,
sensing the blonde’s unease. "We have plenty of time.”
But Maya's mind refused to quiet, the impending departure looming large in her thoughts. "I
know, but..." she began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to articulate her worries.

Carina brushed a gentle hand against Maya's cheek. "Maya, listen to me," she said, her voice
gentle but firm. "We'll pack together, okay? You don't have to do it alone."

A sense of relief washed over Maya as she met Carina's reassuring gaze. With a nod, she
allowed herself to sink into Carina's embrace.


As they settled into the car, Maya's gaze wandered to Carina's hand on the steering wheel, the
engagement ring sparkling in the sunlight. A rush of emotion washed over her as she traced
the outline of the ring with her eyes, the weight of its significance settling deep in her chest.

Carina glanced over at Maya, a warm smile lighting up her features. "Ready to head back
home?" she asked.

Maya nodded.

As they drove down the highway, Maya said, “I should learn how to drive so you won’t get
tired from having to do all the driving.”

Carina glanced at her. “If that’s what you want to do, you should.”

As the miles stretched on, Maya found herself lost in thought. Beside her, Carina drove with
steady hands, the gentle hum of the engine lulling them into a comfortable silence.

But Maya's mind was far from quiet as she began to ramble about their impending
engagement celebration. "I was thinking... maybe we could have a party," she mused aloud,
her voice filled with excitement. "I read online that some people have big parties with friends
and family to celebrate their engagement. I don’t really like parties, but maybe we can
organize something smaller. What do you think?"

Carina listened with a patient smile, her hand resting reassuringly on Maya's thigh. "Sounds
like a great idea.”

As Maya continued to chatter excitedly about potential party ideas, Carina's gaze softened
with fondness. She loved seeing Maya so animated, her enthusiasm infectious and endearing.
But gradually, fatigue began to settle in, the remnants of the surprise planning and the
emotional whirlwind of their engagement catching up with Maya. Her voice grew softer, her
thoughts trailing off into silence as exhaustion weighed heavy on her shoulders.

Sensing Maya's growing weariness, Carina reached out to gently squeeze her hand, staying
silent as Maya grew silent too.


Back at the fire station, Maya was engrossed in her duties, methodically going through the
checklist for equipment maintenance. The clatter of tools and the occasional beep of
machinery filled the air as she worked.

As Maya was inspecting a set of fire hoses, she noticed Andy approaching her. Andy’s
expression was expectant.

"Hey, Maya," she said with a knowing smile. "How did it go? Did Carina say yes?"

Maya's eyes sparkled with excitement as she recalled the magical moment. "It was amazing,
Andy," she replied. "She did say yes! It was perfect."

Andy’s face lit up with genuine joy as she pulled Maya into a congratulatory hug. Maya,
although initially stiff from the sudden physical contact, soon relaxed, reciprocating Andy’s
embrace with a grateful smile.

"Congratulations," Andy whispered, her voice filled with warmth. "I'm so thrilled for you
both. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

As the captain pulled back from the hug, Maya smiled gratefully. "Thank you for helping
pick out the ring. Carina absolutely loved it.”

"Of course. Glad I could help.”

Maya's excitement bubbled over as she continued, her words tumbling out in a rush. "We'll
start planning soon because it's a big deal, you know? There's so much to consider—venues,
guest lists, decorations," she rambled, her mind already racing ahead to the endless

Andy nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "You're right. Planning a wedding can
be overwhelming. Have you thought about hiring a wedding planner?" she suggested.

At the mention of a wedding planner, Maya's brows furrowed slightly, her enthusiasm
dimming at the idea of relinquishing control. "I'm not sure about that," she said, her voice
hesitant. "I want to be involved in every aspect of the planning process. I don't want to let
someone else take control."

Andy nodded. "That's completely understandable. You and Carina will figure it out together.”

Maya's apprehension eased at Andy’s words, grateful for her friend's understanding and
support. With a nod, she returned her focus to her duties.


In her office, Carina was immersed in her work when a familiar voice caught her attention.
She looked up to see Andrea, standing in the doorway with a grin on his face.

"Andrea! Come in. What are you doing here?"

"I just couldn't wait to hear about your weekend getaway with Maya.”
Carina's heart swelled with affection as she thought of the weekend, her hand subconsciously
reaching for the ring on her finger. "Oh, you have to see this," she exclaimed, holding out her
hand to show off the sparkling diamond.

Andrea's eyes widened in surprise as he admired the ring. "Wow, Carina, it's beautiful," he
said. Then realization washed over his features. "Wait. Did Maya propose?"

Carina nodded, her face lighting up with excitement. "Si, she did! It was the sweetest thing,"
she gushed, recounting the details of Maya's nervousness and the magical moment of the

Andrea chuckled at Carina's description. "That sounds like Maya.”

Carina nodded in agreement. “She’s amazing.”

As Carina basked in the happiness of her engagement, Andrea's voice brought her back to
reality with a gentle reminder of their family's complexities.

"Carina, have you thought about inviting papà to the wedding?"

Carina's heart sank at the mention of their father. She knew all too well about his struggles
with mental health issues, and the thought of him attending the wedding filled her with a
mixture of apprehension and sadness.

A heavy silence hung in the air as Carina wrestled with her emotions. She loved her father
deeply, but she also understood the challenges his presence could pose on such an important

"I... I'm not sure, Andrea," she admitted. "You know how papà is. It's just... complicated."

Andrea nodded understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "I know, Carina," he replied
softly. "But he's still our father, and I’m sure he would want to be there for you on your
special day."

Carina's heart ached at the thought of disappointing her father, but she wanted the day to be
perfect. With a heavy sigh, she nodded.

"I'll think about it, Andrea," she said.

As Andrea left her office, Carina couldn't shake off the weight of their conversation. With a
heavy sigh, she reached for her phone, her fingers tapping out a message to Maya.

Can't stop thinking about you xxx she typed, her heart yearning for the comfort of Maya's

Carina’s chest warmed when Maya’s response came.

I’m here. Always.

Chapter 6

As Carina stepped through the door, the familiar scent of home enveloped her, mingling with
the warmth of Maya's presence. She smiled at the sight of Maya bustling about in the kitchen,
rearranging the contents of their cupboards.

"Hey, bambina," Carina called out. "What's going on here?"

Maya turned at the sound of Carina's voice, her face lighting up with a smile. "Hey, Carina,"
she replied, her tone soft yet filled with warmth. "I'm just doing a bit of tidying up. I thought
it might be nice to reorganize the cupboards."

Carina chuckled softly. "That sounds like a good idea," she remarked, leaning in to press a
gentle kiss to Maya's cheek. "Do you need any help?"

Maya shook her head. "No, I've got it under control. But you can keep me company if you'd

Carina smiled, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Maya after a long day. "I'd love
to," she replied, slipping her arms around Maya's waist and pulling her close.

Leaning in, Carina pressed a tender kiss to Maya's lips. Maya melted into the kiss, her hands
coming to rest on Carina's hips as she savored the sweet taste of her fiancée. When they
finally broke apart, Maya's cheeks were flushed with a soft blush, her eyes sparkling with

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," Carina replied. She watched as Maya returned to her task, her movements
graceful and purposeful. Pouring herself a glass of wine, Carina settled into a chair nearby,
content to simply watch Maya work.

As Maya continued to organize the cupboard, Carina's thoughts lingered on the weighty
conversation she knew she needed to have. With a soft sigh, she set down her glass of wine
and approached Maya.

"Maya, there's something I need to talk to you about.”

Maya turned to her, a concerned look crossing her features. "Okay, what is it?" she asked, her
gaze searching Carina's face for clues.

Carina took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "It's about the wedding,"
she explained, her words careful yet honest. "I've been thinking... about my father."

Maya frowned slightly in confusion. "Your father?" she repeated.

Carina nodded. "Yes. I know we've talked about inviting our families to the wedding, but...
I'm not sure about inviting my father."
Maya's expression softened with understanding as she reached out to gently grasp Carina's
hand. "Carina, you don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable," she said. "Your
happiness comes first."

Carina sighed. "When he's in a manic episode, he can be unpredictable, sometimes even

With a heavy heart, Carina shared an example of her father's behavior during a particularly
difficult episode, recounting how he had become agitated and paranoid, lashing out at those
around him without warning.

Maya's blue eyes filled with empathy as she listened intently to Carina's words. "I'm so sorry,
my love," she murmured.

Carina nodded, grateful for Maya's understanding. "Thank you," she replied softly. "I just
want you to understand what he's like when he's not well."

“It sounds incredibly difficult.”

Carina nodded, a sense of relief washing over her as she shared her burden with Maya. "It is,"
she admitted. "And I just don't know if I can handle having him at our wedding, knowing
what he's capable of."

Maya squeezed her hand, encouraging her to go on.

“As you know, Andrea inherited the same disease from our father. But unlike our father,
Andrea manages his condition by taking medication. Papà is convinced that he doesn't need
it, despite the obvious toll it takes on his well-being. It's just... difficult, knowing that there's
help available but he refuses to accept it."

Maya frowned sadly and brought Carina’s hand to her lips, kissing her fingers. "I can only
imagine how hard that must be for you. But please know that you're not alone. Whatever you
decide about the wedding, I'll be right there beside you."

Carina glanced out the window. After a moment of contemplation, she said, "I think... I'll
probably give my father a call soon.”

Maya nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. Just know that I'll be here for you, no matter

Carina smiled a little as she gazed into Maya's comforting eyes. "Thank you," she said. But as
she pinched the bridge of her nose tiredly, she couldn't shake the weight of the upcoming
conversation with her father. "It's just… never easy to talk to him.”

Maya reached out, cupping Carina's cheek with gentle reassurance. "It'll be okay," she said.
Despite the intricacies of her nature, Maya had developed an innate ability to sense Carina's
emotions and respond with tender compassion. "Whatever happens, we’ll manage, okay?”

Carina nodded, already feeling a little better, and pulled Maya into a hug. Maya responded by
gently stroking Carina’s hair, pressing a soothing kiss to the side of her head.

As they settled into bed together, the soft embrace of the blankets cocooning them in warmth,
Maya's fingers traced absentminded patterns along Carina's arm. With a thoughtful
expression, she reached for her notebook on the bedside table.

"Carina," she murmured softly. “I was thinking about making some notes for the wedding.
Do you want it to be small and intimate, or something bigger?"

Carina shifted slightly, turning to meet Maya’s gaze. "I think I'd like something small and
intimate. Just our closest friends and family, surrounded by love."

Maya's lips curved into a tender smile as she jotted down Carina's wishes in her notebook,
her hand moving with graceful precision. "Got it. And venues? Do you have any ideas about
where you'd like to have the wedding?"

Carina's mind drifted, considering Maya's sensory needs alongside their wedding plans.
"Well," she began, "I think we should prioritize venues that are sensory-friendly for you.
Somewhere with soft lighting, quiet surroundings, and minimal sensory distractions."

Maya's eyes lit up with appreciation as she jotted down Carina's thoughtful suggestions, her
pen moving swiftly across the paper.

"What about a botanical garden? The greenery and natural surroundings could provide a
calming sensory experience,” Carina suggested. “Or perhaps a rustic barn venue with soft
lighting and natural textures."

"Those sound wonderful," Maya replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm. As she continued
to jot down notes, a faint furrow creased her brow, betraying the concerns that weighed on
her mind. “Carina, I-I’m worried about… the schedule. I want to make sure I know what's
happening, when things will start and end."

Carina smiled warmly. "Of course, bambina. We'll create a clear schedule together, so you'll
know exactly what to expect."

"And… the menu. Maybe we should stick to something safe, like chicken?"

Carina nodded, knowing Maya's desire for familiarity. “We’ll make sure there’s chicken.”

Maya's worries seemed to spill over as she continued, "And the music... What if it's too loud
or overwhelming? I-I don't want to feel trapped or anxious."

Carina's heart went out to Maya, understanding her sensitivity to auditory stimuli. "We'll
choose music that's soft and soothing," she promised. "And if it becomes too much, we can
step away for a quiet moment together."

Maya nodded, but another concern lingered in her mind. "And... and what if I get
overwhelmed during the ceremony?" she asked softly, her voice filled with vulnerability.
Carina cupped Maya's cheek gently. "We can discuss a signal or a plan beforehand," she

Maya's tense shoulders relaxed slightly at Carina's words, but one final concern weighed
heavily on her mind. "And the vows... What if I can't find the right words?"

Carina brushed her thumb over Maya’s soft skin. “Bambina, even if the words aren’t perfect,
what matters is the intention behind them. Don’t worry about it.”

"Okay, yes, you're right," Maya nodded. "Sorry, I'm just nervous."

Carina smiled and leaned in to press a kiss to her lips. "It's okay, Maya. We'll figure
everything out together, and it will be a beautiful day, I promise."

Maya's cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment as she shifted the conversation to a more
intimate topic.

"Carina," she began tentatively, "what about... our wedding night? Should I carry you over
the doorstep?"

Carina chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "If that's something you want to
do," she replied.

Maya's gaze flickered with bashfulness. "Maybe we should... practice for the wedding night,
just to make sure we get it right. What do you think?"

Carina's laughter bubbled up at Maya's suggestion. “How do you want to practice, bambina?”

“We could practice by… me carrying you to bed?”

"You've already done that before, Maya," Carina teased gently, recalling playful moments
from their past.

But Maya's determination shone through as she insisted, "I know, but I want to practice just
in case," her eyes pleading with the brunette to indulge her.

With a fond smile, Carina relented, knowing Maya's earnestness. "Alright,” she agreed,
allowing Maya to convince her to get up from the bed.

As Maya lifted Carina into her arms, Carina instinctively wrapped her arms around Maya's
neck, a soft laugh escaping her lips. Feeling the familiar warmth of Maya's embrace, Carina
held onto her tightly.

Gently, Maya lowered Carina onto the bed, her movements careful and deliberate. Once
Carina was settled, Maya crawled on top of her, their eyes locking. "Was that good?" she
asked softly, her eyes searching Carina's for reassurance.

Carina's hand tenderly brushed a stray strand of hair away from Maya's face. "It was perfect,"
she whispered.
With a gentle pull, Carina drew Maya down into a lingering kiss.
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

This chapter is pretty intense

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After a long shift at the hospital, Carina agreed to go to Joe’s with Amelia. They settled into
their seats, the clinking of glasses and the murmur of conversation surrounding them.

"So, tell me all about it!" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she
leaned in closer to Carina.

Carina's face lit up with excitement as she launched into the story of her engagement to

"It was incredible, Amelia," she gushed, her voice filled with joy. "Maya arranged a weekend
getaway to a lake cabin, and then she proposed under the stars by the lake. It was perfect."

Amelia listened with rapt attention, a warm smile spreading across her face as she savored
every detail of Carina's story. “God, I’m so happy for you. When’s the big day?”

Carina's smile faltered slightly as she took a sip of her drink, her thoughts momentarily
clouded by uncertainty. "Well, we haven't really started planning yet. Though Maya is eager
to dive into it."

“I’m sure she is.”

Carina's gaze flickered to the table. "Yeah, and there's my father. I’m not sure if I should
invite him to the wedding. I want him there, but I know it might be messy.”

“I see. Have you discussed it with Maya yet?”

"Si," Carina said. "She’ll support me no matter what. I told her I’d give him a call.”

Amelia nodded. "It's a tough conversation to have, I’m sure. But whatever you decide, it’s
your wedding day and your happiness matters most.”

Carina sighed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders at Amelia's words of encouragement.
"You're right.”

As they continued to chat and enjoy their drinks, the atmosphere at Joe's grew livelier, the
sound of laughter and music filling the air. Carina felt herself relaxing into the evening, the
warmth of the alcohol spreading through her veins.
A soft buzz settled over her, loosening the knots of tension in her shoulders as she leaned
back in her chair, her gaze wandering around the room. And then, across the dimly lit space,
she spotted them—Arizona and Olivia, sitting at a corner table.

As Carina spotted Arizona and Olivia across the room, her jaw tensed involuntarily, her
blood beginning to boil at the sight of them. Memories of their past together mixed with the
uncomfortable recollection of Olivia's behavior towards Maya, igniting a surge of resentment
within her.

"Amelia," Carina muttered through gritted teeth, her voice tight with frustration. "It's Arizona
and Olivia."

Amelia followed Carina's gaze, her expression shifting to one of concern as she noticed the
tension in her friend's demeanor. "Take a deep breath, Carina," she urged softly, reaching out
to gently squeeze her arm.

A string of curses escaped Carina’s lips in Italian, the words a whispered vent for her
building anger. "I want to confront Olivia. But I promised Maya I wouldn't."

"Carina, please," Amelia said. “Let's just stay seated and ignore them. It's not worth it."

As they attempted to focus on their own conversation, Amelia made an effort to distract
Carina, chatting animatedly about lighter topics in an attempt to shift her friend's attention
away from Arizona and Olivia. However, Carina's gaze kept straying back to the couple, her
frustration simmering just beneath the surface.

Despite Amelia's best efforts, the inevitable moment arrived when Arizona and Olivia
approached their table.

"Hey, Carina, Amelia," Arizona said, her tone cheerful but also carrying a hint of

"Hi," Olivia chimed in, her voice falsely bright as she glanced between Carina and Amelia.

Carina's jaw tightened as she forced herself to return their greeting, her eyes narrowing
slightly as she met Olivia's gaze. Try as she might, she couldn't suppress the wave of
resentment that washed over her at the sight of the woman who had caused Maya so much

"Hello," Carina replied tersely.

Amelia shot Carina a warning glance, urging her to maintain her composure. But despite her
best efforts, Carina couldn't stop herself from shooting Olivia a pointed glare, the tension
between them palpable.

"I hope you enjoyed my birthday party!" Arizona continued, oblivious to the tension
crackling in the air.

Carina's smile faltered slightly, her grip on her glass tightening involuntarily. "It was... nice,"
she replied, her voice strained.
As Arizona and Amelia engaged in conversation, Carina's glare remained fixed on Olivia.

Arizona's eyes drifted to Carina's hand, and she noticed the glimmer of an engagement ring
adorning her finger. "Is that...?" she began, her voice trailing off as she gestured towards the

Carina's gaze snapped to Arizona's, her expression softening a bit as she nodded. "Yeah,
Maya proposed.”

Arizona's face lit up with genuine happiness. "Congratulations, Carina!" she exclaimed, her
smile widening. "That's fantastic news!"

Carina offered a smile in return. “Grazie.”

Then, Olivia's voice cut through the air like a sharp blade. "Are you sure you want to get
yourself into that?" she sneered.

Carina's jaw clenched at the thinly veiled insult. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, Maya is quite different, isn't she?"

Carina's fists clenched under the table, her nails digging into her palm as she struggled to
contain her rising fury. How dare Olivia speak about Maya in such a demeaning manner?

Before Carina could respond, Arizona intervened. "That's enough, Olivia.”

Olivia's smirk faltered slightly at Arizona’s rebuke, but she quickly recovered, her eyes
glinting with defiance. "I'm just saying," she retorted, her voice unapologetic. "Carina should
know what she's getting herself into."

"Be specific about what you mean, Olivia," Carina demanded.

Amelia shot Carina a warning glance, her eyes pleading for restraint, but Carina's indignation
burned too fiercely to be quelled.

"Fine," Olivia said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I had a kid in my class with autism
once, and let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. Meltdowns, tantrums—you name it."

Carina fury burned. How dare Olivia reduce Maya's experiences to mere stereotypes and

"You're clearly misinformed and close-minded," she shot back, her voice trembling with
anger. "Autism is not a monolithic experience, and Maya is so much more than your narrow-
minded assumptions."

Amelia attempted to diffuse the tension. "Let's just calm down, okay?" she implored, casting
a reproachful glance at Olivia.

But Olivia remained unmoved, her expression defiant as she met Carina's glare head-on.
"Believe what you want, Carina," she said dismissively. "But I'm just warning you—
relationships with people like that never end well."

Carina's temper flared at Olivia's callous remarks. "And what exactly do you know about it?
Who the hell do you think you are, being so rude like this?"

"I'm just saying it like it is.”

Carina turned to Arizona, her frustration mounting with each passing second. "And you,
Arizona," she said, her voice carrying disappointment. "Why are you dating someone like

Arizona's response was hesitant, her words stumbling over each other as she struggled to find
an adequate explanation. "I... I…” she stammered.

Carina rose from her seat. "Stay the hell away from me and Maya," she spat, addressing both
Olivia and Arizona. "I won't tolerate this kind of ignorance and disrespect."

Ignoring their stunned silence, Carina stormed out of the bar, her heart pounding. She could
feel the weight of Olivia's hurtful words pressing down on her, but she refused to let them
break her spirit. Maya deserved better than to be subjected to such prejudice, and Carina
vowed to protect her at all costs.

Outside, Carina paced back and forth. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she
refused to let them fall.

Moments later, Amelia emerged from the bar, concern etched on her features as she
approached Carina. "Carina, are you okay?”

Carina shook her head, her anger still simmering beneath the surface. "I will be," she replied.

With a gentle hand on Carina's shoulder, Amelia offered her a comforting embrace. Together,
they stood in silence for a moment, the weight of the night heavy upon them.

Finally, Amelia spoke. "Let's get you home, Carina," she said gently. "I’ll call you a cab,

Carina nodded, wiping at some tears that had fallen, regardless of her determination to stay
strong. “Thank you.”


When Carina arrived home, she found Maya engrossed in a video game, her face illuminated
by the flickering screen. For a moment, Carina couldn't help but marvel at the sight of Maya,
her heart swelling with love for the woman who had stolen her heart.

But as Maya looked up and caught sight of the upset look on Carina's face, her expression
shifted from joy to concern. "Carina, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Carina's emotions surged to the surface, and before she could stop herself, tears began to
trickle down her cheeks. "Maya, I..." she started, her voice cracking with emotion.
Maya's confusion deepened, her brow furrowing in concern as she stood up and approached
the brunette. "My love, please, tell me what happened," she said softly, her eyes searching
Carina's face for answers.

Carina hesitated, her heart torn between wanting to shield Maya from the pain of what had
happened and longing for the comfort of her presence. She wasn't sure if she should burden
Maya with the hurtful encounter at the bar, knowing how deeply Maya felt things.

Unable to hold back any longer, Carina collapsed into Maya's arms, her tears flowing freely
as she buried her face against Maya's shoulder. The adrenaline that had fueled her resolve
began to wear off, leaving her feeling drained and vulnerable.

Feeling Carina's tears soaking into her shoulder, Maya held her even tighter, her own heart
heavy with sorrow at seeing Carina in such distress. She pressed gentle kisses to Carina's

"Carina, what's wrong?" she whispered softly, her voice filled with concern as she stroked
Carina's hair in soothing motions.

Carina shook her head, unable to find the words to articulate the depth of her pain.

As Maya held the Italian woman close, she felt the tension gradually begin to ebb from her
body, her sobs subsiding into quiet sniffles. Maya gently disentangled herself from their
embrace and made her way to the kitchen, returning moments later with a glass of water.

"Here, my love," she said softly, offering the glass to her with a small, reassuring smile.

Taking the glass with trembling hands, Carina sipped the water slowly, the cool liquid
soothing her parched throat.

Maya watched her pensively, her brow furrowed in concern as she observed the turmoil
playing out across Carina's features. She knew that something was troubling Carina deeply,
and she longed to offer her the comfort and support she needed.

Finally, with a heavy sigh, Carina set the glass of water aside and met Maya's gaze, her eyes
brimming with unshed tears. "Maya, there's something I need to tell you," she began.

"Did you... change your mind about the proposal?" Maya asked tentatively.

Carina's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected question. "Of course not, bambina," she
replied quickly. "I can't wait to marry you."

Relief flooded Maya's features at Carina's reassurance. "Then what's wrong?"

Carina took a deep breath, steeling herself for the difficult conversation ahead. "I ran into
Arizona and Olivia at the bar," she began. "And Olivia said some really nasty things about

Maya's eyes widened in shock, her heart sinking at the thought of someone speaking ill of
her. "What kind of things?"
Carina hesitated. "She said... she said some really hurtful and belittling things about your
autism. I couldn't believe it, Maya."

Maya's embarrassment immediately kicked in, her cheeks flushing crimson as she averted her
gaze. "Oh," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "What... what did she

Carina's heart ached at the sight of Maya's reaction, her own anger flaring anew at the
memory of Olivia's hurtful words. “You don't need to worry about it. I won't let anyone hurt
you like that."

But Maya's determination only grew stronger, her voice more resolute as she interrupted. "I'm
not a child, Carina. Tell me," she insisted.

Carina's heart sank at Maya's words, her own anxiety mounting as she struggled to find the
right thing to say. "I don't see the benefit of you knowing.”

Maya's frustration boiled over, her hands curling into tight fists at her sides. "I'm not a child,"
she repeated, her voice growing more insistent with each repetition. "I'm not a child, Carina."


As Maya's frustration escalated, Carina noticed her trembling body and the distress evident
on her face. Maya pressed her palm to her forehead, a gesture of anxiety that Carina
recognized all too well. The intensity of Maya's emotions was clear, her insistence growing

"I'm not a child, Carina," she repeated, her voice quivering with emotion as she struggled to
contain her rising panic.

Feeling a pang of helplessness at Maya's distress, Carina stepped closer, her heart aching for
the woman she loved.

"Maya, please," Carina implored softly. "I understand how you feel, but knowing the details
won't change anything."

But Maya's agitation only seemed to intensify, her body trembling as she continued to assert
herself. "I'm not a child," she insisted again.

Carina stepped closer, her hand reaching out in a gesture of comfort. But before she could
touch Maya, her fiancée flinched and backed away, her voice rising in pitch as she repeated
her mantra.

Feeling a wave of despair wash over her, Carina realized that Maya's reaction ran deeper than
just the hurtful words spoken by Olivia. It was a reflection of Maya's past, of the pain she had
endured at the hands of those who had belittled her and made her feel small.

As Maya's distress heightened, her actions became more frantic. She hit her palm against her
forehead with increasing force, her eyes wide with panic and frustration. With each repetition
of her declaration that she wasn't a child, her voice grew louder and more insistent, echoing
off the walls of the room.

Carina watched with a heavy heart as Maya retreated further, her movements erratic and
unsteady. She could see the pain etched in Maya's features, a reflection of the deep-seated
wounds that had been reopened by Olivia's cruel words.

"Bambina, please," Carina urged softly. She took a tentative step forward, hoping to bridge
the growing distance between them.

But as Maya's distress reached its peak, her voice trembled with desperation as she continued
her mantra, "I'm not a child! I'm not a child!"

Carina's heart broke at the sight of Maya's anguish, her own eyes brimming with tears as she
watched the blonde unravel before her. She longed to reach out, to offer comfort and solace,
but she knew that Maya needed space to process her emotions.

With each repetition of her plea, Maya's panic seemed to intensify, her movements becoming
more frantic as she backed away from Carina. Finally, her back hit the wall, and she slid
down to the floor, her hands flying to cover her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the

"Maya," Carina whispered softly, her voice filled with sorrow. She knelt beside Maya. "I'm
here, bambina. You're safe with me."

With each repetition of her plea, "I'm not a child! I'm not a child!" Maya’s voice grew hoarse,
strained by the weight of her emotions.

"Maya, look at me," Carina urged gently, her voice filled with tenderness. "Eyes on me,

But Maya seemed lost in her turmoil, her hands gripping her ears as she rocked back and

Feeling a surge of desperation, Carina reached out to touch Maya's arm, her voice pleading.
"Maya, please," she begged. "Just look at me. I'm right here. It's going to be okay. I promise,

Slowly, hesitantly, Maya's trembling hands loosened their grip from her ears, her tear-
streaked face turning towards Carina. Tears stained her cheeks, evidence of the depth of her
pain and despair.

Carina's heart clenched at the sight, her own tears falling freely as she reached out to gently
cup Maya's cheek. "It's okay, amore mio," she whispered. "You're safe now. I'm here."

As Maya's distress began to ease a little, a hushed hum escaped her lips, a tentative attempt to
find her voice amidst the turmoil of her emotions. Carina watched with bated breath, her
heart heavy with concern as she witnessed Maya's struggle.
Then, amidst the soft hum, Maya's voice broke through, her words barely audible at first.
"My dad, my dad," she murmured, her voice trembling.

Carina's heart clenched at the mention of Maya's father, knowing all too well the pain he had
caused her fiancée. She reached out to gently stroke Maya's hair, offering what comfort she

But as Maya's distress persisted, Carina's concern deepened. The trembling in Maya's voice,
the tears staining her cheeks—it was more than just an autistic meltdown. Maya was
experiencing a panic attack, her body and mind overwhelmed by the flood of emotions
crashing over her.

With a sinking feeling in her chest, Carina realized the severity of the situation.

"Maya, listen to me," she said softly, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions in her
heart. "You're safe, okay? I'm right here with you."

As Carina continued to offer words of reassurance, Maya's trembling gradually began to

subside. She allowed Carina to hold her, her body slowly relaxing in the warmth of her
embrace. Carina's gentle shushing provided a soothing rhythm, a comforting presence amidst
the chaos of her emotions.

For a while, they remained like that. Time seemed to stretch on, each passing moment
bringing them closer together as Maya found calm in Carina's arms.

Eventually, Maya's breathing steadied, her tears drying on her cheeks as she began to regain
control of her emotions.

And then, in a soft, hesitant voice, she began to stutter out an apology. "I'm... I'm sorry,
Carina. I didn't mean to... to lose control like that. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m—"

But before Maya could continue, Carina gently placed a finger against her lips, silencing her
with a shaky smile. "Shh, bambina," she whispered softly. "You have nothing to apologize
for. I'm just glad you're okay."

As Maya's voice faltered with embarrassment, she uttered words that pierced through
Carina's heart like daggers. "Olivia is right. You know it. That's… that’s why you were
crying. And I proved her right again.”

Carina's breath caught in her throat as she realized the depth of Maya's misunderstanding.
Maya believed that Carina's tears stemmed from validation of Olivia's hurtful words, rather
than from witnessing Maya's own pain and distress.

"No, Maya, that's not it," the brunette protested softly. She held Maya's face in her hands,
willing her to see the truth in her eyes. "I was crying because I hate seeing you in pain.
Olivia's words were cruel and untrue. I love you.”

As Maya's mind swirled with conflicting emotions, she felt a deep weariness settle over her.
She wanted to protest, but the weight of her emotions left her feeling drained and speechless.
Seeing Maya's exhaustion, Carina's heart ached. She reached out, her touch gentle as she
rubbed Maya's forehead where she had been hitting herself before. Leaning in, Carina
pressed a tender kiss to Maya's skin, her lips lingering against the warmth of her forehead.

"Let's get you to bed, okay?" she said softly.

She reached out to help Maya to her feet, guiding her towards the bedroom. Maya leaned into
Carina's touch, grateful for her steady presence as they made their way to the comforting
haven of their bed.

As they reached the bed, Carina tucked Maya in, ensuring she was comfortable before
retrieving her weighted blanket. She draped the blanket over Maya, its comforting pressure a
soothing embrace against her tired body. Carina slipped into bed behind her, spooning her
gently. She wrapped her arms around Maya's waist, pulling her close.

As Maya leaned back against Carina's chest, she felt a sense of warmth and security wash
over her. Carina's steady heartbeat served as a soothing rhythm, lulling Maya into a peaceful
state of relaxation until she drifted off to sleep.

Carina pressed a kiss behind her ear. “Ti amo,” she whispered.

Chapter End Notes

This is how I've experienced meltdowns with my autistic sibling, so please don't yell at
me that it's inaccurate. Thanks for reading :)
Chapter 8

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Carina stirred from her slumber, her
eyes fluttering open to the quiet stillness of the room. Glancing over at Maya, she noticed the
peaceful expression on her sleeping face, softened by the gentle light.

With a tender smile, Carina reached out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from Maya's
forehead, her touch light. As she studied Maya's features in the soft morning light, she
couldn't help but notice the slight swelling around her eyes, evidence of the tears shed the
night before.

As Carina watched Maya sleep, a flicker of anger ignited within her, fueled by the memory of
Olivia's hurtful words. She clenched her jaw, her fists tightening involuntarily as she thought
of the woman who had dared to belittle Maya, to inflict such pain upon her.

But she knew that Maya's reaction to Olivia's cruelty went beyond mere words—it was a
reflection of the deep-seated wounds Maya carried from her past. The scars left by Lane
Bishop’s emotional abuse ran deep, leaving her vulnerable to the slightest hint of criticism or
belittlement when it came to her autism. Taking a calming breath, Carina traced her fingers
lightly along Maya's cheek.

Maya stirred a little, her eyes fluttering open, her gaze meeting Carina’s. For a moment,
Maya simply lay there, mute, her mind still foggy from sleep and the lingering effects of the
previous night.
Carina offered Maya a gentle smile, but the blonde remained silent, her expression

Recognizing Maya's tendency to withdraw into herself after an intense meltdown, Carina
reached out to gently stroke her cheek, her touch light and reassuring. She didn't press Maya
to speak or offer words of comfort—instead, she simply allowed the silence to envelop them,
a silent understanding passing between them.

Finally, Maya lifted a hand to Carina’s face. Feeling the gentle touch of Maya's fingers
against her face, Carina's heart skipped a beat. Maya's touch was tentative at first, her fingers
tracing the contours of Carina's features—her mouth, her nose, her cheekbones—with a
delicate precision.

As Maya's touch lingered, Carina felt a warmth spread through her, a silent reassurance of
their connection. And then, as if sensing Carina's silent plea, Maya's lips curved into a small,
tentative smile, a flicker of light in the darkness.

Carina returned Maya's smile with one of her own, her heart swelling with love for the
woman lying beside her. Leaning in, she pressed a gentle kiss to Maya's forehead.

"How are you feeling, bambina?" she asked softly. She searched Maya's eyes, hoping to find
some indication of how she was truly feeling beneath the surface.
Maya's smile grew slightly wider at Carina's question, a silent acknowledgment of the love
and care she felt in that moment. Though she didn't speak, her eyes spoke volumes,
conveying a sense of gratitude and contentment in Carina's presence.

Carina found herself lost in the depths of Maya's blue eyes, each glance revealing layers of
emotions—vulnerability, strength, love.

And so, they lay there in silence, communicating only through gentle touches.


Later that night, Maya sat calmly engrossed in the pages of her Sherlock Holmes puzzle
book. The dim light of the lamp illuminated her features, casting a soft glow on her
concentrated expression as she meticulously solved each enigma.

Carina watched Maya from across the room. With a quiet resolve, she rose from her place
and crossed the room to where Maya sat.

Sliding onto Maya's lap, Carina wrapped her arms around her fiancée’s neck. Maya looked up
from her puzzle, her eyes meeting Carina's with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

"Maya, we should probably talk about what happened," Carina began.

Maya's brow furrowed slightly as she considered Carina's words, her mind still processing
the events of the previous night. With a nod, she set aside her puzzle book, turning her full
attention to Carina.

"Okay," she replied quietly as she reached out to intertwine her fingers with Carina's, seeking
reassurance in their connection.

Carina sighed softly. "Bambina, I need you to know that Olivia is ignorant, and her words
don't mean anything. You're not defined by what she says."

Maya glanced away, her gaze drifting towards the puzzle book lying forgotten on the table.
The weight of Carina's words hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the hurt that
had been inflicted.

"Hey," Carina whispered, her voice filled with tenderness as she gently lifted Maya's chin,
urging her to meet her gaze. "You know that, right? Olivia's words—they don't matter. You're
so much more than what she thinks."

Maya's eyes flickered with uncertainty, the remnants of her earlier meltdown still lingering in
the depths of her gaze. "I... I didn't mean to have a meltdown.”

"It's okay," Carina said. "It's okay that you were overwhelmed. That's not what matters."

Maya's eyes met Carina's, searching for understanding in the depths of her brown gaze.

"What matters is that you know," Carina continued, her voice unwavering in its conviction,
"that Olivia is just a small-minded bitch. Her words don't hold any weight, Maya. They're
insignificant compared to the love and respect I have for you."

Maya’s eyes flickered away again. "Carina, I saw you crying because of what Olivia said. I
don't want you to be burdened by having to defend me for who I am."

Carina's heart constricted at Maya's words. "Tesoro, listen to me. I will always stand up for
you, no matter what. You are not a burden, you are my partner, my love, and I will fight for
you every step of the way."

Maya swallowed visibly. "I just... I don't want you to hurt because of me."

“Bambina, your happiness is worth any sacrifice. And if standing up for you means enduring
a few tears, then I would do it a thousand times over."

Carina watched Maya closely for a moment.

"Olivia's behavior... it reminds you of your dad, doesn't it?”

Maya's throat tightened with emotion as she gave a small nod, unable to voice the depth of
her feelings. “I’m sorry I got so upset,” she managed. “I haven’t had a bad meltdown like that
in a long time.”

"It's okay. It's understandable that Olivia's behavior triggered you, especially considering
what you've been through with your father."

Maya nodded slowly. "I just... I don't want to feel like that again.”

Carina's hand caressed Maya's cheek. "Maya, I've made it clear to Arizona and Olivia that
they are to stay away from us.”

Maya's brow furrowed in confusion, her lips forming a small frown. "But Arizona works at
the hospital with you," she pointed out.

"I know. But I've asked her to respect our boundaries, especially after what happened. And if
she doesn't, I'll handle it."

Maya hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Okay. I trust you.” She looked at their joined
hands, smoothing her thumb across Carina’s knuckles. “And how are you feeling now? You
were quite upset too.”

Carina sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly as Maya's touch eased some of the tension. "I
was mostly angry at Olivia and frustrated by the situation.”

Maya's eyes softened with empathy as she listened to Carina's words. "I'm sorry you had to
endure that.”

Carina smiled and leaned in to press a kiss to Maya's lips. "Let's just put this behind us, okay?
We have each other, and that's all that matters."

Maya nodded and kissed her again.


Maya sat in the cozy corner of the station's beanery, her lunch spread out before her as she
enjoyed a quiet moment.

As she ate, she was interrupted by the sound of Jack’s voice. She looked up to see him
standing nearby.

"Hey, Maya," he greeted her cheerfully, sliding into the seat across from her. "When's the

Maya furrowed her brow in confusion, pausing mid-bite. "What party?"

Jack chuckled. "The party to celebrate your engagement, of course.”

Maya's expression softened with a hint of hesitation as she considered Jack’s suggestion.
"Oh, we thought about that, but I don't have the best experience with parties," she admitted.
"Maybe a small gathering would be better."

Jack grinned mischievously, leaning in with a playful glint in his eyes. "There will be booze,

"Yes, there will be," she confirmed.

He raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. "Will you finally have a drink then?"

Maya cocked her head. "You mean an alcoholic beverage?" she clarified.

Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, duh," he replied with a laugh.

“You know I don't drink," she reminded him.

"But it's a special occasion, Maya," Jack persisted, his tone coaxing. "Why not make an

Maya furrowed her brow in contemplation. "What makes this different than other occasions?"

Jack shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, people usually get hammered on their wedding and stuff,"
he replied, his tone light-hearted. “Anyway, I should get back to work.”

As Jack excused himself and left, Maya sat for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing
her face. Picking up her phone, she quickly composed a text to Carina.

Hey Carina, should I drink alcohol at our wedding?

Maya waited for Carina's response. When her phone buzzed, she quickly opened the

Did this come from Jack?

Maya swiftly typed out her reply.


Almost immediately, another message popped up from Carina. Don't listen to him. Do what
you want to do, it read, followed by a heart emoji.

Maya couldn't help but smile at Carina's message. Tucking her phone away, she turned her
attention back to her lunch, savoring the last few bites before the shrill sound of the alarm
rang out, signaling the end of her break.

With a sigh, Maya gathered her belongings and rose from her seat, mentally preparing herself
for the tasks that awaited her.
Chapter 9

Carina pushed open the heavy door of the hospital cafeteria, her footsteps heavy with
exhaustion. The smell of freshly brewed coffee mingled with antiseptic, a strange mix that
somehow felt fitting for the environment. She rubbed her temples, trying to alleviate the
headache that had been building since the start of her shift.

As she waited in line, her thoughts were consumed by the grueling surgery she had just
completed. It had been long, testing her skills and patience in equal measure. Despite the
successful outcome, she was in a bad mood.

"Can I help you?"

"Just a black coffee, please," Carina replied wearily, her voice devoid of its usual
cheerfulness. “And a donut.”

As she waited for her order, Carina's gaze wandered to the window, her mind drifting away
from the chaos of the hospital. However, her moment of respite was short-lived as a familiar
voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Carina, can we talk?"

Carina turned to see Arizona standing beside her, a tentative expression on her face. Despite
the fatigue weighing her down, Carina couldn't ignore the sense of dread that settled in the pit
of her stomach at the sight of her ex-girlfriend.

"I've made it clear that I want you to stay away from me," she stated firmly.

Arizona's pleading eyes met Carina's gaze. "Please, Carina. I don't want this bad blood
between us.”

Carina's jaw tensed as she fought to control her rising anger. "You should've told your
girlfriend to shut up then," she retorted sharply, her patience wearing thin.

Before Arizona could respond, Carina's order arrived, providing her with the perfect excuse
to leave the conversation behind. She grabbed her coffee and donut and turned on her heels,
determined to put some distance between herself and the unwanted confrontation. However,
to her dismay, Arizona followed closely behind, refusing to let the matter drop.

"I don't agree with what Olivia said," she said. "We had a huge blow-up about it."

Carina stopped abruptly, turning to face Arizona. "Then why would you date someone as
close-minded as her?" she demanded, her tone incredulous.

Arizona offered a weak smile, attempting to defend her girlfriend. "Olivia has a lot of good
qualities. I'm hoping she'll change."
Carina scoffed. "Sure, I'm sure she will," she replied sarcastically. "But in the meantime, she
really hurt Maya's feelings. What the hell did you even tell her about Maya?”

Arizona's brows furrowed in genuine confusion. "I didn't tell Olivia anything about Maya.”

“Well, I never mentioned Maya’s autism to you, but somehow, Olivia and you obviously
talked about it.”

Arizona's expression softened as she met Carina's gaze. "Carina, I'm a doctor. I could figure it
out myself," she replied.

Carina nodded in acknowledgment, but a hint of skepticism lingered in her eyes. "That's
fine," she conceded. "But the way Olivia talks about Maya makes it hard for me to trust that
you don't share her beliefs."

Hurt flickered in Arizona’s eyes at the accusation. "Carina, you know me," she began, her
voice tinged with disappointment. "I would never feel that way. I like Maya."

Carina hesitated for a moment, her gaze searching Arizona's face for any sign of deception.
After a tense pause, she finally spoke. "Well, if you truly didn't agree with Olivia's views, you
wouldn't be with her in the first place.”

Arizona's expression fell, her shoulders slumping. "Carina, please. I like the friendship that
we’ve built. You know I care about you.”

Carina's resolve remained steadfast. "I can't be your friend if your girlfriend treats my fiancée
like crap," she stated bluntly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Carina's steps were heavy as she stormed off, her heart pounding with frustration and
disappointment. As she reached her office, she slammed the door shut behind her, her chest
heaving with exertion. She sank into her chair, her mind reeling with thoughts of Maya and
the hurt she had endured. Despite her frustration with Arizona, Carina couldn't help but feel a
pang of sadness at the strained relationship between them.


Carina stepped into their home, her footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. As she made her
way further inside, she noticed the rhythmic sound of the treadmill whirring in the nearby
room. With a curious furrow of her brow, she followed the noise.

There, she found Maya jogging steadily on the treadmill, her focus unwavering as she kept
pace with the machine's steady rhythm. As Carina approached, Maya glanced over and
offered a warm smile, her cheeks flushed with exertion.

"Hey, Carina," Maya greeted, her voice slightly breathless as she slowed the treadmill to a
stop. Stepping off the machine, she wiped the sweat from her brow with a towel before
making her way toward Carina.

Carina wrinkled her nose playfully as Maya approached. "You smell like sweat," she
remarked with a teasing grin.
Maya nodded in agreement. "I haven't showered yet after my shift," she admitted, her cheeks
coloring slightly. "I figured it would make more sense to hit the treadmill first and shower

Carina only smiled a bit distantly, and Maya frowned, studying her features.

“Are you alright?”

"It's nothing, really," Carina replied.

But Maya wasn't convinced. "Come on, Carina," she urged. "Tell me what happened."

With a heavy sigh, Carina relented, the weight of the confrontation with Arizona pressing
down on her shoulders. "I ran into Arizona at the hospital," she began, her voice subdued.
"We had a conversation, and... it didn't go well."

“Oh. What happened?"

Carina recounted the encounter with Arizona, exhaustion settling in her bones all over again.

Maya listened patiently. "I would hug you, my love, but I smell bad,” she finally said.

Carina chuckled softly, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly at Maya's lighthearted
remark. "Thanks for sparing me.”

Maya's fingers twisted together as she contemplated the situation. "I'm sorry your friendship
with Arizona is ruined because of me.”

Carina shook her head, a hint of frustration coloring her features. "It's not your fault, Maya.
Arizona made her own choices."

Maya's gaze flickered with uncertainty as she absorbed Carina's words, her brow furrowing in
thought. "Are you... sad about it?" she asked tentatively, her eyes searching Carina's for any
hint of emotion.

Carina's shoulders sagged slightly as she considered Maya's question. "I guess... in a way,"
she admitted reluctantly. "I thought I knew Arizona pretty well, but... apparently, I was

Maya's uncertainty was obvious as she shifted on her feet, her gaze flickering between Carina
and the hallway leading to the bathroom. She chewed on her bottom lip, searching for the
right words to say but coming up empty-handed.

“Alright, go take a shower, stinky,” Carina said, ready to move away from the topic.

Maya nodded. “Okay.”

As Maya disappeared into the bathroom, Carina let out a deep breath she hadn't realized she
was holding. The tension that had been coiling in her chest began to unravel. With a weary
sigh, Carina sank back into the couch, her thoughts swirling with the remnants of her
encounter with Arizona.


The morning sun cast a soft glow through the windows as Carina sat at the kitchen table, her
phone clutched tightly in her hand. With a deep breath, she dialed her father's number. She
had been putting off this moment for so long, but now was the day.

After a few moments, her father's voice crackled through the line, but it sounded distant,
preoccupied. "Carina?" he said, his tone distracted.

"Papà," Carina replied. "I wanted to talk to you about something important… I'm getting

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Carina held her breath, waiting for her
father's response. When he finally spoke, his voice was distant, lacking the warmth she had
hoped for.

"Married? That's... that's great, Carina," he said vaguely.

Carina's heart sank at her father's lackluster response, but she pressed on. "Will you come to
the wedding?" she asked, her voice hopeful.

Her father hesitated for a moment before replying, "I've got a lot going on right now, Carina.
I'll... I'll call you later, okay?"

Before Carina could respond, the line went dead, leaving her sitting alone in the silence of the
kitchen. As she stared at her phone, a wave of disappointment washed over her. She had
hoped for a different outcome, a chance to reconnect with her father. But it seemed that their
relationship was still strained, the distance between them as vast as ever. With a heavy sigh,
Carina set her phone down, burying her face in her hands. She wished Maya was there, but
instead, she was by herself, her chest hollow with sadness.
Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

thanks for your feedback!

Maya sat on the bench outside the hospital, her notebook open on her lap as she excitedly
rambled about wedding ideas. She gestured animatedly, her words flowing freely as she
discussed venue options, color schemes, and menu selections. But as she glanced up at
Carina, she noticed a distant look in her eyes, a tension in her posture that hadn't been there

"Carina, what's wrong?"

Carina sighed, her gaze drifting off into the distance. "Nothing, Maya. Just... work stuff.”

"You seem really distracted," Maya pressed, her brow furrowing with worry.

She closed her notebook, her fingers absentmindedly wringing together. Sensing the tension
in the air, Maya tried to read Carina's emotions.

"What's wrong?" she asked again. "I can tell something's bothering you."

Carina sighed, her frustration mounting as she struggled to keep her emotions in check.
"Maya, I told you, it's nothing," she replied tersely, her tone sharper than she intended.

But Maya wasn't deterred. She could sense Carina's distress, the tension radiating off her in
waves. "Carina, please," she insisted. "I need you to tell me what's going on. I want to help."

Carina's patience wore thin, her own inner turmoil bubbling to the surface. "I said it's
nothing, Maya!" she snapped. "Just drop it, okay?"

Maya recoiled slightly at Carina's outburst, her heart sinking at the sharpness in her tone. She
knew Carina was struggling, but her attempts to offer support seemed only to push her further
away. With a heavy sigh, Maya withdrew, her own emotions swirling with confusion and

Carina watched the dejection settle over Maya's features, a pang of guilt gnawing at her
insides as she realized the unintended impact of her frustration. She opened her mouth to
speak, to apologize, to explain, but the words caught in her throat.

Maya wrung her hands nervously, her brow furrowed. She attempted to voice her thoughts
several times before finally finding the courage to speak. "Carina," she began softly. "I don't
like it when you're upset... and I don't understand why. If I did something wrong, you need to
tell me."

Carina felt the weight of her emotions press down on her chest. She swallowed hard,
attempting to push back the tears that threatened to spill over.

Maya's hands wrung quicker, her concern evident in the rapid movement. "Is it the wedding?
I can tell you're holding something back. If it's about the wedding, you need to tell me. I'll
tone down my excitement. I get carried away sometimes. I don’t want to overwhelm you.”

Carina shook her head, a small, sad smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It's not that,
bambina," she murmured. "It's... my dad. I haven't told you yet, but I called him.”

Maya's hand hovered uncertainly over the bench, a silent question in her eyes, unsure if
Carina wanted to be touched. Sensing her hesitation, Carina took the blonde’s hand in her

"I... I called him yesterday. I wanted to tell him about our engagement, you know? But he...
he didn't seem interested. He just... congratulated me vaguely and then said he had stuff to do.
And... and then he hung up."

Maya's frown deepened, her brows knitting together in confusion. "Oh, I’m sorry, my love. I
don't understand why your father would react like that.”

Carina shrugged. "He's always been like that," she replied, her tone heavy with resignation.
"Hard to reach, distant. It's exhausting, Maya. I'm just... tired of trying."

As Maya flexed her fingers against Carina's, a silent gesture of comfort, she pondered the
situation for a moment before speaking again. "What do you want to do, Carina?" she asked
gently, her eyes searching Carina's for any hint of what she needed.

Carina's lips pressed into a thin line as she contemplated Maya's question. "I... I want to spare
myself the disappointment. But..." Tears welled in her eyes. "But I feel guilty."

Maya's heart ached at the sight of Carina's tears, her hand squeezing Carina's gently in
reassurance. "You have nothing to feel guilty about, my love," she said softly. "You reached
out to him. That's more than enough."

As Carina released a trembling breath, a few tears escaped despite her efforts to hold them
back. Maya's touch was gentle as she brushed them away. "You really shouldn't feel guilty at
all," she said before her arms enveloped Carina in a comforting hug, holding her close as if to
shield her from the weight of her worries. "You shouldn't feel obligated to do anything.”

Carina leaned into the embrace, burying her face in Maya’s neck.

“It’s okay,” Maya whispered, pressing kisses into Carina’s hair. “It’ll be okay.”

As Maya bustled about in the kitchen, preparing an array of snacks and treats for their
engagement gathering and game night combined, Carina found herself grateful for the
distraction. She joined Maya in the kitchen, offering to help in any way she could.

She was happy with their decision to combine the engagement party with game night to keep
the atmosphere light-hearted and fun. They both knew the importance of creating an
environment where they could relax and enjoy themselves without it being too much.

The Italian woman couldn't resist the urge to wrap her arms around Maya from behind. "I
can't wait to call you my wife," she whispered, kissing the blonde’s shoulder.

Maya smiled. "Will I have your last name, or will you have mine? Or maybe we could
combine them somehow?"

Carina pondered the question for a moment, considering the possibilities. "DeLuca-Bishop
sounds pretty good to me.”

Maya mulled over the suggestion. "Okay," she said finally, nodding in agreement.

As Maya busily arranged the snacks, the doorbell rang and Carina went to respond. The
sound of laughter and chatter signaled the arrival of their friends. Jack entered with a bottle of
whiskey in hand, prompting an eye roll from Carina.

As the team gathered, the atmosphere brimmed with excitement. Once everyone had a drink,
Victoria announced, "We've come up with a game to celebrate Maya and Carina's

Maya's eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement. "That sounds fun! How does it work?"

Victoria grinned. "It's simple. We'll ask you questions and you have to guess each other’s
answers. The person who gets the most answers right wins.”

Maya's leg bounced with anticipation, eager to see how well they knew each other.

With notepads in hand, Maya and Carina positioned themselves back to back, ready for the
game to begin. Victoria, the designated game master, wasted no time in posing the first

"Alright, lovebirds, here's the first one. Maya, if Carina could have any superpower, what
would it be?"

Maya frowned in concentration, scribbling down her answer, while Carina grinned
mischievously, jotting down her own response.

Maya spun around, showcasing her answer first. "Flight!" she declared proudly.

Carina chuckled, holding up her notepad. "Teleportation.”

The room erupted into laughter as Maya shook her head in disbelief. "Teleportation? Why?"
Carina shrugged, a playful smirk on her lips. "I'd rather avoid airport security any day."

"But if you could fly, you wouldn't have to use a plane, either," Maya pointed out.

Victoria grinned before moving on to the next question. "Alright, next one. If Maya could
only eat one food for the rest of her life, what would it be?"

They both scribbled down the answers before revealing them.

“That’s an easy one. Maya is obsessed with chicken.”

Maya nodded. “It’s a healthy protein and it’s delicious.”

“A point for Carina,” Victoria said with a chuckle. “This question is for you, Maya. What
would you say Carina’s weirdest habit is?”

They scribbled on their notepads.

Maya revealed, "She always talks to herself in the mirror while doing her skincare routine."

Carina's eyes widened. "Hey, that's not weird, it's just self-love!"

As the laughter subsided, Victoria raised an eyebrow with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Alright, time to spice things up a bit. Let's move on to a more intimate question."

Maya's cheeks flushed slightly, but she leaned in attentively, ready for the challenge. Carina
smirked, clearly intrigued by what Victoria would ask next.

Victoria cleared her throat dramatically. "Maya, what's your favorite body part of Carina's?"

Maya's eyes widened in surprise, while Carina's grin widened. They exchanged a knowing
glance before writing down their answers, anticipation filling the room.

Maya flipped over her notepad first, revealing her answer: "Her eyes."

Carina's expression softened as she turned her notepad to display her response: “My legs.”

"Well, I do appreciate it when Carina wraps her legs around me," Maya deadpanned,
prompting laughter from the group.

Carina's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, yet she couldn’t help but smile in amusement.

As the game continued, Maya and Carina exchanged playful banter and laughter with their
friends. Each question brought more revelations and shared moments, deepening their bond
as a couple.

Finally, as the game drew to a close, Victoria announced the winner with a flourish. "And the
winner is... Maya!" she declared, revealing that Maya had won by just one point difference.

Maya grinned triumphantly, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. Carina pouted
slightly before she congratulated her with a kiss.
As the night continued, laughter filled the room, mingling with the buzz of alcohol. As the
drinks flowed freely, Maya noticed Jack approaching with a mischievous glint in his eye, a
bottle of whiskey in hand. "Come on, Maya, just one shot!" he urged.

Feeling torn between the desire to fit in and the reluctance to give in to peer pressure, Maya
hesitated for a moment. She glanced around at her friends, all of whom seemed to be having a
great time, their inhibitions loosened by alcohol.

Finally, unable to resist the peer pressure and not wanting to feel different again, Maya
relented with a sigh. She picked up the shot glass, her fingers trembling slightly, and raised it
to her lips, downing the fiery liquid in one swift motion.

Encouraged by Jack’s cheers and caught up in the moment, Maya felt a surge of
determination to fully immerse herself in the festivities. Ignoring the slight pang of
discomfort from the alcohol burning her throat, she raised her glass once more and she
downed another shot.

As she glanced around the room, her eyes settled on Carina engaged in conversation with
Andy, a smile lighting up her features. Maya couldn't help but admire the ease with which
Carina interacted with others, her charm drawing people in effortlessly.

Determined not to let her sensory issues dampen the mood or overshadow the celebration,
Maya made a silent vow to herself. Tonight, she would push herself out of her comfort zone,
embracing the lively atmosphere and reveling in the joy of the moment, even if it meant
relying on alcohol to ease her inhibitions.

As the night progressed, Maya began to notice the effects of the alcohol taking hold. As she
continued to drink, she noticed subtle shifts in her emotional state. Initially, the alcohol
provided a sense of relaxation, easing the tension she often felt in social settings. She found
herself laughing more freely, engaging in conversations with greater ease.

However, as the night wore on and the alcohol took a stronger hold, Maya's emotional
regulation began to falter. Small frustrations that she might typically brush off started to
bother her more.

She found herself growing increasingly frustrated when she noticed that her favorite snacks
had run out. The disappointment weighed heavily on her, and she struggled to contain her
emotions. Each small frustration seemed to magnify in her mind, fueled by the alcohol she
had consumed.

Across the room, Carina caught sight of Maya's crestfallen expression and noticed her sitting
alone, seemingly lost in thought. Concerned, Carina excused herself from the conversation
she'd been engrossed in and made her way over to Maya.

Upon reaching Maya's side, Carina immediately sensed that something was amiss. Maya's
typically bright eyes were clouded, and her shoulders slumped with dejection. Carina's heart
sank a bit.
"Hey, amore mio, is everything okay?" she asked, crouching down beside Maya and placing a
comforting hand on her thigh.

Maya looked at her, her gaze unfocused for a moment before settling on Carina's concerned
expression. "I... I'm fine," she murmured, her voice slightly slurred.

Carina furrowed her brow, recognizing the telltale signs of intoxication in Maya's demeanor.
"Maya, have you been drinking?”

Maya hesitated, her cheeks rosy. "Yes," she admitted, avoiding Carina's gaze.

Carina sighed, a surge of irritation flowing through her. She knew damn well that Jack was
responsible for this. But she pushed her irritation aside. She knew that Maya's struggles with
sensory overload and social interaction would only be exacerbated by alcohol, and she
silently cursed herself for not noticing sooner.

She led Maya to the kitchen and fetched her a glass of water. "Here, drink this. It'll help.”

Maya accepted the glass, taking a few sips of the water.

Carina leaned against the kitchen counter, her expression a mixture of concern and curiosity
as she studied Maya. "Maya, why were you drinking?" she asked.

Maya paused, her gaze shifting as she struggled to find the right words. "I... I just wanted to
have fun," she admitted hesitantly, her voice slightly slurred from the effects of the alcohol. "I
didn't want to be... boring for once."

Carina's heart sank at Maya's words. “Bambina, you don't need to drink to have fun or to
impress anyone. You're perfect just the way you are."

Maya's voice was heavy with remorse as she apologized. "I'm sorry, Carina. I did have fun,
but now I don't feel so good."

"It's okay. Why don’t you go to bed? It’s been a long night.”

Maya hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering uncertainly, but she nodded. "Okay," she
murmured, her steps unsteady as she made her way towards the bedroom.

As Maya disappeared into the bedroom, Carina let out a sigh. She scanned the room until her
eyes landed on Jack, who was engaged in conversation with Travis.

Carina made her way over to him, her expression serious as she approached. "Jack, we need
to talk. Pressuring Maya to drink wasn't cool. You know she's sensitive to that kind of thing."

Jack raised his hands defensively. “I didn’t force her to do anything, Carina. She made her
own choice.”

Carina's eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she shook her head at Jack’s defensive response.
"That's not the point," she retorted. "You kept pushing. That's not okay."
"I didn't force her to do anything," he insisted. “She’s an adult, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she’s an adult, but alcohol doesn’t exactly have a positive effect on her. Have you ever
considered that? Have you ever bothered to ask her why she doesn’t drink instead of pushing
her for your own entertainment?”

"You're acting like her babysitter!" he slurred, clearly intoxicated himself.

Carina's jaw clenched, her temper flaring. She muttered a curse in Italian under her breath.
Before she could retort, Andy stepped in, placing a hand on Carina's arm.

"Hey, let's calm down,” she interjected. "We're all friends here."

“Jack, you're not acting like a friend right now," Carina snapped. Turning to Andy, she said,
"Can you please start wrapping things up? I need to check on Maya.”

"Of course, Carina. I'll take care of it.”

Carina entered the bedroom, finding Maya fully clothed on the bed. She gently nudged the
blonde, who turned over to face her, a faint smile on her lips.

“That was fun... until I didn't feel good,” she slurred.

Carina sighed softly, her fingers deftly unbuttoning Maya's shirt as Maya drunkenly touched
her face.

"You're so pretty, my love. I can't wait to marry you.”

Carina kissed Maya's forehead before tucking her under the sheets.

"Go to sleep," she said.

Maya's eyes fluttered open slightly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is the party over?"

Carina nodded. “Si, bambina.”

Maya started to drift off before her eyes shot open again, a hint of panic in her voice. "My

Carina stroked Maya's hair, soothing her. "It's okay," she murmured reassuringly.

Maya's eyelids grew heavy once more as she nestled into the pillow, finally drifting off.

Carina found Andy in the living room, quietly cleaning up the remnants of the party. She
glanced up as Carina entered. "Is Maya okay?"

"Yeah, she's asleep now."

Andy shook her head. "Jack is such a jerk.”

Carina sighed. "I wish Maya had stuck to her boundaries," she said wearily. “I don't get why
she let Jack persuade her.”

Andy cringed a bit. "Why did she decide to drink?"

Carina shrugged, feeling a mix of frustration and empathy for Maya. "She wanted to be less
boring. But according to her, the night was fun for her, so I guess she still had a good time

"Did you enjoy yourself too?" Andy inquired with a small smile. “If you leave Jack out of the

Carina returned the smile, albeit a bit tiredly. "Yeah, I did," she replied.

"I can't wait till your wedding!"

“Me too," Carina agreed, the excitement for their upcoming wedding overshadowing the
events of the night. “I really can't wait.”
Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

The aftermath of the party

Carina stirred from her sleep. As she opened her eyes, she noticed Maya whimpering softly
beside her, her face contorted in discomfort. Concern flooded Carina's senses as she reached
out to touch Maya's forehead, finding it clammy and cool to the touch.

"Maya, what's wrong?"

Maya shifted slightly, her pale face turning towards Carina. "I don't feel good," she
murmured, her voice weak and strained.

Carina pulled her fiancée into her arms, offering what comfort she could. She knew Maya
struggled with vomiting. The sensory overload and the difficulty in processing the sensations
often made it a traumatic experience for Maya, causing her to resist the urge to vomit even
when her body desperately needed to.

"Bambina, do you think you need to throw up?" Carina asked softly.

Maya hesitated. "I-I don't want to," she admitted quietly, her voice trembling with anxiety.

Before Carina could respond, Maya gagged suddenly, her body reacting to the discomfort.
Without hesitation, Carina sprang into action, rushing to retrieve a bucket from the bathroom.

She sat beside Maya, her hand gently rubbing her back as she urged her to let go.

"Maya, it's okay. You need to let it out. It'll make you feel better."

Maya's breathing was labored, her chest heaving as she struggled to hold back the rising
nausea. "I don't want to," she gasped, her words strained with the effort.

As Maya continued to struggle against the urge to vomit, her breathing grew more frantic,
each gasp filled with panic.

"Bambina, please, just let it out," Carina pleaded, her hand still rubbing Maya's back in
soothing circles.

With a final heave, Maya's resolve broke, and she vomited, the sound echoing in the quiet
room. Panic surged through her as she continued to retch, the sensation overwhelming her
senses. Carina held the bucket steady.
Maya's body convulsed with dry heaves, her chest heaving as she struggled to expel anything
more. Carina pressed a kiss into her sweaty hair.

“It's okay. Just breathe.”

Maya's dry heaves eventually subsided, leaving her feeling drained and nauseous. She wiped
her mouth with the back of her hand, grimacing at the bitter taste lingering on her tongue.

“I need to brush my teeth.”

Carina frowned as Maya got up on shaky legs. She followed the blonde into the bathroom.
“Just use some mouthwash.”

Maya nodded and reached for the mouthwash, swishing it vigorously to rid herself of the
unpleasant taste. Carina watched her silently.

“I suppose this is thanks to the whiskey.”

Carina nodded. “I think so.”

Maya frowned, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I shouldn't have said yes.”

Carina sighed softly. "It's okay. We all make mistakes. Just focus on feeling better now.”

“I'm sorry, Carina. I won't drink again.”

Carina remained silent. She tucked Maya back into bed before disposing of the bucket. Then,
she climbed in beside Maya.

Maya lay stiffly, staring at the ceiling, trying to make sense of Carina's silence. “Are you mad
at me?”

Carina released a deep breath. "I'm not mad at you. But I'm a little upset that you let Jack
convince you to do something you weren't comfortable with."

“I-I thought the alcohol would loosen me up,” Maya tried to explain. “But I should’ve known
my limits. I'm really sorry.”

Maya's apology hung in the air, met with silence from Carina. Maya fidgeted nervously,
trying to decipher Carina's emotions, her mind swirling with uncertainty.

Maya's nervousness heightened as the silence lingered. "I don't like that I upset you, Carina.
What can I do to fix it?”

Carina gazed into Maya's tired eyes. “It's nothing that needs fixing, Maya," she reassured,
brushing a stray lock of hair from Maya's face. "It's just how I feel right now. But it'll pass."

Maya fidgeted, her anxiety evident as she longed to mend the emotional rift between them.

“Did I ruin the party?”

“You didn't ruin anything. Just go to sleep, okay?"

Maya nodded, still restless, tapping her fingers on the mattress in a nervous rhythm. Carina
turned onto her side. Maya stared at her back, her mind spinning with worry and guilt. She bit
her lip, unsure of how to ease the tension between them.


Maya woke up with a pounding headache, feeling groggy and disoriented. She noticed the
empty space beside her and the faint smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen. With hesitant
steps, she made her way to the kitchen, finding Carina there, sipping on a mug of coffee.

She approached Carina with caution, her stomach churning with anxiety. She hesitated,
unsure of how Carina would react to her presence. The fear of upsetting Carina further made
her feel nervous.

"Are you still upset with me?"

Carina glanced up, her gaze softening at the sight of Maya's pale complexion. "No, of course
not," she replied. “How are you feeling?"

“I have a headache.”

“That doesn't surprise me,” Carina said as she got Maya a glass of water.

Maya accepted the glass of water with a grateful nod, sipping it slowly as she tried to assess
Carina's mood. She gazed at her, uncertainty flickering in her eyes, before finally mustering
the courage to speak.

"I'm just... I'm sorry about last night," she began, her voice soft and apologetic. "I shouldn't
have let Jack convince me to drink. I know it made you worried."

“You can make your own decisions, Maya. That's not the point.”

Maya frowned. She racked her brain, trying to decipher the deeper meaning behind Carina's
statement. She wished she were better at these emotional conversations, but her mind felt
foggy from the headache, making it even harder to grasp.

"But... what is the point then?"

Carina sighed. "The point is, I don't want you to feel pressured into doing something that
makes you uncomfortable. I want you to be yourself.”

Maya nodded slowly, her shoulders relaxing slightly as she absorbed Carina's words. She
knew Carina was right, but sometimes navigating these nuances of social interaction felt like
trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces.

Maya's mind buzzed with thoughts, each one a fragment of the previous night's events. She
berated herself for not recognizing the signs earlier, for succumbing to the pressure, for not
being more assertive. As Carina's words washed over her, Maya retreated further into her
thoughts, consumed by a whirlwind of self-doubt and introspection. She struggled to find the
right words, grappling with the weight of her own perceived shortcomings.

“Maya, I don't blame you, okay?” Carina said, sensing her fiancée's inner struggles. “What
happened, happened. Let's focus on the future.”

Carina's words penetrated Maya's turbulent thoughts, momentarily breaking through the fog
of self-criticism. Maya felt a flicker of relief at Carina's reassurance, yet the weight of her
own insecurities still bore down heavily upon her. She fidgeted nervously, her gaze dropping
to the floor as she nodded in response, unable to articulate the tangled mess of emotions
within her.

Seeing Maya's muted response, Carina recognized the weight of the situation and the toll it
had taken on the blonde. With a sigh, she decided to give Maya the space she needed to
process her thoughts and emotions, silently leaving the kitchen.


Carina left Maya alone for the rest of the day, observing from a distance as the firefighter
fidgeted around the apartment, engaging in various activities to distract herself. Maya's
restless movements spoke volumes, echoing the internal turmoil she grappled with after the
events of the previous night.

The brunette even left Maya to her frustrations when she became visibly annoyed with one of
her puzzles, recognizing that Maya needed the space to process her thoughts and emotions.
Maya's agitation manifested in the way she furrowed her brow, her fingers tapping
impatiently on the table as she attempted to solve the puzzle.

Carina winced as Maya angrily swept part of her puzzle off the table, the clatter echoing in
the room. A few minutes later, Maya emerged wearing her running gear, her expression still
tense with frustration. Carina sighed softly, knowing that Maya needed the release of physical
activity to clear her mind.

Later, Maya returned from her run, her breaths coming in heavy as she approached Carina.
She paused for a moment before speaking, her voice softened by the weight of her

"I get it now," she began, her eyes meeting Carina's. "I needed to think about it, and I realized
something. You were upset because I thought being myself wasn't good enough. And... well,
I wouldn't like it either if you felt that way about yourself."

Carina's expression softened, a flicker of relief crossing her features as Maya voiced her

"It wasn't about me drinking alcohol," Maya continued. "It was about me trying to be
someone who I'm not."

"Si," Carina agreed softly.

Maya took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I got quiet today. I just needed to think. It's hard for me
to recognize what you're feeling sometimes, Carina. And I want to be a good wife for you
who understands you, so I can do better."

Carina listened attentively. "That means a lot, bambina."

“Will you join me in the shower? I want to hold you.”

Carina smiled at Maya's suggestion. “I'd love to.”

In the shower, Maya's arms wrapped around Carina's waist as she nestled against her back,
feeling the comforting warmth of the water enveloping them both. Soft kisses peppered
Carina's shoulders as Maya expressed her gratitude.

"Thank you for being patient today," she said. "For giving me space to figure things out. I
appreciate it more than you know."

Carina turned around within Maya's embrace, cupping her face tenderly. "You never have to
thank me for that, Maya. I'll always give you the space you need, and I'll always be here for
you," she reassured, pressing a gentle kiss to Maya's lips.

Maya's hands slid up Carina's back, pressing her firmly against the wall of the shower as she
deepened their kiss. The warm water cascaded over them, intensifying the sensation of their
connection as their lips moved together with a newfound urgency. In that moment, all worries
and uncertainties faded away.
Chapter 12

The next day, Carina was home alone and Andrea stopped by.

He entered the apartment, taking in Carina's tired expression with concern. "You look

Carina sighed, motioning for him to take a seat. "Yeah, it's been pretty hectic," she replied,
sinking onto the couch beside him.

Andrea furrowed his brow. "What happened?"

Carina recounted the events of the engagement gathering and Maya's decision to drink
alcohol despite her usual reservations. She explained how Maya had ended up feeling sick
afterward, leading to a difficult night for both of them.

“That sounds rough," her brother remarked softly. "But it's not your fault, Carina. Maya's an
adult, she made her own choice."

Carina paused, reflecting on Maya's understanding and their subsequent conversation. "Well,
she understands why I was upset with her," she explained. "We talked it out, and ultimately, it
was a learning experience for both of us. We're fine now."

Andrea nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "That's good to hear.”

Carina hesitated for a moment before sharing, "I also called papà. He didn't seem very
interested. Kept it brief, said congratulations vaguely, and then brushed it off, saying he had a
lot of things to do."

Andrea's expression softened with empathy. "I'm sorry. I know reaching out to Dad can be

"Yeah, it was... disheartening.”

Andrea squeezed her arm comfortingly. "You did your part, Carina. It's his loss if he can't
appreciate the significance of your engagement.”

Carina nodded, grateful for her brother's words of encouragement. Despite her initial
disappointment, she felt a sense of validation in knowing that she had made the effort to
reach out to their father.

“So, how's the wedding planning going?”

Carina's expression brightened. "Wedding planning has been going well, actually," she
replied with a smile. "Maya and I have been discussing venues and guest lists. It's been quite

“That's great to hear. Have you settled on a venue yet?"

Carina shook her head. "Not yet, but we're leaning towards something outdoors. We want to
make sure the setting is sensory-friendly."

Andrea nodded in understanding. "That sounds like a thoughtful approach. I'm sure whatever
you two decide will be wonderful."

Carina smiled gratefully at her brother's support. "Thanks, Andrea. We're really looking
forward to it.”


Maya focused on her work as Jack approached, a hint of tension in the air. When he
apologized, she glanced up. "I'm not mad at you," she said quietly. "I should've said no, so it's
on me."

He nodded, accepting her words. "I'm still sorry, Maya. I didn't mean to make you

"It's fine." As Jack lingered, Maya added, "You know, Carina doesn't really like you."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and Ben and Travis who were nearby laughed loudly.

Jack scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well, I was an asshole to her, so I guess that
makes sense.”

Maya nodded. "Yeah, she already didn't like you, but now it's worse."

He let out a low whistle. "Damn.”

Ben chuckled, "At least she didn't yell at you in Italian."

“She did, actually.”

Ben laughed louder. “That's not good.”

Jack's expression turned slightly concerned. "Well, I hope I'm still invited to the wedding."

Maya looked at him seriously. "I'll have to ask Carina about that.”

“Tell her I'm sorry, okay?”



That following night, Maya burst through the door in a whirlwind of energy. "Carina, my
mom called! She asked me to go dress shopping with her. I need to do some research!"

Carina, sitting on the couch, looked up, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Dress shopping
already?" she said, chuckling.
"Well, when do you want to get married?"

Carina considered for a moment before replying, "I don't want to wait too long, probably a
few months from now."

With a nod, Maya pointed out, "See, that's close! And we still have to book a venue, so I
should get a dress now and make sure I stay in shape."

"Don't worry about that, bambina.”

But Maya's excitement couldn't be contained. "But what about you? Are you going to wear a
dress too? And what color? I think ivory would look beautiful on you, or maybe blush pink!"
she rambled.

"I was actually thinking about a jumpsuit, and definitely in white."

"Oh, a jumpsuit would be so chic! And yes, we definitely need to coordinate our outfits.
There are so many different shades of white.”

As Carina settled in to enjoy her show, Maya delved into her research, feverishly typing away
on her laptop. After a while, she interrupted Carina by shoving her laptop in her face,
showing her various venue options.

"Carina, look at these venues I found!"

Carina leaned in closer to the screen, examining each venue options with Maya. After careful
consideration and discussion, they finally settled on one that seemed perfect for their special

"I'll send an email to inquire about availability and pricing right now,” Maya said.

With a determined nod, she began drafting an email to the venue, her fingers moving swiftly
across the keyboard as she expressed their interest in booking for their wedding day. Carina
smiled fondly.

After sending the email, Maya closed her laptop and turned to Carina. "Oh, by the way, Jack
asked if he's still invited to the wedding."

Carina raised an eyebrow. "What did you tell him?"

Maya hesitated for a moment before replying, "I told him I'd ask you."

Carina chuckled softly. "Well, I suppose he's still invited, if you want him to be. Despite
everything, he's still a part of our lives."

Maya nodded. “I’ll let him know. He also told me to tell you he’s sorry.”

“I’m sure he is.”

“We should start drafting the guest list.”

Maya fidgeted with her hands, curling and uncurling her fingers. Carina glanced at the
blonde, noticing the familiar signs of her struggle to regulate her emotions. Maya's fidgeting
and restless energy were telltale signs, her movements increasingly frantic.

"Maya," she said gently, "you seem overwhelmed."

Maya nodded, her eyes darting around the room. "I can't... I can't stop," she admitted. "I feel
like I'm going to explode with all this excitement. It’s too much.”

Carina reached out, placing a hand on Maya's thigh. "I understand," she said softly. "It's a lot
to take in.”

Maya let out a frustrated sigh, her body tensing with the effort to control her movements. "I
just want to... to calm down," she murmured, her voice strained.

Carina gave Maya's thigh a reassuring squeeze. "You will," she promised. "Let's take a
moment together, okay? Just focus on your breath."

Maya nodded, her breathing ragged as she tried to steady herself. With Carina's support, she
gradually began to relax, the overwhelming sensations slowly subsiding.

“Good,” Carina said when Maya’s fidgeting stopped. “You just got home from work, let's
take a break from the wedding planning and just relax for a bit."

Maya nodded in agreement. "I'll change into something more comfortable," she said, slipping
away to the bedroom.

When Maya returned, she had traded her clothes for soft loungewear, her movements more
relaxed now. She settled beside Carina on the couch, leaning into her side. Together, they
melted into the comfort of the moment, leaving the wedding plans behind for now.
Chapter 13

During the next clinic day at the fire station, Carina and Maya worked together to help
patients. Maya asked questions and checked patients carefully, while Carina made quick
decisions about treatment. They trusted each other and worked well together, helping
everyone who came in.

They saw all kinds of cases, from small injuries to more serious problems. Maya enjoyed
working alongside Carina. Watching the Italian woman excel at her work brought Maya joy.

During a coffee break at the beanery, Maya excitedly mentioned to Carina that she was going
dress shopping with her mom the next day. Stirring her coffee, she looked at Carina with a
thoughtful expression. "Hey, Carina, do you think we should sleep apart the day before the
wedding? I know it's supposed to be tradition, but our wedding is small, so do we have to? I
really don't want to be apart from you."

Carina chuckled softly. "We don't have to follow any traditions we don't want to, bambina.
It's our day, remember?"

Travis, overhearing, couldn't resist adding his two cents. "The best part is the wedding night,
anyway," he said with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

Maya, with a slight furrow in her brow, glanced at Carina, gauging her reaction before
responding, "Yeah, I've been practicing carrying Carina over the threshold."

Travis laughed at Maya's comment, and Victoria chimed in, "From what I've heard, most
couples are too exhausted for a wild night."

"Well,” Carina said with a shake of her head, “I think the most important part is just enjoying
the day together."

Maya's face was earnest as she said, “The most important part is that Carina says yes.”

Carina smiled softly. “I will definitely say yes.”

Maya's phone chimed with the familiar tone of an email notification, and her heart skipped a
beat as she glanced down at the screen. It was from the venue, confirming the date they had
requested for their wedding. A surge of excitement rushed through her, and she couldn't
contain her joy.

With a gleeful laugh, Maya leaned in and planted a tender kiss on Carina's lips. As they
pulled back, Maya's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "We can start composing the invitations,

Carina couldn't help but share in Maya's infectious excitement, her heart swelling with
happiness as she leaned in to kiss her once more. The moment was interrupted by Victoria.
"Alright, lovebirds, get a room!”

Maya's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she exchanged a knowing look with Carina.
"Maybe we should.”


Maya's experience of dress shopping with her mother was overwhelming, to say the least.
The bright lights, bustling atmosphere, and myriad of choices bombarded her senses, leaving
her feeling disoriented and anxious. The different textures of the fabrics, the loud chatter of
other shoppers, and the constant movement around her made it difficult for Maya to focus.

As her mother pulled out dress after dress, Maya felt a sense of pressure building inside her.
Each gown seemed more elaborate and extravagant than the last, and Maya struggled to
articulate her preferences. The pressure to make decisions quickly, coupled with the sensory
overload she was experiencing, made her feel increasingly overwhelmed.

Despite her efforts to communicate her feelings, Maya found it challenging to express herself
amidst the chaos of the dress shop. She longed for the quiet comfort of home, where she
could process her thoughts and emotions without the distractions of the outside world.

Katherine eagerly pulled out another dress, the fabric shimmering under the harsh store lights
as she held it up for Maya to see. "How about this one?" she asked, her voice laced with

But for Maya, the sight of yet another dress sent a wave of overwhelming sensations crashing
over her. Sensing her daughter's distress, Katherine gently set the dress aside and placed a
reassuring hand on Maya's shoulder.

"It's okay, sweetheart," she said softly. "Let's take a break, shall we? We can come back to it

Maya nodded. With a gentle guiding hand, her mother led her outside.

They found a nearby bench, the cool breeze offering a welcome reprieve from the
overwhelming sensory assault of the store. Maya closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation
of the wind against her skin, the rhythmic sound of her own breath gradually bringing her
back to center.

As the minutes ticked by, Maya's senses began to recalibrate, the overwhelming stimuli of the
dress shop gradually fading into the background. She opened her eyes, meeting her mother's
gaze with a silent expression of gratitude.

"Feeling better, honey?"


“Show me the pictures you found online of the dresses you like again. We will focus on
finding something similar.”
Maya nodded gratefully, her mother's suggestion a welcome lifeline in the sea of uncertainty.
Pulling out her phone, she scrolled through the pictures of dresses she had meticulously
saved in anticipation of this day.


After the whirlwind of dress shopping with her mother, Maya returned home feeling
emotionally drained and physically exhausted. The weight of the day's events hung heavy on
her shoulders as she stepped through the door of their apartment.

Carina was still at work, leaving Maya to navigate the aftermath of her overwhelming
experience alone. Collapsing onto the bed, Maya felt the weariness seep into her bones, her
eyelids heavy with the weight of the day's emotions. Without a word, she succumbed to the
pull of sleep.


Carina stepped into their apartment, her footsteps echoing softly in the familiar space. As she
closed the door behind her, a sense of relief washed over her, happy to be home after her shift
at the hospital. However, her tranquility was short-lived as she noticed the absence of Maya's
usual presence.

Frowning in confusion, Carina scanned the living room, her gaze darting from one corner to
another, but there was no sign of Maya. Determined to find her fiancée, Carina made her way
to the bedroom, feeling slightly worried as Maya was very set on her routines and it was
usually easy to predict what she was doing. Pushing the door open, she peered inside, her
heart skipping a beat at the sight before her.

There, lying on the bed, was Maya, fast asleep in her clothes, shoes still on, her body
sprawled haphazardly across the covers. Carina's confusion deepened at the sight, her brow
furrowing as she tried to make sense of the situation.

Carefully approaching the bed, Carina reached out to gently shake Maya awake. "Maya, what
are you doing? Why are you asleep like this?" she asked.

Carina's gentle touch roused Maya from her deep sleep, the sensation of fingers brushing
against her cheek pulling her back to consciousness. Groaning softly, Maya stirred, her
eyelids fluttering open as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

"Tesoro, what happened?” Carina asked, her eyes searching Maya's face for answers.

Blinking blearily, Maya struggled to orient herself, her mind still foggy from sleep. "Dress
shopping..." she mumbled, her words slurred with drowsiness. "It was overwhelming… So
many options…"

Carina couldn't help but smile at Maya's sleepy confession. "That bad, huh?" she teased, her
fingers brushing through Maya's disheveled hair.
Maya's face, still creased with the remnants of sleep, managed to form a cute, crinkled
expression as she struggled to rise from the bed. Rubbing her eyes wearily, she glanced at
Carina, her voice carrying a hint of pride despite her grogginess.

"I did find a dress," she announced, her words punctuated by a small yawn.

Carina's curiosity sparked as Maya mentioned the dress. "Can I see it?" she asked eagerly.

Maya looked horrified. “Carina, no! It’s a surprise.”

Carina chuckled at Maya's refusal, shaking her head in amusement. "Alright, mystery
woman, let's go eat," she said, leading the way to the kitchen.

As they entered the kitchen, Carina casually mentioned, "Oh, by the way, I have my eye on
an outfit too, but I’ll keep it a secret, then." She flashed Maya a daring grin.

Maya's eyes twinkled with curiosity, but she bit her lip, trying to contain her eagerness.
"Okay, but my dress is ivory. If you go with white, it should be ivory, or it will look terrible

Carina chuckled. "Maybe I should go for orange.”

Maya's eyes widened in alarm. "Orange?" she echoed, taking Carina's words seriously.

Carina swung open the refrigerator door and began rummaging through its contents. "Don't
you think orange would look good on me?" she quipped, her voice muffled by the fridge.

Maya stuttered in response, her mind still processing Carina's words.

But then Carina burst into laughter and added, "Just kidding."

Maya felt herself relax as she watched Carina pull items from the refrigerator. Suddenly, she
pushed Carina against the counter and leaned in for a kiss. The brunette hummed into the kiss
before pulling back slightly. "What was that for?" she asked with a smile.

Maya shrugged. "Just felt like doing it.”

“Well, I’m glad you recovered from shopping.”

Maya grimaced a little. “Yeah, I hate shopping.”

Carina smiled. “I know that.”

Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

TW for Lane

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Carina was seated at her desk in her office, the soft glow of her computer screen illuminating
her face as she furiously typed away. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Come in,"
she called out, her tone slightly exasperated. "Just give me a second."

Amelia poked her head into the room, concern evident in her expression. "What's going on?"
she asked, stepping inside.

Carina let out a loud groan of frustration, leaning back in her chair. "Writing vows is hard,"
she said, running a hand through her hair.

"Just tell her what you feel.”

Carina let out a sigh, rolling her eyes. "I figured that much, thank you," she replied, a hint of
sarcasm in her tone.

Amelia shrugged, leaning against the door frame. "How's the planning going?" she inquired.

Carina rubbed her temples. "Most of it is covered," she said. "But it can be a bit
overwhelming. Maya's really stressed out about it."

Amelia nodded in understanding. "Maybe it would've been better to hire a wedding planner.”

Carina scoffed, shaking her head. "Andy made the same suggestion to Maya. But Maya
would never give up control."

Amelia said, "Well, the big day is coming closer, fortunately. How are you feeling about it?"

Carina bit her lip in contemplation. "Excited, nervous... a little bit of everything, I guess., I
never thought I'd get married, especially seeing how my parents' marriage was a wreck," she
confessed. "But with Maya, everything is different. She makes me want to build something
strong and beautiful."

Amelia smiled. "Have you two planned a honeymoon?"

Carina frowned slightly. "Strangely, we haven't discussed that yet.”

"Why not?" Amelia asked, curious.

Carina sighed. "Maya didn't bring it up, and I didn't want to overwhelm her. Planning a
wedding is already quite energy-draining.”

"I figured you'd take her to Italy or something.”

Carina's eyes lit up at the idea of showing Maya her country. "That does sound amazing," she
said, feeling warm at the thought. "I'll discuss it with Maya at some point."

“Cool. Do you have time to grab lunch? I’m starving.”

"Sure," Carina agreed, needing a break from wrestling with her vows.


In the following weeks, time seemed to fly by as Maya and Carina delved deeper into
wedding preparations. They spent a memorable afternoon tasting cakes, an experience that
proved to be more challenging than anticipated. Maya, with her sensitive palate, found many
of the flavors overwhelming or unappealing. Carina couldn't help but chuckle at Maya's
expressions as she sampled each cake, trying to find one that she could tolerate.

Despite the cake tasting adventure, they managed to find a few flavors that Maya approved
of, ensuring that their wedding cake would be enjoyable for both of them.

Another significant milestone was sending out the wedding invitations. Maya meticulously
addressed each envelope, while Carina double-checked the guest list to ensure no one was
overlooked. As they dropped the invitations into the mailbox, a sense of excitement washed
over them, knowing that their special day was drawing nearer with each passing moment.

As they enjoyed a quiet dinner at one of their favorite restaurants, Carina brought up the idea
of their honeymoon, gently broaching the topic with Maya.

"Hey, Maya," she began, her voice soft as she reached for Maya's hand across the table. "I
was thinking about our honeymoon. Have you given it any thought?"

Maya paused, her fork halfway to her mouth, before setting it down and meeting Carina's
gaze. "I... I haven't really thought about it much," she admitted, a hint of uncertainty in her

Carina squeezed Maya's hand reassuringly. "That's okay, bambina. We don't have to go on a
honeymoon right away if it feels like too much. We can take our time and plan it whenever
you're ready."

"I do want to go," Maya said earnestly, a hint of self-deprecation creeping into her voice. "I
just... I guess I got so focused on the wedding itself that I forgot about the honeymoon.
Stupid, right?"

“It's not stupid at all. And hey, good thing we're in this together, right?"

"Yeah, definitely. Do you have any ideas or preferences?”

"Actually, I did think about it," Carina admitted. “And I would love to take you to Italy."

Maya smiled. “That sounds wonderful.”

Carina's eyes shimmered with anticipation as she leaned forward, her voice laced with
excitement. "I was thinking specifically of Sicily.”

Maya's face lit up with excitement as she considered the possibilities. "Should I start
planning?" she asked eagerly, her mind already buzzing with ideas.

"Actually, bambina, let me take care of this part, okay?" Carina said softly. "You're already
stressed out enough with the wedding planning. Let me handle the honeymoon details."

Maya looked at their joined hands. “Okay. You know I'm not great at letting other people plan
things, but it's your home country and I trust you.”

“It will be fantastico,” Carina promised.

"Okay," Maya said, returning her focus to her food. "I've never been on a plane before, so I'm
a bit nervous about that. And, um, how long will we be gone? I don't want to be away from
home for too long."

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Carina reassured her. "We'll take it step by step, and I'll be right
there with you. And as for how long we'll be gone, we can discuss that. Maybe we can start
with a shorter trip to see how you feel about flying and being away from home. Si?”

Maya nodded in agreement. “Okay.”


Maya moved through the apartment, methodically going through her daily routine. Cleaning
was a way to maintain order and control in a world that often felt overwhelming. As she
dusted the shelves and organized their belongings, she found a sense of calm settling over

But her peace was shattered by a sharp knock on the door. Maya froze, the sound sending a
jolt of anxiety coursing through her veins. When she finally mustered the courage to open the
door, she was met with the last person she expected to see – her father. The shock of his
presence sent a wave of panic washing over her.

"I heard you're getting married," he said, his words like a slap in the face

Maya's hand trembled as she reached for the door, her instincts screaming at her to shut it
tight and lock him out. But before she could close it, her father's foot blocked the door frame,
halting her movements with a chilling finality.

"I can't believe that woman is still with you, Maya," Lane’s voice was like a knife through the
air, slicing through the fragile peace of the apartment. Maya's breath caught in her throat, her
heart pounding wildly against her ribs as she struggled to find her voice.
The words hit her like a physical blow, each one a painful reminder of the wounds he had
inflicted upon her over the years. She felt the weight of his disdain bearing down on her,
crushing her beneath its suffocating pressure.

Her father's voice droned on, his words a relentless assault on her senses. He spoke of her
"ridiculous" text, of her "exhausting" routines and "stupid" meltdowns. Each word was a
dagger to her heart, reopening old wounds she had thought long healed.

But it was his final words that struck her the hardest. "When I heard you were getting
married, I couldn't believe my ears," he sneered. "Not inviting me to your wedding, Maya?
That's a joke, after everything I've done for you. All those times I had to toss you over my
shoulder because you were embarrassing yourself."

Maya's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. The memories
flooded back with crushing force, threatening to overwhelm her fragile defenses. She felt the
familiar sting of tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

The onslaught of his words triggered her senses. The world around her seemed to blur and
warp, her vision swimming as she struggled to make sense of what was happening.

Desperate to escape, Maya tried to close the door once more, but her trembling hands
betrayed her, their feeble attempts ruined by her father's overpowering presence. With a
sickening sense of dread, she watched helplessly as he pushed himself inside.

Chapter End Notes

Unfortunately he didn't magically disappear :(

Chapter 15
Chapter Notes

TW for Lane
Pretty dark I guess

As Carina walked briskly towards their apartment, her fingers tapped anxiously against her
phone screen. She tried calling Maya once, twice, three times, but each attempt went
unanswered. A gnawing sense of worry crept into her chest, overshadowing her earlier

"Come on, Maya, pick up," she muttered under her breath, her steps quickening with each
passing moment. The silence on the other end of the line only fueled her growing unease.

As she neared their building, Carina's thoughts raced, her imagination conjuring up all sorts
of scenarios. Had something happened to Maya? Was she okay, in need of help, or simply

Carina stepped into the apartment, her eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. Immediately,
something felt off. The usually pristine living space seemed slightly disheveled, with
cleaning tools scattered about, and, was that broken glass? — an unusual sight, considering
Maya's meticulous nature.

Frowning, Carina called out for Maya, her voice tinged with concern. Silence greeted her,
adding to her growing apprehension. She moved through the apartment, checking each room.

Carina's heart skipped a beat as she pushed open the bathroom door. Maya, fully clothed and
seated on the shower floor, was rocking back and forth, her hands tightly gripping her hair.
Carina's eyes widened with alarm as she noticed a trickle of blood running down Maya's

"Maya!" her voice was urgent as she rushed forward, dropping to her knees beside her
fiancée. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

Her hands moved to gently cup Maya's face, her touch careful and tender. Still, Maya
flinched away from her, her movements frantic as she banged her head against the wall.

"Maya, stop," Carina urged, placing her hands on the blonde’s knees, trying to prevent her
from hurting herself further. "It's okay, it's okay. Just look at me, you’re safe.”

Carina winced as Maya's hands tightened around her hair, the frantic grip pulling at her scalp.
"Maya, please," Carina tried again. "You're hurting yourself. Can I take your hands?"
Maya's eyes remained wide with frenzy, unseeing as she continued to rock back and forth.
The sound of Maya's humming filled the air, a desperate melody. This wasn't the first time
Maya had experienced such a meltdown recently, and Carina couldn't shake the nagging
feeling that the stress of wedding planning might be taking its toll on her.

As Maya's humming escalated, Carina could feel the tension radiating from her. It was as if
Maya's very essence was straining against an invisible barrier, desperate to break free. She
whispered soothing words, hoping to calm Maya. She reached out again to take Maya's
trembling hands, and this time, the blonde relented, allowing Carina to touch her.

Feeling Maya's hands tremble beneath her touch, Carina pressed gentle kisses to her palms.
“You’re okay, bambina. I’m here.”

And then, in a fragile whisper, Maya found her voice.

"My dad... here," she uttered.

Carina's heart clenched at the revelation, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place.

“Your dad was here?”

Maya nodded meekly.

A fierce protectiveness surged within Carina. She couldn't fathom the thought of someone
hurting Maya, especially Lane Bishop.

"Did your dad do that, Maya?" Carina's voice trembled with concern and fury as she gestured
towards the trickle of blood on Maya's forehead.

Maya pulled her hands from Carina’s grasp. She rubbed and twisted them as she trembled
with the aftershocks of her meltdown. “Yes, my dad,” she confirmed. "He... he knocked over
my Sherlock Holmes glass. The one... the one I've had since I was a kid. It... it broke.”

Carina's throat constricted. "Oh, bambina," she whispered, pulling Maya into her arms,
hoping the pressure of her body would ground her.

"I... I picked up the shards. But he... he kept yelling, and I... I tried to block out his voice."

Carina could picture the scene, figuring Maya must’ve nicked her forehead somewhere
amidst the chaos, and she felt sick. She wiped at Maya’s cheeks, at her tears, grimacing at the
dried blood that had gathered down her fiancée’s neck and t-shirt. She gently lifted Maya's
chin, her fingers delicately tracing the line of the cut on Maya's forehead. Relief washed over
her as she realized the wound wasn't deep.

She pressed a tender kiss to the uninjured skin nearby. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Carina guided Maya to her feet, her touch gentle as she helped Maya out of her shirt. Maya's
eyes remained distant, her hands curled by her sides as if she was trying to shrink away from
the memories that haunted her.
"It's over now, Maya. He's gone," Carina murmured as she carefully cleaned Maya's skin with
a warm cloth. Maya remained silent, her gaze fixed on some unseen point in the distance as
she allowed Carina to tend to her.

"All done," the brunette said as she finished cleaning Maya, then guided her to the bedroom
where she helped her change into something more comfortable, her movements slow and
deliberate to match Maya's state. “What do you need, bambina?”

Maya didn’t speak. Carina observed her silence. She settled Maya into her favorite chair in
the bedroom. Realizing the gravity of the situation, she reached for her phone and dialed
Katherine’s number, hoping for some support.


Carina greeted Maya's mother at the door with a weary smile, grateful for her presence.
"Thanks for coming," she said softly, welcoming her inside.

Katherine enveloped Carina in a warm hug, her eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

Carina nodded slightly. "Yes, but it's always hard seeing Maya like that.”

“I know, honey. What happened exactly?”

Katherine listened intently as Carina recounted the events of the evening. Her brow furrowed
in concern as Carina described finding Maya in such a distressed state.

"Oh dear," she mumbled. “Is she okay now?”

“I think so, but she hasn’t said a word.”

Katherine sighed, her gaze distant as she recalled Maya's childhood meltdowns. "When Maya
was younger, her meltdowns were... intense. She'd become overwhelmed by the smallest
things—a change in routine, loud noises, crowded spaces—and it was like she couldn't
process it all. She'd shut down completely, unable to communicate or regulate her emotions.
It was heartbreaking to see her like that. But as she got older, her meltdowns became less
frequent and less intense as she learned to navigate things better.”

Carina nodded, processing the words. "It’s been tough on her lately. She had a meltdown not
too long ago too. The wedding planning has been stressful enough and then her father
showing up…”

"Lane can be so inconsiderate, not just to Maya, but both of our children," Katherine said, her
eyes clouded with sorrow. "One time, we found Mason wandering the streets. One of Lane's
colleagues spotted him and recognized him. We tried to bring him home, but he was... he was
high on drugs," Katherine continued, her voice breaking slightly. "Lane lost his temper and
yelled at him so badly... Mason ran off, and that was the last we saw of him.”

Carina felt a pang of sadness in her chest as Katherine recounted the tragic tale. "I'm sorry.”

Katherine sighed deeply. "Can I try to speak to Maya?”

"Si," Carina replied, stepping aside to let Katherine into the bedroom.

Carina leaned against the doorframe, her eyes fixed on Katherine as she knelt in front of
Maya, who remained silent and distant.

Katherine gently reached out, placing a comforting hand on Maya's knee. "Sweetheart," she
began softly, "it's me, Mom. Can you tell me what happened?"

Maya's eyes remained unfocused, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap.

Katherine's voice was firm but gentle as she continued, "Maya, whatever your father said, it's
not true. He can't hurt you anymore. You're safe here."

Maya's gaze flickered slightly, but she remained silent, her expression troubled.

"Did he force himself into the apartment, honey? Is that what happened?" Katherine probed.

Maya's eyes welled up with tears, and she nodded slowly, her voice still absent.

“Maya, what did he want? Was he angry at you for ignoring him? Did he want something
from you?"

Maya struggled to find her voice, her hands continuing to fidget nervously. Finally, in a
barely audible whisper, she managed to say, "He... he said... he said…”

Katherine squinted, trying to piece together Maya's fragmented response. "Was it about your
job?" she asked. Maya shook her head. "Carina?" Katherine ventured, and Maya nodded.

Carina approached. "Bambina, was it about the wedding?"

Maya nodded once more, confirming her suspicions.

Carina turned to Katherine, her brow furrowed. "He must've found out somehow.”

Katherine's eyes filled with sympathy as she asked Maya, "Was your father angry for not
being invited?"

Maya nodded, her voice small as she recounted, "Yes, and…. he-he broke my Sherlock
Holmes glass."

Katherine listened intently, then asked, "Did he do anything else to hurt you?"

Maya shook her head, but her distress was palpable as she repeated, "No, but my glass, Mom,
my glass."

“It's okay, sweetheart. Did he leave on his own?"

Maya's voice trembled as she replied, "I... I don't know. He made me scream. I-I haven't
screamed in years, but I'm not a child, not a child anymore. I’m not a child."
Carina silently wiped away the tears on her cheeks, unable to keep her emotions at bay, as
Katherine comforted Maya, saying, "It's okay, just take a moment to calm down, okay?"

Carina fetched Maya her weighted blanket and a stress toy, hoping it would offer some

Then, Katherine gently guided Carina out of the room, hugging her tightly as Carina broke
down in tears.

"Sorry," the brunette managed to say between deep breaths, "I just... I haven't seen her like
this very often. She usually calms down faster."

"It's okay, it's a lot for you too," Katherine replied soothingly, "but you're such a great partner,

Carina pulled back and looked at Maya’s mother. "What did Maya mean by that, that Lane
made her scream?"

Katherine sighed heavily. "When she was a kid, Maya would start screaming when it got too
much for her, you know, to block out the noises around her. But she hasn't done that since she
was very young. If that's what that bastard drove her to, I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call
the police."

Carina's expression turned grim. "I hate the thought of Lane being in our apartment,
Katherine. I just can't believe he would do this to Maya."

Katherine cringed slightly. "It doesn't surprise me," she admitted quietly.

Carina's jaw clenched as she contemplated the implications. "I guess I don't really know the
depths of the abuse, but I know he would belittle her for her autism.”

Katherine's gaze darkened with memories. "He would do more than just belittle her," she
affirmed quietly.

Carina swallowed hard, her resolve hardening. "I need to do something to stop this," she
declared. "I need to take legal action."

“Let’s grab some water, yeah?” Katherine suggested, taking the lead toward the kitchen. As
she poured them both a glass, she said, “I’m sorry, Carina. I know it’s my fault for letting that
man treat Maya like this for so long. If I had put a stop to it sooner, he wouldn’t have been
able to inflict such damage.”

Carina accepted the glass of water, her thoughts racing. Katherine's admission hung heavy in
the air, and Carina shook her head. "It's not your fault, Katherine. You did what you could to
protect Maya."

Katherine's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I should've done more," she said, her voice
heavy with regret.

"You're here now, supporting her. That's what matters."

“What do you plan on doing?”

“We need to get a restraining order,” Carina answered. “It’s the only option.”

Katherine nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I agree," she said.
"We can't let Lane continue to terrorize Maya."

Carina took a deep breath, steeling herself for the steps ahead. "I'll start looking into the
process first thing tomorrow," she said resolutely.
Chapter 16

After Katherine left, Carina turned back to the bedroom. Curled up in her chair, Maya was
huddled under the weighted blanket, her eyes fixed on nothing in particular. She looked pale,
almost ghostly, and Carina's heart clenched at the sight of her.

"Maya," she said softly, moving closer to her. "How are you feeling?"

But Maya didn't respond. She continued to squeeze her stress toy, her gaze distant and

Carina brushed a few stray strands of hair away from Maya's face.

"What do you want to do, amore mio?" she asked, her eyes searching Maya's face for any
sign of what she might need. "Do you want to take a shower, or maybe eat something? Or
would you rather just sit here for a while?"

Maya didn’t say anything.

"It's okay, bambina," Carina whispered, sitting on the floor in front of Maya. "You don't have
to decide right now. We can just sit here together for as long as you need."

And so they sat together in silence, Carina waiting patiently.

After what felt like hours, Maya’s soft voice filled the room, “I’m sorry.”

Carina took Maya’s hand and lifted it to her lips, pressing a tender kiss against her fingers.
"It's okay, Maya. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

As Maya stammered, her words came out in fragmented bursts, each sentence tinged with
weariness. "My Sherlock Holmes glass... Dad… yelling about the wedding..." She struggled
to articulate her thoughts, exhausted.

"It's okay," Carina said. "He's gone now."

"My glass broke," Maya murmured, her voice carrying a sense of loss.

"I know, bambina," Carina replied softly, understanding Maya's tendency to fixate on specific
details as she recovered from the intense emotional upheaval.

Maya's eyes fluttered with exhaustion, briefly succumbing to the pull of sleep before
snapping open again. "Did my mom leave?" she asked.

Carina nodded. "Si, she did."

"I'm not a child," Maya insisted, her words tinged with frustration. “Don’t need my mom.”
Carina's heart ached at the repetition, the reminder of the triggers Lane had installed in Maya,
instilling a sense of shame about her meltdowns. "I know, Maya," she murmured, kissing
Maya’s fingers again, letting the contact linger. "You're not a child."

She watched Maya's eyelids flutter once more before finally succumbing to sleep. With a
heavy heart, Carina tucked her in, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She then made her way to
the bathroom.
As the water cascaded down in the shower, Carina let the tears flow freely, the sound of her
sobs muffled by the rush of water. It was a release, a moment to let out the emotions that had
been building up inside her. Despite her efforts to stay strong for Maya, the reality of the
situation was overwhelming. She cried for Maya, for the pain she had endured, and for the
challenges they faced together.


The next morning found Carina engrossed in her research, her laptop open on the kitchen
table as she delved into the intricacies of obtaining a restraining order. Her determination was
palpable, fueled by the need to protect Maya from any further harm.

As she focused on her task, Carina noticed Maya emerging from their bedroom, clad in her
running gear, looking drained and pale. "You're not going on a run, are you?"

Maya hesitated, her gaze flickering between Carina and the door. "I have to.”

Carina shook her head. "You should really eat something first," she insisted.

Maya hovered uncertainly, her eyes searching Carina's face. After a moment of silence, she
hesitantly asked, "Carina… Are you okay?

“I’m fine,” Carina tried to reassure Maya, but she continued to hover awkwardly in the
doorway. Carina noticed Maya's hesitation and the unease in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

Maya looked down, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping into her cheeks. After a
moment of internal struggle, she finally nodded to herself, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Do you... want to talk about yesterday?"

Carina's demeanor softened as she closed her laptop, giving Maya her full attention. "Do you
want to talk about it?"

Maya hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I... didn't finish my cleaning tasks because...
my father showed up.”

“That’s okay. You don't have to worry about that right now. Do you want to share what
exactly happened with your dad?”

Maya avoided Carina's gaze, her eyes fixed on a distant point as she recounted the unsettling
encounter. "He... he was angry that he wasn’t invited to the wedding. I tried to close the door,
but he pushed his way inside."
Carina's jaw clenched with restrained anger at the thought of Lane's intrusion, but she
remained composed, focusing on Maya's words. "And what happened then?" she inquired,
encouraging Maya to continue.

Maya swallowed hard. "He... he kept saying that you're crazy for marrying me. And that I'm
ungrateful for shutting him out when he's the only one who ever tried to give me proper
treatment by treating me like an adult."

"You asked him to leave, but he wouldn't," Carina guessed.

Maya nodded. "I had to finish cleaning and I didn’t want him there, but he wouldn’t listen.
And then he threw my Sherlock Holmes glass… I tried to pick up the pieces, but he kept
yelling at me, calling me a child." She paused, her expression haunted. “And then I was
screaming… I don’t remember the rest.”

Carina sighed deeply, her heart heavy with concern for Maya. "Sit down, won't you?" she
urged, gesturing to the nearby chair.

Maya nodded silently, her movements slow as she took a seat next to Carina.

"Bambina, what happened yesterday wasn't okay," the brunette began, her tone firm yet
reassuring. "We need to do something about it."

Maya's eyes flickered with shame. "I really try not to have meltdowns, Carina, but I cannot
help it sometimes," she said, her tone filled with frustration and self-doubt. “My body doesn’t
do what I want it to.”

Carina shook her head, feeling her chest tighten. "No, Maya, that’s not what I mean. I mean
what your father did," she clarified. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Maya fiddled with her hands. "What do we need to do about it? I tried my best to send him

Carina reached out and gently clasped Maya's hand in hers, offering a reassuring squeeze.
"We need to get a restraining order.”

Maya listened intently as Carina explained the steps to get a restraining order in Seattle.
Carina outlined the process, detailing how they would need to file a petition with the court,
providing evidence of Lane's behavior and the threat he posed. She assured Maya that they
could seek legal help if needed and emphasized the importance of documenting everything
that happened.

As Maya processed the steps involved in obtaining a restraining order, a wave of panic
washed over her. The thought of navigating through legal procedures felt overwhelming, and
she could feel her anxiety rising.

"I don't know if I can do all of this," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.

“We'll take it one step at a time, okay? You're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together."
Maya's agitation became palpable as she pulled her hand from Carina’s grasp and rubbed her
palms over her leggings, the fabric providing a familiar sensation of comfort amidst her
growing anxiety. "It's just... too much. I don't know if I can handle all of this. What if... what
if it doesn't work? What if he comes back?"

Carina could see the worry etched on Maya's face. "Bambina, I understand it's a lot to take in.
But we have to do this to keep you safe.”

Feeling overwhelmed, Maya's hands moved faster, the rhythmic motion a manifestation of
her escalating fears. "It's too much now, Carina, too much," she repeated.

Carina's concern deepened as she observed Maya's distress. "Bambina..." she began, her
voice soft with worry, but Maya interrupted.

"I need to go on a run now," she declared abruptly.

Understanding that Maya needed space to process, Carina nodded silently, though her heart
ached at the sight of Maya's distress. As Maya hurried out the door, Carina couldn't help but
worry about the toll this ordeal was taking on her fiancée.


Carina paced the apartment, her thoughts consumed by Maya's meltdown and the unsettling
presence of Lane. She couldn't shake the feeling of anger and helplessness, knowing the pain
Maya endured because of her father's toxic behavior.

When Maya returned from her run, Carina observed her silently as she disappeared into the
bathroom. The sound of the shower echoed through the apartment.

As Maya emerged from the bathroom, refreshed but still tense, Carina knew they couldn't
avoid the conversation any longer. "Maya," she began gently, "we need to continue our
conversation about getting a restraining order.”

Maya nodded tensely, her movements rigid as she rummaged through the fridge for
ingredients for her shake.

Carina watched her silently for a moment before speaking up. "I know it seems
overwhelming," she said softly, "but it's necessary to ensure our safety and peace of mind.”

Maya chopped the fruit a bit frantically.

"Look, I don't want to push you, but your father cannot come anywhere near you anymore,
Maya," Carina said firmly. "This is the only way to protect ourselves.”

Maya put the fruit in the blender, her hands trembling slightly. Carina sighed as Maya turned
on the blender, the noise adding to the tension in the room.

Finally fed up, Carina reached over and turned it off. Maya looked at her, startled. "Carina!"

"I'm trying to communicate with you," Carina said.

Maya looked at the floor, her expression apologetic as she mumbled, "Sorry.”

The brunette sighed. "If you don't want to do this for yourself, then please do it for me. It
breaks my heart to see you like that, and I don't want you to go through that again. When you
hurt, I hurt. Your pain is my pain."

Maya's expression softened, and she replied sadly, "I don't want your heart to be broken,

"Then please, bambina, let's do this together, for both of us.”

After a moment's hesitation, Maya nodded. “Okay.”

Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

I probably won't get all the legal stuff right, apologies in advance

In the weeks that followed, Maya and Carina realized how difficult it might be to obtain a
restraining order against Lane. They began by gathering evidence of Lane's abusive behavior
and documenting instances of harassment. Carina, taking charge of the legal proceedings,
filed the necessary paperwork with the court. However, they soon realized that the process
was not immediate; it would take some time before their case was heard in court.

In the meantime, they prepared for the upcoming court hearing. Carina consulted with
lawyers to ensure they had a strong case. As they navigated the legal system, they learned
that the backlog of cases and procedural requirements meant that their hearing was scheduled
for several weeks or even months in the future. This prolonged timeline added to Maya's
stress and apprehension about facing her father in court. However, Carina’s presence through
it all provided the much needed comfort.

In the midst of preparing for the court hearing, the date of their wedding was also
approaching. Despite the looming legal battle, Maya made an effort to shift her focus to the
wedding instead. She immersed herself in wedding planning tasks, hoping to win from the
stress that threatened to overwhelm her.

One day, Maya nervously approached Andy, feeling a rush of anticipation as she mustered
the courage to ask her a crucial question. "Hey, Andy," she began tentatively, "Well, um, I
was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my best man... or rather, best woman,
at the wedding?"

Her heart raced as she awaited her best friend’s response, hoping she hadn't overstepped.

Andy’s eyes welled up with tears, and Maya's heart skipped a beat, fearing she had upset her.
"Oh no, Andy, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry," she exclaimed, feeling a wave of

Andy wiped away her tears with a gentle laugh, reassuring Maya, "No, no, these are happy
tears, Maya. Of course I will be your best woman. It would be an honor."

Maya let out a relieved sigh, a wide smile spreading across her face.

In the meantime, Carina had asked Andrea to be her best man. She was grateful for having
him by her side on such an important day. But despite her happiness about Andrea's
involvement, she couldn't shake off the lingering sadness that her father wouldn't be there.
The thought of his absence was a reminder of the painful realities of their relationship. Yet,
she was determined not to let it overshadow the joyous occasion that awaited her and Maya.

That morning, they lay together in bed, their naked bodies pressed together in a comforting
embrace. The air around them was filled with the lingering warmth of their lovemaking, but
Carina could sense that Maya's mind was elsewhere, lost in deep thought.

Curled up against Carina's chest, Maya's fingers traced aimless patterns across her skin, her
touch light and absentminded. Carina brushed her fingers through Maya's hair. “What’s on
your mind, bambina?”

"I was just going through my mental checklist for the wedding," May replied quietly. "I think
everything is finally taken care of now, only two more weeks to go.”

Carina smiled. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

Maya replied by pressing a kiss to Carina’s jaw. She was silent for a while before voicing her
thoughts again, “Is it difficult for you to be with someone like me?”

Carina frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean all the challenges that come with my autism.”

"Bambina, being with you has never been difficult for me. Yes, there are challenges, but
they're just a part of who you are, and I love every part of you,” Carina replied. When Maya
didn’t say anything, she added, “Is this something you’re worried about?”

“It's just... the whole situation with my father has been really rough," Maya began, her words
hesitant. "And I've had some pretty bad meltdowns recently... Sometimes, I just worry about
how it might impact how you see me."

Carina’s expression softened. “Maya, nothing could ever change the way I see you.”

"But... I know we agreed to discuss this in the future," Maya said, her gaze drifting to
anything but Carina’s eyes. "But you want kids, and... how can I be a mother when I have

Her words hung in the air, laden with the weight of her insecurities. Maya feared that her
struggles with meltdowns would hinder her ability to fulfill Carina's dreams of starting a
family together.

"Bambina, I understand why you're worried, but you're more than your meltdowns," Carina
began, pressing a kiss to Maya’s forehead. "Parenthood is a journey we'll navigate together,
just like everything else. And while meltdowns may pose challenges, they don't define you or
your ability to be an amazing mother."

Maya listened carefully, adding, "I suppose these meltdowns were under unusual
circumstances... with my father showing up unexpectedly, it was overwhelming."
Carina's embrace tightened. "Exactly," she murmured, "It was a unique situation, and we
handled it together. That's what matters most."

Maya nodded but remained silent.

“Maybe, when the time comes that we start looking into this seriously, you can try seeking
contact with parents that are on the spectrum. It might be nice to find people that you can
relate to,” Carina suggested.

Carina's suggestion sparked a glimmer of hope in Maya's mind. "That's... actually a really
good idea," she said, considering the possibility. "To connect with other parents who are

"Yeah," Carina affirmed, her voice encouraging. "You'd have a support network, people who
understand firsthand what you're going through. And they could offer insights and strategies
that work for them."

Maya nodded, the notion slowly sinking in. "It sounds... reassuring," she admitted, a hint of
relief evident in her voice. "Thank you.”

“Of course.” Carina grinned mischievously, her eyes twinkling with playful intent. "How
about we practice the wedding night some more?"

"We just did.”

Carina's grin widened as she teased, "So, does that mean we're done practicing? I have a few
more tricks up my sleeve."

Maya's lips curved into a knowing smile as she understood Carina's playful invitation.
Without a word, she closed the distance between them, capturing Carina's lips in a kiss.


Maya sat cross-legged on the floor, absorbed in her puzzle, the pieces arranged carefully
around her. Carina, perched on the nearby couch, balanced her laptop on her knees, engrossed
in her work. The rhythmic tapping of keys filled the room, mingling with the occasional soft
click as Maya fit together another piece of her puzzle.

Suddenly, the doorbell chimed, breaking the quiet concentration of the room. Maya glanced
up, her brow furrowing. "The doorbell," she murmured, her routine disrupted.

Carina glanced at Maya, a reassuring smile on her lips. "It's probably your mom," Carina
said, rising from the couch to answer the door. For once, Katherine had called in advance to
ask if she could stop by for coffee.

As Carina opened the door Katherine greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning,
Carina," she said cheerfully. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Carina returned the smile, shaking her head. "Not at all. Come on in," she replied, stepping
aside to let her in.
Katherine stood at the doorway, a patient smile on her lips as she watched Maya fit a puzzle
piece into its place. The quiet concentration on Maya's face was a familiar sight, one that
Katherine had seen many times before.

After a moment, Maya finally placed the piece in its spot with a satisfying click. She looked
up. "Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, sweetheart.”

Maya got to her feet. “I will make us some coffee.”

As Maya disappeared into the kitchen to prepare the coffee, Katherine turned her attention to
Carina, who was seated nearby. With a warm smile, she asked, "So, Carina, are you all set for
the wedding?"

Carina nodded, returning the smile. "Yes, everything's coming together. We've been busy
with the final preparations, but I think we're just about ready."

Katherine leaned forward slightly, her expression curious. "And how are you feeling about it

Carina paused for a moment, considering the question. "Honestly, I'm feeling a mix of
emotions," she admitted. "There's excitement, of course, but there's also a bit of nervousness.
This day means so much to Maya and me."

Katherine nodded understandingly. "It's perfectly normal to feel that way," she reassured her.
"But I have no doubt that your wedding day will be beautiful and memorable."

"Thank you, Katherine. We’re really looking forward to it.”

As Maya carefully set down the tray of coffee cups on the table, she joined in the
conversation with her mother and Carina. They chatted about various topics for a while.

However, as the conversation flowed, Katherine gently shifted the topic, her tone becoming
more serious. "Maya, Carina," she began, her expression softening with concern, "I've been
meaning to ask... What's the status on the restraining order against Lane?"

Maya's smile faltered slightly at the mention of her father's name. She glanced at Carina,
silently conveying her apprehension.

Carina leaned forward, her expression serious as she elaborated on the progress they'd made
with the restraining order. "We've gathered all the necessary documentation and evidence,"
she explained, her tone confident. "But there are still some bureaucratic hurdles to navigate
before we can secure a court date."

Katherine's concern deepened as she inquired about the court hearing process. "What can you
expect during the hearing?" she asked, her eyes flicking between Maya and Carina.

Carina took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. "Well, typically, both parties
will present their cases before a judge," she explained, her tone measured. "We'll need to
provide evidence of Lane's behavior and make a compelling argument for the necessity of the
restraining order."

“That sounds difficult,” Katherine said. “Have you heard anything from him at all since the

Maya shook her head. “No.”

“You’d think he was scared off by his own behavior, but unfortunately, this isn’t the worst he
has done,” Katherine mused, her expression somber.

Carina found Maya’s hand instinctively.

Maya glanced down. “I’d rather not think about those times, Mom.”

“I know, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

After Katherine left, Carina tried to brighten the mood by suggesting a mini dance party in
their living room, trying out their wedding playlist. Maya hesitated at first but eventually
relented, unable to resist Carina’s smile. They queued up their favorite songs and took turns
playing DJ, giggling as they danced around the room. Maya's movements were fluid yet
unconventional, expressing herself in a way that surprised Carina.

Her moves were a mix of graceful movements and quirky gestures. She twirled around the
room with elegance, her arms outstretched as if she were performing a ballet. Then, in the
next moment, she'd break into a series of comical hops and spins, her face beaming with joy.

At one point, Maya even attempted a spontaneous robot dance, her movements stiff and jerky
yet oddly endearing. Carina couldn't help but laugh at the sight, joining in as Maya
improvised a routine.

Despite her initial reservations, Maya fully embraced the silliness of the moment, letting go
of any inhibitions and allowing herself to be fully present in the joy of the dance.

As Maya spun Carina around, their laughter filling the room, Carina couldn't help but be
amused by her partner's infectious energy.

Caught up in the joy of the moment, Maya suddenly pulled Carina close, their bodies
swaying together in rhythm to the music. Their eyes met, and Maya's expression turned
tender as she cupped Carina's face in her hands.

"We're really getting married," she said.

Carina's heart swelled with love as she leaned in to meet Maya's lips in a sweet, lingering
kiss. “Yes, we are,” she replied. “And it’s going to be perfect.”
Chapter 18
Chapter Notes

The wedding :)

On the day of their wedding, Maya stood in front of the mirror, her heart pounding with
nervous excitement. Andy and her mother were bustling around her, helping her into her
wedding dress and fussing over the final touches.

As Maya gazed at her reflection, she couldn't help but feel a wave of nerves wash over her.
The weight of the day's significance hung heavy in the air, and she couldn't shake the
butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Her hands trembled slightly as she smoothed down the delicate fabric of her dress, her mind
swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. It was a surreal moment, seeing herself adorned in
white, knowing that she was about to marry the love of her life.

As Maya stood in front of the mirror, she couldn't help but admire the serene beauty of the
botanical garden reflected behind her. Lush greenery surrounded them, with colorful blooms
adding splashes of vibrant hues to the natural backdrop.

"Isn't it breathtaking?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "I'm so glad we chose this
place. It's so calming and peaceful, just perfect for our wedding."

Turning to Andy and her mother, Maya's words flowed rapidly. "We wanted everything to
feel natural and soothing, you know? That's why we picked this garden.”

But despite the serene surroundings, Maya couldn't shake off the nerves entirely. Her fingers
trembled slightly as she adjusted her dress, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the day ahead.
Yet amidst the nervous energy, there was a sense of peace and anticipation, knowing that she
was about to marry the love of her life in this beautiful, sensory-friendly setting.

Maya's excitement bubbled over as she began to discuss the day's schedule, her words
tumbling out in a rapid stream.

"We need to hurry, otherwise, the timing will be all off. The ceremony starts at exactly three
o'clock, and then the reception follows at five. The guests should be seated at two-fifty.
Carina would like her brother and her best friend, Gabriella, to sit in the front row. Oh, and
we can't forget about the photographer – she needs to capture everything from the moment
we step into the garden."

Her mother placed a gentle hand on Maya's arm, offering a soothing smile. "It's all going to
be fine, Maya. Everything is under control, and you've planned everything down to the last

Maya took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "I know, I know," she said. "But what if
something goes wrong? What if the music isn't playing at the right moment?"

Her mother squeezed her arm reassuringly. "We'll deal with any hiccups together, dear. Just
remember to breathe and enjoy this moment. Today is about celebrating your love for Carina,
and nothing else matters."

As the ceremony hour approached, Maya found herself at the head of the aisle, her heart
pounding with nervous excitement. She fidgeted with the bouquet in her hands, stealing
glances at the guests who had gathered to witness their union. The weight of their expectant
gazes bore down on her, making her feel flustered and self-conscious.

But then, the tension melted away as the music swelled, signaling Carina's entrance. Maya's
breath caught in her throat as she watched her bride-to-be, looking beautiful in a sleek
jumpsuit, walk down the aisle. Carina's radiant smile and the love shining in her eyes washed
away any lingering doubts or fears, filling Maya's heart with warmth and certainty.

Their eyes met across the aisle, and in that moment, Maya felt her heart expand in her chest.
The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, bound together
by an unbreakable bond of love and devotion. As Carina drew nearer, Maya's nerves gave
way to pure joy. And as Carina finally reached her side, Maya couldn't help but beam with

The officiant began the ceremony with an introduction, and Maya listened intently, her mind
racing with anticipation. When it was her turn to speak, she took a deep breath and recited her
vows, her voice quivering slightly with emotion and nerves.

"Carina, from the moment we met, I knew there was something special between us. You've
shown me what it means to love unconditionally, to support each other through every
challenge and triumph. Today, I stand before you, ready to spend the rest of my days by your
side. I promise to cherish you, to stand by you in all of life's moments, and to love you more
deeply with each passing day.”

Carina, with tears of joy in her eyes, echoed Maya's sentiment, her voice filled with love and

"Maya, from the moment you walked into my life, you changed everything. You've shown
me a love that knows no bounds, a love that has healed old wounds and opened my heart to
endless possibilities. Today, I stand before you, ready to embark on this journey together,
hand in hand, heart to heart. I promise to cherish you, to support you in all that you do, and to
love you fiercely, with every beat of my heart. I am so grateful for the love we share, and I
vow to stand by your side through every joy and every sorrow. With you, I am home, and I
will spend the rest of my days making sure you know how deeply you are loved."

As the rings were brought forward, Maya's nerves began to fade. The officiant, with a warm
smile, turned to Maya and Carina, holding the rings in their hands.
"Do you, Maya Bishop, take Carina DeLuca to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to
cherish, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as
you both shall live?"

Maya's heart raced as she looked into Carina's eyes, her voice steady as she replied, "I do."

The officiant then turned to Carina. "And do you, Carina DeLuca, take Maya Bishop to be
your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, for better or for worse, for richer or for
poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

Carina's eyes shone with love and conviction as she answered, "I do."

They slipped the rings onto each other's fingers, sealing their promises with the sparkle of
precious metal. Then, the officiant pronounced them married. "Then by the power vested in
me, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now seal your vows with a kiss."

Maya and Carina smiled widely at each other, their love radiating between them as they
leaned in for their first kiss as wives. The room erupted into cheers and applause as they
shared this intimate moment.


The garden, lush and vibrant with blooming flowers, provided the perfect backdrop for Maya
and Carina's wedding photographs. They posed together, their smiles radiant as the
photographer captured their love in each shot.

But as the clicking of the camera and the flashing of the lights continued, Maya's excitement
began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of agitation. The sensory overload of the
moment weighed heavily on her, the noise and movement becoming overwhelming.

Squeezing Carina's hand tightly, Maya whispered, "Can we go inside now?"

Carina, ever attentive to Maya's needs, nodded with a reassuring smile. "Of course, amore
mio. Let's head inside for the reception."

As they made their way into the venue, Maya's mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming
festivities. She rambled about the menu, fretting over whether the chicken would be cooked
properly and if the guests would enjoy the food.

Carina listened to Maya's concerns with a fond smile, her hand still securely clasped in
Maya's. She knew that Maya's mind tended to fixate on details when she felt anxious, and she
was grateful for the opportunity to offer her comfort and support.

“I’m sure everything will be perfect," Carina reassured her.

As they entered the reception area, they were greeted with cheers and applause from their
friends and family. Warm embraces and heartfelt congratulations followed as they made their
way to their seats.
Taking a moment to soak in the joyous atmosphere, Maya smiled at the familiar faces
surrounding them. The love and support of their loved ones filled her with a sense of
gratitude and happiness.

As they settled into their seats, Maya grew a bit quiet, her gaze wandering around the room,
taking in the decorations and the laughter of their guests. Sensory input flooded her senses,
but Carina's reassuring presence beside her grounded her.

Carina noticed Maya's quiet contemplation and gently squeezed her hand, wordlessly
expressing her love and support. They sat together in comfortable silence, content to enjoy
their new reality of being wives.

Gabriella, seated next to them, leaned in to congratulate them. "Congratulazioni. I’m so

proud of you, Carina," she said, her words carrying a sense of affection.

Carina smiled gratefully at her words, feeling a surge of emotion at her heartfelt
congratulations. It meant the world to her to have her support on this special day.

"Grazie, Gabi. Thanks for being here.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Carina observed the guests for a while, her smile unwavering even as a pang of sadness
fluttered in her heart at her father's absence. Finally, she turned to Maya, taking her hand and
kissing it gently. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?"

Maya met her gaze, her expression serious. "You told me three times.”

Carina chuckled softly. "Well, consider this the fourth then," she said, leaning in to press a
kiss to Maya's cheek. "Because you look absolutely stunning, bambina."

“You look beautiful too," Maya said, her voice filled with sincerity. "I like your hair, it's
wavy." She reached out to gently brush her fingers through Carina’s locks.

As the dinner hour approached, the guests were invited to partake in the arranged meal.
Maya's anticipation bubbled as she awaited her chosen dish, chicken, her favorite. However,
when her plate arrived, she found herself fidgeting, rearranging the food with precision.
Anxiety prickled at the edges of her mind as she struggled to find comfort in the familiar
routine of arranging her meal.

Carina noticed Maya's unease. "Hey, it's okay," she whispered, her voice a soothing anchor
amidst Maya's swirling thoughts. "You're doing great, bella. Just take your time."

Maya offered a tight smile in return, appreciating Carina's support. With a deep breath, she
focused on the rhythmic motion of rearranging her plate, finding solace in the familiar task.
Eventually, the gentle hum of conversation around her and Carina's presence helped to ease
her nerves, allowing her to finally take a tentative bite of her meal.

"This is good," she said, a genuine smile spreading across her face. Then, she turned her
attention to Carina, her eyes curious. "How's the fish?”
“It’s great.”

“What time is it?”

"It's going perfectly, bambina. We're right on schedule."

Maya nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. She resumed eating, her nerves gradually
settling as the evening progressed.

As the dinner wound down, the moment arrived for the cutting of the cake. Maya's eyes
sparkled with excitement as the cake was wheeled in, adorned with delicate flowers matching
the floral theme of the wedding. Carina and Maya took the knife together, their hands
intertwining as they carefully sliced into the cake. The soft layers gave way to reveal a rich
interior, and as they lifted the first slice, cheers erupted from their friends and family.

After everyone had a slice of cake, it was time for the couple’s first dance.

As the soft melody of their chosen song filled the room, they swayed in each other's arms,
their bodies moving in perfect harmony.

Maya couldn't help but whisper, "Is everyone looking?"

Carina replied, "Yes, but just focus on me."

Maya smiled, feeling her heart flutter as she gazed at her wife. "That's easy," she murmured,
losing herself in the depths of Carina’s brown eyes.

As the music played on, Carina leaned in, her lips brushing against Maya's as she whispered,
"I love you, Mrs. DeLuca-Bishop."

Maya's face lit up. "I love you too, Mrs. DeLuca-Bishop."

As the song came to an end, Maya and Carina found themselves swaying in each other's
arms, lost in their own world. But soon, the guests began to join them on the dance floor,
signaling the start of the next song.

Maya attempted to join in for a moment, but the overwhelming sensation of the crowd and
the noise became too much. Just as she was about to retreat, Andrea approached with a smile,
asking, "May I have this dance with Carina?"

Relieved, Maya nodded, allowing Andrea to take Carina's hand and lead her onto the dance
floor. Maya found her way back to the table, grateful for the respite from the commotion. She
watched as Carina danced with her brother, a sense of peace washing over her amidst the
joyful celebration.

Maya's mother settled into the seat beside her. "How are you doing, honey?"

Maya glanced at her mother, offering a faint smile. "I'm okay," she replied softly, though her
eyes betrayed a hint of fatigue.
"Congratulations on your marriage, sweetheart," Katherine said warmly, her eyes reflecting

“Thanks, Mom.”

Maya sat quietly, observing Carina as she danced with Andrea and other guests, a small smile
playing on her lips. She was happy to see her wife enjoying herself, but as the night wore on,
Maya began to feel increasingly tired and overwhelmed by the noise and activity of the

Eventually, Carina returned to their table, her movements a touch unsteady from the drinks
she had consumed. She flopped down beside Maya, a playful grin on her face.

"Having fun, bambina?" she asked, her words slightly slurred.

Maya nodded. "Yeah, it's been great," she replied softly.

"Did you see Jack’s dance moves? He's trying his best, but I think Andy might be carrying
him through this one." She glanced over at Andy. "I’m really glad you have Andy as your
friend, Maya. She really cares about you.”

Maya smiled a bit shyly. “Yes, she’s a great friend.”

Carina's playful demeanor shifted as she glanced at Maya, noticing the subtle signs of
exhaustion creeping in. Maya's smile seemed a bit strained, and her movements were
becoming more rigid. A clear sign that she was nearing the end of her ability to cope with the
sensory overload of the event.

“Hey, how about we call it a night?”

Carina's suggestion of calling it a night was met with a faint nod from Maya, who seemed
relieved at the prospect of some quiet. "But what about the guests?"

"They'll be fine," Carina reassured her. "Let them enjoy the party. Right now, I just want to
enjoy some time alone with my wife."

They bid farewell to their guests, offering warm hugs and heartfelt thanks before slipping
away into the night. In the quiet solitude of the cab ride home, Maya remained mostly silent,
but her hand intertwined with Carina's spoke volumes of contentment and love.

As they arrived at their apartment building and headed up to their floor, Maya paused
momentarily in the hallway.

"Wait, I have to open the door first," she declared, quickly unlocking the door before turning
back to Carina.

"Ready?" Maya asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she swooped Carina up in her
arms, just like they had practiced before. Carina laughed, wrapping her arms around Maya's
neck as they made their way inside their home.
Maya gently laid Carina down on the bed, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement
and nervousness. Leaning in, she pressed soft kisses to Carina's lips.

But as she started to deepen the kiss, Maya suddenly faltered, her mind clouded by fatigue
and the whirlwind of emotions from the day. She pulled back, a hint of uncertainty in her

"We didn't practice taking our wedding outfits off," she began to ramble, her words coming
out in a hurried rush. "We should probably do that first, right? I don't want to ruin anything..."

Carina gently cupped Maya's cheeks, her touch warm and reassuring. "Relax, it's okay," she

Maya nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, sorry, I just..." she trailed
off, her words faltering.

"Shh," Carina murmured, her fingers brushing lightly against Maya's skin. "Let me get your
zipper for you."

With practiced ease, Carina reached behind Maya's back, deftly undoing the zipper of her
wedding dress. As the fabric fell away, Maya felt a sense of relief wash over her. She helped
Carina out of her jumpsuit, the fabric sliding down her body with a gentle rustle. Once Carina
was free of the garment, she leaned in close, her warm breath mingling with Maya's.

With a tender touch, Carina pressed soft kisses all over Maya's face.

"I'm so happy," the brunette whispered, her fingertips tracing delicate patterns along Maya’s

"Me too," Maya murmured, her hand resting gently on Carina's waist.

With a soft gaze, Carina looked deeply into Maya's eyes, her voice filled with sincerity as she
whispered, "I love you."

In response, Maya's lips met Carina's in a kiss.

Chapter 19
Chapter Notes

Thanks for the feedback, hope you enjoy

The morning after, they woke peacefully, their bodies tangled together. They were both
naked, their limbs intertwined from a night of passion. Carina could sense the exhaustion
radiating from Maya, a consequence of the social event of the night before, but beneath it all,
there was a sense of happiness.

As Maya stirred awake, she turned to face Carina, her eyes soft with affection. "You are my
wife now," she said, a tender smile gracing her lips.

Carina's smile widened as she gently brushed a strand of hair away from Maya's face, tucking
it behind her ear. "And you're mine," she whispered in reply, leaning in to capture Maya's lips
in a soft, lingering kiss. Pulling back slightly, Carina looked into Maya's eyes. "How was it
for you, amore mio?"

"It was perfect," Maya replied. “You looked so beautiful.”

Maya's words filled Carina's heart with warmth, and she couldn't help but smile at the
compliment. Leaning in, she met Maya's lips in another kiss. Then, she said, “I’m glad we
didn’t plan the honeymoon right after the wedding. It’s nice to have a week to just relax
before we dive into another adventure.”

"I'm glad too," Maya said, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on Carina's arm. “Though I
should start with my list of things to pack soon.”

"Of course, your list," Carina chuckled softly. "But let's save that for later. Right now, we
have something more important to attend to: breakfast."

Maya's lips curled into a playful smile as she nodded in agreement. "Breakfast does sound
good," she admitted, her stomach rumbling in anticipation.

After eating a cozy breakfast together, they heard a knock on their door. Curious, they
exchanged a glance before heading to answer it.

Upon opening the door, they were greeted by a delivery person holding several beautifully
wrapped packages. Maya's eyes widened with surprise, and Carina couldn't hide her
excitement as they realized these were their gifts from the wedding, sent over by the venue.

As they began to unwrap the gifts, Maya couldn't contain her excitement, her hands trembling
with anticipation. Carina chuckled softly, placing a calming hand on Maya's shoulder. "Easy
there, bambina," she teased, "we'll get to them all."

But Maya's excitement bubbled over, manifesting in small hops and skips as she eagerly tore
at the wrapping paper. As they eagerly unwrapped the gifts, Maya's eyes lit up when she
spotted a familiar logo on one of the packages. With a squeal of excitement, she reached for
it. The gift was from Katherine. Carina watched with amusement as Maya carefully tore
away the wrapping paper, revealing a sleek, state-of-the-art telescope.

Maya gasped in delight, her fingers tracing the smooth lines of the telescope's frame. "Oh
wow," she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "It's perfect!"

Carina grinned. "Looks like we'll be spending some late nights under the stars," she said,
wrapping an arm around Maya's waist.

Maya beamed, already envisioning the countless evenings they would spend together, lost in
the wonders of the universe. It was the perfect gift.

Carina's fingers carefully unwrapped the wedding gift from Gabriella, revealing a beautifully
decorated wooden box. Intricate floral patterns adorned its surface, giving it an elegant yet
rustic charm.

As Carina lifted the lid, she was greeted by the sweet scent of lavender. Nestled inside the
box were several small jars of homemade lavender-infused body butter, soap, and bath salts,
each lovingly crafted by Gabriella herself.

"It's from Gabriella," Carina explained, a smile lighting up her face as she held up one of the
jars. "She made these herself."

Maya leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What is it?"

Carina grinned, her heart swelling with gratitude for their friend's thoughtful gesture. "It's a
collection of lavender-infused bath products," she replied. "Gabriella knows how much I love

Maya nodded in understanding, reaching out to touch one of the jars. "It smells amazing," she
remarked, inhaling deeply.

Carina nodded in agreement, her senses awash with the calming aroma of lavender. It was a
simple yet thoughtful gift.

They exchanged amused glances as they unwrapped the wedding gift from Andrea. The
package revealed two oversized mugs adorned with a cartoon caricature of a happy couple in
wedding attire, their arms entwined as they danced joyfully.

Carina chuckled as she held up one of the mugs for Maya to see. "Looks like Andrea’s sense
of humor hasn't changed."

Maya smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she examined the quirky design. "Well,
at least we won't have trouble finding our mugs in the cupboard.”
After they unpacked all the gifts, they decided to take a shower together. Carina gasped in
surprise when Maya pushed her against the wall, and a jolt of arousal instantly coursed
through her. Their lips met in a kiss as Maya's hands roamed Carina's body, tracing the curves
and contours. Carina's breath hitched as she felt Maya's fingers dance across her skin, sending
shivers of pleasure surging through her veins.


Maya sat in the beanery, a smile plastered across her face. Her mind was still lost in the
blissful memories of her wedding day, and she couldn't help but feel a warm, fuzzy feeling
every time she thought about it.

As she prepared a cup of coffee with practiced precision, Jack approached with a grin. He
gave her a playful pat on the shoulder before leaning against the counter.

"Hey there, Mrs. DeLuca-Bishop," he said with a wink, "You must be thrilled about the
honeymoon. Italy, right? That's gotta be exciting!"

Maya's smile faltered slightly at the mention of the honeymoon. "Yeah, I'm excited," she
replied. "But there's still so much to do before we leave. I haven't even finished packing yet,
and I'm a little nervous about flying for the first time."

Jack chuckled sympathetically, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Ah, the joys of travel prep.
But hey, once you're there, it'll all be worth it. And think of it this way – you'll get to explore
a whole new country with your amazing wife by your side."

Victoria breezed into the beanery. "What's all the chatter about?" she asked.

"Maya's honeymoon," Jack declared.

Victoria's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, how thrilling! Italy, right?" she asked, directing
her question at Maya.

Maya nodded eagerly. "Yes, Italy," she confirmed. “Have you flown before?”

Victoria leaned against the counter. "I've flown a few times before," she offered, a reassuring
smile on her face. "It's not as scary as it seems. You'll be fine, Maya."

Maya's expression turned slightly apprehensive as she thought about the upcoming flight. "I
hope so," she admitted, her mind racing with worries about leg space and turbulence, which
she voiced to her colleagues.

Jack chuckled, interjecting with a teasing tone, "Oh, come on, Maya. You're practically
pocket-sized. You'll have more legroom than most of us would have!"

"Actually, I'm above average height for women in the USA," Maya corrected with a hint of
seriousness in her tone.

Jack rolled his eyes dramatically. "Ugh, by what, like 1 inch? You'll be fine.”
"I guess. I've been practicing my Italian," Maya declared proudly.

Victoria's eyes lit up. "Oh, say something!"

Maya cleared her throat and confidently uttered, "Dov'è l'incendio?"

“What does that mean?” Victoria asked curiously.

“It means ‘where is the fire?’”

Jack chuckled. “Yeah, not sure if you'll be needing that phrase.”

Maya grabbed her phone, ignoring Jack, and announced she was going to call Carina to check
if she'd need her water shoes.


The evening before their flight, Maya was in a frenzy, double-checking their suitcases and
rambling off questions to Carina.

"Did you remember to pack your toothbrush, Carina? And what about your favorite pillow?
We can't forget that! Oh, and did you print out the boarding passes? I know we have them on
our phones, but what if the battery dies? Should I bring an extra charger? Do you think we
need more snacks for the plane? What if we get hungry? Oh, and what about the weather in
Italy? Should I pack extra layers just in case?"

Carina chuckled, trying to keep up with Maya's rapid-fire questions. "Maya, calm down.
We've got everything we need. I've double-checked the passports and printed out the
boarding passes. And don't worry about the snacks; you’ve packed enough to feed an army.
As for the weather, it's going to be sunny and warm, so we won't need too many layers."

Maya paused for a moment, taking in Carina's reassuring words. "Okay, okay, you're right.
I'm just nervous, you know? This is my first time flying, and I want everything to go

Carina took Maya's hand and guided her to sit down on the bed.

"What exactly are you nervous about regarding flying, bambina?" she asked, hoping to be
able to soothe some of Maya’s worries.

Maya fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, her brows furrowing in thought. "I guess... I'm just
not used to the idea of being so high up in the sky. And what if there's turbulence? Or what if
I feel claustrophobic being stuck in a small space for so long? I don't know... it's all just a bit

Carina nodded understandingly, squeezing Maya's hand reassuringly. "I get it, flying can be
intimidating, especially if it's your first time. But trust me, millions of people fly every day,
and the odds of anything going wrong are incredibly low. And if you start to feel anxious
during the flight, I'll be right there beside you, okay?”
Maya managed a small smile. “Okay.”

Carina leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Maya's forehead. "Now, let's focus on all the
incredible experiences waiting for us in Italy.”

As Maya's excitement for the trip bubbled over, she found herself getting a bit overworked,
unable to regulate all the emotions she was feeling. With each passing moment, her mind
raced with thoughts of exploring the vibrant streets of Italy, tasting authentic gelato, and
immersing herself in the rich culture.

But alongside her excitement, there was a growing sense of apprehension, a nagging worry
that she couldn't quite shake. What if something went wrong during the trip? What if she got
lost in a foreign country, unable to communicate with the locals? What if she embarrassed
herself on the plane?

The flood of emotions overwhelmed Maya, leaving her feeling breathless and scattered. She
continued to pace around the room, checking and rechecking their suitcases, unable to focus
on any one task for long.

Carina watched Maya's frantic movements with concern, sensing her wife’s struggle to keep
her emotions in check. She approached the blonde gently, wrapping her arms around her from
behind and holding her close.

"Hey, it's okay," Carina murmured soothingly, resting her chin on Maya's shoulder. "Take a
deep breath. We're going to have an amazing time in Italy, I promise. But right now, let's just
focus on getting some rest, si?”

“Yes, okay,” Maya agreed.

As she finished her bedtime routine, she double-checked her alarm clock, ensuring that it was
set for an early hour despite their flight not being until 8 in the morning. Carina watched with
a small smile, knowing Maya's tendency to be overly cautious about time management,
especially when it came to important events.

Once Maya had settled into bed, Carina reached over and picked up Maya's phone,
navigating to her favorite podcast. She knew that neither of them would get much sleep that

With a press of a button, the podcast began to play, the familiar voices providing a
comforting backdrop to their restless thoughts. Maya snuggled closer to Carina, their bodies
fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.
Chapter 20
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

As Maya and Carina arrived at the airport, the energy of the bustling terminal hit them like a
wave. Carina, accustomed to the chaos of airports, navigated through the crowds with ease,
her hand clasped firmly in Maya's.

But Maya stood frozen in the entrance hall, her eyes wide and darting around as she tried to
take in the flurry of activity around her. The noise of announcements, the hum of
conversations, and the constant movement of people sent her senses into overdrive.

Carina gently squeezed Maya's hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, bambina.
We're just going to check in and then we'll have some time before boarding.”

Maya nodded, trying to steady her breathing as they slowly made their way through the rows
of travelers towards the check-in counters. Each step felt like a monumental effort, but Maya
focused on the warmth of Carina's hand in hers.

As Maya watched anxiously, her suitcase disappeared into the X-ray machine, her heart
pounding with nerves. She shifted from foot to foot, her eyes glued to the monitor displaying
the contents of her luggage. With each passing second, her anxiety grew, worrying about
whether everything was in order, whether she had forgotten something, whether she would
encounter any issues.

When security motioned for Maya to step forward, her stomach twisted with apprehension.
She obediently shuffled towards the metal detector, but her anxiety spiked as she was asked
to remove her belt. Panic fluttered in her chest as she protested, "But I need it.”

The security officer offered a sympathetic smile but insisted, "I'm sorry, ma'am, it's standard

Reluctantly, Maya unclasped her belt and handed it over, feeling exposed and vulnerable
without the familiar weight around her waist. She braced herself, her senses on high alert as
she passed through the metal detector, praying silently that everything would be okay.

As Maya stepped through the metal detector, her heart skipped a beat as the alarm blared
loudly, slicing through the already chaotic atmosphere of the airport. Instinctively, she
winced, her hands flying to cover her ears.

The security officer approached. "Ma'am, you need to remove your shoes."

Maya felt a surge of frustration and panic rising within her. She knew she had to comply, but
the thought of exposing herself to even more discomfort sent a shiver down her spine. With
trembling hands, she bent down to untie her shoelaces.
She stepped through the metal detector once more. This time, there was no piercing alarm,
only the faint hum of the machinery. Relief flooded through her as she made her way to
collect her belongings.

As she stood waiting for her luggage and shoes to descend on the conveyor belt, Maya
shifted uncomfortably in her socks. Her discomfort intensified when she accidentally stepped
on something sticky on the floor, sending a shiver of revulsion down her spine.

Finally, her shoes and belongings appeared, and Maya hastily retrieved them, eager to reunite
with Carina. Spotting her across the terminal, she rushed over, her words tumbling out in a
frenzied stream.

"Carina, my shoes, my socks—there was something sticky on the floor—I can't stand it. Can
we please go? I just want to get out of here."

"It's okay. We're through security now. Let's just focus on getting to our gate," Carina said
calmly, hoping to ease Maya's anxiety.

But Maya was too overwhelmed to be calmed. She continued to ramble about her socks, the
sensation of the sticky substance lingering on her skin sending waves of discomfort through
her. "I can't believe this happened. I hate the feeling of it. It's just... ugh," she muttered, her
voice fraught with agitation.

"I know, bambina. Let's go find a place to sit, and you can change your socks. You put some
in your hand luggage, right?"

Maya nodded, her face lighting up with a sense of relief at the idea of changing her socks.
"Yes, yes, I always carry an extra pair," she confirmed.

Finding a quieter spot away from the bustling crowds, Maya quickly rummaged through her
hand luggage, her movements becoming more frantic as she searched for the spare socks.
Finally, she retrieved them from a side pocket, holding them up triumphantly.

With Maya's socks changed and the immediate hurdle out of the way, they made their way to
the gate, where they settled in to wait until it was time to board. Maya sighed with relief as
she slipped on her noise-canceling headphones, immediately immersing herself in the pages
of her book.

As they were called for boarding, Maya's heart quickened its pace. She anxiously clutched
her passport, shifting from foot to foot as they waited in line. She glanced at Carina, finding
comfort in the reassuring smile on her wife's face.

As they slowly made their way to their assigned seats, Maya felt her body flush with heat, her
cheeks growing warm and red from the tight space and the overwhelming sensation of being
surrounded by people. She clenched her fists, trying to steady her breathing as they navigated
through the crowded aisle.

Maya settled into the aisle seat, her mind already preoccupied with worries about having to
use the restroom during the flight. She shifted uncomfortably, adjusting her position in an
attempt to find a comfortable spot. Glancing at Carina, she was relieved knowing that at least
she was sitting next to her wife, who always seemed to know how to calm her nerves. She
settled back into her seat, trying to relax as much as possible before the flight took off.

As the plane taxied down the runway and began to accelerate for takeoff, Maya gripped the
armrests tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. The sudden increase in speed and the
sensation of movement were overwhelming for her sensory system. She could feel the
vibrations of the engines rumbling through the floor, causing her muscles to tense up.

Despite Carina's attempts to soothe her, Maya closed her eyes tightly, trying to block out the
noise and the feeling of motion. She focused on her breathing, taking slow, deep breaths in an
attempt to calm herself down. But her mind was too consumed with the need for control, and
she couldn't shake the sense of panic rising within her.

The pressure changes in the cabin as the plane ascended added to Maya's discomfort. She felt
a popping sensation in her ears, which was especially unsettling for someone sensitive to
changes in their bodily sensations. Maya tried to alleviate the discomfort by swallowing and
yawning repeatedly, but it didn't provide much relief.

Throughout the ascent, Maya found it challenging to regulate her emotions and sensory
experiences. She resorted to her rituals and repetitive behaviors, tapping her fingers. Carina
tried to offer words of reassurance, but Maya was too focused on her coping mechanisms to
pay much attention.

As the plane continued its ascent, Maya's ritual behaviors became more pronounced. She
tapped her fingers against the armrest in a rhythmic pattern, her movements almost frantic in
their repetition. Her breathing was shallow and rapid, and she hummed softly under her
breath, a familiar tune that she used to comfort herself in times of stress.

Despite her efforts to control her anxiety, Maya found herself unable to fully relax until the
plane finally leveled off at cruising altitude. The sudden cessation of movement and the
steady drone of the engines provided a sense of stability that allowed Maya to breathe a sigh
of relief.

Carina, sensing Maya's tension beginning to ease, reached out and gently took her hand in
hers. Maya's fingers curled around Carina's, a sense of calm washing over her.

Carina glanced over at Maya. "Are you okay, bella?"

Maya nodded. "Yes, it's better now.”

Satisfied with Maya's response, Carina settled back into her seat, closing her eyes as she
attempted to catch some much-needed rest. Meanwhile, Maya reached for her noise-
canceling headphones, slipping them over her ears to block out the ambient noise of the
aircraft cabin.

With her headphones in place, Maya delved into her world of crossword puzzles, the familiar
clues and patterns providing a welcome distraction from the flight.
As Maya immersed herself in her puzzles, Carina drifted off into a peaceful slumber beside
her. The hours passed slowly, the gentle hum of the engines lulling Maya into a state of

As the hours passed, Maya's initial calm began to wane, replaced by a growing restlessness
that gnawed at her insides. The confined space of the airplane cabin felt increasingly
oppressive, with each passing minute stretching like an eternity.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her muscles protesting against the prolonged period of

Despite her attempts to distract herself with crossword puzzles and the solace of her noise-
canceling headphones, Maya found herself unable to shake off the mounting sense of unease.
Fidgeting with the seatbelt buckle, she traced its familiar contours.

Just as her agitation reached its peak, the cabin crew came down the aisle with a trolley of
food and drinks. Maya's heart skipped a beat as they drew nearer to her seat, her anxiety
rising at the prospect of the tight squeeze.

With each passing moment, the cabin seemed to shrink around her, the walls closing in with a
suffocating intensity. Maya's breaths came in shallow gasps as she struggled to maintain her
composure, her hands clammy with nervous energy.

As the trolley hovered near her seat, Maya felt a surge of panic rising within her. The
confines of the airplane cabin felt like a prison.

“Carina,” she mumbled.

Maya's voice cut through the haze of Carina's light slumber, pulling her back to the present
moment. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Carina turned towards Maya, her brow
furrowing in concern as she took in the stress etched across her features.

"Maya?" Carina murmured, her voice thick with drowsiness.

"Carina, it's... it's too tight," Maya whispered urgently, her hands wringing together in a
nervous gesture.

Carina's heart ached as she watched Maya's hands twisting and turning, the skin growing
redder with each passing moment. She reached out instinctively, her fingers grazing Maya's
in a gesture of comfort, but the blonde recoiled.

"It's too tight, Carina, too tight," she whispered.

Carina's eyes scanned the small bag of essentials she had packed for the flight, searching for
something to ease Maya's stress. Her gaze fell upon a small stress toy tucked away in one of
the compartments. With a flicker of hope, she retrieved it, offering it to Maya with a soft

"Here," she said, placing the stress toy in Maya's hand. "This might help you feel a bit
Maya accepted the toy gratefully.

Her eyes landed on a slim novel she had brought along for the flight, a thriller Maya had been
eyeing at the bookstore.

"How about a good read?" Carina suggested, holding out the book. "You've been wanting to
dive into this one, right?"

Maya's eyes lit up as she accepted the book, her fingers tracing over the embossed title on the
cover. Her tense shoulders eased as she delved into the story, the words on the page whisking
her away from the cramped cabin. With a soft sigh of relief, she glanced up at Carina, her
eyes filled with gratitude.

"Thank you, Carina," she said.

Carina gave her a warm smile. “Of course, bambina.”


As the flight began its descent, Maya felt a gentle pressure building in her ears, and she
instinctively swallowed to alleviate it. She glanced out of the window, watching as the
landscape below grew clearer with each passing moment. The anticipation of finally arriving
at their destination mingled with a hint of nervousness.

Maya's grip tightened on Carina's hand as the plane descended, her eyes flickering nervously
around the cabin. Carina sensed her tension and began to speak softly. "Just a little longer,
amore mio.”

As the plane finally touched down, Maya let out a sigh of relief. "We're here," she whispered,
her voice carrying her excitement.

But as the passengers began to stir and gather their belongings, she sat stiff as a pole in her
seat, her gaze fixed on the crowd forming in the aisle.

"Should we stand?" she asked. "Should we get our luggage? When will they open the door?"

“Let's just wait until it calms down a bit," Carina replied. "We have time, Maya. No need to

Finally, a while later, they stepped off the plane. Maya’s senses were immediately bombarded
by the sights and sounds of the bustling airport. Her heart raced as she tried to process the
overwhelming environment, her pale complexion betraying her discomfort.

As they made their way through the airport, Maya clung tightly to Carina's hand, seeking
comfort in her presence.

They approached passport control. The bright lights and the loud chatter of the crowd made
her head spin, and she struggled to focus as they waited in line.
As they stood in line at passport control, Maya's keen sense of fairness was suddenly
challenged by an individual who brazenly cut in front of them. Maya's eyes widened in
disbelief, and she instinctively tightened her grip on Carina's hand.

"Carina, he cut the line," she murmured anxiously. "That's not how it works."

"Just ignore it, Maya," Carina said softly, trying to guide her attention away from the

But Maya couldn't shake off the violation of the rules she held dear. "But he broke a rule,"
she insisted, her voice rising slightly as her anxiety mounted.

Recognizing that Maya's heightened focus on rules was a sign of her increasing discomfort,
Carina placed a calming hand on her shoulder. "I know, bella," she said gently, "but let's not
let it ruin our day.”

After they finally made it through passport control, they approached the baggage claim area.
Maya stood on tiptoe, scanning the carousel with wide-eyed apprehension, her heart
hammering in her chest with each passing moment.

Every passing suitcase sent a jolt of anticipation through Maya, only to be followed by a
sinking feeling of disappointment when it wasn't theirs. Finally, after what felt like an
eternity, their suitcases appeared on the conveyor belt, eliciting a breathless sigh of relief
from her lips.

They made their way to the exit hall. Carina, observing her wife, felt a pang of concern. She
tried to think of what to do, realizing she was also navigating unfamiliar territory in traveling
with an autistic adult.

"Hey, Maya," she said, her voice calm and steady. "I can see you're feeling overwhelmed
right now. Let's take a breather, okay? We'll find a quieter spot to regroup."

“I’m sorry,” Maya said, looking a bit embarrassed. “It’s just a bit much.”

“That’s okay, bambina. No need to apologize.”

Leading Maya away from the bustling area, Carina guided her to a nearby seating area where
they could take a breather. Maya sank down onto a vacant bench, rubbing her tired eyes with
the heels of her hands.

"It's just... a bit much," she repeated, exhausted and frustrated.

"I know, bella," Carina replied, sitting down beside her. "But we'll take it one step at a time,
okay? Let's just sit here for a few minutes and gather ourselves before we head to the hotel."

Maya offered a weary nod. Leaning against her wife's shoulder, she closed her eyes and
focused on slowing her racing heartbeat.

As they stepped outside into the morning light of Italy, Maya took a deep breath, the crisp air
filling her lungs as she took in her surroundings.
Carina hailed a cab with practiced ease, exchanging a few words with the driver in Italian
before motioning for Maya to join her in the backseat while the driver put their suitcases in
the boot.

As the cab made its way through the winding streets, Maya remained silent, lost in the beauty
of the Italian landscape unfolding before her. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the gentle
swaying of the cab lulled her into a sense of calm, and she found herself entranced by the
sights and sounds of this new and unfamiliar country.

Chapter End Notes

Some hurdles but they made it :)

Chapter 21
Chapter Notes

I've never been to this part of Italy so there are probably inaccuracies, apologies in

As they arrived at the hotel, Maya's eyes widened in awe at the grandeur of the building
before them. With its ornaments and towering columns, it exuded an air of elegance that took
her breath away.

Entering the lobby, they were greeted by the warm smile of the concierge, who welcomed
them in flawless English. Carina handled the check-in process smoothly, exchanging a few
pleasantries with the staff in her native language. Maya watched her with admiration, a soft
smile playing on her lips.

Once they had their room key in hand, they made their way to the elevator and ascended to
their floor. Stepping into their room, Maya's eyes lit up at the sight before her. The space was
beautifully appointed, with soft furnishings and tasteful decor.

"Wow, Carina, this room is incredible," she exclaimed, her gaze sweeping over every detail
with wonder.

Carina grinned, pleased by Maya's reaction. "I'm glad you like it.”

"You know," Maya remarked with a playful grin, "you're incredibly sexy when you speak

Carina chuckled, her cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment. "Grazie, tesoro," she replied,
leaning in to press a tender kiss to Maya's lips.

With each passing moment, Maya felt herself growing more relaxed in Carina's presence. The
stresses of their journey began to melt away.

As Maya began to unpack her suitcase, neatly folding her clothes and arranging them in the
dresser, Carina wandered over to the window, gazing out at the streets below.

Turning back to Maya, who was diligently organizing her belongings, Carina suggested,
"How about we take a nap? It'll help with the jetlag, and we can grab a late lunch afterward."

Maya paused in her task, considering Carina's proposal. "That sounds like a good idea," she
replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. "But what's the plan for today? Do you have
anything in mind?"
Carina shrugged nonchalantly, her gaze drifting back to the window. "Let’s take it easy today.
Maybe explore the neighborhood, find a nice place for lunch.”

As they settled into the comfort of the hotel bed, Maya couldn't help but feel a sense of
stiffness in her body due to the unfamiliar surroundings. However, the exhaustion from their
intense journey and the time difference soon caught up with her, and before she knew it, she
found herself drifting into a deep slumber.

Beside her, Carina nestled closer before quickly falling asleep too.


In the afternoon, they ventured out onto the vibrant streets of Catania, the bustling energy of
the city enveloping them in its lively embrace. Maya's senses were immediately captivated by
the sights, sounds, and smells of this new environment, her eyes darting eagerly from one
intriguing sight to the next.

Carina eagerly pointed out various landmarks and attractions, her animated gestures adding
an extra layer of enthusiasm to their exploration.

For lunch, they found a charming trattoria tucked away in a quaint corner of the city. Seated
at a cozy table adorned with checkered tablecloth, Maya glanced over the menu.

With a determined expression, she cleared her throat and addressed the waiter in her best
attempt at Italian, her words slightly hesitant but filled with earnest effort. She stumbled over
the unfamiliar phrases, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, but Carina smiled
encouragingly beside her. After a few attempts and some patient assistance from the waiter,
she successfully placed her order, her face lighting up with pride at her accomplishment.

As they enjoyed the Sicilian cuisine, Maya couldn't help but remark on the beauty of the
country. "Italy is truly lovely.”

Carina smiled warmly. "I'm so glad you agreed to come here with me," she said, reaching
across the table to gently squeeze Maya's hand. She knew that traveling and experiencing
new environments could be challenging for Maya, with her routines and sensory sensitivities.

Maya returned the squeeze, her expression softening. "For you I want to try new things, my
love," she said.


In the following days, they explored the markets, filled with colorful displays of fresh
produce and local crafts, and wandered through narrow alleys lined with historic buildings
adorned with intricate baroque architecture.

Despite Maya's occasional struggles with sensory overload, Carina guided her through the
new environment with patience and care, ensuring they could fully experience the beauty of
Catania together. They indulged in traditional Sicilian dishes, and sampled pastries at local
One morning, they arrived at the coast, the salty breeze welcoming them as they stepped onto
the sandy shore. The beach was filled with people, families frolicking in the waves, and
sunbathers soaking up the heat.

Maya clutched her water shoes tightly, her eyes scanning the crowded beach as she fretted
about finding the perfect spot to lay their towels. After some searching, they found a
relatively quiet spot near the shoreline. Maya carefully laid out their towels, her movements
precise and deliberate, while Carina spread out their beach belongings with a smile.

With their spot secured, Maya finally allowed herself to relax a little, her attention turning to
her water shoes. She adjusted the straps, ensuring they fit snugly on her feet, her focus
unwavering even amidst the lively atmosphere surrounding them.

Carina couldn't help but smile as she watched Maya fussing with her water shoes. Despite the
less-than-fashionable footwear, Carina's thoughts wandered to how Maya's abs still managed
to make her look incredibly sexy.

“I’m ready to get in,” Maya announced.

“I’ll join you in a bit,” Carina said, her eyes following Maya as she made her way towards
the water.

With a sense of cautious excitement, Maya tentatively stepped into the water, feeling the cool
embrace of the waves against her skin. As she swam further out, the worries of the world
seemed to drift away, replaced by the rhythmic sound of the sea.

Lost in the serenity of the moment, Maya suddenly realized she had lost track of where
Carina was lying on the beach. With a slight pang of concern, she glanced back towards the
shore, scanning the coastline for any sign of her wife.

Feeling overwhelmed by the beach scene, Maya retreated from the water's edge and
navigated the unfamiliar surroundings in search of Carina. As she wandered through the
crowd, a passerby spoke to her in rapid Italian, their words lost on Maya amidst the chaos.

Unsure of what was being said, Maya offered a polite smile and continued on her way. With
each step, her heart raced with apprehension, the weight of her disorientation pressing down
on her.

Despite her best efforts to remain composed, the foreign environment left her feeling adrift.

Eventually, Maya's persistence paid off as she spotted Carina's familiar figure in the distance.
Relief flooded through her as she made her way back to her wife.

Maya's breaths came in shallow gasps as she reached Carina, her voice trembling as she
rambled about losing track of her amidst the bustling beach scene.

"Well, you found me," Carina said.

Maya's racing heart began to slow, the tension in her muscles gradually easing as she settled
down beside her wife. That was another hurdle that she'd survived.
Maya's mood shifted as she reached for some snacks. Tentatively, she turned to Carina, her
voice hesitant as she broached a delicate subject.

"Are you sure you don't want to visit your father while we're here?" Maya inquired. Despite
the complexities surrounding Carina's relationship with her father, Maya didn't want her to
have any regrets.

Carina's expression softened, her gaze distant as she mulled over Maya's question. Finally,
she shook her head.

"He didn't care for our wedding, Maya," she replied. "Not once did he reach out to
congratulate us or even acknowledge the occasion. Why should I bother seeking him out

Maya nodded slowly. "Maybe it's because of his mental health," she mused softly.

Carina's eyes darkened with memories as she replied, "I spent my entire youth taking care of
him. I'm sick of it."

Maya reached out to squeeze Carina's hand, offering comfort. "You're right," she
acknowledged. "You don't owe him anything, my love. But it's okay if you change your mind
about visiting him.”

"I'll think about it," Carina conceded before quickly changing the subject. "Hey, give me a
bite of that candy bar," she grinned, reaching for Maya's snack.

Maya pulled the candy bar away. "Nope, get your own.”


As they lay naked in bed back at the hotel, Maya snuggled close to Carina, her head resting
on Carina's chest.

Maya attempted to speak Italian to Carina, her voice soft as she said, "I tuoi occhi sono belli.
That means ‘your eyes are beautiful'.”

Carina chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I know what that means, Maya.”

Maya leaned in closer as she whispered "Baciami”.

Carina's grin widened at Maya's request, and without hesitation, she leaned in to meet Maya's
lips with a gentle kiss. She pushed Maya back on the bed. As Carina showered Maya's neck
with kisses, Maya suddenly remembered their dinner reservations and softly uttered, "Carina,
dinner reservations."

Reluctantly, Carina withdrew.

Maya bounced with excitement as they got ready for dinner, her enthusiasm palpable but
tinged with a hint of nervousness. The past few days had been a whirlwind, and although she
was thrilled to be in Carina's home country, the constant sensory input and unfamiliar
surroundings left her feeling a bit antsy.

At the restaurant, Maya couldn't help but fidget with her utensils, her excitement bubbling
over as she rambled on about the history of pizza.

"Did you know that pizza dates back to ancient times?" she said. "It originated in Naples, and
it was originally a peasant food made with simple ingredients like tomatoes and cheese."

Carina chuckled at Maya's enthusiasm, her heart swelling with affection for her wife. She
reached out to gently squeeze Maya's hand, grounding her in the present moment amidst her
flurry of facts and nerves.

As their food arrived, Maya eagerly dug into her plate of spaghetti. However, her attempts at
cutting the spaghetti into more manageable bites drew a chuckle from the waiter.

"In Italy, signora, we do not cut our spaghetti.”

Maya felt a blush creep up her cheeks as she glanced at Carina, a hint of embarrassment
coloring her expression.

As the waiter left their table, Maya leaned in close to Carina, her voice barely above a
whisper. "I want to cut it," she admitted.

Carina smiled, a bit amused. "Just enjoy it however you like.”

After indulging in delicious ice-cream post-dinner, the newlyweds strolled back to their hotel.
Once inside their room, Maya settled onto the bed with a crossword puzzle, finding peace in
the familiar activity, while Carina disappeared into the bathroom for a refreshing shower.

However, Maya's tranquility was interrupted by the ping of an incoming email.

Her heart sank as she read the subject line: "Court Date Notification."

The date had been set.

The email detailed the court hearing: the date, time, and location. Maya's stomach churned as
she imagined herself in the courtroom, confronting Lane and reliving the trauma of their past

Maya's mind was consumed by the contents of the email, her thoughts spiraling into a
whirlwind of anxiety. Lost in her panic, she didn't notice Carina's approach until a gentle
touch on her shoulder sent a shock through her system, causing her to jolt in surprise.

Carina's brow furrowed in concern. "What's wrong?"

Maya gave her the phone, her hands trembling slightly as she wrung them together while
Carina read the email.

"I want to go on a run," she said.

Carina gently placed a hand on Maya's arm. "You don't know the way, you'll get lost," she

Maya's eyes darted with urgency as she pleaded, "I can use my phone's navigation, Carina. I
need to clear my head."

Carina hesitated. "I don't like the idea of you being out at night in a foreign country.”

Maya's resolve remained unyielding as she insisted, "But I need to go on a run.”

“Maya, I understand, but it's just not safe.”

Maya's frustration bubbled up, her brows furrowing as she pulled away. "Don't treat me like a

A sigh escaped Carina's lips as she shook her head. "As if you would like me going out at
night by myself in an unfamiliar place," she countered with a huff.

Maya's shoulders sagged, a wave of guilt washing over her. "Sorry, I just... I can't breathe in
here. What if he shows up? What if he gets angry? What if he tries to talk to me? What if I
have a meltdown in the courtroom? What if I can't handle it? What if... what if…”

“Maya,” Carina grabbed her hand, “I understand you're worried, but we'll face whatever
comes together. It'll be okay.”

As Maya's breathing grew louder and her complexion paled, Carina's concern deepened. She
placed a hand on Maya's cheek, urging her to focus. "Okay, it's okay. Just look at me,
bambina. Focus on your breath. In... and out. You're okay. We're together.”

As Maya's breathing gradually calmed, her body remained tense, and she avoided meeting
Carina's gaze. When Carina asked if she could try something to help her relax, Maya
hesitated but eventually nodded, trusting Carina's judgment. Carina moved behind her,
slipping off her robe, and began massaging Maya's shoulders with gentle, firm strokes,
aiming to ease the tension that had built up within her.

As Carina's hands began massaging her shoulders, Maya's initial response was discomfort.
She flinched slightly, tensing up as the unfamiliar sensation washed over her. However,
Carina's touch remained gentle and reassuring, slowly easing the tension in Maya's muscles.
Maya's breathing steadied, her body gradually relaxing under Carina's soothing touch.

Feeling Maya start to unwind, Carina leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Maya's neck, her
lips offering another source of comfort and reassurance. Maya's tense muscles began to
loosen further, her body responding to the warmth of Carina's embrace. Though still hesitant,
Maya leaned back into Carina's touch, allowing herself to be enveloped by the feeling of
safety and love that the brunette provided.

As Maya continued to relax under Carina's touch, she remained silent, her gaze fixed on
some distant point.
“Let's just enjoy our last few days here together,” Carina said. “We'll worry about other
things later.”

Though Maya didn't respond verbally, she leaned into Carina's embrace.

Carina smiled softly, understanding Maya's need for silence and space. She gently stroked
Maya's back, offering silent support as they sat together in the quiet of the hotel room. For
now, all that mattered was their presence together, finding comfort in each other's company
amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.


The next morning, Maya and Carina embarked on a peaceful stroll through the charming
streets of the city. The warm sunlight filtered through the narrow alleyways, casting a golden
glow over the cobblestone paths. They passed by quaint cafes and bustling markets, soaking
in the vibrant atmosphere of the city.

Stopping at a cozy cafe, they indulged in a typical Italian breakfast of freshly baked pastries
and coffee. As they sipped their coffee, Maya turned to Carina, a hint of concern in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about last night," she began, her voice soft with remorse. "I didn't mean to freak
out about the court hearing. I hope I didn't ruin our honeymoon."

Carina reached across the table, taking Maya's hand in hers. "You didn't ruin anything. It's
totally understandable that you're afraid, Maya. But remember, Lane cannot hurt you. I will
make sure of that."

Maya smiled, a hint of shyness coloring her expression. "How does it feel to be married to

“Being married to you feels fantastico," Carina replied, her voice filled with sincerity.

"We never talked about getting married," Maya noted. "Is marriage something you always

Carina's expression softened, her gaze drifting momentarily. "Honestly, with the way my
parents' marriage was a disaster, I never really wanted to get married," she confessed.

Maya stared at their entwined hands, her thoughts racing. "Should I have discussed it with
you before I proposed?" she asked quietly, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I didn't think
about it, I was just too excited."

"I would've said yes anyway," Carina said, brushing her thumb over Maya’s knuckles. "Being
with you has changed everything. You showed me what true love is, bambina."

Maya smiled, her fingers loosening their grip on Carina's hand as she lifted her cup of coffee
to her lips. Carina let out a soft sigh, her gaze fixed on the blonde.

"I thought about visiting my father," she said. "But I don't want to do it. It doesn't feel like the
right time. I don't want there to be a shadow over our honeymoon."
Maya nodded understandingly, setting her cup down and reaching out to gently touch
Carina's arm. "It's okay, my love," she said softly. "We don't have to do anything you're not
ready for.”

“In moments like this, I really miss my mother."

Maya's heart ached at the vulnerability in Carina's voice. She gently rubbed Carina's arm. "I
get that. What was she like?"

"She was kind, compassionate. She had this laugh that could light up a room, and she loved
to cook. She made the best lasagna ever."

"Her lasagna was better than yours?" Maya asked.

Carina chuckled, a fondness evident in her expression. "Yes, it was," she admitted with a

"I don't believe that," Maya said with a smile.

They continued to enjoy their breakfast in peaceful silence, the morning sun casting a warm
glow over their table. Maya savored each bite of her pastry, while Carina sipped her espresso,
occasionally stealing glances at Maya with a contented smile.
Chapter 22
Chapter Notes

TW for mentions of abuse

See the end of the chapter for more notes

In the following days in Catania, Maya and Carina continued to explore the charming streets
of the city, enjoying the delicious Italian cuisine and soaking in the rich culture around them.
They visited historical landmarks, strolled through picturesque piazzas, and even ventured to
the nearby coastline for another day of relaxation by the sea.

As their honeymoon drew to a close, they made sure to make the most of their final day in
Catania. They revisited their favorite spots, took one last leisurely walk along the waterfront,
and enjoyed a romantic dinner savoring each moment together as they reflected on the
unforgettable experiences they shared during their time in Italy.

Carina couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for Maya. She admired Maya's courage and
resilience in stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the adventure of their
honeymoon, despite the challenges it posed for her routines and sensory sensitivities.
Throughout their time in Italy, Carina had witnessed Maya's determination to experience new
things and her willingness to overcome her anxieties.

But as their time in Catania drew to a close, Carina noticed a shift in Maya's demeanor. The
blonde grew quieter and more subdued. Carina could sense Maya's longing for the familiarity
of home, where she could retreat into her comforting routines.

Before they knew it, they were back on the plane heading home. The journey passed much
like the one to Italy, with Maya navigating through the crowds and sensory stimuli, feeling
overwhelmed but managing to cope with each challenge along the way.

As they sat in the cab driving home from the airport, Maya felt drained and exhausted from
the journey. The incessant chatter of the driver grated on her nerves, exacerbating her sensory
overload. She could feel her muscles tensing, her head throbbing with each word spoken.

She tapped her fingers rhythmically against her thigh. As the driver's chatter persisted,
Maya's movements became more pronounced. She started to fidget with the hem of her shirt,
a repetitive motion that provided a sense of control.

Feeling the tension building within her, Maya instinctively clasped her hands over her ears,
seeking refuge from the onslaught of sound. The driver's incessant talking seemed to grow
louder and more intrusive with each passing moment.
Carina reached into her bag and retrieved her noise-canceling headphones. With a gentle
touch, she placed them over Maya's ears, effectively drowning out the external noise and
providing her with a much-needed sense of relief. As the familiar hum of the headphones
enveloped her, Maya felt a wave of calm wash over her.

As they arrived home, Maya's determination to unpack immediately clashed with Carina's
exhaustion from the journey. Maya insisted on starting the task right away, her need for order
and routine compelling her to tackle the suitcases. However, Carina intervened.

"Let's sleep first, bambina," the brunette suggested, her voice heavy with weariness. "I'm
exhausted, and I'm sure you are too."

Maya hesitated, her desire for organization warring with her body's yearning for rest. But
seeing the fatigue etched on Carina's face, she relented. With a reluctant nod, she agreed to
postpone the unpacking for later.

As they slipped into bed, Carina reached out for Maya, her fingers seeking the reassuring
warmth of her wife's touch. However, Maya recoiled slightly, her body tensing at the prospect
of further sensory input.

With a gentle sigh, Carina settled back against the pillows, giving Maya the physical distance
she required. She didn't take Maya's withdrawal personally. She knew all too well the toll that
overwhelming sensory experiences could take on Maya.

As the weight of exhaustion settled upon them, they both quickly drifted off into slumber.


A few days later, Maya stood in the bustling atmosphere of the fire station, the clangs of
equipment and distant shouts of colleagues filling the air. She methodically checked the gear,
her movements precise and focused.

In the midst of her routine, Jack's voice cut through the air, his tone light but grating as he
cracked yet another joke about married life. Maya felt a surge of irritation bubble within her,
her jaw tensing as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Jack, seriously?" she snapped. "Can you give it a rest for once?"

Jack chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Maya's response as he flashed her an easy grin. "Hey,
just trying to lighten the mood around here," he replied, shrugging off her irritation with
practiced ease.

His relentless banter grated on her nerves like sandpaper against skin. His voice seemed to
echo off the walls, each word magnified in its annoyance. Just as she was about to snap at
him again, he delivered another quip, the straw that broke the camel's back.

"I heard your honeymoon was a real blast! How many times did you get lost?" he chuckled.

Maya's grip on her clipboard tightened, her jaw clenching as a surge of frustration coursed
through her. The weight of the upcoming court hearing pressed down on her, amplifying her
already frayed nerves. Without warning, her fingers slipped, and the clipboard clattered to the
ground, the noise sharp and jarring in the busy station.

Her colleagues fell silent, casting curious glances her way as Maya struggled to regain her
composure. The room seemed to close in around her, the overwhelming sensory input
threatening to suffocate her.

Maya's hands trembled as she bent down to retrieve the fallen clipboard.

“No need to be so grumpy just because you're apart from Carina for a day," Jack joked, a
smirk playing on his lips.

Her patience stretched to its limit, Maya felt a surge of anger course through her veins. With a
frustrated growl, she tossed the clipboard aside, the clatter echoing through the station as she
stormed off, her footsteps echoing down the corridor.

Maya retreated to her bunk bed, collapsing onto it with a heavy sigh. She buried her face in
her hands, fingers tangling in her hair as she tried to quell the tumult of emotions raging
inside her.

Flashes of her father, his disapproving gaze etched into her memory, danced behind her
closed eyelids, sending shivers down her spine.

In the midst of her turmoil, the gentle creak of the bunk bed signaled someone's approach.
Maya glanced up, her eyes meeting Andy’s concerned gaze. Without a word, Andy settled
beside her.

Maya's voice was soft as she spoke, "Sorry for storming off. I'll continue my tasks."

Andy offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it. What's going on?"

Maya fiddled with the hem of her pants as she recounted the details of the upcoming court
hearing to Andy.

“When is it?” Andy asked.

"In two weeks," Maya murmured.

Andy reached out to squeeze Maya's shoulder gently. "I'm sorry," she said.

Maya's voice wavered as she continued, "I just don't want Carina to be sad anymore."

"What do you mean?"

Maya sighed, her fingers still fiddling with the fabric of her pants. "It makes Carina sad when
I'm sad about my father," she explained.

Andy's eyes softened with empathy. "Maya, Carina loves you deeply. She wants what's best
for you."
Maya's shoulders sagged with the weight of her worry. "But what if I lose the case? What if I
don't get the restraining order, and Carina's heart gets broken?”

“You and Carina are a team,” Andy said. “No matter what happens, you'll face it together.”

Maya nodded gratefully, feeling her tense shoulders relaxing slightly. "Thanks, Andy.”

"Just take a moment, Maya," Andy said warmly before leaving Maya to collect herself before
returning to work.


A few days later, Maya paced around the kitchen, her voice edged with urgency. "Come on,
Carina, we'll be late if we don't hurry!" She glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time, her
anxiety mounting with each passing second.

It was clinic day at the station; one of the rare occasions they left the house together in the

Carina stumbled out of the bedroom, still rubbing sleep from her eyes as she slid on her
shoes. "Sorry, sorry," she muttered, hastily adjusting her shirt. "I'm ready.”

Maya shoved a cup of coffee into Carina's hands, her annoyance evident as she hurried
towards the door. "Come on, we're going to be late," she grumbled again, not bothering to
wait for a response as she headed out.

Carina followed, a sheepish grin on her face, already feeling the effects of the caffeine.

As they pulled up at the fire station, Carina turned to Maya with a pout, "Are you still mad?"
she asked.

Maya couldn't resist the pout, and she leaned in to kiss Carina, her annoyance melting away.

As they entered the fire station, Ben greeted them in the hall, "The DeLuca-Bishops,

Maya's heart fluttered at the name, a reminder that they were really married.

They set about their day, preparing for the clinic. The day passed with several patients
coming in, keeping them busy.

As they crossed paths in the bathroom, Maya couldn't help but comment, "You look sexy in
your pink scrubs, Carina.”

Carina smiled, pulling Maya closer by the loop of her belt. "Yeah, you think so?" she teased.

Maya looked up at her, her eyes sparkling. "You always look sexy.”

Carina leaned in, her breath warm against Maya's skin. "Wanna show me just how sexy you
think I am?" she whispered provocatively.
Maya's cheeks flushed with arousal. “Not here.”

“Why not?” Carina asked.

Unable to resist, Maya pressed her wife against the counter, capturing her lips in a kiss.
Carina cupped Maya's cheeks, pulling her closer, swiping her tongue over Maya's bottom lip.
She smiled when Maya let out a soft whimper, her hands falling to the blonde's ass.

Maya eventually managed to pull away, breathlessly. “Now I'm turned on.”

Carina smiled. “I guess I'll have to make up for it later.”

“My underwear is sticky,” Maya said with a bashful grin. “Your fault.”

Carina bit her lip, asking, "Can I feel?"

Maya nodded, and Carina's hand slipped into her pants, eliciting a shiver. Against Maya's
neck, Carina let out a trembling breath, whispering, "I wish we could go home.”

Maya's heart pounded as Carina kissed her neck, but she gently reminded her, "Not here,
Carina. It's against the rules."

Reluctantly, Carina pulled away, giving her a peck on the lips. "Then spend the rest of the day
thinking about this, bambina.”

With that, Carina left the bathroom, leaving Maya in a flustered state.

The rest of the day passed and it was pretty late when they finally headed home.

In the car, Maya confessed, “I thought about touching you all day.”

Carina looked at her through darkened eyes and placed her hand on her thigh, sending a
shiver down her spine.

Not long after, they stumbled into the apartment, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Carina
pushed Maya onto the bed, their bodies entwining as they continued to explore each other's
lips with fervor.


As Maya disappeared into the shower, the sound of running water echoing through the
apartment, Carina remained in bed, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Her phone
buzzed on the nightstand, interrupting the peaceful silence of the room.

Curious, Carina reached for her phone, her heart skipping a beat as she saw an unknown
number flashing on the screen.

As Lane's voice filled her ear, Carina's grip on the phone tightened in shock. “Let me speak to
Maya,” he demanded.
Carina's voice trembled with barely-contained anger. "How did you get my number?"

But Lane's response was dismissive, his tone dripping with arrogance. "That doesn't matter,"
he retorted. "I need to speak to my daughter to put an end to this nonsense."

Carina's jaw tightened at the mention of Maya. She knew Lane's intentions were far from
benign. "You have no right to intrude into our lives," she shot back. "Maya wants nothing to
do with you, and I won't let you disrupt our peace."

“I know you put Maya up to this restraining order bullshit. She's been nothing but more
difficult since meeting you."

Carina's grip on the phone tightened even more, her knuckles turning white. "Maya's safety is
my priority. You have no right to harass her."

But Lane's tone remained defiant. "She's my daughter," he spat. "I have every right to see

Fury surged through Carina as she listened to Lane's callous words. "You lost that right when
you abused her. Stay away from us, or I'll make sure you regret it."

Lane's laugh echoed through the phone, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Carina's
spine. "Abuse? I never abused her," he scoffed. "I tried to keep her from embarrassing
herself. Do you know what it's like to have a child who starts screaming because her routine
got switched up a little bit? To have a child who lies on the floor with her hands over her ears
because some kids pulled a silly little prank on her?"

Carina's blood ran cold as Lane's words struck a nerve. "You have no idea what Maya went
through," she seethed. "You have no right to belittle her struggles."

"She needs to toughen up," he retorted. "She's always been too sensitive for her own good,
even now as an adult. I was just trying to prepare her for the real world, but it seems like I

Before Carina could reply, he continued, “Did you know that one time Katherine and I took
Maya to see some friends and we had a few drinks too many and decided to stay the night,
and Maya was so rattled that she peed the bed? Any idea how embarrassing that was? How
inadequate it made me feel to be humiliated like that in front of my friends? "

Carina's voice grew sharp with anger as she said, "And what did you do, Lane, instead of
comforting her like a normal dad?"

Lane's response was cold and indifferent, "Coddling her would've condoned her behavior. I
taught her a lesson instead.”

Carina's heart stuttered as she weighed whether she even wanted to know what kind of lesson
Lane had taught Maya. But she gathered her resolve and told him firmly, "You're an abusive
jerk, Lane, and you won't get to hurt Maya anymore. You made a mistake by coming into our
Carina hung up, her breaths heavy and phone trembling in her hands.

Just then, Maya emerged from the bathroom, looking adorable in her oversized Super Mario
t-shirt, rambling about how excited she was to watch her favorite show later.

But Maya faltered when she saw the look on Carina's face. "What's wrong?"

Chapter End Notes

More angst, sorry

Chapter 23
Chapter Notes

Warning: this is a dark chapter, outlining Lane's abuse.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Carina hesitated, unsure whether she should tell Maya the truth.

Maya carefully inched closer. “Carina, what is it?”

Carina took a deep breath, meeting Maya's concerned gaze. "It was your father," she
confessed, her voice strained. "He called me.”

Maya's mind raced with questions, fixating on how Lane got Carina's number. She began to
ramble, but Carina interrupted gently. "Maya, it doesn't matter how he got it. What matters is
what he said.”

“Yes, yes,” Maya said, shaking her head as if to clear it. She looked a bit scared when she
asked, “What did he say?”

Carina took another deep breath, trying to steady herself. "He accused me of putting you up
to the restraining order... He said you've been more difficult since meeting me.”

“That's… that's not true.”

Carina's voice was tense with anger as she blurted out, "He wants to talk you out of it, Maya.
He's claiming he never abused you, that he was just trying to teach you lessons.”

Maya paled a bit. “He… he taught me many lessons, but they only made things worse.”

Carina seemed too consumed by her own anger to notice the weight of Maya's admission.
She continued, "This just proves our point. He can't leave us alone. It's good for our case.”

Maya's voice trembled as she spoke, recalling the times Lane would isolate her in her room
for hours, withhold meals, and make her listen to loud music.

"His lessons didn't help, Carina. Why doesn't he get that?” Maya stammered, wringing her
hands. “And how did he get your number?”

Carina, too angry to hear Maya, was consumed with thoughts about the legal implications of
Lane's interference. "We'll have to inform our lawyer about this," she muttered, her mind
already strategizing their next move.
Maya kept circling back to the question of how Lane obtained Carina's number. "But Carina,"
she persisted, "how did he even find your number?" Her words echoed in the room, each
repetition heightening Carina's frustration.

Carina's patience wore thin as Maya fixated on the source of Carina’s number, repeatedly
asking where he got it. "Maya, who cares about that?" she snapped, her frustration too much.
"What matters is that he's trying to intimidate us, but we won't let him.”

As Carina pulled out her laptop to email their lawyer, Maya stood nearby, fiddling with her
Super Mario t-shirt. Despite Carina's urgency, Maya continued to ramble about her father's
punishments, her words a stream of distress and unresolved trauma.

Maya's voice trembled as she continued, "Carina, his lessons didn't help, did he say they
helped? How did he find your number?"

Carina's frustration boiled over, and she raised her voice slightly, saying, "Stop worrying
about the number, cazzo!"

The intensity of Carina's voice sent Maya recoiling, clasping her hands over her ears,
repeating, "His lessons didn't work, his lessons didn't work…”

Carina's anger ebbed away as she finally looked at Maya, seeing her with her hands clasped
over her ears, shoulders hunched. The sight shattered Carina's anger, replaced by a rush of
concern and regret.

Carina shut her laptop and approached Maya, her voice softened with remorse. "I'm sorry,
bambina. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just so angry at that man.”

Maya grasped her ears tighter. "I didn't like his lessons. They made me feel bad. His lessons
were bad, Carina. Bad."

Carina's stomach clenched as she recalled Lane's revelation about punishing Maya after she'd
wet the bed. The image of a young Maya in distress, subjected to her father's cruel discipline,
shattered her heart. She also thought of Katherine's earlier revelation, about Lane's abuse
extending beyond just belittling Maya. It was a painful realization, understanding the depth
of the harm inflicted on Maya by her own father.

Carina gently took Maya's hands and removed them from her ears, noticing the skin was all
red from Maya's desperate attempt to block out the noise, her thoughts, Carina.

Carina looked into Maya's eyes, her heart aching at the pain reflected in them. "It's okay,
bella," she said softly. "He can't hurt you anymore.”

Maya's voice trembled as she spoke, "Did he tell you about the lessons, Carina? They didn't
work. It made things worse.”

Carina nodded, her touch gentle as she rubbed the shells of Maya's red ears. "Those weren't
lessons, Maya," she said sadly. "It was abuse.”

Maya's eyes darted around as she once again asked, “How did he get your number?”
Carina sighed, recognizing Maya's tendency to fixate when upset. "Amore mio," she began,
this time patiently, "he probably got it in a way that's not even legal. But it doesn't matter
now. What matters is that we'll make sure he's out of our lives.”

Maya seemed to calm a little. “What do we do now? He'll never stop.”

Carina explained calmly, "If he continues to harass us after we get the restraining order, we'll
document everything and report it to the police. They'll take it seriously, especially with the
order in place."

Maya nodded, seeming to find some comfort in the plan.

“Let's go to bed and just relax for a little,” Carina suggested.

“My routines first.”

Carina nodded understandingly. "Of course, take your time."

She climbed into bed, pulling the covers up, and watched Maya silently as she went through
her evening routines. As she lay there, she wished she could punch Lane in the face for the
pain he had caused Maya.


The next day, Carina received word from their lawyer advising them to document Lane's
"lessons" and what they entailed, further bolstering their case against him. Their lawyer
explained that it could serve as evidence of emotional abuse and manipulation, strengthening
their case for the restraining order. It would demonstrate a pattern of behavior on Lane's part,
showing his intent to control and harm Maya psychologically. Such evidence could be crucial
in convincing the court of the necessity for the restraining order to protect Maya from further

When Carina told Maya about their lawyer's advice, Maya paled.

“I don't want to think about it."

Carina placed a reassuring hand on her wife's shoulder. "I understand, Maya, but it's
necessary. Our lawyer advised that we document everything, including those so-called
lessons your father subjected you to."

Maya chewed on her bottom lip. "But what if... What if I have to talk about it?"

Carina sighed. "I know it's tough, but our lawyer will handle most of it. You might have to
answer some questions, but we'll be there together."

Maya looked down, fidgeting with her fingers. "Okay, I trust you."

Carina settled beside her on the couch, intertwining their fingers. "If it gets too much for you,
just stop, okay?"

Carina took a deep breath. "What do you want to tell me about these lessons? There were
many of them, right?"

Maya hesitated, her brow furrowing with the weight of memories. "Yeah, there were...

Carina swallowed, steeling herself for the difficult conversation ahead. "Bambina, Lane
mentioned an incident when you wet the bed."

Maya's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and discomfort crossing her features. "He... he talked
about that?"

Carina nodded, her grip on Maya's hand tightening. "Yes, he did.”

Maya looked away, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she recalled the humiliating
memory. "We weren't supposed to stay over at my parents' friends," she admitted softly.
"They didn't tell me, and I wanted to go home.”

Carina felt her throat tighten with emotion, but she encouraged Maya to continue, her heart
aching for the young girl Maya once was.

"I don't remember much, except that I was upset. When my mother came to check on me, I
was wet from... from peeing myself.”

Carina gently lifted Maya's hand to her lips and pressed a soft kiss to her skin, offering
comfort as Maya continued to recount the painful memories.

"My mother wasn't mad," Maya continued, her voice growing more distant as she recalled the
events. "She wanted to help me change, but then my father arrived... He was angry at me for
embarrassing him. He... he drove us home, even though he had been drinking, which is
against the rules.”

Carina's anger rose beneath the surface, but she remained calm, focusing on being there for

As Maya dissociated a bit, she recounted more of her father's abusive actions. "He... he
forced me into a cold shower. I didn't like it... the cold water. And then he made me sleep on
the floor... for a week... so I wouldn't ruin another bed. I didn't like sleeping on the floor... it
was too hard."

Carina's heart ached at Maya's words, her anger boiling over at Lane's cruelty towards her

“You didn't deserve that, bambina. None of it was your fault," she whispered, reaching out to
comfort her. But Maya abruptly stiffened, her expression distant.

"I don't want to talk anymore," she said quietly before swiftly leaving the room, leaving
Carina feeling helpless and lost.
Carina gave Maya a moment before quietly entering the bedroom. She found Maya sitting in
her chair, her expression troubled.

"It's too much for you, isn't it?" Carina asked softly. Maya simply nodded, her eyes fixed on
nothing in particular.

Carina sighed. Kneeling in front of her wife, she gently took Maya's hands in hers. "Look,
bambina, I know this is hard, but we need to do this to keep him away from you. How about I
ask your mother instead? Would that be okay?"

Maya looked up at Carina, her eyes filled with gratitude and relief. She nodded slowly.

Carina cupped Maya’s cheek and gazed lovingly into her eyes for a moment. “It'll all be over
soon. I promise.”


Carina made her way to Katherine's house, her mind buzzing with the weight of Maya's
revelations. Katherine greeted her at the door with a warm smile. "Coffee?" she offered.

Carina shook her head. "Wine, please. I could use it."

Katherine chuckled. "I understand," she said, leading Carina into the kitchen.

Carina sipped her wine gratefully, feeling the familiar warmth spread through her. "Thanks
for having me over," she said, glancing at Katherine.

Katherine regarded her with concern. "How are you holding up?"

Carina sighed, setting her glass down. "I need to stay strong for Maya," she admitted. "But
it's hard. I feel like I'm walking on thin ice."

Katherine reached out and placed a comforting hand on Carina's arm. "I'm worried about you
too," she confessed. "This whole situation is a lot to handle."

“I have to stay strong for Maya.”

Katherine squeezed Carina's arm gently. "You're doing the best you can for Maya, and that's
admirable. But remember, you have your own limits too. It's important to take care of
yourself throughout all of this."

Carina nodded, appreciating Katherine's concern. "I know," she said softly. "It's just...
difficult to balance sometimes. I want to be there for Maya, but I also don't want to lose
myself in the process."

Katherine smiled reassuringly. "You won't lose yourself, Carina. You're strong, and you have
a support system here for you too."

“Thank you. After Lane called me to brag about his ‘lessons’, our lawyer thinks that
documenting these situations will significantly strengthen our case for the restraining order.
But Maya... it's just too much for her right now."

Katherine listened attentively, her expression softening with empathy as Carina spoke. "I
understand. Maya's been through so much already. It's important to consider her well-being
above all else."

Carina nodded, grateful for Katherine's understanding. "Exactly. That's why I came to you
instead," she explained. "I thought maybe you could provide some insight or help us find
another way to gather evidence without putting Maya through more trauma."

Katherine sighed heavily, her eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and guilt. "It's not easy to talk
about, especially since I didn't do enough to stop it."

Carina hesitated before saying, “Maya told me about the bed wetting incident.”

“She did?” Katherine sighed, her voice tinged with sorrow. "We'd been at our friends' house
for hours, and Maya was already overwhelmed. The sudden change in routine led to a
meltdown. And then Lane didn't allow me to comfort her and forced her to go to sleep, which
obviously didn't help."

Carina sighed sadly. "Katherine, is there anything else you can tell me about Lane punishing

Katherine's expression darkened. "There were countless instances," she admitted, her voice
trembling with emotion. "Lane would often berate her for not understanding social cues or
for getting overwhelmed in sensory-rich environments."

Carina's heart clenched at Katherine's words, the depth of Maya's suffering becoming
increasingly apparent. "What would he do?" she asked.

Katherine swallowed hard, her eyes brimming with tears. "He'd yell at her, call her names,
and sometimes teach her one of his… lessons. He never understood that Maya's autism wasn't
something she could control."

Carina's heart sank further as she listened to Katherine's distressing account. "Can you give
me some examples?"

Katherine hesitated, the memories of Maya's suffering still raw and painful. "There was one
instance," she began, her voice faltering slightly. "We went to a barbecue on the Fourth of
July, and there were fireworks. Maya got overwhelmed by the loud noises and ended up on
the ground, trying to self-soothe."

“What did Lane do?" Carina asked, dreading the answer.

"As a 'lesson,' Lane locked her up in her room with loud music blasting," Katherine revealed.
"He said it was to make her get over her 'silly' fear of sounds."

Anger surged through Carina, her fists clenched in frustration at Lane's cruel and ignorant
actions. "That's barbaric," she exclaimed. "How could he do that to her?"
Katherine's voice cracked with emotion as tears welled up in her eyes. "Another awful
moment was when Maya lost a track race," she recounted. "Lane was so angry... You see,
when Maya was in her early teens, as part of her routine, she would drink a cup of chocolate
milk every night. Lane said it made her fat, and as punishment, he threw it all out."

"That's… unimaginable," Carina whispered, her voice filled with disbelief and horror.

Katherine nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Maya was devastated," she continued.
"She threw some stuff in her room out of frustration, which only angered Lane more. He
locked her in her room for days. She was so upset... I could hear her crying and screaming,
begging to be let out. But Lane refused to unlock the door."

Carina's eyes filled with tears at the thought of Maya's suffering. "How could he be so cruel?"

Katherine shook her head. "I don't know. I begged him to let her out, but he wouldn't listen.
He said she needed to learn her lesson."

Fury burned hot within Carina. “Maya didn't deserve any of this.”

Katherine nodded, her expression pained. "I know," she whispered, her voice trembling with
grief. "I should have done more to protect her."

As Katherine continued to recount the horrifying instances of Maya's abuse, Carina remained
resolute, her eyes glistening with tears as she listened intently, her hand shaking slightly as
she wrote down the details, trying desperately to hold herself together.

With each new example Katherine provided, Carina's heart shattered a little more, her
emotions threatening to overwhelm her. Yet, she forced herself to focus, determined to
document every detail, every painful memory, in order to build a stronger case against Lane.


As the day of the court hearing dawned, the atmosphere in the household was sharp with
tension. Maya's nerves were out of control—palpable through the restless tapping of her foot
and the fidgeting of her hands. Despite Carina and Katherine's attempts to reassure her,
Maya's fears seemed to intensify as the hours ticked by.

In the dimly lit courtroom, Maya sat rigidly in her chair, her heart pounding in her chest as
she awaited the proceedings to begin. Her eyes darted nervously around the room, taking in
the stern faces of the judge and the lawyers. The bustling activity around her felt
overwhelming. She clenched and unclenched her fists, her body tense with pent-up anxiety as
she struggled to regulate her sensory input.

Carina watched her wife closely. She reached out, gently placing a hand on Maya's arm.
"Hey, bambina," she said softly. "How are you feeling?"

Maya forced a tight-lipped smile. "I'm... I'm okay.”

But Carina could see the signs of agitation in the way Maya's fingers twitched nervously at
her sides, in the way her eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape from the
overwhelming stimuli.

As the courtroom doors creaked open, Maya's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her
throat as she caught sight of Lane entering the room. His presence sent a shiver down her

Her father strode into the courtroom with an air of arrogance, his gaze cold and calculating.
Maya felt her blood run cold as his eyes locked onto hers, a predatory gleam flickering in
their depths. She could feel her pulse quicken, her palms growing clammy as memories of
past traumas flooded her mind. The weight of his gaze bore down on her like a suffocating
blanket, threatening to crush her beneath its grip.

Carina's hand tightened around Maya's own. "Maya," she whispered. "Focus on me. You're
safe here."

Maya nodded, but her eyes never left Lane's figure as he took his seat across the room.

As the hearing began, the courtroom fell into a hushed silence. Maya's heart raced in her
chest as she awaited the start of the proceedings, her stomach in knots.

The judge's voice echoed through the room, commanding attention as he outlined the purpose
of the hearing and the issues to be addressed.

The lawyers on both sides presented their arguments with practiced precision, their voices
resonating off the walls of the courtroom as they laid out the evidence and testimonies that
would shape the outcome of the case.

Maya's anxiety grew with each passing moment as she listened to the harrowing details of her
past abuse being recounted before the court. Memories of past traumas flooded her mind,
threatening to overwhelm her with their intensity.

As the court proceedings continued, Lane's attorney signaled for him to take the stand. With a
sense of smug confidence, Lane rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the

"Ladies and gentlemen of the court," he began, his voice dripping with disdain. "I
categorically deny the baseless allegations made against me by my daughter."

Maya's heart sank at his words, her hands trembling with anger and frustration.

"I only ever had Maya's best interests at heart," Lane proclaimed, his voice tinged with false
sincerity. "I may have been strict at times, but it was only to toughen her up, to prepare her
for the challenges of the real world."

Maya felt bile rise in her throat at his words, her stomach churning with revulsion.

As Lane's denial continued, he turned his attention to Maya's loved ones with a sneer. "My
ex-wife Katherine and Maya's wife Carina have clearly put her up to this," he asserted.
"They've concocted these outrageous allegations in an attempt to tarnish my reputation and
tear apart our family."
Maya's knuckles turned white as she gripped the edge of her seat. How dare he try to shift the
blame onto the very people who had supported her through the darkest moments of her life?

"I know damn well that I never laid a finger on Maya," Lane continued. "I only ever taught
her some tough love lessons to prepare her for the challenges she'd come across in life—
lessons that would require resilience and strength."

Carina gently reached out and uncurled one of Maya's hands, intertwining their fingers

Lane's words echoed through the courtroom, each one a dagger aimed at Maya's heart. "I did
what any father would do to make sure their child doesn't get bullied or alienated for being
different. Without my help, Maya never would've survived in the adult world."

As the court session took a brief recess, Maya felt a mix of exhaustion and anticipation wash
over her. She leaned back in her chair, her mind reeling from the intensity of the proceedings.

Carina squeezed her hand reassuringly, offering a small but supportive smile. "You're doing
great, bella.”

Their lawyer approached, a determined expression etched across his face. "Maya," he began,
his tone serious yet compassionate. "I believe it would be beneficial for you to testify against

Maya's heart skipped a beat at his words, her mind racing with a whirlwind of conflicting
emotions. On one hand, the thought of confronting Lane in court filled her with a sense of
dread. But on the other hand, she knew that speaking up was the only way to ensure that
justice was served.

Carina gently squeezed Maya's hand again. "You don't have to do this if you're not ready.
We'll support whatever decision you make."

Maya took a deep breath. She knew that she could find the strength to face her demons head-
on. "I'll do it," she declared, despite the nerves fluttering in her stomach.

She took her place on the witness stand. The harsh glare of the overhead lights intensified,
casting her in an unforgiving spotlight that seemed to magnify every nervous twitch and
tremble. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the chair feeling too hard beneath her.

The lawyer's questions came fast and relentless.

She forced herself to focus, to block out the prying eyes and the oppressive heat of the
courtroom. With each question, she dug deep within herself, summoning the strength to speak
her truth, no matter how painful it may be.

"Yes," she said. "He... he would often lock me in my room for days at a time... I could hear
him laughing outside, refusing to let me out..."

She could feel sweat trickling down her brow, her palms slick with moisture as she gripped
the edges of the witness stand. The questions seemed to blur together, a relentless barrage
that pounded against her defenses.

As she struggled to answer, a wave of nausea swept over her, her stomach churning with
unease. She swallowed hard, willing herself to push through the discomfort, but it was
becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the sickening sensation.

Carina watched, her heart aching at the sight of Maya's distress. She longed to rush to her
wife's side, to offer comfort and support. But she knew that Maya needed to do this on her

As Maya's testimony came to an end, she let out a shaky breath, her entire body trembling
with exhaustion and relief.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as they waited for the verdict.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the judge's voice rang out. "After careful consideration
of the evidence presented," she declared, "this court finds in favor of the petitioner and grants
the restraining order against Lane Bishop."

Carina wrapped her arms around Maya, pulling her close in a tight embrace. "You did it," she
whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "You did it, bambina."

Maya buried her face in Carina's shoulder, tears streaming down her cheeks as she allowed
herself to finally let go of the fear and pain that had consumed her for so long.

Chapter End Notes

Finally :)
Chapter 24

After the emotionally draining court hearing, Maya found herself utterly exhausted, both
physically and emotionally.

Carina watched her wife closely, taking in her exhausted demeanor. "Hey, bambina," she
murmured softly. "How are you feeling?"

Maya offered a weak smile in response. "Tired," she admitted.

Carina nodded in understanding, taking Maya’s hand and bringing it to her lips. "You did
amazing today. I'm so proud of you."

But Maya remained silent, her energy depleted and her emotions raw from the intensity of the
day's events. Without a word, she retreated to her favorite chair in the bedroom, seeking
comfort in its familiar embrace.

As Maya retreated, Carina turned her attention to Katherine, offering her a small smile.
"Would you like a drink?" she asked, gesturing towards the kitchen.

Katherine nodded gratefully, her own exhaustion evident in the lines of her face. "That would
be lovely, thank you," she replied, following Carina into the kitchen.

Carina poured them both a glass of wine.

Katherine let out a heavy sigh. "I'm glad that's finally over. And that man is out of Maya's life
for good."

Carina nodded in agreement. "Me too," she replied softly, her gaze flickering back in the
direction of the bedroom where Maya sat in silence. “Do you think Maya will be okay?”

"She just needs some time," Katherine said. "She tends to retreat into herself when she's

Carina sighed. "Yeah, I know. It was a lot."

They sat in silence for a while, the only sound in the kitchen was the soft clink of their
glasses as they sipped their wine, both lost in their own thoughts.

After a while, Katherine broke the silence. "Thank you for the drink, Carina. I should
probably head home."

"Of course," Carina replied, offering Katherine a small smile. "Take care of yourself,

With a nod of acknowledgment, Katherine rose from the table. She paused for a moment, her
gaze lingering on Carina with a mix of warmth and affection. "You too, Carina," she said
softly before making her way to the door.
Carina quietly made her way back to the bedroom, her steps cautious as she approached
Maya, who remained curled up in her chair. Maya's face was pale, her eyes distant as she
absentmindedly played with a fidget toy in her hands.

Carina knelt beside Maya, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you need

Maya's response was a silent shake of her head.

Leaning forward, Carina pressed a gentle kiss to her wife’s forehead. "I'll be right outside if
you need me," she said before quietly exiting the room, leaving Maya to her thoughts in the
quiet confines of their bedroom.


The next day, Maya moved through the morning with a sense of quiet determination, her
movements deliberate as she went about her routines.

Carina watched Maya from a distance as she allowed her wife the space she needed to
process the events of the previous day. She knew that Maya needed time to heal, to find her
footing once more in the wake of the court hearing.

As the day wore on, Maya remained mostly quiet, her words few and far between as she
retreated into the safety of her own thoughts. But gradually, as the hours passed, Carina
noticed a subtle shift in the blonde’s demeanor. She began to seek out touches, brushing her
hand against Carina's as they passed in the hallway, or leaning into her side as they sat
together on the couch.

And though Maya's words were still few, she began to make small comments here and there.

Carina set about preparing lunch, the comforting aromas of herbs and spices filling the air.
Maya quietly joined her, offering a small smile as she began to assist with the meal

"You know," she said, "I feel so lucky to be married to an Italian woman with a passion for

Carina's lips curved into a smile at Maya's comment. "And I feel like the luckiest woman in
the world.”

Maya glanced up at Carina, a curious expression crossing her features. "How so?" she asked,
her tone serious. "I ask for so much of your patience, isn't it exhausting?"

"Maya, you don't ask for anything that I'm not willing to give," Carina replied earnestly.
"Being there for you, supporting you—it's not exhausting. It's a privilege."

A small, shy smile graced Maya's lips as she gazed into Carina's eyes. "I'm glad this is behind
us and we can focus on us now."
Feeling the warmth of Maya's smile, Carina's heart swelled with love. She wrapped her arms
around Maya’s waist, waiting for a moment, observing the other woman’s reaction.

Maya's response was a subtle lean into Carina's embrace, a silent acknowledgment of the
comfort and safety she found in her wife's arms. Encouraged by Maya's response, Carina
pulled her closer, closing the distance between them, and pressed a tender kiss to Maya's lips.

Pulling back slightly, she looked into Maya's eyes with a soft smile. "I think we deserve a fun
date night after all that. What do you say, tesoro?"

Maya's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect. "I would love that.”


That night, they packed a blanket, some snacks, and their telescope into the car. They drove
out to a secluded field, far from the city lights and the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

As they spread out the blanket, Carina couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty
that surrounded them. The stars twinkled overhead, casting a soft glow over the landscape as
they settled in for their date night.

Maya snuggled close to Carina, their fingers intertwined as they waited for the sky to darken.
They nibbled on snacks and talked quietly, placing whispers of kisses across each other’s

As the first stars began to appear, they set up their telescope. With Carina nestled beside her,
Maya adjusted the telescope, aiming it towards the glittering expanse above. Carina watched
in anticipation as Maya focused the lens.

"Here, take a look," she said, moving back to let Carina take her turn.

Carina leaned in, adjusting the telescope until she found the perfect angle. As she gazed
through the lens, her breath caught in her throat at the breathtaking sight before her—a
distant galaxy swirling with vibrant colors.

Feeling a surge of affection for her wife, Maya leaned in and placed a tender kiss on Carina’s
cheek. “I love you,” she whispered.

With a smile on her lips, Carina turned to Maya. “I love you, bella.”

As they lay down again on the soft blanket, Carina's head found its place tucked into the
crook of Maya's neck, inhaling her familiar scent. With her arms wrapped around Maya's
waist, Carina felt the steady rhythm of Maya's heartbeat beneath her fingertips.

With a soft sigh of contentment, Maya nestled closer to Carina. "Thanks for this," she said. "I
really needed it."

Feeling the gentle press of Carina's lips against her neck, Maya shivered with delight, her
skin tingling with the sensation of Carina's touch.
"How are you feeling about everything?" the brunette asked.

Maya paused for a moment, her thoughts drifting back to the events of the past few days—
the emotional intensity of the court hearing.

"I'm... I'm okay," she replied hesitantly, unsure of how to put her feelings into words. "It's
been a lot, but being here with you... it helps."

Carina slipped her hand under Maya's sweater, her fingers tracing soothing circles on Maya's
stomach. "Maya, if you ever want to talk about the things your father did to you, you know
I'm here, right?"

Maya stiffened a little, but as Carina's lips brushed against her cheek, she felt herself relax
again. "My mom, did she tell you a lot?"

Carina's heart skipped a beat at Maya's question, a pang of sadness tugging at her
heartstrings. "She told me enough. Enough to know how much you've been through."

"I'm sorry you had to hear all that," Maya said, her voice heavy with guilt

"Bambina," Carina said gently, "it's not your fault. What he did to you was wrong, you know
that right?"

Maya's breath caught in her throat at Carina's words. Tears welled in her eyes. "I know," she
said, her voice breaking a bit. "I know, Carina. But it's hard..."

Feeling Maya's pain radiating from every inch of her trembling body, Carina pulled her even
closer. With gentle hands, she cupped Maya's tear-streaked cheeks, pressing tender kisses
against her skin.

"It's okay, bella," she murmured softly. "Just let it out. I'm here, I've got you."

Maya's lip quivered as she fought to contain the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm
her. She bit down hard on her lip, stifling the sounds as tears streamed down her cheeks, hot
and relentless.

Unable to bear Maya's silent suffering, Carina pressed her lips to Maya's ear, whispering
words of comfort and reassurance. "It's okay to cry, bambina," she cooed, her voice a gentle
caress against Maya's skin. "I'm here for you, always."

And as Maya finally allowed herself to release the pent-up emotions that had been weighing
on her heart, Carina held her close, offering words and touches of comfort in the quiet
stillness of the night.


In the weeks that followed, a sense of calm settled over them, like the first rays of sunlight
after a storm. They threw themselves into their work. For Maya, the comfort of her routines
became a safe place again. They spent whatever free time they had together doing fun things,
stealing kisses and lingering touches, making love.
On their night off together, they decided to have a movie night, aiming for something light
and cheerful. They chose a classic romantic comedy, one they had seen before but always

As the movie started, Maya quickly became engrossed in the storyline, laughing at the
dialogue and characters. Carina watched her wife with a soft smile, her heart swelling with
happiness at the sight of Maya's laughter. It was the first time since the court hearing that
Maya had laughed so freely, and Carina couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of joy.

At one point, there was a particularly hilarious scene, and Maya erupted into uncontrollable
laughter, her eyes sparkling. Carina laughed along with her, feeling lighter and happier than
she had in weeks.

When the movie reached a scene where the characters tried a recipe called "Spaghetti Ice
Cream," Maya turned to Carina with a grin. "Hey, do you think we should try making that?"
she asked, pointing to the screen.

Carina raised an eyebrow, her Italian sensibilities recoiling at the mere thought of such a
culinary abomination. "Spaghetti ice cream?" she exclaimed, pulling a face.

But Maya simply pouted, her bottom lip jutting out. "Come on, Carina, it'll be fun!" she
pleaded, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Unable to resist Maya's big blue eyes, Carina finally relented with a sigh. "Oh, all right," she
conceded with a chuckle. "But only because it's you."

So, armed with a recipe they found online, they ventured into the kitchen to recreate the dish.
As they sat down to taste their creation, Carina watched in amusement as Maya eagerly took
the first bite. Her cheeks flushed slightly, and Carina couldn't help but notice the hesitation in
her expression.

"How is it, bella?”

Maya hesitated for a moment, her cheeks growing even redder under Carina's gaze. But then,
with a determined nod, she plastered on a smile and declared, "It's... interesting! Definitely an
acquired taste."

Carina chuckled at Maya's attempt to mask her true feelings, finding her wife's antics
endearing. "Well, I admire your bravery,” she replied with a smirk. "But next time, let's stick
to more traditional Italian desserts, okay?"

"Agreed," Maya said. "No more spaghetti ice cream for us!"

Later, they made love, and afterwards, Carina spooned Maya from behind, her arms wrapped
protectively around her wife's slender form. Maya sighed contentedly, her fingers tracing lazy
patterns on Carina's hand as they lay together in blissful silence.

Feeling the gentle rise and fall of Maya's chest against her own, Carina pressed a tender kiss
to the back of Maya's neck, savoring the warmth of her wife's skin beneath her lips. A soft
smile graced Carina's lips as she realized that Maya had already drifted off to sleep, her
breathing slow and steady in the quiet of the night.
Chapter 25

Maya stepped into Carina's office at the hospital, a soft smile gracing her lips as she caught
sight of her wife. Carina looked up from her desk, her face lighting up at the sight of Maya.

"Hey, amore mio," Carina greeted, rising from her chair to greet Maya with a warm embrace.
She pressed a lingering kiss to Maya's lips.

"Hey yourself," Maya replied. She pulled back slightly to gaze into Carina’s eyes. "Are you
busy? Can we get coffee?"

“Sure, bambina. Just let me finish up one thing," Carina said, pressing another quick kiss to
the blonde’s lips. "I've missed you."

Maya's lips curved into a gentle smile. "I've missed you too.”

She settled into a chair beside Carina's desk, content to wait while Carina finished up her
work. Maya couldn't help but gaze around the office, taking in the sights and sounds of
Carina's workplace.

Her eyes drifted over the various items scattered throughout the room—models of human
anatomy, medical textbooks, and posters displaying information about reproductive health.

Her gaze lingered on a shelf lined with fake babies and wombs, a reminder of the important
work Carina did as an OB/GYN. Maya felt a sense of pride swell within her as she looked at
the objects, knowing that Carina was making a difference in the lives of her patients every

As Maya gazed at the props scattered throughout Carina's office, her thoughts began to drift
to the idea of having a baby of their own one day. The sight of the fake babies and wombs
sparked a cascade of thoughts and images in her mind—images of them cradling a newborn
in their arms, of late-night feedings and diaper changes, of laughter and tears as they
navigated the journey of parenthood together.

As Maya's thoughts swirled with the idea of starting a family, her nerves began to bubble up,
stirring a familiar sense of unease deep within her. She couldn't help but worry about how a
baby would fit into her carefully crafted routines, how it might disrupt the delicate balance
she had worked so hard to maintain.

The prospect of sleepless nights and unpredictable schedules filled Maya with a sense of
dread, knowing that such changes could easily trigger meltdowns and overwhelm her sense
of control.

She couldn't shake the memories of her past, of the pain and isolation she had felt growing up
with a father who had never understood her. The memories of his harsh words and
judgmental stares lingered in her mind, a constant reminder of the loneliness and shame she
had endured for being different.
The thought of bringing a child into the world filled Maya with a sense of overwhelming
responsibility. She couldn't bear the idea of her child feeling the same sense of isolation and
misunderstanding that she had experienced growing up.

Without even realizing it, she began to tap her fingers against her thigh in a repetitive pattern,
a rhythmic motion that helped to calm her nerves and focus her thoughts.

Carina noticed the rhythmic tapping and the distant look in Maya's eyes.

"Hey, tesoro, what are you thinking about?" she asked.

Maya blinked. She glanced down at her hand, still tapping against her thigh, and then back up
at Carina.

"Babies," she blurted out.

With a soft smile, Carina switched off her computer and stood up, moving to sit on the edge
of her desk. She gazed at Maya softly. "Babies, huh? What about them?"

Maya took a deep breath, her nerves fluttering in her stomach as she met Carina's gaze.
"About us having one together.”

Carina's heart skipped a beat at Maya's words, her smile softening as she reached out to
gently brush her fingers over Maya’s cheek. "Is that something you want to discuss further
now?" she asked.

Maya nodded. "I know you want to have a baby, Carina. And I also know that it might take a
while, so we should start discussing it."

As Maya's heartfelt words hung in the air, Carina felt a rush of emotions wash over her. She
couldn't deny the longing she felt to start a family with Maya, but she also knew that Maya's
happiness and fulfillment were equally important.

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Carina met Maya's gaze with sincerity shining in her
eyes. "But what you want matters too, Maya," she said. "You shouldn't just go along with this
because it's what I want."

"If I imagine us with a baby together, it makes me happy," Maya admitted. "But I'm also
nervous. I think I might need to figure out how to navigate my autism and a baby first."

As Maya voiced her concerns about navigating parenthood with autism, Carina reached out
to take her hand. "I get that, tesoro. It's important that you feel comfortable."

Maya nodded. "Yeah. I think I'll start looking into connecting with other parents on the
spectrum, like you said. Maybe they can offer some insights and advice."

Carina smiled. "That sounds like a great idea.”

As Maya played with Carina's fingers, she felt a sense of reassurance wash over her. "I do
want this, I think," she said. "I just need some time to figure it out."
Carina’s smile grew, her heart swelling with affection. "Of course, bambina. Take all the time
you need, okay? We'll figure it out together."

"Thank you," Maya said. “I'll start doing some research tonight. Maybe that will help me feel
more prepared."

With a renewed sense of determination, she leaned in to press a kiss to Carina's lips.

As they left Carina's office, the familiar hustle and bustle of the hospital greeted them. They
made their way to the cafeteria, their steps light with anticipation of a much-needed coffee

As they rounded a corner, they encountered Amelia, who greeted them with a mischievous
grin. "Hey, you two. Better not have been getting up to any... ahem... activities in there."

Carina rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Amelia.”

Maya, however, responded with a serious nod. "We were discussing the logistics of
parenthood," she stated matter-of-factly, her tone leaving no room for doubt.

Amelia's grin faltered for a moment as she registered Maya's response, before she quickly
recovered, her laughter ringing through the corridor. "Well, carry on then," she said, waving
them off with a chuckle. "I'll see you two later."

As they stepped into the elevator, they were greeted by the sudden appearance of Arizona.
The atmosphere in the elevator instantly became tense, and Maya felt her body flush with
sweat as she instinctively avoided making eye contact with Arizona.

The doors closed behind Arizona, leaving the three of them in uncomfortable silence. Carina
shot Maya a concerned glance, sensing her discomfort, but before she could say anything,
Arizona spoke up.

"Hey," she greeted awkwardly, her voice breaking the silence. "How's it going?"

Carina shot Arizona a tight-lipped smile. "Good, good," she responded, her tone forced.

As Maya fidgeted with her jacket, her nerves still on edge, Carina reached out to take her
hand. Maya squeezed Carina's hand gratefully, drawing comfort from her wife's touch.

Just as they were about to leave the awkward encounter behind them as they exited the
elevator, Arizona turned to them, her expression earnest. "Hey, Maya," she began, her voice
heavy with remorse. "I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about what happened with Olivia.
Her behavior was completely out of line, and it's not a reflection of how I feel at all.”

Carina's protective instincts kicked in, her gaze narrowing slightly as she addressed her ex-
girlfriend. "Thank you for the apology, Arizona," she said, her tone firm. "But I think it's best
if you stay away from us."

Arizona's expression fell, a sense of sadness crossing her features. "Carina, I understand
where you're coming from. But I'm not responsible for what Olivia does or says. That's on
her, not me."

Carina's jaw tightened at Arizona's response, her protective instincts flaring even stronger.
"No, you're not responsible for her actions," she agreed. "But you are dating that woman,
which says something about you too."

Arizona's frustration seemed to grow as Carina pressed her about her relationship with Olivia.
"Things with Olivia aren't serious. We just have fun together, but that's it. She's just a

Carina raised an eyebrow. "A distraction from what?”

Arizona hesitated, her resolve faltering under Carina's scrutiny. "It doesn't matter," she
muttered. "Sorry for bothering you."

With a heavy sigh, Arizona turned on her heels and left, the tension in the air noticeable as
she retreated from the conversation.

As Arizona left, Maya turned to Carina, her expression one of confusion. "I don't get why
she's upset?" she asked uncertainly.

Carina sighed. "It's complicated, tesoro," she explained. "Sometimes people have their own
issues that they're dealing with and they take it out on others.”

Maya hesitated. “I feel bad now.”

"You shouldn't, Maya," Carina reassured her. "Even if she's just fucking that woman, she still
tolerates her shitty behavior."

Maya blushed at Carina's blunt words, feeling a rush of warmth flood her cheeks.

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

With a comforting squeeze of Maya's hand, Carina offered her a smile. "Come on," she said,
her tone lightening. "Let's get that coffee before my break is over."


In the cozy confines of their home, Maya sat at the dining table, her laptop open in front of
her as she scrolled through websites, searching for resources on parents on the spectrum.
Across the room, Carina lounged on the couch, a book in her hands, but her attention was
focused entirely on Maya.

Silently, Carina observed her wife, studying the furrow in her brow as she concentrated on
her research. The soft glow of the laptop screen reflected in Maya's blue eyes, casting a soft
light across her features.

Maya's fingers moved deftly across the keyboard, her brow furrowing deeper with each
passing moment. Despite her focused expression, Carina couldn't help but notice the slight
tension in Maya's shoulders, a sign of the weight of her thoughts.
The brunette rose from the couch and approached her wife at the table. Gently, she placed her
hands on Maya's shoulders, applying a soothing massage to ease the tension she observed.

Maya let out a soft sigh of relief at the touch, leaning slightly into Carina's comforting hands.
The gesture didn't go unnoticed by Carina, who offered a smile as she continued the massage.

"Would you like something to drink?" she murmured softly.

"Mmm," Maya mumbled in response, her focus still on the screen in front of her.

Carina leaned in closer, pressing a gentle kiss below Maya's ear, her lips lingering for a
moment before she pulled back slightly. "And what can I get for you, my queen?" she
whispered teasingly.

Maya's lips twitched slightly at the endearment, but she remained focused on her task.
"Water, please.”

Carina chuckled softly at Maya's response. "Water it is," she said, pressing another kiss to
Maya's cheek before heading to the kitchen to fulfill her request.

As Maya continued her research, Carina returned with a glass of water, placing it on the table
beside her.

“Thanks, my love.”

“How's it going?"

Maya looked up from her laptop. "I found this website," she began. "It's a forum where
parents on the spectrum talk to each other and share their experiences."

Carina's eyes lit up with interest as Maya spoke. "That sounds promising," she remarked, her
voice encouraging. "Did you find anything helpful?"

"Loads of information," she replied. "But I don't even know where to begin. There's just so
much to take in."

"Show me what you found," Carina said as she settled into the chair next to Maya.

Maya nodded and scrolled through the website she had discovered. "Here," she said as she
pointed to a particular section of the forum. "This is where parents on the spectrum share
their stories and advice."

Carina leaned in closer, her eyes scanning the screen with interest as Maya navigated through
the various threads. Together, they read through the heartfelt anecdotes and practical tips
shared by other parents, each one offering a unique perspective on navigating parenthood
while on the spectrum.

As they delved deeper into the forum, Maya's eyes suddenly widened. "Look at this," she
exclaimed as she clicked on a link. "It's a support group for parents on the spectrum, right
here in Seattle."
Carina's eyes lit up with delight at the discovery. "That's fantastic. It sounds like just what we

“Should I sign up?" Maya asked, her voice uncertain as she glanced at Carina. "I... I don't
know what to expect, and I can't just go, can I?" she rambled, her words tumbling out in a

"You should do what you want, bambina. It's okay if you need some time to think about it."

Maya took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening with Carina's words of encouragement. "I
need to do this. I want to. It's just... scary. But I'll do it."

With newfound determination, Maya reached for the mouse and clicked on the sign-up button
for the support group. As the confirmation page loaded, Carina's heart swelled with pride for
her wife.

"Good for you," Carina murmured as she wrapped her arms around Maya's shoulders. "I'm so
proud of you."

A rush of relief washed over Maya as she finalized her registration. She leaned in to press a
soft kiss to Carina's lips. Their embrace deepened into a passionate kiss. As they melted into
each other's arms, Maya felt a sense of calm wash over her, knowing that no matter what the
future held, they would face it together.
Chapter 26
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

In the following weeks, Maya and Carina settled into a rhythm of married life that felt both
comforting and exhilarating. With the weight of the court case behind them, they found
themselves able to fully embrace and enjoy the simple pleasures of everyday life together.

As the date of the first support group meeting approached, Maya's nerves began to take hold.
The thought of walking into a room full of strangers, of sharing her experiences and
vulnerabilities, was daunting.

The evening before, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Maya confided in Carina about her
apprehensions. "I'm really nervous about tomorrow," she admitted. "What if I don't fit in?
What if they judge me?"

Of course Carina had already noticed Maya’s nervous fidgeting, but she hadn’t said anything,
wanting Maya to broach the topic herself.

"It's okay to be nervous, bambina," she said. "It's a big step, but it’ll be alright.”

That night, Carina did everything she could to help ease Maya's nerves. They prepared a
comforting meal together, talking and laughing as they cooked side by side. Later, they curled
up on the couch, watching Maya’s favorite movie.

As the evening wore on, Carina's calming presence began to work its magic. Maya's fears
began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of determination and excitement about the
support group.

The next morning, as Maya prepared to leave for the meeting, Carina told her, "You've got
this, bambina.” She pressed a reassuring kiss to Maya's forehead. "Just remember, I'm always
here for you, no matter what."

With Carina's love and support bolstering her confidence, Maya headed off to the support
group meeting.

As Maya settled into the support group meeting, she felt a mix of anticipation and
nervousness. The room was filled with a diverse group of individuals, each with their own
unique experiences and challenges. The facilitator began by asking everyone to introduce

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Maya stood up and began to speak. "Hi, I'm Maya,"
she started, her voice slightly shaky but determined. "I'm here because I'm on the spectrum
and my wife and I are considering starting a family."
As Maya shared her introduction, she felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach, but also a
sense of relief. She had taken the first step in sharing her journey with others who could truly

As the meeting progressed, members of the group began to share their own stories and
experiences. Each person spoke with honesty and vulnerability, sharing the highs and lows of
their journey through parenthood while on the spectrum.

Listening to their stories, Maya felt a sense of comfort and connection. She heard echoes of
her own fears, challenges, and hopes in their words. It was a powerful reminder that she was
not alone in her experiences, and that there was a community of individuals who understood
and supported her.

One member shared a story about navigating sensory sensitivities while caring for a newborn,
another spoke about the importance of routines and structure, and yet another shared tips on
communicating with neurotypical family members about their needs and boundaries.

As Maya listened, she felt a growing sense of confidence and empowerment. She realized
that she had much to learn from this community, and that their shared experiences could offer
invaluable insights and support as she and Carina embarked on their journey towards

By the end of the meeting, Maya felt a renewed sense of hope and determination.

As she stepped out of the building, the warm sunlight greeted her. She was eager to share her
experience with Carina. Quickly pulling out her phone, she dialed Carina's number, her
fingers tapping restlessly against her thigh as she waited for her wife to pick up.

"Hey, bambina," Carina's voice greeted her.

"Carina, you won't believe how it went!" Maya exclaimed, her words tumbling out in a rush.
"The group was amazing, and everyone was so welcoming. I heard stories that felt like they
could've been my own, and it just felt… right, you know?"

Carina's laughter echoed through the phone, a joyful sound that brought a smile to Maya's
face. "I'm so glad to hear that, Maya. I knew you'd do great. How are you feeling now?"

"I feel... I don't know, lighter? Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm still
nervous about everything, but knowing there's a community out there that understands and
supports us... it makes all the difference."

"I'm so proud of you,” Carina replied. "And remember, no matter what happens, we'll face it
together, okay?"

"Yes. I love you so much."

"I love you too, tesoro," Carina replied, her words wrapping around Maya like a warm hug.
"I'll see you at home tonight, okay?"

"Sounds perfect," Maya said before she ended the call.


On their day off, Maya was filled with determination as she looked out at the world beyond
their window. She had realized that relying on her mountain bike and public transportation
wouldn't be practical when they had a baby to take care of. Learning to drive had become a
necessity, not just a desire.

"Are you ready for this, Maya?" Carina asked as they sat in her car in an empty parking lot,
the expanse of pavement stretching out before them.

Maya took a deep breath, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I'm ready.”

Carina smiled warmly, reaching over to place a reassuring hand on Maya's knee. "Remember,
it's okay to take it slow. We'll start with the basics and go from there."

With Carina's guidance, Maya started the car. The engine roared to life, and Maya's heart
pounded in her chest as she slowly pressed the accelerator.

"Good, Maya, good," Carina encouraged, her voice steady and calm as she guided Maya
through the basics of starting, stopping, and turning. "Now, let's try turning left here."

As Maya carefully navigated the car around the empty parking lot, she felt a sense of
accomplishment and pride. Each turn of the wheel, each press of the pedal brought her closer
to mastering this new skill.

"See, you're doing great," Carina said, her voice filled with pride as Maya successfully
completed another turn. "How are you feeling?"

"A little less terrified," Maya replied with a laugh, her eyes shining with excitement. "It's still
a lot to take in, but I'm getting the hang of it."

Over the next few days, they continued their driving lessons in various empty parking lots
around the city. Maya's confidence grew as she practiced starting, stopping, and navigating
through cones. With Carina's patient guidance and encouragement, she became more
comfortable behind the wheel.

Feeling that Maya was ready for the next step, Carina suggested they try driving on an actual
road, where other cars would be sharing the space.

Maya's eyes widened at the suggestion, a wave of panic washing over her. The thought of
driving alongside other cars, with their unpredictable movements and potential distractions,
was daunting.

"I don't know, Carina," she said hesitantly. "What if I mess up or make a mistake?"

"We'll start on quieter roads with less traffic, and I'll be right here beside you, guiding you
every step of the way."

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Maya nodded slowly. "Okay, let's give it a try.”
As they pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, Maya's heart pounded in her chest. The
sounds of other cars passing by, the feel of the car's movement on the road, and the need to
constantly check mirrors and signal felt overwhelming.

"Remember to stay calm and focus on the road ahead," Carina reminded her. "You're doing
great, Maya."

Despite Carina's encouraging words, Maya's anxiety continued to build as they drove further
down the road. A car honked behind them, and Maya's hands tightened on the steering wheel,
her eyes wide with fear.

"It's okay, Maya," Carina said softly, sensing her wife's distress. "Just take a deep breath and
stay focused. You've got this."

With Carina's comforting presence beside her, Maya managed to navigate through the traffic
and safely return home. As they parked the car, Maya let out a sigh of relief, her hands
trembling slightly.

"You did it, Maya," Carina said with a grin. "I'm so proud of you."

Maya smiled weakly. "Thanks, my love," she said softly. "It was scary, but I'm glad I tried."

Over the next few weeks, they continued their driving lessons, navigating the roads and
facing new challenges together. Each lesson brought new experiences and lessons learned,
but it wasn't without its hurdles.

One day, they found themselves driving down a busy street lined with shops and restaurants.
Cars were parked along the sides, and pedestrians crossed the street at various crosswalks.
Maya's knuckles were white around the steering wheel as she concentrated on the traffic
around her.

Suddenly, a loud noise from a nearby construction site startled Maya. Her heart lurched into
her throat, and her foot jerked, slamming down on the brake pedal abruptly. The car
screeched to a halt, and the car behind them came dangerously close to crashing into them.
The driver honked loudly and yelled out of his window as he swerved to avoid a collision.

The sudden noise and the angry shout from the driver flustered Maya, causing her to freeze.

"Maya, it's okay," Carina said, trying to calm her wife's nerves. "Take a deep breath.”

As the car behind them continued to honk and the driver yelled angrily, Maya's panic
intensified. The noise from the honking, yelling, and the chaos around her overwhelmed her
senses. Her heart thumped in her chest, her breathing became rapid.

"Carina, I can't do this!" she yelled. "I need to get out of here! I can't take this anymore!"

As Carina reached out to comfort Maya, the blonde continued to shout, her panic escalating
further. "Carina, no! I can’t do this! I want to go home!”

Carina quickly realized she needed to intervene. "Okay, Maya, it's okay. Let’s switch.”
Without hesitation, Carina unbuckled both their seatbelts and encouraged Maya to get out of
the car, switching seats.

"Put your seatbelt back on, bambina," she instructed, trying to maintain her calm demeanor
amidst Maya's escalating panic.

Maya, still overwhelmed and on the verge of tears, quickly fastened her seatbelt and clasped
her hands over her ears, trying to block out the noise and chaos around her.

Carina's heart ached at the sight of Maya.

"Maya," she tried, trying to break through the wall of panic surrounding her wife. "Listen to
me, it's okay. We’re going home, okay?”

But Maya's panic seemed to have taken hold completely, and she continued to shout, her
voice filled with despair.

"I'm sorry, Carina!" she cried out, tears streaming down her face. "I thought I could do this,
but I can't! I'm so stupid!”

Carina's heart broke at Maya's words, knowing how much courage it took for her to even
attempt to learn to drive. She reached out again, gently placing her hand on Maya's shoulder,
trying to calm her.

As they continued to drive, Maya's shouting gradually subsided, replaced by heavy breathing
and soft sobs. Carina focused on the road ahead, determined to get them safely home.

Once they were safely parked outside their home, Carina turned off the engine and turned to
Maya, taking her hand.

"Hey, it's okay," she said softly, reaching over to gently cup Maya's face. "Learning to drive is
challenging. We'll take it slow and practice on quieter roads until you feel ready to face the
busier streets again."

Maya wiped at her face with the back of her hand, her cheeks flushed and eyes red from
crying. She took a shaky breath, trying to regain some composure amidst her overwhelming

"I'm sorry for shouting. I didn't mean to... I just felt so overwhelmed."

Carina brushed away a stray tear with her thumb. "It's okay. I know this is hard for you, and
it's okay to feel overwhelmed."

Maya nodded slowly, her eyes filled with relief. "Thank you, Carina," she whispered, her
voice still heavy with embarrassment. "I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, bambina," Carina said, pulling her into a comforting embrace.

After the harrowing incident on the busy street, Maya's confidence was deeply shaken. The
thought of getting behind the wheel again filled her with overwhelming anxiety and fear. For
weeks, she avoided even being near a car, her once enthusiasm for learning to drive replaced
by a sense of doubt and insecurity.

Carina, seeing the toll the incident had taken on Maya, tried her best to offer encouragement
and support. She reassured Maya that everyone makes mistakes while learning to drive and
that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process. She suggested taking a break from
driving lessons to give Maya time to regain her confidence.

But Maya was convinced that she was a danger on the road, echoing the hurtful words of her
father in her mind. She felt as though the incident proved her father right, reinforcing her
belief that she wasn't capable of driving safely.

At the next support group meeting, Maya mustered the courage to discuss the incident with
the group. She described her overwhelming panic, the shouting, and the near-accident, her
voice trembling with emotion as she recounted the traumatic experience.

One of the group members suggested, "Have you considered getting a driving tutor who has
experience working with autistic individuals? They can provide personalized support and
strategies to help you feel more comfortable and confident behind the wheel."

The suggestion lingered in Maya's mind, offering a glimmer of hope amidst her despair. As
she returned home, she found herself hovering near Carina, watching her as she moved
around the kitchen cooking dinner. Maya followed Carina around, fidgeting with her hands
nervously, her thoughts consumed by the idea of seeking help from a specialized driving

Carina glanced over at Maya, sensing her restlessness and amusement dancing in her eyes as
she watched Maya's anxious movements. She continued cooking, giving Maya some space,
waiting for her to speak.

After a few moments of silence, Maya finally blurted out, "Carina, what if I tried working
with a driving tutor? Someone who understands autism and can help me learn at my own

Carina turned off the stove and turned to her wife. "I think that's a wonderful idea.”

Maya hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with concern as she looked up at Carina. "I hope
you won't take it personally. You're a great driver, but I think I need someone who can
understand my needs when it comes to this.”

Carina smiled reassuringly. "Of course, Maya. We'll find a tutor who's the perfect fit for you.”

Maya’s gaze searched Carina's face for any signs of disappointment or frustration. "So, you're
not mad?" she asked.

Maya's worry about missing a social cue was evident in her expression.

Carina approached her. "No, bambina, I'm not mad," she said. "I understand why you'd want
someone with experience working with sensory sensitivities.”
Maya's shoulders visibly relaxed. "Thank you.”

Carina smiled warmly, wrapping her arms around Maya’s waist. "You don't have to thank me.
I just want what's best for you, and I'll always support you in any way I can."

Maya smiled, and Carina pulled her close in a warm embrace. Resting her head against
Carina's shoulder, Maya felt herself relax.


Over the next few weeks, Maya continued to attend the support group, finding comfort in
sharing her experiences with others who understood her challenges. The group meetings
became a source of encouragement and support, helping Maya feel less alone in her journey.

Strengthened by the group's support and encouragement, Maya began her search for a driving
tutor with experience working with autistic people. After some research and
recommendations from the support group, she found a qualified instructor who specialized in
providing personalized lessons tailored to her needs.

Maya was both nervous and excited as she started her driving lessons with the new tutor.
With each lesson, she found herself gaining confidence and mastering new skills, slowly but
surely overcoming her fears and building her confidence behind the wheel.

On the day of Maya's driving exam, she felt a whirlwind of emotions. She had worked hard,
practiced diligently with her driving tutor, and felt ready to finally conquer her fears and earn
her driver's license.

However, the exam didn't go as Maya had hoped. From the moment she started the car, her
nerves took over, causing her to make several mistakes that she normally wouldn't have made
during her practice sessions. She struggled with parallel parking, misjudged her turns, and
became flustered when merging onto the highway.

As the exam came to an end, Maya knew deep down that she hadn't performed as well as she
had hoped. Her heart sank as the driving instructor informed her that she had not passed the
exam this time.

Tears welled up in Maya's eyes as she stepped out of the car, feeling defeated and
disappointed. She had worked so hard and come so far, and yet, in that moment, it felt like all
her efforts had been in vain.

Carina hugged her tightly. "It's okay, bambina," she whispered soothingly, trying to console
her. "It's just one setback. We'll figure out what went wrong and try again. I'm so proud of
you for how far you've come."

Despite Carina's comforting words, Maya felt crushed by the disappointment of not passing
her exam. She felt like she had let herself down, as well as Carina and everyone who had
supported her.
Maya's driving tutor, recognizing her disappointment but also her progress, was quick to offer
words of encouragement. "Maya, I've seen how hard you've worked and how much you've
improved. Don't let this setback discourage you. A lot of people don't pass on their first try.
Let's schedule a few more lessons, focus on the areas that need improvement, and then you'll
be more than ready to retake the exam."

Grateful for his support and encouragement, Maya agreed to continue her lessons. Over the
next few weeks, she dedicated herself to practicing, focusing on mastering the skills she had
struggled with during the exam. With each lesson, Maya felt her confidence slowly returning,
and she began to believe in herself again.

The day of the retest arrived, and Maya felt a renewed sense of determination. With her
driving tutor's guidance and Carina's unwavering support, she approached the exam with

This time, Maya's hard work and determination paid off. She navigated the course with ease,
demonstrating her improved skills and confidence behind the wheel. When the driving
instructor informed her that she had passed the exam, Maya felt a wave of joy wash over her.

As she stepped out of the car, Carina rushed over to her, wrapping her in a tight embrace. "I
knew you could do it. I'm so proud of you, Maya."

A relief laugh escaped Maya’s lips and she hugged Carina back just as tightly.

Chapter End Notes

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