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I. Read each question carefully and encircle your answer.

1. What term refers to communication without words?

a. Verbal Communication c. Body Language

b. Non-verbal Communication d. Body Movements

2. __________ refers to the various movements and configurations of the face that
convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions.

a. Gestures c. Facial Expression

b. Body Language d. Behavior

3. Which of the following best defines a gesture?

a. A spoken word or phrase used to convey meaning.

b. A movement or action of the body, especially the hands or arms, that
expresses an idea, emotion, or intention.
c. A facial expression used to communicate feelings or emotions.
d. A form of non-verbal communication involving eye contact and body posture.

4. Which of the following best describes the importance of using non-verbal cues in
poetry recitation?

a. Non-verbal cues are unnecessary and can distract from the meaning of the
b. Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and gestures, help convey
emotions, visualize imagery, and engage the audience.
c. Non-verbal cues are limited to body language and do not include facial
expressions or gestures.
d. Non-verbal cues are only used by poets themselves and do not play a role in
the audience's understanding of poetry.
II. Match the emotion with the facial expression

Happiness Disgust Surprised

Doubtful Anger Fear

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

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