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NR - not reported

Reference SASB Indicator 2022 Data or Page

GHG Emissions
EM-MM-110a.1 Gross global Scope 1 emissions (Equity share) [tonnes CO2e] 102,418
EM-MM-110a.1 Percentage covered under emissions-limiting regulations 74%
EM-MM-110a.2 Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis
of performance against those targets pages 35, 45-48

Air Quality
EM-MM-120a.1 Carbon Monoxide (CO) [tonnes] 32
EM-MM-120a.1 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) (excluding N2O) [tonnes] 189
EM-MM-120a.1 Sulphur Oxides (SOx) [tonnes] 63
EM-MM-120a.1 Particulate matter (PM10) [tonnes] 196
EM-MM-120a.1 Mercury (Hg) [tonnes] N/A
EM-MM-120a.1 Lead (Pb) [tonnes] N/A
EM-MM-120a.1 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) [tonnes] 28

Energy Management
EM-MM-130a.1 Total energy consumed [GJ] 3,511,677
EM-MM-130a.1 Percentage grid electricity 42%
EM-MM-130a.1 Percentage renewable NR

Water Management
EM-MM-140a.1 Total water withdrawn (fresh and non-fresh) [thousand m3] 17,960
EM-MM-140a.1 Total water consumed NR
EM-MM-140a.1 Percentage of fresh water withdrawn and consumed in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress 0%
EM-MM-140a.2 Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quantity and/or quality permits, standards, and regulations 1

Waste & Hazardous Materials Management

EM-MM-150a.4 Total weight of non-mineral waste generated [tonnes] 10,328
EM-MM-150a.5 Total weight of tailings produced [tonnes] 30,021
EM-MM-150a.6 Total weight of waste rock generated [tonnes] 14,416
EM-MM-150a.7 Total weight of hazardous waste generated [tonnes] 185
EM-MM-150a.8 Total weight of hazardous waste recycled [tonnes] NR
EM-MM-150a.9 Number of significant incidents associated with hazardous materials and waste management NR
EM-MM-150a.10 Description of waste and hazardous materials management policies and procedures for active and inactive operations Page 44

Tailings Storage Facilities Management


Tailings storage facility inventory table: (1) facility name, (2) location, (3) ownership status, (4) operational status, (5) construction
method, (6) maximum permitted storage capacity, (7) current amount of tailings stored, (8) consequence classification, (9) date of
most recent independent technical review, (10) material findings, (11) mitigation measures, (12) site-specific EPRP Mine Tailings DIsclosure Document
EM-MM-540a.1 Consequence classification by Canadian Dam Association Consequence Classification Rating Significant
Summary of tailings management systems and governance structure used to monitor and maintain the stability of tailings storage
facilities Page 38

Biodiversity Impacts
EM-MM-160a.1 Description of environmental management policies and practices for active sites pages 49-51

EM-MM-160a.2 Percentage of mine sites (percentage of mine sites by annual production output in metric tons on an equity share basis) where acid-
generating seepage into surrounding surface water and/or groundwater is: 1) predicted to occur 33% (63%)

EM-MM-160a.2 Percentage of mine sites (percentage of mine sites by annual production output in metric tons on an equity share basis) where acid-
generating seepage into surrounding surface water and/or groundwater is: 2) actively mitigated 33% (63%)
EM-MM-160a.2 Percentage of mine sites (percentage of mine sites by annual production output in metric tons on an equity share basis) where acid-
generating seepage into surrounding surface water and/or groundwater is 3) under treatment or remediation 0%
EM-MM-160a.3 Percentage of proven reserves in or near sites with protected conservation status or endangered species habitat 39%
EM-MM-160a.3 Percentage of probable reserves in or near sites with protected conservation status or endangered species habitat 50.5%

Security, Human Rights & Rights of Indigenous Peoples

EM-MM-210a.1 Percentage of proven reserves in or near areas of conflict 0%
EM-MM-210a.1 Percentage of probable reserves in or near areas of conflict 0%
EM-MM-210a.2 Percentage of proven reserves in or near Indigenous land 77%
EM-MM-210a.2 Percentage of probable reserves in or near Indigenous land 76%
EM-MM-210a.3 Discussion of engagement processes and due diligence practices with respect to human rights, Indigenous rights, and operation in
areas of conflict pages 54-58, 78

Community Relations
EM-MM-210b.1 Discussion of process to manage risks and opportunities associated with community rights and interests pages 54-58
EM-MM-210b.2 Number of non-technical delays 0
EM-MM-210b.2 Duration of non-technical delays 0

Labour Relations
EM-MM-310a.1 Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements 28%
EM-MM-310a.1 Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements, employees in Canada 29%
EM-MM-310a.1 Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements, employees outside of Canada 0%
EM-MM-310a.2 Number of strikes and lockouts 0
EM-MM-310a.2 Duration of strikes and lockouts [days] 0

Workforce Health & Safety

EM-MM-320a.1 Total Recordable Injury Rate as defined by OSHA for employees 1.4
EM-MM-320a.1 Total Recordable Injury Rate as defined by OSHA for contractors 3.1
EM-MM-320a.1 Fatality rate for employees 0
EM-MM-320a.1 Fatality rate for contractors 0
EM-MM-320a.1 Near miss frequency rate (NMFR) for employees NR
EM-MM-320a.1 Near miss frequency rate (NMFR) for contractors NR
EM-MM-320a.1 Average hours of health, safety, and emergency response training for employees NR
EM-MM-320a.1 Average hours of health, safety, and emergency response training for contractors NR

Business Ethics & Transparency

EM-MM-510a.1 Description of the management system for prevention of corruption and bribery throughout the value chain pages 76-77
EM-MM-510a.2 Production in countries that have the 20 lowest rankings in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index [tonnes] 0

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