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Tryana Cervantes

ENGL 1302-231

Dr. Sharity Nelson

11 February 2024

Music Therapy as Possible Health Treatment: An Annotated Bibliography

The knowledge I gained during the academic search was to know how to use the “Sue &

Radcliffe Killiam Library” because through this official website of my university, Texas A&M

International University, I was able to differentiate the quality of each of the articles, because

unlike search engine like “Google,” they provided articles that weredissaponting, as they were

from websites that did not have “edu” or “gov” in them, which are verified and trusted by the

government and education. On the other hand, with “Sue & Radcliffe Killiam Library'' the

articles belonging to an official university website are previously verified, since they will be

provided to the student as tools for future projects. For example with the following link:

cdi_unpaywall_primary_10_7759_cureus_36954. The library makes me see the elements of the

articles, such as citations, doi, authors, etc. Also provides me with “RefWorks,” a helpful tool

that allows me to read and organize the article more easily (Cervantes). So all this research gives

me deep preparation for my next laboratory with Professor Ramos, because in fve weeks I have

to make a presentation about diabetes, and now I already know where to find my resources.

During the process of writing the “Annotated Bibliography,” I learned how to correctly

write MLA citations. With the assistance of my assignment ,“Final Draft,” I understood how

citations have a specific order, they must start with the author’s last name and first name, then

with the title of the article along with the journal title; once written, the volume number, and year
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of the article are written. Leaving last, the number of pages, the name of the database and doi, or

also known as stable url. A clear example of my citations would be the following: Blanky-

Vornov, Raya, and Gilboa Avi. “The ‘Ensemble’ -A Group Music Therapy Treatmet for

Developing Preschool Children’s Social Skills .” International Journal of Environmental

Research and Public Health, vol. 19, no. 15, 2022, pp. 1-14. Health Research Premium

Collection, 2). The citations were able to help

me realize that every detail presented in the articles is important, since they present data that help

me identify if the article I chose is what I need. Also, knowing how to write citations correctly

helps me to have the prior knowledge to write correctly what I am asked to write in my next

BIOL or UNIV research papers, especially for Mr. Ramos Laboratory.

After I submitted my first draft of my “Annotated Bibliography,” thanks to the feedback

provided by Dr. Nelson, I was able to improve my bibliography. She told me that I should check

my references, since in one of them I had confused the title of the journal with the name of the

database (Nelson 4). So, once I reviewed the title of the journal I corrected it, and at the end in

my final draft of my “Annotated Bibliography” the citation ended up like this:. By this way, I

made sure that my other citations were correct (Cervantes 1). Another mistake I did, was not

ordering my quotes, they should have been sorted alphabetically. While in the first draft I made

sure to rearrange them, and asked a certain TRiO tutor to help me review them, resulting in the

fnal work (Cervantes 1).

On the other hand, with the peer review feedback my classmate Samantha Muniz,

mentioned that I should put the authors in my paragraphs so that it would be understood which

people I was referring to. The result for my final draft was the following: the authors of the

article, Shirsat Apurv; Jha, Roshan K; Verma Priyanshu have been looking for a new kind of
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method to resolve this problem with music therapy (2). Beause of Samantha’s feedback I was

able to avoid confusion and proportionate accurate information of the authors and their role

during the articles (Cervantes 1). At the same time another comment she had with me was to

ckeck the correct way to arrange my paragraphs, if I am honest this comment was previously

mentioned for Dr. Nelson, so I deduce I made again another mistake with the order of my

citations. After revise my draft I notice that I wrote frst the tile journal and then the title of th

article, this mistake was terrible so once I flipped them the citation look like this: Beck, B. D, et

al.“Music Therapy was Noninferior to Verbal Standard Treatment of Traumatized Refugges in

Menta: Results from a randomized clinical trial.” European Journal Of Psychotraumatology, vol.

12, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-16. Taylor & Francis Journals Complete, (Cervantes 1). In the end her feedback helped

me to improve my final draft and of course understand how important it is to revse it more than

once in my paper.

Finally, the most difficult aspect during this writing assignment was writing a short

resume of each of my articles. I found it very challenging to paraphrase the author’s ideas when

it came to summarizing them. When I tred to explain what I was reading I copied a kit of their

statements. Action that is not well seen in these types of assignments, a solution I found was to

look for amny synonyms and antonyms so that my descriptions would flow. For example in this

paragraph: The way children make movements and gestures in order to express themselves

shows how music has increased since then. During the music therapies the children are honest in

confirming that such therapy was fun at every moment, because when they did the activities,

whether they were drawing or playing games, the music seemed to be an incentive (Klyve, and

Rolvsjord 9). I changed some words, such as gestures instead of movements, also increased
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instead of incrementing (Cervates 4). On the other hand, I would say that the least difficult part

was making the citations, it was a great help that Dr. Nelson gave us a template of how she

wanted the citations. This way the only thing I had to do was to look for the elements that were

quested in the articles, and so one by one filling them up. As a result my citations ended up like

this: Bro, Margrethe Langer, et al. “Kind of Blue: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of

Music Interventions in Cancer Treatment.” Psycho-Oncology, vol. 27, no. 2, 2018, pp.1-15.

Wiley Online Library All Journals, 10.1002/pon.4470 (Cervantes 3).

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Works Cited

Cervantes, Tryana. “Annotated Bibliography: Music Therapy as Possible Health Treatment

Draft 1.” 2 February 2024. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, homework


Cervantes, Tryana. “Music as Possoble Health Treatment: An Annotated Bibliography.”

Final Draft. 9 February 2024. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University.

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