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Work report of TGT (Special Education Teacher)

Session 2023-2024

Month: DECEMBER Date: - 31 DECEMBER 2023

1. Name of School with ID: - GSKV KHAJOORI KHAS 1104022

2. Name and Emp ID of TGT (SET): - Lakshmi 20191668

3. Nature of Appointment (Regular/Guest/Any other): - Regular

4. Specialization of TGT (SET): - Intellectual disability

5. CRR NO.(RCI): - A52737

6. Total No. of CWSN: - 58

7. Disability wise number of CWSN: - LV - 04

HI - 03

OH - 17

MD - 01

ID - 20

Speech - 4

SLD - 7

Dwarfism - 2

8. No. of teaching period by TGT (SET): -

S.N Period Primary Middle Secondary Sr. Sec. Total


1 Inclusive Classroom 19 7 - 26

2 Co-scholastic Activities 14 8 - 22
Work report of TGT (Special Education Teacher)
Session 2023-2024

3 Counselling of CWDs or 6 - - 6
Peer Group

4 Resource Room Teaching 32 4 - 36

(RRT) online /offline

5 RRT with Misc. Teacher 5 2 3 10

6 Parental Counselling - 4 3 1 8

9. Planning of Activities (Explain Briefly): - Preparation and implementation of IEP for

special students for overcoming their inability in a specific subject, IEP includes some
objective for fulfilling the basic structure of a specific subject.
resource room teaching.

10. Interaction with parents and any other family members: -

Frequency Duration Purpose of interaction

1 30MIN Interaction with parents

regarding disability
certificate and IEP review
meeting in school.

11. Display Materials put up, TLM prepared and used, give details: -
Alphabets flashcards, sticks, coloured paper for activity, stars stickers for reinforcement,
social reinforcement.
Work report of TGT (Special Education Teacher)
Session 2023-2024

12. Challenges faced and possible solutions: -

13. Any other activities undertaken/ contribution made for learning of CWSN

1. Peer groups reading activity.

2. Counselling of parents regarding upcoming class tests.
3. Counselling of parents regarding disability certificates.
4. Counselling of parents regarding resource centre (Therapy of CWSN)
5. Resource centre therapy sessions taken by the students.
6. Screening of CWSN in school is ongoing.

14. Remarks: Sports Day celebrated at the school level with CWSN children
Celebrated Christmas with CWSN children at the school level

(Signature of TGT - SET) (Signature of HOS with stamp)

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