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Walker 1

Armond Walker

Julie Baker

ENGL 1301


Reflective Essay 2

There were multiple aspects of my first essay that I learned from to better the quality of

my second essay. The main improvements that come to mind were my structure and critical

analysis. I learned in my first essay that structure is a big part of the creation of an essay and

having good structure makes its quality improve tremendously. I emphasized making sure the

structure of my 2nd essay was better than my previous essay, organizing it in a way where each

paragraph was talking about a different element. Something I learned in my first essay that I did

not apply in my second essay was how to critically analyze a brochure. Since I chose a movie

poster to analyze and talk about in my second essay, I did not need to use my analysis skills in

brochures. Something I learned while writing my second essay was how to analyze photos and

images better. Having to break down each element of the movie poster really showed me how to

thoroughly examine an image, which can come in handy in my history class when we are given a

historical image to assess. Something I learned while writing my second essay that I don’t think I

will use in other classes is learning how to break down a movie poster. Since I am not taking any

classes related to art or media, there is a high probability that I will not need to break down

something like a movie poster in class.

On the topic of visualization, I believe having the skill to analyze visual elements of a text

is an important skill to have for life in general. Thoroughly analyzing visual elements in a text
Walker 2

will help me be able to create a deeper understanding of the text and image. I can use this to

better my own writing because I will know how to write while keeping the viewer in mind and

how they might see an image I am writing about.

The feedback I got from the peer review was very helpful when it came to distinguishing

what my strengths and weaknesses were. I noticed there was a common theme of them wanting

me to add more detail to the poster, so I will be putting a lot of focus on adding detail in my

revision. The most challenging aspect of this essay in my opinion was finding the image I

wanted to write about. There were plenty of album covers and movie posters I had in mind and

choosing one out of all of them was something I had to think about. I wanted to choose an image

I was interested in while keeping in mind that it had to have unique elements to write about. The

least challenging part was explaining the meaning of all the elements and how they could affect a

viewer. My identity remains centered around my desire to be as informative as possible to the


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