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Lauren Frans
Julie Baker
English 1301- 280

Reflection Essay #2

Reflecting on both Essay #1 and Essay #2, I can see growth in my understanding of

writing strategies and the utilization of visual elements to convey meaning. In Essay #1, I

explored the challenges faced by college students, particularly student-athletes, in balancing

academic and extracurricular responsibilities. From personal experiences and research, I

highlighted the importance of academic support systems like the ACE center in facilitating

student success. That essay showed the critical role of resources such as tutoring and mentorship

in helping navigate the responsibilities of college life.

`In Essay #2, I analyzed the visual elements of "The Incredibles" movie poster, going into

its composition, color palette, and text elements. Through this analysis, I learned to appreciate

the visual storytelling of a movie poster and its impact on the audience. By examining character

placement, color symbolism, and font choices, I gained insight into the strategies used to

captivate viewers and convey the messages. While Essay #1 primarily focused on textual

analysis and research-based argumentation, Essay #2 provided an opportunity to explore visual

literacy and interpretive skills. The transition between these two essays allowed me to expand

my writing and approach topics from different perspectives. The lessons learned in Essay #2

would be trying to dissect a picture and learn why creators do the things they do, which will be

useful in other classes. Understanding visual and the power of imagery enhances my

communication skills in various ways, from literature to media studies. By knowing my ability to

analyze visual elements, I am better equipped to engage with complex texts and picture

interpretations in future writing tasks. However, some aspects of Essay #2 may not be directly

applicable to other classes, particularly those focused solely on textual analysis or research.

While visual analysis offers valuable insights, its relevance may vary depending on the course

content and objectives.

Feedback from both essays has highlighted my writing strengths, including clarity of

expression and analytical depth. However, areas for improvement, such as structuring arguments

and using textual evidence, remain consistent across both essays. These insights inform my

ongoing efforts to improve my writing skills and create a stronger academic voice. Instructor

feedback from Essay #1 emphasized the need for clearer organization and stronger thesis

statements, which I have shown to address in Essay #2. Moving forward, I will use similar

feedback regarding the structure of my arguments, with a greater emphasis on visual analysis and

interpretation. The most challenging aspect of Essay #2 was navigating the transition from

textual to visual analysis while maintaining a clear focus. The least challenging aspect was

engaging with the visual elements of the poster, as its vibrant imagery gave me a lot to write


Through the process of writing Essay #2, my identity as a writer has evolved to a broader

understanding of different strategies. By embracing visual analysis, I have expanded my identity

as a writer and thinker, ready to tackle diverse writing tasks with confidence. In conclusion, the

journey from Essay #1 to Essay #2 has been characterized by growth, discovery, and adaptation.

As I reflect on the lessons learned and challenges overcome, I am reminded of the power of

writing and how there are many ways to continue to grow my knowledge!

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