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Anna Ligart

Julie Baker

ENGL 1301-280


The purpose of this reflection essay is to showcase all the writing skills I have learned in

the course so that I could become a better writer in other writing situations in my university


By taking ENGL 1301, I learned that writing is a collaborative, ongoing process that goes

through several phases of drafting, editing, and reflection. Throughout the course, various

activities and homework assignments provided opportunities to deepen my understanding of the

writing process and refine my writing skills. One key activity that helped me understand the

writing process was the unit writing assignments, which included genre analysis, visual analysis,

and rhetorical analysis essays. For example, in the genre analysis essay, I learned how to identify

and analyze the conventions and characteristics of different genres, consider their rhetorical

purposes, and evaluate their effectiveness in achieving communicative goals. Through research,

drafting, and revision, I gained insights into how writers adapt their writing to suit different

genres and audiences, and how genre conventions shape meaning and interpretation (Ligart).

This assignment strengthened the importance of audience awareness and purposeful

communication in the writing process. Similarly, the visual analysis and rhetorical analysis

essays provided opportunities to apply analytical skills to written and visual texts, respectively.

By analyzing the composition, content, and rhetorical strategies of texts, I learned to critically

evaluate their effectiveness in expressing meaning and convincing audiences. These assignments

emphasized the role of analysis in informing and enriching the writing process, as well as the

importance of evidence-based argumentation and clear communication. Moreover, the reflection

essays following each major assignment encouraged me to reflect on my writing process,

identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for improvement (Ligart). Through self-

assessment and feedback from peers and instructors, I gained insights into my writing habits,

preferences, and areas for growth.

In ENG 1301, I gained a deeper understanding of analysis and its importance in the

writing process. Through various activities and homework assignments, I learned how to

effectively analyze texts and develop insightful interpretations. One activity that particularly

helped me understand the process of analysis was the visual text analysis assignment. For the

visual text analysis assignment, I selected a visual image and critically analyzed its meaning,

composition, and significance. Through this assignment, I learned how to identify and analyze

visual elements such as color, composition, and symbolism, and how these elements contribute

to the overall message and impact of the image (Ligart). By closely examining the visual text and

considering its context and audience, I was able to develop complex interpretations and draw

connections between visual elements and broader themes or concepts. Additionally, the genre

analysis assignment provided another opportunity to practice analysis skills. For this assignment,

I chose a written genre used by a local community and analyzed how and why members of that

community use the genre. Through research and analysis, I learned to identify key features and

conventions of the genre, consider its rhetorical purpose and audience expectations, and evaluate

its effectiveness in achieving communicative goals (Ligart). By dissecting the genre and

exploring its socio-cultural context, I gained insight into how genre functions as a tool for

communication and meaning making within different communities. Overall, ENG 1301 taught

me that analysis is not just about identifying surface-level features of a text but also about

uncovering deeper, underlying meanings, themes, and implications. By engaging in activities

such as visual text analysis and genre analysis, I developed the skills to critically evaluate texts,

express complex ideas, and communicate my insights effectively through writing. These

activities not only helped me understand the process of analysis but also improved my analytical

skills that I can apply across various academic and professional situations.

Through the process of revising one of my essays for ENG 1301, I gained valuable

insights into refining my writing and refining my analytical skills. There are three specific

elements of my final draft that I changed based on instructor feedback, in-class activities, or

overall course concepts. One key aspect I revised in my essay was strengthening the clarity and

focus of my thesis statement. Initially, my thesis lacked specificity and failed to clearly express

the central argument of the essay. In response to feedback from both my instructor and peers,

who noted that my thesis could be more precise and impactful, I revised it to clearly state the

main argument and outline the scope of the essay. By refining my thesis statement, I ensured that

readers would have a clear understanding of the purpose and direction of the essay from the

outset, enhancing the overall coherence and effectiveness of my argument. Another area I

focused on during the revision process was improving the integration and analysis of evidence to

support my claims. In my initial draft, I tended to rely on surface-level descriptions of textual

evidence without trying to deepen analysis or connect the evidence back to my main argument.

In response to feedback from peer reviews and in-class discussions on effective evidence

integration, I revisited my essay and revised sections to provide more detailed analysis and

explanation of how the evidence supported my argument. I improved my essay's effectiveness

and unity by critically evaluating the evidence that supported my thesis, which made it easier for

readers to understand the importance of the information I provided. Lastly, I revised the

structural coherence and flow of my essay. In my initial draft, transitions between paragraphs

and sections were sometimes unclear, making the overall readability and logical progression of

the argument harder. Drawing on feedback from my instructor and peers, who highlighted areas

where transitions could be smoother and connections between ideas more specific, I revised my

essay to use transitional phrases and sentences that effectively guided readers through the

progression of my argument (Baker). By responding to feedback and including course concepts

and strategies learned throughout ENG 1301, I was able to strengthen the effectiveness of my

argument, ultimately producing a more polished and impactful final draft.

The most challenging aspect of revising my final essay for ENG 1301 was ensuring that

my revisions effectively addressed all aspects of feedback received from both the instructor and

peers while keeping my argument's honesty and consistency. One particular difficulty I ran into

was balancing different advice from several sources. For example, the instructor's comments

might have advised concentrating on a different area of the essay, whereas one peer would have

encouraged going into more detail on another particular subject. It took considerable reflection

and critical thinking to weigh these opposing viewpoints and decide which changes would

improve the essay's overall quality and clarity. It was also difficult for me to identify and correct

minor errors or flaws in my reasoning that might not have been immediately obvious in previous

drafts. For instance, after giving my essay a closer look, I saw that several of its sections lacked

sufficient support from the text or made logical sense, so I had to make some serious changes to

make them stronger (Gonzalez). The revision process became more complex since addressing

these complex concerns required thorough research and revision.


On the other hand, the least challenging aspect of revising my final essay was correcting

grammatical errors, refining sentence structure, and improving clarity and flow. Although these

changes were crucial for improving the essay's general readability and professionalism, they did

not present any major logical or analytical difficulties compared to more significant adjustments.

Through careful revision and critical reflection, I was able to overcome these challenges and

produce a final essay that effectively communicated my ideas and met the expectations of the


To effectively communicate course concepts to a general audience on my website, I made

several strategic choices in my explanations of the unit writing assignments. I provided clear

definitions of key terms such as genre, visual text analysis, and rhetorical analysis, along with

illustrative examples. For instance, in explaining genre analysis, I defined genre as "a category of

texts characterized by similar features and conventions," and I provided a genre that is used by

the local community by writing about the Republic of the Rio Grande Museum in Laredo. By

offering concrete definitions and a relatable example, I ensured that even someone unfamiliar

with these concepts could understand their meaning and relevance. I also employed a step-by-

step breakdown of the analytical processes involved in genre analysis, visual text analysis, and

rhetorical analysis. Instead of assuming prior knowledge, I walked the reader through each

analytical process, highlighting key questions to consider and methods for analysis. For example,

in visual text analysis, I outlined steps such as "describing the visual elements," "analyzing their

significance," and "interpreting the overall meaning of the image" (Baker). By breaking down

complex analytical tasks into manageable steps, I think I made the process easier for readers and

empowered them to engage with the concepts more effectively. Besides that, I also emphasized

the real-world application of course concepts by providing examples of how they are used in

everyday contexts. For instance, in discussing rhetorical analysis, I explained how individuals

encounter persuasive messages from a peer-reviewed journal and evaluate its appeal to the

community for which the argument is presented. To sum it up, by including clear definitions,

step-by-step breakdowns, and real-world examples, I aimed to make course concepts such as

genre analysis, visual text analysis, and rhetorical analysis understandable and engaging to a

general audience on my website. These elements helped bridge the gap between academic theory

and practical application, strengthening deeper understanding and appreciation of the analytical

processes involved in writing and communication.

The most challenging aspect of ENGL 1301 was the process of conducting thorough

analysis and ensuring the coherence of my arguments throughout the essays. One challenge I

faced was balancing the depth of analysis within the limitations of word counts. For example, in

Essay #3, the rhetorical analysis, I struggled to analyze the argumentative piece from a peer-

reviewed journal comprehensively within the given word count. This required me to carefully

select and prioritize the most relevant aspects of the text to analyze while ensuring that my

analysis remained focused and logical. Additionally, it was difficult for me to write clearly and

precisely in the genre analysis essay since I had to have a deeper comprehension of rhetorical

elements in order to articulate the theoretical framework that supported my analysis. Also,

navigating the revision process and incorporating feedback from peers and instructors was

another significant challenge. While feedback was invaluable for identifying areas of

improvement, combining and applying multiple suggestions while maintaining the honesty of my

own voice and thoughts required careful consideration and critical thinking. However,

overcoming these challenges allowed me to strengthen my analytical and writing skills and

ultimately helped me to grow as a writer and critical thinker.


The least challenging aspect of this course for me was the structured approach to

assignments and the clear expectations outlined throughout the course. One strength I discovered

in my analytical and writing skill sets was my ability to engage critically with texts and present

well-supported arguments. For example, in the visual analysis essay, I selected a compelling

visual text and effectively analyzed its meaning, drawing on specific elements of the image to

support my interpretations. Additionally, I found that I excelled in the revision process,

particularly in incorporating feedback from peers and instructors to strengthen my essays. For

instance, in Essay #1, after receiving feedback on my initial draft during peer review sessions, I

was able to revise and refine my analysis, resulting in a more polished and coherent final essay.

Generally, the course's structured nature and my ability to engage critically with texts and

incorporate feedback contributed to my success in ENG 1301.

After completing the ENGL 1301 course, I can confirm that it prepared me to become a

part of the academic community. Through activities such as genre analysis, visual analysis, and

rhetorical analysis, I learned to critically evaluate texts and understand how meaning is

constructed. The course emphasized writing as an iterative process, encouraging me to write

multiple drafts, reflect on their writing, and collaborate with peers. This mirrors the approach

taken in academic writing, where drafts are revised based on feedback and reflection. Also, now

I understand genre, community, and participants, which is essential for navigating the rhetorical

situations encountered in academic writing. Reflection essays after each major assignment

allowed me to assess their progress, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies for

ongoing growth. The portfolio requirement, which includes revising major essays and creating a

website to showcase their work, demonstrates my ability to engage with rhetorical choices and

contribute meaningfully to the academic writing community. Overall, ENGL 1301 equips

students with the foundational skills and knowledge needed to succeed in academic writing,

fostering critical thinking, effective communication, and self-awareness.

In conclusion, ENG 1301 has been a transformative journey that has given me invaluable

writing skills and analytical insights. Through various assignments and activities, I have learned

to navigate the writing process with confidence, from drafting and revising to reflecting on my

progress. Engaging in genre analysis, visual analysis, and rhetorical analysis essays has deepened

my understanding of how texts function and how meaning is constructed. Moreover, the revision

process has taught me the importance of incorporating feedback and critically evaluating my

own work. While some aspects of the course presented challenges, such as balancing analysis

within word limits and navigating complex feedback, these experiences have ultimately

strengthened my analytical and writing skills. Moving forward, I am confident that the skills and

knowledge gained from ENG 1301 will serve me well in future academic and professional

situations, empowering me to become a more effective communicator and active member of the

academic writing community.


Works cited

Ligart, Anna. “Preserving Laredo’s Legacy: The Republic of the Rio Grande Museum.”
11 February. 2024. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University, student paper.

Ligart, Anna. “Reflective Essay: Exploring the Republic of the Rio Grande Museum.” 11
February. 2024. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University, student paper.

Ligart, Anna. “Avengers: End Game Poster Analysis.” 10 March. 2024. ENGL 1301,
Texas A&M International University, student paper.

Ligart, Anna. “Reflection Essay on Visual Analysis.” 11 March. 2024. ENGL 1301,
Texas A&M International University, student paper.

Ligart, Anna. “Comparing Patient Outcomes: Student Physical Therapists vs. Licensed
Physical Therapists.” 28 March. 2024. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University,
student paper.

Ligart, Anna. “Reflective Essay 3.” 13 April. 2024. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M
International University, student paper.

Ligart, Anna. “Discussion 2.” ENGL 1301: College Composition I, Texas A&M
International University, 2024.

Ligart, Anna. “Discussion Week 7.” ENGL 1301: College Composition I, Texas A&M
International University, 2024.

Ligart, Anna. “Week 13 Discussion Forum” ENGL 1301: College Composition I, Texas
A&M International University, 2024.

Baker, Julie. “Preserving Laredo’s Legacy: The Republic of the Rio Grande Museum.”
Professor Comment, ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University, 14 Febr. 2022.

Reyes, Hiram. “Preserving Laredo’s Legacy: The Republic of the Rio Grande Museum.”
Peer Comment, ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University, 6 Febr. 2022.

Baker, Julie. “Avengers: End Game Poster Analysis.” Professor Comment, ENGL 1301,
Texas A&M International University, 13 March. 2022.

Gamez, Ashley. “Avengers: End Game Poster Analysis.” Peer Comment, ENGL 1301,
Texas A&M International University, 13 March. 2024.

Baker, Julie. “Comparing Patient Outcomes: Student Physical Therapists vs. Licensed
Physical Therapists.” Professor Comment, ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University, 17
Apr. 2022.

Gonzalez, Nora. “Comparing Patient Outcomes: Student Physical Therapists vs. Licensed
Physical Therapists.” Peer Comment, ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University, 17
Apr. 2024.

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