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Good afternoon, Miss Zúnico and classmates, this time we're going to talk about the class rules. My name

1. The first rule is be kind to our classmates. Pronunciación: de fərst rul iz bi kaind tu aur klásmeits.
2. The second rule is raise your hand before speaking. Pronunciación: de secənd rul iz reis yor jand
bifor spíking.
3. The third rule is respect everyone’s opinions. Pronunciación: de thərd rul iz rispekt évriwans
4. The fourth rule is work as a team with respect. Pronunciación: de fərth rul iz work as a tim wiz
5. The fifth rule is be on time for class. Pronunciación: de fīfth rul iz bi on taim for klas.
6. The sixth rule is keep your workspace clean. Pronunciación: de sīksth rul iz kip yor uórkspeis klin.
7. The seventh rule is don’t eat or drink in the classroom. Pronunciación: de sevənth rul iz dont it
or drink in de klásrum.
8. The eighth rule is listen actively when others are speaking. Pronunciación: de āth rul iz lísn aktivli
wen ódhrs ar spíking.
9. The ninth rule is stay focused during lessons. Pronunciación:de nīnth rul iz stei fókast dúring
10. The tenth rule is listen to instructions from the teacher in the classroom. Pronunciación: de
tenθ rul iz. Lísn tu instrákshanz from de tícher in de klásrum.
11. The eleventh rule is attend the classroom in correct uniform. Pronunciación: de elevənth rul iz.
Aténd de klásrum in korréct iúniform.
12. The twelfth rule is communicate respectfully and openly. Pronunciación: de twelfθ rul iz
komúnikeit rispektfuli and óupnli.

In conclusion, it's really important to follow the class rules because they help us learn better together.
First, following these rules shows respect for everyone in the class. Also, it motivates us to share our ideas
and join in actively. Additionally, it helps us focus on our studies and achieve our goals. In summary, when
we all follow the rules, we create a welcoming and helpful environment where every student can succeed.

"In kon-kluh-ZHUN, its REE-lee im-POR-tunt too FAH-loh da klas roolz bee-KOZ day HELP us learn BET-ter
to-GE-thur. Furst, FAH-loh-ing THEEZ roolz SHOWZ reh-SPEKT for ev-ree-WON in da klas. OL-so, it MOH-
tih-vates us too SHARE ow-er EYE-dee-uhs and JOYN in AK-tiv-lee. Addi-SHUN-al-lee, it helps us FOK-us on
ow-er STUD-eez and uh-CHEEV ow-er GOHLS. In SUM-muh-ree, wen we OL FAH-loh THEEZ roolz, we kree-
ATE uh WEL-cuh-ming and HEL-pful en-VY-ruhn-munt ware EV-ree stoo-dent kan suh-SEED."

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