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To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing this letter of recommendation for Dawn Pepper for Mild Moderate Teacher.
I have worked with Dawn for 2 years at Smoky Hill High School where she has served as the
paraprofessional for our Affective Needs students. Dawn has been a great member of our team. I
often can rely on Dawn to serve as a thought partner to discuss ideas for students' needs, both
academically and behaviorally, and class lessons. Dawn also is very open to asking questions
which I believe is a great strength.

When I started at Smoky, late in the year as a new teacher to the building returning from
maternity leave, Dawn greeted me and helped me feel like I had always been part of the team.
Dawn is a great asset to Smoky Hill High School and it has been a complete privilege to get the
opportunity to work with her over the years. Her experience and dedication to students within
special education would serve well for any school.
Jordin Garnett

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