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Leonard Lawrence Band Concert

May 9, 7:00 PM
Leonard Lawrence Gym

Hello Parents!

Our spring band concert will be May 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Leonard Lawrence Gym. We
are so excited to be able to finally share what we’ve been learning this year!

Students should arrive at 6:30. We will assemble instruments and warm up in the HAL
room before the concert. We will start at 7:00 and should be done by 7:30. This is the same
concert as the Handbells.

A band concert is a big deal in a student’s life. I don’t want anyone to feel like they have
to run out and buy new clothes, but I would like students to dress as nicely as they can. I would
prefer no jeans, t-shirts or hoodies. If that’s not possible, please have your child dress as nicely
as possible. We will follow school dress code, so there should be no hats, hoods, cleavage or
bare tummies. If girls would like to wear dresses or skirts that is fine, but they should be aware
of length. They should come to at least their knees when they are sitting down. They are
welcome to wear tights or leggings under the dresses/skirts if desired.

A concert is an important part of a child’s participation in band. It is part of the class

expectation and part of their grade. I hope you are planning to join us for the concert. Even if
you cannot attend, please make arrangements for your child to attend. Each child is an
important part of our band family and has an important contribution to make. School activities
should take priority over outside activities. Coaches and other non-school sponsors are aware
of the importance of students taking part in school activities.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing our music with you. Feel free to contact me
if you have any questions.

Kelli Nelson

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