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Tseni 1

Fragko Tseni

Professor Julie Baker

English 1301- 280

13 April 2024

Reflection Essay 3

In Essay 3, I applied critical thinking skills from Essay 1 to critique the

author's reasoning in the peer-reviewed article. Additionally, the visual rhetoric

analysis in Essay 2 helped me evaluate the effectiveness of data and statistics

presented in the article.

While Essay 1 focused on textual analysis, which was less relevant in Essay 3,

the skills from Essay 2 weren't directly applicable as Essay 3 centered on textual

analysis rather than visual rhetoric.

Essay 3 equipped me with the ability to critically evaluate scholarly articles,

valuable across disciplines, such as in history courses for assessing the reliability of

historical sources.

However, while essential in academic writing, the evaluation of peer-reviewed

articles may not be as relevant in practical or professional contexts where primary

research is common.

Analyzing peer-reviewed articles enhances writing by deepening

comprehension of research methodologies, argumentation, and scholarly discourse,

improving evidence integration and argument support.

Feedback highlighted strengths like clear thesis statements and effective

evidence use, with weaknesses including clarity lapses. While consistent across
Tseni 2

essays, improvements in argument refinement and clarity were observed from Essay 1

to Essay 3.

Comments on Essay 3 are expected to focus on strong argumentation and

integration of scholarly sources, with increased emphasis on source credibility

evaluation compared to previous essays.

The most challenging aspect of Essay 3 was synthesizing complex ideas from

the peer-reviewed article. The least challenging aspect was understanding the

structure of peer-reviewed articles, given familiarity from previous essays.

Through Essay 3, my writer identity evolved to include a more critical

approach to research and analysis, viewing myself as capable of engaging with

scholarly discourse and contributing to academic conversations confidently.

In conclusion, Essay 3 represents a culmination of skills developed throughout

the course, from textual analysis to critical evaluation of scholarly articles. While

certain aspects of previous essays were carried forward, new challenges and learning

opportunities arose, shaping my identity as a writer and preparing me for future

academic endeavors.

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