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Recipe Costing:

For selling price of dish we have added the cost of ingredients per serving plus food cost percentages
and service charge together of 30% so selling price of each food will be as following.

Bread: $1.30
Tomatoes: $0.90
Basil: $0.30
Mozzarella: $0.50
Total: $3
Total Selling Price : $3/0.30= $10

Main Courses
Stuffed Bell Peppers (Gluten-Free and Vegetarian):
Bell peppers: $2.45
Quinoa: $0.80
Black beans: $0.60
Corn: $0.20
Avocado: $2.00
Total: $6.05
Total Selling Price = 6.05/0.30 = $20.16

Ladyfingers: $1.80
Mascarpone Cheese: $2.00
Cocoa Powder: $1.50
Total: $5.30
Total Selling Price = 5.50 /0.30 = $17.66

Menu Management Strategy:

This menu is customized to serve customers with different dietary restrictions concerning the types of
food they can or can’t eat. Food cost and service charge of 30% is set to maintain the target percent,
which is commonly normalized by the industry standard. That way we can have a meaningful profit
and the customers can eat at our restaurant in an affordable price.
Brand, Trend, and Demographic:
This menu supports a brand that values fresh, high-quality ingredients and caters to health-conscious
consumers. The trend it follows is the increasing demand for vegetarian and gluten-free options. The
demographic it targets includes young to middle-aged adults who value a healthy lifestyle along with
taste of food.

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