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Shaun Tan

SocSc 11-SA-A

Critical Reflection Essay 2

I do not see my parents as perfect beings but as humans that commit mistakes but I still
completely respect everything they tell me. I also feel that I do not struggle in any aspects of
the individuation processes because I was able come to my own identity at a young age. At
14, I saw my mom and dad crying late at night because of things related to business. This made
me realized that they are more than just my parents since they are businessmen and each other's
husband and wife.

Given that I am part of the social structure of a family, the insights such as social
class, social status, ascribed status, achieved status and roles that I have to play in this
certain framework. At birth, I was born in a middle class familywith both parents both pursuing
business. I am also a son to my mother and father, and a brother to my younger sibling. I have an
ascribed status of being born into a Filipino-Chinese, Christian household and assigned the
gender male at birth. I still question though the irrational traditions of Chinese culture. I then had
to achieve statuses such as being an honor student and athlete. I then have to play this role of
balancing my studies and sports as a student-athlete while obeying, loving and being there for
my family.

Habitus refers to resources I have such as social, economic, and cultural capital which
forms into symbolic capital to work within the social structures I interact with. There is also
primary and secondary habiticus, the primary being formed at childhood and harder to dismantle
compared to the secondary. With that being said, I cannot be fully myself because social
structures placed upon me still has a bearing a guides me. This was seen when I had the
opportunity to go to college because it was only because my parents provided me financial
support by always giving me good education which led me to be accepted by the admissions
office. I was also given a role (social status) to me by my parents to be a student-athlete. They
always promoted an active lifestyle and provided me training for my sport which is basketball.

Although there are social structures placed upon us, we still have a choice to shape
the world around us. We first need to make a conscious choice to eliminate self imposed
barriers.We need to realize that the actions we take can make a difference. Lastly, we need to
remind ourselves of our core values and set them as an example to people around us.

In the end, I still find a way to challenge the social structure I am in by respectfully
talking with my parents like when I tried to convince them to vote for a certain candidate and
shown them the information I know. I know that as a son, I should always listen to my parents
but questioning their beliefs to some degree is still healthy.

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