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Both the Problem Definition Phase and Scientific Methods entail

a methodical approach to problem identification and resolution.
The main goals of the problem definition phase are to precisely
define the current problem, comprehend its underlying causes,
and ascertain the intended solution. Similar to this, in order
to test their theories and come to conclusions, researchers in
the Scientific Method create hypotheses, carry out experiments,
and evaluate data. In order to arrive at a solution or response,
both procedures place a strong emphasis on the necessity of
collecting and evaluating data in an organized and logical
manner. The ultimate goal of the Scientific Methods and the
Problem Definition Phase is to offer a framework for critical
thinking and evidence-based problem-solving and decision-making.

Characteristics Problem definition Scientific method
Objective Determine and Use experiments and
describe the issue observation to try
that needs to be to comprehend
resolved. natural occurrences.

Procedure Identify the issue, Create theories,

compile data, do an carry out
analysis, and make investigations,
recommendations for compile information,
fixes. and make judgments.

Method Make an effort to Prioritize

define the issue and hypothesis testing
comprehend its and experimentation
surroundings. to confirm findings.

Result Clearly stated issue Empirical data

and suggested fixes conforming or
disputing theories

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