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From my point of view, it is not so easy to respond the question simply with a “yes” or “no”
because the response will depend on the people you ask and their circumstances.

For example, if you are speaking about this topic with a well off people the response will be
the same in the majority of the cases: “the money does not supply happiness”. Otherwise, if
you compare this kind of answer with the opinions provided by hard workers with a low level
of life, the response will be completely different and the money will became a problem and a
need in order to reach the happiness.

These opinions so different are motivated by the style of life. On the one hand, we come
across with people who the money is not a priority because they never lacked of it and look for
the happiness in other things such as family, friends, pets, work, trips, so on…

On the other hand, we have people who have to struggle every days in order to get money and
avoid others troubles, please do not misunderstand me, maybe they do not need large amount
of money to be happy but it will be easier catch it if they have it.

The lack of money never help you to be happy or at least it will be more difficult to reach the
happiness. A typical Spanish set expression tell us the money does not provide the happiness
but it help us to reach it.

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