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19/12/2023 11:03 Assignment: Attempt review

Started on Monday, 4 December 2023, 1:27 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 4 December 2023, 1:50 PM
Time taken 22 mins 44 secs
Grade 4.00 out of 6.00 (67%) 1/3
19/12/2023 11:03 Assignment: Attempt review

Question 1
Mark 4.00 out of 6.00

Explain why and how you want your team to be creative. Do so by addressing the following issues:
What would be the criteria that you would judge the ideas of the team on? How to make team
creativity ?
How to enhance the team creativity?

* What would be the criteria that you would judge the ideas of the team on?
This is where innovation management comes into play. By employing tools designed to foster creativity
and encourage innovative thinking, we can solve problems

* How to make team creativity ?

1. Incorporating creative thinking exercises and activities
2.Encouraging experimentation and exploration
3.Providing opportunities for real-world application of creative ideas

* How to enhance the team creativity? The first is expertise, the second motivation and the third creative
thinking skills.
1- Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
2- Open-mindedness and willingness to take risks
3- Collaboration and effective communication 2/3
19/12/2023 11:03 Assignment: Attempt review


  3/3

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