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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of item Classroom Activities Pictures

Owner/Creator Amanda Bone, WRHS teachers

Site founded None

Description of item content Pictures of students in different classroom

activities. Sidewalk chalk to review graphs
before the AP exam, foreign currency
exchange activity,
How this item informs your goals. Numerous students responded during
Significance in your Practicum/Internship informal discussions and surveys that they
experience. wanted to take AP classes because of the
instructional variety. One student stated, “I
love my AP classes because I never know
what I’m walking into that day. Maybe notes,
maybe a group activity, maybe a debate,
maybe a pop quiz. I love that they mix it up
compared to the other classes.”
Acquisition Challenge Level (considering 3 = Creating different engaging classroom
time, effort, money, etc. on scale of easy = 1 activities can be time consuming and
to difficult = 5) expensive for teachers, and a primary reason
why many teachers would choose to continue
the same lessons and methods.

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