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Vocabulary Builder

answer key

Living English 1 © B Burlington Books 1

Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 1
Blood Is Thicker Than Water, page 70

1 Nouns 2 1. nephew, niece, sibling

chore: feina / tasca (domèstica) 2. spoilt, strict
fiancé: promès 3. a. reject
nephew: nebot b. grow apart
niece: neboda c. take after
peer: company/a, col·lega d. look up to
sibling: germà/ana 4. get divorced, get engaged
5. get dark
apply for: demanar, sol·licitar; presentar una sol·licitud per page 71
bring up: criar 1 1. nickname: sobrenom
fit in: adaptar-se 2. maiden name: cognom de soltera
grow apart: distanciar-se 3. a big name: un personatge important / famós
involve: tractar sobre; suposar, implicar 4. call someone names: insultar algú
live up to: estar a l’altura de, complir 5. have a bad name: tenir mala fama / reputació
look up to: respectar, admirar
name after: dir-se com, portar el nom de 2 1. F; A maiden name is a woman’s surname before she gets
provide: proporcionar, oferir
2. F; A nickname is used in informal situations.
reject: rebutjar
3. T
side with: posar-se al costat de, fer costat a
4. T
stand out: destacar
5. T
stay away: allunyar-se
take after: assemblar-se a 3 1. behave: portar-se, comportar-se
tease: burlar-se / riure’s de 2. behaviour: comportament, conducta
3. well-behaved: que es porta / comporta bé, educat/ada
4. misbehave: comportar-se / portar-se malament
alike: semblant; igual
5. behave yourself: comportar-se / portar-se bé
aware of: conscient de
easy-going: poc exigent, tolerant 4 Possible answers:
likely: probable 1. surprised 4. bad
spoilt: consentit/ida, aviciat/ada 2. in trouble 5. proud
strict: estricte/a 3. pleased
Expressions 5 1. a. pregnant 2. a. officers
get a job: aconseguir una feina b. embarrassed b. officials
get along: avenir-se, entendre’s
get an award: rebre un premi 6 Possible answers:
get back: tornar Verb Noun Adjective
get dark: fer-se fosc, enfosquir-se involve involvement involved
get divorced: divorciar-se
reject rejection rejected
get engaged: prometre’s
get good marks: treure bones notes believe belief believable
get home: arribar a casa preventable /
get lost: perdre’s prevent prevention preventive /
get old: envellir, fer-se gran
creation /
get permission: obtenir permís create creative
get pocket money: rebre la paga
embarrass embarrassment embarrassing
get there: arribar-hi
get tired: cansar-se
7 1. embarrass 4. involvement
get to school: arribar a l’escola / l’institut
2. belief 5. create
3. rejected 6. preventable

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Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 2
It’s Raining Cats and Dogs, page 72

1 Nouns 2 1. a. flood
blizzard: torb, rufa (temporal de neu) b. drought
breeze: brisa 2. blizzard, cold spell, flood, frostbite, hailstone, hailstorm,
cold spell: temporada de fred rainfall, rainstorm, snowfall, snowflake, snowstorm,
freezing cold
damage: danys
3. major, severe
drought: sequera
4. a. increase
dust storm: tempesta de pols
b. remain
flood: inundació
c. spread
forecast: previsió, predicció
5. boiling hot, heatwave
frostbite: congelació
6. frostbite, sunstroke
hailstone: pedra, calamarsa
hailstorm: calamarsa, pedregada page 73
heatwave: onada de calor 1 1. harm: danyar, fer mal
lightning: llamp/s, llampec/s 2. harmful: nociu/iva, perjudicial
rainbow: arc de Sant Martí 3. harmless: inofensiu/iva
raindrop: gota de pluja 4. do more harm than good: fer més mal que bé,
rainfall: pluja, precipitació ésser pitjtor el remei que la malaltia
rainstorm: aiguat, xàfec 5. wouldn’t harm a fly: no faria mal a una mosca
sandstorm: tempesta de sorra
shade: ombra
2 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b

snowfall: nevada 3 1. pay attention: parar atenció, fixar-se

snowflake: floc de neu 2. pay up: pagar (allò que es deu), abonar
snowstorm: temporal de neu 3. pay someone back: tornar diners a algú; fer pagar a algú
sunshine: sol (per una ofensa); venjar-se d’algú
sunstroke: insolació 4. pay dearly: pagar car
thunder: tro/ns 5. pay your way: pagar-se (alguna cosa), pagar la part que
clear up: asserenar-se, aclarir-se 4 1. d 2. e 3. a / e 4. b 5. c
develop: desenvolupar; formar-se 5 1. a. occasionally
increase: augmentar, incrementar b. eventually
land: aterrar 2. a. diverting
pour: ploure a bots i barrals, diluviar b. amusing
prevent: impedir; evitar, prevenir 3. a. stop
reach: arribar a b. parade
remain: romandre, quedar-se
ruin: espatllar, arruïnar; destrossar 6 Possible answers:
spread: escampar(-se), estendre(’s); difondre Verb Noun Adjective
turn into: convertir-se en damaged /
damage damage
chilly: fred/a predict prediction predictable
controversial: polèmic/a, controvertit/ida justified /
justify justification
major: principal, més influent; gran justifiable
mild: suau, temperat/ada manipulate manipulation manipulative
muggy: xafogós/osa ––– possibility possible
overcast: ennuvolat/ada
chill chill chilly
severe: dur/a, rigorós/osa

Expressions 7 1. chill 4. damage

boiling hot: calor terrible 2. justification 5. manipulative
freezing cold: fred horrorós / que pela 3. possibility 6. predictable

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Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 3
Face the Music, page 74

1 Nouns 2 1. live show, performance

audience: públic 2. awesome, first-rate, outstanding, smashing
eye-opener: revelació 3. daft, dreadful, dull, offensive, overrated
performance: actuació; interpretació 4. waste of time, (be) worth it
rehearsal: assaig 5. point out

Verbs page 75
face: afrontar, fer front a 1 1. point out: assenyalar, indicar
focus on: centrar-se en; fixar-se en 2. make a point: dir alguna cosa important,
give up: rendir-se; abandonar, deixar (de); renunciar a fer una observació (~ of: encarregar-se de)
hold: celebrar 3. there’s no point: no té sentit
manage: espavilar-se, (poder) aconseguir 4. get the point: entendre, comprendre
point out: assenyalar, indicar 5. What’s the point?: Per a què?
share: compartir
2 1. There’s no point
struggle: lluitar; esforçar-se
2. point out
survive: sobreviure (a)
3. get the point
Adjectives 4. What’s the point
alive: viu/viva 5. make a point
awesome: increïble, impressionant
daft: absurd/a, poca-solta
3 1. on my mind: a la ment, al cap
2. (I) don’t mind: tant se val / (m’)és, no (m’)importa
daily: cada dia, diàriament
3. put your mind to: concentrar-se en
dreadful: pèssim/a, horrible
4. keep in mind: tenir en compte / present, recordar
dull: avorrit/ida
5. an open mind: una mentalitat oberta
first-rate: de primera classe / categoria
live: en directe 4 1. keep in mind 4. on my mind
offensive: ofensiu/iva 2. an open mind 5. (I) don’t mind
outstanding: excepcional, excel·lent 3. put your mind to
overrated: sobrevalorat/ada, sobreestimat/ada
smashing: magnífic/a, estupend/a
5 1. a. conductor
2. a. managed
b. driver b. fixed
bored to death: mort/a d’avorriment 6 Possible answers:
(be) good for a laugh: (estar) bé per riure una estona / Verb Noun Adjective
passar una bona estona / divertir-se
offend offence offensive
have a good time: passar-s’ho bé, divertir-se
live show: concert / espectacle en directe investigate investigation investigative
keep going: tirar endavant, continuar fulfil fulfilment fulfilled / fulfilling
waste of time: pèrdua de temps inspire inspiration inspiring
(be) worth it: valer la pena radiation /
radiate radiant
manage management manageable

7 1. inspiration 4. radiant
2. offend 5. investigation
3. manageable 6. fulfil

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Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 4
My Lips Are Sealed, page 76

1 Nouns 2 1. reveal, conceal

deadline: data límit, termini 2. warn
effort: esforç 3. blame
employee: treballador/a, empleat/ada 4. get in touch with
pastime: passatemps 5. dishonest, hazardous, illegal, risky, sneaky, suspicious
right: dret page 77
threat: amenaça
1 1. top secret: alt secret
2. keep a secret: guardar un secret
blame: culpar, donar la culpa a 3. a secret life: una vida secreta
challenge: desafiar; suposar un repte / desafiament 4. in secret: en secret, d’amagat
conceal: ocultar, amagar 5. an open secret: un secret de domini públic
disrupt: alterar; interrompre
lead to: portar / conduir a 2 Possible answers:
require: requerir, necessitar 1. tell anyone about it 4. knows he’s a criminal
reveal: revelar 2. anyone to know 5. found out about the surprise
succeed: tenir èxit; aconseguir 3. knows anything about him
trust: confiar en, fiar-se de 3 1. run out of: quedar-se sense
warn: avisar, advertir 2. on the run: pròfug/a
Adjectives 3. run the show: portar la veu cantant, remenar les cireres
cautious: prudent, cautelós/osa 4. run into someone: trobar-se amb algú (per casualitat)
dishonest: deshonest/a, poc honrat/ada 5. run away: fugir, escapar-se
hazardous: perillós/osa 4 1. trying not to get caught 4. in charge
illegal: il·legal, il·lícit/a 2. need to get more 5. unhappy
infamous: infame, de mala fama / reputació 3. unplanned
risky: arriscat/ada
secure: segur/a 5 a. succeeded
sneaky: roí/ïna; furtiu/iva b. happened
suited to: adequat/ada (per) a (be ~: adaptar-se a) 6 Possible answers:
suspicious: sospitós/osa
Verb Noun Adjective
threatening /
ahead of time: per endavant threaten threat
crack the code: desxifrar el codi
disrupt disruption disruptive
get in touch with: posar-se en contacte amb
succeed success successful
invasion of privacy: invasió de la privacitat / intimitat
suspicion /
suspect suspicious
compete competition competitive
acceptable /
accept acceptance accepting /

7 1. competitive 4. suspect
2. success 5. acceptable
3. disruptive 6. threaten

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Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 5
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away,
page 78

1 Nouns 2 1. endurance, self-discipline

disease: malaltia 2. a. work out
endurance: resistència b. cut down on
mood: estat d’ànim; humor c. last
pressure: pressió d. avoid
self-discipline: autodisciplina 3. exhausted, fed up with, miserable
sign: símptoma, indici 4. get fit, get in shape, go for a walk, go on a diet,
trainer: entrenador/a lift weights
5. chase, run away; avoid, deal with
avoid: evitar page 79
break up: trencar (una relació) 1 1. breathe: respirar
chase: perseguir; anar en cerca de 2. breathe in: inspirar
come down with: agafar (una malaltia) 3. under your breath: a mitja veu, en veu baixa
cut down on: reduir el consum de 4. catch your breath: recuperar l’alè / la respiració
deal with: tractar, gestionar; ocupar-se de 5. a breath of fresh air: una alenada d’aire fresc
enable: permetre
get over: refer-se / recuperar-se de 2 1. catch my breath 4. under your breath
give up: renunciar a 2. a breath of fresh air 5. Breathe in
improve: millorar 3. breathe
injure: lesionar 3 1. ready-made meal: menjar preparat, aliment precuinat
kick in: començar a fer efecte 2. packed lunch: dinar per menjar fora de casa
last: durar 3. brunch: esmorzar-dinar
put on: guanyar (pes) 4. potluck dinner: dinar o sopar en què els convidats
run away: fugir, escapar-se porten el menjar per compartir-lo amb els altres
sense: sentir; percebre 5. snack: snack, refrigeri
strengthen: enfortir
4 1. brunch 4. packed lunch
take up: començar (a practicar una activitat)
2. potluck dinner 5. ready-made meal
warm up: escalfar-se
3. snack
work out: fer exercici
5 1. a. mean 2. a. actually
b. miserable b. currently
exhausted: exhaust/a, esgotat/ada
fed up with: fart/a de 6 Possible answers:
miserable: trist/a; abatut/uda
Verb Noun Adjective
nutritious: nutritiu/iva
relax relaxation relaxing / relaxed
overweight: gras/grassa, obès/esa
sane: en el seu seny injure injury injured
strenuous: intens/a; esgotador/a exhaust exhaustion exhausted
stressful: estressant improved /
improve improvement
underweight: per sota del pes normal improving
Expressions strengthen strength strong
catch a cold: agafar un refredat, refredar-se respond response responsive
get fit: posar-se en forma
get in shape: posar-se en forma 7 1. relax 4. injury
get out of breath: quedar-se sense alè 2. exhausted 5. responsive
get rid of: eliminar, desfer-se de 3. strength 6. improvement
go for a walk: fer un passeig / una passejada
go on a diet: posar-se a / fer dieta
lift weights: aixecar pesos
out of shape: en mala forma
overdo it: excedir-s’hiset a goal: fixar un objectiu
set a goal: fixar un objectiu

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Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 6
Hit the Books!, page 80
1 Nouns 2 1. caretaker, headteacher, janitor, principal
bulletin board: tauler d’anuncis 2. compulsory, optional
caretaker: conserge 3. illiterate, ridiculous
cheating: (el fet de) copiar 4. cheat, drop out, skip, trick, wipe out
courage: valor, coratge 5. no trace of
curriculum: pla d’estudis page 81
discovery: descobriment
1 1. grade(s): nota, qualificació
elementary school: escola de primària, centre d’educació
2. (a) degree: (un) títol universitari
3. undergraduate: estudiant universitari/ària
fee: taxa, matrícula
4. higher education: educació superior
fur: pèl (d’animal), pelatge
5. make the grade: assolir el nivell, estar a l’altura
headteacher: director/a
high school: institut / centre d’educació secundària 2 Possible answers:
janitor: conserge 1. an exam / a test
lecture: lliçó, classe; conferència, xerrada 2. is studying towards a degree
noticeboard: tauler d’anuncis 3. succeed in something
primary school: escola de primària, centre d’educació primària 4. you finish university
principal: director/a 5. university
secondary school: institut / centre d’educació secundària 3 1. make sense: tenir sentit
schedule: agenda; horari 2. sense of humour: sentit de l’humor
timetable: horari 3. sixth sense: sisè sentit
tuition: taxa, matrícula 4. nonsense: ximpleria, bajanades
5. talk sense into: fer posar seny
achieve: aconseguir, assolir 4 1. sense of humour
attend: assistir (a) 2. nonsense
cheat: copiar 3. sixth sense
drop out: abandonar / deixar (els estudis) 4. make sense
encourage: animar; fomentar 5. talk sense into
enrol: matricular-se, inscriure’s
5 1. a. realised
expect: esperar (que)
b. carried out
figure out: adonar-se (de); trobar; entendre
2. a. remembered
make up: inventar(-se)
b. recorded
motivate: motivar
3. a. lecture
record: anotar
b. reading
revise: repassar
skip: deixar passar, saltar 6 Possible answers:
speak up: donar l’opinió Verb Noun Adjective
stand up for: defensar
trick trick tricky
trick: enganyar
wipe out: exterminar; eliminar, posar fi a encourage encouragement encouraging

Adjectives describe description descriptive

brand new: (completament) nou/nova inform information informative
compulsory: obligatori/òria experience experience experienced
illiterate: analfabet/a
shock shock shocked
optional: optatiu/iva; opcional
ridiculous: ridícul/a, absurd/a
7 1. describe 4. tricky
Expressions 2. experience 5. shock
get into trouble: ficar-se en problemes / embolics 3. inform 6. encouraging
let (someone) off the hook: deixar en pau (a algú),
perdonar (alguna cosa a algú)
no trace of: ni rastre de
pay attention: parar atenció, fixar-se
Living English 1 © B Burlington Books 7
Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 7
You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks,
page 82
2 1. charge, crash, delete, download, upload
1 Nouns 2. latest, out of date
desktop: escriptori 3. faulty, latest, reliable, user-friendly
device: dispositiu, aparell 4. desktop, device, keyboard, screen, screensaver, wallpaper,
keyboard: teclat webcam
screen: pantalla 5. state of the art, cutting edge
screensaver: estalvi de pantalla page 83
smartphone: telèfon intel·ligent
source: font, origen 1 1. way before: molt abans
touchscreen: pantalla tàctil 2. no way: de cap manera, ni pensar-hi / parlar-ne
voicemail: bústia / correu de veu 3. change your ways: canviar el (teu) comportament
wallpaper: fons de pantalla 4. lose your way: perdre’s, extraviar-se
webcam: càmera web 5. one way or another: d’una manera o (d’una) altra

Verbs 2 1. lose your way 4. one way or another

broadcast: emetre 2. way before 5. change your ways
carry on: seguir, continuar 3. no way
charge: carregar(-se) 3 1. have a good time: passar-s’ho bé, divertir-se
cheer: aclamar, animar 2. hard times: temps difícils, mala ratxa
come up with: proposar, acudir-se 3. on time: a l’hora / temps
crash: fallar, penjar-se 4. it’s about time: ja és / era hora
delete: esborrar, eliminar 5. one at a time: un/a a un/a
download: baixar, descarregar
4 Possible answers:
host: celebrar(-se), albergar; ser l’amfitrió/ona de
1. late 4. push
restrict: restringir; limitar
2. money 5. happy
take over: apoderar-se de, controlar
3. earlier
upload: pujar, penjar (a Internet)
worship: adorar, idolatrar 5 a. attention b. attendance

Adjectives 6 Possible answers:

demanding: exigent, que exigeix molt; difícil
Verb Noun Adjective
faulty: defectuós/osa
decide decision decisive
infatuated: encapritxat/ada; boig/boja
latest: últim/a; més recent ––– violence violent
reliable: fiable cheer cheer cheerful / cheery
tough: difícil, dur/a restricted /
restrict restriction
user-friendly: fàcil d’utilitzar restrictive
weird: estrany/a, rar/a ––– infatuation infatuated
wireless: sense fil addictive /
––– addiction
cutting-edge: d’última generació 7 1. infatuation 4. restricted
every once in a while: de tant en tant 2. cheerful 5. decision
go viral: difondre’s ràpidament, viralitzar 3. addiction 6. violence
no wonder: no m’estranya (gens) / no és (gens) estrany (que)
out of date: desfasat/ada, antiquat/ada
round the clock: les vint-i-quatre hores del dia
state of the art: d’última generació, d’allò més modern/a

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Vocabulary Builder Answer Key

Unit 8
Don’t Rock the Boat, page 84

1 Nouns 2 1. passenger 4. help yourself

accommodation: allotjament 2. waterproof 5. check in, check out
border: frontera 3. campsite, youth hostel
campsite: càmping, àrea d’acampada page 85
journey: viatge
luggage: equipatge 1 1. off you go: en marxa
passenger: passatger/a 2. have a go: provar / intentar (alguna cosa)
quality: qualitat 3. (be) going places: arribar lluny
resort: complex turístic 4. (be) on the go: no poder parar, anar de bòlit
sights: llocs d’interès turístic 5. make a go of something: tenir èxit en alguna cosa
value: valor 2 1. Off you go 4. Have a go
Verbs 2. going places 5. make a go of
check in: registrar-se, fer l’entrada; facturar 3. on the go
check out: pagar i marxar, fer la sortida 3 1. give something a miss: deixar de fer / no fer alguna cosa
delay: endarrerir-se 2. miss someone: enyorar algú
get around: moure’s / desplaçar-se (per) 3. miss the boat: perdre el tren / l’oportunitat
get off: baixar de (vehicle) 4. hit or miss: qüestió de sort
get on: pujar a (vehicle) 5. miss out on: deixar passar, perdre’s
hike: fer senderisme; fer una caminada
pick up: passar a buscar 4 Possible answers:
pull into: entrar a 1. to see you soon 4. what their quality will be
pull out: sortir, marxar 2. you don’t buy it now 5. was abroad
set out: sortir, marxar 3. we had other plans
sign: signar 5 1. a. vulgar 2. a. try
stop over: fer escala; fer nit b. ordinary b. intend
take off: enlairar-se
trade: intercanviar 6 Possible answers:

Adjectives Verb Noun Adjective

ordinary: normal, corrent; qualsevol accommodate accommodation accommodating
overnight: en què es fa nit; nocturn/a; una nit satisfy satisfaction satisfying
satisfying: satisfactori/òria; que atipa / satisfà
attract attraction attractive
waterproof: impermeable, submergible
cooperate cooperation cooperative
fascinating /
nearby: a prop fascinate fascination
nearly: gairebé
excite excitement exciting
outdoors: (a) fora, a l’aire lliure
overseas: a l’estranger
7 1. accommodate 4. satisfaction
worldwide: arreu del món
2. cooperation 5. attract
Expressions 3. excited 6. fascinated
help oneself (to something): agafar (alguna cosa);
servir-se (alguna cosa)
long weekend: cap de setmana llarg, pont
no matter: tant se val, no importa
package holiday: viatge organitzat, paquet turístic
return ticket: bitllet d’anada i tornada
youth hostel: alberg de joventut

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