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GERALDINE: What are the technological devices that he received for his birthday?

LIZET: I received headphones and a smartwatch.

GERALDINE: Why is it important to you?
LIZET: Headphones are important to me because they allow me to listen to my recorded classes
better than my other older headphones. The smartphone is are very important to me because I use
them for my daily life, for college, for my personal life, to be able to communicate with my family
and friends, and also to be able to have fun in my free time.
MARY: What are its characteristics?
LIZET: The smartphone I can receive calls, check my schedule, synchronizing the device with others.
It is very efficient since you can do several things at the same time on a single device. The
headphones are wireless and connect to any cell phone via Bluetooth.
MARY: What can/can't you do with your device?
LIZET: With the headphones I cannot keep it on all day and with the cell phone it is difficult to make
reports due to the size of its keys. And you Geraldine?
GERALDINE: On my birthday my dad gave me a cell phone and my mom gave me headphones and
my brother a tablet

LIZET: Because it is important for you?

GERALDINE: All three are important to me because they help me every day and I can do different
things, it makes my life easier in this technological world.
MARY: What are their characteristics?
GERALDINE: The tablet is more accessible for university work, the cell phone is more practical in
every way and easy to store and the headphones are a good complement for daily life.
MARY: Which one is better/faster compared to others? (use different adjectives)
GERALDINE: The cell phone is much faster than the tablet, but the tablet helps me to organize myself
better and is more practical than a computer
The headphones cannot be compared with these two devices in terms of speed since I only use them
to listen to music.
LIZET: What can/can't you do with your device?
GERALDINE: With the tablet I can save many university files and study right there, on my cell phone I
can communicate faster with my family, friends, etc. but I can't concentrate if I use it a lot and with
the headphones I can stay relaxed depending on the music I listen to. And you Mary?

MARY: My parents gave me a laptop and my brother a cell phone.

LIZET: Because it is important for you?
MARY: The laptop is a useful tool and a lot of technology and the cell phones to de-stress
LIZET: What are their characteristics?
MARY: The laptop is very useful to carry out work at the University and the cell phone to
make calls and it is smaller.
GERALDINE: Which one is better/faster compared to others?
MARY: the laptop stores more information and the cell phone is a bit difficult to open several
GERALDINE: What can/can't you do with your device?
MARY: On the laptop I can search for a lot of information, but I can't carry it in my pocket,
the cell phone is a small tool that I can take everywhere.

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