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Nama Chanar Nizar Hakim
Jabatan Site Manager
Jadwal Wawancara Tanggal wawancara
Jam Kedatangan (diisi oleh HR) Pewawancara : (diisi oleh HR)
Awal Tepat Telat Dokumen : (diisi oleh HR)


A smart and driven individual with excellent planning, communication,
challenges, work hard, and problem-solving skills. Highly adapted with
the ability to get along with work colleagues and clients. Maintaining a
professional appearance and demeanor at all times. Currently
interested in joining a Building and Infrastructure Construction or
Property Development Company that will provide with continuous
1 Jelaskan diri Anda secara singkat.
Introduce yourself briefly? learning opportunities as well as new and interesting
work-related challenges.

Pernah, Project Manager

Apakah Anda (pernah/masih) bekerja di tempat
lain sebelumnya? Jabatan apa?
2 Tell us more about your past experience. Is
there any update from your submitted CV?

Menurut Anda, apa yang paling penting dalam

3 bekerja?
What is the most important aspect at work?
Guide them to do the best and proper work,
Jika Anda seorang pemimpin, apa saja yang
Anda lakukan agar bawahan Anda bekerja
4 dengan baik dan benar?
If you are a leader, what do you need to do in
order to lead your subordinate to highest

finish the job and solve the problem

Jika Anda seorang bawahan, apa yang Anda

lakukan supaya pemimpin/atasan/ superior
Anda puas dan perusahaan menjadi maju?
5 If you are a subordinate, how do you perform
you duties in order to satisfy your superior and
respectfully bring your company forward?

Apakah sebelumnya Anda pernah mengetahui
6 perusahaan kami?
Have you heard about our company?
ingin menjadi bagian dari perusahaan anda
Mengapa Anda tertarik untuk menjadi
7 karyawan di perusahaan kami?
What is your main reason to join our company?

8 Apa bidang keahlian Anda?
What is your speciality?

Its OK.
Bagaimana jika Anda diterima di perusahaan kami
dengan status kepegawaian Perjanjian Kerja Waktu
9 Tertentu (PKWT) atau kontrak?
What if you are hired at our company with
contractual status?

Strength : never give up with any kind of problem

Weakness : emotional (angry)

10 Apa kekurangan dan kelebihan Anda?

Describe your strength & weakness if any?

to be fired

Jika Anda diterima, kemudian menempati posisi

tersebut, tapi ternyata hasil kerja Anda dinilai
tidak sesuai dengan harapan, atau perusahaan
rugi karena kesalahan kerja Anda, apa
11 konsekuensinya menurut Anda?
If you are accepted, then occupy the position,
but it turns out that your work is judged not to
be in line with expectations, or the company
loses because of your work mistakes, what do
you think the consequences will be?

I already had before.

Perusahaan kami selalu menjunjung tinggi
kerja keras, respect terhadap sesama
fleksibilitas, pencapaian target, dan komitmen.
Apa Anda siap menyesuaikan diri dengan nilai-
12 nilai tersebut?
Our company always upholds resilience,
flexibility, commitment, target achievement,
and respect for others. Are you ready to adapt
to those values?

2 weeks
Jika Anda diterima, berapa lama waktu yang
Anda butuhkan untuk dapat join ke perusahaan
12 kami?
What is notice period?

Apa yang ingin Anda tanyakan dan ketahui

tentang rekrutmen dan perusahaan kami?
13 What would you like to ask and know about our
recruitment and company?

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