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Assignment 1: List of colors present in the rainbow

Answer: red , orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet

Assignment # 2: there are three color used in the color coded by PAG-ASA rainfall. Identify the following

Answer : There are three colors uses by PAG-ASA for color-coded in heavy rainfall warning typhoon

Yellow rainfall advisory is raised when the expected rainfall amount is between 7.5 mm and 15 mm
within one hour and likely to continue.

Orange rainfall advisory is raised in areas where rainfall is between 15 mm and 30 mm within one hour.
Flooding is a definite threat in communities under the orange alert.

Red rainfall advisory is issued when downpours constitute an emergency. This is raised when observed
rainfall is more than 30 mm within one hour or if rainfall has continued for the past three hours and is
more than 65 mm.

Asssignment #3 Which keeps you cooler during sunny day, a black shirt o a white shirt? Why?

Answer: For me its better to wear white t-shirt rather than black. A white T-shirt will make your
comfortable during sunny day because does not heat up compare to black. Probably it reflects back
wavelength of the sun which help in keeping us cool.

Assignment # 4: How electricity helped in your daily life?

Electricity will help us in our daily for the reason it makes our life easier. A hard things make it simple by
using electricity. Like a invented machine without electricity it can’t be work. So without electricity we
don’t have a light in the darkness of the night. Therefore we thankful to the electricity that we feel right

Assignment # 5: How sound travel in through the ear

Sound travel by the following process:

The correct order of events of sound transmission through the ear is as follows:

1. The sound waves enter the external auditory canal.

2. The sound waves strike the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and make it vibrate.
3. The ear ossicles (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) vibrate and amplify the vibrations.
4. The stapes presses into the oval window, causing the perilymph in the cochlea to move.
5. The hair cells of the organ of Corti vibrate in response to the moving perilymph, generating
nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain.
Assignment number 6: Venn Diagram

A. Waves’ amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and speed. (Water waves, sound waves and seismic
B. Transverse electromagnetic waves exist in nature, and electric and magnetic fields are
proportional to each other.
The oscillations of and are perpendicular to each other and are in the same phase.
Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel.
(Gamma ray, X-ray, Infrared ray, UV ray, Visible light, Microwaves, Radio waves)

C. Mechanical and electromagnetic waves are similar in that both are forms of energy that travel
through a medium or space. They both exhibit characteristics of waves, such as wavelength,
frequency, and amplitude. Additionally, both types of waves can be described using
mathematical equations and have applications in various fields, including communication,
technology, and science.

Assignment # 7: List five object in your house that use waves

1. Wifi
2. Cellphone
3. Televison
5. Computer screen

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