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Quarter 4 – Week 3 –
Module 3
Mendel and Heredity

Quarter 4 – Week 3 - Module 3: Mendel and Heredity
First Edition, 2021
Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Mark Lorence D. Bigso

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos, Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Rominel S. Sobremonte, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of Science

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II


In a world full of variations, we are able to determine and identify our

roots. This is made possible by evolution and genetics. Before, heredity is one
of the biggest mystery in the field of life sciences. Thanks to Gregor Johann
Mendel “the Father of Genetics” who started the idea of heredity and
inheritance. His works greatly contributed to the foundations of modern
After going through this module, you are expected to attain the following

Learning Competency:

• Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of

inheritance (S8LT-IVf-18)

Specific Learning Objectives:

1. Identify and describe the contribution of Mendel and his garden pea in the
field of Genetics;
2. Use the terms Genes, Allele, Dominant, Recessive, Homozygous,
Heterozygous, Phenotype, and Genotype to describe how traits are passed
from generations to generation;
3. Apply the Laws of Heredity in predicting the possible trait of an offspring;
4. Predict the results of monohybrid and dihybrid genetic crosses using
Punnett Squares

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statements is true about Gregor Johann Mendel?

A. His discoveries concerning genetic inheritance were generally
accepted by the scientific community when he published them
during the mid-19th century.
B. He believed that genetic traits of parents will usually blend in their
C. His ideas about genetics apply equally to plants and animals
D. His ideas explained the theory of evolution
2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Pisum sativum makes an
excellent subject for genetic study?
A. It has many traits that have two clearly different forms that are easy
to tell apart,
B. Their mating can be easily controlled because the male and female
reproductive parts are enclosed within the same flower
C. It is small, grows easily, matures quickly, and produces many
D. They require thorough care and support to survive
3. What is the offspring of true-breeding parents?
A. Dominant generation B. F1 generation
C. F2 generation D. Recessive generation
4. How do you call the individual’s observable traits, such as height, eye
color, and blood type?
A. Allele B. Gene C. Genotype D. Phenotype
5. Which among the following describes the Law of Segregation?
A. It states that the two alleles for a trait segregate (separate) when
gametes are formed
B. It states that when two different alleles occur together, one of them
may be completely expressed trait, while the other may have no
observable effect on the organism’s appearance.
C. It states that the alleles of different genes separate independently of
one another during gamete formation.
D. It states that that a population in equilibrium with its environment
under natural selection will have a phenotype which maximizes the
fitness locally.
6. It refers to the offspring of F1 generation
A. Dominant generation B. F1 generation
C. F2 generation D. Recessive generation
7. Given the genotype Pp, what is its Phenotype?
A. Purple B. White C. Green D. Yellow
8. Given the Genotypic Ratio 25% (TT): 50% (Tt): 25% (tt), what is its
Phenotypic Ratio?
A. 50% Tall: 50% Short B. 25% Tall: 75% Short
C. 75% Tall: 25% Short D. 100% Tall

9. A Heterozygous Round-seeded Pea Plant (Rr) is crossed with a wrinkle-

seeded Pea plant (rr). What is the probability of having Genotype of Rr?
A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%

10. A Heterozygous Round-seeded Pea Plant (Rr) is crossed with a

wrinkle-seeded Pea plant (rr). What is the probability of having a
Wrinkle-seeded offspring?
A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%

For numbers 11 and 12, refer to the following test-cross: A Heterozygous

purple-flowered plant is crossed with a heterozygous purple-flowered pea
plant. P p

p Pp pp

11. Based from the test-cross, at what percent is the probability of having
a white-flowered plant?
A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%

12. Based from the test-cross, what will be the Phenotypic Ratio of its
A. 25% Purple: 75% White B. 50% Purple: 50% White
C. 75% Purple: 25% White D. 100% Purple

13. A Homozygous Tall Plant (TT) is crossed with a Short Plant (tt), what is
the phenotypic ratio of their offspring?
A. 50% Tall: 50% short B. 100% Short
C. 100% Tall D. 75% Tall: 25% Short

14. A Homozygous Round-seeded Pea Plant (RR) is crossed with a

Homozygous Round-seeded Pea plant (RR). At what percent is the
probability of having a Round-seeded Pea plant
A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%

15. A Heterozygous Yellow-seeded (Yy) plant is crossed with a green-seeded

plant (yy). What is the Phenotypic Ratio of its offspring?
A. 25% Yellow: 75% Green B.50% Yellow: 50% Green
C. 75% Yellow: 25% Green D. 100% Yellow

Read and analyze this interesting news story from and that illustrates how
traits are randomly passed from generation to generation. Then, answer
the following guide questions below.

“No, they’re not best friends”

Upon searching the internet of a family picture with different physical
traits, I come across to this picture. At first, I thought these two girls are best
friends or teenagers who are hanging-out together. As I continue reading, I
was surprised that they are not just sisters, but are in fact twin-sisters.

In the picture, “Lucy, the girl on the left, has fair skin, bright blue eyes
and red hair. Maria, on the other hand, has much darker skin, deep brown
eyes and bouncy, black ringlets atop her head.” These 18-year-old ladies have
cases which illustrates how traits are randomly passed from generations to
generation. What is the science behind this phenomenon?

“The girls’ mother, Donna, is half-Jamaican, whereas their father,

Vince, is white. You’ve probably worked out by now that these girls cannot
be identical twins. Those occur when a single sperm fertilizes an egg that
subsequently splits into two genetically identical, but separate embryos. Non-
identical, or fraternal, twins, on the other hand, are usually the result of the
mother releasing two eggs at the same time, both of which become fertilized
by two different sperms. Rather than being genetically identical, these share
50% of their DNA like normal siblings do.”

“What happened with these girls is that, thanks to Donna carrying

genes for both black and white skin, by chance Lucy ended up inheriting the
genes for white skin, whereas Maria inherited the genes for black skin. Such
dramatic genetics are unusual, but possible.”

Guide Question:
1. What was the news story all about?
2. In what aspects do Lucy and Maria different?
3. What is the Science behind this phenomenon?

Mendel and His Garden Pea

Many of your traits, including the color
and shape of your eyes, the texture of your
hair, and even your height and weight
resemble those of your parents. The passing of
traits from parents to offspring is called
heredity. Before DNA and Chromosomes were
discovered, heredity was one of the greatest
mysteries of Science.
These passing of traits from parents to
offspring generally follows a pattern. This
pattern is studied in Genetics or the Science
that deals with the study of heredity. Figure 1: Gregor Johann Mendel
The Scientific study of Heredity began
more than a century ago with the work of an
Austrian monk named Gregor Johann Mendel. He carried out experiments
in which he bred different varieties of the Garden Pea (Pisum sativum) where
he removed the stamens from one flower and transferred pollen from a
different plant to the Pistil of the original flower.
The Garden Pea is a good subject for studying heredity because (a) it
has many traits that have two clearly different forms that are easy to tell apart,
(b) their mating can be easily controlled because the male and female
reproductive parts are enclosed within the same flower, (c) it is small, grows
easily, matures quickly, and produces many offspring.

Figure 2: Pea Plant Traits
He observed on the Seed Shape (Round-YY and Wrinkled-yy), Seed
Color (Yellow-YY and Green-yy), Pod Shape (Inflated-II and Constricted-ii), Pod
Color (Green-GG and Yellow-gg), Flower Color (Purple-PP and White-pp),
Flower Location (Axial-AA and Terminal-aa), and Plant Size (Tall-TT and
Mendel’s Experiments
Mendel’s initial experiments were monohybrid crosses. A monohybrid
cross is a cross that involves one pair of contrasting traits. For example,
crossing a plant with purple flowers and a plant with white flowers is a
monohybrid cross. Mendel carried out his experiments in three steps as
summarized in figure 3.

STEP 1: Mendel allowed each variety of garden pea to self-pollinate for several
generations. This method ensured that each variety was true-breeding for a
particular trait; that is, all the offspring would display only one form of a
particular trait. For example, a true-breeding purple-flowering plant should
produce only plants with purple flowers in subsequent generations. These
true-breeding plants served as the parental generation or P generation, are
the first two individuals that are crossed in a breeding experiment.

STEP 2: Mendel then cross-pollinated two P generation plants that had

contrasting trait, such as purple flowers and white flowers. Mendel called the
offspring of the P generation the First Filial Generation or F1 generation.
He then examined each F1 plant and recorded the number of F1 plants
expressing each trait

STEP 3: Finally, Mendel allowed the F1 generation to self-pollinate. He called

the offspring of the F1 generation plants the Second Filial Generation or F2
generation. Again, each F2 plant was characterized and counted.



P generation
cross-pollination Self-pollination


F1 generation F2 generation
(All purple) (3:1)
3 purple: 1 white
P generation

Figure 3. Three Steps of Mendel’s Experiments

Mendel’s Work Became a Theory of Heredity
Before Mendel’s experiments, many people thought offspring were just
blend of the characteristics of their parents. For example, if a tall plant were
crossed with a short plant, the offspring would be medium in height.
Mendel’s result DID NOT support the blending hypothesis. Mendel
correctly concluded that each pea has two separate “Heritable factors” for
each trait—one from each parent. As shown in the figure 4, when gametes
(Sperm and Egg Cell) form, only one of the two factors for each trait is given
to a gamete. When two gametes fuse during fertilization, the resulting
offspring has two factors for each trait. Today, these factors are called Genes.
His works become the basis genetics we know today

Mendel’s Findings in Modern Terms

Geneticists have developed specific terms and ways of representing an
individual’s genetic makeup. For example, letters are often used to represent
alleles. Dominant Alleles are indicated by writing the first letter of the trait
as a Capital Letter. For instance, in Pea Plants, purple flower color is a
dominant trait and is written as “P”. Recessive alleles are also indicated by
writing the letter of the trait in Lowercase letters. For example, white flower
color is recessive and is written as “p”.

Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

PP (Purple Flower) pp (White Flower) PP (Purple Flower)

Homozygous and Heterozygous

If the two alleles of a particular gene present in an organism are the
same such as PP (Purple), pp (White), RR (Round), rr (Wrinkled), TT (Tall), tt
(Short), and others, the organism is said to be Homozygous. If the two alleles
of a particular gene present in an organism are different such as Pp (Purple),
Rr (Round), Tt (Tall), and others, the organism is said to be Heterozygous. In
heterozygous individuals, only the dominant allele is expressed; the recessive
allele is present but unexpressed.

Table 1. Examples of Homozygous and Heterozygous

RR Homozygous Round Seed
Rr Heterozygous Round seed (The “R” Round is a
Dominant trait while “r” Wrinkled is a recessive trait)
rr Homozygous Wrinkled Seed
PP Homozygous Purple Flower
Pp Heterozygous Purple Flower
pp Homozygous White Flower
Genotype and Phenotype

A phenotype is an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye

color, and blood type. The genetic contribution to the phenotype is called the
genotype (The set of alleles that an individual has). Some traits are largely
determined by the genotype, while other traits are largely determined by
environmental factors. For example, if Pp is the genotype of a pea plant, its
Phenotype is Purple Flower. If pp is the Genotype of a Pea Plant, its Phenotype
is White Flower. When considering seed color, if Yy is the Genotype of the pea
Plant, its Phenotype is Yellow Seed. If yy is the Genotype of a Pea Plant, its
Phenotype is Green Seeds. Note that by convention, the Dominant Trait is
written first followed by the lowercase letter for the recessive trait.

Genotypic Ratio and Phenotypic Ratio

We can represent Genotypes and phenotypes via Ratio. A Ratio is a

comparison of two numbers that have the same unit. In writing Genotypic
Ratio, count how many times a certain genotype appeared. In terms of Seed
Color for example, the Genotypes of the offspring appeared to be – YY, Yy, Yy,
yy – “YY” appeared Once (1), “Yy” appeared twice (2), and “yy” appeared once
(1). Therefore, the Genotypic Ratio for our example is 1 (YY) : 2 (Yy): 1 (yy) or
25 % (YY): 50% (Yy): 25% (yy). In the same example, we can identify their
Phenotypic Ratio by looking into their Genotypes as we determine who’s
Dominant and Recessive. In the example, YY and Yy appeared Yellow and yy
appeared Green. Therefore, The phenotypic Ratio for – YY, Yy, Yy, yy – is 3
(Yellow): 1 (Green) or 75% yellow: 25% Green.

Table 2. Genotype and Phenotype

Genotype Phenotype

For Pod Shape II Inflated

Ii Inflated
ii Constricted
For Pod Color GG Green
Gg Green
gg Yellow
For Flower AA Axial
Location Aa Axial
aa Terminal

Mendel’s Ideas Gave Rise to the Laws of Heredity

Mendel’s hypothesis brilliantly predicted the results of his crosses and

also accounted for the ratios he observed. Similar patterns of heredity have
since been observed in countless other organisms. Because of their
importance, Mendel’s ideas are often referred to as the Laws of Heredity
The Law of Segregation
The first law of heredity describes the behavior of chromosomes during
meiosis, when homologous chromosomes and then chromatids are separated.
There are alternative versions of genes. For example, the gene for Plant size
can exist in “Tall” version represented by the two unit factors (TT) or “Short”
version represented by the two unit factors (tt). These versions of gene are
called alleles. The first law, the Law of Segregation, states that the two alleles
for a trait segregate (separate) when gametes are formed.

TT X tt
Segregation of
P generation
genes or alleles in
gamete formation
T T t t

Tt Tt Tt Tt
F1 generation

Figure 7
A test-cross showing the segregation of alleles in gamete formation

Genotypic Ratio= 100% Tt

Phenotypic Ratio= 100% Tall

The Law of Dominance

When two different alleles occur together, one of them may be

completely expressed trait or observable trait, while the other may have no
observable effect on the organism’s appearance. Mendel described the
expressed trait as Dominant Trait. On the other hand, the trait that was not
expressed is called Recessive Trait. Table 1 shows the Dominant and
Recessive Traits in Pisum sativum (Garden Pea).

Table 3. Dominant and Recessive Traits in Pisum sativum (Garden Pea)

Characters Studied Dominant Trait Recessive Trait
Seed Shape Round Wrinkled
Seed Color Yellow Green
Flower Color Purple White
Pod Shape Inflated Constricted
Pod Color Green Yellow
Flower Position Axial Terminal
Plant Size Tall Short
Let’s continue crossing! This time, we will be using the F1 generation
where a Heterozygous Tall (Tt) Pea Plant is crossed with another Heterozygous
Tall (Tt) Pea Plant. Analyze the illustration below and observe the offspring.

Tt X Tt
F1 generation

T t T t

TT Tt Tt tt
F2 generation

Genotypic ratio= 25% (TT): 50% (Tt) : 25% (tt)

Phenotypic Ratio= 75% (Tall): 25% (Short)

Law of Independent Assortment

Mendel went on to study whether the inheritance of one trait (such as

plant height) influenced the inheritance of a different trait (such as flower
color). To study how different pairs of genes are inherited, Mendel
conducted dihybrid crosses. A dihybrid cross is a cross that considers two
pairs of contrasting traits. For example, a cross that considers both plant
height and flower color is a dihybrid cross.
Mendel found that for the pairs of traits he studied, the inheritance of
one trait did not influence the inheritance of any other trait. This
observation eventually became known as the Law of Independent
Assortment. The Law of Independent Assortment states that the alleles of
different genes separate independently of one another during gamete
formation. When gametes are formed, the alleles for each gene in an
individual separate independently of one another. Thus gametes carry only
one allele for each inherited trait.

Studying Heredity
A Punnett Square is a diagram that predicts the expected outcome of
a genetic cross by considering all possible combinations of gametes in the
cross. Named after its inventor, Reginald Punnett, the simplest Punnett
Square consists of four boxes inside a square. As shown in the figure>>>>>
the possible gametes that the other parent can produce are written along the
top and left-side of the square. Each box inside the square is filled with two
letters obtained by combining the allele along the top of the box with the
allele along the side of the box. The letters in the boxes indicate the possible
genotypes of the offspring.

Example 1 (Monohybrid Cross):

Across between a pea plant that is homozygous for Yellow Seeds (YY)
and a pea plant that is homozygous for Green Seeds (yy)

y Yy Yy

y Yy Yy

Genotypic Ratio= 100% (Yy)

Phenotypic Ratio= 100% Yellow

Example 2 (Monohybrid Cross):

A heterozygous Yellow seeded plant is crossed with a heterozygous
Yellow seeded plant. What will be the Genotypic Ratio and Phenotypic Ratio
of their offspring?

Y y

y Yy yy

Genotypic Ratio= 25% (YY): 50% (Yy): 25% (yy)

Phenotypic Ratio= 75% Yellow : 25% Green

Example 3 (Monohybrid Cross)

A Homozygous purple-flowered pea plant (PP) is crossed with a
heterozygous purple-flowered (Pp) pea plant. What will be the Genotypic
Ratio and Phenotypic Ratio of their offspring?

p Pp Pp

Genotypic Ratio= 50% (PP): 50% (Pp):

Phenotypic Ratio= 100% Purple

The chance of the offspring of having a Purple flower is 100% since Purple is
dominant over white.
Example 3 (Dihybrid Cross):
Predict the results of a cross between two pea plants that are
Heterozygous Purple (Pp) for flower color and Heterozygous Round (Rr) for
seed shape.
STEP 1: Determine the genotypes of the parents and create possible
STEP 2: Set up the Punnett Square with the alleles of parents on each side
STEP 3: Fill out the Punnett Square
STEP 4Analyze the number of Offspring of Each Type
STEP 5: Describe the genotypes, Phenotypes, and the Phenotypic and
PpRr x PpRr

P p R r P p R r

P P p p
P Pr p pr R

PR Pr pR pr

PPrr PpRr Pprr
pR PpRr ppRR ppRr
pr Pprr ppRr pprr

Genotypic Ratio= 1 (PPRR): 2 (PPRr): 2 (PpRR): 4 (PpRr): 1 (PPrr): 1 (ppRR):

1 (ppRr): 2 (Pprr): 1 (ppRr): 1 (pprr)

Phenotypic Ratio= 9 (Purple Flower with Round Seed): 3 (Purple Flower

with Wrinkled Seed): 3 (White Flower with Round Seed): 1 (White flower with
Wrinkled Seed)

I. Identify the following trait of a Garden Pea whether Dominant or Recessive.

1. Inflated pod shape ______________________

2. Constricted pod shape ______________________
3. Green seed color ______________________
4. Yellow seed color ______________________
5. Wrinkled seed shape ______________________
6. Round seed shape ______________________
7. Tall Plant size ______________________
8. Short plant size ______________________
9. White flower colo ______________________
10. Purple flower color ______________________
11. Axial flower location ______________________
12. Terminal flower location ______________________
13. Yellow pod color ______________________
14. Green pod color ______________________

II. Determine the following allelic combination or Genotypes whether

Homozygous or Heterozygous

1. RR ______________________ 6. Rr ______________________
2. Yy ______________________ 7. Yy ______________________
3. pp ______________________ 8. Pp ______________________
4. Tt ______________________ 9. tt ______________________
5. rr ______________________ 10. TT ______________________

III. Write the Phenotype of the following Genotypes

1. RR ______________________ 13. AA______________________

2. Rr ______________________ 14. Aa______________________
3. rr ______________________ 15. aa ______________________
4. YY ______________________ 16. TT ______________________
5. Yy ______________________ 17. Tt ______________________
6. yy ______________________ 18. tt ______________________
7. II ______________________ 19. GG______________________
8. Ii ______________________ 20. Gg______________________
9. ii ______________________ 21. gg______________________
10. PP ______________________
11. Pp ______________________
12. pp ______________________
1. A homozygous round-seeded plant (RR) is crossed with a homozygous
wrinkle-seeded plant (rr). What is the Phenotypic and Genotypic Ratio
of their offspring?

Genotypic Ratio=
Phenotypic Ratio=

2. A heterozygous green-colored pod (Gg) is crossed with a yellow-colored

pod (gg). Predict the Genotypic and Phenotypic ratio of their offspring.

Genotypic Ratio=
Phenotypic Ratio=

3. Given the cross RrYy x RrYy, determine the Genotypic and

Phenotypic Ratio of the offspring.

Genotypic Ratio=
Phenotypic Ratio=

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a

separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statements is true about Gregor Johann Mendel?

A. His discoveries concerning genetic inheritance were generally
accepted by the scientific community when he published them
during the mid-19th century.
B. He believed that genetic traits of parents will usually blend in
their children.
C. His ideas about genetics apply equally to plants and animals
D. His ideas explained the theory of evolution

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Pisum sativum makes an

excellent subject for genetic study?
A. It has many traits that have two clearly different forms that are
easy to tell apart,
B. Their mating can be easily controlled because the male and
female reproductive parts are enclosed within the same flower
C. It is small, grows easily, matures quickly, and produces many
D. They require thorough care and support to survive

3. What is the offspring of true-breeding parents?

A. Dominant generation
B. F1 generation
C. F2 generation
D. Recessive generation

4. How do you call the individual’s observable traits, such as height, eye
color, and blood type?
A. Allele
B. Gene
C. Genotype
D. Phenotype
5. Which among the following describes the Law of Segregation?
A. It states that the two alleles for a trait segregate (separate) when
gametes are formed
B. It states that when two different alleles occur together, one of
them may be completely expressed trait, while the other may have
no observable effect on the organism’s appearance.
C. It states that the alleles of different genes separate independently
of one another during gamete formation.
D. It states that that a population in equilibrium with its
environment under natural selection will have a phenotype which
maximizes the fitness locally.

6. It refers to the offspring of F1 generation

A. Dominant generation
B. F1 generation
C. F2 generation
D. Recessive generation

7. Given the genotype Pp, what is its Phenotype?

A. Purple
B. White
C. Green
D. Yellow

8. Given the Genotypic Ratio 25% (TT): 50% (Tt): 25% (tt), what is its
Phenotypic Ratio?
A. 50% Tall: 50% Short
B. 25% Tall: 75% Short
C. 75% Tall: 25% Short
D. 100% Tall

9. A Heterozygous Round-seeded Pea Plant (Rr) is crossed with a wrinkle-

seeded Pea plant (rr). What is the probability of having Genotype of Rr?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

10. A Heterozygous Round-seeded Pea Plant (Rr) is crossed with a

wrinkle-seeded Pea plant (rr). What is the probability of having a
Wrinkle-seeded offspring?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
For numbers 11 and 12, refer to the following test-cross: A Heterozygous
purple-flowered plant is crossed with a heterozygous purple-flowered pea
P p

p Pp pp

11. Based from the test-cross, at what percent is the probability of

having a white-flowered plant?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

12. Based from the test-cross, what will be the Phenotypic Ratio of
its offspring?
A. 25% Purple: 75% White
B. 50% Purple: 50% White
C. 75% Purple: 25% White
D. 100% Purple

13. A Homozygous Tall Plant (TT) is crossed with a Short Plant (tt),
what is the phenotypic ratio of their offspring?
A. 50% Tall: 50% short
B. 100% Short
C. 100% Tall
D. 75% Tall: 25% Short

14. A Homozygous Round-seeded Pea Plant (RR) is crossed with a

Homozygous Round-seeded Pea plant (RR). At what percent is the
probability of having a Round-seeded Pea plant
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

15. A Heterozygous Yellow-seeded (Yy) plant is crossed with a green-

seeded plant (yy). What is the Phenotypic Ratio of its offspring?
A. 25% Yellow: 75% Green
B. 50% Yellow: 50% Green
C. 75% Yellow: 25% Green
D. 100% Yellow
1. Dominant 1. Homozygous 1. Round
2. Recessive 2. Heterozygous 2. Round
3. Recessive 3. Homozygous 3. Wrinkled
4. Dominant 4. Heterozygous 4. Yellow
5. Recessive 5. Homozygous 5. Yellow
6. Dominant 6. Heterozygous 6. Green
7. Dominant 7. Heterozygous 7. Inflated
8. Recessive 8. Heterozygous 8. Inflated
9. Recessive 9. Homozygous 9. Constricted
10.Dominant 10. Homozygous 10. Purple
11.Dominant 11. Purple
12.Recessive 12. White
13.Dominant 13. Axial
14.Recessive 14. Axial
16. Tall
17. Tall
18. Short
19. Green
20. Green
21. Yellow
Jumpstart Pre-Test
1. The news story describes a 1. A
phenomenon that illustrates 2. D
how traits are randomly 3. B
passed from generation to 4. D
generation 5. A
6. C
2. Lucy and Maria are different 7. A
in terms of physical aspect 8. C
(Skin color, Hair texture, 9. B
hair color, and others. 10.B
3. It happens when two 12.C
independent eggs are each 13.C
fertilized by different sperm 14.D
Answer Key
Phenotypic Ratio= 100% (Round)
Genotypic Ratio= 100% (Rr) 15.B
Rr Rr 13.C
Rr Rr r 10.B
R R 9. B
8. C
7. A
6. C
2. 5. A
4. D
Phenotypic Ratio= 50% (Green): 50% Yellow 3. B
Genotypic Ratio= 50% (Gg): 50% (gg) 2. D
1. A
gg Gg g
gg Gg g
g G

3. RrYy x RrYy

ry r R R
ry rY Ry RY

y Y r R
y Y r R

RY Ry rY ry

RRyy RrYy Rryy

RrYy rrYY rrYy

ry RrYy
Rryy rrYy rryy

Genotypic Ratio= 1 (RRYY): 2 (RRYy): 2 (RrYy): 4 (RrYy): 1 (RRyy): 2 (Rryy): 1(rrYY):

2 (rrYy): 1 (rryy) (Note: This could be written in any order for as long as the number of genes are properly labeled)

Phenotypic Ratio= 9 (Round-Yellow): 3 (Round-Green): 3 (Wrinkle-Yellow): 1

(Wrinkle-Green) (Note: This could be written in any order for as long as the number of genes are properly labeled)
George B. Johnson, Peter H. Raven, Biology: Principles and Explorations:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston,Inc.,1996, 158-185

Delfin C. Angeles, Lieza M. Crisostomo, Darwin T. Quinsaat, Salina B. Toledo,

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