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REGISTRATION NO. : FA22-BBD-005,FA22-BBD-039,FA22-BBD-055,FA22-BBD-054




Title: Designs by Gurya - A Journey from Concept to Commerce

Executive Summary:

The venture "Designs by Gurya" embarked on a journey to manufacture and sell hoodies, blending
style, sustainability, and innovation. This report outlines the key steps taken in the process, from
contacting manufacturers to marketing the product successfully.


The initiative started with the brand name "Designs by Gurya," reflecting a commitment to unique
and personalized creations. The chosen product, hoodies, offered a versatile canvas for self-
expression and comfort.

Manufacturing and Sourcing:

The group proactively reached out to manufacturers, exploring locations like PWD, Raja Bazar, and
Murree Road. After connecting with a reliable supplier, 20 hoodies in two sizes (Large and XL) were
acquired, setting the foundation for the business.


03110502277(UMER) AB GARMENTS



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Customization and Branding:

To add a personal touch, the group collaborated with a tailor for embroidery, ensuring the brand logo
was prominently displayed on each hoodie. This step aimed to create a distinct identity for "Designs
by Gurya."

Social Media Presence:

Simultaneously, the group leveraged the power of social media by creating Instagram and TikTok
pages under the handle @designsbygurya. The organic growth of 160 followers showcased early
interest in the brand.

Marketing Strategy:

The target market, consisting of fellow university students, was engaged through both online and
face-to-face strategies. Social media platforms were utilized for digital marketing, while physical
interactions at the university enhanced brand visibility.

Weekly timeline:
Week 1: Nov 1 - Nov 7, 2023

During the first week of the internship, the focus was on orientation and familiarization with the
company's culture and processes. Meetings were held with team members to understand project
expectations. The challenge faced involved adapting to new software tools, which was addressed
through team training sessions. Key accomplishments included setting up necessary accounts and
preliminary research for upcoming projects.

Week 2: Nov 8 - Nov 14, 2023

The second week marked the beginning of client meetings and project planning. Discussions with
clients were held to clarify project goals and requirements. The challenge of aligning client
expectations with project feasibility was addressed through transparent communication and
adjustment of timelines. Initial strategies for marketing campaigns were outlined, laying the
groundwork for future implementation.

Week 3: Nov 15 - Nov 21, 2023

Implementation of marketing campaigns commenced in the third week. This involved creating
content calendars, designing promotional materials, and initiating social media campaigns.
Challenges emerged in terms of content ideation, which was addressed by brainstorming sessions
and seeking inspiration from successful campaigns in the industry.

Week 4: Nov 22 - Nov 28, 2023

The fourth week saw the continuation of marketing campaigns and the introduction of analytics tools
to measure campaign effectiveness. Weekly progress reports were compiled for internal and client
reviews. A challenge was identified in the need for real-time campaign adjustments, prompting the
team to implement a dynamic content strategy to address emerging trends.

Customer Appreciation:

Acknowledging the importance of customer relations, the group printed personalized thank-you
cards for each customer. This not only added a thoughtful touch but also reinforced a connection
between the brand and its consumers.

Individual Member Contributions:


As a vital team member, Shaf assumed the role of the lead marketing strategist. His primary
responsibilities included devising comprehensive marketing campaigns, identifying target audiences,
and implementing strategies to enhance brand visibility. Noteworthy achievements include the
creation of a detailed marketing plan that significantly contributed to the rapid sale of all 20 hoodies
within the first four days of the launch. Shaf successfully navigated the challenge of adapting
campaign strategies based on real-time analytics and market feedback, showcasing resilience and
adaptability in a dynamic marketing landscape.

Hamza played a pivotal role as the logistics and operations coordinator within the team. His tasks
involved liaising with suppliers, managing inventory, and ensuring timely delivery of the hoodies. A
notable achievement was Hamza's efficient coordination with the manufacturer and tailor, resulting
in a smooth production process and timely customization of the hoodies with the brand logo.
Challenges included logistical hiccups, which Hamza addressed through proactive problem-solving,
demonstrating strong organizational skills and attention to detail.


Eman took on the responsibilities of social media management and customer engagement. Her tasks
included creating and curating content for Instagram and TikTok, growing the brand's online
presence, and fostering a community around "Designs by Gurya." Eman's noteworthy achievement
lies in organically gaining 160 followers within the first weeks, indicating effective content creation
and community engagement. Challenges involved balancing engagement strategies across different
platforms, which Eman addressed by tailoring content to suit each platform's audience.


Noor contributed to the team as the financial analyst and customer relations specialist. Her
responsibilities included managing the budget, calculating the cost per hoodie, and handling
customer inquiries. Noor's noteworthy achievement was in setting an optimal selling price of 2000
PKR per hoodie, ensuring a reasonable profit margin while keeping the product affordable.
Challenges involved cost fluctuations, and Noor addressed these by implementing a cost-tracking
system and negotiating favorable terms with suppliers.

These individual contributions by Shaf, Hamza, Eman, and Noor highlight the diverse skill sets within
the team, contributing to the overall success of "Designs by Gurya." The collaboration between team
members showcases effective teamwork, problem-solving, and a shared commitment to the
venture's success.

Challenges and Solutions in the Sales Process:

1. Initial Brand Recognition: Challenge: Establishing brand recognition in a competitive market posed
a significant hurdle, especially during the initial phase of the product launch.

Solution: The team implemented a multi-faceted marketing strategy that included both online and
offline channels. Social media platforms, particularly Instagram and TikTok, were leveraged for
organic growth, while face-to-face interactions at university campuses helped create a buzz.
Collaborations with influencers and targeted advertising campaigns played a crucial role in building
brand awareness and recognition.

2. Price Sensitivity and Value Perception: Challenge: Balancing the cost of production with a price
point that appealed to the target market while maintaining perceived value.

Solution: Thorough market research was conducted to understand price sensitivity within the target
demographic. The team carefully calculated the cost per hoodie, factoring in customization and
branding expenses. Emphasizing the eco-friendly and smart features of the hoodies in marketing
materials contributed to the perceived value, justifying the selling price of 2000 PKR per hoodie.

3. Marketing Channel Effectiveness: Challenge: Assessing the effectiveness of different marketing

channels and adjusting strategies accordingly.
Solution: The team utilized analytics tools to track the performance of marketing campaigns on social
media platforms. Regular evaluations were conducted to identify the most effective channels and
content types. Feedback from customer surveys also played a role in refining the marketing
approach, allowing the team to allocate resources more efficiently.

Future recommendations:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System: Implement a robust CRM system to centralize
customer data, track interactions, and enhance customer relationships. This will enable the team to
personalize communications, understand customer preferences, and provide more targeted offers.

Enhancements for Product Market Presence and Sales Performance:

1. Social Proof and Testimonials: Leverage customer testimonials, reviews, and social proof to
build trust and credibility. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences, and
prominently feature positive feedback on the company's website and marketing materials.

2. Strategic Content Marketing: Develop a content marketing strategy to showcase the

product's features, benefits, and unique selling propositions. Create valuable and shareable
content through blog posts, videos, and infographics to position the brand as an authority in
the industry.

3. Cross-selling and Upselling Strategies: Implement cross-selling and upselling techniques to

maximize revenue from each customer. This could involve suggesting complementary
products, exclusive bundles, or premium versions to enhance the overall value of the
customer's purchase.

4. Partnerships and Collaborations: Explore strategic partnerships with other brands or

influencers that align with the target audience. Collaborative efforts can expand the
product's reach, introduce it to new audiences, and create mutually beneficial promotional

5. Referral Programs: Launch a referral program to encourage existing customers to refer

friends, family, or colleagues. Incentivize referrals with discounts, exclusive access, or other
rewards to leverage word-of-mouth marketing and expand the customer base.

6. Interactive Product Demos: Develop interactive and engaging product demonstrations on the
website or through virtual events. This can provide potential customers with a hands-on
experience, address common queries, and increase overall product understanding.

7. Attend Industry Events and Trade Shows: Participate in relevant industry events and trade
shows to increase the product's visibility. Networking opportunities, product showcases, and
direct interactions with potential customers can contribute to brand awareness and lead

By implementing these recommendations, the sales process can be refined, and the product's
market presence and sales performance can be enhanced. Continuous adaptation and strategic
improvements will contribute to sustained growth and success in the competitive marketplace.

The cost per hoodie, inclusive of manufacturing, customization, and marketing expenses, was
estimated at 1100 PKR. The decision to price each hoodie at 2000 PKR allowed for a reasonable
profit margin while ensuring affordability for the target market.


The venture proved successful, with sales indicating positive market reception. The combination of a
quality product, strategic marketing, and personalized customer interactions contributed to the
brand's early success.

Challenges and Lessons Learned:

While the journey was overall positive, challenges such as managing inventory and ensuring timely
delivery were encountered. These experiences offered valuable lessons for future endeavors in the
entrepreneurial landscape.


"Designs by Gurya" emerged as a promising venture in the hoodie market, showcasing the potential
for success with a well-executed plan and a dedication to customer satisfaction. The report concludes
with insights gained and optimism for the brand's continued growth in the future.

In a remarkable feat, "Designs by Gurya" witnessed an exceptional start, successfully selling out all 20
hoodies within a mere four days of its launch. The swift and enthusiastic response from the target
market, comprised of university fellows, underscored the brand's resonance with its audience. The
blend of stylish design, sustainable manufacturing, and the innovative touch of personalized
embroidery struck a chord with customers, leading to a rapid uptake of the product. The
achievement not only validated the group's efforts in crafting a quality product but also highlighted
the effectiveness of their marketing strategy, both online and face-to-face. As the brand garnered
attention and loyalty from its initial customers, this impressive start sets a promising tone for the
future growth and expansion of "Designs by Gurya" in the competitive market of personalized and
sustainable fashion.

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