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Written by Aaron Chu

The ozone-oxygen cycle is a dynamic relationship found within the stratosphere. Earth,
unlike other planets in this solar system has the ability to block UVC radiation which has
damaging characteristics from its shorter wavelength, making it hostile to life. The earth's
ozone layer assists to block about 97~99% of all UVC entering the earth, making the ozone
layer crucial for life on any planet.
The formation of ozone consists of diatomic oxygen, and a singlet oxygen molecule. This is
an equilibrium that consistently favours a different side depending on conditions.
O2 +O g ⇋ O3
g g

Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Impact on Equilibrium

CFCs are non-toxic and non-flammable gases containing atoms of carbon, chlorine and
fluorine which are found in aerosol sprays, foams, packaging material and refrigerators and
old deodorant. These are compounds that under the influence of a photon due to the sun,
breaks apart a chlorine radical which reacts with the ozone and breaks it down into diatomic
2 main types of CFC’s:
CF Cl 3 UV CF Cl 2 +Cl

C F 2 Cl 2 UV C F2 Cl+Cl

As you can see, after the reaction, we’re still left with the chlorine radical which is
problematic as it can carry out this reaction indefinitely. However, since the formation of
ozone is through an equilibrium, the chlorofluorocarbon only slows down the process.
Cl+ O3 → ClO+O2

ClO+O3 →2 O2 +Cl+

2 O3 → 3 O2


Collision Theory
Collision theory is a principle used to predict the rates of reactions in chemistry. The theory
states that when there’s a chemical reaction, the particles from the products interact in by
‘bumping’ into each other, forming the product/s.
Collision theory assumptions:
- Particle size doesn’t matter.
- Particles move randomly.
- Collisions are elastic (no loss in kinetic energy).
Through this theory, we can then deduce that the rate of reaction is related to the amount of
collisions over time, therefore coming up with rules to increase or decrease the rate of
reaction by changing the rate of collisions.

How to increase the rate of reaction

Surface area: When you increase the surface area, then there’s a larger chance the particles
will collide with the solid, therefore increasing the rate of reaction.
Pressure: When you increase the pressure, then there’s a larger number of particles,
increasing the chance of particle collisions, therefore increasing the rate of reaction.
Concentration: When you increase the concentration, then there’s a larger number of
particles, increasing the chance of particle collisions, therefore increasing the rate of reaction.
Temperature: When you increase the temperature, then there’s more kinetic energy in the
particles, making them move faster, therefore increasing the chance of collisions and by
extension, the rate of reaction.
Dilution: When you dilute a substance, you decrease its concentration which then decreases
the chance of particle collisions due to less particles, therefore decreasing the rate of reaction.
Volume: When you decrease the volume, then there’s the same amount of particles but in a
smaller space, increasing the chance of particle collisions, therefore increasing the rate of
Catalyst: a catalyst lowers the activation energy. It can achieve this by orienting the particles
in a way which increases the chance of collisions, therefore increasing the rate of reaction.

Le Châtelier’s Principle
Le Châtelier’s Principle states that if a stress is applied to a chemical system at equilibrium,
the system will shift to minimise/counteract the change and establish a new equilibrium.
However, probability in French.

Factors Effecting Equilibrium

Ozone oxygen equilibrium: O2 +O g ⇋ O3
g g

Change in concentration
- If the reactants concentration has increased, this will cause the equilibrium to shift to
reduce the reactants concentration, therefore favouring the products.
- This relates to collision theory as increasing the concentration means there are more
particles leading to a higher chance of collision, therefore favouring the opposite side.

Increasing [O2] and/or [O ] will lead to more [O3].

The opposite will be true if the concentration of the products has increased.

Change in temperature
- If the temperature has increased, this will cause the equilibrium to shift in order to
reduce the temperature, therefore the endothermic reaction will be favoured.
- This relates to collision theory as increasing the temperature leads to the particles
have more kinetic energy, making collisions more likely as particles are moving faster
therefore favouring the products in the case of the ozone equilibrium.

Increasing the temperature will lead to more O3.

The opposite will be true if the temperature has decreased.

Change in pressure or volume

- If the pressure has increased, this will cause the equilibrium to shift in order to
decrease the pressure, therefore the side of the reaction with fewer gas molecules will
be favoured.
- This relates to collision theory as increasing the amount of pressure (lowering the
volume) leads to the particles having a higher chance of collisions as the room to
move has decreased.

Increasing the pressure will lead to more O3.

The opposite will be true if the pressure has decreased.

Environmental Effects
As the ozone layer protects biotic material from the different types of UV, the depletion of the
ozone layer will lead to an environment hostile to life as UVC damages the DNA. This causes
rashes, irritation and skin cancer. During the 1970s the scientists were concerned of the
depleting concentration of ozone molecules, particularly in Antarctica, causing the ‘Ozone
The rush for the Montreal protocol is derived from the concern that agriculture will lose
productivity due to UVC as it hinders photosynthesis, causing large food shortages leading to
higher food prices, which leads to hyperinflation, skyrocketing the cost of living, and
eventually the demise of the global financial system.

Societal Effects
In the 1920s, 3 companies: Frigidaire, GM, and Du Point created a type of chemical
compound that was non-flammable and non-toxic, introducing the world to CFCs, a new
compound for cooling. They were used in fridges, air conditioning, and aerosols becoming a
popular alternative, replacing methyl chloride or ammonia.
However, when the Montreal protocol was signed by every country, it encouraged consumers
to reduce the overall usage of CFCs through propaganda, warning everyone about the effects
of ozone depletion.
In the beginning, customers would look at products and only choose those without CFCs and
were encouraged to ‘think before opening the fridge’ and to open the windows instead of the
air conditioning.
These advertisements proven to be successful as by the 2000s, scientists began to observe the
increase in ozone again. By this time however, companies have already found alternatives, so
individuals were safe to relax.

Industrial Effects
With the discovery of the impacts of CFCs in the 1970s, companies discredited the scientists
to protect their billion-dollar industry. However, with the Montreal protocol being signed,
companies would be forced to create new substances. It was the two leaders, US president

which got better from cancer and the UK prime minister who was a chemist who both agreed
to initiate the program to protect earth.
When the companies were forced to find an alternative, they spent millions of dollars in R&D
which took a toll on their stock price however, they soon came up with
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) which reduced the
effects on the ozone equilibrium drastically that scientists began to see a change in the early

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