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Đề bài tập Excel - TIN HOC

thương mại điện tử (Trường Đại học Tài nguyên và Môi trường Hà Nội)

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Bài 1
1. Color “Alpha” sheet tab to Orange, Accent 2.
2. Unhide “MOS EXCEL 2016” worksheet so that it will be displayed between “Data” worksheet
and “Alpha” worksheet.
3. On the “Data” worksheet, use an automatic formatting method to format the cells in the
“ĐIỂM TOÁN” column that contain values greater than 9 by applying Light Red Fill. =chọn
cột … -> Conditional formatting -> Highlight Cells Rules -> chọn theo đề bài
*Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting if the values change.
4. On the “Data" worksheet, delete “KHU VỰC” column without changing cell ranges above and
below it. =chọn -> Delete or chọn -> Delete -> sheets cell left
5. On the “Data” worksheet, configure cell range A15:D19 so that data entries that are wider than
column width will be wrapped to multiple lines. =chọn -> Wrap Text
6. Configure column width of all cells in the table on the “Alpha” worksheet will be fit its contents.
= ngay ô A1 ctrl shift mũi tên phải, mũi tên xuống -> home -> format -> autofit column
7. Copy only value from cell range M1:M10 in the “Alpha” worksheet to C3:C12 in the “Data”
worksheet.= copy -> paste special -> value

Bài 2
1. On the “Data” worksheet, configure columns B and C so that they are present but not visible.
=chuột phải -> HIDE
2. Remove color of “Orders” sheet tab. =chuột phải -> tabs color -> no color
3. On the “Data” worksheet, use Find and Replace feature to replace all instances of “German”
with “Vietnam” of “Code” column. =chọn Code -> Ctrl shift mũi tên xuống -> ctrl H
4. On the "Misc” worksheet, format value of “Actual Finish” column to be shown as “Vietnamese”
date type “14 Tháng Ba 2012”. =chọn ctrl shift xuống -> Home -> Number -> Date ->
Location VIETNAM –chọn kiểu
Configure the width of this column will be adjusted automatically to fit contents of data.
Format -> autofit column width
5. Navigate to cell range I2:J20 in the “Data” worksheet and clear its format. =chọn -> HOME ->
clear -> clear format
6. Make a copy of the “Misc” worksheet and rename this copied sheet “New Data”.
7. On the “Orders” worksheet, apply cell style “Heading 1” to cell range A1:I1. =home -> cell style

Bài 3
1. Discount is the result of the unit price multiplied by quantity and multiplied by discount rate.
On the “Sales” worksheet, in cell F4 of “Discount” column, insert a formula to calculate Discount
value. Copy formula to F5:F43 without changing fill color. =D4*E4*G1 (bấm F4 chuyển thành
tuyệt đối)
2. On the “Summary” worksheet, name cell range B2:C9 to “Sam”. Accept all default settings.
=chọn vùng -> Formulas -> Define name

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3. On the “Sales” worksheet, add a function to Class column that will display the word “Normal” IF
the value of Discount column is less than $500000, other cases, display the word “VIP”.
4. In the cell range of “Sum of Quantity” column on the “Summary” worksheet, calculate total
quantity of each “Product Category”. The value can be found in the “Sales” worksheet.
=SUMIF(Vùng Priduct category{F4},SummaryB3,vùng Quanlity{F4})
5. On the “Sales” worksheet, create a formula in cell J1 that uses an Excel function to return the
average of unit price based on the values in the “Unit Price” column. =AVERAGE(UNIT PRICE
6. In the cell A1 on the “Sales” worksheet, calculate total amount discount of product category has
value of “Unit Number” greater than = IF “30500”. This result will be updated even if your
product categories are changed or added. =chọn ô A1 -> =SUMIF(C:C,”>30500”,F:F)
7. Configure the formulas on the “Sales” worksheet will display formulas in each cell instead of the
result value. =formulas -> show formulas

Bài 4
1. On the “Scores” worksheet, use a function to fill the value of “Full Name” column (column D) by
joining “First Name” and “Last Name” which separated by space.
=CONCATENATE(firstname.” “,lastname) hoặc =firstname&” “&lastname
2. On the “Scores” worksheet, use a function to fill the value of “Total score” (column J) by
calculating the total value from column G to column I. =SUM(cột G dến cột I)
3. On the “Scores” worksheet, enter a formula in J24 that uses an Excel function to return the “Total
score” value of the student that has the highest value. =MAX(gtri đề yc)
4. In cell B3 of the “Data” worksheet, use a function that will display of first three characters from
cell A3 and capitalize all of them. Fill the formula to the entire “Code name” column.
=UPPER(LEFT(A3:3 {số kí tự}))
5. On the “Scores” worksheet, use a function to fill the value of “Result” column by showing the
text “Pass” if value of “Total score” is greater than or equal to the value of “Benchmark” column.
Otherwise, leave it blank. =IF(total score>=benchmark.”Pass”,””) (để trống là “”)
6. On the “Data” worksheet, in the “Number” column, use a function to count the number of
occurrences of countries from the value in “Code” column (column D). =COUNTIF(code {F4},
7. Navigate to cell range named “Academy” and merge all cells of it into a cell without changing
alignment. =chọn -> HOME -> Merge & Center -> Merge Cell

Bài 5
1. Insert a new worksheet named “Google” with Dark Red tab color to between "Misc" and "Data"
2. Check the workbook for accessibility and correct only the errors in warning section. Accept all
other default settings.=file -> check accessibility
3. Import file Bai Tap 5 Import.txt into the cell A2 in the “Google” worksheet as tab-delimited that
has header row. Accept all other settings. =ô A2 -> Data -> Get External DATA -> form text ->
BT 5 -> (chọn tick My data has header, đề bài)

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4. On the “Data” worksheet, create a drop-down list in cell range D2:D15 to allow people to pick an
item from the list. The source data for this list is the value of the “Period” column. Accept all
other default settings. =chọn -> Data -> Data valuation -> list -> source lấy từ Period
5. On the “Misc” worksheet, sort the invoices in ascending order by the “Region” column then in
descending order by the “Quantity” column. =chọn ctrl A -> data -> sort -> đề bài
6. On the “Misc”, create subtotal for data range A1:I38 at each change in “Region” field and use
Sum function. Insert Page break between groups. Grand Total should be in cell E2 and G2.
=chọn A1:I38 -> data -> subtotal -> đề bài
7. Locate/check and remove all personal information from this workbook. -> File -> inspect

Bài 6
1. On the “Summary” worksheet, format cell range H1:I5 as a table using style Light 3. =Insert ->
2. On the “Orders” worksheet, use an Excel data tool to remove all records with duplicate
“Groups” values. Do not remove any other records. =chọn ctrl A -> data -> remove duplicate
-> chọn theo đề
3. Add the text “Need to review” as the document Status property of the document.
4. On the “Data” worksheet, split text from column A into multiple columns at each comma
character. Configure the width of those columns will be adjusted automatically to fit contents of
data. =ctrl A -> Ddata -> Text to Column -> Delimited -> comma -> next – SAU ĐÓ ctrl A ->
Home -> Format -> Autofit column width
5. Sort the “Sales” worksheet alphabetically (from A to Z), first by “Location”, then by “Product”,
and then by Season (“Spring”, “Summer”, “Fall”) =chọn ctrl shift phải, xuống -> Data -> sort
-> đề
6. On the “Sales” worksheet, add subtotals to the “Sales” column that display the combined sales for
each “Location” with a page break between each area. ”) =chọn ctrl shift phải, xuống -> Data
subtotal -> đề
7. On the “Summary” worksheet, configure the table to display only records of the “Apple”
company's members. = dùng Filter -> chọn màu theo đề

Bài 7
1. On the “Database” worksheet, remove table functionable of the table. Retain value, format and
data location. =chọn bảng -> table tool -> convert to range
2. On the “Misc” worksheet, insert a column sparkline in cell F3 to represent the quantity of
Complaint Type from Quarter 1 to 4. =Insert -> column -> Data range từ Q1 đến Q4
Fill this sparkline to the entire “Histogram” column without changing formatting of other cells.
=chọn ở bảng nhỏ phía dưới
3. Add the logo.png file to the right of the “Monthly Budget” title on the “Database” worksheet.
Apply Pencil Grayscale aristic effect and Fill Pattern type Horizontal Brick with Dark Blue
Foreground color to this picture. =Inser -> picture ->. Đề -> format -> artistic Effects -> bấm
hình -> chuột phải -> format picture

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4. On the “Misc” worksheet, create Pareto Chart that shows the number by complaint types in
Quarter 3. Change the Chart Title to “Complaint Status”. Place this chart to the right of data.
=chọn Dữ liệu Quí 3 và Complain status -> insert -> insert chart Pareto chart
5. Move the “INCOME OVERVIEW” chart on the “Summary” worksheet to its own chart sheet
named “Overview”. =Chart tool -> design -> move chart
6. Modify hyperlink of the image of a baby on the “Misc” worksheet to link to cell A1 of “Misc”
worksheet. =chuột phải -> edit hyperlink -> type the cell A1
7. On the “Summary” worksheet, remove only legend of the “BUDGET OVERVIEW” chart.
Accept all other default settings. Formart -> legend -> dấu + -> bỏ tick

Bài 8
1. On the “Books” worksheet, format the table so that every other row is shaded. Use a technique
that automatically updates the formatting when you insert a new row. =chọn bảng -> table tool
DESIGN -> Banded row
2. On the “Profits” worksheet, include “Cost” of “Products of CA” to the “C&P” Chart. Change the
layout of this chart to Layout 5. =chọn đồ thị -> kéo qua thêm Cost -> Design -> Quick Layout
hoặc chọn đồ thị -> design -> select Data -> Add
3. On the “Books” worksheet, modify the chart to show the value of “Cost” and “Selling price” on
the X-axis /Horand the name of “Author” as Y-axis. =đồ thị -> chart tool DESIGN -> switch
4. Below the table of “Sales data” worksheet, create a Clustered Column Chart to show Quarter 3
Sales of “Soups” category. Month should be shown as Legend (Series Name).
Name of “Item” should be shown as Horizontal Axis Label. Remove the Chart Title. Add text
“Soups” as the value of (chiều dọc) Vertical Axis Title. =chọn dữ liệu -> Insert -> Insert
column chart -> Select Data -> edit Add chọn đồ thị -> Design -> Add chart element -> axist
5. Locate the “MOS” table and add a row to the table that automatically calculates total of Selling
price. Use an available feature of table. The result should be shown in cell G41. =chọn bảng =>
Design -> ô G40 -> Total row
6. On the “Profits” worksheet, change the picture of an ice cream to logo.png. Keep all formatting
of the old picture. = chọn -> chuột phải -> change picture hoặc picture tool -> change picture
7. Add a footer of each page of “Sales data” worksheet. Show Current date in Center place. This
date should be updated automatically. =View -> page layout -> chọn footer giữa theo đề ->
Design -> current date

Bài 9
1. Change the zoom of the “Invoice” worksheet to “86” percent. =View -> zoom
2. Configure the “Data” worksheet to show column headings and row numbers. =page layout ->
Heading click VIEW
3. Configure the “Data” worksheet so rows 1 through 3 remain visible as you scroll vertically. =đặt
chuột ở dòng 4 -> view -> freeze pane
4. Change the theme of this workbook to Crop. =Page layout -> themes
5. Change the view of the “Invoice” worksheet to Page Layout. Insert a page break so that all
“Invoice” with value “E” in “Region” column (column D) are on the first page.

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=view -> page layout

=chọn dòng -> page layout -> breaks -> insert page break
6. Configure the cell range A1:C17 on the “Data” worksheet is the only range can be printed. =
nhập A1:C17 vào name box -> page layout -> print area -> set print area
7. In cell A2 on the “MOS” worksheet, create new comment with content “Product ID from
SafariNowAmazon”. =name box A2 -> chuột phải -> Insert comment ( hoặc vào Review ->
new cmt)

Bài 10
1. Configure the “Data” worksheet so that the column heading of the table (row 2) to print
repeatedly in all pages. = Page layout -> Print titles -> row repeat chọn dữ liệu đề yc
2. Unlock all rows and columns on the “Tracker” worksheet to scroll entire this worksheet. =view ->
freeze panes -> UNfreeze pane
3. Configure the “Tracker” worksheet to print this sheet with Gridlines, in Landscape Orientation
and Fit all columns/ROWS/ DATA/ SHEET on one page. =PAGE LAYOUT -> Gridline chọn
tick Print -> chọn hướng giấy -> Width chọn số trang
4. On the “Sales” worksheet, remove only cell range F1:F5 from Print Area. Accept all other default
settings. =page layout -> page setup ->sheet -> xóa print area F1:F5
5. On the “Sales” worksheet, insert a page break to between the “ID” column (column B) and the
“Sales” column (column C). =chọn column C -> page layout -> breaks -> insert page break
6. Change the view of the “Data” worksheet to Page Break Preview. Drag the page break between
columns E and F to immediately after column F. =view -> Page break preview sau đó kéo
dường màu xanh qua phía sau cột F
7. Configure the “Data” worksheet to print center on page horizontallly. =Page layout -> page
setup -> Margin -> center on page Horizontallly

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